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[Hannity] Levin: Schumer is undermining the Constitution

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May 12, 2017, 7:36:00 AM5/12/17
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And thanks to our friends on "The Five." Welcome
to "Hannity." And this is a Fox News Alert, another massive breaking
news night. Now, the great one, Mark Levin, Newt Gingrich, Michelle
Malkin, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Jay Sekulow, Geraldo Rivera all here
tonight with reaction.

But first, tinfoil hat conspiracy liberals in Congress, the destroy
Trump media -- they are absolutely losing it! They're completely
unhinged, of course, over James Comey being fired, which needed to
happen. And that is tonight's important "Opening Monologue."

All right, so you have deranged liberal crackpots, they're at it
again. And they're using President Trump's decision -- very
important decision -- to fire the now former FBI director to push
all kinds of brand-new, completely insane, bizarre conspiracy

Now, earlier today in Oval Office, President Trump was asked why he
decided to fire James Comey. Here is what he said.


QUESTION: Why did you fire Director Comey?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Because he wasn't doing a good job, very
simply. He was not doing a good job.


HANNITY: That is a simple, basic fundamental truth that liberals
refuse to face. James Comey was shown the door. He did not do his

Now, Comey failed you, remember this, the American people. He
disrespected the Constitution. He made a mockery out of the rule of
law and equal justice under the law. He sat on his hands while your
4th Amendment privacy rights were being trampled on. And he created
most dangerously a two-tiered justice system, one for Bill and
Hillary Clinton and one for everybody else.

Now, that man's conduct was and is shameful and inexcusable. In
fact, it's why not that long ago, Democrats were calling for Comey's
head. This is the funny part. They're now suffering a massive case
of selective amnesia and are feigning moral outrage. Well, we're
going to show you examples of that stunning hypocrisy in just a

But first, I want to highlight how facts do not matter to the left
in America today. For example, the destroy Trump media, they've has
been going insane and ballistic and running wild with the most
absurd kinds of conspiracy theories over why Comey was fired. This
is insanity on display representing itself as news! Watch this.


power by the president of the United States. This is the kind of
thing that goes on in non-democracies.

I have not seen anything like this since October 20th, 1973, when
President Nixon fired Archibald Cox, the Watergate special

VAN JONES, CNN COMMENTATOR: The only winner, the only people who've
got to be happy tonight are sitting in the Kremlin. This is the
result of letting someone like Putin throw marbles on the stairs,
banana peels on the sidewalk for American democracy and not having
the president stand up and say, "You know what? I want this to

CLINT WATTS, FORMER FBI AGENT, MSNBC: President Trump said America
first. Tonight, President Trump put himself first.

CHRIS MATTHEWS, MSNBC HOST: A little whiff of fascism tonight, I
think it's fair to say.

WATTS: Absolutely.

MATTHEWS: A little whiff of, I don't care about the law, I'm the

I do see the Romanov aspect of this administration. The people he
trusts are his family members, the people that -- his bodyguards
deliver that kind of information, his body man. It's monarchical.

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: Firing Archibald Cox was the first shovel
into President Nixon's political grave, and it always, always works
like that.


HANNITY: Saturday night massacre? Whiff of fascism, NBC News? This
is beyond outrageous, but it's not surprising.

Now, the liberal media, they want to destroy President Trump. They
want him out of office. Now they will do and say anything to make
that happen. Now, keep in mind, the destroy Trump media, they're the
same people it was proven colluded with Hillary Rodham Clinton
during her campaign, and of course, they tried to help her win the
White House.

Now, they ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton -- look at your
screen! They broke multiple laws! Right there, you can see them.
Having a private email server that contained secret -- top-secret,
special access programs, classified information. Now, we're the only
ones really in the media that told you the truth about the Clintons
while the rest of the media covered it all up and colluded.

And one more thing about the destroy Trump media. They have been
lying -- lying! -- for months to the American people about this
Trump-Russia fake news talking point. And they're continuing it even

There is zero evidence so far that Donald Trump -- his campaign, his
transition ever colluded with the Russians. It is a bizarre
conspiracy theory. And honestly, they have to know the truth but
won't tell you the truth.

For example, the former director of national intelligence, James
Clapper, has said many, many times he has seen no evidence of
Russian collusion. Here's one example.


CHUCK TODD, MODERATOR: Let me ask you this. Does intelligence exist
that can definitively answer the following question, whether there
were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian

any evidence in our report -- when I say "our," that's NSA, FBI and
CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence -- that
had anything -- that had any reflection of collusion between members
of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of
that included in -- in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge. We had no evidence of such collusion.


HANNITY: "Not to my knowledge, no evidence of collusion." Then, of
course, you have the deranged Democrats. Now, they're pretending to
be so outraged over Comey's firing and saying the most insane
things. You talk about selective moral outrage? This is it on
steroids. Take a look.


was leading an investigation on whether the Trump campaign colluded
with the Russians, a serious offense. Were those investigations
getting too close to home for the president? The dismissal of
Director Comey establishes a very troubling pattern.

SEN. TIM KAINE, D-VA., "GMA"/ABC: We have a deeply insecure
president who understands that the noose is tightening because of
this Russia investigation. And that's why I believe he has let Jim
Comey go.

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, D-CONN., CNN: What we have now is really a
looming constitutional crisis that is deadly serious.

Ultimately, there may be subpoenas to the president of the United
States, just as occurred in 1973, precipitating United States versus
Nixon and a similar firing of a special prosecutor.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS.: Comey was not fired because of
Hillary. Comey was fired because of the Russians.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, MSNBC: First of all, as you pointed out, the
whole echo of Watergate is very strong here.

REP. ELIJAH CUMMINGS, D-MD.: There is absolutely no accountability
with regard to this president. He basically seems to be able to do
whatever he wants. And the Republicans -- our Republican friends are
aiding and abetting that situation.


HANNITY: Now, this hypocrisy coming from the Democrats is off the
charts even for their standards. Now, let me remind them all that it
wasn't a very long ago, was it, when they were viciously attacking,
oh, James Comey. Let's take a look.


6, 2016: We're all disturbed, first of all, by the letter, which
really broke precedent, was over the advice of the leaders in the
Justice Department. You know, I'm not challenging Mr. Comey's
motivation. But I do think it was unwarranted. It was a mistake.

SCHUMER, OCT 31, 2016: He's got a big burden of proof, so to speak,
on him for why he did what seems to be such an appalling act that
goes against the tradition of prosecutors at every level of
government. It was -- when I heard about it, I found it hard to
believe that Comey, who I thought had some degree of integrity,
would do this.

think he made a mistake on this. And he clearly has a double
standard. In these jobs, if you're not in it for a while, you can't
take the heat. And I think he just couldn't take the heat from the
Republicans. I

t's really unfortunate because I do believe he is a good person.
Maybe he's not in the right job.

: I am so disappointed in Comey. He has let the country down for
partisan purposes. That is why I call him the new J. Edgar Hoover
because I believe that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Jim Comey should resign,
Senator Reid?

REID: Of course. Yes.


HANNITY: "Of course. Yes."

Now, let me specifically remind "Crocodile Tears" Senator Chucky
Schumer and what he said about James Comey just back in November,
just days before the election. Quote, "I do not have confidence in
him any longer. To restore my faith, I'm going to have to sit down
and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this."

HANNITY: Now, that's just more proof that Schumer, the Democrats,
are full of it when it comes to James Comey. And on top of all of
that, just last week, Hillary Clinton blamed James Comey for her
election loss. I bet she's a big fan today. Watch this.


winning until a combination of Jim Comey's letter on October 28th
and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the mind of people who were
inclined to vote for me but got scared off.



But here's the point tonight: There is no getting through to these
tinfoil hat conspiracy liberals on the left. They're detached from
reality. They're oblivious to truth today. It's time to diagnose
them with what it is, Trump derangement syndrome. And sadly, there's
not a cure. That's the worst part. This will go on for four years,
probably eight years.

Now, here with reaction is the host of "LevinTV" at CRTV network --
I call him "The Great One" -- Mark Levin, my friend.

All these analogies -- Watergate, Watergate, Saturday night
massacre, whiff of fascism, the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories
being spun, Russia, Russia, Russia -- no evidence of Russia, Mark.

One, tell us why this was necessary from your legal perspective.
Two, how this hypocrisy and these conspiracies are actually really

MARK LEVIN, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: First of all, the president didn't
order an end to the Russia investigation, now, did he. Now, we have
a lot of legal and historical illiterates posing as TV hosts and
commentators, like Jeffrey Toobin and -- among others.

Let me be very specific. Richard Nixon during Watergate ordered the
attorney general to fire the special prosecutor. He refused. Then he
ordered the deputy attorney general to fire the special prosecutor,
and he refused.

Here, the deputy attorney general writes a memorandum urging the
attorney general and the president to fire the FBI director. The
attorney general attaches it to a letter, endorses it, and the
president of the United States fires him.

It has nothing to do with Watergate. But of course, the media and
the Democrats -- one and the same -- want it to deal with Watergate.
The president did not order in any respect an end to the Russian

But I have a couple questions, if I might, for Chuck Schumer, who is
the leading demagogue in all this. Tell me something, Mr. Schumer.
Can you name a single Russian, just one, who colluded with Donald
Trump and his campaign? Just give us one! One!

You got intelligence committees who've been investigating. You've
had this interminable federal investigation that's gone on. Let's
have it!

Now, I have another question for Mr. Schumer. You like these
independent special prosecutors. Sean, have you noticed they all use
the same phrases? We can't trust the Justice Department to
investigate. They can't even name the FBI agents who are involved in
this investigation! I'm sure they are career agents that'll do their
job regardless of who the FBI director is.

But Mr. Schumer likes these independent special prosecutors. Let me
ask you something, sir. Do you support an independent special
prosecutor for Hillary Clinton and her multiple violations of the
Espionage Act? Do you support an independent special prosecutor for
the Obama administration's surveillance and unmasking of Trump
transition team members and God knows who else? The Israeli
ambassador was surveilled! The prime minister of Israel was
surveilled! Members of Congress were surveilled! Jewish leaders and
Jewish groups were surveilled! How about an independent
investigation of that?

Got another one, Mr. Schumer. How about an independent special
prosecutor to investigate this whole seedy Iranian deal, with the
secret deals, the ransom payments, the release of terrorists that we
find out after the fact?

Let me tell you what's going on here, Sean. The president of the
United States followed the Constitution, followed the law and
followed the advice of a deputy attorney general who won 94 to 6 his
confirmation on April 25th. That means almost every single Democrat
voted for him! You want to know why? The guy doesn't have a
political bone in his body. He's worked for Bill Clinton. He's
worked for George Bush. He is a career public integrity prosecutor,
a criminal prosecutor. He's been an assistant U.S. attorney and a
U.S. attorney.

And Sean, the two big left-wing senators from Maryland went to his
confirmation hearing, introduced him and urged the committee to
support him for deputy attorney general! This man comes into the
Justice Department, he hears what Schumer has said! He hears what
Clinton has said! And he has seen with his own eyes what Comey did.
Then he watches Comey's testimony the week before, last week, in
which Comey doubles down...

HANNITY: Mark...

LEVIN: ... on his outrageous behavior! And what happens? He writes a
memo to the attorney general and says, Mr. Attorney General, this
director of the FBI -- I have to deal with him. He's my direct
report. I don't trust him. He needs to go.

And the president of the United States in the end did exactly the
right thing. He did what Barack Obama didn't have the courage to do,
which is to remove an FBI director that didn't have the temperament
to be an FBI director!

HANNITY: Well said. Let's talk about this from the legal point of
view. And you studied the Constitution your entire life. You were Ed
Meese's chief of staff when he was the attorney general of the
United States.

When we talk about, Mark, equal justice under the law, when we talk
about a two-tiered justice system -- it is overwhelming and
incontrovertible the evidence that Hillary Clinton violated numerous
laws, committed numerous felonies. And that's just on the e-mail
server scandal. The Iranian Uranium One deal in which you mention
(ph), the Clinton Foundation, all the -- she signed off 20 percent
of America's uranium going to Vladimir Putin - - now, there's a
Russian conspiracy.

And then of course, General Flynn, the one law we know was broken
was when this man was, OK, incidentally surveilled, but then
unmasked. And then the surveillance leaked and his entire reputation
destroyed. That's a felony under the Espionage Act.

For the average person that is maybe hearing some of these tinfoil
hat conspiracy theorists, what does it mean to this country if we
have a two- tiered justice system and we don't have equal justice
under the law?

LEVIN: Well, the people of this country need to understand what the
president of the United States did was take the advice of a career
prosecutor, who was confirmed 94 to 6 by the United States Senate
and backed by almost every Democrat. And that career prosecutor, as
opposed to Chuck Schumer, who is a career political hack demagogue
-- that career prosecutor looked at this case -- and I might add
James Comey is under investigation by the inspector general of the
Department of Justice, too.

That career prosecutor, who's now the deputy attorney general,
nonpartisan, nonpolitical, looked at what Comey had done. He got in
there April 25th. And by the way, I find it fascinating that
Democrats say, Why did he act now? The same Democrats who have
stonewalled the confirmation of almost all of the president's
cabinet selections, let alone his second-tier cabinet selections!

Finally, this outstanding choice for deputy attorney general is
confirmed two weeks ago.

HANNITY: All right, we got to...

LEVIN: And then he looks at this situation and he says, This man
needs to be removed. The answer is the president followed the
Constitution and Chuck Schumer is undermining the Constitution.

HANNITY: All right, Mark, a rare appearance. I ask all of Mark's
fans to tell Mark, write Mark to come on the show more often. We
love having you. Thank you, sir.

Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.

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