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McCartney's Jane Asher still beautiful after all these years

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Marv Bytes

Jun 19, 2004, 1:51:26 AM6/19/04

LONDON - JUNE 18: Author Jane "used to be Paul's "Woman" Asher attends "Tea
At 3" celebrity tea party at The Ritz Hotel on June 18, 2004 in London. The
Ritz event is one of many "Tea At 3" events taking place across the country
today to raises funds for the Hospice Care Campaign. (Photo by Steve
Finn/Getty Images


Jun 19, 2004, 1:59:38 AM6/19/04
Wow. She hasn't changed much in all these years, and she doesn't look phony. If
she's had any cosmetic surgery, she sure had an excellent surgeon. She looks
naturally beautiful

The REAL Carr Jelly 81

Jun 19, 2004, 2:53:42 AM6/19/04
Man, I know he loved Linda VERY much, but perhaps he really dropped the ball on
this one!

- Darren


Jun 19, 2004, 3:10:39 AM6/19/04

I think both of them were just too young and caught up in their careers.

Linda C.

Electric Divide

Jun 19, 2004, 3:23:31 AM6/19/04
Marv Bytes wrote:

Wow! Great to see that she's still pretty after all these years! She must be


Jun 19, 2004, 8:25:10 AM6/19/04
Jane was born in 1946, so she's 58 now. She's always been beautiful. Looking at
the quality of her skin, I'd say she has been sun-shy for most of her life.
Good for her.

Mutt n' Mute


Jun 19, 2004, 9:51:43 AM6/19/04
Also, although I think Paul deeply loved Linda, I don't think he chose her, she
chose him and made it happen.


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Jun 19, 2004, 5:52:08 PM6/19/04
Billie wrote:
>>The REAL Carr Jelly 81 wrote:
>>>Man, I know he loved Linda VERY much, but perhaps he really dropped the
>>ball on
>>>this one!
>>>- Darren
>>I think both of them were just too young and caught up in their careers.
>>Linda C.
> Also, although I think Paul deeply loved Linda, I don't think he chose her, she
> chose him and made it happen.
> Billie

Good point. She was determined to have him for years before they started

Linda C.


Jun 19, 2004, 9:12:32 PM6/19/04
At least he got to poke her a few times.


Jun 19, 2004, 11:17:09 PM6/19/04
> Caption:
> LONDON - JUNE 18: Author Jane "used to be Paul's "Woman" Asher attends "Tea
> At 3" celebrity tea party at The Ritz Hotel on June 18, 2004 in London.

Thanks for posting this pic.
I was a teenager during the whole "Paul dumps Jane for Linda" thing
and I remember feeling that Linda was a horrible interloper breaking
up a perfect relationship. Recently, when Paul said that the public
has never forgiven him for breaking up with Jane (in response to
criticism of Heather) I have to admit that I thought he might have a
bit of a point there...even though many posters on AGC dismissed the
When I was in London a couple of years ago I went to a play just
because Jane Asher was in it...I can't even remember what it was now.
She looked terrific, as she does in this pic. Proof that aging women
stars can still look great without trying to look 22.



Jun 20, 2004, 12:35:15 AM6/20/04
Jane Asher is 58 years old, is a prominent business woman, has written
many books, including novels, acts on stage, heads an organization re
autistic children, has a daily TV show like Martha Stewart, raised 3
kids, lives in a townhouse on the Thames, throws parties: a very major
celebrity in England. I'm surprised they haven't made her a Dame.


Jun 20, 2004, 2:01:04 AM6/20/04

He didn't drop Jane for Linda. Jane got fed up and broke up with him,
after which he began an affair with American writer Francie Schwartz.
Then he met Linda and dropped Francie for her. Francie has written about
this numerous times over the years, especially about the beginning of
John's romance with Yoko. Jane was already involved with someone else
(maybe the father of her first child) when Paul married Linda.

Linda C.

The Ubiquitous Orange Jumpsuit

Jun 20, 2004, 2:03:30 AM6/20/04

"mslinda" <> wrote in message

> after which he began an affair with American writer Francie Schwartz.
> Then he met Linda and dropped Francie for her. Francie has written about
> this numerous times over the years

sweet jesus, dont we know.

Marv Bytes

Jun 20, 2004, 2:16:37 AM6/20/04
mslinda <> opened in news:40D52849.4060106

> He didn't drop Jane for Linda. Jane got fed up and broke up with him,
> after which he began an affair with American writer Francie Schwartz.
> Then he met Linda and dropped Francie for her.

You forgot Peggy Lipton who was into between shana maidles Francie and Linda
Eastman (nee Epstein). That was during Paul's Jewish troika period.
He was dating so many Jewish babes at the same time that I think he started
to bench the shabbas candles on Friday night.


Jun 20, 2004, 4:53:53 AM6/20/04

"BuddyLove" <> wrote in message

> Jane Asher is 58 years old, is a prominent business woman, has written
> many books, including novels, acts on stage, heads an organization re
> autistic children, has a daily TV show like Martha Stewart, raised 3
> kids, lives in a townhouse on the Thames, throws parties: a very major
> celebrity in England. I'm surprised they haven't made her a Dame.
> BuddyLove

I must say... I LOVED Jane Asher. Looking back, I don't really know why,
but she was a role model or something. I adored Paul McCartney and when she
was his girlfriend, she seemed to be SO wonderful, perfect, etc. I can't
tell you how my 14 year old heart took to Linda.....

In any case, I am glad Jane still looks good. That's always a plus in your

PattyC<Still thinking about dying my hair red.....


Jun 20, 2004, 6:34:16 AM6/20/04
>You forgot Peggy Lipton who was into between shana maidles Francie and Linda
>Eastman (nee Epstein). That was during Paul's Jewish troika period.
>He was dating so many Jewish babes at the same time that I think he started
>to bench the shabbas candles on Friday night.



Justice Cow

Jun 20, 2004, 9:50:13 AM6/20/04
In article <BgcBc.13617$>,
"PattyC" <> wrote:

I loved her brother. when I was younger, I wanted to eat him up with a

"when the rain beats against my window pane
I'll think of summer days again.
and dream of you."


Jun 20, 2004, 9:50:47 AM6/20/04
Now that you say this, I remember. Don't forget, all we had to rely on for
gossip 'back then' were movie magazines, which were out of date before they
were printed. Thanks to the internet, we know what happened almost as soon as
the star's publicist can get to a phone, or a busboy gets his next break.


Jun 20, 2004, 12:52:59 PM6/20/04
The song you quoted was sung by Chad and Jeremy, I think. I was never
impressed with Peter Asher's looks. Jane also has a younger sister,
Claire, whom, I believe, was married to Gordon Waller, part of the Peter
and Gordon act. Both Peter and Gordon are still working in the music
industry today.


Jun 20, 2004, 1:04:59 PM6/20/04
I saw Jane Asher in 1971 on Broadway in "The Philanthropist." Alec
Cowan and Victor Spinetti were in it too. We were in the first row on
the right side. In a scene from the play, Jane had to stand angrily in
front of a bookcase, pushing her elbow into some books. She was about a
foot away from me. Later we got her autograph. Then we followed her
and Alec Cowan to Downey's Restaurant on 8th avenue. Our booth faced
her table. Not having much money, we ordered dessert and coffee. And
this is how close we ever got to the Beatles.
She was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was cut in a shag by Vidal
Sasson. She was healthy looking, with a bit more weight on her than
today. Her hair was orangey apricot. Her skin was pink, as were the
whites of her eyes. A true redhead. In some movies, I think they gave
her a darker shade of red hair via a rinse or something. I saved some
photos of her from the Internet. I have one in which she was 17, when
she met McCartney. It appeared at the time in Vogue. I will try to post
it on the Internet.


Jun 20, 2004, 1:10:33 PM6/20/04
In article <>,
BuddyLove <> wrote:

> I saw Jane Asher in 1971 on Broadway in "The Philanthropist." Alec
> Cowan and Victor Spinetti were in it too. We were in the first row on
> the right side. In a scene from the play, Jane had to stand angrily in
> front of a bookcase, pushing her elbow into some books. She was about a
> foot away from me. Later we got her autograph. Then we followed her
> and Alec Cowan to Downey's Restaurant on 8th avenue. Our booth faced
> her table. Not having much money, we ordered dessert and coffee. And
> this is how close we ever got to the Beatles.
> She was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was cut in a shag by Vidal
> Sasson. She was healthy looking, with a bit more weight on her than
> today. Her hair was orangey apricot. Her skin was pink, as were the
> whites of her eyes. A true redhead. In some movies, I think they gave
> her a darker shade of red hair via a rinse or something. I saved some
> photos of her from the Internet. I have one in which she was 17, when
> she met McCartney. It appeared at the time in Vogue. I will try to post
> it on the Internet.

Stalk much?


Jun 20, 2004, 1:12:22 PM6/20/04

Uh -- this happened in 1971 and apparently he has had no contact with her in
the past 33 years. How on earth is that stalking?


"If I had created reality television I would have had a much greater
influence, but then I would have had to KILL MYSELF."
Joss Whedon


Jun 20, 2004, 1:36:06 PM6/20/04
Anything or anyone remotely connected to the Beatles were stalked in
those days. But we were just kids. It was different then. I've posted
a photo of her (it hasn't appeared yet) on
on I don't have a clue if I did it right. If anyone
knows how to post pictures to newsgroups, please contact me.

Jun 20, 2004, 3:58:38 PM6/20/04
This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.


Jun 20, 2004, 4:39:29 PM6/20/04
Great skin. Doesn't look to me like it's been ratcheted up by a surgeon,
but I'm no expert.


Jun 20, 2004, 6:11:01 PM6/20/04
BuddyLove wrote:
> The song you quoted was sung by Chad and Jeremy, I think. I was never
> impressed with Peter Asher's looks. Jane also has a younger sister,
> Claire, whom, I believe, was married to Gordon Waller, part of the Peter
> and Gordon act. Both Peter and Gordon are still working in the music
> industry today.

I believe Paul wrote P&G's first big hit "World Withour Love." Waller
dated the late Eddie Cochran's fiancee Sharon Sheeley for awhile in the
60s before she married Shindig's Jimmy O'Neill. Peter became a very
successful record producer who did many of Linda Ronstadt's 70s hits. He
dated McKenzie Phillips for awhile.

Linda C.


Jun 20, 2004, 6:18:38 PM6/20/04
>Subject: Re: McCartney's Jane Asher still beautiful after all these years
>From: mslinda
>Date: 6/20/04 4:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

>BuddyLove wrote:
>> The song you quoted was sung by Chad and Jeremy, I think. I was never
>> impressed with Peter Asher's looks. Jane also has a younger sister,
>> Claire, whom, I believe, was married to Gordon Waller, part of the Peter
>> and Gordon act. Both Peter and Gordon are still working in the music
>> industry today.
>I believe Paul wrote P&G's first big hit "World Withour Love." Waller
>dated the late Eddie Cochran's fiancee Sharon Sheeley for awhile in the
>60s before she married Shindig's Jimmy O'Neill. Peter became a very
>successful record producer who did many of Linda Ronstadt's 70s hits. He
>dated McKenzie Phillips for awhile.
>Linda C.

McCartney wrote the song "Woman" for them, under the pseudonym Bernard Webb.

>> Justice Cow wrote:
>>> In article <BgcBc.13617$>,
>>> "PattyC" <> wrote:
>>>> "BuddyLove" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Jane Asher is 58 years old, is a prominent business woman, has written
>>>>> many books, including novels, acts on stage, heads an organization re
>>>>> autistic children, has a daily TV show like Martha Stewart, raised 3
>>>>> kids, lives in a townhouse on the Thames, throws parties: a very major
>>>>> celebrity in England. I'm surprised they haven't made her a Dame.
>>>>> BuddyLove
>>>> I must say... I LOVED Jane Asher. Looking back, I don't really know why,
>>>> but she was a role model or something. I adored Paul McCartney and
>>>> when she
>>>> was his girlfriend, she seemed to be SO wonderful, perfect, etc. I can't
>>>> tell you how my 14 year old heart took to Linda.....
>>>> In any case, I am glad Jane still looks good. That's always a plus
>>>> in your
>>>> 50's....
>>> I loved her brother. when I was younger, I wanted to eat him up with a
>>> spoon.
>>> "when the rain beats against my window pane
>>> I'll think of summer days again. and dream of you."

What A Friend We Have In Cheeses.


Jun 20, 2004, 6:27:56 PM6/20/04
I remember Francie because she wrote a very long article about their
affair some years ago.
I didn't really notice how far behind the gossip mags were until I moved
to LA in the early 70s and started getting my gossip fresh. <g> When I
worked for Schwab's, we knew exactly who was shacking up and breaking up
by where they wanted their stuff delivered. When Burt Reynolds started
calling late at night from Dinah Shore's house, we knew they were
together, long before we saw it in print. When Priscilla was calling to
have her deliveries sent to a new address while Elvis' guys were calling
from his old one, we knew they were over. When Mama Cass called to have
her gold-digging gigilo of a husband removed from her account, we knew
she had kicked him to the curb.

Linda C.

Makan amess

Jun 20, 2004, 6:28:12 PM6/20/04

what a hot piece...and she has both legs!


Jun 20, 2004, 6:33:30 PM6/20/04

Fortunately, I was already in college when Paul married Linda and John
married Yoko, but when I was in Jr. High, the Beatles' chicks were who
we all wanted to look like. Sixteen magazine had stories on how to do
your hair and makeup like Cyn, Pattie & Jane. I'm a blonde, so Pattie
was always my role model and I'd spend hours getting my hair to hang
straight and painting on the black eyeliner and pale lipstick.

Linda C.


Jun 20, 2004, 8:28:25 PM6/20/04
Not to mention getting ritually circumcised every night.


Jun 20, 2004, 8:30:07 PM6/20/04
I just remember that she was the sister of a guy in the Peter and Gordon group.
That was the buzz back then.


Jun 20, 2004, 8:32:28 PM6/20/04
Yeah, remember "Lady Godiva" ??????????

Justice Cow

Jun 21, 2004, 11:26:07 AM6/21/04
In article <>,
BuddyLove <> wrote:

> The song you quoted was sung by Chad and Jeremy, I think. I was never
> impressed with Peter Asher's looks. Jane also has a younger sister,
> Claire, whom, I believe, was married to Gordon Waller, part of the Peter
> and Gordon act. Both Peter and Gordon are still working in the music
> industry today.

thats right...sorry for my confusion. however ditzy my association,
their harmonys were strong and lovely.

> Justice Cow wrote:
> > In article <BgcBc.13617$>,
> > "PattyC" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>"BuddyLove" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>
> >>>Jane Asher is 58 years old, is a prominent business woman, has written
> >>>many books, including novels, acts on stage, heads an organization re
> >>>autistic children, has a daily TV show like Martha Stewart, raised 3
> >>>kids, lives in a townhouse on the Thames, throws parties: a very major
> >>>celebrity in England. I'm surprised they haven't made her a Dame.
> >>>BuddyLove
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>I must say... I LOVED Jane Asher. Looking back, I don't really know why,
> >>but she was a role model or something. I adored Paul McCartney and when she
> >>was his girlfriend, she seemed to be SO wonderful, perfect, etc. I can't
> >>tell you how my 14 year old heart took to Linda.....
> >>
> >>In any case, I am glad Jane still looks good. That's always a plus in your
> >>50's....
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I loved her brother. when I was younger, I wanted to eat him up with a
> > spoon.
> >
> > "when the rain beats against my window pane
> > I'll think of summer days again.
> > and dream of you."

I liked chad and jeremy too. sigh.

Message has been deleted


Jun 21, 2004, 11:18:08 PM6/21/04
pussycatdoll wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 11:26:07 -0400, Justice Cow
> <justi...@hotmail.cow> wrote:
>>I liked chad and jeremy too. sigh.
> I love the episode of the Dick Van Dyke show where Rob and Laura give
> the lads a place to stay. It is a pretty effective spoof on
> Beatlemania, which was happening when the episode was filmed (1964).
> Of course, Chad and Jeremy had their own legions of fans. It's a
> great episode. And man, was Mary Tyler Moore a fox.

Their band name was the Redcoats.

Why do I remember something like this when I can't remember to do my

Linda C.


Jun 21, 2004, 11:24:33 PM6/21/04
>Subject: Re: McCartney's Jane Asher still beautiful after all these years
>From: mslinda
>Date: 6/21/04 9:18 PM Mountain Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>
Hey Linda....Do you remember Phil Spector, Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart on I
Dream Of Jeannie?


Jun 22, 2004, 12:20:35 AM6/22/04

No, but that last post did remind me of Boyce & Hart on "Bewitched."
Serena did they song "I'll Blow You A Kiss in the Wind." I dated Tommy a
few times back in the day and still feel bad that he killed himself.

Linda C.

Jun 22, 2004, 1:58:55 AM6/22/04
mslinda <> opened in news:40D60B9D.50301

> Waller
> dated the late Eddie Cochran's fiancee Sharon Sheeley for awhile in the
> 60s before she married Shindig's Jimmy O'Neill.

Sharon wrote Poor Little Fool for Ricky Nelson. She used to describe him
as one of the nicest guys anyone could ever meet. If Rick were alive
today, there would definitely be a superstar band backing him up.

Poor Little Fool
Sharon Sheeley

I used to play around with hearts that hastened at my call,
But when I met that little girl I knew that I would fall.

Poor little fool, oh yeah, I was a fool, uh huh..

She played around and teased me with her carefree devil eyes,
She'd hold me close and kiss me but her heart was full of lies.


She told me how she cared for me and that we'd never part,
And so for the very first time I gave away my heart.


The next day she was gone and I knew she'd lied to me,
She left me with a broken heart and won her victory.


I'd played this game with other hearts but I never thought I'd see,
The day that someone else would play love's foolish game with me.


Jun 22, 2004, 1:59:44 AM6/22/04
pussycatdoll <> meowed in

> Of course, Chad and Jeremy had their own legions of fans. It's a
> great episode.

was it them or Peter and Gordon who appeared on the old Patty Duke show?


Jun 22, 2004, 2:10:17 AM6/22/04
to wrote:
> mslinda <> opened in news:40D60B9D.50301
>>dated the late Eddie Cochran's fiancee Sharon Sheeley for awhile in the
>>60s before she married Shindig's Jimmy O'Neill.
> Sharon wrote Poor Little Fool for Ricky Nelson.

I know. She lived down the block from where I am now when she was dating
Ricky and told me some great stories before she left us.

She used to describe him
> as one of the nicest guys anyone could ever meet. If Rick were alive
> today, there would definitely be a superstar band backing him up.

I prefer to think there *is* a superstar band backing him up. RIP Ricky.

Linda C.

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