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Gehenna Chronicle

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Dave Crampton

Aug 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/1/99
I'm sure this has been overdone by many storytellers across the world,
but I am indeed going to attempt one.

I'll be starting the characters off in 1990, just before Ashes to
Ashes. I won't be necessarily running them through the Chicago
happenings (unless they decide to go there), but obviously what happens
in one city effects other cities, and vice versa.

The point to this rambling posting is that I have been having trouble
assembling a timeline of the events on the WoD, let alone in Vampire,
from 1990 to the present. I don't have boku bucks to buy all of the old
supplements (the few that are actually available at nearby used
bookstores), so if anyone could compile that kind of timeline, I would
be greatly appreciative. Thanks a lot. :)

Dave "Skippy" Crampton

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste
good with ketchup.

"I forgot to mention that we have no office procedure that requires us
to wear pants." - Justin R. Achilli

Joshua Knorr

Aug 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/2/99
Dave Crampton <> wrote in message

> The point to this rambling posting is that I have been having trouble
> assembling a timeline of the events on the WoD, let alone in Vampire,
> from 1990 to the present. I don't have boku bucks to buy all of the old
> supplements (the few that are actually available at nearby used
> bookstores), so if anyone could compile that kind of timeline, I would
> be greatly appreciative. Thanks a lot. :)

There really isn't much of a major timeline of events...only a few stand out
as relevant in a Vampire game. In 1995 Chicago serves as the battleground
for a 3-way war between the Camarilla, Lupines, and Sabbat (aided by the
BSDs) which leaves many prominent Chicago Kindred dead, including Prince
Lodin. The Ventrue Horatio Ballard consolidates his power and assumes the
Princedom in 1996.

Roughly around 1998/early 1999, Ventrue Archon Theo Bell drives the Sabbat
out of New York City.

In Spring of 1999, Boston is attacked by the Sabbat and driven off by the
Camarilla, although it leaves the sect so weak the the Giovanni are able to
make significant gains (whether or not the city is under the control of the
necromancers has not been stated in canon).

In July of 1999 the Week of Nightmare happens. Ravnos wakes up, madness
ensues, and Ravnos is killed by sunlight after being softened by by first
some uber-powerful Kuei-jin and neutron bombs courtesy of the Technocracy.

1990 probably really early to start a Gehenna chroncile, although since it
*is* a Vampire game, it could work if you give your players a long time to
build powerbases (using an accelerated time frame) before the shit starts
hitting the fan.

Joshua Knorr


Aug 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/3/99
Beate Razen (
04.06.1996 --------------BCD7E7753D4642320FC3E1C4--

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Crampton <>
Date: Sunday, August 01, 1999 7:51 PM
Subject: Gehenna Chronicle

>so if anyone could compile that kind of timeline, I would
>be greatly appreciative. Thanks a lot. :)

>Dave "Skippy" Crampton

I don't know what web page I found this on, and I apologize to whoever I
stole it from. Here ya go. It is a Vampire Timeline, but you did say


*** WoD Time Line ***
from an idea by Capt'n Quaalude (3 Feb 94)
-- Ptitboul.
* ? -The first city is founded
-Caine comes to the first city to dwell.
-Caine creates 3 childes.
-God destroys the first city by flood.
-Caine creates the tapestry of blood to determine what he should do.
-Caine leaves.
* ? -The second city, Atlantis, is founded.
-Caine's Childes create their own childes.
* ? -The third generation starts getting uppity and starts embracing
childes of their own.
* -6000 -Agriculture in the Nile valley
* -5000 : Baba Yaga is embraced by Absimiliard. [WoD,p57]
* -4245 : Lower Egypt conquers Upper Egypt. Osiris takes control of
and banishes his brother Set. [Mummy,p59]
* many years later : Osiris is embraced by a stranger [Mummy,p69]
* ? : Set returns and imprisions Osiris. Later Osiris escapes and is
limb from limb. [Mummy,pp60-61]
* ? : Meshta is turned into a Mummy [Mummy,p61]
* ? : Horus is turned into a Mummy [Mummy,p61]
* ? : Isis restores Osiris to life. Set kills him again. [Mummy,p62]
Khetamon flees as the last of the Osiris' progeny. He doesn't stop
he reaches india. [Mummy,p64]
* ? -Khetamon perfects his discipline of Bardo and returns from hiding
create the children of Osiris.
* ~ -3028 : Tiamat is embraced by Arakur of Ur. [BldH,p19]
* ~ -3000 : Set's power is weakened by Horus' actions. [Mummy,p63]
* -3000s -development of Osiran mythology
* ~ -2834 -The sword of Nul is forged by Tiamat
* ~ -2620 : Birth of Queen Hetephras [Mummy,p69]
* ~ -2605 : Birth of Sahura during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, aka.
* -2650-2190 - the Pyramids(?)
* -2500 - Mesannepadda's Dynasty of Ur, worshipping Innana and Dumuzi
Tammuz, a mythical king mythologized as a dead-and-risen god, in Book
Nod a vampire)
* -2350-2300 -Sargon of Akkad conquers the Fertile Crescent
* -2100s -popularity of the Osiris cult; royalty promotes Amon-Ra cult
* -2000 -The start of the bronze age.
-Improvements in agriculture occure.
-The rise of the Egyptian pharaohs. The middle kingdom of egypt
* -1727 : Ankla Hotep is embraced by Smenkhara. [BbN,p120]
* -1728-1686 - Hammurabi rules in Babylon
* -1650 -The middle kingdom starts to decline due to the efforts of the
mummies and the children of Osiris.
* And the invasion of the Semitic, Baal-worshipping Hyksos. Seth becomes
identified with Baal in the mythology.
* Also around this time, the Aryan invaders, previously a minor
wipe out the Indus Valley culture. The aborigines are destined to
Dravidian untouchables and gypsies. Guess: Veddhartha leads the Arya to
victory, Sara Kali leads her followers, mortal and otherwise, away to
* -1500 -Agriculture improves to the point that human populations start
increasing steadily.
* -1273 : birth of Amen Khal [Mummy,p68]
* -1258 : Mithras is embraced by Veddartha [WoD,p32]
* -1223 : Sethnakht becomes the pharaoh of Egypt upsetting the Setites'
control of Egypt during his reign. [WoD,p70]
* -1207 : Helena is embraced by Minos [CbNII,p111]
* -1200 : Meneleus is embraced by Troile [CbNII,p64]
* -1191 : birth of Khonseru [Mummy,p76]
* The New Kingdom - Egypt rules from the Sahara to the Euphrates.
* -1032 : Nefertiti is embraced by Set [BbN,p116]
* ~ -1000 : Vasantasena is embraced by Unmada. [CotI,p29]
* -1000 -The Dionysian walks the earth.
-The greek city stats begin to flourish.
-The Brujah's Influence over the Greeks begin to increase.
* Egypt loses control over the Near-Eastern provinces.
* ~ -950 : Horus forces Set from Egypt. [Mummy,p64]
* -900 : "A being known as Heru-Behutet and his warriors defeated Set
his allies in a great battle. Set was exiled and his followers
slaughtered. In his anguish, Set vowed that if he were to be exiled
the darkness, then that darkness would become all-powerful."
* -900 -Mesopotamia gains control over Assyria.
* -814 -Carthage is founded by the Phoenicians.
* -753 -Rome is founded.
* -668-626 -Assyria ruled by Assurbanipal; destroys Thebes in Egypt
* -648 -Assyria conquers Babylon
-Scythian invaders weaken Assyria
* -612 -The captial of Assyria, Nineveh, falls to Nabopalasser of
-Setites stomp on the Baali bloodline.
* -598 -Babylonian occupation of Jerusalem (the 1st Exile)
* -587 -destruction of Jerusalem
* -552 : Stalest Coursain is embraced [DAV,p98]
* -539 -Cyrus II of Persia conquers Babylon. Obviously Mithras was
this one.
* -457 : The age of Pericles starts in Greece. [CbNII,p62]
* -431 -The Ventrue starts undermining the greeks to cut out support out
from under the Brujah. Greek city stats begin to decline.
* -423 : Critias is embraced by Menele [CbNII,p66]
* -342 : Lyle is embraced [DAV,p99]
* -331 -Alexander the great conquers Babylon.
* -320 : Necross is embraced [DAV,p92]
* -220 -Romans begin to patrol the coast of Macedonia.
-A celtic Druid creates the Phylacterty of Recorded Memory.
* -200 : Louhi is embraced [WoD,p56]
* -150 : Brunhilde is embraced [WoD,p55]
* -149 -The third Punic War begins.
* -146 -Carthage is betrayed and sacked.
* -132 : Horus moves to the Alps to make it a Mummy stronghold.
* -91 : The social war occures in Rome. Critias instigated this crisis,
his followers were put down by the roman Ventrues. [CbNII,p65]
* -86 : Eletria is embraced by Helena. [CbNII,p113]
* -55 : The first expedition of Julius Caesar reaches England. [WoD,p9]
* -51 : Mictlantecuhli is embraced [D:Mex]
* -50 : Setites regain control of Egypt. [WoD,p70]
* -50 -The Setites use Cleopatra to influence the Roman Senate.
* -33 -Set destroys the cult of Isis.
-Set creates the bane mummies.
* -3 : Victor is embraced [RAR,p91]
* 0 :Birth of Christ
* 12 : Rebekah is embraced by Elihu [CbNII,p145]
* 33 : Death of Christ.
* 33 : "Set himself vanished from the world (likely to escape being a
casualty of the Jyhad). Before he disappeared, Set promised his
that he would eventually return in all his dark glory." [PGII,p122]
* 37 : Caligula is the new Emperor of Rome. [WoD,p71]
* 37 : Setites manipulate the Romans into attacking the Nabataean
* 43 : Claudius undertakes the conquest of England. [WoD,p9]
* 47 : Aine is embraced by Bhallaire. [WoD,p30]
* 79 -Mt. Vesuvius erupts and destroys Pompeii.
* 87 : Gotsdam is embraced by Tiamat [BldH,p38]
* 106 : Emperor Trajan finally conquors the Nabataeans. [WoD,p71]
* 200 -Mayan Society starts to florish.
* 378 : Siegfried is embraced by Regulus [DAV,p97]
* 410 -Roman influence over England all but dies.
* 439 -The Kiasyd bloodline is created and breaks away from the Lasombra
* 476 -Rome falls to attacking barbarians, due to the efforts of the
* 483 : Inyanga is embraced by Esemkofu [CbNII,p86]
* 500 -The begining of the dark ages.
* 597 : Saint Augustine goes to England to convert the people. [WoD,p10]
* 600 -Mayan society suffers a period of decline.
* 632 : The prophet Muhammed dies. [WoD,p68]
* 793 : The first recorded Viking raid on England takes place off the
Northumbrian coast. [WoD,p11]
* 806 -The sword of Nul returns. It winds up in Bayt Al-Himah "the house
wisdom" where it sits on a shelf.
* 840 : Norwegians in Ireland founded a city which became Dublin.
* 866 : The Danes take York and begin to colonize north of England.
* 878 : Alfred the great of Wessex wins the battle at Edgington and
the Danes to agree to a frontier. [WoD,p11]
* 900 -The Mound-Builder empires centered on Cahokia in the mississippi
valley starts to florish.
* 911 : Norwegians in France are granted land. The Duchy of Normandy is
born. [WoD,p11]
* 932 -'The Ghosts of the Five Tigers' occult group is founded in the
Zhejian Providance of China.
* 963 : Ublo-Satha is embraced by Harlequin [CbNII,p122]
* 1000 -Pueblo Indians withdraw to canyon and cliff communities.
-Mayan civilation begins to rise again in the Yucatan.
-Leif Ericson discovers Vinland
* 1010 -Caliph Haker renounces the holy city of Jerusalem.
* 1022 : Tremere, Etrius, Goratrix, Meerlinda are turned into Vampires
* 1066 : Edward the confessor dies in England leading to war. [WoD,p12]
* 1066 : The battle of Hasting places William the Conqueror on the
as the first Norman king of England. [WoD,p12]
* 1072 -The Crusades begin.
* 1077 : Father Iago is embraced by Le Fanu. [NObN,p58]
* 1086 : All of England is subdued under Norman rule. [WoD,p12]
* 1098 -The Sword of Nul is stolen by the thief of Bagdad, a Brujah.
* 1099 -The Thief of Bagdad reaches Jerusalem.
-Jerusalem falls to the Christans.
* ~ 1100 : Gratiano is embraced by Lasombra. [CotI,p39]
* ~ 1100 : Lambach Ruthven is embraced by Tabak. [CotI,p43]
* 1119 -The first Gargoyal is created by the tremere as shock troops.
* 1121 -An Army of Gargoyals turns the tide against the Inconnu in the
Tremere/Inconnu war.
* 1134 : first settling of Berlin area by Albrecht the Bear.
* 1137 : Erik Eigermann is driven in torpor in Berlin by Karl Schrekt
demon hunter from Vienna [BbN,p13]
* 1191 : Khalid is embraced by Alexius. [CbNII,p103]
* 1201 -Pope Innocent III calls for the Albigensian Crusades.
* 1215 : King John signs the Magna Carta. [WoD,p12]
* 1215 -The Kiasyd overthrow the Ventrue in Strabourg, Germany.
* 1220 : Gustav Breidenstein is embraced by Ilse Reinegger. [BbN,p61]
* 1229 -The start of the Spanish inquisition.
-The Elders sacrifice their childes to save their hides.
* 1230 : Villon is embraced by Helena. [WoD,p57]
* 1233 -The Albigensian crusade winds down.
* 1235 : Karl Schrekt is embraced by Lotharius. [BbN,pp58,85,107]
* 1240 -The start of the anarch revolution.
* 1244 : Ilse Reinegger came in Berlin from Belitz.
* 13th cent. : Subitai is embraced in Poland. [WoD,p95]
* 1252 -Pope Innocent IV authorizes the use of torture in the spanish
* 1258 : The Barons' Revolt takes place in England.
* 1260 : The Mamluks come to power [WoD,p79]
* 1290 -The first son of Ether finds an interesting manuscript.
* 1300 -The Mound-builder empire declines.
* ~ 1300 : Ezuli is embraced by Ghede in Ethiopia. [WoD,pp113-115]
* 1313 -The Inquisition winds down. The Society of Leopold takes up the
-The Anarchs make peace with the Assimites.
* 1314 : Nicolai is embraced by Stromburg. [CbNII,p118]
* 1325 -The Aztec civilization is on the rise in mexico.
* 1348 : Petrodon is embraced by Cristo. [Anar]
* 1381 : The peasants revolt takes place in England. [WoD,p16]
* 1381 : Tyler is embraced by Robin Leeland. [CbNII,p67]
* ~ 1400 : Karsh is embraced. [CotI,p25]
* ~ 1400 : Jalan-Aajav is embraced. [CotI,p63]
* ~ 1400 : Danov is embraced. [VtMII]
* 1415 : Critias financed the voyage that brought Menele to the new
* 15th cent. : Elaine de Calinot is embraced. [Cb:Tr,p67]
* 1420 -The Anarch revolution reaches it's peak.
* 1424 : Bryan is embraced. [CbNII,p101]
* 1438 -The Incan civilization starts to rise in Peru.
* 1440 : Wilhelm Waldburg is embraced by Gustav Breidenstein. [BbN,p62]
* 1441 -The Tremere find the sword of Nul and store it in a safe place.
* 1450 -The Mayan civilation comes to an end.
-The Renaissance period begins.
* 1453 -Copernicus releases his paper, 'De Revolutionibus Orbium
Caelestium' heralding the rise of the tecnocracy.
* 1460 : The Wars of the Roses takes place in England. [WoD,p12]
* 1462 -Constantinople falls to Muslim turks.
* 1492 -Columbus reaches America.
* 1493 -The signing of the convension of thorns.
-The 'End' of the first Anarch revolution.
-The begining of the Sabbat Movement.
-The Signing of the original code of Milan.
-Most gargoyals flock to Paris.
-Most Assimites accept the curse, splitting thier clan.
* ~ 1500 : Vlad Tepes is embraced by Lambach. [CotI,p9]
* 1507 : Katarina Kornfeld is embraced by Gustav Breidenstein. [BbN,p66]
* 1517 -Luther's 95 theses set up things for the Christian Reformation.
* 1521 -Hernan Cortes conquors the Aztecs.
* 1526 : Hunedoare Castle falls to the forces of Vlad Tepes. [WoD,p59]
* 1528 -Vlad Tepes joins the Sabbat.
* 1530 -Lord Marcus develops the path of power and the inner voice.
-Franscico Pizarro conquors the Incans.
* 1532 : Ellison is embraced by Melitta Wallenberg. [BbN,p52]
* 1533 -The reign of Ivan the Terrible begins in Russia.
* 1543 : Masdela is embraced by Elonzo. [BldH,p14]
* 1550 -The Renaissance period winds down.
* 1557 : Don Caravelli is embraced by Caracus. [WoD,p55]
* 1558 -Elizebeth I ascends the throne in England.
* 1563 -A general outbreak of Bubonic plague strikes Europe.
-the Sabbat make a general blitz on all of europe.
* 1566 : Dr. Mortius is embraced by Mesita. [BldH,p57]
* 1571 : Battista Decamerone is embraced by an unknown indian. [DC,p44]
* 1579 : Madame Guil is embraced by the Baron Volgirre. [BldH,p10]
* 1584 -Ivan the terrible dies ending his reign in Russa.
* 1584 : Warwick is embraced by Powell. [DC,p32]
* 1585 -The Ottoman Empire comes to an end.
* 1588 : The Spanish Armada attacks England and is desimated.
* 1590 -The Roanok Colony vanishes.
* 1602 -First production of Hamlet
* 1604 -Galileo proves the laws of gravity. The Technocracy starts
itself The Technocracy.
* 1605 : The Catholic Gunpowder Plot takes place in England. [WoD,p20]
* 1607 -Jamestown is founded in Virgina.
* 1608 : John Dee is embraced by Meerlinda. [WoD,p34] [Cb:Tr,p65]
* 1609 -Galileo builds the first telescope.
-The Sabbat retreate to Scandinavia
* 1610 -A corterie of Brujah diabolists rediscover the path of evil
revelations due to the influence of the Baali.
* 1612 -Aaron creates his feeding razor.
* 1614 -John Napier discovers Logarithms.
-Countess Bathory's death is faked and she joins the Sabbat.
* 1618 -The 30-year war starts in europe
* 1620 -Pilgrams come to Cape Cod.
* 1622 -Richelieu is made a Cardinal.
-Opechancanough leads his indians against the setlers in Virgina.
* 1626 -Richelieu makes a powerplay in France.
* 1630 -Puritans come to Cape Cod.
* 1631 -Jeremy Macneil is born in Scottland
* 1635 : Tyrus is embraced by Gareth. [CbNII,p88]
* 1638 -Descartes propses the existance of Ether. This causes a massive
stir in the technocracy.
* 1642 -Bainbridge retracts his former superstions about comets.
* 1642 -Pascal creates the Pascaline, the first adding machine.
* 1642 : William Biltmore is embraced by Le Fanu. [DC,p32]
* 1642 : The English Civil War begins [WoD,p13]
* 1644 -Opechaneanough is captured ending the Indian troubles in
-Descarts principles of philosophy are published.
-The rise of the Manchu Dyasty in China.
-The Sons of Ether and the technocracy start feuding.
* 1645 : Lianna is embraced by Pascoe. [WoD,p38]
* 1648 -The 30-years war ends.
* 1650 -archbishop James Ussher of Armagh concludes that Creation
in 4004 BC.
* 1652 : The English Civil War ends [WoD,p13]
* 1658 : Death of Cromwell. [WoD,pp13,20]
* 1666 : The Great Fire of London takes place. [WoD,p13]
* 1672 -Goltfried Leibuiz creates a working calculator.
* 1673 : Philippe Rigaud is embraced by Henri. [CbNII,p138]
* 1688 : Lady Anne is embraced by Valerius. [WoD,p36]
* 1692 -The start of the salem witch trials.
* 1693 : The Treaty of Durham is signed by the Ventrue and the
* late 17th cent. : Robert Pedder is embraced. [WoD,p90]
* 1700 : Yaryan is embraced by Clear Brook. [CbNII,p146]
* 1703 : Pendragon is embraced by Dark Selina. [DC,p31]
* 1712 -Jarthis the slaver is embraced and he creates his merchant
* 1715 : Several Edinburgh Ventrue are slaughtered by the Toreadors. The
Toreadors try and fail to put James Stewart on the throne. [WoD,p21]
* 1720 -Tibet becomes a tributary of china.
* 1722 : Annabelle is embraced by Maria. [CbNII,p112]
* 1723 : Antonio Calbullarshi is embraced by Astio Giavetti. [NObN,p69]
* 1741 : Zachariah Slane is embraced by Maria Haige. [DC,p111]
* 1743 -An anarch named Rutherford reviels his true nature to a masonic
lodge creating a group of hunters.
* 1745 : The Toreadors try to put Bonnie Prince Charlie on the throne.
-The word 'vampire' first appears in the oxford dictionary.
* 1754 -The start of the French-indian war
* 1755 : Maxwell is embraced by Altamira. [CbNII,p68]
* 1757 : Peter Kleist is embraced by Gustav Breidenstein. [BbN,p64]
* 1763 -The treaty of paris is signed ending the french-indian war and
ending any chance of france becoming a power in the new world.
* 1770 -The boston massacre takes place.
* 1776 -The start of the American revolution.
-Sabbat influence in America increases.
* 1778 -Murican preforms the ritual that turns her into the first
* 1778 : John Reiss is embraced by Johann Kaspar. [DC,p58]
* 1781 -Uranus is discovered.
* 1783 -The end of the American Revoultion.
* 1784 : Effie Feng is embraced by Sun Tai T'ung. [DC,p50]
* 1789 : The start of the French Revolution, the first anarch true
* late 18th cent. : John Diamond is embraced by Meerlinda. [Cb:Tr,p27]
* 1790 -Ezuli comes to Haiti.
-Start of the industial revolution.
* 1791 : Elsa Linden is embraced by Annabelle. [DC,p56]
* 1793 : The reign of Terror begins in France. Many vampires flee.
* 1797 : Jacques Sirque is embraced by Pendragon. [DC,p42]
* 1799 -Napoleon gains control of France.
* 1800 -The library of congress is founded by a Toreador
* 1802 -Prussia signs a rather short lived treaty with France.
* 1802 : Michael Unther is embraced by Madame Guil. [BldH,p12]
* 1803 -Britain and france go to war.
-The US makes the Lousiana Purchase.
-Napoleon is revield to the Camarilla as a Sabbat pawn.
* 1804 -Napoleon becomes Emperior of France.
-The Sabbat inquisition is founded by Gustav Mallenhous.
* 1805 -Bartholomew becomes Prince of Cleveland.
* 1806 : Modius is embraced by Annabelle. [VtMII]
* 1808 -The Sabbat consolidate their hold over NYC and intensify their
efforts on Washington DC. It falls within 3 months.
* 1810 -The sabbat Organize the construction of the Erie canal to help
transporting troops up into the rest of NY state.
* 1812 : The war of 1812 begins.
-Camarilla forces work against the Sabbat.
-The sabbat reaches it's all time high.
-Napoleon invades Russia.
* 1813 -Garou instigate the creek indians to war.
* 1814 -The Sabbat stomp on the creek indians.
-Washington DC is burned and reclaimed by the Camarilla.
-The Canal Project is halted.
* 1816 : The war of 1812 ends.
* 1816-1820: Byron/Polidori's Vampire Lord Ruthven meets popular acclaim
(but where is he really?)
* 1817 -The Erie canal is resumed.
* 1818 -Solomon Junean founds Juneatown, which will become Milwalkee.
* 1820 -The Spanish under go a revoultion created by the camarilla to
undermind the sabbat.
-The missouri compromise is reached.
-A greek revival dominates US architecture for the next couple of
as an insane Toreador desides to 'improve' America.
* 1822 -Charles Babbage creates the difference engine.
-The Virtual Adapts are created.
* 1823 -The French restore the Spanish Monarchy, and the Camarilla to
* 1825 -The Erie Canal is completed.
-The Camarilla, in an effort to undermine native Garou strenght, has
US adopt a policy of transfering indians across the Mississippi river.
-Jarthis the slaver is killed by an assimite and his toung is turned
an artifact.
* 1826 : Upton Rowlands is embraced by Georgia Rowlands. [DC,p59]
* 1829 -Era of electoral reform starts in England
* 1829 : Robert Peel creates the London's Metropolitan Police. [WoD,p16]
* 1831 -Faraday discovers the principle of eletromagnetism.
* 1832 : In a great war between the soldiers at Fort Dearborn and Black
Hawk, the Indians suffer a grievous defeat. In the process, both Menele
and Helena are so injured that they enter torpor. [CbNII,pp18,27]
* 1834 -Rise of the Whig party
-The Sabbat civil war begins with the death of the sabbat regent.
-The Carlist civil war begins in Spain.
* 1836 -Remember the Alamo!
* 1837 : Start of Queen Victoria reign. [WoD,p14]
* 1837 : Maxwell becomes Prince of Chicago. [CbNII,p27]
* 1839 -England starts the Opium wars with china.
-The Carlist civil war ends in spain.
* 1840 -Reform Judaism develops.
* 1842 -The Opium wars end with England getting Hong Kong.
* 1842 : Maureen O'Leary is embraced by Lasker. [CbNII,p93]
* 1844 -The Whig party falls under the control of multiple Sabbat

-The Whigs and Nativists elect an anti-catholic mayor in NYC.
-Anti-catholic riots in Boston are uses as a ruse to cover up the
increasing conflict between the Sabbat and the Camarilla.
* 1845 -Potato blight strikes Ireland, leading to great famine.
-Poe publishes the poem, The Raven
* 1846 -The era of electorial reforms in England wanes.
* 1848 : Vlad Tepes joins the Inconnu. [WoD,p62]
* 1848 -Marxs and Engels issue a Communist Manifesto.
-The Tremere/Inconnu wars hits an all time High.
-The California Gold Rush starts.
-The first womans's rights rally is held in Seneca Falls, NY.
* 1849 -The safety pin is invented.
* 1850 -The first vampire opera is held in Paris
* 1851 -Spain supresses revolt in Cuba
* 1852 -The second French republic ends with Louis Napoleon proclaiming
Second French Empire.
* 1853 -Start of the Crimean War
* 1854 -The whig party is torn apart from within.
* 1855 -Dr. Livingstone discovers Victoria Falls, Rhodesia.
-Garou create the NYC central park caern.
* 1856 -The Crimean War ends.
-The construction of Central Park begins.
* 1857 -The start of the India Sepoy Rebellion.
* 1858 -The Sepoy rebellion is crushed. Britian takes over India.
* 1859 -Charles Darwin publishes Origin of the Species
* 1861 -The Tremere prefect the Ritual of the Bitter Rose.
-Lincon is elected president as the Civil War starts.
* 1862 -Richard J. Gattling creates the revolving Machine gun.
* 1865 -The American Civil war ends.
-Lewis Carroll's Alices Adventures in Wonderland is published.
* 1866 -The Ku-Klux Klan is formed.
* 1867 -America buys Alaska from Russia.
* 1871 : Devil's Night. O'Leary and other Malkavians light the Great
Chicago Fire. Lodin takes advantage of the chaos to overthrow Maxwell
become Prince of Chicago. [CbNII,pp19,27,92]
* 1873 -The US is plunged into depression by the stock market panic of
* 1874 -Central Park is finished.
* 1875 -The start of the Sioux War.
* 1876 -Porfiro Diaz rules as dictator of Mexico.
-Salvador Garcia is born.
-Custer gets stomped by a pack of Wendigo garou at Little Big Horn.
-The HMS Yawdevil puts into London port from India, unmanned, but on
* 1877 -The Sioux war ends with the Sioux getting wompped
* 1878 -The depression of 1873 ends.
-Michalgo determins the speed of light, and disprove the existance of
-The Sons of Ether break from the Technocracy.
-British rule of Cyprus starts.
* 1879 -Edison creates the light bulb.
* 1880 : Modius begins his rise to power in Chicago with the support of
Inyanga, Khalid and Procet. [CbNII,p19]
-America reaches 50 million people.
* 1880 : Fenton is embraced [Cb:G,p14]
* 1881 -The American red cross is founded.
-Word of the existance of the ritual of the bitter rose leaks out.
-Cleopatra's needle is donated to NYC central park.
* 1882 : Maxwell Ldescu is embraced by Karl Schrekt. [BbN,p58]
* 1885 -Benjamin Holmscroft founds the Arcanum.
* 1886 : The Haymaker Riot occures in Chicago.
* 1886 -The Statue of libery is unvielded in NYC Harbor, it is the
achievement of an elaborate practical joke being played on the Sabbat
Malk Content.
* 1888 : Jack the Ripper strikes! [WoD,p41]
* 1889 -The first chapterhouse of the Arcanum is founded in London.
-Justicar Gunther dies and Madame Guil is elected the replacement
* 1889 : Doyle Fincher is embraced by Inyanga. [CbNII,p86]
* 1890 -Oscar Wilde writes The portrait of Dorian Grey
* 1890 +/- 5 : Dracula visits London (is this connected with the
of the Arcanum chapter house?)
* 1891 -Carnegie Hall opens in NYC
* 1892 : Salvador is embraced by Ferdinand. [CbNII,p75]
* 1894 : The Pullman Strikes takes place in Chicago. Hinds is embraced
Lodin. [CbNII,p19]
* 1895 -X-rays are discovered.
* 1897 : Erichto is embraced by Nicolai. [CbNII,p120]
* 1899 -Start of the Boer War.
* 1900 -The Boxer rebellion starts in China.
-The Boston chapter house of the Arcanum is founded.
* 1900 : Oscar Wilde is embraced by Endymion. [WoD,p133]
* 1901 : End of Queen Victoria reign. [WoD,p14]
* 1901 -The Boxer rebellion ends.
-Tobin joins the Arcanum.
* 1902 -The Boer war ends.
* 1903 -The Wright brothers fly at kitty hawk.
* 1904 -The Washington DC chapter house of the Arcanum is founded.
* 1905 : Russian suffer a great naval disaster against the Japanese.
* 1906 -Unions reach new heights in power.
-The Big quake hits San Francisco.
* 1908 -Ford introduces the Model-T
* 1908 : Balthazar betrays the anarch of Chicago. [CbNII,p27]
* 1909 : Lin Jun is embraced in Paris. This chinese sorceress was a part
a Toreador plot against the Tremere. [WoD,p92]
* 1910 -The Boy Scouts of America are founded.
-The Cubist Art movement takes shape.
* 1911 -The Mexican Revolution begins as the Anarchs rise up against the
Camarilla, marking the start of the second anarch revolution.
-Amundsen reaches the South Pole.
* 1913 : Lodin gains control over Chicago's Unions. Modius flees to
* 1913 : Kurt Densch is embraced by Warwick. [DC,p54]
* 1914 -German Ventrue and French Toreadors start WW I.
* 1914 : The Panama canal opens.
* 1917 : The Bolsheviks seize control of Russia.
* 1918 : An anarch Revolt is thwarted in England. Women get the vote.
* 1919 : WW I ends with the signing of the Versailles Treaty.
* 1920 -Tobin publishes Tobin's Spirit guide in England.
-The Boston chapterhouse of the Arcanum is burned down by a Malkavian.
-The Mexican Revolution comes to an end when the Sabbat screw both the
Anarchs and the weakened Camarilla and take control of most of the
country. The second Anarch revolution ends.
* 1921 -Albert Einstein wins the Nobel Prize.
* 1922 : Mussolini comes to power in Italia.
* 1922 : The Gold Exchange Standard is adopted.
* 1923 -Hitler's Beer Hall putsch in Munich fails.
-The Arcanum's Boston Chapterhouse is rebuilt with added security.
* 1924 : Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin takes control of Russia. He starts
program of purges that leave 10 million people dead.
* 1924 -The Sabbat Inquisition is re-established by Julian of the Black
-Hitler writes Mein Kampf.
-Tobin drops off the face of the Earth.
* 1926 : The General Strike of London, started by the Anarch. [WoD,p21]
* 1926 -Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan.
* 1927 : Lindbergh makes a solo flight from NYC to Paris.
* 1928 -The First Disney film is released.
* 1929 : The Wall Street stock market crashes. The great depression
* 1929 : Latran Treaty. The Vatican is created.
* 1929 -Gandhi's civil disobedance campain begins.
-The Sabbat, having brought about the depression, make their move on
rest of New England from NYC.
* 1930 : Crowley is embraced by Achadramenos. [WoD,p37]
* 1929 : The CommonWealth is created.
* 1931 -India gains independance from England.
-The Japanese invade Manchuria.
* 1931 : Dieter Kotlar is embraced by Isabella Correlli. [BbN,p44]
* 1933 : Hitler comes to power in Germany.
* 1933 -The revised Code of Milan is signed, signaling the end of the
Sabbat civil war.
-The start of the dust bowl years in the midwest US.
* 1936 : Beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Franco is a puppet of the
Ventrue. [Anar,p13]
* 1936 -The Giovanni clan of Italy 'allies' with the Sabbat.
-The dust bowl years end.
* 1938 -Orson Wells Invasion From Mars broadcast is heard. It starts out
an actually invasion planned by the void engineers, but it incures too
much paradox and reality rewrites the events so that everybody thinks
was just a radio broadcast. A rift is formed between the Void Engineers
and the rest of the Technocracy.
* 1939 sept. : WWII begins in Europe.
* 1940 : Allied forces evacuate Dunkirk, the Battle of France is over,
Battle of Britain begins. [WoD,p15]
* 1941 dec. : Pearl Harbor is bombed and America enters the War.
* 1942 -Japanese relocation camps are created in America.
* 1942 : The first self-sustaining nuclear reaction is achieved. Critias
comes to Chicago to watch the atomic experiments. [CbNII,p66]
* 1943 : DuSable is embraced by Nicolai. [CbNII,p119]
* 1944 june 6th : Allied forces land at Normandy. [WoD,p15]
* 1944 : Los Angeles falls to the Anarchs and most of the rest of
California quickly falls as well. Jeremy MacNiel is proclaimed Leader.
* 1944 : Andrei is embraced by Siegfried. [CbNII,p76]
* 1945 : WW II ends.
* 1945 : Yalta.
* 1945 -Japanese relocation camps are disbanded.
-The United nations is formed.
* 1946 -Billy Gramham begins his Evangalistic Career.
-ENIAC is created.
* 1948 (may) : Israel is created. The first Israel-Arab war occures.
* 1948 : Ghandi is assassinated.
* 1948 : Berlin blockade.
* 1948 : Tito breaks from Staline.
* 1949 : NATO is created.
* 1949 : Comecon is created.
* 1949 : Russia gets the bomb.
* 1950 : The start of the Korean War.
* 1950 -The begining of McCarthyism.
* 1950 : Tammy Walenski is embraced by Khalid. [CbNII,p105]
* 1950 : A Nosferatu delivered the plans for United States atomic
to the Soviets, assuming the shape of Julius Rosenberg (Project
* 1951 : An Asamite kills Abdullah the King of Jordan to bring Talaq in
open [WoD,p68]
* 1952 : The first american H bomb.
* 1952 -UNIVAC is created.
-The first 3-D movies.
* 1953 : Stalin dies. Krouchtchev arrives.
* 1953 -The Korean war ends.
-Mt. Everest is conquered.
-The Goverment starts covering up cattle mutilations.
-Talbot goes on a 7 state killing spree with his chainsaw.
* 1953 : Manon is embraced by Ezuli. [NObN,p81]
* 1954 : Diên Biên Phu is taken by the Viêtminh.
* 1954 : The war of Algeria begins.
* 1954 -McCarthy is pranked by the Malkavians, ending his career.
-The Transistor is invented.
* 1955 -TRADIC is created.
-Talbot is killed by a disgruntled housewife in a car accident.
-H&R Block is founded.
* 1956 : The Second Arab-Israel war occurs. [WoD,p70]
* 1956 : Soviet Union calm a revolt in Hungaria.
* 1956 -The start of the cuban civil war.
* 1957 : The EEC is created.
* 1957 -Sputnik is launched.
-There are race riots at Little Rock.
-Jack Kerovac's "On The Road" is published.
* 1958 : The NASA is created.
* 1959 -The Cuban civil war ends with Castro gaining control.
* 1960 : The OPEC is created.
* 1960 -Brittish rule of Cyprus ends.
* 1961 : The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba fails.
* 1961 : Berlin Wall is built.
* 1962 : The Cuban Missiles crisis.
* 1963 -JFK is shot.
* 1960s : The Ventrue and Tremere of England stomp on a sect of Setites.
* 1964 : Krouchtchev falls. Brejnev comes.
* 1964 : China gets the Bomb.
* 1964 -the World's fair is held at NYC.
* 1965 -America gets involved with Vietnam.
-Malcom X is slain at a Nationlist Rally.
* 1965 : Ozzy is embraced by Jekyll/Hyde. [BbN,p49]
* 1966 -Tomas leary founds his religion based on LSD.
* 1966 : The Night of Rage occures in Chicago. [CbNII,pp21-22]
* 1967 : The Third Arab-Israel war occures - 6 days war. [WoD,p70]
* 1967 -The height of the Anti-British riots in Hong Kong.
* 1968 : Soviet Union calm a revolt in Tchecoslovaquia.
* 1968 : France gets the Bomb.
* 1968 : Martin Luther King is killed.
* 1968, april 28th : Lodin obtained permission from the Ventrue Justicar
settle the Anarch problem once and for all. More than 100 vampires are
said to have disappeared that night. [CbNII,p22]
* 1969 : A Nosferatu organised a riot in the Water Street area that
destroyed 30% of the buildings so the new constructions will have
accesses for Nosferatu (Project Tinkertoy) [Cb:N,p20]
* 1969 : Men land on the Moon.
* 1969 : First SALT treaty
* 1970 (black september) : loyal Jordanian Army units drive PLO out of
Amman. [WoD,p70]
* 1972 -Cattle mutilations reach 100,000 reported cases.
-Watergate is broken into.
* 1973 : The Fourth Arab-Israel war occurs - Kippour War. [WoD,p70]
* 1973 -OPEC cuts oil supplies, triggering a world wide recession.
-Skylab placed in orbit.
* 1974 -Nixon resigns.
* 1975 -The Virtual Adapts break ranks with the Tecnocracy.
* 1976 -Malk Content get's Jimmy Carter elected as a prank.
-Viking landers I and II land on Mars.
* 1977 -The first TRS-80 is produced.
* 1978 : Camp David treaty between Istrael and Egypt.
* 1979 : Margaret Thatcher is elected the first female Prime Minister of
England. [WoD,p15]
* 1980 -Ventrue regain the presidency as Ronald Regan is elected.
* 1980 : Revolution in Iran.
* 1980 : Solidarnosc is created in Poland.
* 1981 -The IBM PC is produced.
* 1982 : Argentina invades the Falkland islands. [WoD,p15]
* 1983 : The Anarchs rise up again in Chicago, with Maldavis. The
Wars begins. [CbNII,p23]
* 1983 : Bret Stryker is embraced by Annabelle. [CbNII,p114]
* 1985 -The Society of Leopold looses an operative in Haiti.
* 1986 -Jean-Claude "baby-doc" Duvalier is driven from power in Haiti.
* 1986 : Swedish prime Minister Olof Palmer is killed by the Valkryie
Brunhilde [WoD,p48]
* 1987 : Lodin defeats the Anarch uprising in Chicago. The Council Wars
ends with the Thanksgiving Massacre [CbNII,p24]
* 1988 : Stefan Rutigar is embraced by Ilse Bänsh. [BbN,p46]
* 1989 -a 6.5 earthquake hits Los Angeles.
* 1990 : Baba Yaga wakes up. [WoD,p54]
* 1990 : Helena awakens [CbNII,p27]
* 1991 : Sergei Voshkov is embraced by Baba Yaga. [RAR,p96]
* 1991 (august) : The Brujah Council in Russia gets eaten by Baba Yaga.
* 1993 : Garou and Sabbat assault Chicago, detroying almost half the
Kindred [CbNII,p25]
--- List of the codes used in the references.
[VtMII] : Vampire: the Masquerade II (WW 2002)
[D:Mex] : Awakening: Diablerie Mexico (WW 2005)
[Cb:B] : Clanbook: Brujah (WW 2051)
[Cb:G] : Clanbook: Gangrel (WW 2052)
[Cb:M] : Clanbook: Malkavian (WW 2053)
[Cb:N] : Clanbook: Nosferatu (WW 2054)
[PGtS] : The Player's Guide to the Sabbat (WW 2055)
[Cb:To] : Clanbook: Toreador (WW 2056)
[Cb:Tr] : Clanbook: Tremere (WW 2057)
[CbN] : Chicago by Night
[CbNII] : Chicago by Night II (WW 2203)
[HH] : The Hunters Hunted (WW 2205)
[PGII] : The Player's Guide, 2nd ed. (WW 2206)
[Anar] : The Anarch Cookbook (WW 2207)
[DC] : Dark Colony (WW 2212)
[BbN] : Berlin by Night (WW 2214)
[NObN] : New Orleans by Night
[BldH] : Bloody Hearts: Diablerie Britain
[WoD] : A World of Darkness (WW 2220)
[Mummy] : A World of Darkness: Mummy (WW 2221)
[CotI] : Who's Who among Vampires: The Children of the Inquisition (WW 2250)
[UaBRM] : Under a Blood Red Moon (WW 3102)
[DAV] : Dark Alliance Vancouver (WW 3103)
[RAR] : Rage Across Russia (WW 3105)

Dave Crampton

Aug 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/3/99
I'd like to thank both of you who replied to my question. You both
helped. :)

Dave "Skippy" Crampton

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste

Robert Scott Martin

Aug 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/4/99
In article <7o7606$era$>,
Lovelace <> wrote:

I make no claims for your accuracy elsewhere, but surely by

> * 1585 -The Ottoman Empire comes to an end.

you mean the Byzantine Empire.

The Ottomans were doing just fine until a nasty internal upheaval and
trouble abroad produced the nation of Turkey.


Aug 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/6/99

Robert Scott Martin wrote in message <7o9gs1$a7c$>...

>In article <7o7606$era$>,
>Lovelace <> wrote:
>I make no claims for your accuracy elsewhere, but surely by
>> * 1585 -The Ottoman Empire comes to an end.
>you mean the Byzantine Empire.
>The Ottomans were doing just fine until a nasty internal upheaval and
>trouble abroad produced the nation of Turkey.

Sure. Like I said, i got this from a web page somewhere years ago. I
personally am rather weak in taht era of history.

A Number

Aug 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/7/99

Lovelace wrote in message <7oer3c$2onb$>...

>Robert Scott Martin wrote in message <7o9gs1$a7c$>...
>>In article <7o7606$era$>,
>>Lovelace <> wrote:
>>I make no claims for your accuracy elsewhere, but surely by
>>> * 1585 -The Ottoman Empire comes to an end.
>>you mean the Byzantine Empire.
>>The Ottomans were doing just fine until a nasty internal upheaval and
>>trouble abroad produced the nation of Turkey.

Actually, the Byzantine Empire ended in AD 1453.

- A Number

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