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If "Joseph" had read very much on this forum

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Celestia S

Jan 18, 2018, 11:30:02 PM1/18/18
He would know that most of us are not "licking our wounds" after suffering the abuse we "invited onto ourselves". The fact is, most of us are warning others of the seductive dangers of getting involved with cults, giving indications of red flags to look out for, which virtually all cults have in common. We even warn about cults which are not religious in basis, because all cults share certain characteristics.

It just happens that Gene and Melissa Scott are the cult with which we have personal experience, so that's the one we focus on most in our discussions of the seductive nature of cults in general. If "Joseph" were indeed as smart as he wants to sound, he would have picked up on this long before he made his first comment here.


Jan 19, 2018, 12:45:39 AM1/19/18
Warning others!
Warning shithole religion sucks
Warning it can hurt the unborn in jesass crust
Warning its a job for nut cases to warn.
Warning, pms begs for devils and gets them.


Jan 19, 2018, 12:48:21 AM1/19/18
Warning cele is a dirty leabian cunt sucking loser.
Warning cele will suck the smelliest nigger ass just to complain about it and to
warn others.


Jan 19, 2018, 12:50:08 AM1/19/18
Warning cele and her wanna be rap niggers
worship the devil for pms cunt to drip lust to hell.


Jan 19, 2018, 12:53:43 AM1/19/18
Warning, the worst is yet to blast forth from pms cunt for cele to warn to return to the mind of satan and never poke out of a pms cunt again, warning!


Jan 19, 2018, 12:55:52 AM1/19/18
Warning pms plays every moron in here besides ME, God of course

Celestia S

Jan 19, 2018, 1:01:14 AM1/19/18
On Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 10:55:52 PM UTC-7, geraldkrug wrote:
> Warning pms plays every moron in here besides ME, God of course

Wow. I really struck a nerve with you there huh.


Jan 19, 2018, 1:11:45 AM1/19/18

The Time to Impeach Is Now
No more excuses: The House must vote to impeach Trump.

(Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images)

By Tom Steyer, Opinion contributor
Jan. 18, 2018, at 4:52 p.m.
As Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his investigation into possible criminal activity around the Trump campaign and administration, Trump himself continues to spiral out of control. In a morally courageous effort to hold Trump accountable for his escalating and unpresidential attacks on basic American values, Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, and other members of Congress are gearing up to force another vote on impeachment in the House of Representatives.

[READ: Will Donald Trump Testify For Robert Mueller's Russia Probe?]

If this motion makes it to a vote, the House – dominated by Republicans – is sure to reject it. But that has no implication as to whether or not Trump has passed the threshold for impeachment, or whether or not it's urgent to remove him from office. The impeachment question was answered months ago.

What we're seeing is a failure by members of Congress to do their jobs and keep the American people safe.

Republicans insist that the call for impeachment is baseless, even though it's thoroughly grounded in Trump's documented abuses of power – from obstructing justice, to violating the emoluments clause to threatening the freedom of the press. His behavior weakens our standing abroad and erodes our democracy at home. It also leaves us vulnerable to future attacks on our elections by hostile powers. Republicans may not want to break with the man who leads their party and has captivated their base. But the safety and stability of our country are far more important than their careers or any other agenda.

At the same time, many Democrats are working to dampen enthusiasm among their caucus and their base. The institutional leaders say this isn't the right time to talk about impeachment, and that doing so could hurt the Democrats' chances at winning the majority in November. While Trump is a clear and present danger to the American people, he is also a perfect political foil for Democrats – openly bigoted, proudly ignorant, hopelessly rash, utterly indefensible.

Members of Congress will offer dozens of reasons why they voted against impeachment. None will make sense. Here are five excuses you can expect to hear:

Excuse No. 1: Leadership told me to vote against the motion.
Party leaders may pressure members of Congress to side one way or another, but ultimately, elected officials represent the interests of their constituents. The job description for any member of Congress demands that they put the most emphasis on what the people in their district are asking of them. Congress-people must answer to them, not leadership.

[SEE: Cartoons on President Donald Trump]

Excuse No. 2: It's not the right time.
It's always difficult to determine the right moment to take a stand. But we should all ask ourselves: Would the days after a national catastrophe triggered by Trump's reckless instability be the right time to move forward, or would that actually be too late?

On Saturday, a false warning of an incoming ballistic missile attack coupled with the needlessly rising tensions between Trump and Kim Jong Un left everyone in Hawaii thinking they were minutes away from possible annihilation. While this occurred, Trump was golfing. The obvious truth is that the country isn't truly safe in Trump's hands – and Congress shouldn't wait for actual missiles hurtling towards our cities to acknowledge and act on that.

Excuse No. 3: We don't have "evidence" that Trump has surpassed the threshold for impeachment.
More than 50 legal experts have laid out a clear case for why Trump has far surpassed this threshold. Presidents Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon were impeached for obstructing justice after interfering with the conduct of investigations they were connected to. We may not yet know the entire story behind the Trump campaign's relationship with Russia, but what we do know paints a clear picture of obstruction of justice. And that is just one of the eight impeachable offenses that constitutional scholars are urging the House to begin investigating.

Excuse No. 4: Impeachment proceedings would be too divisive for the country.
Any member of Congress concerned with the divided state of our country absolutely must get behind impeachment. After all, there's nothing more divisive than having this man in office. He powered his rise by fomenting division, singling out Americans by race and ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation – and he won't stop.

If our representatives care about bringing the country together, they should start with rallying the people around the cause of protecting American democracy and the inalienable rights it enshrines.

Excuse No. 5: We must focus on other things.
We would love nothing more than to do that, too. But with every news cycle dominated by the latest embarrassing blunder or worrying abuse of power, we can't ignore the facts or the risks. We cannot address the long list of serious, pressing issues facing this country – economic inequality, immigration reform, racial justice, climate change, skyrocketing student debt and health care costs, the opioid crisis, and crumbling roads and bridges, just to name a few – until we solve the crisis Donald Trump has inflicted on our nation's soul.

Since we started the Need to Impeach campaign in October, over 4.3 million people have added their voice to our call for action. Increasingly, Americans view impeachment not as an extreme step, but as a necessary answer to a lawless and incompetent man who is unfit for the responsibilities of the presidency. It's time for the House of Representatives to do its most important job and represent the will of the people they were elected by to serve – the American people.

Celestia S

Jan 19, 2018, 1:15:11 AM1/19/18
On Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 9:30:02 PM UTC-7, Celestia S wrote:
> He would know that most of us are not "licking our wounds" after suffering the abuse we "invited onto ourselves". The fact is, most of us are warning others of the seductive dangers of getting involved with cults, giving indications of red flags to look out for, which virtually all cults have in common. We even warn about cults which are not religious in basis, because all cults share certain characteristics.
> It just happens that Gene and Melissa Scott are the cult with which we have personal experience, so that's the one we focus on most in our discussions of the seductive nature of cults in general. If "Joseph" were indeed as smart as he wants to sound, he would have picked up on this long before he made his first comment here.

Here's something Joe said 8-24-17:

I was a KT and KH, VOF on Sat. Nights. I never met Dr Scott. My tenure began exactly when he started teaching on Neh. Building the Wall, return to Jerusalem out of exile. It ended when Melissa showed up.

Doc stopped studying and stopped teaching. Alot of 'nitro pills' back to back and well no teaching=no tithe. He said that many had left for sundry reasons but returned for the teaching. I monitored the program enough to know I missed a series on psychology​( something to do with flathead, etc) and some in depth teaching on Romans. Doc dies.

Dr Scott taught me to see the Bible as the entire word of God and not just a self serving document. " God is not your errand boy!". Christ loved me first it's why I love Christ. And no other Bible teacher aligns my will with God's​ like Doc did and does.

I recently borrowed a copy of the cassette teaching of the Lost Tribes with the intent of abstracting and outlining the main points for reference or learning. It seems like a good idea now especially since I am learning of all the things this group went through. Point is, Doc said that Amen God keeps His promises to us because he made them through Christ and that is surer than the ground you are standing on Amen.

Doc wanted to be remembered for bringing integrity back to the Table of the Lord. This is his legacy. No church that I am aware of teaches that we are to partake worthily, discerning the elements. By his stripes we were healed, placing our sins and infirmities in the past tense.

I believe a kind of Diaspora is designated to occur based on the demise of the University Network and the work most of you put into it. The research Doc did is second to none and some in this group are vessels of it. We can start with teaching Communion, the Table of the Lord and redeem the legacy that Doc intended for his ministry.

And be healed in Jesus' name. Amen

Cel: as a VOF, how could he not be caught up in the cult before going that far?


Jan 19, 2018, 1:29:54 AM1/19/18
Beheaded in jesass crusts unholy name.

Dems propose censer of jerkoffski racist comments


Jan 21, 2018, 10:19:54 PM1/21/18
I apologise to the the group for showing a less than empathy attitude towards experiences lived whether first or second hand by the group.

I lack a little sympathy for others because I am tough on myself. That self talk doesn't usually translate between others.

You're an interesting lot to say the least. Hereby promising to keep it civil and discretionary from now on.


Jan 21, 2018, 11:11:46 PM1/21/18
If you're kissing my paddle, okay, we're good.


Jan 22, 2018, 1:18:05 AM1/22/18
Blu: If you're kissing my paddle, okay, we're good.

rpbc: WE're good?... I know you didn't mean 'we', just a moment of weakness where you wanted to extend a collective hand of thoughtfulness to a possum. This character has cycled through here before repeating the same performance each time. Read the post you just responded to... 'responded with a little less than empathy...' that's condescension, like he needs to understand our feelings, poor things. Then the high road, virtue signaling... 'hard on himself'... with which we are to both identify with, then excuse his vicious hatred spewing of invectives towards 'us', afgs... this time as Joseph, before as Controlled Chaos... and even if not CC, the spirit is certainly a dead ringer. And the 'self talk....', as though he was having a hard conversation with himself and we were simply the sounding board. Bull shit. Fuck you jerk. Scott attracted all kinds of ass holes and unlike most victims deranged by Scott calling themselves ass holes, you really are one.. an unalloyed ass hole.


Jan 22, 2018, 1:43:23 AM1/22/18
rpbc: WE're good?... I know you didn't mean 'we', just a moment of weakness where you wanted to extend a collective hand of thoughtfulness to a possum.  This character has cycled through here before repeating the same performance each time.  Read the post you just responded to... 'responded with a little less than empathy...' that's condescension, like he needs to understand our feelings, poor things.  Then the high road, virtue signaling... 'hard on himself'... with which we are to both identify with, then excuse his vicious hatred spewing of invectives towards 'us', afgs... this time as Joseph, before as Controlled Chaos... and even if not CC, the spirit is certainly a dead ringer.  And the 'self talk....', as though he was having a hard conversation with himself and we were simply the sounding board.  Bull shit.  Fuck you jerk.  Scott attracted all kinds of ass holes and unlike most victims deranged by Scott calling themselves ass holes, you really are one.. an unalloyed ass hole.


First of all I don't need to pose as anyone else.

I think you started cussing at me before I ever laid into you.

I was not showing empathy. That's for sure. You and many call FC a cult. Alright, I accept that. But know that I never was on the short end of any cult experience.

My main stumbling block is I don't believe it. I understand what some went through and I can only sympathize.

I am tough on myself. When I have a problem I try to run through the layers of healing. I try to get to acceptance as quick as I can.

So I offer a plowshare and not a sword.
You are not obligated to accept it

I do take offense that you try to analyze my posts. It's hard enough writing let alone writing between the lines


Jan 22, 2018, 3:31:20 AM1/22/18
On Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 11:18:05 PM UTC-7, rpbc wrote:
> On Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 9:11:46 PM UTC-7, bluettes wrote:
> > On Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 8:19:54 PM UTC-7, Joseph wrote:
> > > I apologise to the the group for showing a less than empathy attitude towards experiences lived whether first or second hand by the group.
> > >
> > > I lack a little sympathy for others because I am tough on myself. That self talk doesn't usually translate between others.
> > >
> > > You're an interesting lot to say the least. Hereby promising to keep it civil and discretionary from now on.
> >
> Blu: If you're kissing my paddle, okay, we're good.
> rpbc: WE're good?... I know you didn't mean 'we', just a moment of weakness where you wanted to extend a collective hand of thoughtfulness to a possum.

Oh hell no, I meant 'we' as in between he and me we're good, that is, if his apology was sincere ...we'll see.

This character has cycled through here before repeating the same performance each time. Read the post you just responded to... 'responded with a little less than empathy...' that's condescension, like he needs to understand our feelings, poor things. Then the high road, virtue signaling... 'hard on himself'... with which we are to both identify with, then excuse his vicious hatred spewing of invectives towards 'us', afgs... this time as Joseph, before as Controlled Chaos... and even if not CC, the spirit is certainly a dead ringer. And the 'self talk....', as though he was having a hard conversation with himself and we were simply the sounding board. Bull shit. Fuck you jerk. Scott attracted all kinds of ass holes and unlike most victims deranged by Scott calling themselves ass holes, you really are one.. an unalloyed ass hole.

We'll see ...there are more than a few strange posters and they come and go ..but sometimes they can grow on you ...somewhat entertaining ...a curious little fun-guy.


Jan 22, 2018, 3:39:16 AM1/22/18
You got nasty first, don't lie. Just have conversation without the ulterior motive of thinking you're here to 'save us' ...laughable and presumptuous needn't be an expert at reading between the lines when someone is obviously manipulative, demonstrating their own inner weakness while putting others down, others in whose shoes you have not, could not walk a 1/4 mile.


Jan 22, 2018, 4:36:10 PM1/22/18
You dont know how to hide in shame nigger so I put you out to shame.
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