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Reply to Bret Cahill..he DENIES conspiracies can be successful. Re: "Three Can Keep A Secret If 2 Are Dead." Partial List of Past Conspiracies... Many of Them Successful.

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Oct 3, 2017, 12:43:39 AM10/3/17

Bret Cahill thinks conspiracies can only be successful if it is only ONE person who is in on the conspiracy..

Well.... here are a few....

1552 BCE - Apophis Kush Alliance against Egypt as attested to in the second Kamose stele

1st century BCE - Catiline conspiracies

44 BCE - Liberatores conspire to assassinate Julius Caesar to restore Roman Republic. Caesar stabbed to death by group of Senators led by Gaius Cassius Longinus, Marcus Junius Brutus, and Decimus Junius Brutus.

65 CE - Pisonian conspiracy

Late 15th century (1478) Pazzi conspiracy, which included the Pope

1506 - Conspiracy against the life of the brothers Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara and Cardinal Ippolito d'Este, coordinated by their half brother Giulio d'Este and full brother Ferrante d'Este

1570 - Ridolfi plot against Elizabeth I of England

1583 - Throckmorton Plot to murder Elizabeth and replace her with her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots

1586 - Babington Plot, second major plot against Elizabeth, that led most directly to execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

1603 - Main Plot to remove James I of England and enthrone Arbella Stuart
— Bye Plot, leads to the execution of Sir George Brooke

1605 - Gunpowder Plot to blow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament as prelude to a popular revolt in the Midlands, during which James's nine-year-old daughter, Princess Elizabeth, was to be installed as the Catholic head of state; often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot; origin of Guy Fawkes Day

1749 - Conspiracy of the Slaves, ... by Muslim slaves to kill Grand Master Manuel Pinto da Fonseca and take over Malta with the help of the Barbary states.

1788 - Anjala conspiracy

1832 - Georgian plot, assassination of the Russian imperial administration and restoration of the Georgian monarchy

1865 - Abraham Lincoln assassination plot, to include assassination of cabinet members

1898 - The Dreyfus Affair, a coordinated attempt to falsely accuse Alfred Dreyfus of treason

1903 - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, presented as authentic text by the Tsar's secret police efforts to foment anti-Semitism

1914 - The Black Hand, a secret society controlled by Serbian Military Intelligence, coordinates the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, thus causing World War I.

1917 - 1991 Conspiracy to spread communism in the world. Following World War II by using the "Peace & Dis-armament Movement" in the west.. run by Soviet front organization "World Peace Council".

1924 - The Zinoviev letter, published in the United Kingdom before the 1924 general election, is a letter now believed to be a forgery. It was signed with the name of Grigory Zinoviev and addressed to the Communist Party of Great Britain. Its publication and contents led to speculation of a Russian communist conspiracy. The Conservative Party landslide at the election was partly attributed to the letter.

1938 - Presumed Hitler Youth Conspiracy, NKVD case in Moscow involving some 70 arrests and 40 executions of teenagers and adults, later found to be baseless

1939 - Operation Himmler and its Gleiwitz incident, "False Flag" terrorism by Nazi Germany as pretext for invasion of Poland
— Shelling of Mainila, "False Flag" terrorism by USSR as pretext for Winter War

1943 - Bomb on Hitler's aircraft, an attempt on Adolf Hitler

1944 - July 20 Plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler with suitcase bomb, and then use Operation Valkyrie to grab power

1953 - 1953 Iranian coup d'état Anglo-American conspiracy under the names of 'Operation Ajax' (CIA ) and 'Operation Boot' (MI6)

1954 - Lavon affair Operation Susannah, "False Flag" terrorism by Mossad

1968 - The Markovic affair, French Secret Service Gaullist plot destabilise future president Georges Pompidou

1969 to 1972 Secret war in Laos, and Operation Menu in Cambodia, concealed from Congressional oversight

1972 - Watergate scandal, burglary and cover-up scandals

1982 - Fighting Solidarity

1984 - Brighton hotel bombing - attempted assassination of Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet by the Provisional IRA

1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack

1987 - Iran-Contra Affair

1991 - Nayirah testimony to rally U.S. public support to launch the Gulf War


Hawass, Zahi, The Mysteries of Abu Simbel: Ramesses II and the Temples of the Rising Sun, The American University in Cairo Press, 2001, ISBN 977-424-623-3, p. 12

"The Catilinarian Conspiracy".

"The assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC". 2004.

"The Pisonian Conspiracy".

"The pazzi conspiracy".

"The year of Lucretia d'Este, Duchess of Ferrara".

"Plots against Elizabeth I". 29 January 2010.

"Queen Elisabeth I".

"The Babington Plot".

"Anthony Babington and the Babington Plot".


"The Gunpowder plot of 1605".

Sciberras, Sandro. "Maltese History - E. The Decline of the Order of St John In the 18th Century" (PDF).
St. Benedict College. Archived from the original (PDF) on 26 June 2015.

"Anjala Manor".

"The Death of President Lincoln, 1865".

"Emile Zola writes to Alfred Dreyfus at the height of the Dreyfus affair".

"Jews and Politics in the Twentieth Century: From the Bund to the Rise of the Nazis". Judaica in the Collections of the Hoover Institution Archives. Hoover Institution, Stanford University. 2004. Archived from the original on 2006-06-13. Retrieved 2006-04-28.

Hans Schafranek, Natalia Musienko, "The Fictitious 'Hiter-Jugend' of the Moscow NKVD" in: Barry McLoughlin, Kevin McDermott (Eds.),
Stalin's Terror: High Politics and Mass Repression in the Soviet Union. Palgrave MacMillan (2003), p. 208ff. ISBN 1-4039-0119-8. Retrieved November 24, 2011

"The Valkyrie Conspiracy".

"The 20 July bomb plot - a summary". 20 July 2010.

"The July bomb plot".

"Operation Ajax: CIA, Muhammad Mossadeq, and the Shah of Iran".

"Israel Military Intelligence: The Lavon Affair".

"Pompidou dans la tourmente". 26 July 2007.

"The history place".

"What was the Watergate Scandal?".

"The fighting solidarity organization".

"Hunger strikes and the Brighton bomb". 18 March 1999.

"A strange but true tale of voter fraud and bioterrorism". 10 June 2014.

"The Iran Contra Affair 1986–1987".

"Iran contra affair".

"How PR sold the war in the persian gulf".

Bret Cahill

Oct 3, 2017, 12:35:54 PM10/3/17
> Bret Cahill thinks conspiracies can only be successful if it is only ONE person who is in on the conspiracy..
> Well.... here are a few....

. . .

> 1943 - Bomb on Hitler's aircraft, an attempt on Adolf Hitler

Deniers think Hitler was killed in 1943?


> 1944 - July 20 Plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler with suitcase bomb, and then use Operation Valkyrie to grab power

Deniers think Hitler was assassinated in 1944?


Deniers think any of the other conspiracies lasted years and influenced public policy in democratic countries?



Oct 3, 2017, 5:21:59 PM10/3/17
On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 12:35:54 PM UTC-4, Bret Cahill wrote:
> > Bret Cahill thinks conspiracies can only be successful if it is only ONE person who is in on the conspiracy..
> >
> > Well.... here are a few....
> . . .
> > 1943 - Bomb on Hitler's aircraft, an attempt on Adolf Hitler
> Deniers think Hitler was killed in 1943?

Fuckhead can't read.... I'm beginning to think that Bret Cahill is perhaps Dyslexic....poor guy...

> > 1944 - July 20 Plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler with suitcase bomb, and then use Operation Valkyrie to grab power
> Deniers think Hitler was assassinated in 1944?

Fuckhead can't read.... I'm beginning to think that Bret Cahill is perhaps Dyslexic....poor guy...

> Deniers think any of the other conspiracies lasted years and influenced public policy in democratic countries?

Certainly did.... one of them that has lasted for years, and influenced public policy in democratic countries is called Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmism...

Pehaps you've heard about it.

Bret Cahill

Oct 3, 2017, 6:08:26 PM10/3/17
> > > Bret Cahill thinks conspiracies can only be successful if it is only ONE person who is in on the conspiracy..
> > >
> > > Well.... here are a few....
> >
> > . . .
> >
> > > 1943 - Bomb on Hitler's aircraft, an attempt on Adolf Hitler
> >
> > Deniers think Hitler was killed in 1943?


crickets as perdicted

. . .

> > > 1944 - July 20 Plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler with suitcase bomb, and then use Operation Valkyrie to grab power
> >
> > Deniers think Hitler was assassinated in 1944?


crickets as perdicted


Oct 3, 2017, 7:44:55 PM10/3/17
On Tue, 3 Oct 2017 14:21:57 -0700 (PDT), Catoni
<> wrote:

>On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 12:35:54 PM UTC-4, Bret Cahill wrote:
>> > Bret Cahill thinks conspiracies can only be successful if it is only ONE person who is in on the conspiracy..
>> >
>> > Well.... here are a few....
>> . . .
>> > 1943 - Bomb on Hitler's aircraft, an attempt on Adolf Hitler
>> Deniers think Hitler was killed in 1943?

> Fuckhead can't read.... I'm beginning to think that Bret Cahill is perhaps Dyslexic....poor guy...
Stop using foul language. You know better.
>> > 1944 - July 20 Plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler with suitcase bomb, and then use Operation Valkyrie to grab power
>> Deniers think Hitler was assassinated in 1944?
>Fuckhead can't read.... I'm beginning to think that Bret Cahill is perhaps Dyslexic....poor guy...
Grow up, foul language is what teenagers do as they mature. How old
are you Anyway.

>> Deniers think any of the other conspiracies lasted years and influenced public policy in democratic countries?
> Certainly did.... one of them that has lasted for years, and influenced public policy in democratic countries is called Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmism...
> Pehaps you've heard about it.

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Bret Cahill

Oct 4, 2017, 11:09:50 AM10/4/17
> > Bret Cahill thinks conspiracies can only be successful if it is only ONE person who is in on the conspiracy..
> >
> > Well.... here are a few....
> . . .
> > 1943 - Bomb on Hitler's aircraft, an attempt on Adolf Hitler
> Deniers think Hitler was killed in 1943?
> <CIA>


> > 1944 - July 20 Plot, attempt to assassinate Hitler with suitcase bomb, and then use Operation Valkyrie to grab power
> Deniers think Hitler was assassinated in 1944?
> <CIA>


> Deniers think any of the other conspiracies lasted years and influenced public policy in democratic countries?
> <CIA>


Bret Cahill

Oct 4, 2017, 11:20:32 AM10/4/17
> >> > Bret Cahill thinks conspiracies can only be successful if it is only ONE person who is in on the conspiracy..

> >> > Well.... here are a few....

> >> . . .

> >> > 1943 - Bomb on Hitler's aircraft, an attempt on Adolf Hitler

> >> Deniers think Hitler was killed in 1943?

. . .

> Stop using foul language. You know better.

When deniers aren't claiming AGW is a natcheral good thing denier theory becomes 100% dependent on the winger dinger conspiracy claim that "climate science is all a yuge conspiraCEEE.'

If you point out there has never been a century old conspiraCEEE involving tens of thousands of ebil scientists they start hyperventilating because they have no way to combat reality.

Deniers must go back to their claim that spiraling flood insurance premiums is natcheral and good.

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