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The Hebrew phrase "gun violence," - like the Hebrew phrase "homicide bomber," - is, by definition, a redundancy

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William Gigantus

Mar 28, 2015, 11:12:40 PM3/28/15

What else could you expect out of a gun but violence?

Antonyms for violent
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the
Philip Lief Group.

Biking for Gun Control

"All of these communities have joined together to amplify our
collective voices to raise awareness of the problems with gun violence
that not only plague our schools and suburban neighborhoods, but also
occur every day in our cities," he said.

He said the riders, known as Team 26, include four Newtown residents,
two of whom have children who attended Sandy Hook; and Omar Samaha and
Tommy Fadoul, whose family member, 18-year-old Reema Samaha, was
killed in the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007.

The cyclists will arrive in Washington on Tuesday.

Frank said they are pressing for several changes, including background
checks before all gun sales, a federal ban on high-capacity magazines,
making trafficking in illegal firearms a federal crime and restricting
firearms when a temporary restraining order is issued in domestic
violence cases.

"We cannot allow what occurred in Sandy Hook to fade into the national
memory," he said. "People need to remain as determined to press
Congress for common-sense gun safety measures."

U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D-Conn., will be at Saturday's event.

"There's been an enormous awakening and I think recognition that the
mass shootings we saw in Sandy Hook and other places are very related
to the shootings we see every day in our cities," said Esty, the
co-chairwoman of the House's Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. "Gun
violence is a plague in all of our communities, and we must come
together to stop it."

Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra, who will be hosting Saturday's
send-off, said they all wish the Newtown shootings never happened,
"but all we can do is integrate it somehow into who we are."

The third annual Sandy Hook 5K will also take place Saturday. Among
the nearly 2,000 runners is a group of volunteer firefighters, who
will run in their gear and air packs to show support for first

The kids' fun run begins at 8:15 a.m. and the 5K race at 9, both at
the Fairfield Hills campus on First Street.


Will somebody please run over these lying Jewish gun-grabbing traitors
and show them some good old CAR VIOLENCE.

That would be kind, nice and pleasant.

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 11:39:19 AM3/29/15
Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 12:20:57 PM3/29/15
When gun fetishists say that "The only way that you
will take my gun is to pry it from my cold, stiff, dead
fingers", the proper reply would be to smile and say
"I have absolutely no problem with that."

Home and personal protection would be better done
with non-lethal defensive weapons. The supposed "right"
to arms is a flaw of the Constitution created by men who
never could have imagined the kinds of sleazy gun violence
that American has today.

The NRA is little more than a crackpot hate group and
a money-laundering arm for the Republican party.
In a sewer of a country that has a rate of gun violence
higher than any other industrialized country (was going
to say "civilized country", but with America's gun-soaked violence
culture, that word doesn't apply), to hear angry white males
proclaiming that "guns make us safer" is enough to inspire
projectile vomiting.

If a victim who lost a child to the latest mass school shooting
got his own gun and starting shooting every NRA
big-mouth bully-boy that he could get in his gun-sights, that
would not be hypocrisy. It would be "fighting fire with fire"
(in this case, gunfire), it would be "turnabout is fair play",
it would be "what's good for the goose", it would be
old-timey Biblical principle of "eye for an eye".

The reason that gun-lovers love their god-damned guns so
much is that the little hamster-wheels in their brains can
only imagine themselves on the giving end of a gun, not
the receiving end.

They are on macho-trips to intimidate everyone around them,
like Vladimir Putin, whose machismo is so cheesy and campy
that there really ought to be spoofs of him as one of the
Village People.

A wise poet once said that machismo is the 2nd-greatest
human delusion after religion. All human males are little
more than blood-filled balloons, so little is gained other than
destruction when they try to intimidate by imitating
chest-pounding baboons.

Tom Keske


Mar 29, 2015, 12:23:56 PM3/29/15
Moonbat on the loose.


Mar 29, 2015, 12:36:06 PM3/29/15
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 12:20:54 -0400, Tom Keske wrote:

> Home and personal protection would be better done
> with non-lethal defensive weapons.

When Shantavious and Jameel invade your crib, get out your trusty can of


Mar 29, 2015, 2:28:53 PM3/29/15
In news:GDVRw.218962$Ak4....@fx03.iad "Tom Keske" <>

> The supposed "right"
> to arms is a flaw of the Constitution created by men who
> never could have imagined the kinds of sleazy gun violence
> that American has today.

The method for amending the US Constitution is well known.

Get busy.

-- St. Paul, MN

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 3:01:52 PM3/29/15

< When Shantavious and Jameel invade your crib,
< get out your trusty can of mace.

I have been stalked by the CIA, much less the
FSB or Shantavious and Jameel.

People laugh, ask why they wouldn't have killed you
when they can do so, so easily.

It probably deterred them for example when in the
timeframe of July-Aug 2001, I was practically screaming
at the bastards, something about a hijacked commercial
airliner crashing into the Pentagon building. The crash
of the plane in Sept 2001 surprised me no more than
the burning bell tower in Moscow.

Neither would that alone deter them, were it not for
multiple nuclear-related coincidences.

The last laugh on all on the conservative bully-boys and
internet trolls and propaganda artists of the world, when
they discover the hollowness of their bravado and the
extent of their own vulnerability.

Vladimir Putin - I have no training with a gun, have
never fired one. Without glasses, I cannot read the
big "E" on the optometrist's chart. I would be legally
blind without glasses. All you need to do is to give the
word, I would fly to Moscow at my own expense and
engage with you in a duel, without glasses and inform
you that I would walk away from that duel, alive, and
you would not. If you do not want to take up my perfectly
serious offer, then save please your machismo and
bravado. You are a murderer and even on the absurdly
small chance that you were not personally ordering the
dozens of murders, a decent leader would resign at this
point regardless, simply to remove the cloud of suspicion
that hangs over the country's leadership.

Tom Keske


Mar 29, 2015, 3:19:44 PM3/29/15
Loss of touch with reality is one of the cardinal features of

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 3:31:42 PM3/29/15
> The supposed "right" to arms is a flaw of the Constitution created
> by men who never could have imagined the kinds of sleazy gun violence
> that American has today.

< The method for amending the US Constitution is well known.
< Get busy.

The stupidity of parts of the Constitution does not make
it easy to amend the Constitution. It requires ratification
of 3/4 of states that are filled to the gills with right-wing,
bullshitting, pandering politicians and suck-up news media
that have entirely too easy of a time selling a bill of goods
to an absurdly clueless public. More likely to read ditzy little
conservative propaganda articles, how learning to fire guns
is a good "discipline" for students that helps to improve their
grades, than to read how much more likely it is for gun-owner
to suffer a gun accident than to fend off a criminal with it,
or how the U.S. has about 80 times the level of gun killings
of other countries that have a comparable standard of living.

Probably if the gun-pushing, gun-peddling bastards and
blowhards had to personally suffer the effects of gun violence
more often, their love affair with their wonderful guns would
start to fade. Wouldn't need to amend the Constitution after
enough of the bastards had seen the blinding light.

Those who love guns, let them taste for themselves the effects
of one. It is only poetic justice, and they can go to hell.

Tom Keske

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 3:38:56 PM3/29/15

< Loss of touch with reality is one of the cardinal features of
< schizophrenia.

Reality is that which remains in place without regard to
the beliefs of bullshitting mud-throwers like you.

Complacent white heterosexual men are with few exceptions
politically clueless about what their government is really like
and the games that they play. The American government is
as rat-infested as Vladimir Putin's Russia, but probably more
Russians have a clue about that than Americans do.

You need to be a malcontent who wants to rock the boat
before you can have any real concept what the Nixons,
the J. Edgar Hoovers, the Ronald Reagans of the world really are.

Tom Keske

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 3:52:47 PM3/29/15
Felons get pissed when they can't buy or own a gun. Same with wife
beaters. What did you do?


Mar 29, 2015, 3:55:30 PM3/29/15
You need shooting.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
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Message has been deleted


Mar 29, 2015, 4:29:47 PM3/29/15
Bet your left-wing panties the govt. is infested. Worse now than ever,


Mar 29, 2015, 4:38:10 PM3/29/15
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 15:31:41 -0400, Tom Keske wrote:

> The stupidity of parts of the Constitution does not make
> it easy to amend the Constitution. It requires ratification
> of 3/4 of states that are filled to the gills with right-wing,
> bullshitting, pandering politicians and suck-up news media
> that have entirely too easy of a time selling a bill of goods
> to an absurdly clueless public.

Wait a minute. You're saying that the media leans right?!!??

Did I mention something earlier about your being out of touch with reality?

Regarding the Constitution, it's been pretty much raped and/or ignored the
past six years anyway.
Message has been deleted

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 5:06:28 PM3/29/15

< Wait a minute. You're saying that the media leans right?!!??
< Did I mention something earlier about your being out of touch with

I am that rattles the squirrel-cage of your mind, but yeah, sorry
it is your concept of reality that is lost in the weeds.

The entire mainstream news establishment acts as if Ronald
Reagan was the model for what every President should imitate.
How "cheerful" and "avuncular" he was.

Reagan was a reactionary prick who was a pal to Guatemalan dictators
and their death squads. Every two-bit dictator in Latin America rejoiced
when Reagan was elected, just like the crackpot Religious Right did,
because they new that Reagan would not bother them. Reagan
stonewalled attempts to loosen the grip of the white apartheid regime
in South Africa. His attitude toward AIDS was genocidal. He set the
stage for fattening and pampering the wealthiest 1%. He murdered
people just like Putin does, to cover up his scandals like Iran-Contra.

Whistleblowers like Danny Casalaro got killed trying to poke their
nose into this scandals. People like him are by six degrees of
separation, my circle.

You would think that it would send a shiver up the spine to see
a campaign manager turned CIA director, as happened under Reagan,
but for the smiley-faced media, no, totally off their radar of any possible

The American mainstream media pretty much answers across the
aboard to money and power. The Big Money and power-brokers- those
are mostly the wealthy right-wingers, so yes, of COURSE their real bias
is right-wing. The popular mythology says differently only because
the range is mostly from genteel bigotry to Archie Bunker gross-out bigotry
to outright-Nazis bigotry. To the right-wing whiners, nothing is ever
enough, as evidenced by their discontent with Jeb Bush as "not conservative"

Sure, son of Kennedy-killer clan is not conservative enough, even though
he would seem happy enough if Al Qaeda nuked San Francisco.

Let the blood flow like a might river, for I have been to the mountaintop
and you all look amazing like little ants from up there.

Tom Keske

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 5:15:00 PM3/29/15

< I've tasted the effects of a gun. I'm mentally sound enough that I
don't blame the gun.

Funny you should mention that. When living the Washington, D.C.
area, I had a bullet through my living-room window, a few feet from
my head that tore through a vase, tore through some rice-bead curtains
and took off the upper left-hand corner of the silverware drawer in
the kitchen.

Had I been leaning back a bit more in the chair, wouldn't be here
to tell you about it.

I'm mentally sound enough to blame the country's gun-fetish culture,
the sleazy low-lifes, the trigger-happy law enforcement, the easy
availability of guns, the bully-boy, bullshit spouting NRA, the
pandering Devil's Bargain-making of the Republican party.

Both my college and my high school had stomach-turning mass killings.

Disgusted enough that I would dearly, passionately love to see
some of the gun-waving Tea Party types getting their bullshit-spouting
heads blown off and far too disgusted to give a damn any more
what anyone thinks of that fact.

Tom Keske

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 5:21:01 PM3/29/15

< Bet your left-wing panties the govt. is infested. Worse now than ever,

To a right-wing bullshit-spouter, 'infested' with the horrible, liberal
tyrant Obama,
which is your own paranoid fantasy and cherished mythology.

If there is any real problem with Obama, it is that he is not far enough to
the "left"
side of the spectrum, too willing to give the NSA and the military their
way, too
willing to continue Bush-like policies.

The Right whines and demonizes for nothing but its own insatiable
This will never be over until they have paid a price in blood for all the
all the dirty tricks, all the war-mongering, all the environment-raping, all
the pandering to the mega-wealthy.

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 5:27:54 PM3/29/15

< You need shooting

Yeah, Little Nemo, all you shoot off is your mouth and
to shoot yourself in the foot.

There are articles in the recent "Progressive", how the U.S.
government has a record of putting blacks under surveillance
for the crime of being discontented with how blacks have been

Is no different for gays. Anyone who thinks it is "delusional"
needs to taste a bit of our reality, for themselves.

The American government, like the Russian government, like the
Chinese government are dens of thieves with bodies buried in
the basement, out of control, corrupt beyond their public's imagination.

Tom Keske


Mar 29, 2015, 5:38:51 PM3/29/15
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 17:06:28 -0400, Tom Keske wrote:

> < Wait a minute. You're saying that the media leans right?!!??
> < Did I mention something earlier about your being out of touch with
> reality?
> I am that rattles the squirrel-cage of your mind, but yeah, sorry
> it is your concept of reality that is lost in the weeds.
> The entire mainstream news establishment acts as if Ronald
> Reagan was the model for what every President should imitate.
> How "cheerful" and "avuncular" he was.

So tell me, comrade, what did you learn from the networks, major dailies,
NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek about Obama's school records, philosophical
embrace of Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alinsky, association with a racist
preacher for 20 years, association with Bill Ayres .... Tell me how well
they vetted Mr. Soros' puppet.

Cuz they did a helluva job on his predecessor, damn near everything but the
shit stains in his skivvies.

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 5:41:11 PM3/29/15
Fixing typos...

"Tom Keske" wrote in message news:nPZRw.99569$Xj5....@fx26.iad...

< Wait a minute. You're saying that the media leans right?!!??
< Did I mention something earlier about your being out of touch with

I am sure that rattles the squirrel-cage of your mind, but yeah, sorry
it is your concept of reality that is lost in the weeds.

The entire mainstream news establishment acts as if Ronald
Reagan was the model for what every President should imitate.
How "cheerful" and "avuncular" he was.

Reagan was a reactionary prick who was a pal to Guatemalan dictators
and their death squads. Every two-bit dictator in Latin America rejoiced
when Reagan was elected, just like the crackpot Religious Right did,
because they knew that Reagan would not bother them. Reagan
stonewalled attempts to loosen the grip of the white apartheid regime
in South Africa. His attitude toward AIDS was genocidal. He set the
stage for fattening and pampering the wealthiest 1%. He murdered
people just like Putin does, to cover up his scandals like Iran-Contra.

Whistleblowers like Danny Casalaro got killed trying to poke their
nose into his scandals. People like him are by six degrees of
separation, my circle.

You would think that it would send a shiver up the spine to see
a campaign manager turned CIA director, as happened under Reagan,
but for the smiley-faced media, no, totally off their radar of any possible

The American mainstream media pretty much answers across the


Mar 29, 2015, 5:42:59 PM3/29/15
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 17:20:59 -0400, Tom Keske wrote:

> < Bet your left-wing panties the govt. is infested. Worse now than ever,
> To a right-wing bullshit-spouter, 'infested' with the horrible, liberal
> tyrant Obama,
> which is your own paranoid fantasy and cherished mythology.

Liberal? Carter was liberal, Clinton was liberal. By contrast, Soros'
puppet's a hate America class and racially-divisive share-the-wealth
Marxist whose destruction of the economy has been intentional.

> If there is any real problem with Obama, it is that he is not far enough to
> the "left"
> side of the spectrum, too willing to give the NSA and the military their
> way, too
> willing to continue Bush-like policies.
> The Right whines and demonizes for nothing but its own insatiable
> power-lust.
> This will never be over until they have paid a price in blood for all the
> lies,
> all the dirty tricks, all the war-mongering, all the environment-raping, all
> the pandering to the mega-wealthy.



Mar 29, 2015, 5:46:52 PM3/29/15
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 17:41:11 -0400, Tom Keske wrote:

> Fixing typos...

That's all right punk, same response.

> "Tom Keske" wrote in message news:nPZRw.99569$Xj5....@fx26.iad...
> < Wait a minute. You're saying that the media leans right?!!??
> < Did I mention something earlier about your being out of touch with
> reality?
> I am sure that rattles the squirrel-cage of your mind, but yeah, sorry
> it is your concept of reality that is lost in the weeds.
> The entire mainstream news establishment acts as if Ronald
> Reagan was the model for what every President should imitate.
> How "cheerful" and "avuncular" he was.

So tell me, comrade, what did you learn from the networks, major dailies,
NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek about Obama's school records, philosophical
embrace of Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alinsky, association with a racist
preacher for 20 years, association with Bill Ayres .... Tell me how well
they vetted Mr. Soros' puppet.

Cuz they did a helluva job on his predecessor, damn near everything but the
shit stains in his skivvies.

> Reagan was a reactionary prick who was a pal to Guatemalan dictators
> and their death squads. Every two-bit dictator in Latin America rejoiced
> when Reagan was elected, just like the crackpot Religious Right did,
> because they new that Reagan would not bother them. Reagan
> stonewalled attempts to loosen the grip of the white apartheid regime
> in South Africa. His attitude toward AIDS was genocidal. He set the
> stage for fattening and pampering the wealthiest 1%. He murdered
> people just like Putin does, to cover up his scandals like Iran-Contra.
> Whistleblowers like Danny Casalaro got killed trying to poke their
> nose into this scandals. People like him are by six degrees of
> separation, my circle.
> You would think that it would send a shiver up the spine to see
> a campaign manager turned CIA director, as happened under Reagan,
> but for the smiley-faced media, no, totally off their radar of any possible
> concern.
> The American mainstream media pretty much answers across the
> aboard to money and power. The Big Money and power-brokers- those

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 6:08:58 PM3/29/15

"Xavier" wrote in message

< puppet's a hate America class and racially-divisive share-the-wealth
< Marxist whose destruction of the economy has been intentional.

Oh, Gawhd. Where is Chairman Mao when you need him?

Bush's destruction of the economy in 2008 was not intentional,
it was the sheer incompetence of a war-mongering village idiot.
The money pissed on his Iraq war to the tune of hundreds of
thousands of civilian casualties could have funded Social Security
for a generation, the kind of small fact lost on American mainstream
media. All this to the benefit of his Big Oil cronies in Texas.

Not for little, average Americans to have cheaper oil, mind you.
For his Texas cronies to have cheaper oil, to sell to the highest
bidder, for their own profit, not for the country's. Americans who
would have been cynical enough to secretly approve of oil-grabbing
were probably too clueless that they were selling their souls
to a Devil when it was never really even intended for their own benefit.

Even Vladimir Putin saw that one for exactly what it was,
with his "comrade wolf" remark. Comrades not in a sense
of friendship but in the sense of two of kind, grabbing
as a power-play in all the cynicism of power,
blathering about noble motives, all the way.

Obama if anything rescued the economy from turning into
Great Depression II, which probably would have happened if
Romney with his "business acumen" had won and starting
arguing for "austerity" instead of stimulus. The real skill
of people like Romney is in making money for people like
Romney, on the backs of little people, not in making money
for the little people

The American clueless people are like the whining passengers
of the Titanic who were frustrated that it was taking so long
for the ship to get underway again after it had hit an iceberg.
The have no perspective on how differently it might have turned
out and what a bullet that they dodged. This time. Don't expect
the same luck if Jeb Bush takes over.

All we need, another son of a CIA-Kennedy-killer. If the country
falls, blame it on Russian and on Marxists, when it is your own
arrogant and hateful blindness.

Tom Keske

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 6:19:43 PM3/29/15

">it would be "what's good for the goose", it would be
>old-timey Biblical principle of "eye for an eye".

< Only if the NRA people were the ones who killed the child. Other
< wise, it's just senseless violence.

The NRA has repeatedkt fought the most innocuous of common-sense
gun measures, from armor-piercing cop-killer bullets, to the rapid-fire,
supersize magazines that could only be made for wiping out a crowd,
not a criminal, to background checks.

To hear these NRA moon=bats yapping in reaction school
shootings how they think that learning to use guns should be
mandatory in the schools - yes, they have blood on their hands
almost as surely as if they had pulled a trigger.

The NRA should stop whining and acting like they are oppressed
by scheming liberals who are out to take their precious guns away
when politicians across the spectrum, right, left and center are
sheepishly cow-towing to them. I'd be their worst nightmare- I really
WOULD take their guns away and give them non-lethal substitutes.
If they got up in arms, and wanted a Tea Party Revolution,
would be happy to battle it out and mow them down like so many
unarmed blacks on a bad night in a St. Louis suburb.

They ought to cut with the blowhard, with the bullshit,
with the hate propaganda, before more of the public starts
getting fed up with them and adopting this attitude.

Tom Keske

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 6:52:56 PM3/29/15
Tom, you need to call George Noory and explain about the CIA stalking you.
Here's the link.

Here's another guy who you will identify with:

Raymond Ronald Karczewski

He'd love to swap CIA adventures.

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 6:58:27 PM3/29/15
Quickly get to this site before they all disappear.

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 6:59:03 PM3/29/15
Tom, you aren't a pilot are you?

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 7:00:34 PM3/29/15
> Is no different for gays. Anyone who thinks it is "delusional" needs
> to taste a bit of our reality, for themselves.
Tasting your reality is what got you AIDS.

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 7:01:58 PM3/29/15
You're just like Obama. Once you homos get into a bitchy hissy fit, you
never calm down. You want to scratch everyone's eyes out.

Harry Sachs

Mar 29, 2015, 7:15:03 PM3/29/15
You definitely need to call George Noory.

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 8:14:14 PM3/29/15

< Tasting your reality is what got you AIDS.

Your screwball right-wing bigotry is what makes you
presume without even asking that perfectly healthy
gay men must have AIDS. Sorry to disappoint you.


Mar 29, 2015, 8:29:16 PM3/29/15
You're paranoid, little DEFINITELY need shooting!


Mar 29, 2015, 8:30:40 PM3/29/15
I'm sorry you don't have AIDS yet. Keep trying, it'll happen! You

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 8:33:16 PM3/29/15

< Tom, you aren't a pilot are you?

I have various friends and acquaintances who are pilots
but I am not a pilot, just a poet who has had multiple
premonitions about pilots. Also a premonition expressed about a plane
crashing in D.C. the day before a small plane had crashed
on the White House lawn.

I reiterate something that I have said before and is an offer
that always stands, like my duel offer to Putin. I would take
a polygraph test for any statement that I ever make,
for anyone who wanted to arrange it, for whatever reason,
even if for the mere curiosity. Until anyone cares to accept
that offer, they can go to hell with any expressions of doubt
concerning any statements that I ever make.

In American, poets are viewed as sissies, but I have read
that in Russia, they are viewed as fighters. Another point
on which the Russian perspective has more insight. A poet
can sometimes be more dangerous than a fighter pilot,
and not just because of pens being more powerful than swords.

Because of engimas and puzzles that not even the poet can fully
understand, only to channel, to sense instinctively, to express

Tom Keske

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 8:33:19 PM3/29/15
< Raymond Ronald Karczewski
> He'd love to swap CIA adventures

Yeah, you can go to hell, too.
I am more interested in the CIA stalking stories
of people like Ralph McGehee, the 25-year CIA veteran
turned whisteblower, involved with William Colby and
Operation Phoenix.

The CIA was involved in handing over names and whereabouts
of lefties in places like Chile and Guatemala, by the thousands,
to butchering dictators who threw them out planes. These
were 'ordinary' people for the most part, labor union people,
the kinds that wealthy people fear. Didn't have to be anyone
important or well-known to attract their attention.

Smug conservative, heterosexual white American males wouldn't
comprehend this, or wouldn't care if they did, which is why people
like you would deserve to have your complacency turn into screams
of horror, to have the same reality inflicted on you that your government
inflicted on countless thousands while you sat comfortably
drinking beer, watching sports games, and hating minorities.

May death bloom in your smug, little Archie Bunker world.

Tom Keske

"Harry Sachs" wrote in message news:mf9vo6$4ll$

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 8:38:37 PM3/29/15

< You're just like Obama. Once you homos get into a bitchy hissy fit, you
< never calm down. You want to scratch everyone's eyes out.

Would like to see a smug American like you endure the
Great American Fast Food Famine as a humbling experience,
like the Irish Potato Famine only running out of curly fries
(oh, forgive me, "Freedom Fries") and forced to eat corpses for protein.

Great way to cure the great American obesity problem.

I can see that poking a conservative over their beloved gun-fetish
is like sticking a needle in a boil and watching the infected pus
come spurting out like a geyser.

Tom Keske

Tom Keske

Mar 29, 2015, 8:44:31 PM3/29/15

< You're paranoid, little DEFINITELY need shooting!

Little Nemo, you would be well-advised that it would be stupid
to argue with a person who was genuinely, clinically paranoid
because after all, they would be more likely to think that you are
a CIA operative, hunt you down and blow your head clean away,
while a perfectly rational person like you should realize that you
cannot run around shooting people without going to prison.

A truly, clinically paranoid person would have the tactical advantage
of being totally unconcerned about such practical realities.

But then again, you aren't sincere about a single turd-ball that
plops out of your right-wing mouth, are you?


Mar 29, 2015, 8:59:15 PM3/29/15
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 18:08:56 -0400, Tom Keske wrote:

> "Xavier" wrote in message
> news:1fo9exa80br59$
> < puppet's a hate America class and racially-divisive share-the-wealth
> < Marxist whose destruction of the economy has been intentional.
> Oh, Gawhd. Where is Chairman Mao when you need him?

Venezuela's looking for a few more starry-eyed ex-hippies.


Mar 29, 2015, 9:09:03 PM3/29/15
Lookee here, little Tommy, you prissy little limpwrist faggot...why
don't you concentrate on catching AIDS? You KNOW it makes sense!

William Gigantus

Mar 29, 2015, 9:49:50 PM3/29/15
On Sun, 29 Mar 2015 08:39:13 -0700, Harry Sachs <>

>Sandy Hook was a hoax.

"Sandy Hook" ... A modern day Holohoax.

Making money off of fictitious dead people.

Who would do such a thing? WHO? WHO? WHO?


The skeptics are blocking the psyOp artists from collecting more money

That is sooooo cruel.

Sandy Hook skeptics should be put in prison with the Holohoax deniers.

Sandy Hook: Injury, then insult
....But Jillian Soto, Victoria’s sister, says the family has been
plagued by people who set up fake accounts on social media such as
Twitter and Facebook, using her sister’s name. Many of them promote
wild conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook (it was a hoax, or the U.S.
government did it, etc. etc.) and some of them have even been
harassing family members. Jillian Soto says these actions also make it
harder for people to reach the legitimate Vicki Soto Memorial Fund
established by the family. ...

========= Cruel Comments ==========

Bruce Deitrick Price · Top Commenter · Owner/Creative Director at
Word Wise

This editorial is very smug. But the fact remains that the Sandy Hook
event is full of problems and questions. Review the evidence for 30
minutes and you will join the ranks of the confused. Why not report on
"Citizen speaks out about Sandy Hook at Connecticut State Committee
Hearing." This woman seemed very earnest to me. She said she did not
like her state being known as Corrupticutt.
Reply · · 1 · March 10 at 6:06pm

Edward Salem Youwakim · Top Commenter

What is almost unimaginable is that the Department of Homeland
Security could be so cruel as to take advantage of people by running a
drill to traumatize and terrorize the American public and promote the
gun control and mental health agenda— but, unfortunately, it's true.
Have we really become so naive as a society? Yes we have.
Reply · · March 10 at 7:10pm

Michael Ejercito

Mar 29, 2015, 11:57:46 PM3/29/15

"Tom Keske" wrote in message news:GDVRw.218962$Ak4....@fx03.iad...

>Home and personal protection would be better done
>with non-lethal defensive weapons.
Let the Secret Service set the example.


Michael Ejercito

Mar 30, 2015, 12:04:50 AM3/30/15

"Tom Keske" wrote in message news:nPZRw.99569$Xj5....@fx26.iad...

>Reagan was a reactionary prick who was a pal to Guatemalan dictators
>and their death squads.
Like the way FDR was pals with Stalin?

> Every two-bit dictator in Latin America rejoiced
>when Reagan was elected, just like the crackpot Religious Right did,
>because they new that Reagan would not bother them. Reagan
>stonewalled attempts to loosen the grip of the white apartheid regime
>in South Africa. His attitude toward AIDS was genocidal. He set the
>stage for fattening and pampering the wealthiest 1%. He murdered
>people just like Putin does, to cover up his scandals like Iran-Contra.

Do you have proof?


Michael Ejercito

Mar 30, 2015, 12:06:16 AM3/30/15

"Tom Keske" wrote in message news:oXZRw.103480$LZ1....@fx25.iad...

>Funny you should mention that. When living the Washington, D.C.
>area, I had a bullet through my living-room window, a few feet from
>my head that tore through a vase, tore through some rice-bead curtains
>and took off the upper left-hand corner of the silverware drawer in
>the kitchen.

>Had I been leaning back a bit more in the chair, wouldn't be here
>to tell you about it.

>I'm mentally sound enough to blame the country's gun-fetish culture,
>the sleazy low-lifes, the trigger-happy law enforcement, the easy
>availability of guns, the bully-boy, bullshit spouting NRA, the
>pandering Devil's Bargain-making of the Republican party.

If you knew what a Sten gun was, you would know WHY guns are easily


Michael Ejercito

Mar 30, 2015, 12:08:11 AM3/30/15

"Harry Sachs" wrote in message news:mfa06h$4ll$

>> Is no different for gays. Anyone who thinks it is "delusional" needs
>> to taste a bit of our reality, for themselves.
>Tasting your reality is what got you AIDS.
No doubt about it.

It is also likely true for the Revd NEMO.


Michael Ejercito

Mar 30, 2015, 12:10:08 AM3/30/15

"Tom Keske" wrote in message news:pz0Sw.232096$Ak4....@fx03.iad...

The number of gay men being diagnosed with HIV has reached a record high in
the UK, according to the Health Protection Agency (HPA).

One in 20 gay men and men who occasionally have sex with men are HIV
positive in the UK – and in London, the ratio is as high as one in 12. Part
of the reason for the observed rise is increased testing, but, says the HPA,
it is also clear that too many men are unaware that they have HIV and are
unknowingly infecting others.

"About 8,000 to 10,000 gay men are HIV positive and unaware of their
status," said Dr Valerie Delpech, the HPA's head of HIV surveillance.

According to the HPA's annual report, released on Thursday in advance of
World Aids Day on Saturday, 3,010 men who have sex with men were newly
diagnosed with HIV in 2011 – 47.9% of all new diagnoses in the UK. The
numbers have remained high since 2007.

Michael Ejercito

Mar 30, 2015, 12:11:35 AM3/30/15

"NEMO" wrote in message news:mfa5ff$vq0$
You would think that these people would figure out how filthy their
behavior is.

Harry Sachs

Mar 30, 2015, 12:38:38 AM3/30/15
Like I said, a hoax.

Harry Sachs

Mar 30, 2015, 12:43:03 AM3/30/15
Tom, the plate in your head is picking up magnetic waves from UFOs. I'll
bet you are probed on a regular basis, by aliens and California
residents too.

Harry Sachs

Mar 30, 2015, 12:45:13 AM3/30/15
"Gay" and "perfectly healthy" is an oxymoron. You are admitting to be a
sexual deviate. Bad choice.

Harry Sachs

Mar 30, 2015, 1:02:10 AM3/30/15
..... and forced to eat corpses for protein.

Do you homos use condoms to pack lunches for later?

> I can see that poking a conservative over their beloved gun-fetish
The only thing you poke is the brown eye of your boyfriend when you pack
his colon.
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Mar 30, 2015, 9:34:43 AM3/30/15
On 3/29/2015 9:11 PM, Michael Ejercito wrote:
> "NEMO" wrote in message news:mfa5ff$vq0$
>> On 3/29/2015 5:14 PM, Tom Keske wrote:
>>> < Tasting your reality is what got you AIDS.
>>> Your screwball right-wing bigotry is what makes you
>>> presume without even asking that perfectly healthy
>>> gay men must have AIDS. Sorry to disappoint you.
>> I'm sorry you don't have AIDS yet. Keep trying, it'll happen! You
>> DESERVE it!
> You would think that these people would figure out how filthy their
> behavior is.

'These people', gook? You're one of them!


Mar 30, 2015, 9:36:28 AM3/30/15
For you, gook, it is UNQUESTIONABLY true!


Mar 30, 2015, 9:48:52 AM3/30/15
Do you suck jew rectums?


Mar 30, 2015, 9:50:25 AM3/30/15
If guns were that easily available in Long Beach, gook, you would get
one and blow your gook head off.

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Mar 30, 2015, 9:37:17 PM3/30/15
On 3/29/2015 2:15 PM, Tom Keske wrote:
> < I've tasted the effects of a gun. I'm mentally sound enough that
> I don't blame the gun.
> Funny you should mention that. When living the Washington, D.C.
> area, I had a bullet through my living-room window, a few feet from
> my head that tore through a vase, tore through some rice-bead curtains
> and took off the upper left-hand corner of the silverware drawer in
> the kitchen.
> Had I been leaning back a bit more in the chair, wouldn't be here
> to tell you about it.
> I'm mentally sound enough to blame the country's gun-fetish culture,
> the sleazy low-lifes, the trigger-happy law enforcement, the easy
> availability of guns, the bully-boy, bullshit spouting NRA, the
> pandering Devil's Bargain-making of the Republican party.
> Both my college and my high school had stomach-turning mass killings.

Too bad you weren't a beneficiary, fagboi.

> Disgusted enough that I would dearly, passionately love to see
> some of the gun-waving Tea Party types getting their bullshit-spouting
> heads blown off and far too disgusted to give a damn any more
> what anyone thinks of that fact.
> Tom Keske

If anyone needs their head blown off, it's YOU, asshole.

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Michael Ejercito

Mar 31, 2015, 10:37:42 AM3/31/15

"The Peeler" wrote in message

>On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:48:42 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
>sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,

>>>> Every two-bit dictator in Latin America rejoiced
>>>> when Reagan was elected, just like the crackpot Religious Right did,
>>>> because they new that Reagan would not bother them. Reagan
>>>> stonewalled attempts to loosen the grip of the white apartheid regime
>>>> in South Africa. His attitude toward AIDS was genocidal. He set the
>>>> stage for fattening and pampering the wealthiest 1%. He murdered
>>>> people just like Putin does, to cover up his scandals like Iran-Contra.
>>> Do you have proof?
>> Do you suck jew rectums?

>He doesn't. But are you a REAL asshole, The Rectum? <BG>

Does the mangina fuck vaginas?


Michael Ejercito

Mar 31, 2015, 10:38:28 AM3/31/15

"The Peeler" wrote in message

>On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:34:33 -0700, The Rectum, the resident psychopath of
>sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, FAKING his time zone again,

>>>> I'm sorry you don't have AIDS yet. Keep trying, it'll happen! You
>>>> DESERVE it!
>>> You would think that these people would figure out how filthy their
>>> behavior is.
>> 'These people', gook? You're one of them!

>He doesn't come across like he is one of them. OTOH, you do! <BG>

You got that right about the mangina.


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Mar 31, 2015, 11:00:29 PM3/31/15
On 3/31/2015 7:38 AM, Michael Ejercito wrote:
> "The Peeler" wrote in message
> news:55198e3c$0$32530$b1db1813$
>>>>> I'm sorry you don't have AIDS yet. Keep trying, it'll happen! You
>>>>> DESERVE it!
>>>> You would think that these people would figure out how filthy their
>>>> behavior is.
>>> 'These people', gook? You're one of them!
>> He does come across like he is one of them. OTOH, I do, too! <BG>

Seems anus! Both of, you innit! <GVGEGVGBGVGEGVGBGVG>

> You got that right about the mangina.

You zsucked that right out of the gaping Grik anus!

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Tom Keske

Apr 5, 2015, 7:50:29 PM4/5/15

> Oh, Gawhd. Where is Chairman Mao when you need him?

< Venezuela's looking for a few more starry-eyed ex-hippies.

no oil for you.

Tom Keske

Apr 5, 2015, 7:52:16 PM4/5/15

>They ought to cut with the blowhard, with the bullshit,
>with the hate propaganda, before more of the public starts
>getting fed up with them and adopting this attitude.

< None of that addresses the point I raised. Will you address it
< now, or continue to provide evidence that you are incapable of
< following a thread?

The only point that you've got in the one on your head.

Tom Keske

Apr 5, 2015, 8:00:33 PM4/5/15

"Harry Sachs" wrote in message news:mfa11m$5gp$

< You definitely need to call George Noory.

Need to call on the spirits of tin-foil hats everywhere who get inspired
by a sudden personal message from Jesus Christ that what this great
country of our needs is for some brave souls to shoot the shit out of a
gun show, to prove to the gun-nuts that guns really don't "make us safer".
Wish all the gun fetishists on this screwball thread could be there to see
and to help purge the gene pool of right-wing mentality.

Lay down your weapons, turn them into plowshares, and if the bastards
don't believe it, plow them into the ground with molten gun metal.

Tom Keske

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