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Question: What inspired your furry interest?

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no one in particular

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> (Wolf finishes tacking...)

And my answer is:
Start with Sesame Street, throw in a lot of cartoons,
add Emmet Otter, and stir. That and this one incident where
I got drunk on gin when I was ten or so, and sat in the bushes
out front howling at the moon. (Don't ask)
There's undoubtedly more, but this should start your
own memories reeling...


Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

Cartoons, of course. Growing up in the midwest, the
Schlessinger/Warner cartoons were almost a daily event, and once a year,
they held Kids' Day, in which we all were force-marched through town in
costume, then were allowed -- as partial recompense for the lasting
emotional scare the trek raised) to sit through 2-3 hours of Bugs and
pals at the local theater.

Nate Patrin

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

no one in particular <wo...@your.door> wrote in article

> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> (Wolf finishes tacking...)

Richard Scarry. 'Nuff said.

-Nate Patrin, whose world isn't so busybusy as of late
"I'm the 'yote you hated, art infatuated.... yeah!"
Furry Code v. 1.2: FCC3adm/FCF3adm/FP[ringtail]3adm
A++ C- D- H- M++ P- R- T++ W Z Sm# RLA*/- a20 cn+ d++
e+ f+ h* iwf++ p* sm#

Matthew Milam

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

Mostly the movies and tv part of it.....nothing spritual or anything.


(This was the first non-flame i've written in a while)

M. Mitchell Marmel

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

Lessee. I was a furry fan before I knew I was a furry fan; as a child,
I always preferred books like "Go, Dog, Go!" over, say, something with
Roy Rogers or Bozo the Clown. In the late '70s, I enjoyed the original
_Howard the Duck_; in the early '80s, I was a big Captain Carrot fan
(with my fave being the guest appearance of Wonder Wabbit).

My current involvement with furrydom started with a guest appearance by
Cutey Bunny in _Normalman_. Intrigued, I looked up _Army Surplus
Comix_, which led to a correspondence with Josh Quagmire, which led to
me acquiring a number of QT pinups, which led to me meeting Rich
Chandler, who got me started on the Macintosh, which has led to my
current career as a Mac jockey...and along the way an ad for _Albedo_
got me interested in THAT, and, well, the rest is history...


Will Sanborn

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

no one in particular <wo...@your.door> writes:

>(Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

I'd always liked stories and movies with animals in them, but it was the
animated shows of the Disney Afternoon, especially TALE SPIN which really
got me interested in the fandom. I loved the show and when I got on the net
I went looking for Disney sources, stumbled upon the fandom, and have been
here ever since ;)

Will A. Sanborn,
(my creative writing: sci-fi, fantasy, furry, romance, speculative fiction)


Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

M. Mitchell Marmel wrote:
> My current involvement with furrydom started with a guest appearance by
> Cutey Bunny in _Normalman_. Intrigued, I looked up _Army Surplus
> Comix_, which led to a correspondence with Josh Quagmire, which led to
> me acquiring a number of QT pinups,

You too?! I used to write him often in the eighties and early
ninties and have a scrapebook full of sketches, photocopies, his letters
to me (Fatty Tubbins always signed too), and flyers that he sent with
each reply. Two or three of my letters made it to as many Army Surplus

Josh, did you ever make it to the Net?
La kasigada vulpo

Micole The Ermine

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

1) I was raised by a cat. He was my pillow in my crib, my bath tub
companion (Turkish Vans _like_ water), and my guardian when we went out.
He taught me to talk and think like a cat.

2) The first things I saw on TV was Sesame Street, Electric Company, and
Kimba the White Lion, not to mention the various National Geographic and
Jaques' Cousteau specials that my dad liked to watch.

3) The first books I read were Richard Scarry and the 500 "Sis and Sam"
books I collected in preschool and then donated to my kindergarten class
when I discovered at the tender age of 5 that there was nothing to
_read_ in that class! (Oh, Sis is a snake... it was a cute learn-to-read

How's that for a start?



Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> (Wolf finishes tacking...)

That, as they say, is a loooooong story.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit, exposed to enough cartoons, comics and
other media of the day to turn anybun batty, I've had a long association
with the concept of anthropomorphics, furry or whatever they decide to
call it this week.

As for how I got linked with this crowd, I blame Reed Waller. It was
November, 1983. I was with my father in a bookstore shopping for
something for my birthday [these things always seem to happen on my
birthday] when I ran into Jay Kennedy's Underground Comics Price Guide,
which really was more of a catalog of the work of the period than a true
price guide. I was still young and innocent [Boy have THOSE changed]
and was curious about what the whole hubbub was about them.
I started in the back and idly thumbed to the front, and right in the
middle of the letter B was a reproduction of the cover of Bizzare Sex
#9. The first issue of Omaha the Cat Dancer. Pop said I spent about a
good 20 minutes looking at that one page.
I got lucky. A few days later I found out how to order that comic from
the publisher, thus beginning a very long love affair with the pretty
kitty. From there, I just slowly drifted to where I am today, bon
vivant and toast of the town. Cheese toast.

Unca Spooge, guaranteed potency.

Matt J. McCullar

Oct 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/30/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

The Pink Panther, Warner Brothers cartoons, "Sesame Street," "The Muppet
Show," Lt. M'Ress on animated "Star Trek".

Everything by Richard Scarry
"Dominic" by William Steig
Everything by Charles M. Schulz
"The Cricket in Times Square" by George Selden
The _Fuzzy_ books by H. Beam Piper

Disney's animated _Robin Hood_
_The Muppet Movie_

_Albedo_. That was the spark.

Matt J. McCullar
Arlington, TX

Charles Brown

Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> (Wolf finishes tacking...)

Oooh, erm... Well I was having a naf browse along a web site (Animaniacs,
WBWOLF to be precise) when *PING* I saw a link to FURRY. Hmm I pondered
aloud, whazat? Followed the link and the rest as they say was
Runt - Abu -- Aberdeen, UK, SCOTLAND (
A! JW223 RU++++ir RI++++r P&B++ B&M++ S&S++ GDF-- P+++ I++ Dwf
$++ T266/Dot E7b/17 Ee25/29 Eee35/39 H7 PonPippi XSniff Ay79 M
Furry Code 1.2
Ff5acmrw A- C D H+++ M+ P++ R T+++ W*** Z Sm
RLUCT a- c++? d+/++ e f+++ h*/** iwf+++ p*>p- sm-

Nate Patrin

Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

Charles Brown <> wrote:

> erm... Well I was having a naf browse along a web site (Animaniacs,
> WBWOLF to be precise) when *PING* I saw a link to FURRY. Hmm I pondered
> aloud, whazat? Followed the link and the rest as they say was
> history.....

Well, damn! That's the exact same way *I* was introduced to the
fannish/MUCKish aspect of furrydom. Blew my mind when I found out I wasn't
the only one who drew funny animals in serious situations... before that my
only 'real' exposure to the fannish stuff was an issue of 'Furrlough',
which later inspired me to start drawing and writing about 'The Feral
Corps' (though to this day I *STILL* haven't finished Chapter One of the
whole shebang). Oh, and if anyone's curious as to what the Feral Corps is
exactly, uh, feel free to ask me.

-Nate Patrin, trying vainly to balance serious and spasmo


Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

> kitty. From there, I just slowly drifted to where I am today, bon
> vivant and toast of the town. Cheese toast.

Better'n bein' _milquetoast_, aye? :)

-Rain', Doodles fan

Relax. It's later than you think.

Draco Draconis Ebenium

Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

no one in particular <wo...@your.door> wrote in article

> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

The Ebon Dragon leans down from the bleachers and examines the various
comments, answers and such. "With a few exceptions (I've only recently
seen any Cutey Bunny), I'd have to say ' D) All of the Above,' and, tacked
onto that, my first cinema memory as a child was Disney's 'Robin Hood.'"

Draco Draconis Ebenium
aka Ebony the Black Dragon
known to the World as Aaron F. Johnson
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are
chewy and taste good dipped in chocolate." -- Anon.

"Surreality just got funky!!!" -- Scud, the Disposable Assassin

Nobody WANTS my opinions!

Julian Ho

Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

In article <3458C2...@your.door>, no one in particular
<wo...@your.door> writes:

>(Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests

One word . . . "TaleSpin".

Believe it or not, what got me hooked onto furry stuff is the TS comic
book, the one with Kit Cloudkicker holding a treasure box. =o)

And the rest is history . . .

************JULIAN HO < >************

~ Erin Lee the Swordmaker ~
The Mouse Guy From The Far, Far East of Redwall

Squeaky Clean Furry Archive at < >
All comments are welcome.

Dale Farmer

Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

no one in particular (wo...@your.door) wrote:
: (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
: Here it is:
: What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
: (Wolf finishes tacking...)

Oh a bunch of things really. Having cats & dogs around the
house while growing up; Sesame Street, Watership Down, Cordwainer
Smiths' underpeople; the animated Robin Hood movie; Kimba the white lion;
and probably lots of other things I cannot remember.
First overt sign of furryness for me was making a tail to wear
at an halloween party when I was going to Hospital Corps school in
1984. Making a full head, paws & tail for a halloween party in '88.
Found "furry fandom" at the '89 Worldcon. Found comics in '85, when
I was stationed in Newport, RI, including this mag called Albedo...

--Dale "sitting at work, wearing a tail. It is, after all,
casual day, and halloween. "

Dale Farmer Personal opinion. Sudbury, Mass.


Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

(Dog looks at note tacked to cyber-cork and tacks up a reply)

Disney's Shaggy Dog. First viewed by a five year old in 1975. That's the
root of all things werish for me. As far as furry goes? Wow.

POGO POSSUM (He started a newspaper with his friends and I did the same)
All Cartoons WB and otherwise
Richard Scarry (Yes, a Lowly Worm fan...and Pig Will and Pig Won't)
Banana Splits
Many Many More.....

Finally...The actor wearing that bad dog fursuit on a dog food
commercial thirteen years ago that snapped me out of a funk when it
occured to me "I can make better dog costume than that!!!" -Ricochet


Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

On Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:25:40 -0500, no one in particular <wo...@your.door>

[]no one in particular wrote:
[]> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
[]> Here it is:
[]> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

Well, had the wolf-at-the-door for so many years, I finally decided to
invite it in. Lousy housekeeper, but makes a killer Singapore Sling.

If someone walks into my place, they usually wind up focused on either the
"Balto" poster hangin' in plain view, or all the wolf-related
posters'n'pics'n'books'n'stuff throughout. If they get past mouthing to
themselves, "ooooo-kay", they might come up with the question as to
"why wolves?". Answer? Well...the one I usually give is, "Hey...wolves
have their shit together."

Inspirations (apart from general dementia)? Cartoons,
certainly...especially those I remembered from when I was growing up
(er...getting older, at any rate) including "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi",
"Charlotte's Web", "The Jungle Book", "Secret of
NIMH", "Mowgli's Brothers"...even "The Velveteen Rabbit". Jack
London novels and some of Kipling's stuff were about all I could find
for furry-lit when I was in school...though a *big* thank-you is owed
"Watership Down", which is probably the chief reason I appreciate the use
of animals as a storytelling device today <eep...but that sounds

chance (who still amazes acquaintances making 'instant' friends with
their dogs'n'wolves who "don't like other people as a rule")


Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

Rainshadow wrote:

> -Rain', Doodles fan

If anyone else out there isn't frightened by the fact that I now have
fans, _I_ am... =};-3

Jon Kilgannon

Nov 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/1/97

Zey tell me zomevon "named no one in particular" (wo...@your.door) wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> (Wolf finishes tacking...)

Short version: A combination of old Warner Brothers cartoons, my father's
60s-vintage Pogo collections, and Disney's "Robin Hood" during childhood,
followed by a chance sighting of one of the early issues of "Albedo" one
day in a comic shop when I was older.

The long version includes a heroic edda, which I'm certain no one needs to

Uncle Stalin's All-Night Grille and Komintern
Was it really necessary to tack that over this "95 Theses" thing? It
looked important.


Nov 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/1/97

Yeah! An-an they let me out on Sundays, an' if I'm _real_ good they
gimme a bath, an' one time they even let me use a fork... but I messed
that up real bad an' now Nurse Cratchet's got a plate in her head, so
they gave me ee-lek-tro-shock and een-ter-net-ax-sis as punishment, an'...
*drool, drool* *slobber*

-Rain', a major beneficiary of Reagan Era mental health reform...

William Haskell

Nov 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/1/97

Ricochet wrote:

> no one in particular wrote:
> >
> > (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> > Here it is:
> > What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> POGO POSSUM (He started a newspaper with his friends and I did the same)

Likewise, I was a great fan of Walt Kelly's work, is depite of their
appearing in the other newspaper (which we only got on the weekends, for
the comix, natch).

There was also Walter R. Brooks' Freddy the Pig novels, a saga of
gluttony on an upstate New York farm, and Hugh Lofting's Doctor
Doolittle - both of which brought up certain aspects of living with
sentient nonhumans not usually covered in most writings (such as, who's
for dinner?)

But then, children's books are so full of critters anyway, as a brief
glance at my li'l nephews books shows me (Go Dog Go, The Cat In A Hat,

Serge Barthel

Nov 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/2/97

When I bumped into Lance Rund's pictures by chance, I knew I had
found something very special. Downloaded the entire Avatar site.
I unlurked only recently.

I am a furry as far as I can remember.
When I was 4 years old, I bought a Felix the Cat magazine (which
costed a quarter or something back then)
At the age of 6, I was in love with the Aristocats.
In '76 (I was 11), I lived in Germany. Kimba the White Lion was on
TV weekly. There was not a single episode I wanted to miss.
And Disney's Robin Hood...
Back in the Netherlands ... I started to collect European comics,
furry and non-furry. Anybody knows Raymond Macherot, Sokal, Moebius,
Enki Bilal, Paul Gillon? Plenty of furryness in Dutch/ Belgian/ French
The I was 30 and discovered furry fandom. I really like the art that
has been developped there. Terrie Smith, Brian o'Connell, Sonny
Windstrup, Jordan Greywolf and many, many more more. I studied
each picture of them more then once.
I hope 'furrydom' will continue to develop. There's a lot of potential.

"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now...
only much, much better." -- Laurie Anderson


Nov 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/2/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> (Wolf finishes tacking...)

First it was the Little Monster books. The Sesame Street, various Disney
flicks, Electric Company (was I the only kid that was terrified by the
opening sequence of that show?), Richard Scarry's Busy Town, the Black
Stallion novels, and my own imagnination.



Nov 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/2/97

The usual suspects, though, not caring much for movies, I've
never seen Disney's *Robin Hood*. Or *The Lion King*, for
that matter. Freddy the Pig, WB toons.... The road to furfandom
in particular was paved with copies of *Albedo* and *Critters*.
When the latter died and I was left furless, I started looking into
even-more-small-press stuff, aided by Rune's fanzine
*FURtherance*, discovering Cutey Bunny, Fran an' Maabl
(killed by business, like Beanworld), Karno's Classics, etc.
Shortly after getting online four or five years ago I hunted down and have clung ever since. Comics remain my main
furry interest; one of these days I'm going to go back and review
the last couple issues of the late great *Wild Life*.

Acag, Treesong (

Jeremy DuCharme

Nov 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/3/97

no one in particular wrote:
> (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> (Wolf finishes tacking...)

Well I think my interest orgionated when my dad read Watership Down to
me, and my brother and sister. From there it progressed through what
seem to be the usual suspects (WB cartoons, Disney's Robin Hood,
Muppets, etc). Then I picked it up in SCI-FI, Niven and David Brin
are particular favorities. (BTW was I the only one who found himself
LIKING some of the Kzinti characters?) It wasn't until college and my
discovery of the Net that I found out that this wasn't just my
obsession though.

Jim Doolittle

Nov 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/3/97

In article <63m4vd$tno$>,
(Rainshadow) wrote:

> In article <>, Jeremy DuCharme

<> writes:
> > Muppets, etc). Then I picked it up in SCI-FI, Niven and David Brin
> > are particular favorities. (BTW was I the only one who found himself
> > LIKING some of the Kzinti characters?) It wasn't until college and my

> Naw, not at all... I liked Trainer-Of-Slaves quite a bit, and that other
> Kzintosh stuck on that planet with that human Longear (is that right?)
> who fell for the intelligent Kzinrret that had been stuck in a stasis box
> for eons...

Heh. Many of the Kzin characters scared me...but I respected them. How
could you not? :) Despite being bloodthirsty killers, the Kzin manage to
maintain a strong sense of honor, something often lacking in the human
opponents they faced.

I love the Known Space universe in general. :)


Nov 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/3/97

> On Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:22:06 -0500, no one in particular
> <wo...@your.door> wrote:
>(Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

I was in high school. One summer, while spending some time at a
state university, a friend of mine showed me a dikuMUD. I was not
impressed... As my character lay in his death throes, a student of the
university walked up and observed that I didn't seem to like the MUD and
offered to show me something better. She introduced me to FurryMUCK, and
the rest is history...

Eric the .5b


Nov 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/4/97

On Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:22:06 -0500, no one in particular
<wo...@your.door> wrote:

>(Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> Here it is:
> What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?

>(Wolf finishes tacking...)
Well, it actually started in the middle of last years schol year, at
lunch time. My friend (Plague) was showing me a story he was writing,
and I asked him where he came up with some of the names. "They're
people I know on FurryMUCK." was the reply
"FurryMUCK? Whats that?"
His explanation got me kinda interested, and this combined with my
fondness for Redwall books and remembrances from my childhood of shows
like Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and the animation of The Rats of Nymh book
required me to connect to FM at least once. I figured that the
general populace would look down upon us guests with our stupid
questions, but everyone was extremely nice, and I got lotsa hugs! I
was hooked!
The (allegedly) mentally unstable beaver, Krikkit.

Matt J. McCullar

Nov 4, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/4/97

Nate Patrin wrote:
> no one in particular <wo...@your.door> wrote in article
> <3458C2...@your.door>...

> > (Wolf tacks up question of the day...)
> > Here it is:
> > What inspired you in your furry interests and/or obsessions?
> >
> > (Wolf finishes tacking...)
> Richard Scarry. 'Nuff said.

Sho' nuff! I can't remember NOT having a Richard Scarry book. It
sickens me that the re-issued classics are abridged. Man, could he
draw! His _Busy, Busy World_ contains absolutely brilliant pencil and
watercolor drawings of Rome (with the statues anthropomorphic), London,
you name it.

If you can find it, look for a Richard Scarry book called _The
Adventures of Tinker and Tanker_. I've only seen it in one place, and
that was in my elementary school library. It's about a rabbit and
either a hippo or a rhino, I forget which. Very funny and

I found an R.S. book that he did back in the late '50s, and it actually
contains illustrations of humans in it! Never seen his work on that

I learned about Richard Scarry's passing in _Time_ magazine in a car
repair shop lobby and I felt soooo old... a little bit of me died with

Matt J. McCullar

Charles Brown

Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97

Krikkit wrote:

8< *SNIP*

> I figured that the
> general populace would look down upon us guests with our stupid
> questions, but everyone was extremely nice, and I got lotsa hugs! I
> was hooked!
> The (allegedly) mentally unstable beaver, Krikkit.

See, just goes to prove that if your nice to guests on furrymuuck great
things can happen!

Jason Lehman

Nov 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/5/97

Heya all,

Okay, I keep going to the address, and all I get
is the First Light webpage, I've gone through the whole thing, even to
the business pages where it shows the confurence 9 icon, and even when
I click on that it just jumps me back to the First Light home page. I
don't suppose I can get a little help here. Thanks.


Micole The Ermine

Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Doodles wrote:

> As for how I got linked with this crowd, I blame Reed Waller. It was
> November, 1983. I was with my father in a bookstore shopping for


> I got lucky. A few days later I found out how to order that comic from
> the publisher, thus beginning a very long love affair with the pretty

> kitty. From there, I just slowly drifted to where I am today, bon
> vivant and toast of the town. Cheese toast.

Ooh, I wouldn't say _drifted_, there bunny. I do recall LOSCON 17 when
you first ran into Kate, Reed, me, and a large crowd of crazies instead
of the usual comic-zombies you had run into in the past...

The fact that it was also my first time wearing my Omaha outfit also had
something to do with it, I think. :3

ermine (aka Omaha the Cat, versus Omaha the Dancer, Omaha the Cat
Dancer, or Omaha Online)


Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Micole The Ermine wrote:
> Ooh, I wouldn't say _drifted_, there bunny. I do recall LOSCON 17 when
> you first ran into Kate, Reed, me, and a large crowd of crazies instead
> of the usual comic-zombies you had run into in the past...

Half right, ermine. I'd seen the furry crowd at San Diego a couple of
years before I met you, and the only reason I found them was I came to
the con to meet Reed & Kate. We were all bewildered that first time.
But I didn't get involved at the time. I think the fact that the first
person from the fandom I encountered at the time was Merlino had a awful
lot to do with it. And that Steve Martin was the second...

But oh, I do remember that weekend when the three of us first met you.
That particular weekend remains one of the strongest memories I've ever

> The fact that it was also my first time wearing my Omaha outfit also
> had something to do with it, I think. :3

Everyone out there is just going to have to try to picture me crying on
Reed's shoulder, pointing at you in your costume and going "IT WORKS! IT
WORKS!" =};-3

For the sake of bandwidth, I won't explain what we're talking about, but
if you see me at CF9 and I'm not busy {HA!}, ask me about it. I still
wake up nights, whimpering...

> ermine (aka Omaha the Cat, versus Omaha the Dancer, Omaha the Cat
> Dancer, or Omaha Online)

Unca Spooge, who used up more film that one night than he had at all the
Comic Cons he ever went to. =};-3

Micole The Ermine

Nov 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/6/97

Doodles wrote:
> Micole The Ermine wrote:
> >
> > Ooh, I wouldn't say _drifted_, there bunny. I do recall LOSCON 17 when
> > you first ran into Kate, Reed, me, and a large crowd of crazies instead
> > of the usual comic-zombies you had run into in the past...
> Half right, ermine. I'd seen the furry crowd at San Diego a couple of
> years before I met you, and the only reason I found them was I came to
> the con to meet Reed & Kate. We were all bewildered that first time.
> But I didn't get involved at the time. I think the fact that the first
> person from the fandom I encountered at the time was Merlino had a awful
> lot to do with it. And that Steve Martin was the second...

Like I said... :3

> But oh, I do remember that weekend when the three of us first met you.
> That particular weekend remains one of the strongest memories I've ever
> had.
> > The fact that it was also my first time wearing my Omaha outfit also
> > had something to do with it, I think. :3
> Everyone out there is just going to have to try to picture me crying on
> Reed's shoulder, pointing at you in your costume and going "IT WORKS! IT
> WORKS!" =};-3

I still have that picture of you with the caption, "It's not Thorizine
-- it's called SHOCK."

> For the sake of bandwidth, I won't explain what we're talking about, but
> if you see me at CF9 and I'm not busy {HA!}, ask me about it. I still
> wake up nights, whimpering...

Well, I *might* bring the whole kit and caboodle this year... :3

> > ermine (aka Omaha the Cat, versus Omaha the Dancer, Omaha the Cat
> > Dancer, or Omaha Online)
> Unca Spooge, who used up more film that one night than he had at all the
> Comic Cons he ever went to. =};-3

Speaking of film, I'm slowly going through choice pictures of me in
Omaha garb to add to my (yet unreleased) website... right now I have
that little project I started and never finished: the image of Kate,
Reed, Me (as Omaha) and Pamela (as Shelly) on an Omaha Comic Cover...


Nov 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/7/97

In article <63ptvc$>,


It bet there is somthing funny happening with the name server that would
point to the above adress... Go fig...

Bob Caron <Person without a .sig>

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

N. C. Shapero

Nov 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/7/97

Micole The Ermine wrote:

> Speaking of film, I'm slowly going through choice pictures of me in
> Omaha garb to add to my (yet unreleased) website... right now I have
> that little project I started and never finished: the image of Kate,
> Reed, Me (as Omaha) and Pamela (as Shelly) on an Omaha Comic Cover...

Now THAT is a collage that I would dearly like to see....:-)
(And how IS Pamela these days, anyway?)

-- The Mad Russian --


Nov 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/8/97

Micole The Ermine wrote:
> I still have that picture of you with the caption, "It's not Thorizine
> -- it's called SHOCK."

I have that image, too. It doesn't look like thorazine. It looks like
I've been hitting the 'ludes...

> Well, I *might* bring the whole kit and caboodle this year... :3



Down I go....

> Speaking of film, I'm slowly going through choice pictures of me in
> Omaha garb to add to my (yet unreleased) website... right now I have
> that little project I started and never finished: the image of Kate,
> Reed, Me (as Omaha) and Pamela (as Shelly) on an Omaha Comic Cover...

[The bunny chuckles.]

I'm looking forward to seeing this site when you get it ready.

Too bad I don't have the shots from that fummetti shoot we did. That
would also look good on the web page...

Unca Spooge, hideous on camera.


Nov 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/9/97

Malik A. Khan wrote in message <>...
>Hair Bear Bunch, Get Along Gang, That show with these 5 animals that
>lived in the Central Park Zoo somewhere (one of the primates names was
>"Bogey" and talked like Humphrey Bogart. Does anyone know the name of
>this show?),
Oh, that's easy.:) That's Shirt Tales, inspired by the stuffed animal line.
Characters were:

Rick Raccoon
Bogey Banana (an orangutan)
Pammy Panda
Tige Tiger
Digger Mole

With occasional guest characters, of course.:) They actually lived in a
secret house underneath a tree in Central Park, and solved crimes after
arriving in their STSST (Shirt Tales Super-Sonic Transport). One cute
gimmick was the fact that their shirts had messages on them that changed to
match their emotions.:)

Yours with a love of cartoons,

The devoted,

Wanderer****************'Where am I going?I don't quite know.
****************************'What does it matter where people go?'*****Down to the woods where the bluebells grow.'*Anywhere!Anywhere!Idon't know!

Andrija Popovic

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

In article <>, wrote:

> Doodles wrote:
> > As for how I got linked with this crowd, I blame Reed Waller.
It was
> > November, 1983. I was with my father in a bookstore shopping for
> *snip*
> > I got lucky. A few days later I found out how to order that
comic from
> > the publisher, thus beginning a very long love affair with the pretty
> > kitty. From there, I just slowly drifted to where I am today, bon
> > vivant and toast of the town. Cheese toast.

> Ooh, I wouldn't say _drifted_, there bunny. I do recall LOSCON 17 when
> you first ran into Kate, Reed, me, and a large crowd of crazies instead
> of the usual comic-zombies you had run into in the past...

> The fact that it was also my first time wearing my Omaha outfit also had
> something to do with it, I think. :3

I just had a flash from "Otaku no Video" whereupon the main character
encounters his first lady Otaku-- dressed as Lum. ^_^

> ermine (aka Omaha the Cat, versus Omaha the Dancer, Omaha the Cat
> Dancer, or Omaha Online)

Andrija Popovic (
"Dreams do not vanish, so long as people do not abandon them."
--Phantom F. Harlock _Arcadia of My Youth_

Andrija Popovic

Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

In article <>, Doodles
<> wrote:

> Micole The Ermine wrote:
> >
> > I still have that picture of you with the caption, "It's not Thorizine
> > -- it's called SHOCK."
> I have that image, too. It doesn't look like thorazine. It looks like
> I've been hitting the 'ludes...
> > Well, I *might* bring the whole kit and caboodle this year... :3
> ....
> Down I go....

Just hold the camera straight and pray the autofocus is up to the task. ^_^

> > Speaking of film, I'm slowly going through choice pictures of me in
> > Omaha garb to add to my (yet unreleased) website... right now I have
> > that little project I started and never finished: the image of Kate,
> > Reed, Me (as Omaha) and Pamela (as Shelly) on an Omaha Comic Cover...
> [The bunny chuckles.]
> I'm looking forward to seeing this site when you get it ready.
> Too bad I don't have the shots from that fummetti shoot we did. That
> would also look good on the web page...

Fumetti? There's a fumetti lying about somewhere?

> Unca Spooge, hideous on camera.

Who's OK with his Nikon and hopes he has the right definition for 'fumetti.'


Nov 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/11/97

Andrija Popovic wrote in message ...

>Who's OK with his Nikon and hopes he has the right definition for
fumetti: a book made up of pgotographs with comic-book-style captions and
balloons added. Some notabe examples have been produced by Marvel Comics.:)

Yours definitively,

The ever-reading,

Andrija Popovic

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

In article <345d58af.0@news>, "Wanderer" <> wrote:

> Andrija Popovic wrote in message ...
> (snip)
> >Andrian
> >Who's OK with his Nikon and hopes he has the right definition for
> 'fumetti.'
> >
> fumetti: a book made up of pgotographs with comic-book-style captions and
> balloons added. Some notabe examples have been produced by Marvel Comics.:)

Yes! Ok, I was right. Most of the fumetti I've seen were produced by
National Lampoon way back when.

> Yours definitively,
> The ever-reading,
> Wanderer****************'Where am I going?I don't quite know.
> ****************************'What does it matter where people go?
>'*****Down to the woods where the bluebells grow.
>'*Anywhere!Anywhere!Idon't know!


Micole The Ermine

Nov 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/12/97

Andrija Popovic wrote:
> In article <>, Doodles
> <> wrote:
> > Micole The Ermine wrote:
> > > Speaking of film, I'm slowly going through choice pictures of me in
> > > Omaha garb to add to my (yet unreleased) website... right now I have
> > > that little project I started and never finished: the image of Kate,
> > > Reed, Me (as Omaha) and Pamela (as Shelly) on an Omaha Comic Cover...
> >
> > [The bunny chuckles.]
> >
> > I'm looking forward to seeing this site when you get it ready.
> >
> > Too bad I don't have the shots from that fummetti shoot we did. That
> > would also look good on the web page...
> Fumetti? There's a fumetti lying about somewhere?

Yes and no... Doodles shot film for the fummetti, but used color film,
and sent it off to who knows where... where _is_ that film Doodles? You
know that I now have the technology to take those color prints and
_convert_ them to B&W in Photoshop.

It was Doodles and my attempted contribution to the Images of Omaha
series, alas, but it was a fun shoot anyways.


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