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Update: Scientist's Gone Bad and Their Predictions Along With Them

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Oct 30, 2016, 12:37:22 AM10/30/16

Experts Said Arctic Sea Ice Would Melt Entirely By September 2016 - They
Were Wrong
Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
8 October 2016 o 8:57am

It's so hot in the Arctic, that Polar Bears are breathing fire.

Dire predictions that the Arctic would be devoid of sea ice by September
this year have proven to be unfounded after latest satellite images showed
there is far more now than in 2012.

Scientists such as Prof Peter Wadhams, of Cambridge University, and Prof
Wieslaw Maslowski, of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
California, have regularly forecast the loss of ice by 2016, which has
been widely reported by the BBC and other media outlets.

Prof Wadhams, a leading expert on Arctic sea ice loss, has recently
published a book entitled A Farewell To Ice in which he repeats the
assertion that the polar region would free of ice in the middle of this

As late as this summer, he was still predicting an ice-free September.
Alas, September has come and gone and we still have ice in the Arctic.
Blow THAT out your asses, screechers.


"NOAA And NASA Corrected Historical Temperature Data And Fabricated
Temperature Data"

"NASA Made Efforts To Discredit Their Own Satellite Data"

"NASA Refused To Give Data And Information Requested By The US
House Of Representatives Science, Space And Technology Committee"

"NASA And NOAA Caught In Climate Data Manipulation"

"NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000"

"Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA"

"NASA/NOAA Mislead, Deceive and Lie About 'Hottest Year' Claim - Concede
2014 NOT "Hottest Year"

"Climate Fraud: NASA's Recent Global Warming "Corrections" Equal a +95.0°C
Per Century Trend"


UN Official Admits That Climate Change Used As A Ruse To Control The
World's Economy
"Unequal Distribution of Wealth and Power" Causes Climate Change
U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare
Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare
United Nations Official Admits the Purpose of the Global Warming Hoax is
to Destroy Capitalism

Bret Cahill

Oct 30, 2016, 12:53:52 AM10/30/16
Even if it did git that hot it was still hotter in the Great Banglocene.

Wally W.

Oct 30, 2016, 12:54:40 AM10/30/16
On Sat, 29 Oct 2016 23:36:41 -0500, AlleyCat wrote:

>Experts Said Arctic Sea Ice Would Melt Entirely By September 2016 - They
>Were Wrong
>Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
>8 October 2016 o 8:57am
>It's so hot in the Arctic, that Polar Bears are breathing fire.
>Dire predictions that the Arctic would be devoid of sea ice by September
>this year have proven to be unfounded after latest satellite images showed
>there is far more now than in 2012.
>Scientists such as Prof Peter Wadhams, of Cambridge University, and Prof
>Wieslaw Maslowski, of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
>California, have regularly forecast the loss of ice by 2016, which has
>been widely reported by the BBC and other media outlets.
>Prof Wadhams, a leading expert on Arctic sea ice loss, has recently
>published a book entitled A Farewell To Ice in which he repeats the
>assertion that the polar region would free of ice in the middle of this
>As late as this summer, he was still predicting an ice-free September.
>Alas, September has come and gone and we still have ice in the Arctic.
>Blow THAT out your asses, screechers.

Even in the quintessential greenie disaster movie, "The Day After
Tomorrow," (from a dozen years ago ... so their "tomorrow" was, again,
bullshit) the catastrophe was over in a week.

So greenies have their panties in a wad about the possibility that
there might be a bad week ... a hundred years from now.

Why does anyone listen to greenie nutjobs?

Wally W.

Oct 30, 2016, 12:56:01 AM10/30/16
On Sat, 29 Oct 2016 21:53:49 -0700 (PDT), Bret Cahill wrote:

>Even if it did git that hot it was still hotter in the Great Banglocene.

... and the world didn't need saving from the Great Banglocene.

So why do you think it needs saving now, and who are *you* to think
you can save it?

Bret Cahill

Oct 30, 2016, 1:42:51 AM10/30/16
> >Even if it did git that hot it was still hotter in the Great Banglocene.

> ... and the world didn't need saving from the Great Banglocene.

'cause the Great Banglocene is natcheral as well as sciency sounding.

This means frying to death is OK.


Oct 30, 2016, 3:13:39 AM10/30/16

On Sat, 29 Oct 2016 22:42:50 -0700 (PDT), Bret Cahill says...

> This means frying to death is OK.

Yes... if it's during the Big Banging your mommy night.

So, we're going to wait until the temperature on Earth is one degree below
whatever degree we "fry" at, before we jump planet? Maybe you stupid shut-
in pussies are too stupid to do anything about NOT frying, but "we" ain't.

Pretty sure WARP speed will be attained by then, anyways, dumb ass, so
don't you fret now, ya heer?

Yeah... you're mommy wasted that collich moneys on yoor dum ass, fo sho.

I'd ask you to pay her back, but you're such a social skills nightmare,
that you can't get a job, and if you did, someone might end up killing
your punk pussy ass.

I don't even think your mommy thinks your worth going to jail for.

Silver Slimer

Oct 30, 2016, 10:20:15 AM10/30/16
All I know is that I need to replace my 2014 BMW 428i with a Toyota
Prius otherwise the planet will explode. I heard it from CNN so it must
be true.

Silver Slimer
Islam is a disease
Proud libertarian, unapologetic nerd, author, gamer, beast-mode teacher
and silver-tongued heel
Fingerprint: e58428b2633833a3b0c9bb7e40819166642245b7 @silverslimer

Man of Mind

Oct 30, 2016, 11:30:05 AM10/30/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
On 10/30/2016 8:57 AM, Tard&Malice whined:
> LOL. Now Tommy points out how stupid I am

Well, it is humorous to see you squirm and make excuses..

Republicans often as not create the very problems they say
that they're trying to solve, while blaming the Democratic
Party for what they did..

Man of Mind

Oct 30, 2016, 11:53:24 AM10/30/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
X-No-Archive: Yes

On 10/30/2016 10:44 AM, Tard&Malice whined, again:
> On 10/30/2016 10:30 AM, Man of Mind wrote:
>> On 10/30/2016 8:57 AM, Tard&Malice whined:
>>> LOL. Now Tommy points out how stupid I am
>> Well, it is humorous to see you squirm and make excuses..
> Hey Kurt, I made a typo

These are 'typos'?

"I posed a simple problem d/dx tanx. The drunk gave the
solution as du/dx(sex^2 U) and that solution is WRONG."

"d/dx tan(x) = sec^2(x)... has nothing...
NOT ONE THING to do with "differential equations"."

"God, do you really think it matters if it's a cap "U"
or a typo or not?"

"Dumbass that you are - d/du tan(u) = sec^2(u) IS the INCOMPLETE correct
solution, idiot... but, again, that WAS NOT the problem. Therefore,
sec^2(u) cannot be the solution to d/dx tan(x)."

"You changed the constant of "x" from ONE to TWO, dummkopf. What the
fuck does that have to do with the ORIGINAL identity, shit4brains?"

"your inability to grasp complex concepts confirm that you simply
don't have the competence to don't warrant a serious debate."

"My first, using google for find a formula that is too
complicate for me to understand..."

"The part where you because such an idiot beyond what is
physically possible."

"the build up of charge between the plates of a capacitor.
And yeah, the charge builds up between the plates, niwit."

"You do know that your it is a quadratic equation, not linear,
don't you"

"You don't don't the difference between a typo and a grammar mistake?"

"You think think about that before you started in on Rand Paul"

"If you were to ball a ball 500 miles above the Earth's surface"

"How can we insinuate against about your academic credentials?"

"True, but you know knowledge of hyperbolic geometry and
elliptic geometry is necessary to understand the Einstein
universe, so ti does have some practical purpose."

"Did you know that Rush listener are on average, better education
and more intelligence that the population at large?"


Oct 30, 2016, 12:29:34 PM10/30/16
On Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 12:53:52 AM UTC-4, Bret Cahill wrote a funny:

> Even if it did git that hot it was still hotter in the Great Banglocene.

Our good comrade Bret trying to post a funny....... LOL

Hey Bret.... do us a favor and come up with yet another "alarming" Gore Bullshit Warming prediction....

What do you say.... pal ? ? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Man of Mind

Oct 30, 2016, 12:32:41 PM10/30/16
X-No-Archive: Yes

On 10/30/2016 11:14 AM, Tard&Malice squirmed:
> Not all of them

You're lying, slaphead..

Examples follow..
"You don't don't the difference between a typo and a grammar mistake?"

"You think think about that before you started in on Rand Paul"

"If you were to ball a ball 500 miles above the Earth's surface"

"How can we insinuate against about your academic credentials?"

"your inability to grasp complex concepts confirm that you simply
don't have the competence to don't warrant a serious debate."

"My first, using google for find a formula that is too
complicate for me to understand..."

"The part where you because such an idiot beyond what is
physically possible."

"Everyone one is interested is seeing you repeatably
post that list of typos you've collected"

"When you're reduced to repeatably posting a list of typo's,
then it is obvious where you stand."

"He has only one play in his playbook, and he uses it repeatably."

"Kurt has only a few phrases in his arsenal, so he has to use
them repeatably."

"You do know that your it is a quadratic equation, not linear,
don't you"

"And to pour salt in the wound, I got the answer right the right time"

Wally W.

Oct 30, 2016, 1:18:59 PM10/30/16
On Sat, 29 Oct 2016 22:42:50 -0700 (PDT), Bret Cahill wrote:

>> >Even if it did git that hot it was still hotter in the Great Banglocene.
>> ... and the world didn't need saving from the Great Banglocene.
>'cause the Great Banglocene is natcheral as well as sciency sounding.

Maybe to those who don't think the the phrase is "bat crazy."

>This means frying to death is OK.

Who said anything about frying to death? I thought the big FUD spew
from greenies was about sea level rise and extreme weather.

How much temperature rise do you think is necessary before "frying to
death" is possible?

Maybe you should go back and think about what *causes* an engine to

You might want to cipher some op amp gains when you get stuck on
distingusining between cause and effect.


Oct 30, 2016, 6:43:02 PM10/30/16

On Sun, 30 Oct 2016 06:25:54 -0700 (PDT), Tom Sr. says...

"The movie concludes with two astronauts looking down at Earth from the
International Space Station, showing most of the northern hemisphere
covered in ice, including all of the United States north of the southern
states, and a major reduction in pollution."

Uhhhh... what happened to Global WARMING... you know... the Global Warming
The NOAA and NASA (see below) said is "coming" to a century not-so-near-

Yes, it WILL get warmer before it gets cold AGAIN, but we will adapt, as
we've done NUMEROUS times in the not-so-distant past.

If you want to debate Dr. Ian Clark, Phd., I'll give you his email
address. But alas... you're all talk and no walk. You rely on faceless
nameless government entities for your lies (see below).
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