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Economic Meltdown Will Lead to Peace; Great Progressive Talk Show Host & Silver Should be ~$115.00, it's $40 now

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Matthew R McDonald

Aug 18, 2011, 8:38:47 PM8/18/11
something here may be of interest/use 2 U


Economic Meltdown Will Lead to Peace; Great Progressive Talk Show Host
& Silver Should be ~$115.00, it's $40 now

1. Inevitable Total Economic Meltdown Will Lead to Justice & Peace
2. Thomm Harmann - Great Progressive Talk Show Host
3. Sprott: Silver Should be ~$115.00 -- but is only $40 now.


1. Inevitable Total Economic Meltdown Will Lead to Justice & Peace
Watch for total economic meltdown "the dissolution of the stock
markets" -- it may take place in the next few weeks, months, or years,
but it is sure to happen. Don't worry, it will be for the good of
mankind and will lead to the eventual creation of a new economic
system that serves the interests of the majority, rather than
exploiting them. Benjamin Creme in London has been talking about the
impending collapse and the remarkable benefits the entire human
family will reap, shortly thereafter. If that's news to you, please
see * More information after #3 below.

2. Thomm Harmann - Great Progressive Talk Show Host
If you're interested in progressive politics, then you might want to
hear Thom Hartmann if you don't already...
Hartmann is the USA's #1 progressive talk show host (also simulcast
as TV in 40 million homes by Dish Network/Free Speech TV), and the New
York Times bestselling, 4-times project Censored winning author of 21
books in print. He is live daily from noon-3 PM ET in New York, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Detroit, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix,
Santa Fe, Grand Rapids, Asheville, Lansing, and on over one hundred
other outlets nationwide including Chicago, Santa Barbara,
Minneapolis, Madison, Denver, and on XM and Sirius Satellite radio,
and simulcast as a TV show on the Free Speech TV Network
( carried on the national satellite TV system, Dish
Network.-- also four-time Project Censored-award-winning, New York
Times best-selling author of 20 books in print and over 200 nationally
published articles. His daily progressive radio talk show, now in its
eighth year on the air, replaced Al Franken on the Air America Radio
Network, is syndicated and distributed to radio and television
stations nationwide and in Europe and Africa by Dial-Global
(commercial radio), Pacifica (non-commercial radio), and Free Speech
TV (nationwide satellite TV distribution on the Dish TV Network and to
local cable TV networks).
Hartmann has a great (my favorite) program-- 1 hour program at 9p &
11p (eastern time) M-F here:
IMO, the Alonya show & the Kaiser report also at the above web
site are also, very well done.

3. Sprott: Silver Should be ~$115.00 -- but is only $40 now.
Eric Sprott – The Price of Silver Should be $110 to $120 Today$110_to_$120_Today.html
With the Dow down almost 500 and gold surging above $1,825, today King
World News interviewed billionaire Eric Sprott, Chairman of the $10
billion strong Sprott Asset Management to get his take on the action
and what he is doing with his own money. When asked about his
charitable foundation selling gold and buying more physical silver
Sprott stated, “We’ve put a notice in that we are going to sell two
million shares of the Sprott Physical Trust, which would generate
something like $32 million of proceeds, and it’s my intention to move
that into (physical) silver. As you know I have opined very often
that I think silver should trade at a 16/1 ratio to gold. That would
imply a price today of something like $110 or $120, (and today) it’s

* More information - concerning the inevitable "economic meltdown"

3 quotes regarding the markets, copied from Share International:
"…Volatility will remain high as one crisis leads to another...
Despite the inevitable attempts by the ‘men of money’ to continue the
old ways of unfettered free markets, Capitalism as we have known it is

“...Men must change dramatically the present way of life, & embrace
simpler forms of living & working. Gone are the days in which men
raped & ravaged the planet at will, without a thought for the
generations still to come, neither seeing nor caring ought for the

“...the dissolution of the stock markets... will release the pressures
now being imposed on governments by currency speculation, & allow a
fair & equitable trading system to be developed. Short term measures
must recognize the special & urgent need of poorer nations for succor.
In particular, the problems of hunger & disease must be addressed
without delay. New methods of distribution of resources, based on
sharing & need, will supplant the present chaotic modes which so
divide the world. The blind following of market forces, whose myopic
rule causes such misery today, will give way to an enlightened & just
consideration for the needs of all...”


3 quotes from the Work of Benjamin Creme
"...We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world’s population
areliving in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we
think that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then
we are sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that

"When the people's voice is not heard, there will inevitably be

"People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling together
as one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We
are all travelling together along a path of evolution to something
tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to truly


Throughout history, when Humanity has reached a major point of crisis,
a Teacher is sent into the world to show the way forward. All the
major world religions expect a further revelation to be given by a
great Teacher. Christians hope for the return of the Christ, Jews
await the Messiah, Buddhists look for the coming of Maitreya Buddha,
while Muslims await the Imam Mahdi, and Hindus the reincarnation of
Krishna. According to esoteric teachings, these are all different
names for the same individual: Maitreya, the World Teacher. He is
the World Teacher for everyone, religious or not & is an educator in
the broadest sense of the word. His first major public appearance is
imminent. He will NOT come across as a religious figure nor will he
endorse any particular religion over any other. He does NOT want
anyone to worship Him, but rather to think of Him as an elder brother.
His message can be summarized as “share & save the world”. He will
inspire humanity to see itself as one family, & to create world peace
through sharing, justice & co-operation. The time for unbridled
greed, political corruption, environmental degradation, war & poverty
has passed.

Follow the link above for information that will soon be widely viewed
by billions as the most profound and important news story ever.


"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."

Maitreya, the World Teacher


"The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the
greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity
cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world on the day of
that great revolution." Federico Garcia Lorca

"The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press,
usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to
organize and sway the emotions of the masses, & make its tool of

"...every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on
the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert
myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am
still receiving." Albert Einstein

“So a peace will come again on earth, but a peace unlike aught known
before. Then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding, &
understanding blossom as goodwill in men.” The Tibetan


Aug 19, 2011, 2:23:36 AM8/19/11
On Aug 18, 5:38 pm, Matthew R McDonald <> wrote:
> something here may be of interest/use 2 U
> rec.crafts.metalworking,alt.politics.democrats,misc.survivalism,­hortwave
> Eric Sprott – The Price of Silver Should be $110 to $120 Today
> Maitreya, the World Teacher

> ===========
> "The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the
> greatest  spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity
> cannot imagine the  joy that will burst into the world on the day of
> that great revolution."   Federico Garcia Lorca
> ==========
> "The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press,
> usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to
> organize and sway the emotions of the masses, & make its tool of
> them...
> "...every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on
> the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert
> myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am
> still receiving."    Albert Einstein
> ==========
> “So a peace will come again on earth, but a peace unlike aught known
> before.  Then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding, &
> understanding blossom  as goodwill in men.” The Tibetan

The US Constitution places the power to coin Money and to fix the
standards of weights and measures in the same clause because Roger
Sherman wouldn't sign it until it did. A "Dollar" [proper noun] used
to be fixed as a weight of silver, up until the JFK coupdétat. Think
about it. Now there is no legal deffinition of what a
"dollar" [common noun] is and Dollars have gone out of currency. The
Roman Empire washed their coins with gold just before it fell too...
False weights and measures are an abomination. “Money ought to be
something of certain Value, it being that whereby other Things are to
be valued.” - Roger Sherman

Gimmie that old time religion.

Johneo Ha

Aug 19, 2011, 4:21:17 PM8/19/11

After the revolution, there will be no Money.


So, do you think I should sell my Silver now, before the cash I can
sell it
for is worthless.....

Ah ha ha


Aug 19, 2011, 5:28:13 PM8/19/11

"Ah ha ha" INDEED! Spot on Boomer!

kb- public information clerk 4 peace

Sep 12, 2011, 6:07:15 PM9/12/11

Seems to me that an major economic collapse is inevitable and i look
forward to it. The
current system must be replaced with one that serves the majoirty of
people, rather than a small exclusive minority. Sure there will be
pains, but they will be growing pains. It's a matter only of us, not
and them. We're all in this boat together! That is the truth that we
must learn to embrace. Easy for some and almost impossible
for others.

This is very relevant:

Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist film [ageless masterpiece!]
directed by Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany during a stable period of
the Weimar Republic, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia
and makes use of this context to explore the social crisis between
workers and owners inherent in capitalism, as expressed by Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels.

The moral of the story
"The Mediator between the head and hands must be the heart!"

It's available on netflix's online movies...

in the film, the head was symbolically represented by the capitalist
mastermind Joh Fredersen, the hands - the exploited worker/slaves,
the heart was Fredersen's sympathetic son.

This film is very relevant to the current world situation. People are
finally starting to stand up to the corrupt politicians -who act like
they are totally corrupt and heartless.

Their days in power are coming to an end now. As the great economist
David Korten has said, capitalism in it's current state is like a
cancerous tumor sucking the life force out of the people.

The major industrial and technological advances of the past ~100
make it possible, for the first time in our recorded history for us
throw corrupt politicians, war, poverty, & unbridled greed out the
forever, and to build a truly civilized civilization, where respect
all life is a significant factor.

After the collapse of the oligarchy - all their horse and all their
men, won't be able to get the ridiculous greedy ones in power again!


The Path to Real Prosperity
David Korten: A new jobs plan is thinking too small. What we need is
a new economy.
by David Korten

Korten is a brilliant visionary-- hope he will one day work in the


"When the people's voices are not heard, there will be revolution."
Maitreya, the World Teacher

On Aug 18, 7:38 pm, Matthew R McDonald <> wrote:
> something here may be of interest/use 2 U
> rec.crafts.metalworking,alt.politics.democrats,misc.survivalism,­hortwave
> EconomicMeltdownWill Lead to Peace; Great Progressive Talk Show Host
> & Silver Should be ~$115.00, it's $40 now
> Contents-
> 1.   Inevitable TotalEconomicMeltdownWill Lead to Justice & Peace
> 2. Thomm Harmann - Great Progressive Talk Show Host
> 3.  Sprott: Silver Should be ~$115.00 -- but is only $40 now.
> =======================================
> 1.   Inevitable TotalEconomicMeltdownWill Lead to Justice & Peace
> Watch for totaleconomicmeltdown"the dissolution of the stock
> Eric Sprott – The Price of Silver Should be $110 to $120 Today
> areliving in poverty then theeconomicsystem does not work. If we
> Maitreya, the World Teacher
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