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Woodstock Babies

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edward festor

Oct 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/31/96

According to UF, three children were born at Woodstock (the original, not
the recent pale imitation). As no one has come forth on Sally Jessy or
Montel or one of those godawful shows claiming to be one of the three,
can we put this one to rest? Wonder what was the origin of this story?
When I try to figure out where a story came from, I first try to imagine
whose interests are served if the story is believed. Maybe the record
company that put out the album, to get people to talk about the event and
keep it in the media? It smells of a publicity ruse rather than a true
UL. I have not heard this story in awhile. It does not seem to mutate and
come back like so many tales do (i.e., food contaminated with *insert
disgusting substance of your choice*, little mikey, etc)

Mike Holmans

Nov 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/2/96

>Barbara "hmmm, how voracious could a guilty dog be?" Mikkelson

Look, over on the Hartlepool Monkey thread you said this stuff about
ascribing guilt to animals was a blind alley. How comes you gets to
open it up over here?

Mike "not very cross reference" Holmans

El Sig claims to have been born on the Isle of Wight during Bob
Dylan's set. In a maternity hospital.


Nov 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/5/96

Hi there. I have heard various claims and counter-claims about babies born
at the original Woodstock, but I know first-hand that a baby was born at
the second Woodstock. Well, not the big one everyone remembers, the
"official" Woodstock 2, but the free concert held at the original
Woodstock site in Bethel.

When I was a reporter at the Oneonta Daily Star in Aug. 1994, I
interviewed the local paramedic who delivered the baby. The baby was 5
pounds, 13 ounces; his name was (is) Aleric Kaeran McHenry; the mom was
Pamela Longley, 22, an employee of a tie-dyed clothing store in New Paltz;
the dad was Christopher McHenry, 20. The mom deliberately kept her labor
pains a secret so she would be certain of delivering her kid at the
correct place.

Saratoga Springs

Sean Smith

Nov 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/5/96

In article <>, Dave Blake
<> wrote:
> I've got the original album somewhere around the house. When I get home
> (I'm away on a course at the moment) I'll drag it out and dust down my
> turntable, because I am sure that somewhere on the album an announcement
> of a birth is made.

It's during one of John Sebastian's performances. He mentions he's been
talking with one of the stage organizers, who had told him about a guy
whose "old lady just had a baby." Accordingly, John dedicates his next
number to the child, whom he avers is going to be "really far out."
NOW--herein arises one of those "alternative version" type stories. On the
album, the song he plays is "I'll Paint Rainbows All Over Your Blues." But
I could swear that in the movie (which I've not seen in a long time), he
plays a different song which contains overt references to drug use. Am I
recalling correctly?

Sean ("Wonder what it sounds like backwards") Smith
Because some things can't be helped:; now featuring
"Daze and Quirks"--self-indulgent tripe masquerading as literary pretension!

**"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book."

Nov 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/6/96

My freind says a cousin of his can be seen in semi-nudity in the woodstock
film. Not really unlikely, but it smacks of UL.

Peace? I hate the word.

Nov 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/6/96

In article <>, writes:
>My freind says a cousin of his can be seen in semi-nudity in the woodstock
>film. Not really unlikely, but it smacks of UL.

Not really.
Now if it had been a report of Jane Fonda, or "Little" Jimmy Morrison,
or Nixon being semi-nude on the Woodstock Movie... THAT'S UL.

Your story is more of a Family Legend, or something of that sort.

Or of this cousin explodes inexplicably on Film, or was drinking Coke and
Aspirin... Then we're rolling.



Nov 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/6/96

In article <>, wrote:

{}My freind says a cousin of his can be seen in semi-nudity in the woodstock

{}film. Not really unlikely, but it smacks of UL.

Why not? It had to be _someone_.


"I could be living the best and happiest of all lives if only I were not a fool."

The sorrowful youth Werther, in _The Sorrows of Young Werther_ by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Mark Kaczmarczyk

Nov 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/6/96

Sean Smith wrote:
> In article <>, Dave Blake
> <> wrote:
> > I've got the original album somewhere around the house. When I get home
> > (I'm away on a course at the moment) I'll drag it out and dust down my
> > turntable, because I am sure that somewhere on the album an announcement
> > of a birth is made.
> It's during one of John Sebastian's performances. He mentions he's been
> talking with one of the stage organizers, who had told him about a guy
> whose "old lady just had a baby." Accordingly, John dedicates his next
> number to the child, whom he avers is going to be "really far out."
> NOW--herein arises one of those "alternative version" type stories. On the
> album, the song he plays is "I'll Paint Rainbows All Over Your Blues." But
> I could swear that in the movie (which I've not seen in a long time), he
> plays a different song which contains overt references to drug use. Am I
> recalling correctly?

According to "Barefoot in Babylon" (don't have the date with me but if its important
I can cite it later), Sebastian was completely (and somewhat unintentionally) wired
during his act. It could be that ANY of his songs would contain overt references
to drug abuse, since he was having trouble remembering his lyrics (and in some instances
the english language).

Mark Kaczmarczyk
Networks and Technology
Canadian Tire Corp
(416) 480-3445

Opinions Expressed Are Strictly My Own!!!

Dave Blake

Nov 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/7/96

Well, I finally got around to dusting off my turntable, finding where
I'd put the cartridge for safekeeping and sorting out my copy of
Woodstock (Atlantic SD 3-500). I listened to all of the various stage
announcements ("stay clear of the brown acid") but, in an example of
false memories, I could not find any reference to any children making
their world debut at Woodstock.

I also checked "Barefoot in Babylon" (and wrote down the author - Spitz?
- and ISBN and then carelessly left the note at home this morning). This
is a account of the shenanigans that went on around the concert. It
covers the events of the three days in some detail. Nowhere could I find
any reference to kids being born, even though the author covers some of
the other medical emergencies in some detail.

So I'd give it an Fb unless, in the immortal words of E Rantzen, "you
know better".
Dave "anyone got the video?" Blake

London Mitcham Southminster

"I was having a conversation about Stockhausen with someone
and it got out of hand" - Simon Slavin Oct 1996

Daan Sandee

Nov 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/7/96

In article <MPVD$>, Dave Blake <> writes:
|> Well, I finally got around to dusting off my turntable, finding where
|> I'd put the cartridge for safekeeping and sorting out my copy of
|> Woodstock (Atlantic SD 3-500). I listened to all of the various stage
|> announcements ("stay clear of the brown acid") but, in an example of
|> false memories, I could not find any reference to any children making
|> their world debut at Woodstock.

In the movie, which appears to be a collection of actual scenes, there
is one where the emcee, or someone else on the stage, yells into the
microphone "Is John Brown" (or another name) "here? ... We've just had
the word that you've become a father." I've always assumed that
John Brown's baby was born in the hospital, but I can see where this
gives rise to the UL that it was actually born at Woodstock.

|> So I'd give it an Fb unless, in the immortal words of E Rantzen, "you
|> know better".

|> Dave "anyone got the video?" Blake

In my time, people went to the cinema. I presume I saw "Woodstock" around

Isn't the mother reading this group ? If not, why not ?

Daan "this group reaches six billion people" Sandee
Burlington, MA Use this email address:

nancy g.

Nov 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/7/96

Daan Sandee wrote:

> In the movie, which appears to be a collection of actual scenes, there
> is one where the emcee, or someone else on the stage, yells into the
> microphone "Is John Brown" (or another name) "here? ... We've just had
> the word that you've become a father." I've always assumed that
> John Brown's baby was born in the hospital, but I can see where this
> gives rise to the UL that it was actually born at Woodstock.

So am I hallucinating when I recall hearing/seeing/otherwise experiencing
someone announcing over the PA system " ... someone's old lady just had
a baby, man" ?? (No, I wasn't there ... which means it was either on the
album or in the movie. I think someone earlier in this thread mentioned it
being before or during John Sebastian's part of the concert? Could it have
been on the Woodstock II album?

But it *does* make sense that perhaps they just used the PA system to
announce to this guy that his wife/girlfriend/SO back home had just given
birth. It might even be that the announcement Daan mentions was the first
announcement of it, and then when John Sebastian came out to sing, he was
just repeating what he'd heard? I *definitely* think someone (one of us
dinosaurs, sigh) should check the second album.

Nancy "I'd go listen to it myself, but my turntable is packed because
we're getting ready to move again, and besides, I think the
Woodstock II album might have gone with the last batch of
yard sale stuff anyway, although I hope it didn't, because
isn't that the one with Theme From An Imaginary Western on it,
and how could I ever find *that* one again, but one of these
days I'll check, really, unless I forget or something." G.

> Isn't the mother reading this group ? If not, why not ?

Because she went insane after eating too many magic mushrooms and then
jumped out a tenth-story window to her death because she thought she
could fly?

Dave Blake

Nov 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/13/96

More smoke, I'm afraid. Mick Brown's "American Heartland. Travels from
Woodstock to San Jose by Song Title" (Michael Joseph 1993 ISBN 0 7181
3626 8) offers the following on page 2;-

"There were three deaths, two births, four miscarriages."

but doesn't offer any evidence.
Dave "Hey, what a great title for a movie" Blake

May 11, 2015, 6:52:01 PM5/11/15
Hi Knotso; I am Pam Longley. Yes, Alerik Queron Longley-McHenry was born at the original site on August 15, 1994 at 6:51 AM. Joe Walsh was on stage singing led zepplin's whole lotta love while I was in labor. You are incorrect that I kept my labor pains a secret. I had a 48 minute labor. I woke up & rolled over to look at my watch, my water broke, had one contraction & was in heavy labor. I had actually moved to New Paltz in 1993 from Wisconsin to live with his father, who too is from Wisconsin, and to work for Not Fade Away. ( I had my own tie dye business prior to moving to New York) I worked for the factory making the tie-dyes until I learned of the pregnancy & then moved to the retail store for the health of my baby. When Jerry passed away, & then market for tie-dyes dropped, I returned to school and have been a successful paralegal for over 17 years. Alerik, whose name means "power of the land" is now 20 years old and is a beautiful, artistic young man. If you have further questions, I would appreciate you just ask, rather than stating falsehoods such as that I hid my labor pains.

Peace, Pam

May 11, 2015, 7:03:27 PM5/11/15
I would also add that with the exception of Patty Gold a volunteer RN who was there, the emts that arrived to assist in my birth were clueless. One told my mother-in-law to hold me so I didn't push myself through the tent. 2 others who were maybe 17 in age, continued to try to a gurney into a 2 person tent, flooding it with frigidly cold air, & physically causing my body to go into shock, until Patty spoke up & told these morons that I was crowning & having the baby there. If it wasn't for her, things could have gone much worse. Needless to say, I am not surprised that those uneducated/inexperienced and judgmental young ones would make such an assumption / accusation that I somehow "hid" being in labor. (Ridiculous & impossible, considering he was posterior when I gave birth to him.) Regardless, he is my blessing and a true gift.

Tim McDaniel

May 13, 2015, 6:58:50 PM5/13/15
I'd just like to congratulate Pam Longley for finding the Usenet
posting almost 20 years after it was posted (almost as long ago as
Woodstock '94) and for clearing up an urban legend.

Tim McDaniel,

R H Draney

May 14, 2015, 6:51:55 PM5/14/15
to (Tim McDaniel) wrote in news:mj0kv9$5m7$

> I'd just like to congratulate Pam Longley for finding the Usenet
> posting almost 20 years after it was posted (almost as long ago as
> Woodstock '94) and for clearing up an urban legend.

Ed Rice, thou shouldst be living in this hour (or rather, some hour around
mid-August, if patterns hold)....r

David DeLaney

May 17, 2015, 12:13:42 AM5/17/15
I could let him know. Imminent reply on Usenet projected.

Dave, email at 11
\/David DeLaney posting thru EarthLink - "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> -net.legends/Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.

Don Freeman

May 17, 2015, 8:50:02 PM5/17/15
On 5/16/2015 9:13 PM, David DeLaney wrote:
> On 2015-05-14, R H Draney <> wrote:
>> (Tim McDaniel) wrote in news:mj0kv9$5m7$
>>> I'd just like to congratulate Pam Longley for finding the Usenet
>>> posting almost 20 years after it was posted (almost as long ago as
>>> Woodstock '94) and for clearing up an urban legend.
>> Ed Rice, thou shouldst be living in this hour (or rather, some hour around
>> mid-August, if patterns hold)....r
> I could let him know. Imminent reply on Usenet projected.
Give or take a few months.

/||\ Cthulhu Saves!!! (In case he needs a midnight snack)

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

David DeLaney

May 17, 2015, 9:23:42 PM5/17/15
On 2015-05-18, Don Freeman <> wrote:
> On 5/16/2015 9:13 PM, David DeLaney wrote:
>> On 2015-05-14, R H Draney <> wrote:
>>> (Tim McDaniel) wrote in news:mj0kv9$5m7$
>>>> I'd just like to congratulate Pam Longley for finding the Usenet
>>>> posting almost 20 years after it was posted (almost as long ago as
>>>> Woodstock '94) and for clearing up an urban legend.
>>> Ed Rice, thou shouldst be living in this hour (or rather, some hour around
>>> mid-August, if patterns hold)....r
>> I could let him know. Imminent reply on Usenet projected.
> Give or take a few months.

That's, I say, that's the...


...joke, son.

Dave, so this guy walks into a bar with a battery cable tied around his neck

E. H. Rice

May 19, 2015, 5:18:17 PM5/19/15
On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 6:51:55 PM UTC-4, R H Draney wrote:
> (Tim McDaniel) wrote in news:mj0kv9$5m7$

> Ed Rice, thou shouldst be living in this hour (or rather, some hour around
> mid-August, if patterns hold)....r

I shouldst not be living in some other hour, you're suggesting?

By the way, <> says there were 400,000 people at Woodstock over the three days. Even if you trim the count to 100,000 people each of three days (because some people arrived late or left early if they could, and because half the people were males and probably not giving birth), it's hardly unlikely that in a crowd of 100,000 women of child-bearing age, a few were actually bearing children.

I don't mean to say that Edward Festor's comment...

As no one has come forth on Sally Jessy or
Montel or one of those godawful shows claiming to be one of the three,
can we put this one to rest?

... proves he's an idiot, but it's a strong piece of evidence. Nobody on one of those godawful shows has ever come forth claiming to be Kibo, either, but that's clearly not proof of his non-existence.

-- I do not think therefore I

Derek Tearne

May 19, 2015, 11:32:58 PM5/19/15
E. H. Rice <> wrote:

> ... proves he's an idiot, but it's a strong piece of evidence. Nobody on
> one of those godawful shows has ever come forth claiming to be Kibo,
> either, but that's clearly not proof of his non-existence.

Has anyone on one of theose godawful shows ever come forth claiming to
be Spartacus? I think that would be an important metric in this regard.

--- Derek

Derek Tearne -
Vitamin S: improvisation from New Zealand
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