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Issue 53 - 2000 New Year Edition

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Dec 29, 2000, 6:14:42 PM12/29/00
VOMIT UK 53/00
Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 30 December 2000

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed
right of reply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the
Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to
suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews
are. Almost every institution in the UK is corrupt. While the final
blame lies with the Member of Parliament and the Prime Minister,
Freemasonry is invariably involved along with the courts, the police
and local government. Everything we publish is aimed at the detection
and prevention of crime especially in the public sector. We act in
the public interest.

Who protected Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and
Kim Philby?
For some time it has been rumoured that the balloon was about
to go up on judicial corruption. The rumours centre on MI5, MI6,
oil, diamonds, the arms trade and the drug trade. We have enough
background information and experience to say, "There is no smoke
without fire".
MI5 has been shown to obtain or fabricate information on
individuals. The information, true or false, is used to blackmail or
discredit people. As far back as 1962 Chief Constable William
Merrilees informed West Lothian County Councillor Jane Balmer Paris
that we had acted against the interests of the state when the opposite
was true. We had been engaged in the design of guided missiles on a
cost plus basis. On another occasion, as Chief Engineer for the
Lambert Engineering Company, we had also to advise our authorities that
we were buying more Sherman tank "slewing" rings than we required (for
mobile hydraulic cranes) and that the surplus was going to Israel.
Glasgow police (Special Branch?) called upon us and warned us to keep
quiet. Had we not reported the exports we could have been jailed!
The French military attaché explained that the Israelis were allowed to
have fixed turret Sherman tanks for defence.
It is now clear that MI5 has been organising arms sales all
over the universe. Weapons sold to Chile were sold on to Iraq and
Iran. Pinochet was exporting tons of cocaine to Europe to pay for the
armaments. We know that cocaine was coming to a neighbouring site
(Charlie Kray collected from here) and that two police forces turned a
blind eye to the operation. Some of the cocaine came in steel
containers from Cape Town in South Africa. It now appears that at
least three men were made scapegoats to cover up the unlawful arms
shipments to Iran, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Indonesia, South Africa, Israel
and any country that could pay in cash or kind. The three victims
were Peter Hayward (the real one), Gerald James and John Drewe.
We have had doubts about Drewe. We saw the light when MI5 put his
life at risk by registering their surveillance cars using Drewe's
address. You will recall that Drewe claimed that the proceeds from
the sale of fake old masters went to a company named Allivane Limited,
which was controlled by MI5. Drewe showed that the company did exist
even although the Registrar of Companies concealed the fact.
Following a successful prosecution by Queen's Counsel Bevan before a
judge named Rivlin, Drewe was sentenced to 6 years in prison. He was
free on parole within weeks. The same Bevan put his recent
Christmas holiday before having a man who had spent 27 years in jail
released pending an appeal, which was bound to succeed. According to
Bevan he was attending his son's wedding in Kenya but his son is not
due to marry until Easter. While in Kenya he visited Mombasa a
former British naval base.
MI5 does not take us into its confidence but rumour has it that
Drewe cash flowed into a Swiss bank account and that the UK was selling
nuclear weapons to the South Africans and to the Israelis.
Gerald James, a victim of the Scott report (Law Lords Scott,
Hoffman and Steyne all left South Africa to practise law in the UK) has
to attend Room E17 in the Royal Courts of Justice, London on 17 January
2001 at 2 p.m. for an oral examination. This will lead to
bankruptcy. James is another victim to be made bankrupt and
homeless. The next move will be a Section 42 gagging writ.
Nelson Mandella joined the Masons in 1994. His government is
currently ensuring that all the money available for the treatment of
Aids has been commandeered to treat the ANC hierarchy and its
relatives. Soon whites will be kicked out of South Africa.

This is the season of goodwill. The Germans invented
Christmas and following that we had the Kaiser, Adolf Hitler and the
Holocaust. Things are not too bad in the UK even if the cost of
living is the highest in the world. We are saving on train fares
because there are no trains. We are also saving on petrol and diesel
because we cannot afford to buy any. (The price of crude oil has almost
halved since the protest but there has been no reduction on the price
of fuel.) The supermarkets, which check meat and poultry from
erection to resurrection, are cutting the health service bills by
killing thousands with food that is not fit for human consumption.
Latent variant CJD will also cut our health bill because MPs put profit
first and health second.
Foreigners are leaving the UK because they can see the sickness in our
administration from local government to national government. The
sickness is a direct result of judicial corruption. (JMF) On the plus
side there are fewer people in the UK and fewer people for the legal
system to exploit.
We can look forward to more strife in Ulster to distract attention from
the appalling record of this government. The police, on the basis
of "excellent intelligence", shadow car bombs into city centres before
making arrests, (If you believe that story about the bomb in Ulster
you will believe anything.) Now, after issuing instructions to treat
all Irish nationals as terrorists, police chiefs are wondering why they
have become targets for the IRA.
The adoption laws are being simplified to facilitate homosexuals
adopting infants and training them in anal sex and pudendum plating
from an early age. Senior citizens will be granted legal aid to sue
the government for discrimination because it did not lower the age of
homosexual consent when they were young.
We, a World War Two ex-serviceman, now wish that the Nazis had
won the war. Vote Labour but get rid of Blair, Brown, Irvine,
Mandelson, Prescott and Straw. The evil that men do lives after
them. Their loot is not interred with their bones.

This letter, dated 21 December, was received from a chap using
Peter Hayward's name.
<<< Re ELC (The home address of the Environment Law Centre is
Hollibury House, PO Box 267, SOUTHPORT, Merseyside PR8 1WD. Fax 01704
549091 and phone 01704 547418. Email )
I can well see why few take up your offer and right to reply.
It's a mug's game but here we go.
The only complaint was your subliminal linking of ELC with the
bent Charity Commissioners and other dubious practices of unconnected
charities. By making the unwarranted association you do ELC a
disservice and they end up feeling a bit miffed in the process. By
all means give them a bit more "free publicity" but leave hitting them
on the head with a hammer until they deserve it. It's not nice
especially when they are fully behind all the same causes we support
and you expound. Please kiss and make good the next time you have
some space. Many thanks! I think. >>>
Comment: Hayward asks us to kiss and make up. We are not tempted,
Peter, love. Also he teaches his grandmother how to suck eggs while
he brown noses the ELC. In the same letter he looks for support for
the Litigant In Persons Society (LIPS). We will soon have as many
organisations as we have victims. One cretin who complains about
housing benefit has formed an organisation entitled "The Greatest
Freedom International Human Rights Commission Under the Sun". Both
LIPS and ELC should join with the Campaign for A Fair Hearing in a
united front.
The shortest route to London from Manchester is via Newcastle-under-
Lyme not via Newcastle upon Tyne. Why go to Newcastle for coals when
there are coals aplenty in Manchester at lower prices? Why has LIPS
become a secret society run by two barrack room lawyers with a grossly
exaggerated sense of their abilities and importance? They that
bloweth their own horns those same horns shall not be blown. Give
Norman back his £700 and reduce the membership fee to £10 until the
membership approves of the increase. Stop asking for expenses in
advance and stop allowing victims to believe that they will win. Stop
exploiting the hospitality of victims.
When all the organisations decide to work as one unit there
must be a strict control of finances. Every payment must be recorded
and details published.
Do not give to charities. Don't buy a lottery ticket from a
US Mafia connected company championed by an illogical Masonic judge.
The National Lottery and charity donations are a tax on the poor.

There follows a letter dated 23 November from the Lifer Unit.
It was handed to Mr Dryden on 13 December 2000. The Masons usually
vent their spleen on Christmas Day.
<<< From: The Lifer Unit (Management), Room 132, Abell House
To: The Governor, H. M. Prison, NOTTINGHAM
Re: Albert DRYDEN CK0635
Please inform the above named life sentence prisoner that his
letter dated 1st November 2000, has been considered under the Request &
Complaint procedure and that the reply is as follows.
Thank you for your recent letter in which you inform us of your
intention to be placed in Frankland.
As explained in earlier correspondence to yourself, you do not
suit the regime for a dispersal person.
Your release by the Parole Board cannot be considered until
your tariff expires in 2004.
Signed M Lee Lifer Unit (Management). >>>
Comment: Mr Dryden has been openly critical of Freemasonry. This
explains why this scumbag Lee will not write to him directly. It
also explains Lee's vindictiveness. Almost every life prisoner has
had his sentence cut.
Mr Dryden has had two heart attacks, has an exemplary prison
disciplinary record and has been supported by a petition from 3,775
people in his hometown. Rub the Masons the wrong way and you are
liable to be ruined or killed. Mr Dryden spent 8 years in Frankland
Prison without causing problems. Why is he unsuitable now? Straw
is the most undemocratic Home Secretary within living memory. 100-
mph chauffeur not prosecuted. Drug dealing son let off. Serious
sexual offences by brother who gets slap on the wrist. Straw appears
to be compensating for his repeated humiliation when he was young. It
would be poetic justice if the new mental health restrictions resulted
in his being locked up for his own safety and that of the general

Let us give you an example of censorship by Mrs P M Reeson at
Weymouth District Land Registry (fax 01305 363646). This bint wrote
on 18 December to the Masefields (Fax 01308 485729) as follows.
<<< Thank you for your letter of 8th December 2000.
Under Section 112 of the Land Registration Act 1925, the
following are available for general inspection:-
(a) The entries on the register ; and (b) Documents referred to in the
register which are in the custody of the Registrar (other than Leases
or Charges).
The above provision does not include the documents in respect of which
you have requested copies. I regret therefore that no copies can be
supplied to you. Yours sincerely P M Reeson. >>>
Comment: The Land Registration Act has been completely altered since
1925. Registrars have discretionary powers but these appear to be
reserved for Masons and other crooks.
Addressees' comment: "Follows the same pattern as the Charity

Here is a letter dated 11 December 2000 from the same fax
number but from R Ford. He clearly doesn't want his staff to know
about the corrupt practices of Masons. We had to swear at him to stop
him faxing us. Now he faxes Barry Hunt on 01305 777348. Note that
Mr Hunt's fax number has not appeared in VOMIT for a long time.
<<< This Office has been receiving faxes concerning an organisation
called VOMIT and I have been trying to get them stopped as they do not
affect the work of this organisation.
Unfortunately, the sender always deletes their fax number and I
have been unable to trace the sender so that I can ask you to stop
immediately. If your fax number appeared for another reason, can I
ask you to call me on the number given below so that we can eliminate
you from our enquiries.
I apologise for bothering you if you are not the person who
sent the fax to us. Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully, (signed) R Ford, Investment Manager. >>>
How did this clown get the job? Mediocrity thy name is Mason.

From us to Collis, the Chief Land Registrar. Thursday 21 December
Mr Peter Collis Phone 020 7917 5980 Fax 020 7917 5936
Chief Land Registrar and Chief Executive, H M Land Registry
<<< I have your letter dated 18 December 2000 and bearing reference
No I don't want to hear about the past involving your predecessors and
your Leicester Registry, all of which have been seriously, corrupt or
incompetent. Nor do I want to hear what your solicitors told you.
You are in a well-paid job and are Chief Executive. If you don't
understand land registration you should resign. Indeed you have
already demonstrated that you are either a misfit or corrupt. Will
you explain how you got the job? Are you another Labour crony or just
another stinking Mason?
Will you deal with the problem of misrepresentation now with regard to
title number BM111915? Stop hiding behind the scoundrels who are low
down in the pecking order in Leicester and presumably in all Land
Registries. This situation cannot continue with you aiding and
abetting theft. Yours faithfully, JAMES M TODD. Copied to the
Prime Minister. >>>

Mrs Caminita is being held in a Bedford mental hospital because
her son, now resident in Italy, allegedly inflicted grievous bodily
harm on her. The son denies the offence. She is being detained
lest her son attacks her again. Due to the inaction of the Italian
ambassador it is possible that the lady is a guinea pig for stem cell
experiments. Drug profits! Any outrage is possible in NHS hospitals
where mediocrity is the stuff of management. Stephen Knight claimed
that Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons had to be Masons first.

Last week we reported how Netnation was taking down our Web page
and how solicitors Sharpe Pritchard, acting for corrupt Westminster
City Council, were evicting us from our home in London - both on
Christmas Day. We have managed to make alternative arrangements for
our Web page. We have learned that the City of Westminster Masonic
Lodge collaborates with the Central London County Court and presumably
with Sharpe Pritchard to ensure that Westminster City Council always
wins. One judge is described as "the old faggot White".
Note that Ministry of Defence has used the adjacent drug site for
weighing "surplus" equipment (ex DTEO Shoeburyness) and that army
personnel have brought new motor vehicles here for the same purpose.
Was it a special weighbridge or a special manifest? ". A driver
said, "The MOD is powerful".
Last year we had a police marksman here. There has been continued
wholesale corruption to the benefit of occupier (Hearn & Son) of the
drug site and of its associates Hellmann International Forwarders,
Simon Elvin, Icy Cools and Capricorn. The previous occupier of the
drug site emigrated to South Africa after making a profit well in
excess of £1 million in one year. South Africa's money laundering
facility is located in the Seychelles. A courier collects the cash in
the Seychelles and delivers it (diplomatic bag?) to the UK or to a
Swiss Bank in accordance with our ethical foreign policy. Read above
about nuclear exports.

Memo - Information sought on Karen Buck, MP, Capricorn, Icy Cools,
Simon Elvin, Hearn, Hellmanns, Drugs, Kennedys, Hewdens.
Published by J M Todd/Misbourne Farmhouse/Amersham Road/Chalfont St
Giles/Bucks. HP8 4RU
Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031
email Web page

Sent via

Peter Pedrotti

Dec 29, 2000, 7:59:07 PM12/29/00
"Horses' asses always outnumber horses."
-The American Zoologist, yr. unk.

<> wrote in message news:92j5st$5kt$

Henry Morgan

Dec 29, 2000, 8:08:42 PM12/29/00
What have we here...

It seems that someone has many political views without the

1. France supported South Africa in keeping fighter jets running because
France needed Uranium & Plutonium to keep up their mission in blowing atolls

2. Nelson Mandella is actually spelt Nelson Mandela.

3. When was the last time you visited South Africa?

4. Many years ago, Australia was under British rule, Coincidentally, this
was the same time that many Aboriginals were wiped out.

5. Goodness Gracious Me! Many Red Indians were obliterated during a period
of British rule.

Could there be some kind of scapegoat being formed by the world leaders in
racism here?

All the best for the New Year (and get your facts straight..)


<> wrote in message news:92j5st$5kt$

Evil Joe Schmuckatelli

Dec 29, 2000, 11:28:43 PM12/29/00
On Fri, 29 Dec 2000 23:14:42, wrote:

> Who protected Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and
> Kim Philby?

I did, Faxor Boy.

> It is now clear that MI5 has been organising arms sales all
> over the universe.

All over the *universe*, you say? That's where the weapons came from for the
Mars Colony riots! Lt. John Sheridan had a hell of a time dealing with those.
You know him -- he eventually got promoted to Captain and took command of
Babylon 5. Then, of course, they broke ties with Earth Alliance...

> We are saving on train fares
> because there are no trains.

..because you keep running them into each other.

> We are also saving on petrol and diesel
> because we cannot afford to buy any. (The price of crude oil has almost
> halved since the protest but there has been no reduction on the price
> of fuel.)

Right. Where were the fuel riots you promised, Faxor Boy?

> Foreigners are leaving the UK because they can see

..that you suck.

> The Masons usually
> vent their spleen on Christmas Day.

You, on the other hand, do it every week.

> Now he faxes Barry Hunt on 01305 777348. Note that
> Mr Hunt's fax number has not appeared in VOMIT for a long time.

..but it does now!

> The previous occupier of the
> drug site emigrated to South Africa after making a profit well in
> excess of £1 million in one year.

If it's that lucrative, why leave?

"One World, One Web, One Program." -- Microsoft | OS/2 Warp
| Solid like Linux
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." -- Hitler | Easy like Windows

"...but is what we're doing evil?"

"Of course not! Listen, Zip -- EVIL spelled backwards
is LIVE -- and we all want to do that!"

Hi! I'm the Spawn of Satan (tm)!
Ask me about franchise opportunities in your area!


Richard Jackson

Dec 30, 2000, 3:16:16 AM12/30/00
In article <92j5st$5kt$>, wrote:
> VOMIT UK 53/00
> Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 30 December 2000

Merry Christmas James. This might be the new year's edition, but it
appears to be the SOS.

In any event, Merry Christmas and as Happy a New Year as you can have.

Richard Jackson, PM
Corrigan Masonic Lodge #1103 AF&AM
Corrigan, Texas
newsgroup article copyright 2000, all rights reserved by Richard Jackson

Glyn Davies

Dec 30, 2000, 6:33:29 AM12/30/00
Figured out where they've hidden that surplus aircraft carrier yet? HMS
Dolphin - you know the one?


Malcolm Tucker

Dec 30, 2000, 7:54:23 AM12/30/00

<> wrote in message news:92j5st$5kt$

> Nelson Mandella joined the Masons in 1994.

Wowee !! What Lodge ?
No doubt our vomiter came to this conclusion because in 1998, as part
of the District Grand Lodge of the Transvaal centenary celebrations, we
gave R750 000 ( about $150 000 at the time ) to the Nelson Mandela's
Children's Fund. There were some nice press photo's of Mr Mandela
receiving the cheque from our DGM on the steps of Freemasons Hall, Parktown
Therefore, in accordance with the vomiter twisted logic, Mr Mandela must
have been a member to stand on the steps and receive a cheque !!

Malcolm Tucker
Lion Of the North 3640 UGLE

Glyn Davies

Dec 30, 2000, 8:01:17 AM12/30/00

"Malcolm Tucker" <> wrote in message

Not unusual at all. Mr Vomit is able to do a lot of things the rest of us
aren't. Did you know he's got hundreds of friends imprisoned on an
imaginary aircraft carrier?


Dec 30, 2000, 1:20:17 PM12/30/00

> We, a World War Two ex-serviceman, now wish that the Nazis had
> won the war.

No surprise there. Hitler hated jews, masons and homosexuals, and
supported the IRA, so you and he had rather a lot in common.

Glyn Davies

Dec 31, 2000, 9:08:10 AM12/31/00
He didn't say which regiment he was in during WW2 - could it have been 1
Waffen SS?

Either that or the Catering Corps


<> wrote in message news:92l90s$koj$


Jan 2, 2001, 5:49:30 PM1/2/01
In article <92j5st$5kt$>, writes

>VOMIT UK 53/00
>Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 30 December 2000
>Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed
>right of reply.
*h-r*Mischief making James Todd, carries on making promises HE
never intends to keep, in any event! He joined the *human-rights* Non
Governmental Organisation hall of 'SHAME' some time ago, after he
established the ground he stands on in the most profound way!
S-H-A-M-E? Read the words below the word 'vertically'.
*h-r*James Todd was asked POLITELY to publish responses to the
puke he published about genuine challengers. He defaulted. Needless to
say the DEMANDS from the victims FOR THEIR GUARANTEED(!) right to reply
which James Todd proclaims, as above, produced the same results as the
results from his mates, from those he addresses his puke to!

> JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the
>Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to
>suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews
*h-r*care of the planted mischief makers that JT knows of!

> Almost every institution in the UK is corrupt. While the final
>blame lies with the Member of Parliament
*h-r*James should refer to the words used by Oliver Cromwell
when he addressed the 'deputies of the people'. It is published by
*human-rights* for the benefit of the victims. The need to acquaint
themselves with the facts of history.
> and the Prime Minister,
*h-r*A letter from the Prime Minister is also published by and
at *human-rights*. James and his followers/mates should read it; they
should also read the EXPLICIT letter to the Home Secretary of 18th
December 1998 and then consider the results, the action by the
government, immediately thereafter. James might perhaps RECOGNISE THE
CONTRIBUTION by *human-rights*. He might even come up with appropriate
'witty remarks about those events and cease the sickening puke, from a
sick person!!!
James is called upon to contribute towards genuine and proper
challenges instead of churning out vomit he could be made to choke in!
>Freemasonry is invariably involved along with the courts, the police
>and local government
*h-r*Stop repeating yourself like an old 78 rpm gramophone
PROVE it! Publish evidence or assist the victims you refer to, to do so,
instead of USING THEM for your own private war with those you address!
And cease attacking *human-rights* for doing just what YOU HAVE NOT THE
>. Everything we publish is aimed at the detection
*h-r*WHAT? Why lead everybody to believe that you have evidence
and that is why you are so forthright with YOUR REPETITIOUS ALLEGATIONS!
PROVE YOUR ALLEGATIONS or pack it in, old man!
Get yourself an education. It is never too late to learn! Stop sucking
you thumb! GROW UP!
*** ***
and follow the links from the HomePage old boy and acquaint yourself
with the NATIONAL SCANDAL attached to the organised fraud through the
Social Security funds/budget INCLUDING LEGAL AID facilities abuses for
and through which CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUDS! Read about such organised
facilities and practices in the two APPEALS published by *human-rights*,
mischief maker!

>and prevention of crime especially in the public sector.
*h-r*Refer to above, mischief making and puke producer!

> We act in
>the public interest.

>Who protected Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and
>Kim Philby
>For some time it has been rumoured that the balloon was about
>to go up on judicial corruption
*h-r*Refer to the 2 APPEALS published by and at *human-rights*.
The material is intended also for the Blind, the Deaf and the Dumb.
Refer to the Daily Mirror headlines published at human-rights. We are
sue you can get somebody to 'explain' the complex issues to you, James!

>. The rumours centre on MI5, MI6,
>oil, diamonds, the arms trade and the drug trade. We have enough
>background information and experience to say, "There is no smoke
>without fire".
*h-r*EVIDENCE, such as FORGERIES are published by and at *human-
rights* James. IF you are acting in the public interest (as you 'puke'
through your verbal diarrhoea) PUBLISH EVIDENCE YOURSELF, if the victims
you promote, can produce any GENUINE staff!

>MI5 has been shown to obtain or fabricate information on
*h-r*The genuine victims know it; however THEY DO NOT KNOW who
are provided with 'false credentials and backgrounds' in order to
>The information, true
*h-r*in genuine victim cases!
> or false
*h-r*for mischief makers to attract, fool and use victims for
years, as James knows.

>, is used to blackmail or
>discredit people.
*h-r*Precisely as James invariably does by varying the pitch of
his falsetto 'utterances' over the years. Genuine victim-CHALLENGERS of
the Rampant Frauds and Corruption in the public services have invariably
been attacked by the prolific and imaginative JT.

> As far back as 1962 Chief Constable William
>Merrilees informed West Lothian County Councillor Jane Balmer Paris
>that we had acted against the interests of the state when the opposite
>was true.
*h-r*Why not refer to the Oliver Cromwell address and to the
fact that nothing ever changed in our pseudo-democracy, old man?

> We had been engaged in the design
*h-r*More fantasy island puke!

>of guided missiles on a
>cost plus basis. On another occasion, as Chief Engineer for the
>Lambert Engineering Company, we had also to advise our authorities that
>we were buying more Sherman tank "slewing" rings than we required (for
>mobile hydraulic cranes) and that the surplus was going to Israel.
>Glasgow police (Special Branch?) called upon us and warned us to keep
>quiet. Had we not reported
*h-r*Wow! That must have been in the public interest!
>the exports we could have been jailed!
>The French military attaché explained that the Israelis were allowed to
>have fixed turret Sherman tanks for defence.
>It is now clear that MI5 has been organising arms sales all
>over the universe. Weapons sold to Chile were sold on to Iraq and
*h-r*Was and has that not been the situation with PERU for
years, too? We fail to note anything about SUCH CURRENT REALITIES, in
the puke!

>Gerald James, a victim of the Scott report (Law Lords Scott,
>Hoffman and Steyne all left South Africa to practise law in the UK) has
>to attend Room E17 in the Royal Courts of Justice, London on 17 January
>2001 at 2 p.m. for an oral examination.
*h-r*Open Court hearing?

>This will lead to
>bankruptcy. James is another victim to be made bankrupt and
>homeless. The next move will be a Section 42 gagging writ.
*h-r*Surely they will not need that! Since when can a bankrupt
institute ANY proceedings without the leave of his/her master?

>Nelson Mandella joined the Masons in 1994.
*h-r*Almost everybody, who is anybody has heard of that, James!

> His government is
>currently ensuring that all the money available for the treatment of
>Aids has been commandeered to treat the ANC hierarchy and its
*h-r*Is that not the practice everywhere and more so in the
pseudo-democracies that are run on the principle we proclaim at *human-

> Soon whites will be kicked out of South Africa.
*h-r*At least confirmation from the 'enlightened one'. Religion
IS NOT THE OPIUM OF THE MASSES, but racism IS! Who better to indulge in
such practices but the 'inventors-advocates-promoters' of the 'religion
fallacy' and the "Anti-Christ teachings" evilmongers?
>This is the season of goodwill. The Germans invented
>Christmas and following that we had the Kaiser, Adolf Hitler and the
*h-r*The 'original' holocaust came before Hitler, James. History
is being re-written. Have you not heard that the French have already
recognised the genocide of the Armenians? Surely you knew and know that
the victims were Orthodox Christians; just as the Greeks were later and
the Serbs ARE NOW. The offenders tutored and USED by the very same group
of anti-Christ and anti Paulinist, ANTI-MORALITY advocates!). In Asia
Minor (Turkey to all now) the original holocaust, IF YOU KNOW or ever
covered GENUINE HISTORY at the schools you attended!

>Things are not too bad in the UK even if the cost of
>living is the highest in the world. We are saving on train fares
>because there are no trains. We are also saving on petrol and diesel
>because we cannot afford to buy any. (The price of crude oil has almost
>halved since the protest but there has been no reduction on the price
>of fuel.) The supermarkets, which check meat and poultry from
>erection to resurrection, are cutting the health service bills by
>killing thousands with food that is not fit for human consumption.
>Latent variant CJD will also cut our health bill because MPs put profit
>first and health second.
>Foreigners are leaving the UK because they can see the sickness in our
>administration from local government to national government. The
>sickness is a direct result of judicial corruption
*h-r*Read the 4th quote at the HomePage after the:
(1) Oliver Cromwell address to the deputies of the people!
(2) George Washington!
(3) Thomas Jefferson!
ALL quotes in succession cover the very issue of morals and law. HOW the
judiciary ARE USED in pseudo-democracies that are sold to the public by
deceivers 'through well organised PLACEMENTS' James should be familiar
with as an old 'campaigner'!
>. (JMF) On the plus
>side there are fewer people in the UK and fewer people for the legal
>system to exploit.
>We can look forward to more strife in Ulster to distract attention from
>the appalling record of this government
*h-r*Apparently the PRESENT government has been in place since
the early 1920's! Get your history books out James! Recognise that what
we are faced with IN IRELAND is nothing but PURE UNADULTERATED RACISM!
We are faced with ENGLISH (Protestants) - at war with IRISH (Catholics).
Land on terra firma, dreamer, and cease breathing in the 'drugs dust
from next door'!

>. The police, on the basis
>of "excellent intelligence", shadow
*h-r* Non Existent! As in Gibraltar?

> car bombs into city centres before
>making arrests,
*h-r*at least they abandoned the 'Shoot to kill' policy in
Northern Ireland!!!! What was the event in Hackney, however? A personal
vendetta or shooting practice?

> (If you believe that story about the bomb in Ulster
>you will believe anything.) Now, after issuing instructions to treat
>all Irish nationals as terrorists, police chiefs are wondering why they
>have become targets for the IRA.
*h-r*They ought not to ignore: "Respect thine enemies; you have
done something to create them!" (James Todd note!)

>The adoption laws are being simplified to facilitate homosexuals
>adopting infants and training them in anal sex and pudendum plating
>from an early age.
> Senior citizens will be granted legal aid to sue
>the government for discrimination because it
> did not lower the age of
>homosexual consent when they were young.
> We,
*h-r* PLURAL!
> a

> World War Two ex-serviceman, now wish that the Nazis had
>won the war
*h-r*You must have read 'The Outrageous Fortune', 'Europe's Full
Circle' and must have seen the Channel 4 documentary 'Hitler's Bankers'!
>. Vote Labour but get rid of Blair, Brown, Irvine,
>Mandelson, Prescott and Straw.
*h-r*Labour was repackaged as 'New Labour', old man! Nothing
changed! Go back to your recent history; recognise who were involved in
the Poulson Affair, party/local authorities. THEN VISIT the National
Scandal pages covering INSTITUTIONALISED Housing Benefit FRAUDS AND
CORRUPTION that is EXPOSED with and through documented evidence at
*human-rights*. Thereafter cease your ostrich acts and acting like a
spoilt brat. RECOGNISE that VICTIMS no longer need you to make fun of
them and their situations or circumstances. THEY CAN and HAVE THE RIGHT
TO PUBLISH both facts and evidence against those you complain of yet you
produce nothing in support of your, never ending and repetitious puke!
> The evil that men do lives after
>them. Their loot is not interred with their bones
*h-r*Bet YOU will then assert that you know where it is all
banked, as 'the all knowing guru in mischief making promotions and

>This letter, dated 21 December, was received from a chap using
>Peter Hayward's name.
><<< Re ELC (The home address of the Environment Law Centre is
>Hollibury House, PO Box 267, SOUTHPORT, Merseyside PR8 1WD. Fax 01704
>549091 and phone 01704 547418. Email )
>I can well see why few take up your offer and right to reply.
>It's a mug's game but here we go.
>The only complaint was your subliminal linking of ELC with the
>bent Charity Commissioners and other dubious practices of unconnected
>charities. By making the unwarranted association you do ELC a
>disservice and they end up feeling a bit miffed in the process. By
>all means give them a bit more "free publicity" but leave hitting them
>on the head with a hammer until they deserve it. It's not nice
>especially when they are fully behind all the same causes we support
>and you expound. Please kiss and make good the next time you have
>some space. Many thanks! I think. >>>
>Comment: Hayward asks us to kiss and make up. We are not tempted,
>Peter, love. Also he teaches his grandmother how to suck eggs while
>he brown noses the ELC. In the same letter he looks for support for
>the Litigant In Persons Society (LIPS)
*h-r*Why not PUBLISH THAT PART of the letter, if it exists,
James? Let the public decide WHAT SUPPORT and in particular WHAT FOR, if
the author states and or covers such matters!

>. We will soon have as many
>organisations as we have victims
*h-r*Thanks to puking MISCHIEF MAKERS who know not their own
mind from day to day and suffer from ever changing swing-moods and
establish themselves in the process as 'split personalities'. Surely you
know of the condition. as an expert in that area of human behaviour,
>. One cretin
*h-r*Look at your deformities, abnormalities and rethink your
perverted views, sick old man. Cease your attacks on GENUINE
> who complains
*h-r*the person you refer to, Dumbo, EXPOSES WITH, and
PUBLISHES, DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE; cease acting as the puking pervert of
the facts and realities in our country. Unlike you and those you promote
as alleged challengers and or victims, the person you attack PUBLISHES
EVIDENCE for the world to marvel at the capabilities of public servants,
within our pseudo-democracy that allegedly rests and is founded on Law
and Order!
> about
>housing benefit
through Local Authority malpractices that are entertained and are
*h-r*DEAL, like *human-rights*, with the FACTS AND REALITIES!
Visit and Read the relevant pages at:
*** ***

> has formed an organisation entitled "The Greatest
>Freedom International
*h-r*YOUR CORRUPTED MIND is playing games again James. The many
years of experience, you have, in puke producing diatribe, cannot change
the facts, old man.
*h-r*Look up the NATIONAL SCANDAL pages at the relevant web-site
and cease behaving like a spoilt brat!
> Human Rights
*h-r* IS a world (look it up - search the Internet Records)
REGISTERED ORGANISATION, Dumbo! Unlike your other pet 'societies,
> Commission
whatever! Land on terra firma and STATE FACTS, not perverted views!
*h-r*We are given to understand that, a Commission of sorts,
happens to be SOMETHING a colleague and protégé of yours is seeking to
create for and from within the corrupted fields within our pseudo-
*h-r*The intention, naturally, is FOR MORE JOBS FOR THE CIRCLES
THAT ARE ORGANISED BY....., the same tutors who guided you for many
years, old man! Speak of cronyism old man! SHAME on you!
*h-r*Cut the crap and deal with the facts you evade. PUBLISH any
evidence, IF YOU and your protégés have any in support of your puke!
> Under the Sun"
*h-r*How typical of a SUN-GOD (ex or not irrelevant)
believer!!!! (SUN-day for the day of rest by anti-Christ immoral and
for over 1400 years! Did you ever learn of or read of the expulsion of
the Knights Templar, Dumbo!

>. Both
>LIPS and ELC should join with the Campaign for A Fair Hearing in a
>united front.
*h-r*PROMOTIONS by and for the self adulation partners; seeking
to plant a new tree in a garden that is fed by and on poisonous
substances! WHAT ABOUT THE VICTIMS you are using, for your own purposes,
*h-r*Why do you persist and fail to recognise that the victims
do not need MIDDLE MEN, of your calibre? THEY CAN PUBLISH the facts of
life in our country without having to rely on 'mischief-makers' who are
serving other agendas!
>The shortest route to London from Manchester is via Newcastle-under-
>Lyme not via Newcastle upon Tyne. Why go to Newcastle for coals when
>there are coals aplenty in Manchester at lower prices? Why has LIPS
>become a secret society run by two barrack room lawyers with a grossly
>exaggerated sense of their abilities and importance?
*h-r*Surely you must have heard of their own SECRET BRIEFINGS
AND ARRANGEMENTS in October 1999! You must be aware that you are
referring to an alleged Society WITHOUT any Charter, any Articles of
Association, any Constitution and or even any published AIMS!!!
*h-r*You must now ask the person who chaired THEIR meeting in
October 1999, JT! Then come back and publish such facts and
'undisclosed' arrangements. Give us the chance to publish MORE FACTS AND
FAIR COMMENT on the issues, arising out of such practices.
*h-r*We do have such rights in international Law; never mind the
circles you (plural) gravitate and gyrate in!
*h-r*Inform the public that their intentions, then, were (and
are not) like your present promotions, now!
> They that
>bloweth their own horns those same horns shall not be blown
*h-r*YOURS are being CHALLENGED, mischief-maker! Land on Terra
firma! Cease inhaling the drugs dust from next door! Use your WW2 gas
mask! Surely you kept one, as a veteran?

>. Give
>Norman back his £700
*h-r*We do not remember you rushing to support Norman Scarth
when he was the TARGET OF ASSAULTS by the person you are seeking to
promote NOW! Do you want us to publish and interject in your Internet
Pages, the exchanges between the assailant and *human-rights* at the
time? On the other hand are you (plural) going to APOLOGISE TO GENUINE
VICTIMS and cease promoting your pseudo support to the victims?
*h-r*REMEMBER that victims CAN publish the facts of their cases
AS INDIVIDUALS; their rights ARE guaranteed under International Law;
they do not need your puke! They can and THEY ARE BENEFITING from their
very own web-sites where they can CHALLENGE AND EXPOSE THE FACTS AND THE
REALITIES you do nothing about, as a fun loving and puke producing,
mischief maker!!!

> and reduce the membership fee to £10 until the
>membership approves of the increase. Stop asking for expenses in
>advance and stop allowing victims to believe that they will win.
*h-r*WHY NOT WRITE of anything that is on offer, IF SUCH EXISTS
for the victims, IF you know of such FIRST AND FOREMOST, James?
*h-r*We have heard of many obstacles and obstructions to and in
the rights of the victims by alleged victim members James! We have also
heard of suppression of material facts and ALLEGED EVIDENCE that
allegedly EXISTS. Yet, IF such be genuine, NO PUBLICATION by the
promoters (who are following in your footsteps and very exemplary lead)
was ever contemplated by those who allege such 'evidence as genuine'.
*h-r*WORSE is the fact that 'the alleged victim-promoters of
THEIR own scenarios they are not simply failing to publish the alleged
'evidence they rely upon', THEY ALSO OBJECT and some even obstruct
others, GENUINE VICTIMS from publishing their GENUINE EVIDENCE and thus
challenge the offenders you serve through your informative 'puke';
names, addresses, telephones etc.
*h-r*You are referred to the evidence that IS PUBLISHED by
*human-rights* which you elect to ignore and overlook even though it
*h-r*Congratulations blind, old man and mischief maker! Cease
misleading the public along with others who similarly engage!

> Stop
>exploiting the hospitality of victims.
*h-r*Human-Rights advised you to cease exploiting and USING the
victims for your own fun and games, a long time ago!
*h-r*EITHER HELP the victims by publishing genuine evidence or
retire before you get more of that which you have been seeking for, over
a long period of time!
*h-r*In other words do not pass our recommendations to others,
while you elect to ignore the same advise to YOU, Dumbo!

>When all the organisations decide to work as one unit
*h-r*Some advise from the one who has done his best to bring
about NO Co-operation between the victims he invariably praises, then
assaults and or ignores so long as it suits HIS agenda for the day!
*h-r*Typical of the mischief makers relied upon by the offenders
to deliver Christ (decent citizens) to the cross AND TO LET THE
BARRABAS's (criminals) FREE to rule as organised and planned by
offenders and their associated mischief-makers! Refer to the Tony Martin
case-example, old man!
*h-r*TWO homes, James?

>- both on
>Christmas Day. We have managed to make alternative arrangements for
>our Web page
*h-r*Jim Hulbert, also suffered from such an assault and denial
of rights in 1999. He benefited from MANY OFFERS, thereafter, because
there exist those who respect the rights of ordinary citizens! SINCE he
followed our suggestion and started publishing EVIDENCE in support of
his very serious allegations and challenges of public servants (ABUSERS
OF PUBLIC OFFICE indulging/entertaining criminal offences through
misconduct in public office - refer to the *human-rights* web-site) the
trickles of recognition by vile and or doubting Thomas's are coming in!
*h-r*IF YOU CAN SUPPORT your own allegations, with documented
EVIDENCE, like Roz Kellet too, PROVE THEM too, old man!
*h-r*Cease wasting everybody's time, or retire to oblivion!
*h-r*TIMES ARE A-CHANGING', so the ballad goes, old man!
*h-r*The victims have the INTERNET and they do not need mischief
making, puke producing MIDDLE MEN, who always act FOR AND IN THEIR OWN
INTEREST ALONE! Land on Terra firma!

>. We have learned that the City of Westminster Masonic
>Lodge collaborates with the Central London County Court and presumably
>with Sharpe Pritchard to ensure that Westminster City Council always
>wins. One judge is described as "the old faggot White".
> Note that Ministry of Defence has used the adjacent drug site for
>weighing "surplus" equipment (ex DTEO Shoeburyness) and that army
>personnel have brought new motor vehicles here for the same purpose.
>Was it a special weighbridge or a special manifest? ". A driver
>said, "The MOD is powerful".
>Last year we had a police marksman here.
*h-r*Genuine, self-inflicted OR theatrical production, James?

> There has been continued
>wholesale corruption to the benefit of occupier (Hearn & Son) of the
>drug site and of its associates Hellmann International Forwarders,
>Simon Elvin, Icy Cools and Capricorn. The previous occupier of the
>drug site emigrated to South Africa after making a profit well in
>excess of £1 million in one year. South Africa's money laundering
>facility is located in the Seychelles. A courier collects the cash in
>the Seychelles and delivers it (diplomatic bag?) to the UK or to a
>Swiss Bank in accordance with our ethical foreign policy.
*h-r*And we know that payments from our own and the Swiss
ethical governments were made to 'selected' victims of the Second World
War. You may pretend not to know or have not heard of the fact that
those you wish (elsewhere in this edition of your puke) had won that war
sent a delegation from Greece packing for daring to seek compensation
for the wiping out of a whole village (old men, old women, pregnant
women and children) those who were not out and fighting the guerilla war
AGAINST THE Nazis; the genocide took place on the day the 'Allies'
invaded fortress Europe.
*h-r*We are sure you and your mates will concoct some 'feasible,
to the naive and un-informed, explanation' for such blatant
DISCRIMINATION, by and from today's German, government. Such blunt
refusal from a government in United Europe! And the peoples of Europe,
now, working and providing for the Masters and the Lords that YOU

> Read above
>about nuclear exports.
>Memo - Information sought on Karen Buck, MP, Capricorn, Icy Cools,
>Simon Elvin, Hearn, Hellmanns, Drugs, Kennedys, Hewdens.
> Published by J M Todd/Misbourne Farmhouse/Amersham Road/Chalfont St
>Giles/Bucks. HP8 4RU
>Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031
>email Web page
>Sent via
Non Governmental Organisation
protecting and promoting
Human Rights World Wide
go to:
and join the human-rights COMMUNITY ON LINE
"Do with, by and for yourself that which pleases you,
as long as that which you do does not infringe or
violate the rights of any other". (Andrew 1975)

Roger J. P. Jones

Jan 4, 2001, 11:39:42 AM1/4/01
In article <$>, webmaster
<> writes

Andrew, I have been reading your clash with VOMIT on, grate

Also read a lot of your "Human - Rights" "First class!" - but a bit
heavy on us that can not spell, no-good at grammar etc. (read in a bit I
did read).

Sincerely, really wonderful stuff! And I believe the right approach to a
vital aspect of life, "happiness".

Targets were beyond criticism.

I will try to read it all (and re read) when telephone rates are cheaper
at the weekend. (If my computer holds out that long, its giving me

All the best


Roger J. P. Jones


Jan 5, 2001, 4:57:47 AM1/5/01
Henry Morgan wrote:

> 5. Goodness Gracious Me! Many Red Indians were obliterated during a period
> of British rule.
Funny that - many red indians (if that is the PC expression) - moved
from the independent USA to - Canada - under British rule (as you would
say) because they were being exterminated by the (now free) Americans
and protected by the (dreaded) Brits!


Jan 7, 2001, 5:26:25 AM1/7/01

"Eugene" <> wrote in message

How many died due to the spread of illness? How many people died of the
Black Death in Europe? We dont blame the French do we? Although, thinking
about it.......



Jan 7, 2001, 9:05:28 PM1/7/01
In article <d$>, Roger J. P.
Jones <> writes
as a genuine victim that I have known you to be for years now, I
did not expect of you anything but recognition of THE ONLY WAY TO

Thank you for your kind words, and accept my apologies for
having to draw attention to the puking dreamer's spelling.
His blindness, while venting his vile attacks on GENUINE
CHALLENGERS (to placate(!) the offenders(?), presumably(!)) was made
obvious through his spelling; no concentration on that which he was
There was no intention in my posting to offend and or insult
anyone else because of the spelling (construction of the sentence)
errors in the mischief makers publication.

You can enjoy it all OFF LINE by clicking on File (top left) and
then going down to "SEND TO", when you access any file/material and it
is open; you can 'send it' to your documents folder; you can then READ
THE WHOLE FILE / POSTING off line; that should assist you to save time
and money too. I am posting this in the newsgroups because others many
not be aware of the facility.

For the benefit of citizens and victims of the system *human-rights*
will be posting the VOMIT material, in the newsgroups, IF IT WAS REMOVED
by anyone, such as the offending puke producer and or his associates and
mates in mischief making, at the expense of genuine victims, that he
uses for his fun and games.
human-rights organisation

protecting and promoting
Human Rights World Wide

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