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Re: Is Michael Phelps retarded?

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Bluuuue rAjAh

Aug 17, 2008, 7:12:32 PM8/17/08
Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote in news:9jaha494s6r0iqr1e8msvtk2juol86di9i@

> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

There are a lot of funny looking people besides Phelps competing. They
should rename the beach volleyball competition "Average chicks in bikinis."

Aug 17, 2008, 7:29:00 PM8/17/08
On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

It's amazing when given the chance what the mentally retarded can do.
One need only look at his dullard expression, odd shaped overbite,
sloped forehead, gapping mouth and freakishly large ears to reach a
single conclusion. "Down syndrome". This is not a face that will look
good on a wheaties box. Maybe he should do an ad for electroconvulsive
therapy and mini- yellow school bus helmets.


Aug 17, 2008, 7:34:54 PM8/17/08
Mat Lauwer wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

So nice that you can overlook his phenomenal talent and record breaking,
gold medal winning results. God only knows what you thought of Albert

Aug 17, 2008, 8:02:33 PM8/17/08
The world is full of very handsome athletes who have no talent and
never win anything.

Sports ain't a beauty pageant!

Abraham Lincoln was no looker, but he was one of the best presidents
we ever had.

By contrast, Ted Bundy was extremely handsome. He was also a serial

Not sure what the point of this thread is...must be a slow night?

David Johnston

Aug 17, 2008, 8:52:34 PM8/17/08
On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:29:00 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
>> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
>> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
>> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.
>It's amazing when given the chance what the mentally retarded can do.
>One need only look at his dullard expression, odd shaped overbite,
>sloped forehead, gapping mouth and freakishly large ears to reach a
>single conclusion. "Down syndrome".

If that is, you know nothing at all about about Down Syndrome, a
condition characterised by shorter than normal limbs, poor muscle tone
and a tendency toward recurrent ear infections, in short being as far
from a champion olympic swimmer as it is to get. Marfan Syndrome on
other hand is a connective tissue disease characterised by extremely
long and flexible limbs. It makes you loose and gangly and is
excellent for athletes in sports like swimming and volleyball provided
it doesn't kill them by damaging heart function. Flo Hyman, a silver
medal winning volleyball star regarded as possibly the best volleyball
player in the history of the sport had it undiagnosed until it killed
her. It does not cause mental handicaps but since ears are made out
of connective tissue it can have an effect on them and this may lead
to small-minded assholes drawing unwarranted conclusions about their
intelligence based on superficial criteria like ear-size.


Aug 17, 2008, 9:08:02 PM8/17/08

No.. He's "The Man From Atlantis"..


Aug 17, 2008, 9:15:36 PM8/17/08

.........and Babe Ruth. Pug faced but one of the most beloved
sports figures in history.

This is the best Olympics in a long time.

Let us enjoy the athletic talent on display
and rejoice that it has come a long way
from the first Olympics in which naked male
athletes competed to the delight of gay
male patricians in the stands.

maryanne kehoe

Aug 17, 2008, 9:25:03 PM8/17/08
>From: m...@lau.wer (Mat Lauwer)
>He looks like the doctor dropped him on the >floor when he was born.
>Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. >Did his mom have an affair
with a Chinese >guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

They said last night he was found to be ADHD in school.

He isn't retarted-but you sure are. Until you can come up with 8 gold
medals, get outta here.


Aug 17, 2008, 9:40:29 PM8/17/08
On Aug 17, 5:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

No but you clearly are.


Aug 17, 2008, 9:45:21 PM8/17/08
> No.. He's "The Man From Atlantis"..

I think Duffy can take him.


Aug 17, 2008, 9:47:37 PM8/17/08
On Aug 17, 8:52 pm, David Johnston <> wrote:

It's been reported that as a kid he had ADHD and was on the meds, but
he didn't like them, elected to not take them, and instead channeled
all that energy into his swimming pursuits. You see the results.


Aug 17, 2008, 10:00:07 PM8/17/08
Man what a tough crowd.
I think he is quite nice looking- just needs to get his teeth fixed.
Message has been deleted


Aug 17, 2008, 11:06:41 PM8/17/08
"Mat Lauwer" <m...@lau.wer> wrote in message

> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

Figure how many injections of steroids, HGH, kickapoo joy juice, speed, etc
he's shot up to get where he is. There's no doubt his brain and body have
been damaged. Steroids deform one's head structure. Look at Hulk Hogan. Or
Barry Bonds. They look like Frankenstein monsters.

Phelps is a drug deformity. The olympics are a freak show. Just like
American pro sports. His "medals" mean nothing.


Aug 17, 2008, 11:45:53 PM8/17/08
Talented athletes who don't fit Hollywood's idea of handsome : See 98
percent of the National Hockey League..100 percent of whom could easily
thrash the a** of the original poster.

"StormChaser" <> wrote in message


Aug 18, 2008, 12:18:46 AM8/18/08
Joe wrote:
>> No.. He's "The Man From Atlantis"..
> I think Duffy can take him.

Yeah, it's the webbed feet.

God versus a can of tuna

Aug 18, 2008, 1:53:47 AM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

Is Mat Lauwer jealous? Sounds like it.


Aug 18, 2008, 2:03:17 AM8/18/08

"Mat Lauwer" <m...@lau.wer> wrote in message
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

Not according to his wikipedia bio,

Aug 18, 2008, 2:15:08 AM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 6:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

It appears you are jealous of him because of his accomplishments,
Mat. And because of your various and numerous shortcomings, as well.

Aug 18, 2008, 2:16:07 AM8/18/08

Would love to see you try to beat him at any of the events he won gold
at fella.

Aug 18, 2008, 2:18:01 AM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 8:02 pm, wrote:
> The world is full of very handsome athletes who have no talent and
> never win anything.
> Sports ain't a beauty pageant!
> Abraham Lincoln was no looker, but he was one of the best presidents
> we ever had.

Lincoln was a hypocrite who had slavery outlawed in the South, but
continued to have slaves of his own.

Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers

Aug 18, 2008, 2:24:23 AM8/18/08
On Aug 18, 6:55 am, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

He is also a sex wallup....................


William December Starr

Aug 18, 2008, 3:47:11 AM8/18/08
In article <>,
Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> said:

> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was
> born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

And yet, he's successful and well-liked. Two conditions which you
will never know.

-- wds

William December Starr

Aug 18, 2008, 3:50:42 AM8/18/08
In article <>, said:

> On Aug 17, 7:29 pm, wrote:
>> It's amazing when given the chance what the mentally retarded can
>> do. One need only look at his dullard expression, odd shaped
>> overbite, sloped forehead, gapping mouth and freakishly large
>> ears to reach a single conclusion. "Down syndrome". This is not a
>> face that will look good on a wheaties box. Maybe he should do an
>> ad for electroconvulsive therapy and mini- yellow school bus
>> helmets.
> Would love to see you try to beat him at any of the events he won
> gold at fella.

"nephrum" couldn't beat Michael Phelps in a game of "Count Backwards
From Ten" if you spotted him ten, nine, eight and seven.

-- wds

William December Starr

Aug 18, 2008, 3:57:13 AM8/18/08
In article <>, said:

> On Aug 17, 8:02=A0pm, wrote:
>> Sports ain't a beauty pageant!
>> Abraham Lincoln was no looker, but he was one of the best
>> presidents we ever had.
> Lincoln was a hypocrite who had slavery outlawed in the South,
> but continued to have slaves of his own.

Um, are you sure about that last bit? It's true that the
Emancipation Proclamation only applied to the rebellious States,
and not the Union States which still permitted slavery, but is
there evidence that Lincoln himself ever owned anyone?

That said, I'm not a Lincoln admirer myself. He set some of the
terrible "In time of war, the President can do whatever he wants"
precedents that Bush (spit) has built on.

"The country has never regretted Abraham Lincoln's unilateral
suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, his defiance of a court
that held that suspension unconstitutional, the closing of
newspapers celebrating the Confederate cause and the exiling of a
leading Copperhead, Clement Vallandigham."

-- Bruce Fein, an associate deputy attorney general in the
Reagan administration, lying in a letter to the editor,
New York Times, 20 September 2002.

-- wds

Brian Fellows

Aug 18, 2008, 4:08:09 AM8/18/08
to (William December Starr) wrote in news:g8b9dv$rv9$1

"well-liked" is a huge understatement. I know several heterosexual men
who would not only be willing to fellate, but also be plowed by, Mr.
Phelps if the opportunity presented itself.

He's a fagmaker, and that's something special.


Aug 18, 2008, 10:12:00 AM8/18/08

Mary Loomer Oliver (aka Erilar)

You can't reason with someone whose first line of argument is
that reason doesn't count. --Isaac Asimov

Erilar's Cave Annex:

Aug 18, 2008, 10:16:14 AM8/18/08
On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:29:00 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:

>> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
>> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
>> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

>It's amazing when given the chance what the mentally retarded can do.

>One need only look at my dullard expression, odd shaped overbite,

>sloped forehead, gapping mouth and freakishly large ears to reach a
>single conclusion. "Down syndrome". This is not a face that will look

>good on a wheaties box. Maybe I should do an ad for electroconvulsive

>therapy and mini- yellow school bus helmets.

There ya go, loser.

WB Yeats


Aug 18, 2008, 10:38:21 AM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 8:02 pm, wrote:
> By contrast, Ted Bundy was extremely handsome.  He was also a serial
> killer.

No, Teddy only killed one person; he wasn't a serial killer.

Oh wait, I thought you were talking about Ted Kennedy.



Aug 18, 2008, 10:41:40 AM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 6:29 pm, wrote:
> On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> > He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.

Your envy is showing.

He already is pulling in about $5M per year in endorsements, even
without his 8 gold medals.

He isn't the best looking guy in the pool, but he's certainly not
intellectually disadvantaged in any way.



Aug 18, 2008, 10:52:26 AM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 6:29 pm, wrote:
> On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> > He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> > Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> > affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.
> It's amazing when given the chance what the mentally retarded can do.
> One need only look at his dullard expression, odd shaped overbite,

> sloped forehead, gapping mouth and freakishly large ears to reach a
> single conclusion. "Down syndrome". This is not a face that will look
> good on a wheaties box. Maybe he should do an ad for electroconvulsive

> therapy and mini- yellow school bus helmets.

He has a face?

David Johnston

Aug 18, 2008, 10:52:50 AM8/18/08
On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 23:18:01 -0700 (PDT),

>On Aug 17, 8:02 pm, wrote:
>> The world is full of very handsome athletes who have no talent and
>> never win anything.
>> Sports ain't a beauty pageant!
>> Abraham Lincoln was no looker, but he was one of the best presidents
>> we ever had.
>Lincoln was a hypocrite who had slavery outlawed in the South, but
>continued to have slaves of his own.

Lincoln never owned slaves.

It's the Principle!

Aug 18, 2008, 11:51:34 AM8/18/08
In article <>,

Yeah, how retarded that the guy doesn't even know the difference between an
overbite and an underbite, or that his ears are of normal size, just stick out
more than others. And CLEARLY he doesn't know jack about Down Syndrome, since
Down's features are radically different from Michael Phelps'.

Brandy Alexandre -- Keeping trash out of landfills one gift at a time.

Message has been deleted


Aug 18, 2008, 12:53:16 PM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 6:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

lmfao Seriously, you aren't the first or the last person to ponder
this. :-)

It's the Principle!

Aug 18, 2008, 1:10:46 PM8/18/08
In article <>,
kellyoc519 says...

>On Aug 17, 6:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
>> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
>> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
>> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.
>I think there is definitely something "off" about him. I couldn't
>quite place it - autism? Some slight form of mental retardation? It is
>probably not PC to discuss it during the Olympics, but I think it will
>come out later.
>Of course, congratulations to his great athleticism.

It's the cross bite. He should have had orthodonture as a kid, but they
probably couldn't afford it since his dad left when he was 7. The jaw thrust is
what causes the "off" look, but when you hear him talk, he certainly isn't
stupid. Young sounding, but not stupid.

For similar appearance, look at Jim Nabors and Eliot Yamin, even a little of Jay
Leno. Yamin had cosmetic recon after American Idol. You need to see the before
and after pics.

Steven L.

Aug 18, 2008, 1:20:13 PM8/18/08
CliffB wrote:
> On Aug 17, 8:52 pm, David Johnston <> wrote:

>> On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:29:00 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>>> On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
>>>> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
>>>> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
>>>> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.
>>> It's amazing when given the chance what the mentally retarded can do.
>>> One need only look at his dullard expression, odd shaped overbite,

>>> sloped forehead, gapping mouth and freakishly large ears to reach a
>>> single conclusion. "Down syndrome".
>> If that is, you know nothing at all about about Down Syndrome, a
>> condition characterised by shorter than normal limbs, poor muscle tone
>> and a tendency toward recurrent ear infections, in short being as far
>> from a champion olympic swimmer as it is to get. Marfan Syndrome on
>> other hand is a connective tissue disease characterised by extremely
>> long and flexible limbs. It makes you loose and gangly and is
>> excellent for athletes in sports like swimming and volleyball provided
>> it doesn't kill them by damaging heart function. Flo Hyman, a silver
>> medal winning volleyball star regarded as possibly the best volleyball
>> player in the history of the sport had it undiagnosed until it killed
>> her. It does not cause mental handicaps but since ears are made out
>> of connective tissue it can have an effect on them and this may lead
>> to small-minded assholes drawing unwarranted conclusions about their
>> intelligence based on superficial criteria like ear-size.
> It's been reported that as a kid he had ADHD and was on the meds, but
> he didn't like them, elected to not take them, and instead channeled
> all that energy into his swimming pursuits. You see the results.

And perhaps that's something that other parents should consider too:
Instead of doping up your kids for their ADHD with meds, try to find
that one activity that they will love so much that they will fight their
ADHD to succeed at it. Whether that's swimming or art or music or whatever.

Steven L.
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.

Allen Richardson

Aug 18, 2008, 1:35:56 PM8/18/08

"Mat Lauwer" <m...@lau.wer> wrote in message
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

It's mainly the wide open mouth all the time that creates that impression.
Yeah it's annoying as hell but it doesn't mean they are retarded. After all,
Bill Clinton has the open mouth deal going on often as does Barrack Obama,
and these are very intelligent, successful people and not retarded. I'd like
to just sit down with them and very politely suggest that they get this
under control because it does look retarded.

It's the Principle!

Aug 18, 2008, 2:03:37 PM8/18/08
In article <48a9b2f7$0$6606$>, Allen
Richardson says...
He holds his mouth open because his jaws don't meet. I've seen him flexing his
jaw and such, it probably gets tired, and maybe painful. Maybe after he's done
competing he'll consult a maxillofacial surgeon to see what they can do.


Aug 18, 2008, 2:40:59 PM8/18/08
kellyoc519 wrote:

> On Aug 17, 6:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
>> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
>> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. Did his mom have an
>> affair with a Chinese guy? He looks like a mongoloid.
> I think there is definitely something "off" about him. I couldn't
> quite place it - autism? Some slight form of mental retardation? It is
> probably not PC to discuss it during the Olympics, but I think it will
> come out later.

I've heard him speak and he sounds bright and educated. Nothing off
about him one bit.

If he was at all disadvantaged he's then a testament to how well one can
overcome that as well and be the one of the greatest athletes in the

Double kudos!


Aug 18, 2008, 3:40:35 PM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 6:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

Actually reminds me more of a condition called 'fragile X chromosone

It's the Principle!

Aug 18, 2008, 3:54:22 PM8/18/08
In article <>,
Step3p says...

>On Aug 17, 6:55=A0pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
>> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
>> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. =A0Did his mom have an
>> affair with a Chinese guy? =A0He looks like a mongoloid.

>Actually reminds me more of a condition called 'fragile X chromosone
Huh? None of the common physical characteristics apply to Michael Phelps.

Blowesha LaTwatta

Aug 18, 2008, 7:46:17 PM8/18/08
maryanne the mongoloid blabbles:

> >From: m...@lau.wer (Mat Lauwer)
> >He looks like the doctor dropped him on the >floor when he was born.

> >Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. >Did his mom have an affair
> with a Chinese >guy? He looks like a mongoloid.

> They said last night he was found to be ADHD in school.
> He isn't retarted-but you sure are. Until you can come up with 8 gold
> medals, get outta here.    

That's right. And let us not forget that Mr. Phelps, unlike **you**,
actually *worked hard* and *earned* his rewards fair 'n square. You
are a lazy obese Loaftard and so are reduced to entering fake mail -
in internet beauty "pageants"...


Gregory Morrow

Aug 18, 2008, 8:04:24 PM8/18/08

It's the Principle! wrote:

> In article
> Step3p says...
> >
> >On Aug 17, 6:55=A0pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> >> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> >>
> >> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. =A0Did his mom have an
> >> affair with a Chinese guy? =A0He looks like a mongoloid.
> >
> >Actually reminds me more of a condition called 'fragile X chromosone
> >syndrome".
> >
> Huh? None of the common physical characteristics apply to Michael Phelps.

He is not conventionally handsome but falls somewhat into the category of
"cute - ugly". I think he's real sexy...

When he was a kid some of his teachers told him that he wouldn't "amount to
anything". I wonder where those teachers are now...???


Spanglity & Colmes

Aug 18, 2008, 8:28:38 PM8/18/08
On Aug 18, 4:46 pm, Blowesha LaTwatta <>

A lazy "loaftard"......LMAO......that's hilarious. A "loaftard"....I
love it. Good one, Greg. I must admit that I know some small children
who are perplexed and are scared of the way Phelps looks, but they
still think it's "mad cool" that he's won so many awards; they still
regard him as an American hero who is "awesome". The kid *IS* very
strange looking, but Kehoe looks even goofier than a thousand Michael
Phelps wearing Speedos photos lined up next to each other, to be quite
honest. Besides, I'm sure there are a lot of people with ADHD who
still excel in sports. It's probably a good way for them to release
their excess hyperactivity and energy.

Kehoe is a wall of shame in and of itself.



Aug 18, 2008, 9:10:55 PM8/18/08
On Aug 17, 6:55 pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him.  Did his mom have an
> affair with a Chinese guy?  He looks like a mongoloid.

Foghorn Leghorn: Do I gotta spell it out for you, son? That boy just
ain't on the bean!

He makes Vin Diesel seem intelligent by comparison. As dumb as a sock
as Freddie Prinze, Jr. is, seeing pictures (or worse, video!) of
Phelps, makes me long for a hangdog expression Prinze, Jr. poster.

Just keep the guy out of the next one, PLEASE! Alexandre Despatie all
the way.


Aug 22, 2008, 12:44:01 AM8/22/08
On Aug 18, 7:04 pm, "Gregory Morrow"

<> wrote:
> It's the Principle! wrote:
> > In article
> <>,

> > Step3p says...
> > >On Aug 17, 6:55=A0pm, Mat Lauwer <m...@lau.wer> wrote:
> > >> He looks like the doctor dropped him on the floor when he was born.
> > >> Or maybe he has some Oriental blood in him. =A0Did his mom have an
> > >> affair with a Chinese guy? =A0He looks like a mongoloid.
> > >Actually reminds me more of a condition called 'fragile X chromosone
> > >syndrome".
> > Huh? None of the common physical characteristics apply toMichaelPhelps.
> He is not conventionally handsome but falls somewhat into the category of
> "cute -ugly". I think he's real sexy...

> When he was a kid some of his teachers told him that he wouldn't "amount to
> anything". I wonder where those teachers are now...???
> --
> Best
> Greg

Being able to swim from one side of a pool to the other side fast
really isn't amounting to anything. Even a guy working at Taco Bell
has more purpose in life. At least he's feeding hungry people. A fish
can do what he does without thinking. Is that what he accomplished to
be as good as a lower form of life?

the Bede

Aug 25, 2008, 6:55:42 PM8/25/08

"Keith" <> wrote in message

Oh wait, I thought you were talking about Teddy Ruxpin.


Aug 11, 2016, 4:22:10 PM8/11/16
Ok he looks retarded! Looks! Not saying he is, looks. If u dont that nk he does then your just as close minded!

Aug 11, 2016, 4:24:08 PM8/11/16
Ok he looks retarded. I dont care how many of anything he has, he looks and talks like hes retarded. Probably isnt, but def looks that way. . .

Aug 11, 2016, 4:32:10 PM8/11/16
Why is everyone ganging up on the person who asked this? And the people that agree. No one is jealous and no one cares who he could beat up. Bottom line is he LOOKS like he is mentally handicapped. And it is a legitimate question. And the fact that people agree that yes he does look retarded, is not mean, or not trying to say anything bad about him. He just looks retarded. If you think were making fun of him, then you must think that people who look retarded should be made fun of. Which is messed up. HE LOOKS RETARDED!!! Thats awesome that he won the olympics for swimming mad times! Doesnt change the fact that he looks retarded.


Aug 11, 2016, 6:15:34 PM8/11/16
In article <>, says...
>Ok he looks retarded! Looks! Not saying he is, looks. If u dont that nk he does
>then your just as close minded!

I bet you get an erection seeing him in a speedo...


Aug 20, 2016, 10:02:31 AM8/20/16
On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 4:32:10 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Why is everyone ganging up on the person who asked this? And the people that agree. No one is jealous and no one cares who he could beat up. Bottom line is he LOOKS like he is mentally handicapped. And it is a legitimate question. And the fact that people agree that yes he does look retarded, is not mean, or not trying to say anything bad about him. He just looks retarded. If you think were making fun of him, then you must think that people who look retarded should be made fun of. Which is messed up. HE LOOKS RETARDED!!! Thats awesome that he won the olympics for swimming mad times! Doesnt change the fact that he looks retarded.

Everyone of you should be ashamed. He is a national hero. Maybe you all should study Fragile X Syndrome. I figured out my son and his grandfather has it. It is inherited and skips generations. There are 3 degrees of the disorder. The more symptoms you have the higher up into the next category you are grouped. Yes, he has a very mild case of Fragile X . If anyone is in the highest category, then you would be very mentally handicapped. Maybe he does not know he has it. I hope someone tells him politely.
A Mom
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