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R.I.P. Ratheragate Update Redux

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Apr 20, 2007, 1:11:15 AM4/20/07
Let's try this again (typos will be the death of me if
Google Goups doesn't do it first.)

If anyone really cares anymore:

Note that in addition to the problem with the release
date of the flight records versus when CBS obtained the
memos, I added one more little bonus: I had obtained
a bunch of files, memos, and documents from this place:

This was all in regards to researching 70's era office
technology. I had already noted that one of the documents
was proportionally printed, but with some unknown sans-
serif typeface very different form the Times-like font used
for the memos. The document in question is a draft for a
press release regarding one of the early word processors
I was researching and it's dated, ironically enough,
August, 1973.

I realized today that I may have been overlooking something
rather useful: I recreated a paragragh in both Word and
WordPerfect (that has slight more fonts) and tried to see
how well I can match things up. I did a little bit better than
I had expected. Go look and let me know what you think
(it's near the top.)



Apr 20, 2007, 7:04:47 AM4/20/07
On Apr 20, 12:11?am, BC <> wrote:
> Let's try this again (typos will be the death of me if
> Google Goups doesn't do it first.)
> If anyone really cares anymore:
> BC

Well, You got it right, , No one here really cares about Dan
rather, Or Dan Blather as so many of he Troops refered to him! He's be
and remains a Leftist Source, at best, Shilling out his slanted
version of the news and Over the years anyone with any sense knew he
was a hack and Ignored him! As for the Information at hand? Well, he's
lied and slanted so much of what he reported, weather it's real or
not, Who's to know? Sad shame when one sells out the truth for an
agenda? LOL



Apr 20, 2007, 8:14:38 AM4/20/07

Well, Rather did have his liberal tendencies,
but at least made an effort to be honest. He
would be like a restaurant owner who tended
to add a touch of cajun to everything served
in his place, but at least when you ordered
the steak and mash potatoes, that's what you

More common these days, if you order the
steak and mash potatoes from a blog site,
Fox News and ever increasingly the
corporate mainstream media, you'll get
something akin to big Milky Way bar and a
side of Cool Whip.

As far as the "faked/forged" Killian memos
go, you and everyone else was served up a
big, steaming pile of BS with a side of old,
bad cottage cheese, and you went "Yumm!"



Apr 20, 2007, 12:46:08 PM4/20/07

"BC" <> wrote in message

Projecting again?


Apr 20, 2007, 1:39:54 PM4/20/07

"BC" <> wrote in message

Could the Redactron Redactor word processor do superscript?


Apr 20, 2007, 1:47:29 PM4/20/07

"BC" <> wrote in message

Nevermind, I see you "addressed" that much further down (I didn't realize
the page was so long when I first glanced at it).

Dude, you need to get a life. No one cares about this anymore, even if the
memos were real, it's not that big of a deal.


Apr 20, 2007, 5:10:25 PM4/20/07
On Apr 20, 12:47 pm, "Locutus" <> wrote:
> "BC" <> wrote in message

Well, think about this sequence:

1) During the 2004 Presidential campaign, both Kerry's
Vietnam and post-Vietnam activities come into play,
as well as Bush's Guard service (again -- it came up in
2000 and when he ran for governor of Texas.)

2) A systematic smear campaign was launched in
regards to Kerry, especially in regards to the Swift
Boat Liars (you remember that "Chrismas in
Cambodia"thing that Kerry was slammed on -- it was
all based on very deliberately parsing both his 1979
commentary on "Apocalypse Now" and his 1986
Senate speech. See )

3) Although Bush supposedly orders all his service
records released, it took an AP FOIA lawsuit to force
a reluctant Pentagon to cough them up:

4) Some but not all of the missing records get released
on Sept. 7th, just before CBS airs its memos
story, and an analysis is released on the 9th, just
after the CBS story:,2933,131961,00.html

5) First the Free Republic, LGF, and Powerline push
the forgery claim based on malicious cluelessness
shortly after the CBS story airs. Check near the
bottom of this for the sequence:

6) Even though the CBS story was only a standard 12 1/2
minute segment on that 60 Minutes edition, and was
pretty much just a me-too story in relation to what the
AP had achieved with its lawsuit, the forgery charges
made everyone forget about the "other" Bush documents
being released both prior and after the CBS story.

7) The mainstream corporate press completely fell
down on their lazy, latte & wine filled asses in doing
any sort of research and fact checking, and instead
going something like "Oh, we have an old Selectric
in the back room -- let's see if what the bloggers are
saying is true" and listening to any fool claiming to
be an expert:

8) In the meantime, one person who knew for sure if
the memos were real or not chose not to comment,
for now rather, so to speak,.obvious reasons:
(Look for the answer to the question by "Stephen")

Actually everyone officially connected to the White
House refused to comment, which should have been
a tip-off that the forgery claim was maybe not quite
as represented. And if the memos turned out to be
true, they could claim that they never said anything
to give support to the forgery charges -- that is
except for one, itsy bitsy slip-up:

9) CBS backs away from the story on Sept. 22 and
names a panel to "investigate" (no -- they, or more
likely Viacom, was looking for scapegoats and some
way to save face.)

10) By Sept. 24, the story was so over with that
few paid any attention to yet another very belated
release of records by the Pentagon even though it
contained some interestingly formatted documents,
including the only one, among all the collected
records of Bush's service, that was proportionally
printed (page 6):

11) And that was one of the ways the worst, the
most incompetent and dishonest President that most
people will see in their lifetimes got reelected.

You don't think there's a lesson or two here maybe,


PS- I just noticed the "Ratheragate" typo. Oh well....


Apr 20, 2007, 5:26:44 PM4/20/07

"BC" <> wrote in message

> You don't think there's a lesson or two here maybe,
> somewhere?
> -BC

Yeah, the lesson I learned is that it's good to have healthy hobbies,
otherwise I might end up like you.


Apr 20, 2007, 5:50:49 PM4/20/07
On Apr 20, 4:26 pm, "Locutus" <> wrote:
> "BC" <> wrote in message

In other words, you won't admit to being played
for a fool so you're only recourse is to snipe at
the messenger, who, I might add, is likely has
a bit more of an interesting life than you and
whatever buddies you have can possibly ever

Maybe you should pick up a challenging hobby
or two....



Apr 20, 2007, 7:46:11 PM4/20/07
On Apr 20, 12:46 pm, "Pookie" <> wrote:
> "BC" <> wrote in message

The world must be a disturbing place for you

Did you like how I recreated a section of a
proportionally spaced 1973 document using
Word and Arial, even thought Arial wasn't
even invented until about 10 years later? Boy,
your head must be ready to go boom like
something out of Robot Chicken. I would rub
your face more into it, but I have a sad, empty
life that I'm running a little behind on. Toodles.



Apr 20, 2007, 8:27:40 PM4/20/07
> Well, Rather did have his liberal tendencies,
> but at least made an effort to be honest. He
> would be like a restaurant owner who tended
> to add a touch of cajun to everything served
> in his place, but at least when you ordered
> the steak and mash potatoes, that's what you
> got.

Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
care less about American Politics! Rather is, Was and will always be a
leftist Plant! His Presence as a REPORTER is a JOKE and he was so out
of it, it took his involvement in a lot of Left Leaning deals to get
him canned, way over due and way not done hashly enough!

If you think that CBS News or NBC is anything other than BS? Your
lost and no amount of Reason or Reality will bring you back! LOL Man,
get a Grip, Dam Blather Honest?? LOL How can you say that with a
strait face!



Apr 20, 2007, 9:15:36 PM4/20/07
"""Well, Rather did have his liberal tendencies, but at least made an effort
to be honest.

Rearrange the word positions here and you could have an oxymoron!
Honest Rather?
Rather Honest?

"BC" <> wrote in message

Fred J. McCall

Apr 20, 2007, 9:34:01 PM4/20/07

: Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was

:ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
:in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
:to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
:do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
:care less about American Politics!

Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!

Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
and south of Canada.

Hint: Peter Jennings was from Canada. Different network than Dan
Rather. Jennings also impressed me with his answers during one of
those 'hypothetical Press situations' shows that appeared on PBS. It
seems he was the only one who would try to warn American troops
walking into an ambush by guerillas that he was doing a story about.
Much better than Dan Rather.

"Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the
truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."
-- Thomas Jefferson


Apr 20, 2007, 11:12:35 PM4/20/07

Because it is true.

Now, how can you type what you did with a straight face? Just wondering...


John Smith ®

Apr 21, 2007, 9:55:45 AM4/21/07

"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

> : Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
> :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
> :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
> :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
> :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
> :care less about American Politics!
> Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!

I thought he was saying his grand dad was a Canuck.

> Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
> and south of Canada.

Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston State -
problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.

> Hint: Peter Jennings was from Canada. Different network than Dan
> Rather. Jennings also impressed me with his answers during one of
> those 'hypothetical Press situations' shows that appeared on PBS. It
> seems he was the only one who would try to warn American troops
> walking into an ambush by guerillas that he was doing a story about.
> Much better than Dan Rather.
> --
> "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the
> truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."
> -- Thomas Jefferson

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
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Apr 21, 2007, 11:06:48 AM4/21/07
On Apr 21, 9:55 am, "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> "Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in

> > : Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
> > :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
> > :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
> > :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
> > :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
> > :care less about American Politics!
> > Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!
> I thought he was saying his grand dad was a Canuck.

Um, no -- "RONSERESURPLUS" said his 96 year
old grand dad said Rather was a Canuck who "could
care less about American Politics!" If you can't trust
your doddering old granddad for biographical info, who
can you trust? Ohh...wait a second, if you have a
computer and an Internet connection, you can look
stuff like that up! Ain't that something?

> > Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
> > and south of Canada.
> Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston State -
> problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.

That is a "problem" how? Evidently the school only
"started" off as a teachers college 1879 but had been
movingtowards being a less specialized college for
quite sometime, resulting in the name change in
1965 to Sam Houston State College, and then to
Sam Houston State University in 1969.

And Rather isn't exactly the only prominent journalist
who graduated there prior to the name change:

Did I mention how, if you have a computer and an
Internet connection, you can look stuff like that up?
Ain't this a damn good, kick age age for information
and being well informed?



Apr 21, 2007, 11:09:36 AM4/21/07

PS -- and it's really great time for me for typos, grrr...

Fred J. McCall

Apr 21, 2007, 11:37:55 AM4/21/07
"John Smith ®" <> wrote:

:"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
:> : Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
:> :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
:> :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
:> :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
:> :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
:> :care less about American Politics!
:> Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!
:I thought he was saying his grand dad was a Canuck.

How would that make Rather a Canadian, even if it was true (and you've
given no evidence that it is)? You think there's some sort of
multi-generational blood taint from having an ancestor born in Canada
or something?

Hint: Dan Rather was born in Wharton, Texas, and grew up in Houston.
His father was an oil pipeliner.

:> Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico

:> and south of Canada.
:Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston State -
:problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.

So what? You don't think "teacher's colleges" have other degree
programs? Just because it's named that doesn't affect what degrees it
offers. By the time Dan Rather was born, Sam Houston State Teachers
College (as it was then known) already had graduate level programs in
various disciplines (first graduate level degree was awarded in 1936).
The place had offered bachelor's degrees since 1919.

This stuff isn't hard to find out. No need for you to remain in
ignorance and make a fool of yourself in public like this.

John Smith ®

Apr 21, 2007, 1:59:19 PM4/21/07
"BC" <> wrote in message

On Apr 21, 11:06 am, BC <> wrote:
> On Apr 21, 9:55 am, "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> > "Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in
> >
> > > : Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he
> > > was
> > > :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
> > > :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
> > > :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
> > > :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
> > > :care less about American Politics!
> > > Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!
> > I thought he was saying his grand dad was a Canuck.
> Um, no -- "RONSERESURPLUS" said his 96 year
> old grand dad said Rather was a Canuck who "could
> care less about American Politics!" If you can't trust
> your doddering old granddad for biographical info, who
> can you trust? Ohh...wait a second, if you have a
> computer and an Internet connection, you can look
> stuff like that up! Ain't that something?

I know how you are a stickler for details so lets go through this.
RONSERESURPLUS did not say his grand dad "said" Rather was a Canuck. He
posted " 96 year old Grand dad said, why do you watch this Guy?"
RONSERESURPLUS left it open to who was "full of Crap" and who was a "Canuck"
If you take it that he was saying Rather was a Canuck, then RONSERESURPLUS
is dead wrong.

> > > Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
> > > and south of Canada.
> > Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston
> > State -
> > problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.
> That is a "problem" how? Evidently the school only
> "started" off as a teachers college 1879 but had been
> movingtowards being a less specialized college for
> quite sometime, resulting in the name change in
> 1965 to Sam Houston State College, and then to
> Sam Houston State University in 1969.

OK, but Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State Teachers
College. The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at that time?
I attended S. F. Austin at around the same time that they were changing from
College to University. Sam Houston was our main "enemy" (competition wise)
so I was somewhat familiar with their degree programs. I just don't
remember SFA or SHS having a journalism department at that time. I can't
find an old catalog and I'm not going to waste too much time looking. If
you have that information, perhaps you could set me straight.

> And Rather isn't exactly the only prominent journalist
> who graduated there prior to the name
> change:

What has the University of North Texas got to do with Dan Rather? If we are
throwing out tid bitts though, did you know Texas A & M has one of the best
Fire Fighting schools in the world?

> Did I mention how, if you have a computer and an
> Internet connection, you can look stuff like that up?
> Ain't this a damn good, kick age age for information
> and being well informed?
> -BC

As above, if you have the info on SHS's journalism degree in 1953 let me

>PS -- and it's really great time for me for typos, grrr...

No problem, people who flame for typos, spelling, and syntax are usually
just idiots anyway.

"Anybody who deliberately propagandizes with lies should be held up to scorn
and ridicule" - Al Franken

John Smith ®

Apr 21, 2007, 2:09:29 PM4/21/07
"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> :
> :"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
> :>
> :> : Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
> :> :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
> :> :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
> :> :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
> :> :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
> :> :care less about American Politics!
> :>
> :> Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!
> :
> :I thought he was saying his grand dad was a Canuck.
> How would that make Rather a Canadian, even if it was true (and you've
> given no evidence that it is)? You think there's some sort of
> multi-generational blood taint from having an ancestor born in Canada
> or something?

My mistake. I read it that the poster was saying that his grand dad was
full of crap and a Canuck.

> Hint: Dan Rather was born in Wharton, Texas, and grew up in Houston.
> His father was an oil pipeliner.
> :>
> :> Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
> :> and south of Canada.
> :
> :Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston State -
> :problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.
> So what? You don't think "teacher's colleges" have other degree
> programs? Just because it's named that doesn't affect what degrees it
> offers. By the time Dan Rather was born, Sam Houston State Teachers
> College (as it was then known) already had graduate level programs in
> various disciplines (first graduate level degree was awarded in 1936).
> The place had offered bachelor's degrees since 1919.

As I stated to BC. Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State

Teachers College. The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at
that time? I attended S. F. Austin at around the same time that they were
changing from College to University. Sam Houston was our main "enemy"
(competition wise) so I was somewhat familiar with their degree programs. I
just don't remember SFA or SHS having a journalism department at that time.
I can't find an old catalog and I'm not going to waste too much time
looking. If you have that information, perhaps you could set me straight.


> This stuff isn't hard to find out. No need for you to remain in
> ignorance and make a fool of yourself in public like this.

I have first hand knowledge of a lot of it, unlike some that post here. The
stuff that is easy to find on the internet may or may not be correct. If
you have access to the degree catalog from SHS from the year Rather started,
(I would guess 1950 or so) perhaps you could post it and we can then see
what it took to be a journalism major back then.

And before you make remarks about ignorance, you might want to read your own

"Anybody who deliberately propagandizes with lies should be held up to scorn
and ridicule" - Al Franken

> --
> "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the
> truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."
> -- Thomas Jefferson

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==----

Rand Simberg

Apr 21, 2007, 2:13:06 PM4/21/07
On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:59:19 -0500, in a place far, far away, "John
Smith ®" <> made the phosphor on my monitor glow
in such a way as to indicate that:

>> That is a "problem" how? Evidently the school only
>> "started" off as a teachers college 1879 but had been
>> movingtowards being a less specialized college for
>> quite sometime, resulting in the name change in
>> 1965 to Sam Houston State College, and then to
>> Sam Houston State University in 1969.
>OK, but Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State Teachers
>College. The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at that time?

What difference does it make? Journalism degrees aren't much more
useful than degrees in education.


Apr 21, 2007, 2:43:39 PM4/21/07
On Apr 21, 1:59 pm, "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> "BC" <> wrote in message


He wrote, "my 96 year old Grand dad said, why do you

watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and
could care less about American Politics!"

So without quotes, either "Grand dad" said only "why
do you watch this Guy?" with the rest being a comment
by RONSERESURPLUS; or else ""Grand dad" said "why

do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a
Canuck and could care less about American Politics!"

In either case it looks very much they both confused
Rather with the late Peter Jennings, who was born in
Canada. But all liberal newscasters look and sound
alike, aye?

> > > > Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
> > > > and south of Canada.
> > > Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston
> > > State -
> > > problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.
> > That is a "problem" how? Evidently the school only
> > "started" off as a teachers college 1879 but had been
> > movingtowards being a less specialized college for
> > quite sometime, resulting in the name change in
> > 1965 to Sam Houston State College, and then to
> > Sam Houston State University in 1969.
> OK, but Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State Teachers
> College. The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at that time?
> I attended S. F. Austin at around the same time that they were changing from
> College to University. Sam Houston was our main "enemy" (competition wise)
> so I was somewhat familiar with their degree programs. I just don't
> remember SFA or SHS having a journalism department at that time. I can't
> find an old catalog and I'm not going to waste too much time looking. If
> you have that information, perhaps you could set me straight.

>From that link:
"As a student at Sam Houston State University, Tinsley returned
to East Texas each summer to work for the Diboll and Corrigan
newspapers. After graduating, Tinsley served in the U.S. Army
before joining the Fort Worth Star-Telegram staff as a reporter in

There, better? (You're right, I am a stickler....)


John Smith ®

Apr 21, 2007, 2:59:06 PM4/21/07
"BC" <> wrote in message



My goof, I missed that part completely.

John Smith ®

Apr 21, 2007, 3:09:42 PM4/21/07
"Rand Simberg" <simberg.i...@org.trash> wrote in message

> On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:59:19 -0500, in a place far, far away, "John
> Smith Ž" <> made the phosphor on my monitor glow

> in such a way as to indicate that:
>>> That is a "problem" how? Evidently the school only
>>> "started" off as a teachers college 1879 but had been
>>> movingtowards being a less specialized college for
>>> quite sometime, resulting in the name change in
>>> 1965 to Sam Houston State College, and then to
>>> Sam Houston State University in 1969.
>>OK, but Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State Teachers
>>College. The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at that
> What difference does it make? Journalism degrees aren't much more
> useful than degrees in education.

Just goes to credability. If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter what
their personal view) when reporting. Some one who pads his/her resume might
also skew his/her reporting. While searching for information on this I ran
across the article below. I have known for a long time that Ronnie Earle
was a TDC shill and the only place in Texas he could get elected would be
Travis County, but I didn't know about his ties with Rather. Makes one
wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.

Opinion : Delay's Prosecutor Pals with Dan Rather's Daughter and Ben
Posted by Jason Saine on 2005/9/29 16:47:15

by Jim Kouri, CPP

Travis County, Texas, District Attorney Ronnie Earle, who exploded
upon the American scene as a result of a grand jury indictment against
Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay, is a known partisan Democrat in
Texas. His history of trying to prosecute Republicans such as Senator Kay
Bailey Hutchinson also is widely known in Texas. The Senator Hutchinson case
was thrown out when Earle admitted he could not prosecute the case due to
insufficient evidence which in legalese means he had no case. His attempt to
do the same thing to Bush campaign consultant Bob Bullock also failed when a
grand jury refused to indict Bullock.

The tough, tenacious Ronnie Earle often boasts of his close
relationship with former Texas Governor Ben Barnes and Robin Rather and they
are listed as supporters and contributors to his reelection campaigns.
Barnes is the man who on CBS's 60 Minutes told newsman Dan Rather he pulled
strings to get President Bush into the National Guard, and Robin Rather is
Dan Rather's daughter, a Democrat activist in Texas. The former CBS anchor
is suspected of working closely with the Texas Democrat Committee and in
fact it was Texas from which the famous Rathergate forged documents
emanated. Rather was forced to resign from CBS after bloggers exposed his
prima facie evidence against Bush as a fraud. And Dan was a guest speaker at
a Democrat fundraiser for none other than Ronnie Earle.

Rand Simberg

Apr 21, 2007, 3:19:45 PM4/21/07
On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 14:09:42 -0500, in a place far, far away, "John
Smith ®" <> made the phosphor on my monitor glow

in such a way as to indicate that:

>"Rand Simberg" <simberg.i...@org.trash> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:59:19 -0500, in a place far, far away, "John

>> Smith ®" <> made the phosphor on my monitor glow

>> in such a way as to indicate that:
>>>> That is a "problem" how? Evidently the school only
>>>> "started" off as a teachers college 1879 but had been
>>>> movingtowards being a less specialized college for
>>>> quite sometime, resulting in the name change in
>>>> 1965 to Sam Houston State College, and then to
>>>> Sam Houston State University in 1969.
>>>OK, but Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State Teachers
>>>College. The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at that
>> What difference does it make? Journalism degrees aren't much more
>> useful than degrees in education.
>Just goes to credability.

Not to me.

>If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
>would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter what
>their personal view) when reporting.

I would hope that, too, but it's a forlorn hope, and journalism
degrees aren't useful in improving the situation. In fact, because of
the "progressive" bias in liberal arts schools and faculty, they
probably make the problem worse.

Fred J. McCall

Apr 21, 2007, 4:10:21 PM4/21/07
"John Smith ®" <> wrote:

:"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

:> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
:> :
:> :"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
:> :>
:> :> : Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
:> :> :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
:> :> :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
:> :> :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
:> :> :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
:> :> :care less about American Politics!
:> :>
:> :> Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!
:> :
:> :I thought he was saying his grand dad was a Canuck.
:> How would that make Rather a Canadian, even if it was true (and you've
:> given no evidence that it is)? You think there's some sort of
:> multi-generational blood taint from having an ancestor born in Canada
:> or something?
:My mistake. I read it that the poster was saying that his grand dad was
:full of crap and a Canuck.

You seem to make a lot of them, frankly.

:> Hint: Dan Rather was born in Wharton, Texas, and grew up in Houston.

:> His father was an oil pipeliner.
:> :>
:> :> Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
:> :> and south of Canada.
:> :
:> :Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston State -
:> :problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.
:> So what? You don't think "teacher's colleges" have other degree
:> programs? Just because it's named that doesn't affect what degrees it
:> offers. By the time Dan Rather was born, Sam Houston State Teachers
:> College (as it was then known) already had graduate level programs in
:> various disciplines (first graduate level degree was awarded in 1936).
:> The place had offered bachelor's degrees since 1919.
:As I stated to BC. Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State
:Teachers College.

No, it was still NAMED "State Teachers College".

:The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at
:that time?

Apparently, since they state that Dan Rather got a B.A. in Journalism
from there in 1953.

:I attended S. F. Austin at around the same time that they were

:changing from College to University. Sam Houston was our main "enemy"
:(competition wise) so I was somewhat familiar with their degree programs.

It seems not.


:just don't remember SFA or SHS having a journalism department at that time.
:I can't find an old catalog and I'm not going to waste too much time
:looking. If you have that information, perhaps you could set me straight.

By 1953 Sam Houston was a very large institutions that offered degrees
in pretty much everything.

:> This stuff isn't hard to find out. No need for you to remain in

:> ignorance and make a fool of yourself in public like this.
:I have first hand knowledge of a lot of it, unlike some that post here.

Perhaps you should get your brain dry cleaned and reblocked, then.


:stuff that is easy to find on the internet may or may not be correct. If
:you have access to the degree catalog from SHS from the year Rather started,
:(I would guess 1950 or so) perhaps you could post it and we can then see
:what it took to be a journalism major back then.

Why do you care "what it took"? He got one and was immediately hired
as a journalist right out of school. Which part of this sequence is
so confusing for you?

:And before you make remarks about ignorance, you might want to read your own

Oh, I see. You're just another stupid troll. Never mind, then.

Hint: Have someone explain to you just how much cluelessness it takes
to comment on grammar, spelling, or .sigs.

"Some people get lost in thought because it's such unfamiliar
--G. Behn

Fred J. McCall

Apr 21, 2007, 4:13:35 PM4/21/07
"John Smith ®" <> wrote:

:If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I

:would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter what
:their personal view) when reporting.

Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.

:Makes one

:wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.

He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
look stupid.

"False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the
soul with evil."
-- Socrates

Eric Chomko

Apr 21, 2007, 10:01:41 PM4/21/07

Fred J. McCall wrote:
> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter what
> :their personal view) when reporting.
> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.

Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".

> :Makes one
> :wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.
> He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
> padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
> look stupid.

Rather became a noted reporter after lying about the facts related to
the JFK assassination in support of the official lie, err, line.

Fred J. McCall

Apr 22, 2007, 12:45:54 AM4/22/07
Eric Chomko <> wrote:


:Fred J. McCall wrote:
:> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
:> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
:> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter what
:> :their personal view) when reporting.
:> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
:Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".

I prefer to be accurate.

:> :Makes one

:> :wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.
:> He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
:> padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
:> look stupid.
:Rather became a noted reporter after lying about the facts related to
:the JFK assassination in support of the official lie, err, line.

Speaking of stupid lies that damage peoples' credibility, if Eric had
any credibility at all the preceding would damage it.


Apr 22, 2007, 9:25:34 AM4/22/07

Gee BC

You sure told him? I see your still acting the fool and the Child
here? Not a news item at all to the rest of us!

As for a Hobby, maybe you should return to school and be taught some
manners? You sure seem lacking in that social graces dept? LOL I'll
put it for you simple, as it takes so long for you to get it, Get a
Grip, no one here gives two Rats ass what you think! You act like a
Child and a Troll and when you get called on that, you whine Like a
Little Bitch!



Apr 22, 2007, 9:31:53 AM4/22/07
On Apr 20, 8:34�pm, Fred J. McCall <> wrote:

> :  Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
> :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
> :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
> :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
> :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
> :care less about American Politics!
> Rather a Canadian?  You *are* confused!
> Hello

You misunderstood what I said, Or I was not clear about what I
said, It was my 96 Year old Grand dad who said Rather was full of
Crap, That He Grand dad was a Canuck and could care less about
American Politics, But he saw an Asshole when he saw one! If that
leftist Slant was obvious to an Old fellow Living in canada, why do
you all have such a hard time with it? LOL

I remember Dan Rather when I was a Child, his remarks about Viet
nam, his Opinion of anything American always had a Leftist tilt, my
Folks thought he was such a great reporter, till he said so many
things, they stopped watching him, as they were tired of his negative
views! His siding with Folks Like castro and his inability to see
America right about anything? Gee LIke this fellow TC, sounds lot
like him! I bet he's his hero? LOL!


John Smith ®

Apr 22, 2007, 10:13:05 AM4/22/07
"Rand Simberg" <simberg.i...@org.trash> wrote in message

> On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 14:09:42 -0500, in a place far, far away, "John
> Smith Ž" <> made the phosphor on my monitor glow

> in such a way as to indicate that:
>>"Rand Simberg" <simberg.i...@org.trash> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:59:19 -0500, in a place far, far away, "John
>>> Smith Ž" <> made the phosphor on my monitor glow

>>> in such a way as to indicate that:
>>>>> That is a "problem" how? Evidently the school only
>>>>> "started" off as a teachers college 1879 but had been
>>>>> movingtowards being a less specialized college for
>>>>> quite sometime, resulting in the name change in
>>>>> 1965 to Sam Houston State College, and then to
>>>>> Sam Houston State University in 1969.
>>>>OK, but Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State Teachers
>>>>College. The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at that
>>> What difference does it make? Journalism degrees aren't much more
>>> useful than degrees in education.
>>Just goes to credability.
> Not to me.

OK, we just have different criteria.

>>If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
>>would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter
>>their personal view) when reporting.
> I would hope that, too, but it's a forlorn hope, and journalism
> degrees aren't useful in improving the situation. In fact, because of
> the "progressive" bias in liberal arts schools and faculty, they
> probably make the problem worse.

You got that right.

John Smith ®

Apr 22, 2007, 10:17:52 AM4/22/07
"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter
> what
> :their personal view) when reporting.
> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.

Your opinion, and you know what opinions are worth.

> :Makes one
> :wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.
> He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
> padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
> look stupid.

Stupid lies? I have yet to see anyone that can find a reference to a degree
in journalism being offered by SHSTC in 1950.

"Anybody who deliberately propagandizes with lies should be held up to scorn
and ridicule" - Al Franken


> --
> "False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the
> soul with evil."
> -- Socrates

John Smith ®

Apr 22, 2007, 10:28:28 AM4/22/07
"Eric Chomko" <> wrote in message

Fred J. McCall wrote:

> "John Smith Ž" <> wrote:
> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter
> what
> :their personal view) when reporting.
> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.

>Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".

OK, I'll take that, or possible I'm just way too idealistic.

> :Makes one
> :wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.
>> He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
>> padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
>> look stupid.

>Rather became a noted reporter after lying about the facts related to
>the JFK assassination in support of the official lie, err, line.

LOL, good thing LBJ didn't hear you say that!

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices.
William James

> "False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the
> soul with evil."
> -- Socrates

John Smith ®

Apr 22, 2007, 10:33:36 AM4/22/07

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices.
William James

"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

> Eric Chomko <> wrote:
> :
> :Fred J. McCall wrote:
> :> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> :>
> :> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> :> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter
> what
> :> :their personal view) when reporting.
> :>
> :> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
> :
> :Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".
> I prefer to be accurate.

No, like so many of the sheeple on usenet, you prefer to be nasty.

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices.
William James


> :>
> :>
> :> :Makes one
> :> :wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.
> :>
> :> He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
> :> padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
> :> look stupid.
> :
> :Rather became a noted reporter after lying about the facts related to
> :the JFK assassination in support of the official lie, err, line.
> Speaking of stupid lies that damage peoples' credibility, if Eric had
> any credibility at all the preceding would damage it.
> --
> "Some people get lost in thought because it's such unfamiliar
> territory."
> --G. Behn

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==----


Apr 22, 2007, 11:38:27 AM4/22/07
On Apr 22, 12:45 am, Fred J. McCall <> wrote:

> Eric Chomko <> wrote:
> ::Fred J. McCall wrote:

I'm not and have never been a fan of Dan Rather, but
compared to the current crop of "reporters," he's almost
downright Murrow-like. (Did you guys catch that recent
"tiff" between Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera? See:

And in the course of sleuthing out the bits and pieces
to the "Rathergate" BS, I really developed some
sympathy for the guy -- he was absolutely and
completely undeserving of all the smears and insults
aimed at him, as well as the way CBS treated him.
You check his bio and you find a guy who didn't spend
that much time sitting on his ass:

As far as I'm concerned, the biggest villain in
Rathergate is not the right wing blogosphere, even
though they did start it up with a avalanche of BS.
The "blogosphere" for all practical purposes, is not
more that a bunch of opinionated loudmouths in a bar.
While there might be a couple of people who know
what they're talking about, there's no good way to
sort them out from the overall noisy, clueless mob
fuzzy on facts and quick to slam anybody they don't
like or even agree with.

I can't even say that Bush is the biggest villain,
even though his silence while Rather and Mapes were
being drawn and quartered was utterly inexcusable
from any moral or ethical vantage point. He is what
he's always been: a dishonest, incompetent cretin
with powerful family connections and friends. His
Presidency has so far reflected this and anybody
who was paying attention from the start is not at all
surprised at how things have turned out.

To me, the biggest villain is our much ballyhooed
"Free Press" -- the way the mainstream corporate
media "covered" Rathergate is symptomatic of how
people in this country are now so very poorly served
in terms of being well-informed on any matter of
complexity and/or importance. We have 24 hr cable
news stations plus all these hours of local and
national TV news in the morning and in the late
afternoon to evening, and it's almost all specious,
tabloid, taking-head BS with flashy graphics and very
little content of consequence. I'm friends with 3
girls from very far-off countries: one from Kazakhstan,
one from mainland China, and one from Bulgaria, and
they all have nearly identical opinions about US
news -- how it's almost all fluff with virtually no
international coverage at all beyond what the US is
directly involved in. They all consider the TV news
they got back in their respective countries to be
much more comprehensive and smarter, despite being
no longer than an hour, if that, in all cases to
cover all local, national and international topics.

The Bulgarian girl, who came here 7 years ago as a
result of winning a nationwide academic competition
in her country, has been particularly harsh in her
assessment and she's now looking forward to moving
to London shortly, despite having, by American
standards, very traditional conservative values and
getting a very good start in the financial industry
here. She just perceives things here as being too
depressingly too hollow and shallow for her to stick
around any further, and she sees how our news is
presented as an example. In some respects, Jon
Stewart said much the same thing in this "interview"
that helped end the CNN show "Crossfire":

Actually their current TV news situation at least
sound very much like the way it use to be done in
this country years ago when presenting the news was a
public service and part of FCC requlations requiring
a certain amount of public affairs programming:

Actually, while looking to see if there might be a
sample old TV news show on YouTube, I found this gem:

Not only does it have a young Dan Rather, but a very
young Karl Rove makes an unexpected and very ironic
appearance -- watch it all the way through.



Apr 22, 2007, 11:51:03 AM4/22/07
> On Apr 20, 4:50?pm, BC <> wrote:
> > On Apr 20, 4:26 pm, "Locutus" <> wrote:
> > > "BC" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > You don't think there's a lesson or two here maybe,
> > > > somewhere?
> > > > -BC
> > > Yeah, the lesson I learned is that it's good to have healthy hobbies,
> > > otherwise I might end up like you.
> > In other words, you won't admit to being played
> > for a fool so you're only recourse is to snipe at
> > the messenger, who, I might add, is likely has
> > a bit more of an interesting life than you and
> > whatever buddies you have can possibly ever
> > imagine.
> > Maybe you should pick up a challenging hobby
> > or two....
> > -BC
> Gee BC
> You sure told him? I see your still acting the fool and the Child
> here? Not a news item at all to the rest of us!

"The rest of us" being guys who get your news from
doddering grand dads, the drunk on the next stool,
radio stations featuring fat, noisy, and factless drug
addicts, and/or TV shows with very loud, dumb people
pointing fingers?

> As for a Hobby, maybe you should return to school and be taught some
> manners? You sure seem lacking in that social graces dept? LOL I'll
> put it for you simple, as it takes so long for you to get it, Get a
> Grip, no one here gives two Rats ass what you think! You act like a
> Child and a Troll and when you get called on that, you whine Like a
> Little Bitch!

You're right, I was never taught to use "Little Bitch"
for example in a proper debate context. But I do know
the proper time to call a clueless dumbass a clueless
dumbass, you clueless dumbass.



Apr 22, 2007, 12:16:37 PM4/22/07
On Apr 22, 10:33 am, "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> --
> A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
> their prejudices.
> William James
> "Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in

> > Eric Chomko <> wrote:
> > :
> > :Fred J. McCall wrote:
> > :> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> > :>
> > :> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> > :> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter
> > what
> > :> :their personal view) when reporting.
> > :>
> > :> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
> > :
> > :Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".
> > I prefer to be accurate.
> No, like so many of the sheeple on usenet, you prefer to be nasty.

As opposed to where you normally post? (I smell a
right wing wiki here for some reason...)

Anyway you're the one who is being truely nasty
here -- you very stupidly keep trying to make it
sound like there something dark and strange about
Dan Rather getting his journalism degree from
Sam Houston State College. WTF is up with that?

And don't knock Usenet users -- unlike the real
sheeple who hide themselves away in blog sites
in the comfort of supportive, like-minded dumbasses,
it's a wide open debate here where people with
widely and wildly differing viewpoints really mix it
up. I'll take a hostile Gunner or Rand Simberg over
a platoon of leftist Bush haters for a real debate


John Smith ®

Apr 22, 2007, 1:20:33 PM4/22/07
"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

There you go again.

> :>
> :> Hint: Dan Rather was born in Wharton, Texas, and grew up in Houston.
> :> His father was an oil pipeliner.
> :>
> :> :>
> :> :> Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of
> Mexico
> :> :> and south of Canada.
> :> :
> :> :Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston
> State -
> :> :problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.
> :>
> :> So what? You don't think "teacher's colleges" have other degree
> :> programs? Just because it's named that doesn't affect what degrees it
> :> offers. By the time Dan Rather was born, Sam Houston State Teachers
> :> College (as it was then known) already had graduate level programs in
> :> various disciplines (first graduate level degree was awarded in 1936).
> :> The place had offered bachelor's degrees since 1919.
> :
> :As I stated to BC. Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State
> :Teachers College.
> No, it was still NAMED "State Teachers College".

I see, it was some sort of ocult strategy to keep the great unwashed from
knowing it was really a "University". That is why they didn't change things
until the '60s. Those rascals are very sneaky. I know how you like
accuracy so let me quote from the Sam web site "In 1965 the word "Teachers"
was dropped from the name of the institution with statements to the effect
that the College was now multi-purpose, and in 1969 the institution became
Sam Houston State University." Notice the word "now" and the year "1965"?
I guess you could interpret "now" as meaning 1950.

> :The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at
> :that time?
> Apparently, since they state that Dan Rather got a B.A. in Journalism
> from there in 1953.

And we all know that "they" are always right. But if Wiki says it is true,
then it must be. I'll take you word for it.

> :I attended S. F. Austin at around the same time that they were
> :changing from College to University. Sam Houston was our main "enemy"
> :(competition wise) so I was somewhat familiar with their degree programs.
> It seems not.

Some things are hard to remember after 40 years, I admit.

> :I
> :just don't remember SFA or SHS having a journalism department at that
> time.
> :I can't find an old catalog and I'm not going to waste too much time
> :looking. If you have that information, perhaps you could set me
> straight.
> By 1953 Sam Houston was a very large institutions that offered degrees
> in pretty much everything.

Very large? OK, whatevery you say.

> :>
> :> This stuff isn't hard to find out. No need for you to remain in
> :> ignorance and make a fool of yourself in public like this.
> :>
> :
> :I have first hand knowledge of a lot of it, unlike some that post here.
> Perhaps you should get your brain dry cleaned and reblocked, then.

Back to the ad hominem stuff I see.

> :The
> :stuff that is easy to find on the internet may or may not be correct. If
> :you have access to the degree catalog from SHS from the year Rather
> started,
> :(I would guess 1950 or so) perhaps you could post it and we can then see
> :what it took to be a journalism major back then.
> Why do you care "what it took"? He got one and was immediately hired
> as a journalist right out of school. Which part of this sequence is
> so confusing for you?

Probably for the same reason BC is a little prolix in his determination to
tell us everything about "Rathergate".
But lets be accurate. He was hired as a journalist (reporter) long before
he graduated. I was curious as to what it took to get a degree in
journalism in 1950. Do you have some objection as to why someone would want
to know that? By Rather's own admission there was only one "professor" that
taught journalism when he attended SHS.

> :And before you make remarks about ignorance, you might want to read your
> own
> :sig.
> Oh, I see. You're just another stupid troll. Never mind, then.

I don't think of it as trolling. I think if it more as a public service.
It provides an outlet for people like you to be nasty and hostile and vent
on usenet instead of taking that hostility to a mall or school and shooting
a bunch of people.

> Hint: Have someone explain to you just how much cluelessness it takes
> to comment on grammar, spelling, or .sigs.

Huh? It is clueless to *flame* someone for a .sig, grammer, or spelling. I
was just pointing out the irony because you were trying to be insulting by
calling me ignorant, when the sig you had at the time was specifically about
how ignorance was better then...... well never mind, the irony would be lost
on you anyway.

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices.
William James


> --
> "Some people get lost in thought because it's such unfamiliar
> territory."
> --G. Behn

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==----

Fred J. McCall

Apr 22, 2007, 1:39:14 PM4/22/07
"John Smith ®" <> wrote:

:"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
:> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
:> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
:> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter what
:> :their personal view) when reporting.
:> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
:Your opinion, and you know what opinions are worth.

Oh? Then perhaps you could provide us all with this list of
journalists who "maintain a fair point of view (no matter what their
personal view) when reporting"?

I could use a good laugh...

:> :Makes one

:> :wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.
:> He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
:> padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
:> look stupid.
:Stupid lies? I have yet to see anyone that can find a reference to a degree
:in journalism being offered by SHSTC in 1950.

The college claims it gave him one. He was hired as one when he
graduated. Are they all liars?

I'll give you all the credibility your current position merits...

Fred J. McCall

Apr 22, 2007, 1:40:15 PM4/22/07
"John Smith ®" <> wrote:

:"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
:> Eric Chomko <> wrote:
:> :
:> :Fred J. McCall wrote:
:> :> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
:> :>
:> :> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
:> :> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter
:> what
:> :> :their personal view) when reporting.
:> :>
:> :> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
:> :
:> :Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".
:> I prefer to be accurate.
:No, like so many of the sheeple on usenet, you prefer to be nasty.

And like so many morons, you prefer to just lie.

Fred J. McCall

Apr 22, 2007, 2:13:01 PM4/22/07
"John Smith ®" <> wrote:

:"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

:> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
:> :"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
:> :> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
:> :>
:> :> :
:> :> :"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
:> :>
:> :> :>
:> :> :> : Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
:> :> :> :ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
:> :> :> :in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
:> :> :> :to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
:> :> :> :do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
:> :> :> :care less about American Politics!
:> :> :>
:> :> :> Rather a Canadian? You *are* confused!
:> :> :
:> :> :I thought he was saying his grand dad was a Canuck.
:> :>
:> :> How would that make Rather a Canadian, even if it was true (and you've
:> :> given no evidence that it is)? You think there's some sort of
:> :> multi-generational blood taint from having an ancestor born in Canada
:> :> or something?
:> :
:> :My mistake. I read it that the poster was saying that his grand dad was
:> :full of crap and a Canuck.
:> You seem to make a lot of them, frankly.
:There you go again.

Yes, I do keep recognizing reality. You should try it. You might
like it.

:> :>

:> :> Hint: Dan Rather was born in Wharton, Texas, and grew up in Houston.
:> :> His father was an oil pipeliner.
:> :>
:> :> :>
:> :> :> Hint: Dan Rather is from TEXAS. That's in a country north of Mexico
:> :> :> and south of Canada.
:> :> :
:> :> :Yes, Rather said he got his degree in journalism from Sam Houston State -
:> :> :problem is, when he went there, it was a teacher's college.
:> :>
:> :> So what? You don't think "teacher's colleges" have other degree
:> :> programs? Just because it's named that doesn't affect what degrees it
:> :> offers. By the time Dan Rather was born, Sam Houston State Teachers
:> :> College (as it was then known) already had graduate level programs in
:> :> various disciplines (first graduate level degree was awarded in 1936).
:> :> The place had offered bachelor's degrees since 1919.
:> :
:> :As I stated to BC. Rather attended until 1953, when it was still a State
:> :Teachers College.
:> No, it was still NAMED "State Teachers College".
:I see, it was some sort of ocult strategy to keep the great unwashed from
:knowing it was really a "University".

I see. Your head is so far up your ass that reality just isn't
permitted to intrude.

:That is why they didn't change things

:until the '60s. Those rascals are very sneaky. I know how you like
:accuracy so let me quote from the Sam web site "In 1965 the word "Teachers"
:was dropped from the name of the institution with statements to the effect
:that the College was now multi-purpose, and in 1969 the institution became
:Sam Houston State University." Notice the word "now" and the year "1965"?
:I guess you could interpret "now" as meaning 1950.

So you think they threw some magic switch in 1965 and "Poof!",
suddenly other degrees than teaching are offered. If you did half the
research trying to determine the truth as you do trying to obfuscate
it, you'd stop making stupid remarks like the preceding.

Hint: Sam Houston State offered business degrees in ****1935****.

Hint: Sam Houston State was organized into 'divisions' because of the
breadth of degrees offered in ****1936****. It is those 'divisions'
that became the five 'colleges' when Sam Houston State became a

Hint: Sam Houston State was offering Masters degrees in Business in

This pretty much demonstrates that your position that Sam Houston
Teachers College produced nothing but teachers degrees until 1965 is
absolute poppycock.

:> :The question is, did SHS offer a degree in journalism at

:> :that time?
:> Apparently, since they state that Dan Rather got a B.A. in Journalism
:> from there in 1953.
:And we all know that "they" are always right. But if Wiki says it is true,
:then it must be. I'll take you word for it.

Wiki my ass. Nobody but you has said anything about any wiki.

Hint: ***SAM HOUSTON STATE*** says they gave him one.

Hint: While still working on his journalism degree, Dan Rather worked
as a reporter for AP and UPI, as well as editing the school paper and
working part time at a local radio station.

Hint: When he got his journalism degree, he was hired right out of
school by The Houston Chronicle.

The conclusion seems obvious. You're on your ass promoting a
viewpoint that is silly to begin with BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER.

:> :The

:> :stuff that is easy to find on the internet may or may not be correct. If
:> :you have access to the degree catalog from SHS from the year Rather started,
:> :(I would guess 1950 or so) perhaps you could post it and we can then see
:> :what it took to be a journalism major back then.
:> Why do you care "what it took"? He got one and was immediately hired
:> as a journalist right out of school. Which part of this sequence is
:> so confusing for you?
:Probably for the same reason BC is a little prolix in his determination to
:tell us everything about "Rathergate".

I wouldn't know. I don't read BC.

:But lets be accurate. He was hired as a journalist (reporter) long before

:he graduated. I was curious as to what it took to get a degree in
:journalism in 1950. Do you have some objection as to why someone would want
:to know that?

No, I have an objection to someone claiming there is a vast conspiracy
to let Dan Rather claim to have gotten a degree in journalism and only
YOU know the truth.

:By Rather's own admission there was only one "professor" that

:taught journalism when he attended SHS.

So what?

:> :And before you make remarks about ignorance, you might want to read your own

:> :sig.
:> Oh, I see. You're just another stupid troll. Never mind, then.
:I don't think of it as trolling.

Yes, your sort never do.

:I think if it more as a public service.

:It provides an outlet for people like you to be nasty and hostile and vent
:on usenet instead of taking that hostility to a mall or school and shooting
:a bunch of people.

You obviously have an inflated idea of your own importance.

You're also even stupider than BC without any entertainment value.
Since I don't consider him worth bothering with, I think that pretty
much finishes with you.

You can join the rest of the stupid liars in the bottom of my bit


"Bow down to me. Taken your pride and stuff it down inside
Vows are ruined. Losing my faith, losing time.
Better off you than me.
I just can't stand another day when you're in my way.
A long time brewing. It's time you kiss your ass goodbye."
-- Godsmack, "Changes"

John Smith ®

Apr 22, 2007, 2:33:37 PM4/22/07
"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message

> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> :"Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in message
> :> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> :>
> :> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> :> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no matter
> what
> :> :their personal view) when reporting.
> :>
> :> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
> :
> :Your opinion, and you know what opinions are worth.
> Oh? Then perhaps you could provide us all with this list of
> journalists who "maintain a fair point of view (no matter what their
> personal view) when reporting"?

I could, but that would be just my opinion, and I've already told you what
opinions are worth.

> I could use a good laugh...

OK, how about this.

How many journalists does it take to change a light bulb?
One to report it as an inspired government program to bring light to the
One to report it as a diabolical government plot to deprive the poor of
One to win a Pulitzer prize for reporting that Electric Company hired a
light bulb assassin to break the bulb in the first place.

> :>
> :> :Makes one
> :> :wonder just how unbiased Mr. Rather was in his reporting.
> :>
> :> He wasn't. He was biased as hell. Making up stupid lies about resume
> :> padding doesn't do anything for you but damage your case and make you
> :> look stupid.
> :
> :Stupid lies? I have yet to see anyone that can find a reference to a
> degree
> :in journalism being offered by SHSTC in 1950.
> The college claims it gave him one. He was hired as one when he
> graduated. Are they all liars?

Wiki says he got one so I guess it must be true, although, in an interview
about his life he stated that there was only one journalism professor at
SHS. I guess you only needed one back then.

Rather says he was a reporter *before* he graduated, and that was how he
paid for school.

> I'll give you all the credibility your current position merits...


A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices.
William James


> --
> "False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the
> soul with evil."
> -- Socrates

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==----

John Smith ®

Apr 22, 2007, 2:42:45 PM4/22/07
"BC" <> wrote in message

On Apr 22, 10:33 am, "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> --
> A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
> rearranging
> their prejudices.
> William James
> "Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in
> > Eric Chomko <> wrote:
> > :
> > :Fred J. McCall wrote:
> > :> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> > :>
> > :> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> > :> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no
> > matter
> > what
> > :> :their personal view) when reporting.
> > :>
> > :> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
> > :
> > :Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".
> > I prefer to be accurate.
> No, like so many of the sheeple on usenet, you prefer to be nasty.

>As opposed to where you normally post? (I smell a
>right wing wiki here for some reason...)

Really? Where do I normally post?

>Anyway you're the one who is being truely nasty
>here -- you very stupidly keep trying to make it
>sound like there something dark and strange about
>Dan Rather getting his journalism degree from
>Sam Houston State College. WTF is up with that?

Like you keep trying to make something dark and strange out of those forged
memos? Pot, Kettle....

>And don't knock Usenet users -- unlike the real
>sheeple who hide themselves away in blog sites
>in the comfort of supportive, like-minded dumbasses,
>it's a wide open debate here where people with
>widely and wildly differing viewpoints really mix it
>up. I'll take a hostile Gunner or Rand Simberg over
>a platoon of leftist Bush haters for a real debate

I don't do the blog thing, and don't read anything in them except when they
pop up in a search. But I have seen the names of lots of bloggers posting
on usenet. I'm not knocking Usenet users at all, if it wern't for them,
this wouldn't be so much fun.

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging
their prejudices.
William James



Apr 22, 2007, 7:31:50 PM4/22/07
On Apr 22, 2:42 pm, "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> "BC" <> wrote in message

> On Apr 22, 10:33 am, "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> > --
> > A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
> > rearranging
> > their prejudices.
> > William James
> > "Fred J. McCall" <> wrote in
> >
> > > Eric Chomko <> wrote:
> > > :
> > > :Fred J. McCall wrote:
> > > :> "John Smith ®" <> wrote:
> > > :>
> > > :> :If someone calls him/her self a journalist, I
> > > :> :would hope they would try and maintain a fair point of view (no
> > > matter
> > > what
> > > :> :their personal view) when reporting.
> > > :>
> > > :> Then you're ignorant. Hasn't been that way since Murrow.
> > > :
> > > :Be polite, Freddy, say "naive".
> > > I prefer to be accurate.
> > No, like so many of the sheeple on usenet, you prefer to be nasty.
> >As opposed to where you normally post? (I smell a
> >right wing wiki here for some reason...)
> Really? Where do I normally post?

Umm, that's what I was kind of asking since you
implied with your "sheeple on usenet" comment that
you don't normally don't post here.

> >Anyway you're the one who is being truely nasty
> >here -- you very stupidly keep trying to make it
> >sound like there something dark and strange about
> >Dan Rather getting his journalism degree from
> >Sam Houston State College. WTF is up with that?
> Like you keep trying to make something dark and strange out of those forged
> memos? Pot, Kettle....

Umm, I just kinda,sorta showed out how the memos could
not have been forged under any circumstances:

Whereas you're talking really weird stuff about Rather's
journalism credentials.

So again, WTF is up with that?



May 2, 2007, 2:29:03 PM5/2/07
My madcap advenures in wacky Wikiland haven't quite
fully distracted me from further research into the
memos. I had been looking for on and off for another
old military "Memorandum for Record" for purposes of
format comparison to the Killian ones. These things
aren't "official" records so they are not normally
archived, but I very recently found one, dated June 11,
1959, included in some declassified documents at the
National Security Archive. It's on the very first page of
this PDF file:

Aside from that and the entire attachment also being
proportionally printed (probably on an IBM Executive),
there's also a rather (so to speak) amusing aspect to
this particular memo as well.




May 2, 2007, 6:04:15 PM5/2/07

Actually I just found another old "Memorandum for
Record" and it's a bit more contemporaneous to the
Killian memos since it's dated Novermber 18, 1971:

Note again that it's also proportionally printed. It's a
curious pattern -- MOST of the early 70's and older memo-
style military docs seem to be proportionally printed,
usually on what seems to be an IBM Executive typewriter.
And according to my research into 70's office tech,
proportional printing was an important feature to the first
generation of word processors, but then kind of faded
towards the end of the decade. Perhaps because of the
more reliable IBM Selectrics that replaced the Executives,
and the much cheaper and less sophisticated PC's that
came out than the dedicated word processors they replaced,
and offices simply got use to Prestige Elite, Courier and
such until laser printers came out and PC word processing
software became more sophisticated.

Another curious thing is the "I/O Selectric" -- this is an
electronic printer using Selectric technology that IBM sold
on the OEM market quite a lot to other companies until
there was a general switchover to using daisywheel printers.
According to this Business Week article from Feb 19, 1972,
IBM was selling 20,000 to 40,000 of these things annually:

According to this IBM document, the these I/O Selectrics
had a horizontal resolution of 1/72":

I had worked out a formula to figure out the horizontal
resolution you need to print proportionally at a given "Units
per em" -- which essentially describes the number of
different character width spacings from small "i" to capital
M or W. The typographers have claimed that you need 18
units per em to do Times Roman properly the way modern
PC's do it. With all that talk about the Selectric Composer,
that printed at 9 units per em, which some typographers
like Thomas Phinney have claimed is too low a resolution
for good Times Roman. My formula goes:

U/F x 72 = horizontal increments/inch

Where "U" is units, and "F" is the point size.

So for 18 Units/em at 12 point for standard Times Roman,
the formula gets you:

18/12 x 72 = 108 increments/inch

Daisywheel printers had horizontal resolutions of 120
increments/inch by the mid 70's at the latest, which means
that they were more than precise enough. The earliest
daisywheels, though, started off at 60 increments/inch,
which some typepographers have claimed is not good
enough. However, using the formula, that comes out to
10 Units/em spacing, which is slightly better than the
Composer's 9 Unit/em could, and the Composer does a
pretty good job actually. Check the sample from page 6
of this document from 1967:

The I/O Selectric at 72 increments/inch would have a
potential Unit/em spacing of 12, better still. I had
recently created a character width chart of CG Times
12 pt Bold, with is apparently close to the proportional
spacing of at least latter daisywheel printers, and I
counted 15 character widths. However, there were a
few minor mismatches that if combined, would bring
down the total to 12, which strongly implies that a word
processing system using an OEM I/O Selectric could
also be a candidate for the memos, since there is indeed
a noticeable mismatch between Word recreations and
the longer memos. See:

Unfortunately there is very, very little info about the
capabilities of these type of systems. IBM itself had a
word processing model using the I/O Selectric called the
"MC/ET" (Mag Card/Executive), but that only had 9-unilt
spacing, the same as the Composer, and slightly less
than what the first daisywheels could do.

Anyway, some techish FYI stuff for your reading


lab~rat >:-)

May 3, 2007, 8:13:59 AM5/3/07
On 2 May 2007 15:04:15 -0700, BC <> puked:

I know you feel like you are accomplishing something, but do you find
it curious that no one is responding to you? Pretty clear to me that
you are the only one who takes what you write serious or cares about
it in the least...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?


May 3, 2007, 10:47:01 AM5/3/07
On May 3, 8:13 am, "lab~rat >:-)" <> wrote:
> On 2 May 2007 15:04:15 -0700, BC <> puked:
> >

It's been serving its purpose, actually -- note how crazy
ass long the last threads on this were. I'm just showing
my homework at the moment on this thread, which had
become sort of dormant. It's pretty much a done deal
that the memos were not only forged but could not have
been forged regardless -- I'm just looking more at some
of the details.

Would you care to comment on anything substantial for
a change?



May 3, 2007, 11:39:50 AM5/3/07

Yet another type, typa, typy...typo -- it should have been,
of course, "It's pretty much a done deal that the memos
were not forged but could not have been forged regardless".

Whatever....this was never my job in the first place.


Baldin Lee Pramer

May 3, 2007, 11:57:50 AM5/3/07
> > Well, Rather did have his liberal tendencies,
> > but at least made an effort to be honest. He
> > would be like a restaurant owner who tended
> > to add a touch of cajun to everything served
> > in his place, but at least when you ordered
> > the steak and mash potatoes, that's what you
> > got.

> Dan Rather Honest? OH stop it, your killing me?? The only way he was
> ever honest was if he was caught in a lie! LOL I met the man, saw him
> in the Field and he was a hack, pure and Simple, My Dead Parents used
> to make us watch him at night and my 96 year old Grand dad said, why
> do you watch this Guy? He's full of Crap, he was a Canuck and could
> care less about American Politics! Rather is, Was and will always be a
> leftist Plant! His Presence as a REPORTER is a JOKE and he was so out
> of it, it took his involvement in a lot of Left Leaning deals to get
> him canned, way over due and way not done hashly enough!
> If you think that CBS News or NBC is anything other than BS? Your
> lost and no amount of Reason or Reality will bring you back! LOL Man,
> get a Grip, Dam Blather Honest?? LOL How can you say that with a
> strait face!

You have no idea what you are talking about. I think you made up all
or most of the above.


lab~rat >:-)

May 3, 2007, 1:01:17 PM5/3/07
On 3 May 2007 07:47:01 -0700, BC <> puked:

Just something to think about, there are threads debating whether or
not Jennifer Love Hewitt's tits are real that have lasted as long.
And more people participated.

Just something to think about when you start putting too much into
newsgroup fame...


May 3, 2007, 1:58:27 PM5/3/07
On May 3, 1:01 pm, "lab~rat >:-)" <> wrote:
> On 3 May 2007 07:47:01 -0700, BC <> puked:

This has made me well known in certain circles,
but it's not exactly fame. Actually I really don't
like this stuff at all. While I like a good debate
and bashing fools, this thing with the Killian
memos has been disturbing in many ways. I've
actually become a little less critical of the right
wing blog sites -- they people on them are more
or less innocent fools lacking of good info and
who get too easily caught up in emotions of
politics. Much of their animosity can be
explained by their being so poorly informed on
issues. So why are they so poorly informed in
this day and age? Can't they just Google stuff
that interests them before shooting their mouths
off? In theory, yes, but it's often a lot of work
in real life that's not getting easier. "News"
has become so fractured and so cynically
commercialized for specific demographics that
it's much like that old Monty Python "News for
..." skit

So a right winger believing that Kerry was the
second coming of Jimmy Carter, that the evil
liberal news media was out to get Bush, and
that Jennifer Love Hewitt's boobs are the best
could easily listen to or read many "news"
sources that would either imply tell him exactly
that and it would take a lot of undue effort to
even find out that Jennifer Connelly's boobs
rule, never mind the more complicated stuff.

Stoopid, lazy, irresponsible news media....


lab~rat >:-)

May 3, 2007, 2:25:20 PM5/3/07
On 3 May 2007 10:58:27 -0700, BC <> puked:

>So a right winger believing that Kerry was the
>second coming of Jimmy Carter, that the evil
>liberal news media was out to get Bush, and
>that Jennifer Love Hewitt's boobs are the best
>could easily listen to or read many "news"
>sources that would either imply tell him exactly
>that and it would take a lot of undue effort to
>even find out that Jennifer Connelly's boobs
>rule, never mind the more complicated stuff.

This is probably the most fascinating thing you have ever written...

Your reward. LOL


May 3, 2007, 6:13:28 PM5/3/07
On May 3, 2:25 pm, "lab~rat >:-)" <> wrote:
> On 3 May 2007 10:58:27 -0700, BC <> puked:

> >So a right winger believing that Kerry was the
> >second coming of Jimmy Carter, that the evil
> >liberal news media was out to get Bush, and
> >that Jennifer Love Hewitt's boobs are the best
> >could easily listen to or read many "news"
> >sources that would either imply tell him exactly
> >that and it would take a lot of undue effort to
> >even find out that Jennifer Connelly's boobs
> >rule, never mind the more complicated stuff.
> This is probably the most fascinating thing you have ever written...

> Your reward. LOL
> --
> lab~rat >:-)
> Do you want polite or do you want sincere?

I've always suspected that if I really persevered with my
Killian investigation, analyzing the DoD records and
memos from every angle, looking for matchups and
logical consistencies, delving into the ancient technology
of our 70's and even pre-70's forebears, withstanding the
mocking, insulting slings and arrows of the skeptics,
dredging up manuscripts from the mythical days of moon
landings and mechanical printers, doing battle with Usenet
wingnuts and wacky Wikiheads, and overall be resolute in
my task, then someday, somehow, I would not only be
able to broach the subject of Jennifer Connelly's boobs, but
in entirely proper and insightful context, as well with all due
respect to the subject at hand (so to speak...) And get a
link to a pix to boot.



May 3, 2007, 7:19:42 PM5/3/07
On Apr 19, 10:11 pm, BC <> wrote:
> Let's try this again (typos will be the death of me if
> Google Goups doesn't do it first.)
> If anyone really cares anymore:
> Note that in addition to the problem with the release
> date of the flight records versus when CBS obtained the
> memos, I added one more little bonus: I had obtained
> a bunch of files, memos, and documents from this place:
> This was all in regards to researching 70's era office
> technology. I had already noted that one of the documents
> was proportionally printed, but with some unknown sans-
> serif typeface very different form the Times-like font used
> for the memos. The document in question is a draft for a
> press release regarding one of the early word processors
> I was researching and it's dated, ironically enough,
> August, 1973.
> I realized today that I may have been overlooking something
> rather useful: I recreated a paragragh in both Word and
> WordPerfect (that has slight more fonts) and tried to see
> how well I can match things up. I did a little bit better than
> I had expected. Go look and let me know what you think
> (it's near the top.)
> -BC

That original phony document was intentionally created and
subsequently planted and/or leaked by the Republican rusemasters of
that era, and it worked better than expected.

Too bad we Americans are so easily snookered and thus dumbfounded past
the point of no return.
Brad Guth


May 3, 2007, 9:42:41 PM5/3/07

Well, you're certainly correct about being "snookered and
thus dumbfounded past the point of no return" -- the memos
were not forged. Actually they couldn't be forged, period --
one of the memos that CBS had but didn't use in its story
had info that could only have been derived from the Bush's
flight records. The thing is that the DoD hadn't released
the flight records until just a couple of days AFTER CBS
had obtained the memos from Burkett. Plus it turns out
that people were proportionally printing like crazy during
those hazy, crazy days of yore. I know this thread is a
bit messy and filled with typos, but there is this slightly
more clean site of of mine chock full with stuff that
anyone could have dug up with a little effort, but...well:

Snookered and dumbfounded indeed....


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