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New SF-Lovers Convention Listings

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Saul Jaffe (The Moderator)

Jul 1, 1996, 7:00:00 AM7/1/96

{Due to a system malfunction, this is going out on Monday instead of Friday
as originally planned. My apologies.}

[This file is provided by SF-Lovers Archives on SFLOVERS.RUTGERS.EDU. This
file may be freely copied for personal use only as long as this notice, any
enclosed copyright statements as well as any other identifying headers or
trailers remain intact UNLESS such usage is restricted or modified by
copyright or usage statements contained herein. This archive file may not
be redistributed without the written permission of the author of the file.
A full statement of SF-Lovers copyright policy may be found at The SF-Lovers archives are
one part of SF-Lovers' overall commitment to Science Fiction, Fantasy and
fandom. For more information on SF-Lovers, the archives and other
available services see or send email to

The following events are drawn from a multitude of sources, each prone
to typos (not to mention my own), and places and dates have a way of
changing suddenly; for those conventions advertising a media guest, the
appearance of those guests are usually subject to professional
committments. Be sure to check with the convention committees before
making final plans. A SASE should be included in all inquiries to
convention committees.

To correct any errors, or submit additional information, you may use the new
SF-Lovers Convention Submission Form at:
or you may send e-mail to:
SF-LOVE...@RUTGERS.EDU. Mail sent to this address will not receive a
response but the information will appear in the next edition of this listing.
If you require a response to your message, please send a COPY to: If you do not have an electronic flyer
available, flyers may be mailed to:
Saul Jaffe
98 Sherman St.
Passaic, NJ 07055

It is strongly recommended that information be mailed at
least 2 months prior to the convention.

This file was last updated on June 27, 1996. Corrections, additions or
other changes received after June 10, 1996 will be held for the next
update. These listings begin with June 28, 1996 conventions.

Compiled by Saul Jaffe (SF-Lover...@Rutgers.Edu). Copyright (C)1996.

Special acknowledgment for info and proof-reading assistance to Sharon
Sbarsky (


1. An HTML version is available from the SF-Lovers Web Site at:

2. An ASCII version is available from the SF-Lovers anonymous FTP site at as: /pub/sf-lovers/fandom/conventions/cons.txt.

3. An ASCII version is available from the SF-Lovers FTP server at: email: Put the line "get
fandom/convention/cons.txt" in the body of your message to get the file.

4. An ASCII version is posted periodically to the USEnet newsgroups
alt.fandom.cons, alt.fandom.misc, and rec.arts.sf.fandom

5. On Genie in the SFRT3 [m472;3] Library 16. File name is consMMYY.txt.
Use Jaffe as a keyword for searching.

6. On CompuServe in the SFLIT Forum Library 21. File name is sfcons.txt.

This list is designed for Internet users so all addresses presented
here is given in Internet format. To convert Internet email addresses
to individual pay service formats, use the following conversion:

Genie/AOL - These addresses are given here in the form
"user@[genie|aol].com". To send mail to a user on Genie
from a Genie account, strip off the "@" and anything that
follows. E.g. "" becomes just
"s.sbarsky" on Genie.

CompuServe (CIS) - CompuServe addresses are given here in
the form: "". To send mail to a user on
CompuServe from a CompuServe account, change the "#.#" to
"#,#" and strip off the "@" and anything that follows.
E.g. " becomes "74170,1324".

If your service provider is not listed here, and you cannot determine
the proper conversion to Internet format from the information given
here, please consult your local system administrator or help desk for

Many conventions have recently begun to set-up World Wide Web (WWW)
pages with information online, often including registration forms. To
best access documents that have been provided on the Web, including this
listing, you need a Web client (i.e. Web browser) such as NCSA Mosaic or
Netscape. For best results, it is strongly recommend that you use the
latest version of your client software that is available. The URL
(Universal Resource Locator) information given here should enable you to
reach the home page for the convention and should work as given, barring
typos and accessibility problems. Please note that Web information can
go out of date very fast.


AGoH - Artist Guest of Honor CGoH - Comics Guest of Honor
EGoH - Editor Guest of Honor FGoH - Fan Guest of Honor
FRP - Fantasy Role Playing GGoH - Gaming Guest of Honor
GoH - Guest of Honor MC - Master of Ceremonies
SASE - Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope (also seen as SSAE)
SGoH - Special Guest of Honor TBA - To Be Announced
TM - Toast Master WGoH - Writer Guest of Honor


A - Australian Dollars BF - Belgian Francs
C - Canadian Dollars DM - Deutsche marks
FF - French Francs DFl - Guilders (Netherlands)
L - British Pounds NOK - Norwegian Kroner
SEK - Swedish crowns or Kronor SF - Swiss Francs
NZ - New Zealand Dollars Y - Yen

As a general rule, most fan-run conventions have discount prices for
certain membership classes. For instance, many charge half price for
children ages 6-12 who are accompanied by an adult and allow younger
children "in tow" in for free. Many of these conventions also have
babysitting available for young children during the daytime so parents
can enjoy the convention.
It is also common to have "one-day only" memberships available for
Saturday and Sunday and, sometimes, Friday as well. These membership
rates are generally less than a full weekend membership but give equal
access to the convention for the one-day. Often, these memberships can
be converted to full memberships if one so chooses.
In the listings here, discounted children's and one-day memberships
are generally listed if known. Always be sure to check with the
committee to find out if there are any applicable discounts for
children, if babysitting care is available or if there are one-day rates
available if not listed.
It is also common for many conventions to have a "supporting"
membership available for a lesser rate. A "supporting" member normally
gets all of the same privileges as a full member gets, except the right
to attend the convention. Memberships can be upgraded to attending
memberships at any time, usually for the difference in price between the
attending membership rate and the then current full attending rate.
"Supporting" memberships are often a good way to show your support for a
convention group and to remain on their mailing list.



none listed at this time


Australia Capital Territory

none listed at this time

New South Wales

none listed at this time


none listed at this time

South Australia

none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time

Western Australia

none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time



July 19-21, 1996 - Calgary

British Columbia

October 24-27, 1996 - Vancouver


September 28-29, 1996 - Winnipeg

New Brunswick

none listed at this time


none listed at this time

Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island

September 14, 1996 - Halifax


August 2-4, 1996 - Toronto
November 1-3, 1996 - Toronto
April 11-13, 1996 - Toronto


none listed at this time


none listed at this time

Yukon and Northwest Territories

none listed at this time


May 2-5, 1997 - Caribbean Sea


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


October 12-13, 1996 - Frederiksberg


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


July 26-28, 1996 - Saarbruecken
October 24-28, 1996 - Luebeck


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


March 28-31, 1997 - Wellington


August 2-4, 1996 - Oslo


June 15-22, 1997 - Los Angeles to Mexico


December 4-8, 1996 - Gdansk

REPUBLIC OF IRELAND (also see Northern Ireland)

September 7-8, 1996 - Letterkenny
October 12-13, 1996 - Dublin
October 24-27, 1997 - Dublin


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


October 4-6, 1996 - Burjassot


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time



June 28-30, 1996 - Manchester
July 5-7, 1996 - Gravesend
July 12-15, 1996 - Leicester
August 10-11, 1996 - Birmingham
August 17-18, 1996 - Oxford
August 23-26, 1996 - Heathrow
August 24-26, 1996 - Waybridge
August 30 - September 1, 1996 - Daventry
September 12-15, 1996 - Croydon
September 13-15, 1996 - Leeds
September 20-22, 1996 - Oxford
October 4-6, 1996 - London
October 26-27, 1996 - Ashford
November 8-10, 1996 - Birmingham
November 15-17, 1996 - Plymouth
December 24-26, 1996 - Birmingham
February 14-17, 1996 - Great Malvern
March 28-31, 1997 - Liverpool
July 4-6, 1997 - Bristol
August 22-25, 1997 - Bristol
October 30 - November 2, 1997 - London Docklands
April 10-13, 1998 - Manchester

Northern Ireland

none listed at this time


July 12-14, 1996 - Glasgow
July 13-15, 1996 - Glasgow
July 26-29, 1996 - Glasgow
May 24-26, 1997 - Glasgow


August 3-4, 1996 - Llandudno
August 16-18, 1996 - Portmeirion
August 29-30, 1998 - Cardiff



November 8-10, 1996 - Huntsville


none listed at this time


September 6-8, 1996 - Scottsdale


none listed at this time

California, Northern

August 1-4, 1996 - San Jose
August 3-4, 1996 - San Francisco
November 29 - December 1, 1996 - Sunnyvale
March 14-16, 1997 - Pacifica

California, Southern

June 28-30, 1996 - Anaheim
June 29-30, 1996 - Los Angeles
July 4-7, 1996 - San Diego
August 2-4, 1996 - Los Angeles
August 24-25, 1996 - Burbank
August 29 - September 2, 1996 - Anaheim
November 29 - December 1, 1996 - Burbank
January 17-19, 1997 - Buena Park
February 14-16, 1997 - Van Nuys
March 7-9, 1997 - Van Nuys
August 14-17, 1997 - Los Angeles


July 26-29, 1996 - Boulder
October 25-27, 1996 - Denver
January 17-19, 1996 - Lakewood


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


September 13-15, 1996 - Fort Walton Beach
October 11-13, 1996 - Tampa
November 15-17, 1996 - Ft. Lauderdale
January 17-19, 1997 - Gainesville
March 19-23, 1997 - Ft. Lauderdale


November 1-3, 1996 - College Park
November 8-10, 1996 - Atlanta


none listed at this time


September 13-15, 1996 - Moscow


September 20-22, 1996 - Lisle
October 4-6, 1996 - Collinsville
October 31 - November 3, 1996 - Schaumburg
November 8-10, 1996 - Schaumburg
November 29 - December 1, 1996 - Champaign
November 29 - December 1, 1996 - Chicago
May 16-18, 1997 - Deerfield


July 5-7, 1996 - Indianapolis
October 16, 1996 - Portage
November 15-17, 1996 - French Lick


July 26-28, 1996 - Council Bluffs
October 11-13, 1996 - Coralville


July 26-28, 1996 - Wichita


August 9-11, 1996 - Louisville


June 28-30, 1996 - New Orleans
August 2-4, 1996 - Metarie


none listed at this time


June 28-30, 1996 - Frederick
July 12-14, 1996 - Hunt Valley
October 4-6, 1996 - Hunt Valley
November 29 - December 1, 1996 - Timonium
March 28-30, 1997 - Baltimore
May 23-26, 1997 - Baltimore
August 5-9, 1998 - Baltimore


July 5-7, 1996 - Burlington
July 5-7, 1996 - Taunton
July 12-14, 1996 - Westborough
November 1-3, 1996 - Springfield
November 8-10, 1996 - Amherst
January 10-12, 1997 - Boston
February 14-16, 1997 - Framingham


July 5-7, 1996 - Novi
August 17-18, 1996 - Novi
October 18-20, 1996 - Lansing
January 24-26, 1997 - Warren
May 23-25, 1997 - Lansing


July 19-21, 1996 - Minneapolis
August 2-4, 1996 - St. Paul
October 4-6, 1996 - St. Paul
October 9-13, 1996 - St. Paul
October 18-20, 1996 - Minneapolis


March 20-23, 1997 - Biloxi
June 6-8, 1997 - Jackson


July 12-14, 1996 - Kansas City
April 18-20, 1997 - Earth City
May 23-25, 1997 - Kansas City
April 3-6, 1998 - St. Louis


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


none listed at this time

New Hampshire

none listed at this time

New Jersey

July 10-14, 1996 - Somerset
July 26-28, 1996 - Secaucus
August 2-4, 1996 - Mt. Laurel
September 26-29, 1996 - Asbury Park
October 11-13, 1996 - Mt. Laurel
November 8-10, 1996 - Newark

New Mexico

August 23-25, 1996- Albuquerque

New York

October 11-13, 1996 - Albany
October 18-20, 1996 - Niagara Falls
February 28 - March 2, 1997 - Henrietta
March 7-9, 1997 - Rye Brook

North Carolina

August 30 - September 1, 1996 - Asheville

North Dakota

none listed at this time


August 30 - September 1, 1996 - Dayton
October 4-6, 1996 - Columbus
October 25-27, 1996 - Columbus
November 15-17, 1996 - Independence
March 21-23, 1997 - Cincinnati
May 9-11, 1997 - Columbus


July 19-21, 1996 - Oklahoma City
August 30 - September 1, 1996 - Oklahoma City
November 23-24, 1996 - Oklahoma City


September 7, 1996 - Portland
November 8-10, 1996 - Portland
September 13-14, 1996 - Portland


July 26-28, 1996 - Pittsburgh
August 24-25, 1996 - Valley Forge
November 22-24, 1996 - Philadelphia

Rhode Island

July 19-21, 1996 - Barrington
August 15-17, 1997 - Providence

South Carolina

none listed at this time

South Dakota

none listed at this time


July 12-14, 1996 - Chattanooga
January 17-19, 1997 - Chattanooga


July 4-7, 1996 - El Paso
July 5-7, 1996 - Houston
July 18-21, 1996 - Dallas
September 7-8, 1996 - Houston
October 11-13, 1996 - Austin
October 18-20, 1996 - San Antonio
October 25-27, 1996 - El Paso
October 26-27, 1996 - Texarkana
December 27-29, 1996 - Dallas
March 20-23, 1997 - College Station
April 18-20, 1997 - El Paso
May 23-25, 1997 - Houston
August 28 - September 1, 1997 - San Antonio


none listed at this time


none listed at this time


July 12-14, 1996 - Norfolk
July 27-28, 1996 - Tysons Corner
September 13-15, 1996 - Lynchburg
September 27-29, 1996 - Roanoke
October 11-13, 1996 - Salem
November 8-10, 1996 - Virginia Beach


August 16-18, 1996 - Bellingham
October 11-13, 1996 - Spokane
December 6-8, 1996 - Seattle
February 14-16, 1997 - Pasco
February 28 - March 2, 1997 - Seattle
March 27-30, 1997 - Seattle
July 3-6, 1997 - Seattle

Washington, D.C. (also see Virginia and Maryland)

none listed at this time

West Virginia

none listed at this time


September 13-15, 1996 - Madison
September 27-29, 1996 - Milwaukee


none listed at this time


June 28-30, 1996 (California, Southern)

ANIME EXPO. Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim CA; 800-228-9290 or 714-750-8000;
rms $79. GoHs: Noboru Ishiguro, Hiroyuki Kitazume, Koichi Ohata. Info:
818-441-3653; email:; URL:

June 28-30, 1996 (Louisiana)

Orleans LA. GoH: Elizabeth Moon; AGoH: David Lee Anderson; TM: Aaron
Allston; Guests: George Alec Effinger, Barbara Hambly, Ed Bryant, Peggy
Ranson, Bradley Denton, Robert Asprin. Memb: $30. Info: NOSF3, PO Box
791089, New Orleans LA 70179-1089; 504-347-3880; email:

June 28-30, 1996 (Maryland)

CASTLECON 9. Francis Scott Key Holiday Inn, Frederick MD; 800-868-0094;
rms $79 sngl, $89 dbl. Guests: Lloyd Kaufman, James Gunn, Conrad
Brooks, more. Memb: $30 (checks to FanTek). Info: FanTek, 1607 Thomas
Road, Fort Washington MD 20744.

June 28-30, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

DISCWORLD CON 1. The Britannia "Sacha's" Hotel, Manchester UK; rms L32
dbl. Guests: Terry Pratchett, Josh Kirby, Stephen Briggs, more. Info:
The Discworld Convention, PO Box 3086, Chelmsford, CM1 6LD England;
email:; URL:

June 29-30, 1996 (California, Southern)

CREATION CONVENTION. Los Angeles, CA. Guests: Ken Foree, Stephen
Geoffreys, Larry Cohen, Dick Warlock, more. Fangoria's Weekend of
Horrors. Info: CREATION, 411 North Central Ave., Suite 300, Glendale,
CA 91203 USA.

July 4-7, 1996 (California, Southern)

SAN DIEGO COMIC CON. SGoH: Will Eisner; Guests: Evan Dorkin, Mort
Drucker, Ben Edlund, Dave Gibbons, Dave McKean, Jim Mooney, Kurt
Schaffenberger, Francois Schuiten, Marie Severin. Memb: $50; children
7-12 and seniors, half price. Info: Comic-Con International, PO Box
128458, San Diego, CA 92112-8458; URL:

July 4-7, 1996 (Texas)

WESTERCON 49/CONDIABLO. Camino Real Paso del Norte and El Paso
Convention Center, El Paso, TX. GoHs: Howard Waldrop, James P. Blaylock;
AGoH: Brad W. Foster; FGoHs: Arnie and Joyce Katz; TM: Pat Cadigan.
Memb: $70; children 6-12 half price, 5 and under free; $20 supporting
(checks to Westercon 49). Info: Westercon 49,c/o EPSFFA, PO Box 3177, El
Paso, TX 79923; 800-585-8754; email:, or; URL:

July 5-7, 1996 (Indiana)

INCONJUNCTION 16. Marriott, 7202 East 21st Street, Indianapolis IN;
317-352-1231; rms $67. TM: Arlan Keith Andrews, SR.; GoH: Richard
Knaak; AGoH: Ray Van Tillburg; FGoH: Steve Bridge; Featured GoH: Michael
Kube-McDowell. Memb: $25. Dealers: $35 first table (includes memb.),
$25 each additional table. Dealer info: Andy Andrews, 283 N. East St.,
Plainfield IN 46168. Info: Inconjunction 16, PO Box 19776, Indianapolis
IN 46219; 317-839-5519; URL:

July 5-7, 1996 (Massachusetts)

GAYLAXICON VII. Burlington Marriott Hotel, Burlington, MA; rms $65.
10th anniversary of the SF, Fantasy and Horror convention for lesbian,
gay, bisexual people and their friends. No one under 18 years of age
admitted without parent or guardian. Memb: $35. Info: Gaylaxicon VII,
PO Box 176, Somerville, MA 02143; 617-321-9292; email:; URL:

July 5-7, 1996 (Massachusetts)

REBELCON. Holiday Inn, Taunton MA. Guests: Richard Biggs, Michael
O'Hare, James Sloyan, Patricia Tallman, Mojo, Arne Starr, Bob Eggleton,
Shirley Maiewski, Margaret Wander Bonano. Memb: $45; children 5-12 $25.
Dealers tables: $155. Info: World's End Productions, 10 Rankin St.,
Worcester MA 01605; 800-997-3235; email:; URL:

July 5-7, 1996 (Michigan)

WEEKEND IN SHERWOOD IV. Sheraton Oaks Hotel, Novi MI; 810-348-5000; $62.
Guests: Mark Ryan, Ray Winstone, Richard Carpenter. Memb: $65 (includes
banquet); $15 supporting (checks to Spirit of Sherwood). Info: Weekend
in Sherwood IV, 1276 W. Marshall, Ferndale MI 48220; email:; URL:

July 5-7, 1996 (Texas)

MICRO-CON VIII. Houston Medallion, Houston TX. Gaming convention. Info:
Gamesmaster Unlimited; 713-855-2792.

July 5-7, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

CONSTITUTION 3. Tolgate Motel, Gravesend, Kent, England UK. 30th
anniversary of Classic Trek and 10th anniversary of Next Generation.
Memb: L20; children 5-12 half price, under 5 free. Info: Constitution
3, 115 The Brent, Dartford, Kent DA1 1YH UK; email:

July 10-14, 1996 (New Jersey)

DEXCON 5. Sixteen Acre Atrium Park and Doubletree Hotel, Somerset NJ.
Info: 718-881-4575; URL:

July 12-14, 1996 (Maryland)

SHORE LEAVE 18. Hunt Valley Marriott Inn, Shawan Rd., Hunt Valley MD;
410-785-7000; rms $80. Guests: Richard Biggs, Rene Auberjonois, Keith
Birdsong, Ann C. Crispin, Carmen Carter, Peter David, Tim DeHaas, Brad
Ferguson, Bob Greenberger, Howard Weinstein, Jaqueline Lichtenberg, Joan
Winston. Memb: $45; children 5-12 $12. Info: SL18, PO Box 6809, Towson
MD 21285-6809; 410-821-5563; email:

July 12-14, 1996 (Massachusetts)

READERCON 8. Westborough Marriott Hotel, 5400 Computer Drive,
Westborough, MA 01581; 508-366-5511; rms $70. GoHs: William Gibson,
Larry McCaffery. Memb: $40 until 7/1/96, $10 supporting. Info:
Readercon 8, PO Box 381246, Cambridge, MA 02238; 617-625-6507; email:; URL:

July 12-14, 1996 (Missouri)

SKIRMISHES '96. Holiday Inn South, Kansas City MO. Roleplaying,
boardgaming, science fiction/fantasy and historical miniatures, dealers
area, flea market, experienced and amateur miniatures painting contest,
special event - "Masquerade Live". Info: Skirmishes '96, c/o John or
Sandy Duda, 812 NE 100th Terrace, Kansas City MO 64155; 816-734-8548;
email: or

July 12-14, 1996 (Tennessee)

LIBERTYCON 10. Days Inn, 1400 North Mack Smith Road, Chattanooga TN
37412; 423-894-0440; rms $47. GoH: Timothy Zahn; AGoH: Dave and Lori
Deitrick; SGoH: Les Johnson; 10th Anniversary SGoHs: L. Sprague and
Catherine Crook de Camp; MC: Wilson "Bob" Tucker. Memb: $35 (membership
limit 500); children under 12 half-price. Info: Libertycon 10, PO Box
695, Hixson TN 37343; URL:

July 12-14, 1996 (Virginia)

Norfolk VA. Memb: $85. Info: Lyn Musacchio, PO Box 64681, Acredale
Station, Virginia Beach VA 23467.

July 12-14, 1996 (United Kingdom, Scotland)

FAIRCON '96. St. Enoch Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland. GoH: Angus
McAllister. Memb: L10 in advance, more at door; L5 supporting. Info:
Faircon '96, c/o 3/2 226 Woodlands Rd, Glasgow G3 6LN, Scotland; email:

July 12-15, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

DES O'CON-A. Holiday Inn, Leicester UK. Info: Tine Lukacs & Simon Hage,
270 St Annes Td., Blackpool UK FY4 2QR.

July 13-15, 1996 (United Kingdom, Scotland)

CONTAGION. Hospitality Inn, Glasgow, Scotland UK. Info: Contagion, PO
Box 867, Ruthergien, Glasgow, Scotland UK G27 4HR; email:

July 18-21, 1996 (Texas)

ULTIMATE FUSION. Ramada Hotel Market Center, Dallas TX. Guests: Stan
Lee, Steve Erwin, Blonde Avenger. Info: Lantern Light Entertainment, PO
Box 168452, Irving TX 75016-8452; 214-438-2615.

July 19-21, 1996 (Minnesota)

Convention, 4242 Minnehahah Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 55406; email:; URL:

July 19-21, 1996 (Oklahoma)

DARK CON III. Central Plaza Hotel, Oklahoma City OK. Guests: Quinton
Hoover, Skip Williams, Mike Huebbe. Memb: $20. Info: Robert Burns,
1305 South Howard Ave., Morre OK 73160; 405-794-7917 (after 5:30pm

July 19-21, 1996 (Rhode Island)

NECON 16. Roger Williams Univ., Bristol, RI. GoH: Nancy Holder, Joe
Lansdale; AGoH: Doug Beekman; TM: Elizabeth Massie. Info NECon 16, PO
Box 9202, Warwick RI 02889; 401-739-2060; email:

July 19-21, 1996 (Canada, Alberta)

CONVERSION 13/CANVENTION '96. Glenmore Inn, 2720 Glenmore Trail SE,
Calgary AB, Canada; 403-279-8611. GoH: C.J. Cherryh; TM: Mel Gilden;
Canvention Guest: Elisabeth Vonarburg; Science GoH: Dr. Phil Currie;
Guests: Dave Duncan, J. Brian Clarke. Memb: C$35 until 7/5/96, C$40
after. Info: Con-Version XIII, PO Box 1088 Stn M, Calgary AB T2P 2K9
Canada; 403-271-0662; email:; URL:

July 26-29, 1996 (Colorado)

MYTHCON 27. University of Colorado, Boulder CO. AGoH: Ted Nasmith;
Scholar GoH: Doris T. Myers. Mythopoeic Conference. Theme: The
Inklings and Nature. Memb: $49. Info: Mythcon XXVII, PO Box 3849,
Littleton CO 80161-3849; 303-741-1146; email:

July 26-28, 1996 (Iowa)

CONCUSSION. Ramada Inn, 25th and I-29N, Council Bluffs, IA;
712-328-3881; rms $50. GoHs: Lawrence Watt-Evans, David Weber; AGoH:
Larry Elmore; FGoH: David Means; TM: Wilson "Bob" Tucker. Memb: $24
until 7/12/96. Info: ConCussion, PO Box 85762, Lincoln NE 68501-5762;
402-488-8441; email:; URL:

July 26-28, 1996 (Kansas)

CONVOCATION 1996. Wichita KS. GoHs: K.W. Jeter, Ed Moore. Memb: $15
until 6/30/96. Info: Convocation, PO Box 2714, Wichita KS 67201.

July 26-28, 1996 (New Jersey)

PHILE CABINET II. Embassy Suites Hotel, Secaucus, NJ. Relaxacon. Memb:
$35 (checks to PHILE CABINET, INC.) Info: Laura Anne Gilman, ConMommy,
Phile Cabinet II, 3 Bayowski Rd., West Orange, NJ 07052.

July 26-28, 1996 (Pennsylvania)

CONFLUENCE 9. Sheraton Inn, Mars PA; 412-776-6900; rms $70 sngl/dbl,
$80 tpl/quad. GoH: Michael Swanwick; Guests: Catherine Asaro, Susan
Dexter, Alexis A. Gilliland, James Morrow, William Tenn, more. Memb:
$20 until 6/30/96, $28 after; children $10 until 6/30/96, $15 after
(checks to PARSEC). Info: ConFluence '96, PO Box 3681, Pittsburgh PA
15230-3681; 412-344-0236; email:; URL:

July 26-28, 1996 (Germany)

SAARCON(SFCD). Saarbrucken, Germany. Annual SFCD convention. GoHs:
Malgorzata Wilk, Jolanta Pers, Jacek Rzeszotnik, Anna Tetelman, Michail
Jakubovski. Memb: 35DM/L16; Visa accepted (free membership for all
Eastern European fans). Info: Herbert Thiery, Ackerstr. 3, D-66115
Saarbrucken, Germany; +49-681-76740; email: or

July 26-29, 1996 (United Kingdom, Scotland)

ALBACON '96. Central Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland. GoHs: Terry Pratchett;
AGoH: David A. Hardy; FGoH: Matt Bielby; Memb: L30 in advance, L35 at
door; L15 Supporting. Info: Albacon, 10 Atlas Rd., Springburn, Glasgow,
G21 4TE Scotland; email:

July 27-28, 1996 (Virginia)

NOVACON 5. West Park Hotel, Tysons Corner VA; 703-734-2800; rms $59.
Guests: Alexander Siddig, George Takei. Info: One Trek Mind Productions
Inc., PO Box 3363 Merrifield VA 22116; 703-280-5373; email:; URL:

August 1-4, 1996 (California, Northern)

PULPCON. San Jose State University; rms $22 sngl, $16 dbl. SGoH:
Forrest J. Ackerman. Convention for enthusiasts and collectors of pulp
magazines. Memb: $20 until 7/10/96, $25 after. Dealer tables: $30 for
1, $75 for 2, until 7/10/96, $50 per table if available after. Info:
Pulpcon, PO Box 1332, Dayton OH 45401; 513-898-4616.

August 2-4, 1996 (California, Southern)

FANTASTICON. Los Angeles Airport Hilton, West Century Blvd., Los Angeles
CA. Guests (confirmed but subject to cancellation due to professional
conflicts): William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James
Doohan, Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Michael Ansara,
John Colicos, Robin Curtis, Bruce Boxleitner, Mira Furlan, Richard
Biggs, Peter Jurasik, Avery Brooks, Rene Auberjonois, Terry Farrell, Max
Grodenchik, Colm Meaney, Robert O'Reilly, Nana Visitor, Armin
Shimmerman, Andrew Robinson, Roxann Biggs-Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill,
Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo, Tim Russ, Garrett Wang, Michael Dorn,
Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, John de Lancie, more.
Memb: $120-$175 reserved seating, $90 open seating. Info: Fantasticon,
PO Box 821673, South Florida FL 33082-1673; email: or

August 2-4, 1996 (Louisiana)

CRESCENT CITY CON ELEVEN. Quality Hotel and Convention Center, 2261
North Causeway Blvd., Metarie LA 70001. Film GoH: John Rhys-Davis;
Media GoH: Mojo; AGoH: Hugo Montero; FGoH: Jake Jacobs. Memb: $25 until
6/30/96, $30 after (1000 membership limit); Children 7-12 are 1/2 price;
Children under 7 and senior citizens over 65 free. Info: Crescent City
Con, PO Box 52622, New Orleans LA 70150-2622; 504-488-0489; email:

August 2-4, 1996 (Minnesota)

DIVERSICON 4. St. Paul MN. GoH: Maureen F. McHugh; FGoH: Doug Friauf;
Posthumous GoH: L. Frank Baum. Memb: $25 until 7/4/96, $35 after;
children $5 discount. Info: PO Box 8036, Minneapolis MN 55408;
612-822-8303; email:; URL:

August 2-4, 1996 (New Jersey)

PHROLICON 12. Clarion Hotel, Rt. 73 at I-295, Mt. Laurel, NJ; rms
$68, $78 w/jacuzzi. GoH: Mike Resnick; AGoH: Hannah M.G. Shapero.
Memb: $20 to 7/15/96; $25 after. Dealer tables: $10 (+ memb). Info:
Phrolicon 12, PO Box 42195, Philadelphia, PA 19101-2195; 215-342-1672;

August 2-4, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)

TORONTO TREK 10. Regal Constellation Hotel, Toronto ON Canada. GoH:
Robert Picardo. Info: Suite 0116, PO Box 187, 65 Front St. West,
Toronto ON M5J 1E6; 416-699-4666; URL:

August 2-4, 1996 (Norway)

NORCON 13. Blindern campus, the University. GoH: Ian Watson; FGoH:
Heidi Lyshol. Memb: NOK250. Info: Norcon 13, c/o Tor Christian Ulvang,
Toftes gate 51, N-0552 Oslo Norway; 47-22-37-90-93; email:; URL:

August 3-4, 1996 (California, Northern)

CREATION CONVENTION. Masonic Center, San Francisco, CA. Guests:
(Saturday) John de Lancie, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, Roxann
Biggs-Dawson, (Sunday) William Shatner, Michael Dorn, Armin Shimmerman.
30th Anniversary Star Trek Convention Info: CREATION, 411 North Central
Ave., Suite 300, Glendale, CA 91203 USA.

August 3-4, 1996 (Minneapolis)

CREATION CONVENTION. Convention Center, Minneapolis MN. Guests:
(Saturday) William Shatner, Robert Duncan McNeill, Rene Auberjonois,
(Sunday) Kate Mulgrew. 30th Anniversary Star Trek Convention Info:
CREATION, 411 North Central Ave., Suite 300, Glendale, CA 91203 USA.

August 3-4, 1996 (United Kingdom, Wales)

ICON '96. Alberconwy Centre, Llandudno, Wales UK. Doctor Who
convention. Info: 10 Walford Ave., Rhyl, Wales UK LL18 2HL.

August 9-11, 1996 (Kentucky)

RIVERCON 21. Executive West, Louisville KY; 800-626-2708; rms $60
sngl-quad, $99 suites. GoHs: Nancy Kress; FGoH: Annette Carrico; TM:
Allen Steele; AGoH: Darryl Elliott. Memb: $25 in advance, $35 at door.
Info: PO Box 58009, Louisville KY 40268-0009; 502-448-6562; email:; URL:

August 10-11, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

DELTA QUADRANT. Britannia Hotel, Birmingham, UK. Info: Infinite
Frontiers Conventions, PO Box 8966, Great Barr, Birmingham UK. B43 5ST.

August 16-18, 1996 (Washington)

VIKINGCON 17. Western Washington Univ., Bellingham WA. GoH: Greg Bear;
Science GoH: Freeman Dyson. Memb: $20 until 7/10/96, $25 after.
Dealers: $75 first table (includes 2 memberships), $25 each additional
table. Info: VikingCon 17, c/o Viking Union 202, PO Box #V-1,
Bellingham WA 98225; 360-715-7677; email:

August 16-18, 1996 (United Kingdom, Wales)

PORTMEIRICON '96. Portmeirion, N.W. Wales. 19th annual PRISONER con.
Info: (In the U.S.) Six of One, 871 Clover Drive, North Wales PA 19454;
(elsewhere) Six of One, PO Box 66, Ipswich UK; email:

August 17-18, 1996 (Michigan)

CREATION CONVENTION. Novi Center, Novi MI. Guests: Kate Mulgrew, Nana
Visitor, Robert Picardo. 30th Anniversary Star Trek Convention Info:
CREATION, 411 North Central Ave., Suite 300, Glendale, CA 91203 USA.

August 17-18, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

CAPTION '96. Oxford Union, Oxford UK. Info: Caption, 25 Hart St.,
Oxford UK. OX2 6BN

August 23-25, 1996 (New Mexico)

BUBONICON 28. Howard Johnson East, Albuquerque NM; rms $50 sngl/dbl.
GoH: Dennis McKiernan; AGoH: Lisa Scott; TM: Gordon Garb; Auctioneer:
Robert Vardeman. Memb: $22 until 8/9/96, $25 after (payments to NMSF
Conference). Dealer table: $40 (1 membership), $55 (2 memberships).
Info: NMSF Conference, PO Box 37257, Albuquerque NM 87176; 505-266-8905;
email:; URL:

August 23-26, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

CONCORDE. Radisson Edwardian, Heathrow UK. Info: Concorde Registrations,
138 Crosslands, Stantonbury, Milton Keynes UK.

August 24-25, 1996 (California, Southern)

CREATION CONVENTION. Airport Hilton, Burbank CA. X-Files Convention.
Info: CREATION, 411 North Central Ave., Suite 300, Glendale, CA 91203

August 24-25, 1996 (Pennsylvania)

CREATION CONVENTION. Convention Center, Valley Forge PA. Guests:
(Saturday) Tim Russ, (Sunday) William Shatner, (Both days) Rene
Auberjonois, Mira Furlan). 30th Anniversary Star Trek Convention Info:
CREATION, 411 North Central Ave., Suite 300, Glendale, CA 91203 USA.

August 24-26, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

FANDERSON GOLD. Waybridge, Surrey UK. Gerry Anderson Convention. Info:
Fanderson Gold, PO Box 93, Wakefield, W. Yorks UK WF1 1XJ.

August 29 - September 2, 1996 (California, Southern)

L.A.CON III/54th WORLDCON. Anaheim Hilton, Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim
Convention Center, Anaheim, CA. GoH: James White; SGoH: Elsie Wollheim;
Media GoH: Roger Corman; FGoHs: Takumi and Sachiko Shibano; TM: Connie
Willis. Art show, authors, autographs, books, dances, dealers room,
exhibits, fandom, fans, fanzines, films, gaming, hospitality suite,
Hugos, ice cream social, Japanimation, masquerade, music, panels,
readings, science, videos, writers workshops, and more. Memb: $130
until 7/31/96, more after; children 3-12 accompanied by parent or
guardian $35; $30 supporting. Info: L.A.con III, c/o SCIFI, PO Box
8442, Van Nuys, CA 91409; email: Outside the
U.S.: Europe: Kees van Toorn, Postbus 3411, NL-3003 AK Rotterdam,
Netherlands; email: Australia: Eric
Lindsay, 7 Nicoll Avenue, Ryde, NSW, 2112 Australia; email: Japan: Masamichi Cheela Osako, #523
1-5-11 Inaba, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, 578 Japan; email:; URL:

August 30 - September 1, 1996 (North Carolina)

BALLAD TREK V. Radisson Inn of the Plaza, I-240 Exit 5, Asheville NC;
800-333-3333. Guest: Robert Clyde Allen. Star Trek, Star Wars, Media
convention. Memb: $19.95 Saturday, Free Friday and Sunday. Info: 39
Hanover St., Asheville NV 28806; 704-253-9981.

August 30 - September 1, 1996 (Ohio)

THIRD ROCK. Dayton Airport Inn, Dayton International Airport, Dayton OH;
800-543-7577; rms $55. Memb: $25 until 7/31/96, $30 after. Info: Brain
Dead Productions, PO Box 14141 Dayton OH 45413; email:; URL:

August 30 - September 1, 1996 (Oklahoma)

ARMADA '96. Oklahoma City Marriott Hotel, 3233 Northwest Expressway,
Oklahoma City OK 73112; 405-842-6633; rms $72. AGoH: Keith Birdsong.
Starfleet international conference. Memb: $35 until 7/15/96, $45 after.
Info: W. Michael Henigan, Starfleet 96 IC, 2221 Peachtree St. NE, Suite
D, #531, Atlanta GA 30309; 404-373-5429; email:

August 30 - September 1, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

DIMENSION JUMP '96. Daventry Hotel, Daventry UK. Red Dwarf Convention.
Info: 40 Pitford Rd., Woodley, Reading, Berks. UK RG5 4QF.

September 6-8, 1996 (Arizona)

COPPERCON 16. Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort, Scottsdale AZ; 800-852-5205;
rms $60 sngl/dbl, $70 tpl/quad, $120 suites. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold;
AGoH: Alan Gutierrez; SGoH: Alexander Siddig. Theme: SF/F Lit and
Science. Memb: $30 until 8/24/96, $35 after. Info: CopperCon 16, PO
Box 82303, Phoenix, AZ 85071-2303; 602-973-2054; email: or; URL:

September 7, 1996 (Oregon)

TREK 30TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Melody Ballroom, 615 SE Alder Street,
Portland OR. Guests: Robin Curtis, Grace Lee Whitney, Lolita Fatjo.
Memb: $15 in advance, $17 at door. Info: 3196 SE 136th Avenue, Portland
OR 97236; 503-760-7418; email:

September 7-8, 1996 (Texas)

TREKFEST 1996. Ramada Plaza Hotel, Northwest Freeway at Pinemont,
Houston TX; 713-462-9977; rms $55. GoH: Robert O'Reilly; AGoH: Bill
Hughes, Jamie Murray. Star Trek convention. Memb: $17. Info: Starbase
Houston, PO Box 981701, Houston TX 77098-1701; 713-527-9277; email:

September 7-8, 1996 (Republic of Ireland)

NORCON(IRECON 6). Port Centre/Mount Errigal Hotel, Letterkenny, Co.
Donegal, Ireland. GoH: James Doohan. Info: Karen Christine
McElligott-Wise, 11 Town Court, Shannon Town Co. Clare; +61-472812;

September 12-15, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

DANGERCON 666. Ruskin House, Croydon, England UK. Dangermouse
convention. Info: Robert J Newman, 37 Keens Road, Croydon, Surrey,
England UK CR0 1AH.

September 13-15, 1996 (Florida)

IMAGICON '96. Holiday Inn, Fort Walton Beach, FL; rms $58. Guests:
David Dorman, Lurene Haines, Cully Hamner, Bo Hampton, Scott Hampton,
Adam Hughes, Ray Lago, Jason Martin, Jason Pearson, more. Memb: $15
until 7/15/96, $20 until 9/12/96, $25 after. Info: 904-314-2556; URL:

September 13-15, 1996 (Idaho)

MOSCON 18. University Inn Best Western, Moscow ID. GoH: David Weber.
Memb: $22.50 until 9/1/96, $25 after. Info: Moscon 18, PO Box 9622,.
Moscow ID 83843; 509-334-4434; email:; URL:

September 13-15, 1996 (Virginia)

KALEIDOSCOPE 4. Holiday Inn Select, Lynchburg VA; 804-528-2500; rms
$60. GoH: Christie Golden; AGoH: Lew Hartman; FGoH: Linda Neighbors;
Filk GoH: "Time Lines". Memb: $18 until 8/15/96, $20 after; children
8-12 $8. Dealer table: $60 (including memb) until 8/15/96, $70 after.
Info: Lynchburg SF Association, 346 Izaak Walton Rd., Lynchburg VA
24572; 804-528-1266; email:

September 13-15, 1996 (Wisconsin)

MAD MEDIA 3D. Ramada Inn CCC, 3521 Evan Acres Road, Madison WI 53704;
608-222-9121; rms $65. Memb: $25 until 8/31/96, $30 after. Info: Mad
Media, PO Box 9873, Madison WI 53715; 608-836-1103; email:

September 13-15, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

LIGHTSPEED '96. Leeds Hilton National, Leeds, England UK. Info:
Lightspeed Conventions, 16 Bramwell St., Rotherham, South Yorks, England
UK S65 1RZ.

September 14, 1996 (Canada, Nova Scotia)

FALCON. Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax NS, Canada. GoH: Robert J. Sawyer;
AGoHs: Peter Francis, Luisa Nadalini; FGoH: Michael Galland. Memb: C$10
until 8/14/96, C$12 after. Info: Falcon, PO Box 36123, Halifax NS B3J
3S9, Canada.

September 20-22, 1996 (Illinois)

CONSANGUINITY 2.5. Lisle Hyatt, Lisle IL; 800-233-1234. SF GoHs: Jody
Lynn Nye, Bill Fawcett; Horror GoH: Laurell K. Hamilton. Info: email:; URL:

September 20-22, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

OXONMOOT '96. University College, Oxford, England UK. 23rd Tolkien
Society convention. Info: 69 Kirkstall Close, Toothill, Swindon,
England UK SN5 8EF.

September 26-29, 1996 (New Jersey)

SHORECON '96. Berkeley-Carteret, Sunset and Ocean Aves., Asbury Park,
New Jersey; 908-776-6700; rms $70, jr. suite $89, Presidential suite
$119. Guests: TBA. SF, Gaming, Media, Multigenre convention. Memb: $20
until 9/6/96, $25 after. Info: Multigenre, Inc., 266 Spruce Drive,
Brick, NJ 08723-6528; 908-262-9249; email:; URL:

September 27-29, 1996 (Virginia)

RISING STAR. Roanoke VA. GoH: Frank Kelly Freas. Guests: Richard Biggs.
Info: Dr. Fred R. Eichelman, 545 Howard Dr., Salem VA 24153;

September 27-29, 1996 (Wisconsin)

FIRST CONTACT III. Midway Hotel, 5105 S. Howell Ave., Milwaukee WI;
414-769-2100; $62 sngl/dbl, $6 per additional person. GoHs: Juanita and
Buck Coulson; AGoH: Ed Reck; Gaming GoH: Richard Tucholka; Doer GoH:
Bryce Walden, Cheryl Lynn York; Ghost GoH: Jules Verne. Memb: $25 until
8/31/96, $30 after. Dealer info: first table $35 (includes 1
membership), $25 each additional table (does not include membership).
Info: First Contact, PO Box 92726, Milwaukee WI 53202-0726; email:; URL:

September 28-29, 1996 (Canada, Manitoba)

OURCON '96. Assiniboine Gordon Inn On The Park, 1975 Portage Ave.,
Winnipeg, MB Canada; 204-888-4806; rms C$48 less 10% if you mention
OURCON. Guests: TBA. Star Trek convention. Memb: C$25 until 9/1/96,
C$30 after. Info: Ourcon '96, PO Box 67001 RPO Maples, Winnipeg, MB
Canada R2P 2T3; 204-694-4409;

October 4-6, 1996 (Illinois)

ARCHON 20. Holiday Inn and the Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville,
IL; 800-551-5133; rms $79 sngl/dbl, $83 tpl/quad. GoH: Ray Bradbury;
FGoH: Forrest J Ackerman; AGoH: Ray Harryhausen; TM: Julie Schwartz.
Memb: $20 until 8/31/96, $25 until 9/27/96, more after; children 6-12
$5. Dealer table: $50/$65/$75 (membership additional). Info: Archon 20,
PO Box 483, Chesterfield, MO 63006-0483; 314-326-3026; email:; URL:

October 4-6, 1996 (Maryland)

FARPOINT. Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD; 410-785-7000.
Guests: Tim Russ, Michael Ansara. Star Trek convention. Memb: $40;
children 6-12 $15 (checks to Farpoint, Inc.). Info: Farpoint, Inc., 6099
Hunt Club Road, Elkridge MD 21227; 410-579-1257; email:; URL:

October 4-6, 1996 (Minnesota)

ARCANA 1996. Holiday Inn Express, St. Paul MN. GoH: David J. Skal;
SGoH: Fedogan and Bremer. Emphasis: The dark fantastic. Memb: $20
until 9/1/96, $30 after. Info: Arcana, PO Box 8036, Lake St. Stn.,
Minneapolis MN 55408; 612-484-2575.

October 4-6, 1996 (Ohio)

CONTEXT IX. Harley Hotel, Columbus OH. Info: CONTEXT 9, PO Box 163391,
Columbus OH 43216; 614-889-0436; email:

October 4-6, 1996 (Spain)

HISPACON. Burjassot, Spain (near Valencia). GoH: Joe Haldeman; TM: Gay
Haldeman. Info: AEFCF, PO Box 6119, 47080 Valladolid, Spain; email:

October 4-6, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

FANTASYCON. International Hotel, London, England UK; rms L42 dbl. GoH:
Christopher Fowler. Memb: L35/$70 (BSFS members), L40/$80 (others).
Info: Fantasycon, 137 Priory Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, England UK
B28 0TG.

October 9-13, 1996 (Minnesota)

BOUCHERCON XXVII. Radisson Hotel, St. Paul MN. GoH: Mary Higgins Clark.
Memb: $90 until 7/9/96, $100 until 10/8/96. Info: BoucherCon, PO Box
8296, Minneapolis MN 55408-0296; 612-871-1227.

October 11-13, 1996 (Florida)

NECRONOMICON '96. Camberly Inn, Tampa FL; 813-623-6363 or 800-555-8000;
rms $69. GoHs: Tim Powers, J. Michael Straczynski, Brinke Stevens.
Memb: $18 until 9/15/96, $25 after. Info: Necronomicon '96, PO Box
2076, Riverview FL 33569; 813-677-6347; email:; URL:

October 11-13, 1996 (Iowa)

ICON 21. Best Western Westfield, Coralville IA; 319-354-7770; rms $54.
GoHs: Will Shetterly, Emma Bull; FGoH: Tadao Tomomatsu; TM: Rusty
Hevelin; Guests: Robin Bailey, Glen Cook, Joe and Gay Haldeman, Mickey
Zucker Reichert, more. Memb: $25 until 9/2/96, $30 after. Info: Icon
21, PO Box 525, Iowa City IA 52244-0525; 319-338-7375; email:; URL:

October 11-13, 1996 (New Jersey)

INTERCON 11.5. Clarion Hotel, Rt. 73 at I-295, Mt. Laurel, NJ; rms
$75. GoH: Frank Branham. Gaming convention. Memb: $40 until 7/7/96,
$45 until 9/10/96, $55 after (ILF members $10 discount). Info: Intercon
11.5, PO Box 196, Merrifield VA 22116-0196; URL:

October 11-13, 1996 (New York)

ALBACON '96. Howard Johnson Conference Center and Hotel, Albany NY; rms
$50. GoH: Nancy Kress; AGoH: Jill Bauman; FGoH: Shirley Maiewski.
Memb: $28 until 9/22/96, $40 after; children 6-12 $14. Info: Albacon
'96, PO Box 2085, CT., Albany NY 12220-0085; 518-456-5242; email:; URL:

October 11-13, 1996 (Texas)

ARMADILLOCON 18. Red Lion Hotel, Austin TX; 512-323-5466; rms $75
sngl/dbl, $95 tpl/quad. GoH: Jonathan Lethem; EGoH: Patrick Nielsen
Hayden; AGoH: Bob Eggleton; FGoHs: Spike Parsons, Tom Becker; TM: Mike
Resnick. Memb: $25. Info: ArmadilloCon 18, PO Box 9612, Austin TX
78766-9612; 512-472-9944; URL:

October 11-13, 1996 (Virginia)

RISING STAR 5. Glenvar H.S., Salem VA. Guests: Hal Clement, media
guests. Info: c/o Rising Star Productions, 545 Howard Drive, Salem VA

October 11-13, 1996 (Washington)

INCON '96. Ridpath Hotel, Spokane WA; rms $62. GoH: Steven Barnes;
AGoH: Dragon Dronet. Memb: $25. Info: Incon, PO Box 1026, Spokane WA
99201; 509-482-5288; email:; URL:

October 12-13, 1996 (Denmark)

FABULA '96. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Copenhagen,
Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark. Guests: Brian
Aldiss, Harry Harrison, Bruce Sterling, Inge Eriksen, Svend Ege Mad-sen,
more. Theme: Futures in time. Info: The Fabula '96 sekretariat,
Sagasvej 18 st-th, DK-1861 Frederiksberg C, Denmark; email:

October 12-13, 1996 (Republic of Ireland)

OCTOCON '96. Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin;
+353-1-453-9502; rms L69 sngl, L89 double. GoH: Brian Stableford;
Guests: Storm Constantine, Robert Holdstock, Katherine Kurtz, Paul
McAuley, Scott MacMillan, Kim Newman, Tom Richards, Michael Scott, James
White. 7th National Irish SF Convention. Memb: L16 until 9/1/96, L20
after; L10 supporting. Info: OctoCon '96, 30 South Circular Road,
Dublin 8, Ireland;; URL:

October 18-20, 1996 (Michigan)

CONCLAVE 21. Holiday Inn, Lansing MI. Memb: $25 until 9/17/96, $30
after. Info: Conclave 21, PO Box 2915, Ann Arbor MI 48106;
313-454-1554; email:; URL:

October 18-20, 1996, (Minnesota)

REINCONATION 6. Radisson South Hotel, Minneapolis MN; 612-835-7800 or
800-333-3333; rms $99. GoH: Spider and Jeanne Robinson, Jan Bogstad.
Memb: $22 until 9/15/96, $32 after. Info: ReinCONation, PO Box 8297,
Lake Street Station, Minneapolis MN 55408; 612-822-9172; email:; URL:

October 18-20, 1996 (New York)

CONTRADICTION 16. Days Inn Fallsview, Niagara Falls NY. GoH: Charles
Sheffield. Memb: $20 until 7/15/96, $25 until 9/23/96, $30 after.
Info: Contradiction 16, PO Box 100 - Bridge Stn., Niagara Falls, NY

October 18-20, 1996 (Texas)

HORROCON V. Seven Oaks Hotel and Resort, San Antonio TX. Info: Game
Masters of San Antonio; 210-684-4672.

October 24-27, 1996 (Canada, British Columbia)

NORTHSTAR 1. Harrison Hot Springs Hotel, Harrison, B.C. Canada;
800-663-2266; rms C$83 (quiet), C$96 (all others). GoH: S.M. Stirling;
FGoH: R. Graeme Cameron; Science GoH: Dr. Ray Villard; EGoH: Forrest J
Ackerman; Guests: Bill Panzer, Jim Byrnes, Tracy Torme. Memb: C$35/$26
until 7/5/96, C$40 until 10/9/96, $65 after (90% of net proceeds will
benefit various Canadian charities). Info: NorthStar 1, c/o Community
Box Office, 1234 West Hastings Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 2M4;
800-665-5454 (North America); 604-280-2801; email:; URL:

October 24-28, 1996 (Germany)

HANSE-CON 12. Luebeck, Germany. Info: Eckh D. Marwitz, PO Box 1524,
D-22905 Ahrensburg; email: or

October 25-27, 1996 (Colorado)

MILEHICON 28. Regency Hotel, Denver CO. GoH: Frederik Pohl; AGoHs:
Diana Harlan Stein, David Martin; TM: Wil McCarthy. Memb: $20 until
7/1/96, $22 until 10/1/96, $24 until 10/15/96, $26 after. Info:
MileHiCon 28, PO Box 101322, Denver CO 80250; 303-426-0806.

October 25-27, 1996 (Ohio)

OVFF XII. Ramada Inn East, 72124 S. Hamilton Rd., Columbus OH 43232;
614-861-7220; rms $61. GoH: Dave Clement; TM: Leslie Fish; Interfilk
Guest: Nick Smith; Listener of Honor Ann Cecil. Memb: $22 until
10/15/96, $25 after; children 5-12 $3 until 10/15/96, $5 after; children
under 5 free. Info: Ohio Valley Filk Fest, PO Box 20125-0125, Columbus
OH 43220; 614-851-0936; email:; URL:

October 25-27, 1996 (Texas)

DITTO 9. Camino Real Paso del Norte Hotel, El Paso TX. Convention for
fanzine fans. Memb: $45. Info: Richard Brandt, 4740 N. Mesa #111, El
Paso TX 79912; 800-585-8754; email:

October 26, 1996 (Indiana)

MAQUIS GRAS. Portage, IN. Guests: TBA. Star Trek convention. Memb: $10;
children 5-15 half-price, children under 5 free. Info: email:

October 26-27, 1996 (Texas)

GAMMACON. Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Texarkana TX. GoH: Roxanne
Longstreet; AGoH: Joy Marie Ledet; TM: Cat Conrad. Info: Zack G.
Eldred, Jr., Convention Coordinator, 503 Courthouse Avenue, New Boston
TX 75570; email:

October 26-27, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

WHO'S 7 1996. Ashford International Hotel, Ashford, Kent, England; rms
L42 sngl, L30 others. Guests: Gareth Thomas, Paul Darrow, Sophie
Aldred. Memb: L45. Info: Who's 7, 10 Fillebrook Hall, Fillebrook Road,
Leytonstone, London, England E11 1AG; email:;

October 31 - November 3, 1996 (Illinois)

WORLD FANTASY CONVENTION '96. Hyatt Regency, Woodfield, Schaumburg IL;
rms $99/$109/$119/$129. GoHs: Katherine Kurtz, Joe R. Lansdale; AGoH:
Ron Walotsky; TM: Brian Lumley. Memb: $90 until 9/1/96, $100 after; $25
supporting. Dealer info: Alice Bentley, c/o The Stars Our Destination,
1021 W. Belmont, Chicago IL 60657; 312-871-2722. Info: World Fantasy
Convention 1996, PO Box 423, Oak Forest IL 60452; 708-687-5765 (11:00am
- 8:00pm CST, Mon-Sat); URL:

November 1-3, 1996 (Georgia)

ANIME WEEKEND ATLANTA '96/DAIBAKACON. Holiday Inn Airport South, 5010
Old National Hwy., College Park, GA 30349; 404-761-4000. Guests: Steve
Bennett, Bruce Lewis, Jeff Tatarek, Corn Pone Flicks, Ed Hill, Bill
Mayo. Memb: $25 until 10/1/96, $30 after; $5 supporting. Dealer table:
$60 for one table, $150 for 3, $250 for 5. Info: Anime Weekend Atlanta,
PO Box 13544, Atlanta GA 30324-0544; 404-364-9773; email:;

November 1-3, 1996 (Massachusetts)

UNITED FAN CON. Sheraton Monarch Place Hotel, One Springfield Place,
Springfield MA; 413-781-1010; rms $89 sngl/dbl, $99 tpl/quad. Guests:
Lalla Ward, Robert Beltran, Jeff Conaway, Arne Starr, Sonia Hillios.
Star Trek convention. Memb: $40 until 8/1/96, $45 until 10/14/96 for
reserved tickets; $30 until 8/1/96, $35 until 10/14/96, $38 at door for
regular tickets; Children 8-12 are 1/2 price (with adult admission),
children under 8 free. Info: United Fan Con, 500 Monroe Turnpike,
Monroe CT 06468; 617-986-8735; email: or; URL:

November 1-3, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)

PRIMEDIA. Days Inn Airport, Toronto, Ont. Canada. Guests: Chris
Carter, Nigel Bennett, Chris Wiggins, more. Emphasis on Canadian media.
Memb: C$25 until 9/30/96, C$35 after. Info: 114-22 Tinder Cres,
Toronto, Ont. Canada M4A 1L6; 905-820-3844.

November 8-10, 1996 (Alabama)

CON*STELLATION XV: AQUILA. Tom Bevill Center, Huntsville AL; rms $44.
GoH: Stanley Schmidt; FGoH: Chloie Airoldi; TM: Rick Cook. Memb: $25
until 10/31/96, $40 after. Dealer table: $30 (+ memb). Info:
Con*Stellation XV, PO Box 4857, Huntsville AL 35815; 205-883-5922;
email:; URL:

November 8-10, 1996 (Georgia)

ANTARES 1996. Harvey Hotel Powers Ferry, Atlanta, GA. GoH: Jane Yolen;
SGoH: Harry Turtledove; FGoH: Robert and Marilyn Teague. Memb: $25 to
9/1/96, $30 after. Info: Antares 1996, PO Box 1273. Lilburn GA 30226;
770-923-6566; email:

November 8-10, 1996 (Illinois)

WINDYCON XXIII. Hyatt Regency, Woodfield, Schaumburg IL; rms $77
sngl/dbl, $90 tpl/quad. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold; AGoH: Randy
Asplund-Faith; Science GoH: Christian Ready; FGoH: Tom and Tara Barber;
TM: Barry B. Longyear; SGoH: David Lee Anderson. Memb: $25 until
10/1/96, $35 after. Info: WindyCon XXIII, PO Box 184, Palantine IL
60078-0184; 847-383-6946; email:; URL:

November 8-10, 1996 (Massachusetts)

NOTJUSTANOTHERCON 12. Campus Center Hotel, Amherst MA; $65 sngl, $76
dbl. GoH: Allen Steele. Info: c/o SCUM, RSO 16, U. Mass, Amherst MA
01003; 413-545-1924; email:

November 8-10, 1996 (New Jersey)

ECLECTICON 1996. Ramada Inn, Newark NJ. Dealer tables: $35 (plus
membership). Memb: $35 until 10/20/96, $40 after; $8 supporting. Info:
Eclecticon, 9-11 Ayres Court, Bayonne NJ 07002-3510;

November 8-10, 1996 (Oregon)

ORYCON 18. Red Lion Columbia River, Portland OR. GoHs: Diane Duane,
Peter Morwood; EGoH: Gardner Dozois; AGoH: Patricia Davis. Info: OryCon
18, PO Box 5703, Portland OR 97228-5703; 503-283-0802; email:; URL:

November 8-10, 1996 (Virginia)

SCICON. Holiday Inn Executive Center, Virginia Beach VA; 804-499-4400;
rms $61. SGoH: Larry Elmore, GoH: Charles Sheffield; AGoH: Melissa
Benson. Memb: $20 until 10/1/96, $30 after.

November 8-10, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

NOVACON 26. Hotel Ibis, Birmingham, England UK; rms L39 sngl, L21 per
person dbl. GoH: David Gemmell. Memb: L27 until 10/1/96, L30 after.
Info: Novacon 26, 14 Park St., Lye, Stourbridge, W. Midlands BY9 8SS,

November 15-17, 1996 (Florida)

TROPICON XV. Doubletree Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale FL. GoH: David Gerrold;
TM: Peter David. Memb: $23 until 10/25/96, $28 after. Info: SFSFS, PO
Box 70143, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33307-0143; email:

November 15-17, 1996 (Indiana)

CHIMAERACON 1996. French Lick Springs Resort, French Lick, IN;
800-457-4042. GoH: Grace Lee Whitney; EGoH: Bjo Trimble. Info:
CHIMAERA, PO Box 42, West Baden IN 47469;

November 15-17, 1996 (Ohio)

CONFURENCE EAST 1996. Holiday Inn Independence, Independence (nr
Cleveland) Ohio; rms $77. Guests: Susan Van Camp, Paul Kidd, White Wolf
Game Studios. Info: ConFURence East, c/o Susan "Trish" Ny, 11037
Henning Dr., Chardon OH 44024-9796; 216-285-2207 (9:00am - 10:00pm EDT);
email:; URL:

November 15-17, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

ARMADACON VIII. Astor Hotel, Plymouth, England UK. Info: Armadacon, c/o
4 Glengeagle Ave., Mannamead, Plymouth, England UK PL3 5HL.

November 23-24, 1996 (Oklahoma)

SOONERCON 12. Lincoln Hotel, Oklahoma City OK. GoH: Kim Stanley
Robinson; AGoH: Bob Eggleton; FGoH: Roy Lavender; TM: David Lee
Anderson. Info: Soonercon 12, PO Box 892687, Oklahoma City OK 73189;
405-634-5442; URL:

November 22-24, 1996 (Pennsylvania)

PHILCON 61. Adam's Mark Hotel, Philadelphia, PA. GoH: Fred Pohl. Memb:
$25 until 11/17/96. Info: Philcon 61, c/o PSFC, PO Box 8303, 30th St.
Stn., Philadelphia PA 19101; 215-342-1672; email:

November 29 - December 1, 1996 (California, Southern)

LOSCON 23. Airport Hilton, Burbank CA. GoH: Harry Turtledove; AGoH:
Vincent DiFate; FGoH: Bob Null. Memb: $25 until 7/15/96, $30 until
11/15/96, $35 after. Info: LASFS, 11513 Burbank Blvd. N. Hollywood CA
91601; 818-760-9234; email:

November 29 - December 1, 1996 (California, Northern)

SILICON. Sunnyvale Hilton Inn, 1250 Lakeside Dr., Sunnyvale CA 94086;
408-738-4888; rms $69. GoHs: Katherine Kurtz, Scott MacMillan; AGoH:
Frank Cirocco. Memb: $25 until 6/30/96, $30 until 9/30/96, $35 until
11/28/96, $40 after. Info: SiliCon, 1012 Morse Ave. #15, Sunnyvale CA
94089; 408-541-0358 (weekdays 11:30am - 5:30pm); email:;

November 29 - December 1, 1996 (Illinois)

CHAMBANACON 26. Chancellor Hotel, Champaign IL; rms $56-$80. GoH:
Andrew J. Offutt; TM: Bob Tucker. Relaxacon. Memb: $25 until 11/15/96,
$30 after. Dealer info: c/o Rusty Hevelin, PO Box 1322, Dayton OH
45401. Info: Chambanacon 26, c/o M. David and Marsha Brim, PO Box 2908,
Springfield IL 62708; 217-753-8934.

November 29 - December 1, 1996 (Illinois)

VISIONS '96. Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel, 9300 W. Bryn Mawr, Rosemont,
IL; 847-696-1234; rms $73. Guests: Colin Baker, Philip Segal, Claudia
Christian. The Unconventional Television Convention featuring many
British and American tv shows including Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Red
Dwarf, and Blake's 7. Memb: $60 until 10/31/96, $75 after. Info:
Visions '96, PO Box 1202, Highland Park, IL 60035-1202; 847-405-9461;

November 29 - December 1, 1996 (Maryland)

DARKOVER GRAND COUNCIL MEETING 19. Holiday Inn Select - Baltimore
North, Timonium MD; rms $109. Emphasis: Marion Zimmer Bradley,
Darkover. Info: c/o Armida Council, PO Box 7203, Silver Spring MD
20907; 202-737-4609; email:

December 4-8, 1996 (Poland)

POLAND NATIONAL CON '96. Gdansk, Poland. Info: GKF, PO Box 76, Gdansk
80-325, Poland; 48-58-531-073.

December 6-8, 1996 (Washington)

SMOFCON 14. Seattle Hilton, Seattle, WA. Convention for convention
runners. Info: SMOFcon, PO Box 85418, Seattle, WA 98145; 206-241-0892;

December 24-26, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)

YULECON. Plough and Harrow Hotel, Birmingham, England UK. Info: Yulecon,
c/o Lorraine Pritchard, 56 York Rd., Torpoint, Cornwall, England UK PL11

December 27-29, 1996 (Texas)

STELLAR OCCASION. Harvey Addison Hotel, 14315 Midway Rd., Dallas TX
75244. Media GoH: Walter Koenig. Memb: $25 in advance (checks to
Phoenix Entertainment). Info: Stellar Occasion, 3352 Broadway Blvd.,
Suite 470, Garland TX 75043; email:; URL:

*** 1997 AND BEYOND ***

January 10-12, 1997 (Massachusetts)

ARISIA '97. Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston MA. GoH: R. A. Salvatore;
AGoH: Bob Eggleton; FGoH: The Gang of Five. Memb: $30 until 11/15/96,
more after. Info: ARISIA, Inc., 1 Kendall Square, Suite 322, Cambridge,
MA 02139; email:; URL:

January 17-19, 1997 (California, Southern)

CONFURENCE 8. Buena Park Hotel and Convention Center, 7675 Crescent
Ave., Buena Park CA 90620-3947; 800-422-444; rms $64. Memb: $20 until
12/1/96, $30 after; $12 supporting. Info: ConFurence, PO Box 1958,
Garden Grove CA 92652-1968; 714-530-4993 (ask for ConFurence); URL:

January 17-19, 1997 (Colorado)

ANACONISM '97.. Sheraton Denver West Hotel and Convention Center, 360
Union Boulevard, Lakewood CO; 800-KAEWOOD. Guests: TBA. Memb: $25 in
advance, $40 at door. Info: IBECC, PO Box 21766, Denver CO 80221-0766;
303-426-1847; email:; URL:

January 17-19, 1997 (Florida)

JONESCON IV. Cuong Nhu Karate Health Center, 809 W. University Ave.,
Gainesville FL. Gaming convention. Memb: $7 in advance, $10 at door.
Info: Peter Taylor 1020 SW 3rd Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601; URL:

January 17-19, 1997 (Tennessee)

CHATTACON 22. Chattanooga TN. Guests: Harry Turtledove, Esther
Friesner, Tom Kidd, Charles L. Grant, more. Info: Chattacon 22, PO Box
23908, Chattanooga TN 37422; 404-578-8461; email:

January 24-26, 1997 (Michigan)

CONFUSION. Van Dyke Park Suite, Warren MI; 810-939-2860; rms $59, $69
poolside, $79 two-room suites, $129 two-room suite with jacuzzi. GoH:
Samuel R. "Chip" Delany; AGoH: Susan van Camp; FGoH: Joey Shoji; Science
GoH: Mark Shapiro. Memb: $15 until 8/1/96, $20 until 11/1/96, $25 until
12/31/96, $30 after; children 4-14: $10 until 11/1/96, $15 until
12/31/96, $20 after. Dealer Info: Tom Barber, 3111 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor
MI 48104. Info: ConFusion, PO Box 8284, Ann Arbor MI 48107; email:; URL:

February 14-16, 1997 (California, Southern)

GALLIFREY '97. Best Western Airtel Plaza Hotel, Valjean Ave. & Sherman
Way, Van Nuys CA; 818-997-7676; rms $79-$85. Guests: Philip Segal, J.
Michael Straczynski, Anneke Wills, Michael Craze, John Levene, Larry
Stewart, Jean-Marc Lofficier. Memb: $30 until 7/4/96, $35 until
11/1/96, $40 until 2/1/97, $45 after. Info: Gallifrey Conventions, PO
Box 3021, N. Hollywood CA 91609; 818-752-9656; email:;

February 14-16, 1997 (Massachusetts)

BOSKONE 34. Sheraton Tara Hotel, Framingham, MA; 508-879-7200. GoH:
John M. Ford; AGoH: Ron Walotsky; Featured Filker: Tom Smith. Memb: $34
until 1/19/97. Info: Boskone 34, PO Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701-0203;
617-625-2311; email:; URL:

February 14-16, 1997 (Washington)

RADCON 2A. Pasco Red Lion Inn, 2525 North 20th, Pasco WA 99301;
509-547-0701 or 800-547-8010; rms $60. GoH: F.M. Busby; AGoH: Gail
Butler; Science GoH: Jim Myer; FGoH; Richard Wright; Rising Star:
Patricia Briggs. Memb: $15 until 10/13/96, $20 until 2/7/97, $25 after.
Info: RadCon, 2527 W. Kennewick Ave. #162, Kennewick, WA 99336;
509-943-0713; email:; URL:

February 14-17, 1997 (United Kingdom, England)

ATTITUDE: THE CONVENTION. Abbey Hotel, Great Malvern. Memb: L23. Info:
David T. Cooper, 51 Meersbrook Ave., Sheffield S8 9EB, UK;
+44-114-281-0697; email:

February 28 - March 2, 1997 (New York)

ASTRONOMICON 6. Radisson Inn, Jefferson Road, Henrietta NY. Guests:
Tanya Huff, Jay Kay Klein. Info: Rochester Fantasy Fans, PO Box 1701,
Rochester NY 14603-1701; 716-342-4697; email:; URL:

February 28 - March 2, 1997 (Washington)

POTLATCH 6. University Plaza Hotel, I-5 and NE 45th St., Seattle WA;
rms $65 sngl/dbl, $70 tpl, $75 quad. Memb: $30. Info: Potlatch 6, PO
Box 31848, Seattle, WA, 98103-1848; email:; URL:

March 7-9, 1997 (California, Southern)

CONCHORD 12. Van Nuys Airtel Plaza, Van Nuys CA. GoH: Graham Leathers;
TM: Larry Warner. Memb: $30 until 3/6/97, $35 after. Info: Zen Nine
Productions, PO Box 61172, Pasadena CA 91116; email:; URL:

March 7-9, 1997 (New York)

LUNACON '97. Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook NY. GoH: C.J. Cherryh; AGoH:
David Cherry; Media GoH: Michael O'Hare; FGoH: Michael J. Walsh. Memb:
$33 until 2/8/97, $44 after; children 6-12 half price. Info: Lunacon
'97, PO Box 3566, New York NY 10008-03566; email:;

March 14-16, 1997 (California, Northern)

CORFLU 14. The Lighthouse Hotel, 105 Rockaway Beach Avenue, Pacifica CA
94044; 800-832-4777; rms $60-$90 sngl/dbl (actual price depending on
view) . Memb: $45; $10 supporting. Info: David Bratman, PO Box 662, Los
Altos CA 94023; email:

March 19-23, 1997 (Florida)

Lauderdale FL. GoH: Dan Simmons; SGoH: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; Perennial
SGoH: Brian Aldiss. Info: IAFA, College of Humanities, 500 NW 20th
HU-50 B-9, Florida Atlantic U., Boca Raton FL 33431; 717-532-1495.

March 20-23, 1997 (Mississippi)

COASTCON XX. MS Coliseum and Convention Center, Biloxi MS. Memb: $25
until 8/3/96, $30 until 1/1/97, $35 until 3/1/97, $40 after; URL:

March 20-23, 1997 (Texas)

AGGIECON XXVIII. Student Center, Texas A&M University, College Station,
TX. Info: Cepheid Variable, MSC Student Programs Office, Box J-1, Texas
A&M University, College Station TX 77844; 409-845-1515 (8am-6pm central,
weekdays); email:

March 21-23, 1997 (Ohio)

MILLENNICON -4. Blue Ash Hotel & Conference Center, 5901 Pfeiffer Road,
Cincinnati OH 45242; URL:

March 27-30, 1997 (Washington)

NORWESCON 20. Red Lion Hotel, Seattle Airport, Seattle WA;
206-246-8600; rms $87 up to 4 people, $15 per person after. AGoH:
Vincent Di Fate; Science GoH: Dr. Robert L. Forward; Volunteer GoH:
Glenda J. Hedden. Memb: $35 until 7/4/96, $50 at the door. Info:
Norwescon 20, PO Box 24207, Seattle WA 98124; 206-270-7850; email:; URL:

March 28-30, 1997 (Maryland)

BALTICON 31. Omni International Hotel, Baltimore MD; 410-752-1100; rms
$95. GoH: Glen Cook; AGoHs: Frank Kelly Freas, Laura Brodian Freas;
Filk GoH: Mike Stein; FGoHs: Samanda B Jeude, Don Cook. Memb: $35 until
12/31/96, $45 until 2/28/96, more after. Dealer's Room Info: Balticon
31 Dealers Room, PO Box 70013, Baltimore, MD 21237. Info: Balticon 31,
PO Box 686, Baltimore, MD 21203-0686; email:; URL:

March 28-31, 1997 (New Zealand)

CONSPIRACY 1997. Airport Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand. GoH: Pat
Cadigan. New Zealand's National Convention. Memb: NZ$60/A$54;
NZ$15/A$14 supporting. Info: Conspiracy '97, PO Box 10104, Wellington,
New Zealand; email:

March 28-31, 1997 (United Kingdom, England)

INTERVENTION/EASTERCON. Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, England. GoHs: Brian
Aldiss, David Langford, Jon Bing, Octavia Butler. Memb: L25 until
3/14/97; L10 supporting. Info: Intervention, 12 Crowsbury Close,
Emsworth, Hants PO10 7TS; email:

April 11-13, 1997 (Canada, Ontario)

FILKONTARIO 7. Near the Toronto airport. GoH: Talis Kimberley, Filk
Waifs: Clif and Carol Flynt. Memb: C$30/$22 until 10/31/96. Info: 302
college Ave. W., Unit 20, Guelph, Ontario Canada N1G 4T6; email:

April 18-20, 1997 (Missouri)

NAME THAT CON 10. The Harley Hotel, Earth City MO (near St. Charles).
GoH: Laurell K. Hamilton; AGoH: David Martin; FGoH: Susan Eisenhour; TM:
Mickey Zucker-Reichert; SGoH: Wilson "Bob" Tucker. Memb: $20 until
2/28/97, $25 after. Info: NameThatCon, PO Box 575, St. Charles MO
63302; 314-583-5193; email:

April 18-20, 1997 (Texas)

AMIGOCON 12. Quality Inn, El Paso TX. GoH: Simon Hawke. Memb: $12
until 12/31/96. Info: Amigocon 12, Box 3177, El Paso TX 79923;
800-585-8574; email: or or

May 2-5, 1997 (Caribbean)

SEA-CON '97. At sea in the Caribbean on a cruise ship; rms $260 and up.
Guests: Robert O'Reilly. Info: SEA-CON, c/o Cmdr. Sam Conaty, Uniglobe
Gem Travel, 633 South Main Street, Milpitas CA 95035; 800-980-9192
x1701; email:; URL:

May 9-11, 1997 (Ohio)

MARCON 32. Hyatt Regency, Columbus OH; 800-233-1234. GoH: Harry
Turtledove; AGoH: Brom. Memb: $35. Info: Marcon 32, PO Box 141414,
Columbus OH 43214; 614-475-8181; email:; URL:

May 16-18, 1997 (Illinois)

CONVERSION. Deerfield Hyatt, 1750 Lake Cook Rd. Deerfield, IL; rms: $78
sngl/quad; 800-233-1234 or 847-945-3400. GoH: Nick Pollotta; AGoH: Reed
Walker. Adult convention, you must be over 21 to register. Memb: $25
until 4/1/97, $35 after. Info: Conversion, PO Box 257795, Chicago, IL
60625-7795; email:

May 23-26, 1997 (Maryland)

COSTUMECON 15. Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, MD; rms $95. Memb:
$50; $25 supporting. Info: CCXV c/o Rule, 5400 White Mane, Columbia, MD
21045; 410-730-7117; email:

May 23-25, 1997 (Michigan)

MEDIAWEST*CON 17. Lansing Holiday Inn South Convention Center, Lansing
MI. Memb: $35 until 12/31/96, $40 until 5/19/97 (membership limit 900);
$10 supporting (all checks to T'Kuhtian Press). NO Children's
memberships or one-days. Info: MediaWest*Con 17, 200 East Thomas
Street, Lansing MI 48906-4047; email:; URL:

May 23-25, 1997 (Missouri)

CONQUEST 28. Park Place Hotel, Kansas City MO; 800-821-8532. GoHs:
Larry Niven, Andy Offutt, Alan Clark, Bob Stoltman. Info: ConQuest 28,
PO Box 36212, Kansas City MO 64171; email:

May 23-25, 1997 (Texas)

CONTROLL '97. Houston TX. Gaming convention. Info: Con-Troll
Conventions, Inc., PO Box 740969-1025, Houston TX 77274; 713-895-9202.

May 24-26, 1997 (United Kingdom, Scotland)

FANTASTICON. The Moat House, Glasgow, Scotland; rms L42 sngl, L35.70
dbl. GoH: William Campbell; Guests: Harry Harrison, Bob Shaw, Lisa
Tuttle; Ramsey Campbell, David Gemmell. Memb: L40.50 until 8/31/96, L45
after (children up to age 14, half price; children under 5 free);L15
supporting. Info: Catherine Richardson, 38 Planetree Avenue, Fenham,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 9TH; email:; URL:

June 6-8, 1997 (Mississippi)

DEEPSOUTHCON 35/CHIMNEYCON 3. Cabot Lodge-Millsaps, 2375 North State
Street, Jackson MS 39202; 601-948-8650; rms $59. GoH: George Alec
Effinger; FGoH: J.R. Madden; TM: Michael Scott; AGoH: Hanther; SGoH:
James P. Hogan. Dealer tables $60 per table (includes membership).
Memb: $20 until 12/31/96, $25 until 5/1/97, $40 after. Dealer Info: c/o
Diane Miller 1402 4th Avenue North, Grand Forks ND 58203. Info:
DeepSouthCon/ChimneyCon, PO Box 13626, Jackson MS 39236; URL:

June 15-22, 1997 (Pacific Ocean)

SEATREK '97. Cruise ship from Los Angeles to Mexico. GoHs: George
Takei, Tim Russ, Roxann Biggs-Dawson, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, William
Campbell, John de Lancie, Robert Duncan McNeill, Ethan Phillips, Garrett
Wang. Info: Seatrek 97, 8306 Mills Drive, Box 198, Miami, FL 33183;

July 3-6, 1997 (Washington)

WESTERCON 50. Sheraton Seattle Hotel and Towers, Seattle WA. GoHs: J.
Michael Straczynski, Martin H. Greensberg, Amy Thomson; AGoH: Victoria
Poyser-Lisi; Science GoH: Jack Cohen; MGoHs: Spider and Jeanne Robinson;
FGoH: Walter Daugherty. Memb: $40 until 6/30/96, more after; $20
supporting. Info: SWOC, PO Box 283, Seattle WA 98111-0283;
206-742-8943; email:; URL:

July 4-6, 1997 (United Kingdom, England)

NEXUS '97. Forte Posthouse, Bristol, England UK. Info: 26 Milner Rd.,
Horfield, Bristol, England UK BS7 9PQ; email:

August 14-17, 1997 (California, Southern)

DRACULA 97. Los Angeles Airport Doubletree Hotel, Los Angeles CA. GoH:
Fred Saberhagen; TM: Gahan Wilson; Publishing GoH: Robert
Eighteen-Bisang of Transylvania Press. Memb: $90 until 8/1/96 ($80 for
TSD members), $100 until 4/1/97 ($90 for TSD members), $110 at the door
($100 for TSD members). Annual membership in the Transylvania Society of
Dracula: $50 plus one-time charge of $27 for Dracula pin and membership
card. Info: The Transylvania Society of Dracula, PO Box 91611, Santa
Barbara CA 93190-1611.

August 15-17, 1997 (Rhode Island)

NECRONOMICON 3. Marriott Hotel, Providence, RI; 401-272-2400; $82.
GoH: Brian Lumley; SGoH: Dirk W. Mosig. Memb: $45 until 12/31/96, more
after (checks to NecronomiCon). Info: NecronomiCon, PO Box 1320, Back
Bay Annex, Boston, MA 02117-1320; email:; URL:

August 22-25, 1997 (United Kingdom, England)

TEROK NOR. Radisson Edwardian, Heathrow, England UK. Info: 43 Eastern
AVe., Polegate, East Sussex, England UK BN26 6HG.

August 28 - September 1, 1997 (Texas)

LONESTARCON 2/55th WORLDCON. The Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center,
Marriott Rivercenter and Marriott Riverwalk, San Antonio, TX. GoHs:
Algis Budrys, Michael Moorcock; TM: Neal Barrett, Jr.; FGoH: Roy
Tackett; AGoH: Don Maitz; Memb: $95 until 7/7/96, $120 until 12/31/96;
children 3-12 $40, children under 3 free; $25 supporting. Info:
LoneStarCon 2, PO Box 27277, Austin TX 78755-2277; 512-453-7446; email: or; URL:

September 13-14, 1997 (Oregon)

SPACECON XII. Days Inn/City Center, 1414 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR
97201; 503-221-1611; rms $72. Guests: Barry Morse, Barbara Bain, Nick
Tate. Space: 1999 convention. Memb: $50. Info: SpaceCon XII, 3196 SE
136th Avenue, Portland OR 97236; 503-760-7418; email:

October 24-27, 1997 (Republic of Ireland)

OCTOCON '97/EUROCON. Dublin, Ireland. 1997 European SF Con/8th annual
Irish national SF con. Info: Euro-Octocon '97, 211 Blackhorse Avenue,
Dublin 11, Ireland; email:; URL:

October 30 - November 2, 1997 (United Kingdom, England)

WORLD FANTASY CONVENTION '97. Britannia International Hotel, London
Docklands, UK. GoH: Joan Aiken; AGoH: Bob Eggleton; SGoHs: Hugh B. Cave,
R. Chetwynd-Hayes; TM: Robert Holdstock. Themes: Dracula centennial;
Hidden Realms of London. Memb: (750 membership limit); L30/$50
supporting. Info: World Fantasy Convention, PO Box 31, Whitby North
Yorkshire YO22 4YL, UK; URL:

April 3-6, 1998 (Missouri)

COSTUMECON 16. Radisson Airport, St. Louis, MO. Memb: $50 to 10/31/96,
more after; $25 supporting. Info: SASE to CostumeCon 16, c/o St. Louis
Costumers Guild, 7835 Milan, University City, MO 63130;

April 10-13, 1998 (United Kingdom, England)

INTUITION/EASTERCON '98. The Jarvis Piccadilly Hotel, Manchester
England. GoHs: Connie Willis, Ian McDonald; FGoH: Martin Tudor. Memb:
L25 until 11/8/96, children 9-16 L12, children 5-9 L5, under 5 free; L15
supporting. Info: Intuition, 43 Onslow Gardens, Wallington, Surrey,
England SM6 9QH; email:; URL:

August 5-9, 1998 (Maryland)

BUCCONEER/1998 WORLDCON. Baltimore MD. GoH: C.J. Cherryh; FGoH: Milton
A. Rothman; EGoH: Stanley Schmidt; AGoH: Michael Whelan; TM: Charles
Sheffield. Memb: $98/L71 until 9/30/96; $30/L22 supporting; children
4-12 $50/L36. Info: Bucconeer, PO Box 314, Annapolis Junction MD 20701;
email:; URL:

August 29-30, 1998 (United Kingdom, Wales)

INFINITY. The Angel Hotel, Cardiff, Wales UK. Guests: Anthony Daniels,
Colin Baker, Ed Bishop, Dr. Jack Cohen, David Banks, M. J. Simpson.
Memb: L30; L10 supporting. Info: Infinity, Swn y Nant, 12 Stuart
Street, Treherbert, Treorchy, Wales UK CF42 5PR; URL:

Andres Torres Rivera

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