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Dr. Jai Maharaj

Oct 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/7/98

Various Free Republic Posters
October 7, 1998

o The New York Post 10/3/98 Marilyn Rauber and Brian Blomquist
"Monica Lewinsky's mom feared President Clinton would have her
daughter killed to shut her up - warning Lewinsky she might end up
like Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick My mom's big fear is that
he Clinton is going to send somebody out to kill me, Lewinsky
confided over the phone to a horrified Linda Tripp, new transcripts
revealed. The ex-intern's distraught mother, Marcia Lewis, told the
Sexgate grand jury she mentioned Kopechne, the young aide who died
in a car wreck in which Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) drove off the
Chappaquiddick, Mass., bridge in 1969, as an example to her
daughter. Lewis said she wanted to warn Monica of what happens to
young women in politics who get involved where they shouldn't be

o AP 10/3/98 "Her words captured on a wire hidden under Linda
Tripp's clothing, Monica Lewinsky spoke of how she feared crossing
the White House by telling the truth about her affair with
President Clinton, but also was loathe to help Paula Jones with her
sexual harassment lawsuit ``For fear of my life, I would not cross
these - these people,'' Ms. Lewinsky told Mrs. Tripp, who recorded
their Jan. 13 conversation at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Arlington,
Va., as FBI agents listened in…. In a separate call, Ms. Lewinsky,
complaining about Clinton's tendency to ignore her, says, ``I think
he's on drugs.'' Mrs. Tripp tries to draw her out: ``That's not so
far-fetched, you know.'' Ms. Lewinsky, however, does not take the
bait. …"


Vincent Foster (Whitehouse Deputy Counsel, Gunshot to mouth, neck

Kathy Ferguson (ex-wife of Clinton co-defendant, Gunshot to head)

Bill Shelton (Arkansas state trooper, Kathy Ferguson's fiancee,
Gunshot to head)

Susan Coleman (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, 7.5 months pregnant,
Gunshot to head)

Jon Parnell Walker (RTC Investigator on Whitewater, fell from top
of Lincoln Towers)

Ed Willey ( Democratic Fundraiser, Gunshot to head)

Niko Jerik (In charge of the radio beacon/Brown Crash, Gunshot)

John A. Wilson (Former Wash D.C. councilman, hung)

Terrance Yeakey (First policeman at the Murrah Building, gun shot

Gary Baugh (Lassater Attorney, Jump)

Ian Spiro (Inslaw Witness, Gunshot to Head)

Sharlott A. Donovan (Ret TechSgt/WH Comm Office, Plastic Bag over

Admiral Boorda (CNO, gunshot chest)

Frank Aller (Clinton roommate at Oxford, repentant of draft
dodging, Gunshot to mouth)

Robert Bates (Mena mechanic, witness) - drank himself to death on

James Bunch ("Black Book" keeper, gunshot)

Wallace Blaylock (husband of Lenora Steinkamp - lady in Drudge
video taped 93 aired 9/98, gunshot)

Raymond Albright (shot 5 times in chest, ruled suicide by M.E.


Mary Mahoney (Former White House intern shot multiple times in a
Starbucks, pockets picked, no cash register money taken)

Luther "Jerry" Parks (Provided security for Clinton's campaign,
multiple gunshots)

Don Ives (Witness to Mena, skull crushed, left to be run over by

Kevin Henry (Witness to Mena, stabbed, left to be run over by

Eric Butera (Starbucks informant, beaten to death in sting)

Jeff Rhodes (Ives/Henry Witness, gunshot to head)

Ed Gould (Clinton's HIV/AIDS Advisory Council, Toxic)

Calvin Walraven (Witness Jocelyn Elders son's drug case, Gunshot)

Florence Martin (Accountant with info on Barry Seal, Gunshot to

Alder Berriman (Barry) Seal (Mena, Murdered)

Keith McKaskle (Ives/Henry Informant, Stabbed)

Gregory Collins (Ives/Henry Informant, Gunshot to Head)

James Milon (Ives/Henry Informant, Decapitated)

Richard Winters (Ives/Henry Suspect, Shotgunned)

Jordan Ketelson (Ives/Henry Informant, Shotgunned)

Larry Guerin (Inslaw Investigator, unknown)

Alan Standorf (NSA, Inslaw Investigator, unknown)

Dennis Eisman (Inslaw attorney, Shot)

Danny Casalaro (Investigator Inslaw, Shot and Slashed)

Mitchell D. Abel, (Cocaine dealer and student re Tyson, Gunshot)

John Hillyer (NBC cameraman, Mena information)

Mike Samples (Ives/Henry witness)

Eric L. Henderson (financial advisor to Ron Brown, shot while
riding bicycle)


Ron Brown, Plane Crash (Commerce, Pathologists question wound to
head on xrays)

Victor Raisner, Plane Crash (National Finance Co-Chair Clinton for

R. Montgomery Raiser, Plane Crash (Clinton campaign)

Herschell Friday, Plane Explosion (Presidential Campaign Finance

Paula Gober, Car Accident (Clinton Speech Interpreter)

Stanley Heard, Plane Crash (Clinton Health Care Advisory Committee)

Steven Dickson, Plane Crash (Clinton Health Care Advisory

Johnny Lawhon, Car Accident (Found Whitewater Canceled Check in Car
after Tornado)

Staff Sgt. Brian Haney, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)

Marine Sgt. Timothy Sabel, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)

Maj. William Barkley, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)

Capt. Scott Reynolds, Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)

Betty Currie's brother, Beaten before Betty's Senate testimony then
Car/Pedestrian Accident during Monica story(Key Witness' brother)

Shelley Kelly, Survived Brown Plane Crash - died hours later

Judy Gibbs, Fire (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, Witness)

Keith Coney, Motorcycle Accident (Ives/Henry Witness)

Aldo Franscoia Secret Service Agent , C-130 airplane crash, Jackson
Hole WY

Capt. Kevin N. Earnest, aircraft commander, C-130 airplane crash,
Jackson Hole WY

Capt. Kimberly Jo Wielhouwer, pilot, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson
Hole WY

2d Lt. Benjamin T. Hall, navigator, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson
Hole WY

SSgt. Michael J. Smith, Jr., loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash,
Jackson Hole WY

SrA. Rick L. Merritt, flight engineer, C-130 airplane crash,
Jackson Hole WY

SSgt. Michael R. York, loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson
Hole WY

SrA. Billy R. Ogston, crew chief, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson
Hole WY

Amn. Thomas A. Stevens, loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson
Hole WY

Dr Donald Chumley, Plane Crash (Physician at the OKC Murrah

Jim Wilhite, Ski Accident (Friend of McLarty)

Dr. Ronald Rogers, Plane Crash (Informant)

Paul Olson, Plane Crash (Witness)

Neal Cooper Moody, Car Accident (Step Son of Vince Foster Widow,

Maj. Gen. William Robertson Deputy Commanding General, V Corps,
Europe, helicopter crash, Weisbaden

Col William Densberger V Corps Chief of Operations and Plans,
helicopter crash, Weisbaden

Col. Robert Kelly V Corps Chief of Intelligence, helicopter crash,

Spec. Gary Rhodes Crew Chief, helicopter crash, Weisbaden

William Colby, canoe drowning (former Director of the CIA, editor
of "Strategic Investment" which hired experts to investigate Vince
Foster’s suicide note)

Randall Tyson, choked on a cookie (half brother to Don Tyson)

Woody Lemons, wife and mother, private airplane crash (OKC


Jim McDougal, Heart Attack in Solitary (Witness in Whitewater)

John Crawford (Informant Inslaw, Heart Attack)

Ron Miller, Pneumonia? (Witness to Campaign Finance/Lums)

Susie Deer (Clinton’s mother’s patient)

Laura Lee Slayton (Clinton’s mother’s patient)

Victims of HIV contaminated blood taken from Arkansas prisoners and
sold to Canada and perhaps elsewhere


Barbara Wise (Mickey Kantor's press secretary found dead, nude, in
a locked office at Commerce)

Paul Tulley (Democratic National Committee, in Hotel Room)

Boonie Bearden? Disappeared (Ives/Henry Witness)

Paul Wilcher (Mena Investigator)

Stanley Huggins (Partner, lawfirm investigating Madison Guarantee)

Henry Hamilton (Bag man for payments from McDougal to Gov. Clinton)


Various "Partial Birth" abortions since veto

Various Haitians


Steve Willis, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)

Robert Williams, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)

Conway LeBleu, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)

Todd McKeehan, Waco (Clinton bodyguard)

Lieutenant Colonel Carmine Calo, Italian UN official killed in
Afghanistan bombing


LJ Davis, Beaten

Larry Nichols, Beaten, Threatened (Several Attempts)

Russell Welch, Arkansas State Police investigator, anthrax

Sally Perdue, Threats

Dennis Patrick, Attempts

Anthony Bizakis - Car Assault, Break-in

Terry Reed ("Compromised")

Rodney Stich ("Defrauding America")

Darlene Novinger - Former FBI operative

Pat Matriciani - Author - "Clinton Chronicles". Has been told by
Justice Dept to get "visible" real quick.

L.D. Brown (threatened)

Gennifer Flowers, Threats, Apartment Broken Into

Kathleen Willey, Tires were slashed, her cat disappeared, then a
stranger approached her as she jogged, spoke to her by name, and
asked her if her tires had been fixed, if her cat had been found,
and if she'd gotten the message.

Steve and Paula Jones - Death threats and phone taps

Patrick Knowlton, (witness who claims Vincent Foster's body was
moved) claims he was followed and glared at in a threatening way

o Washington Weekly Carl Limbacher 8/3/98 on Linda Tripp who said
"…"As a result of trying to earn a living, I became aware between
1993 and 1997 of actions by high government officials that may have
been against the law. For that period of nearly five years, the
things I witnessed concerning several different subjects made me
increasingly fearful that this information was dangerous, very
dangerous, to possess."…The day after Tripp's attorney revealed the
stunning news that Ken Starr's key cooperating witness had been the
target of death threats, not a single American news outlet dared
report the story. Only the British wire service Reuters carried the
news. Their headline, "Linda Tripp faced death threats, lawyer
says" made it hard to miss this bombshell, but somehow our media
managed the trick. What's worse, this wasn't the first indication
that Tripp may have been the target of a White House campaign to
intimidate her through threats of physical violence. In their March
23 issue, Newsweek buried…"

o Citizens for Honest Government Pat Matrisciana 1995 New Clinton
Chronicles "…LARRY NICHOLS: During the 1992 presidential campaign,
I was getting bludgeoned by the media because Gennifer Flowers had
come out of my lawsuit. A man called me on the phone on a Monday,
his name was Gary Johnson. He was an attorney. He told me that he
felt bad because I was being bludgeoned, and he wanted to talk to
me about handling my case. Well, I was craving an attorney, any
attorney to help me. GARY JOHNSON: You know, I saw Larry out there
doing battles, so to speak, on his own, and I felt like he needed
some help. LARRY NICHOLS: I met him on a Tuesday. He was a special
attorney; I didn't even know it. You see, he lived next door to
Gennifer Flowers. NARRATOR: For security purposes, Gary Johnson had
installed a video camera near the front door of his Quapaw Tower
Condominium. GARY JOHNSON: Looking at someone in front of my door,
it got a perfect shot of them in front of Gennifer Flowers'
condominium, and it wasn't my intention ever to take pictures of
Bill Clinton going in to see Gennifer Flowers. I could care less
who Bill Clinton goes to see. But it just so happened she lived
next door to me and I mounted the camera there. LARRY NICHOLS:
Guess what he caught on tape? Bill Clinton walking into Gennifer
Flowers' apartment on numerous occasions--with a key… LARRY
NICHOLS: We filed the request for the subpoenas on Thursday.
Saturday morning we found Gary Johnson beaten and left for dead.
And without getting into gory details, both elbows were dislocated,
his collar bones were broken, his spleen and his bladder were
ruptured with holes the size of half dollars in them. His nose, his
sinus cavities were all crushed. He had been beaten by Clinton's

o NY Post 9/27/98 Steve Dunleavy "ELIZABETH Ward Gracen, star of a
new hit TV show and former Miss America, claims the Clintonistas
waged a campaign of terror that scared the hell out of her…. "Yes,
I was physically scared. We are talking about the presidency of the
country here, and between the friendly calls on one hand telling me
to get out of town for my own good and then talking about smear
tactics on the other, I got scared. Yes, physically scared. "There
were always veiled threats. Always. I did nothing wrong except one
stupid night a long time ago. But now this last year has become
very frightening."…"Every week on the show I battle evil. But all
those evil people have a charming side. Have I made my point?"
Tragically, Elizabeth, you have."

o Newsmax 9/21/98 Betsy Gibson "Retired Uniformed Secret Service
Officer Lewis Fox broke the code of silence. He was the first law
enforcement officer to go public, during an interview with a
Pittsburgh television station, that he saw Monica and Bill alone,
in the Oval Office. Clinton, at first, denied the two were ever
alone, behind closed doors. [Clinton re-defined "alone", suggesting
that he is never alone in his office when Betty Currie sits at her
desk, even with his doors closed.] After Lewis went public, he was
summoned before Starr's grand jury and into the klieg lights. At
the time of his appearance, Fox's attorney told the press that Fox
had qualified his previous claims and that he testified Clinton and
Monica were never alone. Odd. Then comes Starr's report. A footnote
in the report states that Fox did, in fact, testify the two were
alone, together. Fox's "sworn testimony on this point differs from
the public statements of his attorney..." So what's going on? One
source familiar with Fox's situation tells us the following: after
Fox first went public he received many, many calls of support from
Secret Service buddies. He also received a number of calls from
Secret Service officers who delivered some not-so-veiled threats…."

- - - - -

>From the Downside Legacy list . . .
Posted by: Alamo-Girl (emailname) 10/07/98 6:58:29 PDT

- - - - -

> To: Alamo-Girl

Thanks for posting..... btw what is 'Inslaw' ... don't think I have
heard of that one.

> From: GoodSense (The Gavel Has Fallen!) 10/07/98 07:11:00 PDT

- - - - -

> To: Alamo-Girl

one of the most curious and still unexplained, especially in light
of recent talk of existance of WH audio or video surveillance
tapes, is that of Sharlott A. Donovan!

> From: thinden ( 10/07/98 07:14:13 PDT

- - - - -

> To: Alamo-Girl

Boy!, I'll remember the Alamo girl, sorry I just had to do it. Good
post. Sure glad Momicas Mom does'nt know "THE OTHER SIDE OF THE
STORY". Chappaquidick being a mere pointer in the right direction.
She would have been really scared if she had known the real threat.

I wonder how many other dumocrats are looking over THEIR shoulders
these days.

After all BUBBA seems to PURGE his own ranks regularly.

> From: hosepipe (MeanSp...@Outrage.GoH) 10/07/98 07:29:49 PDT

- - - - -

> To: GoodSense

Thanks for posting..... btw what is 'Inslaw' ... don't think I have
heard of that one.

Inslaw was a mid-to-late 1980s' Justice Dept contractor that
attempted to set up competition to the Westlaw monopoly of on-line
legal information. They were done in by the Justice Dept in an
incredibly tangled (and excruciatingly boring) bureaucratic power
play. HOWEVER the Inslaw thing happened during the Bush
administration. I have NO idea why it's included in the Clinton era

> From: That Guy on Capitol Hill ( 10/07/98 7:54:07 PDT

- - - - -

> To: That Guy on Capitol Hill

i don't know the whole history of inslaw, however if my memory
serves correct vince foster and web hubble were somewhow involved.
can anyone else help with this info?

> From: i want to know 10/07/98 08:07:37 PDT

- - - - -

> To: That Guy on Capitol Hill

It also concerns stolen computer software with the capabilities of
not only veiwing people's bank accounts, but possibly looting them
as well. The Inslaw matter involves government corruption, with
players in both parties. While the principal mover was Reagan
Attorney General Ed Meese, both Vince Foster and Web Hubble were
involved at a later stage, as were the CIA, and some Native
American tribal reservations, where this stolen software was
supposedly modified to increase its capabilities. There are a
number of very dead bodies at the core of this bit darkness as
well, so calling it a "power play" is a bit misleading.
> From: infowarrior (nottoo...@usa.nation) 10/07/98 10:02:19 PDT

> To: All

Bump to the top.

> From: Z ( 10/07/98 11:53:33 PDT

- - - - -

Source of the above and more news and discussion:
- - - - -
Send a message to Bill Clinton to resign, visit:
- - - - -
Click on the "Latest on Clinton" link at

M. Kilgore

Oct 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/7/98
But Matt Drudge seems to be his mentor, Luxmee.


Luxmee wrote in message <>...
>In article <>, Dr. Jai Maharaj writes:
>I would just like everyone reading this to know that nobody has had
>greater positive influence on my life than Pandit Jai Maharaj. It is his
>deep insight into Hindu Astrology and the human condition that has helped
>to solve almost all problems in my personal and career affairs. He is also
>Tantrik Yogi of immeasurable skill and knowledge. As I noted in my message
>earlier I am now coauthoring (with a British author) a book about
>Dr. Jai Maharaj. It will be published sooner than I'd like since I am
>fighting a few deadlines!

Oct 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/7/98
On Wed, 7 Oct 1998 17:42:22 -0500, "M. Kilgore"
<> wrote:

>But Matt Drudge seems to be his mentor, Luxmee.

Shoot the messenger for telling truths you don't lie? Welcome to my
kill file!
Bennet K. Langlotz

M. Kilgore

Oct 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/8/98

Why, thank you, Bennet. Jai's no messenger, he just reposts other people's
work and few thoughts of his own.

mark wrote in message

Oct 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/8/98
On Thu, 8 Oct 1998 06:29:50 -0500, "M. Kilgore"
<> wrote:

>Why, thank you, Bennet. Jai's no messenger, he just reposts other people's
>work and few thoughts of his own.

[Kill file suspended]

Last time I heard, messengers CARRY messages, they don't write them.

My point stands.
Bennet K. Langlotz

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