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Does LEC keep their word?

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Sep 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/12/99
From the document "Commitments That Constitute Our Accountability as
Landmark Education Corporation" (c) 1992 Landmark Education Corporation
(#6) We are committed to projects and programs worldwide that initiate and
foster cooperation, harmony, mutual understanding, appreciation of
diversity and that ultimately empower people to operate out of being
profoundly related.

(#7) We are committed to working with and through an appreciation of our
own and other's humanness-- expressed by an openness and a willingness to
listen, learn and communicate.

(#8) We are committed that our Statement of Accountability be expressed in
our culture, reflected in our practices, and fulfilled in our projects,
our programs and our people.

I am interested in hearing everyone's thoughts on whether or not Landmark
Education Corporation is keeping their word as stated above. The recent
threats against Jan in Australia, not to mention Elle magazine, etc. leave
me wondering.



Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99

hi dave. i can appreciate Jan's experience directly. do you have the LEC
charter available? perhaps i can scan it in. i love the copyright notices
and the ubiquitous "all rights reserved" and the fortress like listening
that LEC has created around the distinction "integrity." yes - the work (or
is that "the werk") is indeed "an integrity."

it's also convenient by way of having most grads live in the assumption (in
the guise of what's so) that LEC is in-integrity themselves. after all they
& their culture is one of promises/requests and permission (see Searl -
Berkeley and his philosophy of speech acts - yet i don't see him
acknowlegded in the brochures). i'll bet that at your local center every 5th
or 10th word is "i promise." (ok - maybe a bit an exaggeration - but
probably not too far off). and yet they take someone else's work and call it
their own via signature and then threaten folks.

i must be honest. after being left feeling molested and threatened by
certain staffers at corporate. and after several times and by someone who
knew very very little to nothing of the topic at hand and yet was heavy
handed and ready to wield the power of a 50 million dollar/year
multi-national corporation's legal resources. after that i called joan
rosenberg's office and made it clear that i will not tolerate being
threatened at my workplace. much less at my home. my wife was terrified
after what art did to elle. even to this day she wonders if we are gonna be
ok? ..what will they do?? i have a 3 year old child. i don't take putting
my child's welfare and possible safety on the line lightly. (i suppose i'm
beginning to see what happened to the CO$ more clearly. the nature of
loyalty can be like that - unfortunately.)

i suppose that LEC - or rather art - can continue on the path of
self-destruction. how many more threats and out-integrities will it take
before the "house of cards" comes tumbling down?? ..maybe the press is
already getting interested?? ...they have lawyers too. who knows.


Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
hi dave. i'm back. sorry about the shoddy nature of my posts (apologies to
everyone) i fear that my words are often incomprehensible at the speed at
which i operate sometimes.

what i wanted to close my last note w/ was some responsible thinking.
perhaps others can help me out. it seems to me that a "what's so" about
LEC's legal charge - previously hidden. and perhaps hidden that it was
hidden <smiling> may be revealing itself. but what to do??? do you care
about transformation?? i do. listen -- the senior conversation here is that
LEC is REALLY staffed by volunteers. hard working grads like gary. just out
there to make available that power and empowerment that many folks my be
lacking. yes - he may occur as "being right" sometimes. BUT i - personally -
can see how important transformation is to him. as it is to me. <just used
gary as an example. i know that they're are others> and it's high time that
grads like gary had a REAL say so. not this "...oh i trust the process

i know that the only thing that produces a result is producing a result.
it's like all the motivation and all the facial expressions and all the
stress and all the strain involved in something challenging is superfluous -
really. none of that makes any difference. only making one does. i say it
comes down this:

call art <as i did> or harry or whomever. not that harry can really do
anything about it. <..i truly don't know harry at all but knowing what i
know about what art has gotten away w/ it seems that he may be the weaker
personality. who knows he may surprise me>

...or stay here and argue about the LEC enrollment distinction till the cows
come home. in which case - you can take it to the bank - that art will
eventually end up where he's headed.....

Bob465 <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
...i know. i know. i should made the time for one proper note. but i'm
running around w/ a string and the alyssa and the cats. <panting> i forgot
to mention that:

"how could it be that a organization" loaded w/ such incredible human
beings. and i mean outstanding people. allow this self-destructive corporate
behavior solidify?? take jerome downes. (FL) jerome is like a father to me.
i will take the "jerome wednesday nite seminars" down in LA w/ me to my
grave. altered me forever. yes - i love jerome.

but how can jerome and all the others let art get away w/ it?? how can this
be?? ..i suspect that it's living in an ivory tower. i know that after the 6
day - i was on fire. literally the most amazing time of my life. can you
imagine being a forum leader?? ...and yet. i'll bet that there is a major
disconnect there as well. LEC is an id-entity just like the rest of us. "the
work" is their winning formula and being-a-cult is their racket.

how many years has art been living in that ivory tower in san francisco??

listen guys. i know that art isn't the antichrist or the evil one. i can
fully say that i got to know him in my phonecon. but as i say just as a
quarterback can't see himself and thus coach himself effectively - art and
the rest have a huge blind spot. it's called the prevailing reality.

Bob465 <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
In article <KXbD3.539$>,
"Bob465" <> wrote:

>LEC is an id-entity just like the rest of us. "the
> work" is their winning formula and being-a-cult is their racket.

Something about this, I don't know what it is.... I sort of find
myself reading this and nodding. Interesting thought, Bob.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
ok here's the charter. just like i got it in the mail. no copyright notice.
gosh do ya suppose that i'll get sued for posting this?? ..just to add to
dave's query.



Landmark Education is a global enterprise whose purpose is to empower and
enable people and organizations to generate and fulfill new possibilities.
We create and provide programs, services, and paradigms that produce
extraordinary results for our customers.

Our mission is to have the power and magic of transformation alive and real
for all people.

We conduct ourselves and our enterprise from the following fundamental
values that are at the heart of who we are:

The Opportunity to Make a Difference:

The profound privilege of causing and participating in one's own
the transformation of others, and the transformation of life


The freedom to be, giving oneself fully to all of life.

Creating From Nothing:

Generating possibilities from possibility itself, free from the
constraints of the past


Responsibility begins with the willingness to be cause in the matter
of one's life.
Ultimately, it is a context from which one chooses to live.


The state of being whole and complete; honoring one's word as

We promise to be true to our purpose, to accomplish our mission, to operate
consistent with our values, and to generate our enterprise in service of our

This is who we are.


This is what you can count on.
<> wrote in message news:7rhcuj$1g0$


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
hi. as you know the distinctions are inventions. the distinction racket has
2 different expressions. the common one is a persistent complaint (by you) +
a way of (your) being & the lesser known interpretation is a persistent
complaint _about you_ by those in your network of relations(hip).

thanks for the feedback.

<> wrote in message news:7rk1q8$fe4$

> In article <KXbD3.539$>,
> "Bob465" <> wrote:

> >LEC is an id-entity just like the rest of us. "the
> > work" is their winning formula and being-a-cult is their racket.


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
actually - winning forumula/racket are built on the dual nature of reality
(ref: hinduism):

On The One Hand & On The Other ...

this work is a western expression of what is thousands of years old. in some
eastern practices the expression of reality is "named" duality. this
work it is called many names.

on the one side of the coin and on the other.
that and underneath that.
foreground and background.

anytime you hear someone talk of a utopian reality in some unspecified
future - not now - you can rest assured that fantasy is afoot.

just as there is no good without evil ...

..up without down.
..light without darkness.
..male without female.
..order without disorder. without doesn't work.

... there is no _Winning Formula_ without _Racket_.

and so it is with emotions. they are "all" constituent of "what it is to be
human." ..cannot have one side of a coin without the other...

and along these lines i truly fantasize about being "good" all the time.
about being respectful and empowering and nurturing at all times. as ya'll
know - i'm not. i think that those that know me here know me as one who
busts his butt to make a difference. and one who is destructive and angry
and -yes- horrible in many ways. <now i'm getting emotional>

.. i no longer issue quick apologies.

.. i'm no longer in denial.

.. my being is constituted by the gamut of human expressions.

i often feel unbelievable elation in being related. i often feel great shame
in the hurtfulness of my ways ...

... the inquiry is into responsibility.

(from my collection for re-collection)

so could it be otherwise. can it turn out differently? interesting

Bob465 <> wrote in message


> hi. as you know the distinctions are inventions. the distinction racket
> 2 different expressions. the common one is a persistent complaint (by you)
> a way of (your) being & the lesser known interpretation is a persistent
> complaint _about you_ by those in your network of relations(hip).
> thanks for the feedback.
> <> wrote in message
> > In article <KXbD3.539$>,
> > "Bob465" <> wrote:
> >

> > >LEC is an id-entity just like the rest of us. "the
> > > work" is their winning formula and being-a-cult is their racket.
> >


Sep 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/14/99
In article <7rhcuj$1g0$>, writes:

>From the document "Commitments That Constitute Our Accountability as
>Landmark Education Corporation" (c) 1992 Landmark Education Corporation

remainder snipped.

FYI, the 1992 documents you refer to are no longer the operating documents of
LEC. These were completed in 1997 and a new set of documents under LEC 2020
were created. They may be at the website and I have a copy, in a notebook,
elsewhere. Later, if I'm not terribly busy with our hurricane evacuation plan
(we have to manage ourselves and other family members in SC), I'll get back to
them. If this storm is as bad as it seems, I expect to go offline on Thursday
and will likely not return for 5-10 days.
To send e-mail, remove "bite-me" spam block from the address

People like us know that the distinction between past, present, and future is
only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

Albert Einstein


Sep 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/15/99
In article <7rhcuj$1g0$>, wrote:
> From the document "Commitments That Constitute Our Accountability as
> Landmark Education Corporation" (c) 1992 Landmark Education

i thought i would repost this for the whole world to read and then
when gsaun gets back he can show us the new stuff. i wonder why he
snipped it for :)

I want your mind to lock in. i want your mind to lock in
i want your mind to lock oooooh oooooh oooooh oooooh
Klaus Meine


Sep 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/15/99


Logic alert...

'the whole world' consists of the set of people who read your posts


Sep 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/15/99
In article <lUgD3.883$>,

"Bob465" <> wrote:
i think that those that know me here know me as one who
> busts his butt to make a difference.

Ya know one thing that is interesting, to me at least, about the term
"making a difference" and the like is the non postionality of the
term. LEC is full of nonpositional terms. I say that we all make a
difference. Even by doing nothing we make a difference. The world
would be different from what it would have been had we done something
(granted below detection limits but...)! Because of it nonpositonality
the very term has a dual characteristic about it. Why heck, Ted Bundy
made a huge difference! Not a postive one (postional term), but a
difference non the less.

and one who is destructive and angry
> and -yes- horrible in many ways. <now i'm getting emotional>
> .. i no longer issue quick apologies.
> .. i'm no longer in denial.
> .. my being is constituted by the gamut of human expressions.
> i often feel unbelievable elation in being related. i often feel
great shame
> in the hurtfulness of my ways ...
> ... the inquiry is into responsibility.
> (from my collection for re-collection)
> so could it be otherwise. can it turn out differently?
> inquiry.

Differently than what? The way it's going to turn out or the way it is


Sep 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/15/99
> i think that those that know me here know me as one who
> > busts his butt to make a difference.
> Ya know one thing that is interesting, to me at least, about the term
> "making a difference" and the like is the non postionality of the
> term. LEC is full of nonpositional terms. I say that we all make a
> difference. Even by doing nothing we make a difference. The world
> would be different from what it would have been had we done something
> (granted below detection limits but...)! Because of it nonpositonality
> the very term has a dual characteristic about it. Why heck, Ted Bundy
> made a huge difference! Not a postive one (postional term), but a
> difference non the less.

yes. an ontological difference is neither inherently "good" or "bad."
i don't think i explained properly. that reference was to another group.


Sep 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/16/99
In article <7rmv3p$h6p$>,

patrick <> wrote:
> In article <7rhcuj$1g0$>,
> wrote:
> > From the document "Commitments That Constitute Our Accountability as
> > Landmark Education Corporation" (c) 1992 Landmark Education
> Corporation
> > -----------------------------------
> > (#6) We are committed to projects and programs worldwide that
> and
> > foster cooperation, harmony, mutual understanding, appreciation of
> > diversity and that ultimately empower people to operate out of being
> > profoundly related.

this line is so full of jargon it almost makes u want to........
unless of course this line makes your eyes go glossy :)

> >
> > (#7) We are committed to working with and through an appreciation of
> our
> > own and other's humanness-- expressed by an openness and a
> to
> > listen, learn and communicate.

hmm is the meaning of suing people and organizations and intimidation
now their new way of being, is it now called openness and willingness

this organization quit listening learning and communicating almost
from the moment they got the idea that life has no meaning.

> >
> > (#8) We are committed that our Statement of Accountability be
> expressed in
> > our culture, reflected in our practices, and fulfilled in our
> projects,
> > our programs and our people.

well has anyone seen the profit and loss statements. etc etc etc
and i believe their hunger project shows everybody what their motives
are (some of their motives) at least

> > -----------------------------------
> >
> > I am interested in hearing everyone's thoughts on whether or not
> Landmark
> > Education Corporation is keeping their word as stated above. The
> recent
> > threats against Jan in Australia, not to mention Elle magazine, etc.
> leave
> > me wondering.
> >
> > -Dave
> >
> i thought i would repost this for the whole world to read and then
> when gsaun gets back he can show us the new stuff. i wonder why he
> snipped it for :)

> --
> I want your mind to lock in. i want your mind to lock in
> i want your mind to lock oooooh oooooh oooooh oooooh
> Klaus Meine

> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


I want your mind to lock in. i want your mind to lock in
i want your mind to lock oooooh oooooh oooooh oooooh
Klaus Meine


Sep 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/16/99

a landmarkian wrote u cant speak of abuse unless u have been abused

a landmarkian spoke u can speak of rape unless u have been raped

u can speak of landmark unless u attend a course and then u still
cant of landmark because they will sue u. SOON there will be no
thinking at all

no, this is ALMOST A JOKE


Sep 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/17/99
In article <7rmv3p$h6p$>,
patrick <> wrote:
> In article <7rhcuj$1g0$>,
> wrote:
> > From the document "Commitments That Constitute Our Accountability as
> > Landmark Education Corporation" (c) 1992 Landmark Education
> Corporation
> > -----------------------------------
> > (#6) We are committed to projects and programs worldwide that
> and
> > foster cooperation, harmony, mutual understanding, appreciation of
> > diversity and that ultimately empower people to operate out of being
> > profoundly related.
> >
> > (#7) We are committed to working with and through an appreciation of
> our
> > own and other's humanness-- expressed by an openness and a
> to
> > listen, learn and communicate.
> >
> > (#8) We are committed that our Statement of Accountability be
> expressed in
> > our culture, reflected in our practices, and fulfilled in our
> projects,
> > our programs and our people.
> > -----------------------------------
> >
> > I am interested in hearing everyone's thoughts on whether or not
> Landmark
> > Education Corporation is keeping their word as stated above. The
> recent
> > threats against Jan in Australia, not to mention Elle magazine, etc.
> leave
> > me wondering.
> >
> > -Dave
> >

the question i ask is do these words have any meaning ?

Markus Hirt

Sep 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/17/99
Hi again, Bob. Always interesting to read a post from you,
especially one that is about making a difference. I always
wondered how Erhard and LEC came to think that making a
difference is something valueable. So let's look how you'd
back up this thesis. Perhaps I could make a difference.

Bob465 wrote:
> actually - winning forumula/racket are built on the dual nature of reality
> (ref: hinduism):
> On The One Hand & On The Other ...

"Dual nature of reality", where did you find that? Until now
I thought nature to be quite non-dualistic.

So let us look into Hinduism:

The meditation states of a Yogi are distinguised into
"Sabikalpa-Samadhi" where his live energy is drawn out of
the body which is like dead and his mind is one with
the cosmic mind.

On a higher step to awareness, the "Nirbikalapa-Samadhi" he
has the same connection to the cosmic mind in normal
everyday life.

Interestingly, the Sanskrit word "Bikalpa" means "difference,
inequality", whereas "Nirbikalpa" is a state of "no difference".

> this work is a western expression of what is thousands of years old. in some
> eastern practices the expression of reality is "named" duality. this
> work it is called many names.

Even more eastern, you'll find exactly the same thoughts of
"no difference" I mentioned above. For example in the famous
ten pictures of a farmer catching an ox: In the last picture
the farmer (who is a Boddhisatva now) goes to the market,
having long forgotten his enlightenment.

> on the one side of the coin and on the other.
> that and underneath that.
> foreground and background.
> etc.
> anytime you hear someone talk of a utopian reality in some unspecified
> future - not now - you can rest assured that fantasy is afoot.

Like in LEC's creating a future full of possibilities?

> just as there is no good without evil ...
> ..up without down.
> ..light without darkness.
> ..male without female.
> ..order without disorder.
> without doesn't work.
> ... there is no _Winning Formula_ without _Racket_.

There is neither _Winning Formula_ nor _Racket_.

> and so it is with emotions. they are "all" constituent of "what it is to be
> human." ..cannot have one side of a coin without the other...
> and along these lines i truly fantasize about being "good" all the time.
> about being respectful and empowering and nurturing at all times. as ya'll

> know - i'm not. i think that those that know me here know me as one who
> busts his butt to make a difference. and one who is destructive and angry

> and -yes- horrible in many ways. <now i'm getting emotional>

How would it feel to not make a difference? Have you ever
tried it?

> .. i no longer issue quick apologies.

So if you stumble over ones leg in a train you'd not say sorry
but simply go on? (hopefully not - just kidding)

> .. i'm no longer in denial.

Hm. How about Landmark's work producing very bad results?
How about "making a difference" isn't so valueable?

> .. my being is constituted by the gamut of human expressions.

Hopefully more than that.

> i often feel unbelievable elation in being related. i often feel great shame
> in the hurtfulness of my ways ...

Yeah, making a difference is hurtful. But so you've chosen, eh?

> ... the inquiry is into responsibility.

The one with blame or the Landmark version?

> (from my collection for re-collection)
> so could it be otherwise. can it turn out differently? interesting
> inquiry.

Yes, if you make a difference it could turn out differently.
I you don't make a difference, it will turn out differently, too.

Different to what, by the way?

Hope I haven't made too much of "a difference".



Sep 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/18/99
markus. thank you for your kind note.
i thought i made it clear to the last person that commented that note that
it was intended for another audience.
if you think that i'm an LEC sympathizer - you may've not carefully kept
abreast of my communications here.
when werner's tech works and it often does....

['ve got this german (from cologne) professor of philosophy (heidegger
specialist) totally shifting on werner's version of "the werk."]

anyway when the tech works it works. i will not let petty emotions cloud my
entire field of view.
i don't confuse what's in front of me w/ any possible anti-lec agenda.

werner's "making a difference" was meant to have folks get clear about that
"opinions - beliefs - etc" are not the same as "coordinated action." you can
always stuff anything werner into the mold called: "LEC sucks." and you're
welcome to do so. i have no problem w/ that at all. really markus. you'll
find that i will not hesitate to say so myself if i see such saying as
forwarding whatever conversation i happen to be in.

very often folks get confused. they think that ranting and raving is the
same as making a difference. the two are not the same. and even though an
ontological difference is not inherently "good" or "bad" - the thrust of the
"making a difference" tech is to go out into-the-world and translate what
you may see as meaningful into the lives of others. and if not then great.
but (when the tech is successfully employed) either way to stop wobbling in
opinionated hysteria.

maya is an illusion. the dual nature of reality is an occurring - it isn't
the real. and when i decide to "be" w/ whatever it is i'm being w/ - then
that is what i be. i'm not "run" by what can be _interpreted_ as a "racket"
or a "winning formula." this is simply a way of not acting out patterned
behavior. (personality. those ways of being that those that know you can
count on you expressing given certain stimuli) in the east this can be
called "active" meditation.

good day.

ps - markus i may not always engage w/ folks in conversation. confrontation
for the sake of confrontation doesn't interest me at this point.

Markus Hirt <> wrote in message


Sep 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/18/99
i must ask markus. it will help me to orient myself in conversation w/ you.

are you an <disgruntled/unhappy/disgusted/happy/outraged/fill-in-the-blank>
LEC customer?? ...are you a grad?? ..or just an interested bystander of some

the reason i ask is cuz it seems like you didn't even know that the whole
thrust of the WF/R tech was to identify patterns of behavior (automaticity
or in H's language - thematic expression) on the premise that getting the
"shape" of behavior alllows one to not engage or "run" behavior thus
identified. really what you were lecturing me on.

be well.

Markus Hirt

Sep 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/18/99
Bob465 wrote:
> i must ask markus. it will help me to orient myself in conversation w/ you.
> are you an <disgruntled/unhappy/disgusted/happy/outraged/fill-in-the-blank>
> LEC customer?? ...are you a grad?? ..or just an interested bystander of some
> sort??

I don't know which agenda you have that you "must" ask this question.
You made some statements about Heidegger's philosophy and of Hinduism
and eastern thought that I found to be in fundamental contrast
to the original writings. So I asked back. Do you think you have
answered my questions?

But to answer your questions:
I was living together with a SELP graduate/coach, seminar
supervisor and later IFLP participant in 1996. I went through
the Forum, Forum in Action seminar and Advanced Course during
this time.

In my opinion (based on facts which are not open for discussion
due to their personal nature) this participation led to a decrease
of my physical and mental wellbeing and finally the breakup with
LEC and the relationship.

Pondering the question whether this had something to do with me
I kept contact to some of the participants in my course. In contrast
to their statements in the seminar, their live did not improve.
One even had a severe mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized
for a week under heavy medication. In his opinion the breakdown
was entailed by his participation in Landmark's courses.

Shortly after that, Martin Lell published his book "The Forum,
protocol of a brainwashing, the psycho company Landmark Education"
in which he describes his own participation and the thoughts
which lead to his mental breakdown in great detail.

I began to wonder whether these incidents where related to
Landmarks courses. Are they caused by the unprofessional
presentation of the courses with leaders who do not have
any professional psychologic background? Are their some
flaws in the underlying philosophies or what Erhard made
of them?

I do not have answers on these questions. What do you think?

> the reason i ask is cuz it seems like you didn't even know that the whole
> thrust of the WF/R tech was to identify patterns of behavior (automaticity
> or in H's language - thematic expression) on the premise that getting the
> "shape" of behavior alllows one to not engage or "run" behavior thus
> identified. really what you were lecturing me on.

Didn't occur to me that I was lecturing on compulsion neurosis.
And I wouldn't recommend the Transactional Analysis derivate
you described as a therapy.

In cases that do not need therapy I share the opinion of
Erich Fromm that one should better leave them the way they are.

> be well.

Three years after LEC participation I'm absolutely well again.
Thank you.



Sep 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/18/99
my apologizes markus. i think that i've made it quite clear that experiences
such as yours are perfectly legitimate and need _SERIOUS_ addressing.

[the proofs in the puddin' and no amount of sugar coating will make that go

listen if LEC doesn't get their ship headed in the direction they "claim"
they want it to go in then they WILL eventually CRASH. and w/ no sympathy
from me.

my very best wishes sir. may you live long and prosper.... (really!!!!!)

ps - i have many issues w/ LEC myself. i haven't attended their programs in
almost 8 years (save once).

Markus Hirt <> wrote in message


Sep 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/19/99
In article <7ruk5i$392$>,
gsaun, wanna discuss whether or not landmark keeps its word

and by the way, who is landmark anyway

thanks pat


Sep 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/20/99
In article <7s1d5i$re2$>, patrick <>

>gsaun, wanna discuss whether or not landmark keeps its word
>and by the way, who is landmark anyway

Old news. 1992 no longer applicable and completed in 1997.

Not currently interested in discussing this with you.



Sep 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/20/99
so gary. i - personally - think that this particular "old news" response of
yours isn't in keeping w/ the spirit of the question. seems like a boxing
promoter kinda answer. i highly doubt that these promises are completely
unrelated to the new ones. i say that LEC isn't keeping their word. didn't
you (or someone) say you were gonna post the new ones (promises)?? ...just
curious. bob

GSaun039 <gsau...@aol.combite-me> wrote in message


Sep 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/20/99
I'm curious about was the commitment "completed" in 1997?

Just what actions were undertaken? What projects were done to accomplish
this "completed"?

And I hope that the unwillingness to discuss this issue is only applicable
to Bob and not also to those that actually have questions about the actual
process of "completed".

Since reading the "promises" or whatever it is called, I have been
wondering exactly how that all looks when it is "completed". So, what did
it look like to you Gary? And what did that look like to Landmark Education

Poster is a resident of Washington State.
Spammers be warned, Washington State has a Spam Law that is successfully

GSaun039 <gsau...@aol.combite-me> wrote in article


Sep 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/20/99
> And I hope that the unwillingness to discuss this issue is only applicable
> to Bob and not also to those that actually have questions about the actual
> process of "completed".

howdy pam.
thanks for the clarification.
i do think that a dave asked the question initially.
why don't i remove myself from this line of questioning for now & perhaps
gary (et al) will answer dave's question.

the "complete" distinction is very very interesting. let's see what gary has
to say about it....


Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99
In article <>,

gsau...@aol.combite-me (GSaun039) wrote:
> In article <7s1d5i$re2$>, patrick
> writes:
> >gsaun, wanna discuss whether or not landmark keeps its word
> >
> >
> >and by the way, who is landmark anyway
> >
> Old news. 1992 no longer applicable and completed in 1997.
> Not currently interested in discussing this with you.
> Gary
> _________________________
> To send e-mail, remove "bite-me" spam block from the address
> People like us know that the distinction between past, present, and
future is
> only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
> Albert Einstein
ok, are u gonna post the new stuff for us anytime soon


Sep 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/21/99

Poster is a resident of Washington State.
Spammers be warned, Washington State has a Spam Law that is successfully

Bob465 <> wrote in article

Okay, kinda gets confusing to who says what after whatall gets snipped and
pasted and replied and not replied to *g*.

And I seriously don't have the time to figure it out this past for the clarification and I *still* would like an answer
to what "completed" means, looks like and what the action was ... all that



Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99
In article <7rhcuj$1g0$>, writes:

>From the document "Commitments That Constitute Our Accountability as
>Landmark Education Corporation" (c) 1992 Landmark Education Corporation
>(#6) We are committed to projects and programs worldwide that initiate and
>foster cooperation, harmony, mutual understanding, appreciation of
>diversity and that ultimately empower people to operate out of being
>profoundly related.
>(#7) We are committed to working with and through an appreciation of our
>own and other's humanness-- expressed by an openness and a willingness to
>listen, learn and communicate.
>(#8) We are committed that our Statement of Accountability be expressed in
>our culture, reflected in our practices, and fulfilled in our projects,
>our programs and our people.
>I am interested in hearing everyone's thoughts on whether or not Landmark
>Education Corporation is keeping their word as stated above. The recent
>threats against Jan in Australia, not to mention Elle magazine, etc. leave
>me wondering.

I stated elsewhere that this was old news and as such the documents that you
refer to are dead. However, to answer your question, the answer is no Landmark
didn't keep their word.


Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99
In article <01bf03a7$8a967080$d978490c@default>, "Orroro/Fitz"
<> writes:

>And I seriously don't have the time to figure it out this past
> for the clarification and I *still* would like an answer
>to what "completed" means, looks like and what the action was ... all that

Completion is both a declaration and exemplified by a series of actions.

By completed I mean that everything that there is to say and do has been said
and done. Acknowledging was has been accomplished and what has not.

In 1997, a series of meetings (five that I recall: NYC, Chicago, LA, London,
and Sydney) entitled LEC 2020 were held to complete on the 1992 documents (LEC
1997, the five year creation) and to launch the new documents and corporate
enterprise. In the meetings what was discussed was what was accomplished and
what was not relevant to the 1992 documents and anything there was to say about


Sep 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/22/99
There are no exact replicas of the 1992 documentsto be found in the LEC2020
documentation: Here's what is posted at the web-site and in the documents that
I have:
Copyright Notice: Landmark Education Corporation 1997


Landmark Education is a global enterprise whose purpose is to empower and
enable people and organizations to generate and fulfill new possibilities. We
create and provide programs, services, and paradigms that produce extraordinary
results for our customers.

Our mission is to have the power and magic of transformation alive and real for
all people.

We conduct ourselves and our enterprise from the following fundamental values
that are at the heart of who we are:

The Opportunity to Make a Difference:
The profound privilege of causing and participating in one's own

transformation, the transformation of others, and the transformation of life

The freedom to be; giving oneself fully to all of life.

Creating From Nothing:
Generating possibilities from possibility itself, free from the constraints of

the past.

Responsibility begins with the willingness to be cause in the matter of one's
life. Ultimately, it is a context from which one chooses to live.

The state of being whole and complete; honoring one's word as oneself.

We promise to be true to our purpose, to accomplish our mission, to operate
consistent with our values, and to generate our enterprise in service of our

This is who we are.

This is what you can count on.

People and enterprises alive with freedom,
Operating with power,
Creating and fulfilling new worlds of opportunity.

PEOPLE producing extraordinary results and dealing powerfully with the
challenges of life.

People experiencing and expressing fulfillment, well-being, and joy in their
lives, their relationships, their families, their work, and their communities.

individuals designing and living lives that make a difference.

ENTERPRISES thriving through fulfilling their purposes, creating and realizing
opportunities, and achieving new levels of performance in a world of increasing

Organizations generating unprecedented futures that inspire people to committed
action, call forth their leadership, and empower them as full stakeholders.

Enterprises demonstrating new possibilities for people and organizations to
work successfully together.

NEW WORLDS OF OPPORTUNITY being created, calling forth action, being fulfilled.

We are committed that the benefits generated for our customers in the
fulfillment of this vision creates positive value for all people and for
society itself.

Available at :

Different rom the approach used in 1992 for LEC 1997.

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