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How to spell PEDOPHILE

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Mar 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/24/97

OK well PEDOPHILE is spelled P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E. Thanks for correcting me.
By the way, YOU would know EXACTLY how to spell it huh? A word that comes
up often? Forgive me if I can't spell the word.I don't use the word. I am
not what the words spells. I really wish the so called fans that post in
TEEN.IDOLS would stop pretending that they are "normal". No matter what
anyone tries to say I know what you are. Others may not but I do. Wake up
everyone! BOYCOTT THE PEDOPHILE NEWSHROUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know who
they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &!

Message has been deleted


Mar 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/24/97

I despamed your message and confined it to afti.

It's amazing that you know so much about every one else. Are you
psychicly gifted?
Do you spend time gazing into your crystal balls and seeing into
everyone elses lives?
Perhaps if you are so gifted you should go to work for the Kenny
Kingston Psychic hotline. Better yet, why dont you go to work for the
police department and solve crimes or find missing kids. There are a lot
of valuable services that you could render to people.
I cant and dont speculate about everyone else out here. I know i'm
"OK". I'm the only person I have any real control over so thats what
matters on this end. It would be nice to think that I could "clean up"
the net. This wouldnt be the first place I would start though. This
group seems pretty conservative for the most part.
As to your spelling; I misspell stuff all the time. It give people who
like to find fault with others, something to do.
"What's Right Isn't Always popular; What's Popular Isn't Always Right"


Mar 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/25/97

Hey, My names Kelly, I enjoy this newsgroup, and I am female, you ar
eintruting me, this is freedom of sppech, if you dont like this newsgroup,
take a hike and jeave us alone, we are happy together!!!1
Kelly Williams

Someone <> wrote in article

Joshua Gordon Crawford

Mar 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/25/97

Someone (what? is he scared to use his own name?) wrote:
> OK well PEDOPHILE is spelled P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E. Thanks for correcting me.

actually it's spelt paedophile

> By the way, YOU would know EXACTLY how to spell it huh? A word that comes
> up often? Forgive me if I can't spell the word.I don't use the word. I am
> not what the words spells. I really wish the so called fans that post in

are you saying that if you can spell something then you are whtever that
word is? do me a favour, spell bigot, hypocrite, moron, loser, f***wit,
and any number of other words

> TEEN.IDOLS would stop pretending that they are "normal". No matter what

what is 'normal'? if you are then i don't want to be!

> anyone tries to say I know what you are. Others may not but I do. Wake up

we have the enlightened one here

> everyone! BOYCOTT THE PEDOPHILE NEWSHROUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know who
> they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> &!

why don't you post this sort of garbage to the* NG's?

| Joshua Gordon CRAWFORD |
| |


Mar 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/25/97

Someone wrote:
> OK well PEDOPHILE is spelled P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E. Thanks for correcting me.
> By the way, YOU would know EXACTLY how to spell it huh? A word that comes
> up often? Forgive me if I can't spell the word.I don't use the word. I am
> not what the words spells. I really wish the so called fans that post in
> TEEN.IDOLS would stop pretending that they are "normal". No matter what
> anyone tries to say I know what you are. Others may not but I do. Wake up
> everyone! BOYCOTT THE PEDOPHILE NEWSHROUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know who
> they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> &!

Well we know where your brain is, haven't you noticed that when
you sit down you can't concentrate.


Mar 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/26/97

On 25 Mar 1997 16:32:34 GMT, "Fudge" <> wrote:

>Hey, My names Kelly, I enjoy this newsgroup, and I am female, you ar
>eintruting me, this is freedom of sppech, if you dont like this newsgroup,
>take a hike and jeave us alone, we are happy together!!!1
>Kelly Williams
>Someone <> wrote in article

>> OK well PEDOPHILE is spelled P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E. Thanks for correcting me.
>> By the way, YOU would know EXACTLY how to spell it huh? A word that comes
>> up often? Forgive me if I can't spell the word.I don't use the word. I
>> not what the words spells. I really wish the so called fans that post in
>> TEEN.IDOLS would stop pretending that they are "normal". No matter what
>> anyone tries to say I know what you are. Others may not but I do. Wake up
>> everyone! BOYCOTT THE PEDOPHILE NEWSHROUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know who
>> they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> &!

Quit bitching about this newsgroup, pedophile. You're complaint is
with the boy counterpart of this NG. Not this one. I think you're
the pedophile who has got caught,a nd is now lashing out at us. Go
ahead and say I'm a pedophile. God hate liars. You WILL!!!! burn in
Hell for it. If you do not like a NG, boycott it yourself. Don't
tell us too, particularly in a NG that you have no complaint about.
You don't have to view posts in a NG that you don't like. I only use
5 to 8 NGs, depending on interest, with an occasional venture into a
new one. Get lost and go to Hell, you annoying pedophile.
The "Pedophile" Ha Ha. Beat you to it, you Weirdo! Now you're name
calling can not possibly effect me, becuase no one will take it
seriously. HA HA!

J. Neale

Mar 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/26/97

So a guy returns to his apartment to find his
girlfriend packing up all her things. She says
I'm leaving you. He says how come? She
says you're a pedophile. He says,
ooooohhh, big word for a 12-year old.

Fudge <> wrote in article


Mar 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/26/97

In article <01bc3939$abfdfe40$0300a8c0@wade>, "Fudge" <> wrote:

> Hey, My names Kelly, I enjoy this newsgroup, and I am female, you ar
> eintruting me, this is freedom of sppech, if you dont like this newsgroup,
> take a hike and jeave us alone, we are happy together!!!1
> Kelly Williams

Ok Kelly fine. Your parents sure are STUPID. If you want to be-friend
adult men who are in love with children that is your business. Don't you
think it's a little sick that a man as old as your father is in love with
young teen actors?

Maybe your parents taught that it's freedom speach but is it freedom of
speach to make a 15 year old girl such as Kelly believe that you are cool
when you are really a child molester? That's whatreally is going on here.
When kelly does find out who the people here really are maybe she won't
want to be "all happy together".

HELLO? It is NOT NORMAL to be a a MAN and so obsessed with teenage boys!!!
Are you living on this planet? In my book that is considered a pedophile!

Go ahead keep defending yourselves. 15 year old Kelly's don't know any
better. But others do and others know what you are all about.


Mar 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/26/97

On my local news I saw this:

A regular guy who probably claimed to be "cool" like the people who are
flaming my posts, met a 13 year old over the internet gullable little girl
and raped her. He must have been someone who posted in:

--Someone who knows the TRUTH!

Corey J.T. Padecky

Mar 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/27/97

That's terrible! I'll keep both of them in my prayers.

I have longed to eat this meal with you before I suffer.

Andrew Ariens

Mar 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/27/97

On Mon, 24 Mar 1997 16:18:26 -0500, (Someone) wrote:

>OK well PEDOPHILE is spelled P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E. Thanks for correcting me.
>By the way, YOU would know EXACTLY how to spell it huh? A word that comes
>up often? Forgive me if I can't spell the word.

Well, you spelled the "pedo" part right in your first flamebait post.
I would expect that someone with at least average intelligence should
be able to figure out how to spell the -phile suffix correctly.

>I don't use the word. I am
>not what the words spells. I really wish the so called fans that post in
>TEEN.IDOLS would stop pretending that they are "normal". No matter what
>anyone tries to say I know what you are. Others may not but I do. Wake up
>everyone! BOYCOTT THE PEDOPHILE NEWSHROUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know who
>they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> &!

Why do you jump to the conclusion that and are "pedophile" newsgroups? Most of the people
who read these newsgroups (including me) are teenagers. And yes, some
of them are adults. Since when was it morally wrong for adults to be
fans of teen actors and actresses? Yes, I admit that there are some
sickos out there, like the creator of the aformentioned "Shirtless
Teen Actors" website you talked about in your first flamebait.
(Though I wonder why the hell you were looking at that page in the
first place). But that doesn't give you the right to judge the people
who are genuinely interested in teen actors/actresses and their acting
careers. "Judge not lest ye be judged yourself"

Andrew R. Ariens (

Mar 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/27/97

>On my local news I saw this:
>A regular guy who probably claimed to be "cool" like the people who are
>flaming my posts, met a 13 year old over the internet gullable little girl
>and raped her.

As terrible as this tragic event is, it is a prime example of why parents should monitor what their minor children are doing on the internet. I don't believe in relationships founded in cyberspace.
there are just too many unknowns and all too often, too many lies involved. Heck, you can't even trust some people you meet at church anymore, much less someone on the other end of a modem.

>He must have been someone who posted in:

I doubt it very seriously... if it happened locally, he was most likely someone she met through a private on-line live chat. that's where most co-called Cyber-love connection couples usually begin
their conversation..., disgusting and unwanted spam aside, is not as bad as you are making it out to be... Granted, there have been some very disgusting posts there recently due to a crosspost made
to two totally unrelated newsgroups by someone who wanted to cause trouble. I took care of the problem, and now we just have the real pedophiles to deal with: the perverted jerks who keep posting
advertisements for porn to this newsgroup and any other newsgroup where female celebrities and or females in general are discussed. They post using false e-mail addresses, so it is next to impossible
to track them down directly, so a group of us are attempting to contact their Internet Service Providers and notify them of what is going on. With any luck, we will be able to make at least safe for teens as well as adults (such as myself) interested in furthering the careers and publicity of the young actresses they admire. You can help us in this endeavor by
supporting the cleaning up of this newsgroup, rather than pushing for a boycot.

I cannot speak for That is a totally unrelated newsgroup started by totally different people, and has a totally different following, but we try to keep the discussion on as decent as we can.

In Christ,

Joe Vainner

Mar 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/27/97

Someone wrote:
> On my local news I saw this:
> A regular guy who probably claimed to be "cool" like the people who are
> flaming my posts, met a 13 year old over the internet gullable little girl
> and raped her. He must have been someone who posted in:
> --Someone who knows the TRUTH!

I have no problem with you speaking your mind. You've already done that.
Unless you have something else to add to your argument, I think we would
all appreciate it if you would stop it with the same old post. I take
serious offense to anyone who even implies that I would rape a 13 year
old girl. Let he who judges be the first to be judged. You are nothing
more than an ignorant bigot who stereotypes and generalizes.
Stereotyping us is no better than saying that all black people are gang
members. Calling me a pedophile is like calling a black man a nigger.
Get a life. If you're going to flame some one why don't you flame the
pedo and incest newsgroups.

Doug Giffin

Mar 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/27/97

In article <>, (Someone) wrote:

> On my local news I saw this:
> A regular guy who probably claimed to be "cool" like the people who are
> flaming my posts, met a 13 year old over the internet gullable little girl
> and raped her. He must have been someone who posted in:
> --Someone who knows the TRUTH!

You know the "truth" about this? Then why are you using words like "probably?"

Honestly, this is utterly ridiculous. If this story is true, it's
undeniably tragic. But I would guess that it's more likely that a child
would be molested by someone that they encounter in real life than someone
that they'd meet over the internet. Again, it's a terrible situation, but
I see no reason to link it to any of the newsgroups that you've posted
this message to.

One other suggestion -- try using correct grammar. It could only help.

Doug (who, you'll notice, doesn't hide behind a moniker like "someone")
"I thought my story began a long time ago. I was wrong."
The HARLOW'S END webpage:
Now updated with my personal info and interests,
incuding autographs, music, and comic art!

Brian Lunergan

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

This information is being spread by someone conducting an ill-informed,
emotion based vendetta and is therefore suspect. Quote the news report that
blamed these groups. Back up the assertions with facts, or back down.

No kid should be treated that way, but neither should the people who read
these two groups be smeared by some homophobe with an ax to grind. Neither
action is fair or right. And in Canada at least such an abuse of free speech
is still slander under the law of the land. Slanderers can't and must not be
allowed to hide behind the Internet. Laugh at this poor, benighted witch
hunter who lacks the courage or honour to even use his or her REAL name.

I won't try to defend myself against such lies, becauses lies and slander are
all they are. This liar has proved how screwed up he or she is by refusing
to believe anything people say.

B. Lunergan

In article <5hdtb6$>, ap...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA

(Corey J.T. Padecky) wrote:
>That's terrible! I'll keep both of them in my prayers.
>Someone ( writes:

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

> (Someone) writes:
>On my local news I saw this:
>A regular guy who probably claimed to be "cool" like the people who are
>flaming my posts, met a 13 year old over the internet gullable little girl
>and raped her. He must have been someone who posted in:
>--Someone who knows the TRUTH!

Then why is this posted to rec.arts.movies.people???

Trim the newsgroups and stay on topic, please.

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

>Quit bitching about this newsgroup, pedophile. You're complaint is
>with the boy counterpart of this NG. Not this one. I think you're
>the pedophile who has got caught,a nd is now lashing out at us. Go
>ahead and say I'm a pedophile. God hate liars.

You just caused this flame war to last another month or so, toon... thanks a lot. I hope you're happy.

>You WILL!!!! burn in
>Hell for it.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again"
-Jesus Christ, Matthew 7:1-2

Translation to modern english:

Don't judge people, if you do, you will be judged. You yourself shall be judged by the standards you judge others with: and whatever punishment you dole out, you too shall face.

God hates liars, it's true, but what He hates more is poeple who point fingers at people and condemn them because their beliefs and opinions differ.

>If you do not like a NG, boycott it yourself. Don't
>tell us too, particularly in a NG that you have no complaint about.
>You don't have to view posts in a NG that you don't like. I only use
>5 to 8 NGs, depending on interest, with an occasional venture into a
>new one.

The above statement makes sense, but it avoids whet really must be done: must be cleaned up, and we (its members) will be the ones to do it

>Get lost and go to Hell, you annoying pedophile.

By what right do you have to sentence ANYONE to hell. Who made you the ultimate authority on the condition of one's soul? SomeoneNY may be a little overzealous in his standpoint, but I think he has a
valid point to some degree.

>The "Pedophile" Ha Ha. Beat you to it, you Weirdo! Now you're name
>calling can not possibly effect me, becuase no one will take it
>seriously. HA HA!

Are these the tactics the Honor Guardlings resort to, now? Defend the honor of the teen starlets, as SomeoneNY belives he is doing. You have your opinion, and he has his. It is his God-given right to
voice it, and you may disagree with it, but you have no right to condemn him for his beliefs, and I DARE you to challenge me on this, Toon. Contact me through Private E-mail, using your REAL address,
and we can take it outside to keep from throwing the newsgroup off topic any more than it already is...

I've been an ally to the cause of the Gardlings, and have just recently praised your efforts in a message I sent to SomeoneNY... and your post just totally shatters every good thing I had to say.

All of the Honor Guardlings owe SomeoneNY an apology for YOUR post, toon, and with God as my witness, I will see it given starting with yours! or do you no longer consider yourself a part of the

In Christ,

Steven Blunt

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

On 26 Mar 1997 14:28:33 GMT, in "J. Neale"
<> wrote:

>So a guy returns to his apartment to find his
>girlfriend packing up all her things. She says
>I'm leaving you. He says how come? She
>says you're a pedophile. He says,
>ooooohhh, big word for a 12-year old.


Since we're on the subject - isn't it spelt paedophile?


Steven Blunt

Steven Blunt

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

On Wed, 26 Mar 1997 18:45:25 -0500, in
(Someone) wrote:

>On my local news I saw this:
>A regular guy who probably claimed to be "cool" like the people who are
>flaming my posts, met a 13 year old over the internet gullable little girl
>and raped her. He must have been someone who posted in:
>--Someone who knows the TRUTH!

Can't say I've heard that one, but I do recall hearing a month ago about a boy
who was adused when he met a guy on the net who claimed to be some sort of
anti-pedophilia campainer.

Annie Lennox

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

> Since we're on the subject - isn't it spelt paedophile?

"pedopohile" in the US, "paedophile" in England (and apparently in
Australia). Similarlly, in the US we write fetus, not foetus;
hemoglobin, not haemoglobin; esophagus, not oesophagus. Get the

John L. Kelleher

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

Those who are seriously interested in protecting children on the Internet,
and not in pursuing pointless flamefests in newsgroups, might want to
check out KRON-TV's website. The SF Bay Area NBC affiliate is running a
series entitled "Protecting Our Children" and today's (March 28, 1997)
feature deals directly with the Internet.

URL is

Despite his/her rather alarmist tone, a recent poster has rightly stated
that the Internet is not a safe place for unsupervised children. But it
is not correct to single out any particular newsgroup or gender. In a
recent case in SF, it was a Macintosh discussion group that introduced a
32-year-old woman to a 14-year-old boy. Their "rendezvous" when she came
to town for the Mac Expo led to her conviction for statutory rape, along
with a sentence to 3-years probation.

And the 4 persons just convicted of kidnapping, torturing, and sexually
molesting a 13-year-old boy in a San Jose suburb a few months back did not
even use the Internet; they were the seventh grade victim's classmates.

Perhaps modern films bear some of the blame for behavior. As the recipient
of this year's Academy Award for Directing suggested, it might be time to
re-examine the need for films to focus only on our dark side, and make
some that celebrate the good things of our lives.

Safety is the responsibility of each child's parents. This goes from
permitting a child to cross the street alone to wandering the information
superhighway. But with 22,128 newgroups on our server I think the solution
must come from sources other than boycotts of one or two.

John Kelleher


Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

I fail to see where these two could "meet", let alone carry on a
conversation long enough for this person to con the so called gullible
girl. Sounds more along the fact that someone is claiming this group
to be something its not, just like a lot of so-called righteous groups
have been doing without looking what is in the group.

John Baker

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

> Since we're on the subject - isn't it spelt paedophile?

Not in the United States; the American Heritage Dictionary says
"pedophile." Since I don't have The Oxford English Dictionary here (my mom
borrowed it), I can't tell you how they spell it where you are in
Australia... where they say "spelt" instead of "spelled." Not that there's
anything wrong with that.

John Baker

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

> Despite his/her rather alarmist tone, a recent poster has rightly stated
> that the Internet is not a safe place for unsupervised children.

Neither is a bookstore, or a newsstand, or CNN, or any other free and open
source of information.

(I snipped the part about a statutory-rape case using the Internet and a
kidnapping NOT using the Internet... I agree that crime is crime and there
don't need to be special laws made just because an information exchange was
made over a computer instead of in a playground.)

> Perhaps modern films bear some of the blame for behavior. As the recipient
> of this year's Academy Award for Directing suggested, it might be time to
> re-examine the need for films to focus only on our dark side, and make
> some that celebrate the good things of our lives.

It is ridiculous to say that films or TV or music cause violence and crime.
There are just as many positive movies, TV shows, songs as there are
negative ones.

> Safety is the responsibility of each child's parents. This goes from
> permitting a child to cross the street alone to wandering the information
> superhighway. But with 22,128 newgroups on our server I think the solution
> must come from sources other than boycotts of one or two.

You said it. Although I hope you're not suggesting the government get
involved in this. The only thing they can do is pass laws -against- things.
I mean, look what happened when a coupla Scots cloned a sheep - the US
Congress immediately passed a law against cloning humans. What an utter

The gist of your message says that parents need to be parents and should
monitor what's going into their kids' minds. I agree, and to that I want to
add that I don't need my elected officials to be my Mommy.

John Baker

Mar 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/28/97

> Ok Kelly fine. Your parents sure are STUPID. If you want to be-friend
> adult men who are in love with children that is your business. Don't you
> think it's a little sick that a man as old as your father is in love with
> young teen actors?

What color is the sky in your world, Someone?

Does it not occur to you that people log on to

> Maybe your parents taught that it's freedom speach but is it freedom of
> speach to make a 15 year old girl such as Kelly believe that you are cool
> when you are really a child molester? That's whatreally is going on here.

It is, is it? It isn't "freedom speach" eh?

> HELLO? It is NOT NORMAL to be a a MAN and so obsessed with teenage boys!!!

Ooo, keen observation.


Mar 29, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/29/97

On Fri, 28 Mar 1997 22:26:40 -0500, (John Baker)

What's worse is you have to do it 30 times to be a pedophile. Stop at
29, and your not sick. The law makers are the sick ones here, as is
the pedophiles and Someone.


Mar 29, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/29/97

On Fri, 28 Mar 1997 22:43:51 -0500, (John Baker)

>> Ok Kelly fine. Your parents sure are STUPID. If you want to be-friend

And this has to do with girls, how? You're problem here is that you
think only teen boys can talk about teen girls. Wrong. Anyone can be
a fan. Only teens should date each other.


Mar 29, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/29/97

On Fri, 28 Mar 1997 22:43:51 -0500, (John Baker)

Someone. I'd avoid Frogdreamers homepage if I was you. There's a pic
of Steven Spielberg hugging Ariana Richards. Ooh, pedophile. And
Andreas page ahs a video where Ariana says Steven hugged her and
Joseph Mazzello after a great shot (maybe even the adults too.) OOh,
pedophile alert. Some guys can be close too teens and young boys and
mean nothing behind it. Why, first grade teacher would kiss you for
good luck on your birthday, and we were only6 and 7. OOh, pedophile
in the school system. Sheesh. Go complain about your males love boys
problems to a group with boys in it, not girls.

John Baker

Mar 29, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/29/97

> And this has to do with girls, how? You're problem here is that you
> think only teen boys can talk about teen girls. Wrong. Anyone can be
> a fan. Only teens should date each other.

Yup, I think I said that somewhere else. It's all in where you draw the
line, y'know? Personally I think the guy who posts pictures of the hips and
crotches of ten-year-old gymnastics competitors has drawn the line
somewhere out in Madagascar...

John Baker

Mar 29, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/29/97

> What's worse is you have to do it 30 times to be a pedophile. Stop at
> 29, and your not sick. The law makers are the sick ones here, as is
> the pedophiles and Someone.

eeeewww, that -is- sick. Thirty times?

These guys are censoring the #$%&*( Internet because they say they want to
"protect our children" and they can't convict a child-molester until he's
destroyed THIRTY children? Or one child, THIRTY times? Jezus Christ, let's
shoot the lot of them.


Apr 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/1/97

Toon wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Mar 1997 22:26:40 -0500, (John Baker)
> wrote:
> >> Since we're on the subject - isn't it spelt paedophile?
> >
> >Not in the United States; the American Heritage Dictionary says
> >"pedophile." Since I don't have The Oxford English Dictionary here (my mom
> >borrowed it), I can't tell you how they spell it where you are in
> >Australia... where they say "spelt" instead of "spelled." Not that there's
> >anything wrong with that.
> What's worse is you have to do it 30 times to be a pedophile. Stop at
> 29, and your not sick. The law makers are the sick ones here, as is
> the pedophiles and Someone.

You must be joking. Please tell me that's not true. It only takes once
to ruin someones life.

Cell broth

Apr 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/10/97

Would the unethicalness of pedophilia (and although I attempt to respect
all views,the ethicalness of pedophilia is a question I have trouble
bringing myself to even address) be considered a verb or a noun? In other
words, would the unethicalness be based on a persons actions, or a
persons thoughts.
If I gotten a word misspelled or incorrectly grammared, please
silently forgive me and respond to your opinion of my question.

Thank you,

Gus Mack

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