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Beware the T-Man tinyurl

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good grief

Jan 17, 2010, 7:32:41 PM1/17/10

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Message has been deleted


Jan 17, 2010, 10:24:39 PM1/17/10

"T-Man" <> wrote in message

> Kennedy's long-time Democrat Senate seat being lost to a Republican voted
> in by a State that is overwhelmingly liberal?

Know much about Mass. history? Those folks voted down an initiative to ban
the private ownership of handguns by a two to one margin.

> Democrats think it might happen and are trying to figure a way to keep
> one-Pary rule behind closed doors continue. Strategies are already in
> progress of how to around the voter choices IF Kennedy's seat IS lost to a
> Republican to do normal legislation.

By any chance is English your second language?

> What happened to the C-Span promises by Obama? Reportedly 11 times.
> "transparency" LMOPAOBT!!!

Is this whole thing meant to be a coherent statement or is it just a
collection of random thoughts you assembled into one post?

> Already a major embarrassment for the Democrats losing Virginia and New
> Jersey governor's race. New Jersey especially as most of the towns and
> boroughs are governed by Democrats and a history of electing Democrats.

Ahem, in case you didn't notice there was a major embarrassment the last two
elections with the Repubs losing seats they had controlled for ages. People
are unhappy and they don't know who to blame, so at the moment the Dems are
going to pay the price for that.

> = Obama in big trouble = a signal of a Republican grab of many seats
> in November. Obama will have to do an academy award winning act to
> convince the voters that his party is moderate again.
> Kennedy's seat being lost to a Republican? There CAN be poetic justice.

It's a tough time to be an incumbent, as the Republicans found out in 2008.
I'll be surprised if the Dems don't lose at least twenty seats, more likely
thirty or forty--that's the way it works--hard times result in the voters
getting pissed-off.


Jan 17, 2010, 10:26:20 PM1/17/10

"T-Man" <> wrote in message

> Though it could be considered 'progressive' to the Leftard. . esi es
> la vida

Dang, it's official, "Spender" is a Leftard. Now *that* is funny.


Jan 17, 2010, 10:50:33 PM1/17/10

>Know much about Mass. history?

Born and lived here (on and off) over 50 years.

>> Democrats think it might happen and are trying to figure a way to keep
>> one-Pary rule behind closed doors continue. Strategies are already in
>> progress of how to around the voter choices IF Kennedy's seat IS lost to a
>> Republican to do normal legislation.

Up to last year, anything with that name ruled because they bought and sold
it. Ted was a drunken loser who killed a woman, left her to die while he
hid for a day or two so not to get into trouble. Ted was scum. Joe is
in bed with the oil companies, and has his own agenda. Look into the whole
Kennedy history. Scum. Liars. People who buy and sell others for what
they want. It's about time they go away. 'Kennedy's' seat? No,
the PEOPLE's seat. Talk around here is 90% against any Dem.

>> What happened to the C-Span promises by Obama? Reportedly 11 times.
>> "transparency" LMOPAOBT!!!

Well, why can't CSPAN or anyone be in on the health debates? What
are they hiding? Obama said it would all be open. What happened?

>> Already a major embarrassment for the Democrats losing Virginia and New
>> Jersey governor's race. New Jersey especially as most of the towns and
>> boroughs are governed by Democrats and a history of electing Democrats.

People come and go these days so fast you can't keep count anymore.

>> Obama will have to do an academy award winning act to
>> convince the voters that his party is moderate again.

Every one will. Obama should be held to his promises he made to get
elected. We got 'change', but not for the better. Just change.

>> Kennedy's seat being lost to a Republican? There CAN be poetic justice.

It's not 'his' seat, it's our's.

>It's a tough time to be an incumbent, as the Republicans found out in 2008.
>I'll be surprised if the Dems don't lose at least twenty seats, more likely
>thirty or forty--that's the way it works--hard times result in the voters
>getting pissed-off.

Yup. So do lies and bullshit, and hidden deals voters are not
allowed to see. Late night scam jobs work no better for the Dem's
then the Rep's. Obama (et all) will be held to his promises and
will have to (should of by now) stop blaming it all on Bush because
it's Obama's fault at this point. Bush was a idiot, but now what is
happening is Obama (et all) making it happen, not Bush.

I'd respect him more if he had the stones to back up the mouth he
used to win the election. Where did he lose his stones?

...just my opinion...flame away everybody..


Sell us a president, agency man
Smiling Big Brother, stern father perhaps
Sell us a president, agency man
A lame smiling nothing we know never craps

Let's try CNN,
(Pay us first before we do it!)
We'll get a smiling puppet
And march him right on through it
Rent a baby
Kiss a baby
Ladies in for tea

And here's a bunch of speeches
We'll toss them in for free

Sell us a president, agency man
Smiling Big Brother, stern father perhaps
Sell us a president, agency man
A lame smiling nothing we know never craps

We'll sell him in the media
On the tube throughout the year
We'll sell him by the buckets
To the Libs who live in fear
We'll teach him how to walk and talk
We'll putty up his chin
We'll print his picture everywhere
Of course the SCHMUCK will win

From the heart of our fantasy
To the ruling of our land
A simple trick, you simple pigs
Just the way we planned

(Sorry FZ)

Message has been deleted


Jan 18, 2010, 12:02:34 AM1/18/10

"JJTj" <up yers.con> wrote in message

> Up to last year, anything with that name ruled because they bought and
> sold
> it. Ted was a drunken loser who killed a woman, left her to die while he
> hid for a day or two so not to get into trouble. Ted was scum.

I'm not a fan of Teddy and IMO if there had been any justice he should have
gone to jail over that, but on the other hand Chappaquiddick was almost
forty years ago. If every politician who did something nasty when he was a
younger man was held to that standard how many would be left? Bush 43 was a
drunk, Robert Byrd belonged to the Klan, McCain treated his first wife like
dirt and so on. People can change for the better, I've known guys I was
sure would be found dead in a gutter one day who somehow turned it around
and became productive citizens. Teddy eventually sobered up, and he was a
major force in the Senate with a reputation for being able to work with both
sides. Like him or not, he cast a long shadow.

> Talk around here is 90% against any Dem.

Which is odd because the race is a dead-heat, too close to call.

> Well, why can't CSPAN or anyone be in on the health debates? What
> are they hiding? Obama said it would all be open. What happened?

Congress is what happened, those clowns couldn't organize a pissing contest
at a free-beer festival.

> Late night scam jobs work no better for the Dem's
> then the Rep's. Obama (et all) will be held to his promises and
> will have to (should of by now) stop blaming it all on Bush because
> it's Obama's fault at this point. Bush was a idiot, but now what is
> happening is Obama (et all) making it happen, not Bush.

The Obama admin has made some blunders, but let's not pretend they didn't
start with the worst field position in living memory. Two wars, an economy
in the toilet, Russia and China flexing their muscles and so on--all of that
stuff was in place while Bush was still in the Oval office, it would be
insane to think any President could fix all that in one year.

> I'd respect him more if he had the stones to back up the mouth he
> used to win the election. Where did he lose his stones?
> ...just my opinion...flame away everybody..

He's disappointed me in various ways, but we can't forget that Congress
controls the purse and writes the laws, and they're a pack of fools, liars
and crooks. And of course unlike the Republican rubber-stamp Congress Bush
enjoyed, Obama has to deal with Democrats--talk about herding cats. Imagine
the most dysfunctional band you ever saw, guys who were always wasted, hated
each other, screw-ups who didn't show up on time and forgot their own
songs--now imagine that you're their manager. That's the position Obama is
in today, it doesn't matter how good his ideas are, he still has to *try* to
get a pack of fools make those ideas happen. Wanna bet he looks ten years
older by 2012?

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Jan 18, 2010, 2:17:30 AM1/18/10
DGDevin <dgd...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> "T-Man" <> wrote in message
> news:00cf7a22$0$26919$
>> Kennedy's long-time Democrat Senate seat being lost to a Republican
>> voted in by a State that is overwhelmingly liberal?
> Know much about Mass. history? Those folks voted down an initiative
> to ban the private ownership of handguns by a two to one margin.

There's another factor in play here. It's the health care push. Oddly
enough, the folks in Massachusetts are largely *against* it -- since
they've already got it statewide. They figure if health-care reform
passes Congress, they'll just be paying for everyone else to have it.
Obama's not reading the tea leaves on this.

Claude V. Lucas

Jan 18, 2010, 8:21:53 AM1/18/10
In article <>,
DGDevin <dgd...@invalid.invalid> attempted to justify:

>> Ted was a drunken loser who killed a woman, left her to die while he
>> hid for a day or two so not to get into trouble. Ted was scum.
>I'm not a fan of Teddy and IMO if there had been any justice he should have
>gone to jail over that, but on the other hand Chappaquiddick was almost
>forty years ago. If every politician who did something nasty when he was a
>younger man was held to that standard how many would be left? Bush 43 was a
>drunk, Robert Byrd belonged to the Klan, McCain treated his first wife like

>dirt and so on. People can change for the betteri

And if they join the Democrat Party, ex-Kleagles and negligent killers
can rise to the top of the pond with the other scum.

>Congress is what happened, those clowns couldn't organize a pissing contest
>at a free-beer festival.

To a TRVE BELIEVER, a nice sounding excuse is as good as a result.

>The Obama admin has made some blunders, but let's not pretend they didn't
>start with the worst field position in living memory. Two wars, an economy
>in the toilet, Russia and China flexing their muscles and so on--all of that
>stuff was in place while Bush was still in the Oval office, it would be
>insane to think any President could fix all that in one year.

Can't forget to blame Bush, either.

>Imagine the most dysfunctional band you ever saw, guys who were always wasted,
>hated each other, screw-ups who didn't show up on time and forgot their own
>songs--now imagine that

Now imagine them running the country...


Jan 18, 2010, 8:26:53 AM1/18/10

>>I'm not a fan of Teddy and IMO if there had been any justice he should have
>>gone to jail over that, but on the other hand Chappaquiddick was almost
>>forty years ago.

He left her to die, didn't even report it till he sobered up,
then got a *W*A*L*K* from the CRIME only because of his family
name. If you or I did that, we'd still be in jail now.

Now he's treated as a god, who did nothing ever wrong.

Anyone ever check into Joe Kennedy's dealing with oil companies,
under the cover of 'helping' people afford oil? Hear nothing
about that this winter..wonder why? Where is 'Joe's oil' now?

This state is full of idiots who think the Kennedy clan can do
nothing wrong, never did, and that Ted should of been president.

There are also those who have pissed on his grave, dancing, and
were caught. THEY served jail time, btw. As they should.



Aug 16, 2010 Hampton Beach NH.

Live bands! Pro Wrestling!

Dancing girls! BBQ and Clambake!

Tickets Available Soon.

Keep informed at:


Jan 18, 2010, 8:39:06 AM1/18/10

>There's another factor in play here. It's the health care push. Oddly
>enough, the folks in Massachusetts are largely *against* it -- since
>they've already got it statewide. They figure if health-care reform
>passes Congress, they'll just be paying for everyone else to have it.
>Obama's not reading the tea leaves on this.

That is the MAIN reason $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is being pumped into this
race, why Obama is flying up here on taxpayer $, to support the
Dem party. Why we are bombarded with ads on TV and radio, 80% Dem.

Why Obama and Clinton recordings invade our phones, ignoring
the 'no call list' that is supposed to STOP such things.

THEN, like a idiot, the Dem runner tells the media that a famous
Red Sox player was really a Yankee fan. When corrected by a
reporter then and there, she kept to her statement. Said former
player goes apeshit on his 'blog' and now HE'S invading our phones
just to say he was never a Yankee fan, don't vote for her.

Notice ya don't have this BS in Nebraska? NOOOOOOO, they were bought
outright, with a sweet deal that 'allows' the rest of the country
PAY their health care share. Sure, that's fair. Votes for sale?

BTW, I agree Congress is the big problem, but if Obama had any stones,
he'd be standing up to them. DEMANDING the people can be in on this
HC bill, like he PROMISED US we would. But nooooo, where is the fire
now? I'd have alot more respect for him if he backed up his mouth.

He's just a puppet of Congress, and he seems to like it that way.

...very sad.. And people are taking notice..



Jan 18, 2010, 11:28:13 AM1/18/10

"T-Man" <> wrote in message

> Hey!!!! Here is the answer to "fix" the problems: ***ignore them!!!***
> instead, just think of every trillion dollar new program you can think of
> and have China finance it and spend and spend and spend more for future
> generations to pay the damage!! Yeah that is it!!! That is the answer!!!

It was the answer the Bush administration came up with, or does your memory
not go that far back?


Jan 18, 2010, 11:32:39 AM1/18/10

"T-Man" <> wrote in message

>> By any chance is English your second language?

> Are you drunk? You seem to be having a lot of trouble. I wrote before that
> you forgot, "I speak *****AMERICAN**** Philly dialect English v2.0" (I
> better say paraphrased or you will be comparing pastes since you have no
> other content.

Actually you speak "*****STUPID**** dialect English, and your fifteen
minutes are just about up.


Jan 18, 2010, 11:38:37 AM1/18/10

Yer a bit late coming to that realization ;-)


Jan 18, 2010, 11:44:57 AM1/18/10

"JJTj" <up yers.con> wrote in message

>>>I'm not a fan of Teddy and IMO if there had been any justice he should
>>>gone to jail over that, but on the other hand Chappaquiddick was almost
>>>forty years ago.
> He left her to die, didn't even report it till he sobered up,
> then got a *W*A*L*K* from the CRIME only because of his family
> name. If you or I did that, we'd still be in jail now.
> Now he's treated as a god, who did nothing ever wrong.

Man, you do this all the time, you go way over to one end and act as if
there is no middle ground between your position and the exact polar
opposite--and that isn't an approach that can logically be applied to
everything in life. Who exactly treats Kennedy as a god who never did
wrong? Can you point me to a biography of TK that doesn't discuss
Chappaquiddick, his alcoholism, his adultery and so on? No? Then where do
you get this "god who did no wrong? stuff? Slogans are for dummies, and
you're not one, so why use their tactics?

> There are also those who have pissed on his grave, dancing, and
> were caught. THEY served jail time, btw. As they should.
> JJTj

Really? Didn't hear about that, sounds like something a couple of folks
(not you) in this newsgroup might do--if they had the guts.


Jan 18, 2010, 11:55:43 AM1/18/10
DGDevin <dgd...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> It's a tough time to be an incumbent, as the Republicans found out in
> 2008. I'll be surprised if the Dems don't lose at least twenty seats,
> more likely thirty or forty--that's the way it works--hard times
> result in the voters getting pissed-off.

Tell you what though, Obama made his own bed, now he's about to lie in

He's perceived as weak on national security -- fairly or not. He had
the perfect opportunity to shore himself up when the underpants guy
tried to blow up the plane, and Napolitano piped up with "the system
worked". No matter that the critics twisted the context; it was the
wrong symbolic message to send. She should have been fired, if for no
other reason than to send the message that he takes security issues VERY
seriously and that you don't MAKE the assumption that someone like that
was acting on his own, which seemed to be the initial assessment of the

But more importantly, Obama has completely botched the "transparency"
message that formed such an important part of his campaign. His first
big mistake in that respect was appointing Tim Geithner treasury
secretary; given the bailouts, etc., it created the clear impression
that the foxes were in charge of the chicken coop. This impression was
compounded by their treating Geithner as some high priest who would
consult the economic gods and emerge from his high tower, entrails in
hand, ready to pronouce to the American people what was good for them.
This is a good example of the impression that the administration
supports *corporatism*, which is a bad message to be sending to both the
left and the right.

The bailouts, and the manner in which they were conducted, were the
complete antithesis of "transparency". Contrast with FDR's fireside

The health insurance business, same deal. Initially the administration
took a hands-off approach out of fear of being burned the same way
Clinton was, and left Congress to its usual machinations. Now that he's
starting to become more engaged in details, even his dealings with
Congress are taking place behind closed doors. Not good. He didn't
show leadership WHEN IT WAS NEEDED, and he's compounding the error with
the way he's approaching things now. Not to mention that he was TOO
SPECIFIC during the campaign (i.e., opposing mandatory enrollment of
individuals) and, as a result, he's looking a bit two-faced supporting
some of those details now that he opposed during the campaign.

In fact, the only major issue on which he's been pretty much consistent
with what he said during the campaign was Afghanistan, and his support
from the left was willing to overlook that because they liked the
*other* things he was saying.

He's really gotten himself into a bind here, and I think he's looking at
massive Democratic losses in the mid-term election, sad to say. He may
be able to recover in time for the 2012 election (as Reagan did under
similar circumstances), but only if he GETS IT and changes his approach
(in addition to getting rid of a few bad apples in the administration.


Jan 18, 2010, 1:16:02 PM1/18/10

>> Now he's treated as a god, who did nothing ever wrong.

>Man, you do this all the time, you go way over to one end and act as if
>there is no middle ground between your position and the exact polar
>opposite--and that isn't an approach that can logically be applied to
>everything in life. Who exactly treats Kennedy as a god who never did
>wrong? Can you point me to a biography of TK that doesn't discuss
>Chappaquiddick, his alcoholism, his adultery and so on? No? Then where do
>you get this "god who did no wrong? stuff? Slogans are for dummies, and
>you're not one, so why use their tactics?

There is no middle ground in this.

Not from around here, are you? IF you were, you'd see that the Dem/Lib
(and many other losers) think Teddy could do no wrong, ignore his past,
and treated him like he was god, a hero. WHY do you think they treat
his Senate seat like it was a golden throne?..or, is it because of
the health bill vote..and that means they are using Ted as a cheap tool.

There is no 'middle ground' for a 'man' who let a woman die so he
could sober up and escape paying for what he did. Then he let his
family name save him. He was a drunk, a killer, and a cheat. But
to hear them all talk, he was golden, a saint. AT THIS MOMENT on
TV Coakley is praising the historic legacy of Ted Kennedy, at
a lunch for Dr. MLK day. A insult to the man, Dr. MLK.


Coakely is a cunt. She and Hillary are 2 of a kind. Blow dogs
for nickels, and then demand change for the time spent. Senate
and Congress both suck, and the coward we have as a President
lets it happen to get what he wants, forget what he promised.

>> There are also those who have pissed on his grave, dancing, and
>> were caught. THEY served jail time, btw. As they should.

>> JJTj

>Really? Didn't hear about that, sounds like something a couple of folks
>(not you) in this newsgroup might do--if they had the guts.

I wouldn't waste my time. They were drunks who acted like assholes.

Just Ted's kind of people. But they went to jail. Unlike Ted.


Tony Elka

Jan 18, 2010, 1:16:24 PM1/18/10
In article <>,
"RichL" <> wrote:

> He's perceived as weak on national security -- fairly or not. He had
> the perfect opportunity to shore himself up when the underpants guy
> tried to blow up the plane, and Napolitano piped up with "the system
> worked". No matter that the critics twisted the context; it was the
> wrong symbolic message to send. She should have been fired, if for no
> other reason than to send the message that he takes security issues VERY
> seriously and that you don't MAKE the assumption that someone like that
> was acting on his own, which seemed to be the initial assessment of the
> administration.

How many people lost their jobs after the attacks on the Pentagon and
the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001?

As far as I can remember, the only person that got canned was Bill
Maher, for saying someting politically incorrect about it on a show
called politically incorrect.

Come to think of it, we didn't hear from President George W. Bush for
several days after 9/11 either.


Tony Elka

Jan 18, 2010, 1:17:39 PM1/18/10
In article <>,
JJTj <up yers.con> wrote:

> There is no middle ground in this.

There can be no meaningful conversation with anyone holding that
particular mindset.



Jan 18, 2010, 2:17:41 PM1/18/10

> JJTj <up yers.con> wrote:
>> There is no middle ground in this.
>There can be no meaningful conversation with anyone holding that
>particular mindset.

So you excuse covering up a woman's death only so
the driver can get sober and not be charged in her
death, and use his family name to get his way?

You excuse using said criminal to further a agenda
that has little if anything to do with the state?

You think it's ok to hide what is going on with the
health bill debate instead of when a President RAN
his election on the PROMISE it would be all out in
the open? A puppet who allows congress to control
what he does or does not do..what lie he allows?

Now come back and tell me how THAT is all Bush's fault.

Sorry if you are so blind that you excuse said things,
and turn the other way. Sorry if you think it's ok.

You are right, there is no meaningful conversation with

anyone holding that particular mind set.



Jan 18, 2010, 2:26:05 PM1/18/10

"JJTj" <up yers.con> wrote in message

>>> Now he's treated as a god, who did nothing ever wrong.
>>Man, you do this all the time, you go way over to one end and act as if
>>there is no middle ground between your position and the exact polar
>>opposite--and that isn't an approach that can logically be applied to
>>everything in life. Who exactly treats Kennedy as a god who never did
>>wrong? Can you point me to a biography of TK that doesn't discuss
>>Chappaquiddick, his alcoholism, his adultery and so on? No? Then where
>>you get this "god who did no wrong? stuff? Slogans are for dummies, and
>>you're not one, so why use their tactics?
> There is no middle ground in this.

Sure there is, TK led a largely disgraceful life for many years, but he
eventually cleaned up. He also had a history of working with Republicans on
legislation both sides thought was worthwhile. Yes, he was a seriously
flawed human being, but then most of us are. As I said, I think he should
have gone to jail for Chappaquiddick, but thanks to his family he didn't.
There was another guy who actually did make it to the White House who had a
history of DUI, fellow named George Bush--got busted for it just down the
road from the site of TK's shame too. Harry Truman briefly joined the Klan
because it was a politically advantageous thing to do, Eisenhower cheated on
his wife and so did FDR and JFK--and so on and so forth. If you're looking
for sainthood in candidates for President you are going to be disappointed.
That's one thing I respect about the current President, he at least had the
guts to put his former drug use on the record, unlike so many of the

In the end it isn't about their history or their character flaws, it's about
whether they got the job done. Winston Churchill was sure no saint, but in
1940 he was the man for the job. So if the people of Mass. elected TK year
after year, decade after decade, they must have approved of the job he was
doing. You don't have to like him, you don't have to like his politics, but
the people of Mass. apparently wanted him in the Senate and that you do have
to live with.


Jan 18, 2010, 2:29:27 PM1/18/10

"RichL" <> wrote in message

>>>> By any chance is English your second language?
>>> Are you drunk? You seem to be having a lot of trouble. I wrote
>>> before that you forgot, "I speak *****AMERICAN**** Philly dialect
>>> English v2.0" (I better say paraphrased or you will be comparing
>>> pastes since you have no other content.
>> Actually you speak "*****STUPID**** dialect English, and your fifteen
>> minutes are just about up.
> Yer a bit late coming to that realization ;-)

I don't recall seeing this goof's posts until just recently, and it didn't
take me long to spot him for a mutt. Besides, being the guy who keeps
giving "Spender" more chances to prove his foolishness you're a fine one to
talk. ;~)

Tony Elka

Jan 18, 2010, 2:31:06 PM1/18/10
In article <>,
"DGDevin" <dgd...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> Sure there is, TK led a largely disgraceful life for many years, but he
> eventually cleaned up. He also had a history of working with Republicans on
> legislation both sides thought was worthwhile.

It is said that politics is the art of compromise. Senator Ted Kennedy
was truly capable of working in a bi-partisan fashion, something that is
sadly lacking today.

And it is the Republicans that are guilty of that, they have refused to
work with the current elected president since day one of his
administration. They are truly the party of "No."


Tony Elka

Jan 18, 2010, 2:35:25 PM1/18/10
In article <>,
JJTj <up yers.con> wrote:

> So you excuse covering up a woman's death only so
> the driver can get sober and not be charged in her
> death, and use his family name to get his way?

Never said that.

> You excuse using said criminal to further a agenda
> that has little if anything to do with the state?

What agenda would that be?

> You think it's ok to hide what is going on with the
> health bill debate instead of when a President RAN
> his election on the PROMISE it would be all out in
> the open? A puppet who allows congress to control
> what he does or does not do..what lie he allows?

I'm astonished it's gotten as far as it's can, considering the 100% lack
of cooperation on the Republican side of the aisle and the incredibly
useless state of many on the Democratic side. Then again, we're only
approximately 1/4 of the way through President Obama's first term, I
imagine he'll discover his inner L.B.J. before he's through and get a
little tougher with his own party. God knows he's tried to be
reasonable with them, and clearly that wasn't enough.

> Now come back and tell me how THAT is all Bush's fault.

Not sure which THAT you are referring to, but I have no problem at all
saying that the two term administration of President George W. Bush was
a nightmare that we're still recovering from, defined by incompetence
coupled with cronyism on a scale never before seen. I always knew it
would take whoever came next more than a year to un-fuck this country.

> Sorry if you are so blind that you excuse said things,
> and turn the other way. Sorry if you think it's ok.

That's too ridiculous to respond to.

> You are right, there is no meaningful conversation with
> anyone holding that particular mind set.

And yet we continue.



Jan 18, 2010, 2:37:21 PM1/18/10

"RichL" <> wrote in message

Interesting analysis Rich, you've just provided more pointed and more
thoughtful criticism of the Obama administration than all our resident
right-wingnuts put together. Now wait for the usual suspects to claim that
no "lib" will ever criticize a Dem in general or Obama in particular--sure
as day brings night.


Jan 18, 2010, 2:49:22 PM1/18/10

Well, yeah, you won't catch me defending the Bush administration for
much of what they did, either.

I'm generally an Obama supporter, I voted for him in both the primary
and the general election, but I've gotta say I'm pretty disappointed so
far. I expected more. I expected *different* (change I can believe in,
etc. )I'd still prefer him to the other guy, or to anyone the
Republicans conceivably would put up to oppose him, but I'm tired of my
votes being a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Tony Elka

Jan 18, 2010, 3:29:10 PM1/18/10
In article <>,
"RichL" <> wrote:

> I'm generally an Obama supporter, I voted for him in both the primary
> and the general election, but I've gotta say I'm pretty disappointed so
> far. I expected more. I expected *different* (change I can believe in,
> etc. )I'd still prefer him to the other guy, or to anyone the
> Republicans conceivably would put up to oppose him, but I'm tired of my
> votes being a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Maybe that's as good a definition of politics as there is.



Jan 18, 2010, 3:35:35 PM1/18/10

No offense to you personally, but maybe if that's all we expect from it,
we deserve what we get.

Tony Elka

Jan 18, 2010, 3:45:49 PM1/18/10
In article <>,
"RichL" <> wrote:

We definitely deserve better. But we've got good reason to expect
little more and that will never change without campaign finance reform.

A big hurdle, since those needed to vote for such a thing are the very
ones already corrupted.

But not insurmountable. If we ever really get a populist movement going
in this country (no the tea baggers don't count, at least not yet) we
can still save this thing.



Jan 18, 2010, 4:53:30 PM1/18/10

>In article <>,
> "RichL" <> wrote:
>> I'm generally an Obama supporter, I voted for him in both the primary
>> and the general election, but I've gotta say I'm pretty disappointed so
>> far. I expected more. I expected *different* (change I can believe in,
>> etc. )I'd still prefer him to the other guy, or to anyone the
>> Republicans conceivably would put up to oppose him, but I'm tired of my
>> votes being a choice between the lesser of two evils.

I didn't vote for him, but the above statement makes sense to me too.


Message has been deleted


Jan 19, 2010, 9:58:50 PM1/19/10
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 19:24:39 -0800, "DGDevin"
<dgd...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>"T-Man" <> wrote in message

>> Kennedy's long-time Democrat Senate seat being lost to a Republican voted
>> in by a State that is overwhelmingly liberal?
>Know much about Mass. history? Those folks voted down an initiative to ban
>the private ownership of handguns by a two to one margin.

Hey everybody, DGDumbshit here thinks Ted Kennedy and his supporters
aren't liberals because of some gun vote.

Typical DGDumbshit.

>> Democrats think it might happen and are trying to figure a way to keep
>> one-Pary rule behind closed doors continue. Strategies are already in
>> progress of how to around the voter choices IF Kennedy's seat IS lost to a
>> Republican to do normal legislation.

>By any chance is English your second language?

More insults form DGDumbshit. He plays the insult card because he has
no answers.

This is the guy who said Rush Limbaugh would cost Republicans the
election they just won.

DGDumbshit, catch him today as a liberal, tomorrow as a neocon -
whatever way the wind blows.

Less than 1 year ago, this asswipe was predicting big losses for
Repubs because of Limbaugh, who was just major news a few days ago for
his Haiti comments -

On Tue, 3 Mar 2009 23:50:39 -0800, "DGDevin" <dgde...@invalid.invalid>
>The Obama administration has been nudging this along, they *want* Limbaugh
>to assume a leadership role in the Republican Party because he will alienate
>more voters than he will attract. Right-wing talk-radio addicts will never
>get this, but Limbaugh's big audience didn't translate into swing votes in
>the last election and it won't in the next either--the recession has seen to
>that. It used to be the Dems who formed a circular firing squad and blew
>elections, it's now the turn of the Republican Party. Wm. Kristol was
>right, the Repubs actually need some time in the wilderness to rebuild their
>party, they are not currently fit to win elections or govern.



GOP's Brown wins Mass. Senate seat in epic upset

BOSTON � In an epic upset in liberal Massachusetts, Republican Scott
Brown rode a wave of voter anger to win the U.S. Senate seat held by
the late Edward M. Kennedy for nearly half a century, leaving
President Barack Obama's health care overhaul in doubt and marring the
end of his first year in office.

The loss by the once-favored Democrat Martha Coakley in the Democratic
stronghold was a stunning embarrassment for the White House after
Obama rushed to Boston on Sunday to try to save the foundering
candidate. Her defeat signaled big political problems for the
president's party this fall when House, Senate and gubernatorial
candidates are on the ballot nationwide.


"...but, but they voted for guns in Massachusetts, that makes them
neocons!" - DGDumbshit, wrong again


Jan 20, 2010, 3:32:14 PM1/20/10

"McGarnagle" <> wrote in message

> Hey everybody,







How long will it be until you run away with your tail between you legs *this
time* Bongboi?


Jan 21, 2010, 4:07:28 PM1/21/10
RichL presented the following explanation :

Well, there you go.
I can agree with you 100% on that.

It all stops when they can no longer buy you. Most of the problems the
US have are caused by the goverment "fixing" things.

I think people are starting to see that every goverment handout has to
be paid you & me. Nothing is free. The cost isn't just money costs you your personal freedom.

BTW> The Democrats aren't the only ones who are doing it, both parties
are guilty.

"imaginary guitar notes & imaginary vocals exists only in the
imagination of the imaginer...and ultimately who gives a fuck

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