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The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted GM ( Christopher Bollyn )

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Jun 20, 2009, 3:14:57 PM6/20/09

The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors

General Motors did not fall due to natural forces. Like the twin towers on
9-11, GM was taken down. Like 9-11, GM was sabotaged from the inside. The
corporate raiders who took down GM are part of the same network of Jewish
Zionists who brought down the World Trade Center.

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June 16, 2009

The bankruptcy of General Motors (GM) is very similar to the collapse of the
twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Both catastrophic events are
described in the controlled media as having occurred due to natural forces,
while actually they are both the results of sabotage carried out by insiders.
In both cases, the people who brought down the operation were Trojan Horses,
people who had bought their way into positions of control in order to destroy
them. The people behind the destruction of GM and the WTC are corporate
raiders of the worst kind.

General Motors did not simply collapse as a result of market forces; it was
bankrupted by corporate raiders who had infiltrated the company and taken
control of its finances. Likewise, the evidence indicates that the twin
towers of the World Trade Center did not collapse due to the stresses
associated with the plane crashes; they were prepared in advance to be
demolished using extremely powerful explosives, including tons of
nano-thermite, or super-thermite. This was facilitated by the people who had
obtained control of the towers shortly before 9-11, namely Larry Silverstein
and the former Israeli commando Frank Lowy.

What is most remarkable is that these events are closely related. The same
people are involved in the conspiracy to plunder and destroy both the World
Trade Center and General Motors. This article identifies some of the key
people and reveals the strategy behind the destruction of one of America's
oldest companies.


General Motors Corp. filed for bankruptcy on June 2, 2009, as the Zionist-run
Obama administration provided unprecedented federal funding and oversight.
The bankruptcy filing by GM was the third-largest in American history and the
largest ever in U.S. manufacturing. Now that GM is facing restructuring, its
assets will be taken over for pennies on the dollar. The notorious corporate
raider Carl C. Icahn, for example, is reportedly looking at taking over Delphi
Chassis Systems.

So, how did GM go bankrupt? If one looks at the sales figures for GM, it
simply does not make sense. In 2007, GM was the largest producer of vehicles
in the world, manufacturing 13 percent of the total, and had the largest slice
of the U.S. car and truck market with 23.4 percent of domestic sales.

In 2007, GM led in global production and U.S. market share.
Graphics from Wikinvest.

Globally, GM sold 9.4 million cars and trucks in 2007, an increase of 3
percent over 2006. GM's 2007 tally was, in fact, the second best global sales
total in the company's 100-year history and marked the third consecutive year
the company had sold more than 9 million vehicles. That doesn't sound like a
company on the brink of collapse, does it? In its 100-year history GM had
been through much worse downturns, such as the Great Depression and the Second
World War, yet GM managed to survive and thrive. What is so different about
the management at GM in the past few years that it caused America's biggest
auto manufacturer to go into bankruptcy despite three consecutive bumber years
of global sales?

George Richard (Rick) Wagoner became president and chief executive officer of
GM on June 1, 2000. The value of GM stock started the month of May 2000 at
its peak of over $93 per share. The day Wagoner became CEO the stock finished
at $69.81. By the end of the year it was worth less than $51 per share. GM
stock had fallen to about $35 when Wagoner was elected chairman on May 1,
2003. Why promote a CEO who was clearly taking the company down the drain?

Despite the falling stock price, Wagoner remained CEO and chairman of GM until
March 29, 2009. Under Wagoner's leadership GM suffered more than $85 billion
in losses -- losing $82 billion in the last 4 years! Why wasn't Wagoner
replaced earlier? How was GM selling more cars than ever but losing more and
more money? It simply doesn't make sense.

Were his hands tied? Rick Wagoner (center) with Mark Neporent (left),
COO of Cerberus, and Eric Feldstein (right), chief executive of GMAC
and treasurer of General Motors Corp. This photo is from the 2006
announcement of the Cerberus deal for a majority stake in GMAC in
which Bernard Madoff's partner-in-crime, J. Ezra Merkin, became
chairman of GMAC. Is Wagoner responsible for $85 billion in losses
at GM - or was he just a useful idiot?

In 2008, GM sold 8.35 million cars and trucks globally under the following
brands: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Hummer, Opel,
Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, Vauxhall and Wuling. GM's largest market is the U.S.,
followed by China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, and Germany.
Despite three years of record sales, GM lost $18.8 billion during the first 6
months of 2008; by late October, its stock had dropped 76 percent, and it was
considering a merger with Chrysler.

At the time the GM-Chrysler merger was being considered, Chrysler was
primarily owned (80.1 percent) by the private equity firm Cerberus Capital
Management, L.P., headed by Stephen A. Feinberg and Jacob Ezra Merkin.
Cerberus is named after the mythological three-headed dog of Hell. It should
be noted that Feinberg and Merkin also controlled General Motors Acceptance
Corp. (GMAC), the financial services branch of GM.

GM sold 51 percent of GMAC in 2006 to Feinberg's private equity firm Cerberus
Capital Management LP, and Jacob Ezra Merkin became chairman of GMAC. Had the
merger gone through, Feinberg and Merkin would have probably become majority
owners of both GM and Chrysler. This appears to have been the plan. Feinberg
and Merkin, the owners of GMAC, had plundered and conspired to bring down GM
so that they could take it over.

When Cerberus gained control of GMAC, they hurt GM's domestic sales by raising
the credit requirements for car loans. Feinberg and Merkin reportedly raised
the credit requirements so high that they caused a very sizable chunk of sales
to be lost due to customers' inability to secure financing. Cerberus
reportedly used this tactic to pressure GM into selling or trading their
remaining stake in GMAC.

Ezra Merkin became a controlling owner of Israel's Bank Leumi
shortly before he got his hands on GMAC in 2006. Here he shakes
the hand of the notorious war criminal Ariel Sharon as he hands
him a check for $500 million. Ehud Olmert (center) held secret
meetings in New York City on September 10, 2001. Merkin's
private Israeli bank has a branch in Switzerland that contains
billions of stolen dollars held in secret numbered accounts.

Merkin is clearly a criminal. He is one of the key players of the
multi-billion dollar criminal fraud carried out by Bernard Madoff. Merkin
secretly diverted untold billions to Madoff's fraudulent investment fund. One
of Merkin's funds lost $1.8 billion of investor cash with Madoff. Merkin was
seen as "the Golden Boy controlling the Golden Goose."

Feinberg and Merkin were also controlling co-owners of Israel's Bank Leumi,
which had been privatized in 2005 under finance minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Bank Leumi also has off-shore banks and a branch in Switzerland in which
billions of dollars are held in secret numbered accounts.

It was reported on December 30, 2008, that the U.S. Treasury would provide $6
billion more for GMAC, headed by Merkin and the extremely secretive Feinberg.
Feinberg is so secretive his Who's Who biography says he is deceased!

Stephen A. Feinberg, Ezra Merkin's partner-in-crime.

The U.S. Treasury was reportedly buying a $5 billion stake in GMAC and lending
$1 billion to GM. This "loan" was in addition to $13.4 billion of taxpayer
dollars the Treasury had already lent to GM and Chrysler LLC. Once again, a
plundered and bankrupted company was being "bailed-out" with taxpayer funds.

Merkin had been chairman of GMAC since November 2006. GMAC reportedly lost
nearly $8 billion while Merkin was in charge. Despite Merkin's huge losses at
GMAC and his involvement in the Madoff criminal scam, the U.S. government
evidently had no problem providing billions of taxpayer dollars to Merkin,
whose Ariel Fund was one of the largest funds feeding billions to Bernie
Madoff's financial black hole. Madoff reportedly "lost" some $50 billion, or

Jacob Ezra Merkin, orthodox Jew and devoted Zionist, finally resigned as
chairman of GMAC on January 9, 2009. How was Merkin allowed to remain in
control of the privately-held GMAC operation for so long despite his history
of financial fraud?


GMAC is a very interesting operation. A wholly owned subsidiary of General
Motors since 1919, GMAC provided customers with more than $1.4 trillion in
credit to finance more than 162 million vehicles. Originally designed to
provide financing for people buying GM vehicles, it branched out into other
fields, such as real estate. GMAC Commercial Mortgage (GMACCM), for example,
provided the funds for Larry Silverstein and the former Israeli commando Frank
Lowy to take over the World Trade Center in July 2001. The towers served as
the collateral. GMAC Commercial Mortgage sold $563 million in bonds backed by
a loan to Silverstein Properties for its purchase of the towers. If
Silverstein and Lowy were part of the conspiracy to destroy the World Trade
Center, the people controlling GMACCM would probably also be. Who was
controlling the purse strings at GMAC in 2001 when Silverstein was negotiating
to obtain control of the World Trade Center?

Larry Silverstein, here with his daughter Lisa, made billions
of dollars from the destruction of the World Trade Center.
He is the former chairman of the UJA-Federation of New York,
the largest Zionist fund-raising organization in the world.

At GMAC, the person in charge of the money was Eric A. Feldstein, born in
Brookline, Mass. in 1959. Feldstein had worked in the office of the treasurer
at GM Corp. from 1981-91 and was regional treasurer in Europe from 1991-93.
In 1993, he returned to New York as assistant treasurer. In March 1996, he
was named executive vice president and chief financial officer of GMAC and
chairman of the GMAC Mortgage Group, where he oversaw corporate activities
responsible for general finance, audit, and worldwide borrowings.

Feldstein became treasurer of General Motors in November 1997, and was elected
vice president the following month. In June 2001, Feldstein was named General
Motors' vice president, finance, and corporate treasurer. When GM and GMAC
failed in 2008, Feldstein went to work for Feinberg and Merkin at Cerberus,
joining the team named after the three-headed dog of Hell. At Cerberus,
Feldstein was made executive vice president.

Eric Feldstein, the treasurer of GM, laughs with Rick Wagoner
and Mark Neporent, COO of Cerberus, as the Zionist-run fund
took majority control of GMAC. By this point, GM was well on its
way to losing $85 billion - all during Feldstein's term as GM
corporate treasurer and vice president in charge of finance.

Eric Feldstein is the son of Donald Feldstein, a high-ranking member of a
number of Zionist organizations in New York and New Jersey. The elder
Feldstein is one year older than Larry Silverstein and has a long history of
leadership in the same Zionist organization as Silverstein. Donald Feldstein
was an executive director of the United Jewish Appeal-Federation Jewish
Philanthropies in New York City from 1976-81. This is the huge Zionist
fund-raising organization that Larry Silverstein headed as the chairman of the
board and where he is an honorary board member. The connection between Donald
Feldstein and Larry Silverstein at this Zionist organization certainly played
a role in Eric Feldstein's decision to use GMAC money to back Silverstein's
bid for the World Trade Center. It is through such Zionist organizations like
the UJA-Federation and the secretive order of B'nai B'rith, an international
organization of Jewish Freemasons, that the Zionist network functions. In
this way actions and decisions that affect whole nations can be made without
anyone outside the "community" being aware.

GMAC Commercial Mortgage Corp., under the leadership of Donald Feldstein's
son, provided an $800 million loan to fellow Zionists Silverstein and Lowy to
back their bid for the soon-to-be privatized World Trade Center in the summer
of 2001. This privatization deal, initiated by the Zionist Ronald Lauder and
managed by Lewis Eisenberg of the Port Authority, was finalized at the end of
July 2001. The WTC complex was finally put into private hands � Zionist hands
� only 6 weeks before it was demolished and pulverized with super-thermite.


After being fired from GMAC, Eric Feldstein went to work for Cerberus in March
2008. Three months later he became CFO at Eton Park Capital Management. Eton
Park is a hedge fund run by 42-year-old Eric M. Mindich, formerly with Goldman
Sachs, and Alan R. Batkin, the vice chairman of the fund. Batkin, 64, is the
senior partner at Eton Park. Although Feldstein lost billions as the head of
GMAC and was fired because he had destroyed the 90-year-old company, Mindich
and Batkin made him chief financial officer at Eton Park. Feldstein's
colossal failure at GMAC evidently did not bother them. He was clearly being
rewarded for a job well done.

Alan Batkin, the vice chairman at Eton Park, is very highly connected. Batkin
was, for example, vice chairman of Kissinger Associates Inc. from 1990 through
2006. It is, however, his executive positions at some of the biggest
companies of Israel, such as Israel Discount Bank (IDB) and Discount
Investment Corporation, Ltd., that reveal the intense Israeli character of
Eton Park. (The IDB has been privatized and is also closely tied to the
Madoff scam.)

Alan R. Batkin is a member of the board of governors of Tel Aviv University
and is treasurer of PEC Israel Economic Corp. (part of Discount Investment
Corporation, Ltd.) where he has served as CEO, president, and director. He
also served as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Orama Ltd. (a
venture capital firm founded in 1999 to support companies in the Israeli
technology sector; a subsidiary of IDB Group, Ltd.)

From 1972 to 1990, Batkin was an investment banker at Lehman Brothers, where
he a Managing Director for 14 years. Batkin has been, since 1999, a director
of Overseas Shipholding Group Inc. (OSG), which owns and manages a large fleet
of transatlantic oil tankers. As a director of OSG, Batkin works with Solomon
Merkin, the brother of Jacob Ezra Merkin. Their father, Hermann Merkin, was
one of the owners of the company along with the Recanati family of Israel
Discount Bank. Batkin is also vice chairman and a director of Hasbro Inc.
since 1992.

Solomon Merkin

Batkin was a director of Infinity Broadcasting Corp. since April 1992.
Infinity provided popular talk radio with a distinctly pro-Israel point of
view. Foremost among Infinity's talk show staff was Howard Stern, a vulgar
and controversial radio personality. Other national radio performers employed
by Infinity included Don Imus, Larry King, G. Gordon Liddy and Rush Limbaugh.
Infinity merged with CBS Radio in 1997.

Alan Batkin is a scion of the intensely Zionist Batkin and Tenzer families and
the son of Stanley Irving Batkin, a leading Zionist figure since the 1930s.
Stanley Batkin is a recipient of Israel's Prime Minister's Medallion (1974)
and the City of Jerusalem Medal (1976). These awards are given to Zionists
for extraordinary service to Israel. The elder Batkin has served, since the
founding of the state of Israel, as an executive of the following
organizations (among many others): the Zionist Organization of America; the
State of Israel Bond Committee; the Jewish Theological Seminary; State of
Israel Bonds; Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science; Friends of Bezalel
Academy of Arts & Design, Inc.; and Yeshiva University Museum.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Israeli Who Will Run the Obama White House,"
November 6, 2008

Bollyn, Christopher, "Update on Madoff's Guilty Plea," March 12, 2009

Bollyn, Christopher, "Who is Bernard Madoff, the man behind the $50 billion
fraud?" updated March 24, 2009

General Motors Data, Wikinvest

General Motors' U.S. Sales History, Domestic Brands, 1908-2008, Automotive
News, June 1, 2009

General Motors' Top Ten Markets in Europe, 2008

"Obama gambles on reviving GM from bankruptcy," Reuters, June 2, 2009

"Israel did 9-11" - A Primer on the Zionist Network Behind 9-11

An astute reader of my work on 9-11 has created on excellent on-line primer of
the Zionists, Israelis and American Jews, behind the false-flag terror attacks
of 9-11 and the cover-up of the truth.

The article is titled "Israel did 9-11" and can be read on-line at:

Solving 9-11: Exposing the Deception that Changed the World

June 6, 2009

The draft text of my book about 9-11 has been sent to interested publishers
and many supporters. The table of contents and first 14 chapters make up the
first section of about 150-160 pages. The second section, which is larger,
contains my most important articles about 9-11 in chronological order. This
latter section is being edited and laid out to be as concise as possible
without losing any important content. It is, after all, the history of the
most heinous criminal deception of our time. The book will be about 350

The first 14 chapters will be sent to people who wish to peruse the material
and support the publishing of the book. I welcome comments and advice from
readers. This is very helpful and shows what a collective effort is going
into this work. I hope to have the book published this summer, before the 8th
anniversary of 9-11.

2009 promises to be a crucial year for 9-11 truth. The publication of the
discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC effectively marks the end
of the 9-11 cover-up. The hideous game is over, although it may take some
time for this to sink in; the implications are immense.

To support the publication of my book, Solving 9-11: Exposing the Deception
that Changed the World, and receive the text of the first 14 chapters, send a
donation by PayPal to: My post address and other
details can be found in the left-hand margin for mail and donations sent via
the U.S. postal service.

Christopher Bollyn speaking at the 9-11 grand jury in Los Angeles

Obama's Deception: Afghanistan, 9-11 & Dresden

St. Michael the Archangel slaying the devil,
the father of all lies and deception.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to
remain silent.
- Thomas Jefferson

June 5, 2009

President Barack Obama's speech in Cairo on June 4 was a carefully prepared
speech meant to explain the administration's policies in the Middle East to
the people of the region. I listened to see how he would explain his
controversial decision to increase the number of U.S. troops and military
activity in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a decision I strongly oppose. What I
heard in Obama's speech about Afghanistan was very discouraging in that it
revealed the appalling continuation of the blatant 9-11 deception by the new
administration. The war and occupation of Afghanistan was the first subject
Obama addressed. The following extract is the essence of what Obama said
about 9-11 and the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan:

The first issue that we have to confront is violent extremism
in all its forms. In Ankara, I made clear that America is not
and never will be at war with Islam. We will, however,
relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave
threat to our security because we reject the same thing that
people of all faiths reject, the killing of innocent men, women,
and children. And it is my first duty as president to protect
the American people.

The situation in Afghanistan demonstrates America's goals and
our need to work together. Over seven years ago, the
United States pursued Al Qaida and the Taliban with broad
international support. We did not go by choice. We went
because of necessity. I'm aware that there's still some who
would question or even justify the offense of 9/11. But let us
be clear. Al Qaida killed nearly 3,000 people on that day.

The victims were innocent men, women, and children from
America and many other nations who had done nothing to harm
anybody. And yet Al Qaida chose to ruthlessly murder these
people, claimed credit for the attack, and even now states
their determination to kill on a massive scale. They have
affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach.

These are not opinions to be debated. These are facts to be dealt
with. Make no mistake, we do not want to keep our troops in
Afghanistan. We see no military -- we seek no military bases there.
It is agonizing for America to lose our young men and women.
It is costly and politically difficult to continue this conflict.

We would gladly bring every single one of our troops home if we
could be confident that there were not violent extremists in
Afghanistan and now Pakistan determined to kill as many Americans
as they possibly can. But that is not yet the case.

And that's why we're partnering with a coalition of 46 countries. And
despite the costs involved, America's commitment will not weaken�

This is how Obama explained the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan and Pakistan:
As a necessary confrontation with 45 nations against the violent extremists
behind the attacks of 9-11. We would bring our troops home, he said, if there
were no "violent extremists" in those countries "determined to kill as many
Americans as they possibly can."

What is the real reason behind Obama's war in Afghanistan?


The people of Afghanistan do not like President Obama or trust the United
States. Stan Grant, a CNN correspondent in Kabul, visited an Afghan
university (madrassa) to see how the middle and upper-class students reacted
to Obama and his speech in Cairo. Not a single student liked Obama or
supported his policies in their occupied nation.

If Obama had a good policy why has our society not developed in the past five
years, one student asked. Another wanted to know why the U.S. and NATO had
killed 1,000 Afghan civilians. "What was the matter with them? he asked.

Afghan Youths Wary about Obama


"Zoya," a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
(RAWA), received international acclaim with the 2003 publication her dramatic
life story: "Zoya's Story: An Afghan Woman's Battle for Freedom," with John
Follain and Rita Cristofari. In 2008, Zoya was interviewed in Berlin by Elsa
Rassbach. Zoya explained how she viewed the U.S. and NATO occupation of

RAWA supports the call for the withdrawal of the U.S. and NATO
troops because occupation is not a solution. They are constantly
killing civilians, even at a wedding party. Do you think we are not
human beings and don't have hearts? What would Americans do if
an occupier were killing so many civilians in the U.S.? �

In 2001, the U.S. and its allies occupied Afghanistan under the
beautiful slogans of "war on terror," "women's rights," "liberation"
and "democracy." But when they installed the brutal and criminal
warlords after the fall of the Taliban, everyone knew that Afghanistan
had once again become a chessboard for world powers. The plight
of our people, and especially of women, has been misused to
legitimize the foreign military presence in our country.

Afghan people have been badly betrayed by the U.S. and NATO in
the past few years. Despite billions in aid, Afghan people are
living under awful conditions that are worse than they were under
the Taliban medieval rule. Afghanistan still faces a women's
rights tragedy, and the everyday hardships of our masses are
beyond imagination.

Everyone knows that the U.S., a superpower, together with the
biggest military pact in the world, NATO, could in a matter of
days, if not hours, defeat the Taliban and arrest Mullah Omer
and Osama. But today they need such enemies to justify
keeping their military machine in Afghanistan.

We don't want their so-called liberation and democracy. If these
troops do not withdraw, we are sure that the Afghan people will
have no other option but to rise up against them. Our people
are already deeply fed up with the situation. The jokes being
made in Afghanistan are that the Taliban is getting the most
from this situation.


Al Qaida was behind the mass murder of thousands of people on 9-11, Obama
said. This is not an opinion to be debated, he added. "These are facts to be
dealt with."

If the Obama administration were truly concerned about facts, he might take
note of the disturbing fact that not a single 9-11 victim's case has gone to
trial after nearly 8 years. If the case against Osama Bin Laden and his
agents were solid and based on facts, why has the evidence not been presented
in an open trial in a U.S. court? The military is supposedly holding Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed, the "confessed" mastermind of 9-11, in Guantanamo. Why is
this mastermind of terror not put on trial in an open court? Why have the
surviving airplane parts not been identified? Why has the evidence of
thermite in the collapsed towers not been addressed?

One of the 9-11 facts the Obama administration will have to deal with is the
evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center. This thin
layer of super-thermite was evidently used to pulverize the concrete in the
twin towers on 9-11. The people who applied tens of tons of thermite to the
interiors of the twin towers are, in fact, directly responsible for the murder
of 3,000 people on 9-11. If Al Qaida had teams of men spraying super-thermite
and placing explosive charges in the buildings leased and owned by Larry
Silverstein and the Israeli commando Frank Lowy, let's see the evidence.
Otherwise, let's find out who really put the super-thermite in the twin

The United States went to war in Afghanistan out of "necessity," Obama said,
yet the American public has not been given any solid evidence to prove that
the Taliban of Afghanistan had anything to do with 9-11. Why then is the
Zionist-run Obama administration sending more troops to Afghanistan? And why
have they expanded the war into Pakistan?

I have discussed in several articles the powerful Zionists behind the Obama
White House. Obama was sponsored and molded since 1992 to be the first black
president of the United States by the daughter of Philip Morris Klutznick, the
former president of the B'nai B'rith and mega Zionist from Chicago. The chief
of staff of the White House is Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli national whose father
was a member of a Zionist terrorist organization in Palestine that was allied
with Nazi Germany. These are a few real facts, not opinions, that need to be
dealt with.

Understanding the Zionist nature of the Obama administration, the question
that must be asked is why is the administration expanding the war in
Afghanistan and Pakistan? The American people certainly have no real interest
in Afghanistan or Pakistan and the Afghans and Pakistanis have no real
interest in America. There must be a Zionist strategic goal in controlling
these two Central Asian nations, but what is it?

As I pointed out in my article from 2001, "The Great Game: The War for
Caspian Oil and Gas," the Israelis are deeply engaged in the region:

Turkmenistan and Azerbijan are also both closely allied
with Israeli commercial interests and Israeli military intelligence.
In Turkmenistan, a former Israeli intelligence agent,
Yosef A. Maiman, president of Merhav Group of Israel, is
the official negotiator and policy maker responsible for
developing the energy resources of Turkmenistan.

"This is the Great Game all over," Maiman told the Wall Street
Journal about his role in furthering the "geopolitical goals of
both the U.S. and Israel in Central Asia. "We are doing what
U.S. and Israeli policy could not achieve," he said,
"Controlling the transport route is controlling the product."

"Those that control the oil routes out of Central Asia will
impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the
distribution of revenues from new production," said energy expert
James Dorian recently in Oil & Gas Journal on September 10, 2001.

Foreign business in Turkmenistan is dominated by Maiman's
Merhav Group, according to the Washington Report on Middle
East Affairs (WRMEA). Maiman, who was made a citizen of
Turkmenistan by presidential decree, serves as Turkmenistan's
official negotiator for its gas pipeline, special ambassador,
and right-hand man for the authoritarian President Saparmurad
Atayevich Niyazov, a former Politburo member of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The Merhav Group of Israel officially represents the Turkmen
government and has brokered all of the energy projects in
Turkmenistan, contracts worth many billions of dollars.


The main Zionist goal in Afghanistan and Pakistan is to "pacify" these nations
to allow the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline to be
built. This line, once completed, could be extended to China. This project
is the pipe dream of Joseph A. Maiman (a.k.a. Josef, Yosef, Yossi), one of the
most powerful men in Israel.

Yosef A. Maiman

The Jerusalem Post of 23 July 2004, described Maiman as one of the leading
miners of the gas of Central Asia, specifically Turkmenistan:

Though his sprawling multi-billion-dollar empire stretches from
Channel 10 TV, where he is a partner, to Central Asian gas fields,
where he is a leading miner, Maiman was born humbly, in a
displaced persons camp in Germany, and grew up in Peru.

Maiman's Merhav Group started off in 1976 with Third World
debt-financing, but later diversified into agriculture, energy
solutions and telecoms. Today, it is the Republic of
Turkmenistan's single largest foreign partner.

Just two weeks ago, the Israeli foreign ministry announced it would open a new
embassy in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, "saying it was a natural step in burgeoning
bilateral ties, and reflected a new momentum in Israel's overall ties with the
Central Asian countries," according to the Jerusalem Post of 21 May 2009.

Turkmenistan is reported to be "the second largest holder of gas reserves in
the world, with some 28 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves," second
only to Russia. The "former" Israeli Mossad agent Joseph A. Maiman is
reportedly the owner or co-owner of much of that gas and has been the key
person managing the development of Turkmenistan's gas fields. If the TAPI
pipeline were to be completed, the Israelis connected with Maiman and Merhav
would collect tens of billions of dollars by selling the gas of Turkmenistan
to Pakistan, India, and China. This is certainly one of the key Israeli
strategic goals in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The pipeline is meant to pass
through Kandahar, the area where Canadians are serving and which Canada is
obliged to defend until 2012.

The planned route of the TAPI pipeline

Mr. Maiman is also a business partner of Rupert Murdoch and Ronald Lauder. In
November 2002, Yossi Maiman and the former head of the Mossad, Shabtai Shavit,
launched a new political party with the former head of the Shin Bet, Ya'acov
Perry. These people are all closely tied to the false-flag terror attacks of
9-11. Their roles are described in my chapter entitled, "The Architecture of

To really understand why the Obama administration is sending more troops to
Afghanistan and waging war in Pakistan it is essential to understand what is
at stake and who will benefit from the TAPI pipeline. Obama's speech in Cairo
today was a blatant deception about the real purposes of the war in Central


Obama flew to Germany after speaking in Cairo and landed in Dresden, the Saxon
capital city on the Elbe. Dresden was completely obliterated in a huge Allied
fire-bombing attack on Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday 1945. Eyewitnesses to
the holocaust of Dresden estimate that more than 500,000 people, including
many refugees who were sheltering in the "safe" city, were killed in the
attack in which the entire inner city was incinerated. Obama made a short
visit to the re-built Frauenkirche and did not even address the painful
subject of the Allied war crime that killed so many innocent lives in Dresden.
He then went on to visit the Buchenwald concentration camp in the outskirts of
Weimar where Elie Wiesel spoke at great length about the 11,000 Jews who are
said to have perished in the work camp. CNN played up the fact that the camp
had a crematorium with three ovens, but it did not visit the mountain of
rubble in Dresden or the huge mass grave where the remains of thousands of the
victims of one of the most cruel war crimes are buried. Sixty-five years
later, the controlled media still ignores this subject.

I spent a month in Dresden and visited Buchenwald. I discovered that the
death rate for German prisoners held in Buchenwald during the Soviet
occupation was much higher than the death rate in the camp during the war.
Here are a few extracts from my Letter from Buchenwald:

According to a U.S. Army report dated May 25, 1945, a total
of 238,980 prisoners had been held at Buchenwald in the period
from July 1937 to April 1945. Of this number 34,375 died. This
report, which shows a mortality rate of some 14 percent, was
based on camp records confiscated by the U.S. Army.

Shortly after the U.S. Army "liberated" Buchenwald, it was turned
over to the Soviet Union and became the so-called Special Camp
No. 2 from 1945 to 1950. As the guide book, written by Sabine
and Harry Stein says, "Prisoners moved into the barracks again
hardly four weeks after the last survivors had left the National
Socialist concentration camp in Buchenwald. Buchenwald became
a place of isolation and death for another four and a half years....

"Hunger and isolation seriously affected everyday life. Hunger
was almost omnipresent. Mass deaths ensued when the restricted
rations were cut temporarily.

"More than one third of the total number of 122,671 prisoners
died in the course of being there," the guide says about the
post-war Soviet prison camp. "The victims of Buchenwald Special
Camp were buried in mass graves. Their relatives did not
receive any official notification.

"The history of Special Camp No. 2 and the existence of mass graves
was subject to taboo in the German Democratic Republic," the guide says.

The official mortality rate in the Soviet camps during the
post-war period was more than twice that of Buchenwald during
the war. According to camp records kept by the Soviet Union,
the Soviet prison camp system in Germany held 122,671 prisoners
between 1945 and 1950 of which 42,889 died. This is a death
rate of nearly 35 percent. In addition, 756 persons were executed.

To understand what really happened in both of these places, I recommend
reading my articles from Buchenwald and Dresden.

Sources and Recommended Reading

About Buchenwald and Dresden:

Bollyn, Christopher, "Letter from Buchenwald," November 12, 2005

Bollyn, "Letter from Slaughterhouse Five," February 19, 2004

Bollyn, "The Passing of Kurt Vonnegut - An Eyewitness to the Holocaust of
Dresden, April 12, 2007

About Afghanistan and the Deception of 9-11:

"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center
Catastrophe," Steven E. Jones et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, March

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Great Game: The War for Caspian Oil And Gas,"
September 25, 2001

Bollyn, "Israeli Control of the Mass Media & the 9-11 Cover Up," September

Bollyn, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind
9-11," July 25, 2008

Bollyn, "Obama and the Jews," April 2008

Bollyn, "The Israeli Who Will Run the Obama White House," November 6, 2008

"'Democracy' in Afghanistan - Code for Occupation," New America Media, Elsa
Rassbach's 2008 interview with Afghan woman "Zoya" of the Revolutionary
Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) New America Media New America
Media, May 29, 2009

Grant, Stan, "Afghan youths wary about Obama," CNN, June 4, 2009

Keinon, Herb, "Israel opens 3 new diplomatic missions," Jerusalem Post, May
21, 2009

President Obama's Speech on a New Beginning, Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009

Schechter, Erik, "I spy," Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2004

"Turkmenistan: World�s Second Largest Holder of Gas Reserves,", October 24, 2008

Obama on the Run: U.S. VP Biden Flees Question on Super-Thermite

Citizen Action Success in Los Angeles

During a recent visit to Los Angeles, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Bruno Bruhwiler,
two 9-11 truth activists from We Are Change Los Angeles (WACLA Media) were
able to get Vice President Joe Biden to listen to a question that went
directly to the evidence of nano-composite (i.e. super-thermite) in the
destruction of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Biden was then given a copy of
the Jones paper that provides the scientific evidence of super-thermite in the
dust of the pulverized twin towers.

Vice President Biden is confronted with evidence ...

The two citizen activists were very successful in getting this crucial
question asked, on camera, to the Vice President of the United States. This
is a excellent example of what the Citizen Action Plan to demand the truth
about 9-11 is all about. A reader in Canada is preparing a presentation for
the government of Canada. This is what we have to do all across America - to
all of our elected officials and public servants. The same question must be
asked of our political leaders and media: "Will you address the evidence of
super-thermite in the World Trade Center dust, or are you part of the
cover-up?" For politicians and the media, there is no middle ground on this

Congratulations to Jeremy and Bruno and the excellent work of WACLA! Well

Joe Biden was having an easy time in Los Angeles until
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Bruno Bruhwiler were able to ask him
about the evidence of super-thermite in the World Trade Center.
Biden gave a one-word answer and headed for cover. This is
exactly what the Citizen Action Plan is all about: demanding
that our elected officials and media address the evidence
of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC. This video is
actually quite disturbing because it shows very clearly how
the Obama-Biden administration is part of the 9-11 cover-up.
I take heart in remembering that the good people in America and
the U.S. government greatly outnumber those at the top who
are part of the criminal conspiracy to cover-up the truth of 9-11.
Their days are numbered; the 9-11 cover-up game is over.

The Wall Crumbles: Architect on Fox TV in Fresno Discusses 9-11 Collapses &

May 30, 2009

Richard Gage, a practicing architect for 20 years, founded Architects and
Engineers for 9-11 Truth in 2006. Gage appeared on the FOX TV News affiliate
in Fresno, Califonia on May 27 and was allowed to explain the scientific and
structural evidence that proves that the World Trade Center collapses were
actually controlled demolitions in which super-thermite was used to pulverize
the concrete of the towers.

Robert Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA

The stone wall of the 9-11 cover-up and deception is finally crumbling. The
Gage interview was carried on an affiliate of FOX. Bringing the evidence of
the super-thermite in the dust and rubble of the World Trade Center to the
public is what citizens need to do via their local media outlets across the
United States - and the world. This interview is well worth watching. The
truth is finally coming out; we are winning.

News and Commentary

30 May 2009

The text of my book is now available. The complete Table of Contents and the
first 14 chapters will be sent to supporters who request it by sending a
donation by PayPal to:

23 May 2009

I am working to restore, which will hopefully be available
again soon.

The Australian website Ziopedia has an excellent archive with 72 of my
articles. Many of these were originally posted on, which was
hijacked in March by a most unscrupulous Estonian "webmaster" named Aivar
Hiienurm, whose services we used in 2007 to set up the website. Hiienurm, we
later learned, has a history of working with Satanists to set up fake
Christian websites and create forums to mock Christians. Hiienurm was
webmaster at N�mme Radio, which is a branch of Estonian military intelligence
connected with Aleksander Einseln, a former U.S. Army officer. They are
involved in criminal activities such as hacking websites and the cover-up of
the Estonia catastrophe of 1994 in which more than 852 people died.

20 May 2009

Citizen Action Success: Biden Pressed on Super-Thermite in L.A.

Joe Biden was unable to handle a citizen's question about the
evidence of explosives in the dust of the World Trade Center.
He stopped smirking and ran for cover in Los Angeles.

I strongly encourage readers to view this video clip of two 9-11 truth
activists asking Joe Biden about the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of
the World Trade Center. This is a very sobering and disturbing video for
Americans because it clearly reveals that the Obama administration is part of
the 9-11 cover-up. Easy-going Joe Biden is unable to fake or finesse the
crucial question and turns on his heel and heads for the protection of his
security cordon. You can run but you can't hide, Joe. The 9-11 cover-up game
is over and you and your gang are on the wrong side of history.

Joe Biden is confronted with the evidence ...


Donations are needed to help publish my book. If you would like to read the
text of the first 14 chapters, please donate to via

An Independent Investigation of the Crime that Changed the World

The table of contents, the backbone of the work which is a compilation of 200
of my articles and chapters, has been sent to people interested in publishing
the book. The material now needs to go through a final edit and be laid out
with illustrations. The book will probably be about 300 pages long. It is
being done as a not-for-profit contribution to the historiography (i.e.
written history) of 9-11 and the fraudulent, costly, and destructive "War on

The struggle for the truth of 9-11 is a collective effort.
Thank you.

Bollyn Comments on RBN Talk Show with Barbara Jean
15 May 2009
On Friday, May 15, I was on "Born on the Fourth of July", a 2-hour talk
program with Barbara Jean of Salt Lake City. The program is carried on
Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN), an Internet "radio" network. I was
willing to spend two-hours and pay the price of using a long-distance
telephone line to speak with Barbara Jean because I have known her for years
and respect her intelligence and fairness.

The following links should allow one to listen to the audio file from the



Most importantly, I knew that she had recently interviewed Dr. Steven E. Jones
and I wanted to add my voice to explain the significance of his discovery of
super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center. After more than 7 years
of being unfairly branded as a "conspiracy theorist", the scientific proof of
super-thermite in all 5 samples of the pulverized dust of the twin towers is a
most welcome validation of my research and writing on the subject of 9-11.
The very small red-gray chips are evidence that a thin layer of the highly
energetic explosive known as super-thermite was applied to interior surfaces
of the World Trade Center prior to the events of 9-11. This is evidently the
explosive responsible for the pulverization of the towers.

This discovery is scientific proof that the American people and the world have
been lied to since 9-11 about the cause of the explosive demolition of the
twin towers. We now have physical proof of at least one of the explosives
used in this pre-planned demolition, which was also an act of mass murder. It
is extremely unlikely that Al Q'aida or Osama Bin Laden had anything to do
with the application of the thin layer of nano-composite super-thermite in the
cores of the two towers, so the question remains: Who did it?


I use the expression "game over" to explain what this crucial discovery means
for the 9-11 truth movement and those involved in the cover-up. What I mean
by this is that the publication of the peer-reviewed paper detailing the
evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC fundamentally changes the
balance of power in the struggle for the truth of 9-11. We now have solid
proof of the conspiracy to destroy the WTC with advanced explosive technology
and to conceal the evidence from the public.

One caller to the show asked how to get this information to the wider public
given the fact that most of the outlets in the mass media are controlled by
people who are strongly opposed to presenting this evidence to the public. I
agree that the biggest media outlets are Zionist controlled, e.g. CNN, The New
York Times, Chicago Tribune, the L.A. Times, FOX News, The Wall Street
Journal, and Time Warner, but that should not stop us from bombarding them
with letters, calls, and email demanding that they present this evidence.
Demand that they address this discovery and threaten to cancel subscriptions
if they don't.
But we should not rely on or trust Zionist-controlled media outlets for
information in the first place. The television news presenters are just like
President Obama, talking heads that are paid to look good as they read
prepared text from tele-prompters. This is why Obama only speaks in two
directions - he is simply reading from the tele-prompters at 10 o'clock and 2
o'clock. He is reading the text written by his Zionist handlers, people like
David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel, as he has been coached to do since 1992 when
the daughter of the leading "Elder of Zion" Philip Morris Klutznick commenced
the Zionist project to make Obama the first black president of the United

Klutznick, one of the leaders of the secretive Elders of Zion, was a Chicago
real estate developer who died in 1999. He was the president of the B'nai
B'rith Youth Organization in his youth and grew up to become the head Elder of
Zion of the International Order of B'nai B'rith (the secret behind-the-scenes
organization of Jewish Freemasons, the real Elders of Zion) and the World
Jewish Congress. Klutznick also built the Israeli port of Ashdod and Park
Forest, Illinois.
This is what I recommend concerned citizens do to advance the struggle for
9-11 truth:
1. Read the paper about the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC
carefully and underline the key sentences. Get a firm grasp of the material.
Discuss it with your friends and colleagues. Prepare for the arguments you
are likely to face. Students should bring this evidence up in school and
discuss it in classes. This should be a leading subject of discussion in
universities around the world. Make it happen. These institutions should
serve the truth and the public good - not a political pack of lies.

2. Bring this scientific material to the attention of the newspapers and
magazines that you subscribe to. Demand that they address this evidence.
Threaten to cancel your subscription if they don't. This should be a matter
of concern for every kind of magazine and journal in North America and the
world. We have all be subjected to a tyranny of lies for nearly 8 years. The
costs have been immense and the effects have touched all of us.

3. Call, write, and email President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph
Biden and your political representatives at the national, state, county, and
local levels. Send your letters to City Hall and the local police department.
All of these officials have all been indoctrinated by the ADL of B'nai B'rith
about the fraudulent "War on Terror." These people are public servants and
have to listen to the citizens they represent. Demand that they address the
evidence that we have been deceived about what really happened on 9-11. Tell
them that they will lose their positions if they fail to respond to the
demands of the public.

4. Host 9-11 truth events in your local library, schools, and churches. The
nightmare of the past 7 years has affected many nations and afflicted us all.
The evidence of super-thermite proves that we have all been lied to. The lies
about 9-11 have cost our nation hundreds of billions of dollars, changed the
way we live, and taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, if not
more. Help others to free themselves from the tyranny of lies and the Wizard
of Oz deception that is being foisted on the public by little gray men, like
Rupert Murdoch, pulling the levers behind the curtain. These scoundrels are
deathly afraid of the day they are exposed. Hasten the day!
Link to paper with evidence of super-thermite:

* * *
I am working on the detailed table of contents for my book, Solving 9-11: An
Independent Investigation of the Crime of the Century.

The table of contents, which will have a couple sentences from each chapter,
should be ready in the next few days and will be sent to interested publishers
and supporters on request. Having written several hundred articles about the
terror attacks since September 2001 this is a rather time-consuming task, but
one which only I can do. There are a couple publishers interested in Europe
and Asia, but thus far none has been arranged for the English-speaking
version, which will be the authentic historiographical work. This book is a
historical textbook about 9-11, meant to educate the reader about the 7 and a
half-year process through which we have reached this point, where we now know,
with scientific certainty, that the World Trade Center was demolished and
pulverized with an advanced nano-composite of Thermite, i.e. super-thermite.
While some may not grasp the signficance of this discovery, it is of immense
historical importance. As I say, the 9-11 cover-up is finished; the game is
over. The Jones (et al) paper is proof that the towers were rigged to
demolish explosively after being hit by the planes and Osama Bin Laden and his
twenty thieves had nothing to do with it.

I may self-publish the first limited edition in English of a thousand books
for the quickest results. Sponsors are needed to support this endeavor.

Today, I received this nice comment through my website:

I thank you and your family for all your hard work and long suffering. The
quality of your investigative reporting is excellent. I have followed your
leads with confidence and you are very highly regarded among those who know
the "real" truth. May you have good health and prosperity in all your
- A reader on 8 May 2009

Earlier, I received some very positive responses from readers around the world
who understand the importance of the discovery of super-thermite in the dust
of the twin towers and are demanding that the media and governments address
this evidence. In the Citizen Action Plan that I sent to more than 500
readers, I presented the compelling evidence from the paper by Dr. Steven E.
Jones and others and asked them to bring it to the attention of their media
and elected representatives. Here are a few comments:
"The Tide is Turning"

I'm right behind you on this one. I've contacted news agencies in Australia
and the UK to alert them to this issue, and I will not relent until a
satisfactory outcome is achieved. I really appreciate your alerting me to the
publication, and I absolutely agree that the tide is turning on the
perpetrators of this crime.
- N.M. in Australia, 23 April 2009

"I read your website every day. Keep digging in search of facts and evidence.
You are my hero."
- A reader on 18 April 2009

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the
newspaper you are misinformed."
- Mark Twain
An article about the evidence of nano-thermite in the dust of the World Trade
Center was published in Deseret News (Utah) on April 6, 2009. The article,
entitled "Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say" by Elaine Jarvik
is online at:,5143,705295677,00.html

I have received a few questions about the evidence of nano-thermite found in
the World Trade Center dust. I recommend reading Kevin R. Ryan's informative
article from July 2008, "The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and
Nano-Thermites." It discusses the failure of NIST to investigate the evidence
of thermite and its connections to nano-thermite technology.

17 April 2009


Bring this information to the attention of every newspaper in the United
States -- and around the world. Demand that the media and politicians at
every level address the scientific evidence that proves that Osama bin Laden
and his twenty thieves did not destroy the World Trade Center. Ask them to
investigate and explain who put tens of tons of super-thermite in the Twin

Now that we have proof that super-thermite was used to demolish the Twin
Towers of the World Trade Center, the question is how was it put into the
towers? And who put it there? The quantity of thermite in the towers must
have been huge based on the amount found in the dust.

While Dr. Niels H. Harrit, one of the authors of the thermite study, told
Danish TV2 that he suspected that as much as 100 tons of thermite may have
been brought in on "pallets" � I suspect that some of it may have been applied
as a spray. The spraying of the extremely explosive nano-composite thermitic
solution may have been disguised as an asbestos abatement project. By
applying a film of super-thermite to floors and other surfaces the
pulverization of the concrete could have been effected. This explains how so
much concrete was pulverized. The huge amount of residual super-thermite also
explains the incredibly hot fires that burned at temperatures hotter than the
boiling point of iron beneath the rubble for months after the collapses.

One such asbestos abatement project was begun at the World Trade Center in the
fall of 2000. Here is the notice of the project:
Contract WTC-115.310
The World Trade Center Removal and Disposal of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and
Other Incidental Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Via Work Order
Estimate Range: $1,000,000 annually
Bids due Tuesday, October 17, 2000.
This contract was offered and the work was begun during Lew Eisenberg's reign
as head of the Port Authority. This is before Larry Silverstein obtained the
leases, but during the time that the privatization process was well underway.
The director of the New York privatization program was Ronald Lauder, who has
very close ties to Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, e.g. the Lauder
school at the IDC, Mossad's private university in Herzliya, Israel.

I spoke with Burton Fried of LVI demolition and asbestos abatement several
years ago about the report that his company had done this work. I tried to
reach him again today at his office in Westport, Conn., but was told that he
was out of the office until Monday. Previously, Fried denied that LVI had
done the work and said that a company called AASI had. The report that LVI
had done the work, however, was reported in ENR, an engineering magazine of
record, on September 13, 2001. The ENR reporter stood by her report that LVI
had done the work; she said that LVI had been the source of the information.

LVI is a company that works on large-scale demolition projects by preparing
the structure for the placement of explosives, usually done by Controlled
Demolition Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Maryland. I then filed an FOIA with the
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to learn who had worked in the
towers in the year before 9-11. The long awaited response from the Port
Authority was that all the records were assumed to have been destroyed in the
collapses. How convenient.

This discovery presents us with a new key question that must be answered: Who
loaded the Twin Towers with super-thermite? It is only a matter of time now
before we discover who loaded the buildings with tons of super-thermite and
how they did it. The architects of terror never thought we would get this
far, but we have. The tables are now turned 180 degrees. We are no longer
"conspiracy theorists" � they are. The New York Times, CNN, FOX News, and the
U.S. government will eventually have to deal with the new reality. Osama Bin
Laden certainly did not put super-thermite in the World Trade Center. So, who

We cannot accept a split reality where the rational mind understands the
scientific facts and physical evidence that disprove the unproven fairy tale
of Arab terrorism. The scientists have now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt
that the fairy tale is a pack of lies. These two competing versions of events
cannot both be true. The 9-11 game is over, it ended with the publication of
the evidence of super-thermite in the WTC dust. Now it is only a matter of
time now before the guilty are exposed. The mass media and government must
deal with the facts. They can no longer avoid the truth of what really
happened on 9-11.

If anyone has any information about this "asbestos abatement" work or how
super-thermite may have been loaded into the towers in 2000-2001, please send
an email to Thank you.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Niels H. Harrit on Denmark's TV2 News, April 6, 2009 (high resolution)

Ryan, Kevin R. "The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites," July
2, 2008

16 April 2009

A Citizen Action Plan to Demand the Truth of 9-11

"You are apparently doing a fantastic job on the 911 research issue. This is a
collective effort and it is wonderful to know that people like you are so
actively promoting the truth. Keep up the good work!!!"

- Dr. Niels H. Harrit, co-author of the paper showing active thermite in the
WTC dust to Christopher Bollyn, April 16, 2009
It is time for concerned citizens to ramp up the political pressure for the
truth of 9-11. As Dr. Harrit wrote, "this is a collective effort." It is
time for a citizen action plan to demand accountability from the mass media
and our political leaders!

Today, more than 7 years after the terrorism that changed the world, we now
have scientific proof that the Twin Towers were demolished - using an
extremely powerful form of Thermite, a highly energetic nano-composite known
as Super-Thermite. Active bits of this incredibly powerful explosive were
found in 4 different samples of dust from the collapsed towers.

My recent article, Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11: Game Over
for Criminals and Cover Up, explains the historic significance of the
publication of this scientific discovery. In Denmark and Estonia, two staunch
allies in the War on Terror, this discovery, which disproves the official
version of events, has already been published and discussed in the national
news media. We cannot allow this crucial discovery to be ignored by the
politicians and media in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United
States of America.

In Denmark, Dr. Niels H. Harrit, one of the authors of the research paper,
discussed the significance of this discovery on a television news program. In
Estonia, the discovery of Super-Thermite was reported in the national news
magazine, Eesti Ekspress.

What we have to do as concerned citizens with moral courage seeking the truth
of what really happened on 9-11 is to spread this information to our local
news media and ask them to publish the information about this crucial
discovery. We also have to bring this discovery to the attention of our local
politicians, representatives and senators in the U.S. Congress. We the people
have to use our power to force this issue to be discussed in the media and the
halls of power. As I said in my articles about this discovery, the writing on
the wall is clear for the 9-11 criminals and those involved in the cover-up:
it says "Game Over." It is time for us to pull the plug on those who have
hijacked the truth about 9-11 for more than 7 years.

I urge you to send the link to the scientific paper entitled "Active Thermitic
Material Discovered in Dust from the 9-11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" to
your local and national news media. Send it to your political leaders at the
local, state, and national levels. Demand that they address this discovery
and investigate who is responsible for putting massive amounts of
Super-Thermite in the Twin Towers before 9-11.

Thank you, for your support and efforts to spread the truth about 9-11. I am
currently working to put my book Solving 9-11 together for publishing this
spring. Please consider sending a donation to support my work. A donation
can be most easily sent by clicking on the link to support my research and

Thank you for your support,


Bollyn, Christopher, "Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11: Game Over
for Criminals and Cover Up," April 14, 2009

Bollyn, C., "Super-Thermite Found in World Trade Center Dust," April 5, 2009
Both at:

Harrit, Niels H. et al, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the
9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," The Open Chemical Physics Journal,
Volume 2, 2009, ISSN: 1874-4125, pp.7-31 (25) Authors: Niels H. Harrit,
Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel
Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen
The complete 25-page paper can be downloaded in pdf format:
or from the publisher:

Niels Harrit, a Danish scientist and co-author of paper, on the evidence of
super-thermite in the WTC dust, TV2 News, Denmark, April 6, 2009

15 April 2009

I was encouraged to have recently received a donation from a retired professor
of philosophy from India, who wrote: "I have been an avid reader of your work
for several years now, and I feel I should be supporting it." The professor
also sent these kind words with his donation: "�as a token of support and
thanks for the incomparable work you are doing." I wish more of my American
readers felt and acted like the professor from India.

During the past few weeks I have been poring over archives to collect my
articles from the past 8 years for my book, a historiography about 9-11, which
has the working title Solving 9-11 (and the Price I Had to Pay). This entails
culling through some 1,000 articles to decide which are most relevant to
understanding what really happened on 9-11. My book, which will include most
of my original investigative articles about 9-11, will be an historiography,
i.e. a body of historical literature, documenting the search for the truth.
It will be my contribution to the written history of 9-11.

If you think my work is worth supporting please send a donation by PayPal to: or by check to my address, which is found in the
left-hand margin. Donations can also be sent to my bank account in Estonia
through the bank contact information found below my address.

Thank you. Your support is needed and appreciated. We are winning this
struggle for the truth of 9-11 as the following articles will prove to all.

Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11: Game Over for Criminals and
Cover Up
April 14, 2009

The Illusion of Democracy & The Great Zionist Rip-Off
April 6, 2009

GAME OVER: The Proof of Super-Thermite at the WTC
April 5, 2009

This scientific paper written by Dr. Steven E. Jones and 8 other scientists
provides the crucial evidence that an extremely powerful and explosive form of
Super-Thermite was used to destroy and pulverize the World Trade Center. This
is the main reason why Dr. Jones and Christopher Bollyn were attacked in
August-September 2006 and removed from their positions. The writing on the
wall, however, is now quite clear: it says "Game Over" for the criminals who
carried out 9-11 and those who have supported the cover-up. The Truth will

Niels Harrit, a Danish scientist and co-author of paper, on the evidence of
super-thermite in the WTC dust.
April 6, 2009

Bollyn on the Evidence of Super-Thermite,
Super-Thermite Found in the World Trade Center Dust
April 5, 2009

9/11 � Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?
Bollyn article in Zeiten Schrift (Switzerland)
January 18, 2007

Steven Jones - The Physical Evidence of Thermite in the WTC Dust
May 16, 2007

Bollyn 9-11 Research Proved to be Without Error

March 30, 2009

Is Henry Kissinger Setting Obama's Foreign Policy?
March 27, 2009

LATEST UPDATES on Madoff and Nadel Financial Scams
March 25, 2009

The Strange Case of Art Nadel
March 25, 2009

Is the Procecutor Protecting Madoff's Fellow Conspirators?

March 17, 2009

Note: I am very grateful for the Truthseeker, who has reposted my most recent
articles at:

ATTN! Please feel free to download, print and distribute my articles. I am
working to recover and restore which has been hijacked.

A Director and a Owner of Privatized Israeli Banks Known for Money-Laundering

"Where's the money, Bernie?"

Bernard Madoff

"So he spends the rest of his life in jail � is that justice? People's lives
are ruined," said Adriane Biondo of Los Angeles, one of five members of her
family who lost money with Madoff. "He's sitting in jail? That's awesome," she
said sarcastically. "Where's the money, Bernie?"
- AP Report, March 12, 2009

Who is Bernard Madoff?
...and where did the $50 billion go?
December 15, 2009

Mega-fraudster Bernard L. Madoff was the national treasurer of the American
Jewish Congress and Yeshiva University (YU). His business partner at YU was
Sy Syms, the Talmud scholar and long-standing director of Israel Discount Bank
of New York, a corrupt Israeli bank controlled by the Bronfman family, which
has been charged for laundering tens of billions of dollars in 2005. So where
did the $50 billion Madoff "lost" vanish to? The complete article about
Bernard Madoff can be read at the Truthseeker website where a good collection
of my articles can be found.

December 11, 2008
"The Chicago Presidency"
is my commentary on the latest corruption scandal in Chicago, which involves
the highest elected official in the state of Illinois, Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
The first story under the News section is about the fraudulent trials being
held in the Guantanamo gulag prison. It presents information and articles I
have written previously about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The evidence indicates
that the person being tried as KSM is an imposter, presented by the U.S.
military to try to close the 7-year deception about what really happened on

Both articles are at the top of the first page of (temporarily
not working)

December 8, 2008

Huge Breakthrough in Estonia Catastrophe

Super-Spy Herman Simm Reveals Details of Weapons Smuggling
on Swedish-Estonian Civilian Ferry and Kidnapping of Key Survivors

Although most Americans know little if anything about it, the sinking of
Estonia in 1994 is very similar to 9-11. Both are clear cases of mass murder
in which so-called democratic states (e.g. Sweden and the U.S.A) conspired and
connived to hide the truth of the egregious crimes which took the lives of
hundreds or thousands of their own citizens. Having covered the sinking of
Estonia since it occurred more than 14 years ago, I have written a great deal
about it. Finally, after all this time, we have the testimony of a former
intelligence chief that reveals the details of the weapons smuggling that was
carried out on this civilian passenger ferry. Herman Simm, the former head of
state secrets in the republic of Estonia, was interviewed by the Estonian
parliamentary investigative commission in November 2006 and revealed his
personal knowledge and insights behind this huge crime, which involved the
highest government and military officials of Sweden. It should be noted,
however, that in this case Sweden was acting as the middleman for a third
party, which appears to have been Israel military intelligence. The
background of this case can be read at -- details of Simm's
revelations will be published later today. This is a historic breakthrough in
this case. How will the governments of Sweden, Estonia, and the United States
respond to these revelations?

My latest articles about Zionist control of the U.S. government:
November 27, 2008

Adam Ereli - A Son of the Hagana in the State Dept. and
Rahm Emanuel - The Israeli Who Will Run the Obama White House
are both posted on

November 6, 2008

Rahm Emanuel, the Israeli son of a Zionist terrorist, will be the chief of
staff of the Obama White House. The intent to get the hard-core Zionist
Emanuel back into the White House is something my readers have known since
mid-October, at least. CNN or the network news will not tell you about
Obama's ties to Israeli terrorists. If you find this information to be
worthwhile, please donate to my research and writing.

"Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff" is the headline
of an article in today's Ha'aretz, the Israeli newspaper. Note that the
Israeli editors proudly wrote that Obama's first choice was "Israeli Rahm
Emanuel" to run the next administration. Americans should note, however, that
an Israeli is a citizen of the state of Israel, which is certainly not an
American state. Emanuel went to Israel in 1991 to serve in the Israeli army.
A person from any other nation would automatically lose his U.S. citizenship
for serving in a foreign military. Why are Israelis running our government?

Read my latest article on this frightful development:
The Israeli Who Will Run the Obama White House

November 3, 2008

My latest article, "Are Elections in America Real?" is about voting in America
in 2008. The article is online at


"Where the election is a fiction, the representation is a fiction also,"
Thomas Paine wrote to his fellow Americans of the early 19th Century. Paine's
words of warning are just as relevant for Americans in the 21st Century: "to
have the representation real, the election must be real."

Do Americans in the 21st Century have a meaningful democratic franchise? Do
Americans have real representation in their government? Can it even be said
in 2008 that elections in the United States are truly transparent and


November 1, 2008

As Election Day approaches, I am preparing an article about how U.S. elections
lack authenticity. I re-read some of my articles about electronic vote fraud
and my articles from the March 2006 special election in Chicago. I did a
series of articles about Sequoia Voting Systems and its "Venezuelan"

Actually the private company running Sequoia voting machines in 2006 was owned
by a family of Spanish Jews named Mugica, who had a residence in Boca Raton.
It turned out that my discoveries about Sequoia's foreign ownership caused a
great deal of ruckus in Chicago and across the United States. In checking
newspaper reports about Sequoia and the Mugica family, I see that my discovery
preceded all of the articles in the mainstream media by at least two weeks.

Chicago Alderman Ed Burke said in April 2006: "I think...we've stumbled
across what could be the international conspiracy to subvert the electoral
process in the United States of America."

"At one point during the hearing, Burke quoted accusations leveled by the
American Free Press...(read Christopher Bollyn)" [Source - Daily Southtown,
April 8, 2006]

You might wonder why the powers that be in Chicago are so hostile to me, a
local fellow who was born in Chicago?

I recommend reading my series of six articles, which includes secret
documents, about the Sequoia voting machines and the Mugica family at Rumor
Mill News. I also have an article entitled "Chicago Ballot Chaos" on this
website. I also recommend reading my first article about electronic vote
fraud, "Death of Democracy or May the Best Hacker Win" from October 27, 2000.
This article, one of the first about the danger of computer vote fraud, is at
the bottom of the page of articles about vote fraud.

Why are American and British troops really in Iraq?
October 26, 2008

Politicians in the United States and Britain are made to pass under the yoke
of the Zionist masters who control our ruling political parties. By forcing
our political leaders -- and every candidate for political office -- to accept
the Zionist yoke our nations have become subjugated and the pro-Israel agenda
forced upon the entire population. The Zionist control of Britain's prime
ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown is explained in my latest article, "How
Mossad Controls our Political Parties."

October 21, 2008

What does Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama really mean?
What are the links between the culprits of 9-11 and the bailout of Zionist
crooks on Wall Street?
See my latest notes at:

October 10, 2008

My latest article, "Herman Simm and the Estonia Catastrophe," is online at and can be read by clicking here. The Estonia sinking of 1994
is an extremely sordid saga, which I have lived through for 14 years as my
wife lost a loved one in the sinking. We have been through many years of
struggles with depression, insurers, relatives, corrupt lawyers and courts.
She has grown through this painful experience. She got through the depression
and became active as a leader for the relatives. She organized a relatives'
group to try to find the truth about the sinking through litigation. Her
informative website about the sinking is at There are
many similarities between the Estonia sinking and 9-11, but I will mention
only one: It was through investigating this catastrophe and the government
cover-up that I came to the realization that modern (so-called) democratic
states, such as Sweden, could connive in serious criminal acts that result in
the deaths of hundreds of their citizens and then lie through their teeth to
conceal their connivance - and protect the criminals. Sorry! Both websites
have been attacked and out of function. We apologize. We are doing our best to
restore years of work.

October 6, 2008
Another U.S. military prosecutor from "Camp Justice" at Guantanamo Bay has
quit. The fourth prosecutor to quit, Lt. Col. Darrel Vandeveld of the U.S.
Army, reportedly resigned because the prosecution is suppressing evidence that
could clear a young Afghan detainee of the charges against him.

I find this very interesting. A military prosecutor quits his position with
the U.S. Army at "Camp Justice" because the prosecution is suppressing
evidence in their attempt to obtain a conviction against a young Afghan
detainee, who allegedly threw a grenade at U.S. soldiers occupying his country
in 2002.

Way to go, Darrel. You are an honest American who stands up for the
fundamental principles of jurisprudence. I wish there were a few people like
you in the utterly corrupt court system of Chicago.

When I was on trial in Cook County (Chicago metropolitan area), the Hoffman
Estates Police Department admitted to having destroyed video evidence that
could have cleared me of any guilt and then told a pack of lies on the stand.
Yet, in my case, no one connected with the administration of "justice" in Cook
County even raised an eyebrow.

Having been charged with resisting arrest and assaulting three armed and
unidentified men who came to my home wearing body armor and blue jeans (who
turned out to be undercover police officers), we discovered in open court that
the Hoffman Estates Police Dept. had "destroyed" all the videos they had made
of the incident. The local papers, who covered the case, didn't find that to
be worth reporting, of course.

This meant that the Hoffman Estates police, who were charging me with
resisting arrest and assaulting three officers, willfully destroyed the video
evidence they had of the incident - in violation of common sense and their own
protocols concerning video evidence. Not only did the Zionist judge not
dismiss the case against me, Judge Hyman I. Riebman did not even sanction the
police for destroying evidence!

It appears that there is a much greater sense of justice to be found among the
prosecutors at the gulag of Guantanamo Bay than I, as an American citizen and
journalist, found among the prosecutors in the courtroom of Hyman Riebman.

What I found most peculiar was that there was absolutely no interest in the
U.S. media or among the so-called journalist organizations to investigate or
protest the brutal attack by undercover police on an American journalist - at
his home in the United States.

So much for the "free press" in America.

October 4, 2008

AMERICANS OUTRAGED by Passage of Bail-Out


By a vote of 263-171 the "bail-out" bill has passed the House of
Representatives, who ignored the strong opposition of their constituents and
gave in to fear, the special interests, and the brutal pressure of the Zionist
caucus leader of the Democratic Party, Rahm Emanuel. This is a massive
betrayal of the American people.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Israeli caucus boss of the Democratic
Party, Rahm Emanuel, pushed the massive bail-out. Emanuel, the Chicago-born
son of an Israeli terrorist, is known for using knives, dead fish, and death
chants to express his hatred for politicians who oppose his dictates.

Pelosi called it a vote for "Mr. and Mrs. Jones on Main Street." Nothing
could be further from the truth. The criminal heads of Lehman Brothers and
A.I.G. are not Mr. Jones and do not live on "Main Street." They are corrupt
Zionist fraudsters with long histories of cheating and stealing on a massive
Read entire article at
(site temporarily not working)

The Bronx Temple Bomb Set-Up: Be Careful With Whom You Associate � Your Friend
Could Be an F.B.I. Informant

May 22, 2009

We are living in very strange times in the United States. The U.S. has become
a bizarre police state in which all the dirty tricks and tactics developed in
the Soviet Union, East Germany, and Israel are now used on the unwitting
American population. As we discovered in suburban Hoffman Estates (N.W.
Chicago) before I was assaulted by undercover police, several of the people
who tried to be our friends were actually F.B.I. informants. I know of at
least three.

These F.B.I. informants would come to my house and try to engage me although
there was never any real reason why I would want to be involved with them in
the first place. In the summer of 2005, we discovered the first two F.B.I.
informants. They were a male-female team that swarmed around us like flies.
One was a handicapped American male; the other a woman from the Philippines.
The first (who had met my wife at the library) had introduced us to the
latter, which is typical of such operations. Later, a Lebanese friend I had
known for years, a U.S. postal worker, told me he had "started" working for
the F.B.I. This swarming of F.B.I. informers around our house was the main
reason we left our home in the fall of 2005 and went to Europe. This is also
why I have learned to be very careful about the people I associate with. I
don't abide F.B.I. informants.

Amazingly, only a few days after President Obama met terror-specialist
Benjamin Netanyahu, now prime minister of Israel, four American black men have
been arrested in what certainly appears to be a very shady "terror" bomb plot
against Jewish buildings in the Bronx and a plane at the privately-owned
airport/military base at Stewart Airport in Newburgh, N.Y.

Bibi Netanyahu was the Israeli foreign minister who told the New York Times on
9-11 that the terror attacks that killed thousands of Americans were "very
good" for U.S.-Israeli relations. Amazingly, he was also on the scene of the
bombings in London in July 2005, and reportedly escaped danger after being
warned by Israeli intelligence of the imminent bombings. Netanyahu, a violent
Jewish racist of the most extreme sort, meeting with America's first "black"
president. Truly amazing! What will come next? The bombing of Iran? All
indications point to a continuation of the radical Zionist agenda. There is
no organized resistance to this agenda, which has complete control of the mass

Judith Miller, the disgraced and convicted Zionist propagandist from the New
York Times, wrote about the terror plot on FOX Forum (Rupert Murdoch's FOX
News) where she is now employed. Still a devoted Zionist propagandist,
Miller's article was meant to underline the main point that the Zionists want
to drill into the minds of Americans: "Watch Out, America, Our Biggest Terror
Threats Are Increasingly Homegrown."

"The foiled plot in New York demonstrates that the terrorist threat to
America, and to New York in particular, did not end with Obama�s election as
president," Miller wrote.

On this, I agree. The United States is still in the hands of terrorists.
Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel from my hometown of Chicago, is named
after a Jewish terrorist and comes from a family of dedicated Zionist
terrorists. The Zionist Irgun, Haganah, LEHI, and Stern Gang of Palestine
invented the use of terrorism as a political tool. Sherman Skolnik, the late
Chicago muck-raking journalist of the Jewish faith, wrote that Rahm Emanuel's
father, Dr. Ben Emanuel (formerly Auerbach) was actually involved in the Irgun
murder of the U.N. Special Envoy to Palestine in 1948, the Swedish Count Folke
Bernadotte. How interesting.

What is very clear from this latest "terror" plot in New York is that this was
another false-flag conspiracy in which the U.S. government, specifically the
F.B.I., played a very active, if not the leading, role. From reading the
statement and complaint of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New
York it is very clear that the F.B.I. was directing and guiding the terror
plot from the beginning. How typical. One of the four defendants, a Haitian,
can not even read or write English.

The bombs and Stinger missile that are described in the complaint were fakes
produced by the F.B.I. That is to say that if the F.B.I. had not been
involved in this plot there would not have been any plot, nor bombs, nor
Stinger missile. This was clearly more of a terror plot "with the U.S."
rather than "within the U.S." The U.S. government was involved in every
aspect of this planned crime. So, why aren't the government agents involved
in plotting terrorist crimes exposed? Who was leading whom? Do we actually
pay for this kind of government service?

This is a case that is strikingly similar to the 1993 bombing of the World
Trade Center. Like the 1993 false flag attack, this case is also being
prosecuted by the Zionist prosecutor Lev Louis Dassin, acting U.S. Attorney in
New York. "Acting" means, in this case , that U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin holds
his position without being appointed by the President or approved by Congress.
Somebody retired and, BINGO, Dassin is put into the crucial position. I have
written more extensively about Lev Dassin's Zionist background in relation to
the Madoff and Nadel cases. He is clearly part of the terror problem - not
the solution.

Dassin, the scion of a family of Russian Zionists, is also handling the Madoff
and Art Nadel cases. In the Madoff case, Dassin did not file the most obvious
charge of conspiracy. He obviously accepted Madoff's statement that he had
stolen the $50 billion all by himself and had no accomplices. According to
Dassin's complaint against Madoff, his closest business partners, Sy Syms and
Jacob Ezra Merkin, who funneled billions of dollars to his investment fund,
were completely clueless and out of the loop. They just invested billions of
dollars into a black hole. Is that believable? The conspicuous fact that
Madoff's partners are the directors and owners of "private" Israeli banks
(privatized under then finance minister Bibi Netanyahu) and have branches in
Switzerland that are allowed to make use of Swiss secrecy laws is of no
interest to Lev Dassin. Golly Lev, so where did the $50 billion go?

Lev Dassin, who comes from a very Zionist Jewish family, worked closely with
Michael Chertoff on the prosecution of the 1993 "false flag" bombing of the
World Trade Center. Do we see a pattern here?

I find it outrageous that the U.S. Dept. of Justice is involved in plotting
and setting up such crimes while it hides the real evidence of what really
happened on 9-11. This is, however, the Zionist-controlled terror state we
are faced with. As Joe Biden clearly revealed in Los Angeles, the U.S.
government refuses to address the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of
the World Trade Center as it conspires to frame American Muslims for crimes
that it designs. What is most disturbing for patriotic Americans is that we
have met the enemy and it is -- U.S.


Bollyn, Christopher, "Is the Prosecutor Protecting Madoff's Fellow
Conspirators?" March 17, 2009

Bollyn, Christopher, "Who is Bernard Madoff, the man behind the $50 billion
fraud?" March 18, 2009

Dassin, Lev Louis, Bronx Temple Statement by U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin, May 20,

Dassin, Lev Louis, Bronx Temple Complaint by U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin, May 19,

Miller, Judith, "Watch Out, America, Our Biggest Terror Threats Are
Increasingly Homegrown," May 21, 2009, Contributing Editor, The Manhattan
Institute/FOX News Contributor

A Citizen Action Plan to Demand the Truth of 9-11

A single element, focused pressure, is exactly what is required, GLOBALLY.
You are 1000% correct...

[Professor Steven E.] Jones' work needs to be investigated by all media, and
when validated, needs to go to the regional political representatives in the
form of a demand for answers, and after having gotten that far, there would be
absolutely no way to stop it. It is no more complex than that. Any energies
spent in any other direction are a waste of resources and energy.
- A reader in Canada

16 April 2009

A Citizen Action Plan to Demand the Truth of 9-11

"You are apparently doing a fantastic job on the 911 research issue. This is a
collective effort and it is wonderful to know that people like you are so
actively promoting the truth. Keep up the good work!!!"

- Dr. Niels H. Harrit, co-author of the paper showing active thermite in the
WTC dust to Christopher Bollyn, April 16, 2009

It is time for concerned citizens to ramp up the political pressure for the
truth of 9-11. As Dr. Harrit wrote, "this is a collective effort." It is
time for a citizen action plan to demand accountability from the mass media
and our political leaders!

Today, more than 7 years after the terrorism that changed the world, we now
have scientific proof that the Twin Towers were demolished - using an
extremely powerful form of Thermite, a highly energetic nano-composite known
as Super-Thermite. Active bits of this incredibly powerful explosive were
found in 4 different samples of dust from the collapsed towers.

My recent article, Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11: Game Over
for Criminals and Cover Up, explains the historic significance of the
publication of this scientific discovery. In Denmark and Estonia, two staunch
allies in the War on Terror, this discovery, which disproves the official
version of events, has already been published and discussed in the national
news media. We cannot allow this crucial discovery to be ignored by the
politicians and media in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United
States of America.

In Denmark, Dr. Niels H. Harrit, one of the authors of the research paper,
discussed the significance of this discovery on a television news program. In
Estonia, the discovery of Super-Thermite was reported in the national news
magazine, Eesti Ekspress.

What we have to do as concerned citizens with moral courage seeking the truth
of what really happened on 9-11 is to spread this information to our local
news media and ask them to publish the information about this crucial
discovery. We also have to bring this discovery to the attention of our local
politicians, representatives and senators in the U.S. Congress. We the people
have to use our power to force this issue to be discussed in the media and the
halls of power. As I said in my articles about this discovery, the writing on
the wall is clear for the 9-11 criminals and those involved in the cover-up:
it says "Game Over." It is time for us to pull the plug on those who have
hijacked the truth about 9-11 for more than 7 years.

I urge you to send the link to the scientific paper entitled "Active Thermitic
Material Discovered in Dust from the 9-11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" to
your local and national news media. Send it to your political leaders at the
local, state, and national levels. Demand that they address this discovery
and investigate who is responsible for putting massive amounts of
Super-Thermite in the Twin Towers before 9-11.

Thank you, for your support and efforts to spread the truth about 9-11. I am
currently working to put my book Solving 9-11 together for publishing this
spring. Please consider sending a donation to support my work. A donation
can be most easily sent by clicking on the link to support my research and

Thank you for your support,


Bollyn, Christopher, "Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11: Game Over
for Criminals and Cover Up," April 14, 2009

Bollyn, C., "Super-Thermite Found in World Trade Center Dust," April 5, 2009,
both at:

Harrit, Niels H. et al, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the
9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," The Open Chemical Physics Journal,
Volume 2, 2009, ISSN: 1874-4125, pp.7-31 (25) Authors: Niels H. Harrit,
Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel
Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen
The complete 25-page paper can be downloaded in pdf format:
or from the publisher:

Niels Harrit, a Danish scientist and co-author of paper, on the evidence of
super-thermite in the WTC dust, TV2 News, Denmark, April 6, 2009

Bollyn Responds to Hufschmid's Slander

This column will contain my responses to some of those who criticize my
Citizen Action Plan and disagree with my call for mass citizen action to
demand the truth about 9-11. After sending out the Citizen Action Plan to
more than 500 readers asking them to bring the evidence of super-thermite to
the attention of the media and government officials, I received very
interesting comments from people who were or who claimed to be active members
of the 9-11 truth movement, but who are now opposed to doing anything - now
that we have scientific proof that the World Trade Center was blown up with

I will use this space to respond to their criticism, with the most recent
responses at the top:

Response No. 2

A Second Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
17 May 2009

"...we are wasting our time if we search for more details about 9/11..."
Eric Hufschmid to Bollyn, 16 May 2009

RE: Eric Hufschmid's Hostile and Slanderous Article "Christopher Bollyn
interviewed by Barbara Jean on 15 May 2009"


Your comments are, as usual, very hostile and clearly designed to sow
suspicion about me and other 9-11 researchers such as Dr. Steven E. Jones. If
anyone, such as Leon, should wonder why I can't work with you all they have to
do is look at the things you have written about me. This latest piece is just
a continuation of your agenda of sowing suspicion about me and what I write.
You are the author of the ridiculous nonsense that I have been kidnapped and
that I am not writing my own articles. You continue with this rubbish to this
very day. You obviously have no intention of helping me as your comments
clearly indicate. You have not even posted any of my very important articles
about 9-11 since mid-2007, when I was forced to leave Chicago.

Either you don't understand the depth and extent of the international Zionist
apparatus that convicted me and would have sent me to Cook County Jail, or you
don't want to talk about it. Your sister's husband, James Murdoch, is a key
player in the Zionist-controlled media and "heir-apparent" to his billionaire
father Rupert Murdoch, a major Elder of Zion. Your mother's husband, a Jew or
half-Jewish immigrant from Berlin if I remember correctly, is probably also a
member, at least he would certainly be suspected as being one if we applied
the same racial criteria that you do. Yet it is you who cast the most hostile
slander and unfair suspicion on real 9-11 researchers, like me and Dr. Steven
E. Jones. It appears that spreading suspicion and hatred is your only real
agenda, besides appearing to be a newly-born and irrational anti-Semite. You
say that researching 9-11 is a waste of time but you seem to have plenty of
time to waste on smearing honest 9-11 researchers like myself.

James Murdoch is considered to be the son who will succeed his father Rupert
at the helm of global media conglomerate News Corporation. James Murdoch is
Eric Hufschmid's brother-in-law. Eric's father, Edward, is father-in-law to
James and grandfather to two of Rupert Murdoch's grandchildren. Eric
Hufschmid is an uncle to two of Rupert Murdoch's grandchildren. What a small

As was made clear during my trial, the people behind the attack on me in Cook
County (Chicago) are the same people who are behind making Obama the
president. It is not just a local problem in Cook County with a couple
trumped-up misdemeanor charges caused by a few bad undercover police from
Hoffman Estates. The people behind the brutal attack on me in August 2006 are
from the very same Zionist network that is behind the 9-11 attacks and
cover-up and which has attacked me for years. This network, which is based
within the secret organization of Jewish Freemasons of B'nai B'rith, has a
global reach and influences national governments around the world. Rupert
Murdoch is at the top of this Zionist apparatus.

As I recall, you did not know anything about the Zionist criminal network
until I explained the history of Zionism to you over a period of many months.

If I recall correctly, your book does not mention anything about the evidence
of Israeli involvement in 9-11. I may be wrong, but I do not recall that you
wrote anything that would inform the reader of your book that there has been a
great deal of evidence of Israeli involvement in this crime since the day it
occurred. 9-11 is clearly the greatest crime of the 21st Century, which began
on January 1, 2000 - something you and your astute readers don't seem to
understand. Dresden and crimes that occurred before 2000 are crimes that
belong to the 20th Century. Centuries begin with the years that end with 00
and continue through for the next hundred years. You might want to point that
out to your daffy reader who is critical of my calling 9-11 the "crime of the
century." Perhaps you can tell me which crime that has occurred since 2000 is
more heinous than 9-11. Maybe I missed something along the way, being so
engrossed in solving 9-11 as I have been.

When I visited you in Santa Barbara, I saw that you worked very closely with
your father who helped you with your book by doing things to promote the book
and get it sent out to people. Your father, Edward, is also the father of
Kathryn Hufschmid, who is married to James Murdoch, the "heir-apparent" of
Rupert Murdoch -- one of the biggest Zionist media moguls in the world and one
of the prime suspects of the false flag terror attacks of 9-11.

Murdoch's FOX News was the first media outlet that tried to smear me as an
anti-Semite. How odd that you seem to be engaged in doing the exact same
thing from another angle. Your father, with whom you work very closely, is
the father-in-law of Murdoch's brightest son, James, and is the grandfather to
the two Murdoch children born to James and Kathryn Hufschmid Murdoch. James
is also said to be very close to his 77-year-old father and speaks to him each
day on the phone.

James Murdoch

I find it hard to believe that Kathryn, your half-sister, who is married into
the family of the multi-billionaire Rupert Murdoch, does not communicate with
her father in California. Your half-sister Kathryn Anne Hufschmid was born in
Santa Barbara on 14 November 1971, when you were already 16 years old. She is
described in a recent article in Intelligent Life magazine: "a former
marketing executive and model from Oregon, Kathryn Hufschmid, who now works
for the Clinton Climate Initiative, the environmental arm of the former
president�s foundation." In the late 1990s, Kathryn was involved in creating
a new Bob Guccione Jr. magazine for men called Gear. James submitted cartoons
for the same magazine, which featured scantily clad women. James is the son
of Rupert Murdoch and Anna Maria T�rv, whose Estonian father, Jakob, was a
seaman who had settled in Scotland. After the T�rv family emmigrated to
Australia in the mid-1950s, her Scottish mother abandoned the family leaving
Anna to care for her younger siblings.

Anna Maria T�rv, Rupert Murdoch's second wife, is the daughter of an Estonian
seaman. Anna T�rv Murdoch-Mann is the mother of James.

Public records show that Kathryn Hufschmid lived in Salem, Oregon until she
was at least 22 years old and that your father, Edward, lived nearby. It
certainly appears that your father and his daughter Kathryn were in close
contact when she was working as a model in her early 20s.

Now that Kathryn is married to James Murdoch, she certainly has the money to
make phone calls and visit and there is no reason why she would not help out
her old dad in Santa Barbara. He is, after all, her father and the
grandfather of her two children. Your dad and Rupert Murdoch are actually
quite close, they are the two grandfathers of Anneka (6) and Walter Murdoch
(3). You are an uncle to two of Rupert Murdoch's grandchildren. A closer
family relationship to the Murdoch family is hard to imagine.

The Murdochs in 2008 - James is on the left with his wife, Kathryn Hufschmid.
Eric Hufschmid's father is James' father-in-law and grandfather, with Rupert,
of their two small children. Rupert Murdoch, a devoted Zionist, made a film
that depicted the exact events of 9-11 - in 2000.

The Murdochs are important because they have been major players in the
cover-up of 9-11 and propagandists pushing the illegal wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan. I find it hard to imagine that they have not contacted you. I
suspect they are actually supporting your ridiculous calls for anti-Semitic
violence, which are as dangerous as they are stupid. Oddly, despite your
anti-Semitic writings and calls for violence, nothing has happened to you or
your comfortable life in Santa Barbara. The worst thing that has happened to
you is that serious 9-11 researchers ignore you. It's certainly not hard to
see why - you seem ridiculous.

Lastly, your comments clearly show that you are not interested in any further
investigation of 9-11. Finding the people who put tons of super-thermite in
the World Trade Center does not interest you in the slightest. This makes no
sense at all. You spend several years writing and speaking about 9-11 and
when solid proof is finally found of super-thermite in the twin towers, you
say discussing it is a waste of time! You even go so far as to say that we
"waste our lives" discussing the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the
WTC. How much sense does that make?

In your unscientific way of thinking, you wrote in your book that the molten
metal pouring off the WTC 2 was probably liquified human remains. Rather than
seriously address the evidence of molten iron and the scientific evidence of
super-thermite -- and investigate who put tons of nano-composite thermite in
the World Trade Center, you want to promote a anti-Semitic crusade against
Jews. I am sorry, Eric, but I can see no reason why I would even want to talk
with you. I sincerely hope that Leon can understand me.

You wrote about yourself in your posting about my recent radio show: "I
stopped investigating 9/11 several years ago. I think we have more than enough
evidence to prove that the World Trade Center was demolished with

and later: "...we are wasting our time if we search for more details about

and again: "Nothing will improve if we waste our lives discussing the latest
report about thermite from the suspicious Professor Steven Jones."

and finally: "We've already done enough of an analysis of 9/11, the HoloHoax,
etc. We don't need any more details about these crimes."

Eric, it is clear to me that talking with you is a "waste of time." You have
no intention of helping solve 9-11. As you say in your own words, finding the
individuals who carried out the "crime of the century" is "wasting our time."

I'm sorry that you see it that way and are so hostile and unfriendly to real
9-11 researchers. It's really quite pitiful.

Christopher Bollyn

Response No. 1

Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
12 May 2009

I don't have any interest in 9/11 because nobody has been asking me for
details about 9/11 for many years.
- Eric Hufschmid, author of Painful Questions, in a message to Christopher
Bollyn on May 8, 2009


I am writing to you about your clear and stated lack of interest in the
discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center and the 9-11
truth movement.

Your recently-stated lack of interest in 9-11 is nothing new, as you and I
both know. Years ago you encouraged me to give up my research on 9-11. You
never expressed any interest in the thermite evidence. You wouldn't even come
to Utah, from California, to meet with Dr. Steven E. Jones when I invited you
to meet him in March 2006. Now that Dr. Jones has produced scientific proof
of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC -- you don't show the slightest
interest. You have not even presented this crucial discovery on your website.
First you claimed to be a 9-11 activist for the truth, with family ties to
Rupert Murdoch and all of that -- and now that we have solid scientific proof
of an inside conspiracy to pulverize the twin towers, you avoid it.

Eric, your interest in 9-11 has always been rather superficial. I recall a
comment that you wrote in your book, when you talk about the molten metal
falling from the tower. Because you could not accept that it was molten
metal, you wrote something about it being liquified human remains. Utter
nonsense, of course, but it did not stop you from putting it in your book. As
twisted and ridiculous as it sounds, you went ahead and published it.

Now, regarding your last email to me on Friday, May 8:

ERIC HUFSCHMID wrote: My lack of interest in 9/11 is NOT like [Michael]
Rupert or [Gregory] Zeigler. I don't have any interest in 9/11 because nobody
has been asking me for details about 9/11 for many years.

BOLLYN: Wrong. Your "lack of interest" is exactly like theirs. You are not
interested because nobody is asking you for details? What kind of excuse is
that? I am interested in solving 9-11 because it is an immense crime that
demands to be solved. Nobody ever asks me for any details about 9/11. But
how would that change anything? This is a very irrational response. Are you
only writing about things that some people ask you about?

HUFSCHMID wrote: I am getting a lot more questions about you and your family,
Zionism, the Holocaust, the Apollo moon landing, and Jews in general. In fact,
I have had more questions over the past year about how you can receive money
sent to a P.O. Box in Chicago.

BOLLYN: My post office box is in Hoffman Estates, not Chicago. Have you and
your readers never heard of mail forwarding? How much of a mystery is that?
If that is the mystery that has you and your readers stumped I would say that
you must not get many good questions.

HUFSCHMID wrote: And your question about why I would want to help you with
your website when I'm not interested in 9/11 sounds like subtle Jewish
propaganda. I was offering to help you regardless of what the content of your
articles were. You could write about the sinking of the Estonia, or Bernie
Madoff, or anything else. I don't care.

BOLLYN: But you don't help me at all. You don't even post my articles and
you claim that I am kidnapped. Why would I want help from you? You have been
nothing but a one-man wrecking crew against me and my family since I was
forced to leave Chicago in June 2007. Since then you have spread vicious lies
and slander about me in an effort to attack my credibility and sow suspicion
about my character. You obviously don't give a damn about 9-11, which is the
main thrust of my work. Why, pray tell, would I have anything to do with you?

HUFSCHMID wrote: What happened to that interview between you and Susie of the
Patriot Dames? Don't tell me you're too busy for an interview. It only takes
an hour or two for you to talk to her.

BOLLYN: I didn't do an interview with Patriot Dames nor did I make plans to
do one. Who are the Patriot Dames, anyway? They wrote me an email but never
told me anything about their show or who they were. I couldn't find any of
their interviews on the website that I was able to listen to. I will be on
with Barbara Jean on RBN this Friday, at least I plan to be. I am not going
to go on the air with people I don't know or who are only agents of
entrapment. Your radio career with Darrel B. Setters (a.k.a. Darrel Bradford
Smith), a person you had never even met, showed me enough about that. When
you and Smith began fomenting violence on your show, I quit talking with you.
I won't step in the same bucket twice. People can be thrown in jail for many
years for inciting violence. I do not support violence as a solution to

HUFSCHMID wrote: Your strange behavior is frightening people...

BOLLYN: My strange behavior is frightening people? Exactly what do you mean
by that? Tell me one thing that I have done or said that can be considered
strange by a rational observer. Eric, really, it is you who is not making

I hope my comments help you to see the error of your ways and bring you to
your senses about the importance of dealing with the evidence of
super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center.

Christopher Bollyn

Dead In The Water - The Sinking of the USS Liberty

14 May 2009

There's a straight line from JFK's murder on November 22, 1963 to the brutal
and savage Israeli attack on the USS Liberty to the 1983 attack on that marine
compound in Lebanon, to the USS Cole bombing -- to 9/11.
-- "Dead In The Water - The Sinking of the USS Liberty" on Goon Squad, May 2,

There is indeed a very clear and obvious "straight line" from the JFK
assassination and attack on the USS Liberty (June 8, 1967) to 9-11. This is
the very essence of the thesis I have described in detail in the 6 or 7
chapters I wrote in 2007-2008 for the first part of my forthcoming book,
Solving 9-11, An Independent Investigation of the Crime of the Century.

I highly recommend viewing and saving the BBC television program, "Dead In The
Water - The Sinking of the USS Liberty," which was made in 2003.

This link takes you to a webpage that has the BBC program in 7 10-minute
Youtube videos. The 42nd anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
is just a few weeks away. If unsolved crimes are allowed to go unpunished the
criminals will only get stronger and commit more crimes. This is the most
important lesson to be learned from the unpunished criminal attack on the USS
Liberty, which was committed by the same people who planned and carried out
the "false flag" terror attacks of 9-11.

With the publication of the Dr. Steven E. Jones (et al) peer-reviewed paper
that proves that super-thermite was used to pulverize the twin towers on 9-11
we can no longer be called "conspiracy theorists" -- we have proof of a
conspiracy and it wasn't Osama bin Laden and his 20 thieves who put
super-thermite in the World Trade Center. Now is the time for Americans to
take action and demand that their local media, political leaders, police,
representatives in Congress, and senators address the evidence of
super-thermite in the dust of the WTC.

Dead In The Water - The Sinking of the USS Liberty

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
--Winston Churchill

The USS Liberty after the being pounded by Israeli planes, napalm, and torpedo
in 1967

Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "AMERICA THE TARGET" - 9-11 and Israel's Use of Terrorism
to Coerce the West, 2008

Facing the Evidence of Super-Thermite - Letters to the NY Times, CNN (Time
Warner) and a Member of Congress

I have sent the following letters to the New York Times, CNN and Time Warner,
my representative in Congress, and the Guardian newspaper in Britain. Letters
like these should be sent by concerned citizens across America and around the
world to local politicians and media as well as the big networks and each and
every member of Congress - and the White House. I would recommend that the
letters be sent by email and also by post. Request a written response. A
follow-up phone call would also help. Readers are taking similar actions in
Canada and Australia. Citizens, now is the time to pile on the pressure.
Feel free to use my links and text if you would like to. Let me know how it
goes in your area. You can now contact me by clicking on the little envelope
at the top right-hand side. Here are a few of my letters:

To: Mr. Clark Hoyt, Public Editor, The New York Times
620 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10018
(212) 556-7652

An Open Letter to The New York Times
from Christopher Bollyn
April 21, 2009

Ignoring the Evidence of Super-Thermite from the World Trade Center

Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe," by Steven E. Jones, Niels H Harrit, et al, The Open
Chemical Physics Journal, Vol. 2, February 13, 2009

Dear Mr. Hoyt and Editors of The New York Times and International Herald

How can the New York Times completely ignore the scientific evidence of
nano-thermite, or super-thermite, found in the dust of the demolished and
pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center? Do you consider this crucial
scientific discovery irrelevant to the understanding of what happened on 9-11?

A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones, has
proven that chips of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as
nano-thermite or super-thermite," were found in five different samples of dust
from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. This paper, which passed
a peer review and was published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an
historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive
collapses of the twin towers, yet not a single word about it has been
published in the New York Times.

The silence of the New York Times about the evidence of super-thermite in the
destruction of the twin towers is a perfect illustration of why newspapers are
going out of business in the United States: a controlled press is simply not
relevant. The American people want truthful information about the vital
issues of the day, like 9-11. The New York Times, on the other hand, is a
good example of the controlled press: the Times "failed the American public"
in your reporting during the lead-up to the war in Iraq, according to your own
bureau chief in Baghdad, John Burns. Previously, the Times spread blatantly
false reports about that country's alleged weapons of mass destruction in
order to create public support for an illegal war of aggression. Now, when we
have solid scientific evidence that a highly-advanced nano-composite thermitic
explosive known as super-thermite has been found in the dust of the World
Trade Center, you are silent.

The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade
Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11. This
scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been
placed in the twin towers long before the two planes struck them on 9-11.
Although we have earlier seen evidence that the towers were demolished with
explosives, this is the first time we have solid evidence of the explosives
involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers.

Clearly, the New York Times is unwilling to publish the most pertinent
information about vital matters concerning the American people, such as the
search for the truth about what really happened on 9-11. This makes the New
York Times irrelevant. The Times is in the same boat as the controlled press
of the former Soviet Union and many of the leading newspapers of the United
States. The controlled press is a boat that is sinking and that deserves to

Christopher Bollyn

Sources: Bollyn, Christopher, �We Failed the American Public,� American Free
Press, April 2, 2004

Comments from supporters:

"The Tide is Turning"

I'm right behind you on this one. I've contacted news agencies in Australia
and the UK to alert them to this issue, and I will not relent until a
outcome is achieved. I really appreciate your alerting me to the publication,
and I absolutely agree that the tide is turning on the perpetrators of this

- N.M. in Australia

* * *

To: The Board of Directors, Time Warner Inc.
c/o Office of the Corporate Secretary

Edward Adler, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications
Time Warner Inc.
1 Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019

Philip Kent, Chairman and CEO
Turner Broadcasting Systems
1 CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303

Ted Turner
Turner Enterprises, Inc.
Atlanta, GA 30303

An Open Letter to CNN and Time Warner
from Christopher Bollyn
April 28, 2009

Why is CNN & Time Warner Avoiding the Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Dust
of the World Trade Center?

Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe," Niels H. Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al, The Open
Chemical Physics Journal, February 13, 2009 (Date accepted)

Dear Sirs:

As one of the largest news networks in the United States, Time Warner's CNN is
a source of information for millions of people. As a news network serving the
public, CNN is expected to report honestly about the news and relevant
developments connected to the important matters facing the nation. As the
worst terror attack in U.S. history and the seminal event leading to the
extremely costly "War on Terror," 9-11 remains a subject of great interest and
importance to the American people � and the world.

CNN, however, has never shown any real interest in discussing the physical
evidence of 9-11. When, for example, a CNN team came to Schaumburg, Illinois,
in January 2007, to interview me as an independent journalist writing about
9-11, they showed absolutely no interest in discussing the evidence of
explosives and steel-melting thermite in the destruction of the World Trade
Center, although this was the key element of the research I had been writing
about for the previous year or more. Rather than discuss the evidence of
demolition, CNN seemed determined to frame me as an anti-Semite. I was
repeatedly asked, "So, who did it?" To which I responded, "9-11 is an
unsolved crime."

Failing to get me to say anything that could even be remotely construed as
anti-Semitic, CNN relied on a video-editing trick in an obvious attempt to
smear me. After I told CNN very clearly that I was not an anti-Semite, the
video editors spliced in a clip of a woman from the Anti-Defamation League of
the B'nai B'rith (a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) taken in another
city at another time, that made it appear that she was responding to my
comments. Fortunately, we had recorded the entire interview with CNN and were
able to show how CNN was not at all interested in the evidence from 9-11 but
wanted only to smear me as an anti-Semite. Why would CNN even have such an
agenda to attack a truth seeker of 9-11?

Now, two years later, we have a scientific peer-reviewed paper that presents
physical evidence of super-thermite (i.e. nano-thermite) found in the dust
from the destroyed and pulverized World Trade Center. This is a crucial
discovery because this is evidence of the extremely sophisticated and powerful
explosive that pulverized the twin towers on 9-11. CNN, however, has yet to
even report on this key discovery, which was published in a peer-reviewed
scientific journal in March 2009. Why is CNN avoiding discussion of such
crucial evidence of the explosives found in the dust of the destroyed twin
towers? Is the scientific evidence explaining how the towers were destroyed
of no importance to CNN?

How can CNN ignore the scientific evidence of large amounts of nano-thermite,
or super-thermite, found in the pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center?
A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones of
Provo, Utah, has proven the existence of a highly-explosive thermitic
material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," in five
different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center.
This paper, published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic
breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the
twin towers, yet CNN has not even mentioned it.

The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade
Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11. This
scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been
placed in the twin towers before the two planes struck them on 9-11. So, who
put super-thermite in the WTC?

This is the first time we have solid evidence of the unusual explosives
involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers. One would think
that CNN would find such a development to be newsworthy. CNN's refusal to
discuss the crucial evidence of explosives in the World Trade Center reveals
that CNN is both controlled and opposed to discussing the evidence of what
really happened on 9-11.


Christopher Bollyn

* * *

To: Rep. Melissa Bean
432 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3711

April 28, 2009

An Open Letter to a Member of Congress
Concerning the Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Dust of the World Trade

Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe," Niels H. Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al, The Open
Chemical Physics Journal, February 13, 2009 (Date accepted)


Dear Rep. Bean:

As the worst terror attack in U.S. history and the seminal event leading to
the extremely costly "War on Terror," 9-11 remains a subject of great interest
and importance to the American people � and the world.

We now have a scientific peer-reviewed paper that presents physical evidence
of super-thermite (i.e. nano-thermite) found in the dust from the destroyed
and pulverized World Trade Center. This is a crucial discovery because this
is evidence of the extremely sophisticated and powerful explosive that
pulverized the twin towers on 9-11.

A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones of
Provo, Utah, has proven the existence of a highly-explosive thermitic
material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," in five
different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center.
This paper, published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic
breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the
twin towers.

The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade
Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11. This
scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been
placed in the twin towers before the two planes struck them on 9-11. So, who
put super-thermite in the WTC?

This is the first time we have solid evidence of the unusual explosives
involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers. I would expect that
this discovery would be of great interest to members of Congress. This
evidence disproves the official version of events and indicates that the
nation has been lied to about what really happened on 9-11.

I would like the information presented to Congress for discussion and entered
into the Congressional record as a crucial scientific discovery about what has
been found in the dust of the World Trade Center. Please inform me by email
of your actions on this matter.

Thank you.

Christopher Bollyn

Arlen Specter - Elder of Zion & Notorious Liar in the U.S. Senate

Senator Arlen Specter's switch to the Democratic party after 29 years as a
Republican has much more to do with pushing through the radical Zionist agenda
of the Obama administration than anything else. Specter will be 80 years old
in 2010 when he runs for a 6th term in the U.S. Senate. The Obama White House
is controlled by the senior Zionist-Communist/Israeli advisors to the
president, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod. With 60 Democratic senators there
will be little the GOP members can do as a block to prevent the passage of
more radical legislation in the Senate. Because the Obama White House is a
puppet government of international Zionists, it is important that readers
understand that Specter is a very high-level Zionist agent in the U.S.

Arlen Specter is infamous for being the author of the preposterous "magic
bullet" theory on the Warren Commission, the official investigation into the
murder of President John F. Kennedy. As an assistant counsel for the
commission, Specter promoted the controversial "single bullet theory," which
asserted that the wounds to Kennedy and non-fatal wounds to Texas Governor
John Connally were caused by the same bullet. Most importantly, this theory
claimed that the wound to the front of Kennedy's neck was an exit wound,
rather than an entry wound, which is what it clearly was. Specter's "magic
bullet" theory was a crucial assertion for the Warren Commission, since if
both Kennedy and Connally had been wounded by separate bullets, that would
have proved the presence of a second assassin and therefore a conspiracy.

To understand more about Specter's role in promoting the lies of the "magic
bullet" and the murder of JFK, see: "Arlen Specter and The 'Magic' Bullet" by
Jim Fetzer at:

Arlen Specter (left) was the "author" of the "magic bullet" lie on the Warren

I suspect that Arlen Specter is a high-level agent of the B'nai B'rith, the
secret organization of Jewish Freemasons which I consider to be the real
Elders of Zion. This exclusive Jewish organization of Freemasons has immense
power in the United States and around the world. The New York Times is a B'nai
B'rith run newspaper, for example, controlled by the Sulzberger family. The
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Hillel are both B'nai B'rith organizations.
The first has a great deal of control over law enforcement; the second over
the college campuses of the United States.

The B'nai B'rith actually recruited and brought many thousands of Jews from
Eastern Europe to the U.S. (especially to western states) to swell their ranks
of Zionist agents in the late 1800s and early 1900s. I suspect that the
Spektor family was one of them. Harry Spektor (a.k.a. Spector, Specter),
Arlen Specter's father, moved between the East Coast and Nebraska and Kansas
in the 1920s and 30s. A B'nai B'rith background would explain Arlen Specter's
key role in the cover-up of the conspiracy to murder JFK. As a matter of
fact, being an agent of B'nai B'rith is the only thing that would explain
Specter's being placed in this crucial position to effectively cover-up the
Zionist conspiracy to murder President John F. Kennedy.

The role of the secret Jewish Freemasonic B'nai B'rith in such crimes can best
be explained by understanding that such blatant criminal cover-ups such as the
Warren Commission and the 9-11 Commission can only be carried out with the
connivance of the Zionist-controlled media. If the Sulzberger family of the
New York Times, for example, a founding family of B'nai B'rith, did not
actively support such cover-ups - they would have no chance of fooling the
people. In this way, one can discern the real powers behind the cover-up -
and the crimes. The media silence about the discovery of super-thermite in
the dust of the World Trade Center speaks volumes about the Zionist
controllers of the media and their role in the cover-up of what really
happened on 9-11.

Arlen Specter's first award was actually given to him by B'nai B'rith in 1966,
when he received the Jewish Freemasons' "Youth Services Award." Arlen Specter
(also spelled Spector) is a Zionist Jew who has a long history of such
fabrications as the "magic bullet" theory he used to frame Lee H. Oswald as
the lone killer of Kennedy. His father was a junk dealer from a place near
Kiev and Sen. Specter has been peddling junk on Capitol Hill since he arrived
in Washington as a senator from Pennsylvania in 1980. How such a notorious
fabricator could be elected to the U.S. Senate five times says a great deal
about the serious failure of the U.S. media and government to expose such
liars and scoundrels.

Who is Arlen Specter? He is a devoted Zionist "Russian" Jew who comes from a
family of extremely ardent Zionists. His father and mother moved to Israel,
where Aron "Harry" Spektor died in 1964, and Arlen's sister, Hilda Specter
Morgenstern, emmigrated to (from the richest nation on Earth) after World War
2 (when Israel was created) and lives in Jerusalem, as Sen. Specter told the
U.S. Senate:

After the war [WW2], Hilda, Arthur, and their family of four children lived in
Russell, KS, without the benefit of a Jewish education, so they moved to
Wichita where Hilda became superintendent to the Hebrew school. When they
found the Jewish education there insufficient, they moved to Denver. When that
proved insufficient, they moved to New York City. When that was not enough,
they moved to Jerusalem where Hilda and Arthur now reside--except for periodic
visits to the United States to help in my many campaigns.

When Specter ran for president in 1996 he said the first thing he would do if
elected would be to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognize the
occupied city as the capital of Israel:

My commitment to America is to fight the scourge of international terrorism --
illustrated by the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York -- and the
nerve gas attack in the Tokyo subway. At the outset of my presidency, I will
move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem to implement the Sense of the Senate
Resolution calling for recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capitol [sic].

Biographical sketches of Specter say that he is the son of a Jewish immigrant
from Russia named Harry Specter and Lillie Shanin, a Russian Jewish girl from
Missouri. His father, Aron Spektor, apparently immigrated in 1911 at age 18
with another brother Mordehe, age 25.

Sen. Specter had a tribute to his father put in the congressional record on
the anniversary of his 100th birthday in 1992:

At the age of 18, determined to avoid the oppression of the czar's heel, he
saved a few rubles, walked across the European Continent and set sail for
America in steerage. His arrival in the United States and his search for his
brother, Joseph, demonstrated his character, imagination, and determination
which would be the hallmarks of his life.

When he landed in New York, a teeming city of almost 5 million people, my
father had no address for his brother but knew only the name and street corner
of his brother's bank from a check which had been received by the family in
Batchkurina. So, on a Sunday morning, he went to the street corner with the
hope that his brother might live nearby and pass the bank.

After several hours, he saw his brother walk by and excitedly ran up to him
and shouted, "Yussel, Yussel, Ich bin dein bruder Aaron.'' Yiddish for:
"Joseph, Joseph, I am your brother Harry.'' My father had changed considerably
in the 7 years since Joseph had last seen his 11-year-old brother. Looking at
the stranger, my Uncle Joe said, "Oyb du bist mein bruder Aaron, kum mit
mir.'' Yiddish for: "If you are my brother Harry, come with me.'' And so began
my father's life in America.

Immigration records show that an Aron Spektor arrived on January 28, 1911, on
the Volturno sailing from Rotterdam. Spektor named his origin as the town of
Monastyrischen, which is the nearest town to the hamlet of Batchkurina
(Bachkuryne), which is where Specter says his father originated.

You see, my father grew up in a small town in Russia called Batchkurina, - in
a one room hut with a dirt floor - a hut he shared with his parents, - seven
brothers, - and one sister. As the only Jewish family in the town, - they were
a convenient target for the slurs of the villagers - and the threats of the

Specter's father certainly did not walk across Europe in the dead of winter of
1910-11, from Kiev to Holland, where he boarded a ship for New York. This is
another fabrication of the Spektor imagination, a family that appears to have
a very loose grasp of reality.

The convicted murderer Phil Spector: Another member of the infamous Spektor

The record of Aron Spektor is most likely Specter's father because the name of
Aron's father, Avrum, matches that of the "only" Jew in the town, according to
Sen. Specter:

Joan and I visited my father's birthplace in 1982. In Batchkurina (Bachkuryne)
we talked to the village elder, a man 81 years of age, who at first did not
recall the Specter family. When I commented that the Specters were the only
Jewish family in town, he then exclaimed that he did remember "Avram the
Jew.'' His identification of my grandfather's first name was made without any
prior identification of that name by me. That incident emphasized for me the
difference of being Jewish in Russia in 1911 or 1982 or, for the matter 1992.

Sen. Specter's father went to Israel in 1964, where he died:

A trip to Israel was my father's lifelong ambition. It always made me uneasy
when he would say that he wanted to die and be buried in Israel. On October 9,
1964, Joan and I brought a bottle of champagne on board the ship Shalom to
toast my parents' departure for Haifa. Three weeks later, a letter arrived
from my mother saying that my father had suffered a heart attack when he
overexerted himself in his excitement to walk the streets of Tel Aviv. A 5
a.m. telephone call on November 2, 1964, brought the news of his death and my
sister Hilda and I flew from New York later that day to bury our father in the
Cholom cemetery in Tel Aviv. The orthodox burial ceremony had no casket with
my father laid to rest in a large tallis, the Jewish prayer shawl.


Arlen Specter, March 30, 1995

The 100th Anniversary of Arlen Specter's Father's Birth, Congressional Record
of the U.S. Senate, July 1, 1992, Page: S9393

Happy Birthday Hilda Specter Morgenstern, Congressional Record, Specter, Arlen
[R-PA], October 17, 1995

Anti-Zionist Party Running in France

May 11, 2009

When the United States of America was a much younger and more politically
active nation, Americans actually had a political party that stood up against
the powerful secret society of the Freemasons. There was an Anti-Masonic
Party running candidates for election in the United States in the 1820s and
30s and again in the 1870s and 80s. These parties were formed from a "popular
movement based on public indignation at and suspicion of the secret fraternal
order known as the Masons, or Freemasons," according to the Encyclopedia
Britannica. The Anti-Masonic party, which was the first American third party,
was a single-issue party. You can imagine how strongly Americans must have
felt about Freemasons running the government in the 1800s; today nobody knows
enough to even care. American society is infested with Freemasons.

In France, there were anti-Semitic parties that fielded candidates during the
late 1800s. Other nations in the past have also had anti-Semitic political
parties and movements that were organizations that were primarily engaged in
resisting the political influence of organized Jewry in their nations. Today,
there are very few.

In the United States we have neither anti-Masonic nor anti-Semitic political
parties or organizations. Rather, we are ruled by a secret society of Jewish
Freemasons known as the International Order of B'nai B'rith. This is not
meant to be a provocative statement. I am just stating a rather
well-recognized matter of fact. Our political parties, our media, our schools
and universities, even our churches, are all heavily influenced or directly
controlled by organized Jewry and have been for decades; the key word being
"organized." The B'nai B'rith are powerful, secretive, and organized. This
is how they control our nation.

Now, in France, it appears that there will be lists of anti-Zionist candidates
for the European Union elections in June. This is a major development. It
seems very likely that -- if the plug is not pulled on this anti-Zionist party
-- that there will be several anti-Zionist candidates elected to positions in
the EU machine, while in the USA it is currently impossible for a political
candidate to stand up against the Zionist crimocracy running the United
States. The media, much of which is Zionist controlled, protects the
crimocracy. The media silence about the discovery of super-thermite in the
dust of the World Trade Center is a good example of how the media supports the
crimocracy. That is why the Citizen Action Plan is so important. We need to
see which media outlets are truly interested in informing the public and which
are simply controlled. It's a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff.

The anti-Zionist party in France is providing the French voters with a real
choice, but it is still not out of the woods. The EU Observer reports that
France is still looking for ways to ban the anti-Zionist party from running in
the election:

France is examining the possibility of banning the "anti-Zionist" voting lists
French comedian Dieudonne wants to present for the European Parliament
elections in June, a senior advisor of President Nicolas Sarkozy has said.

"The public authorities are currently looking into whether [Dieudonne's]
initiatives are within the reach of the law," Claude Gueant, the
secretary-general of the Elysee Palace, said on Sunday (3 May) on France's
Radio J.

Mr Diedonne has been given fines on several occasions for making anti-Jewish
comments, notably during his shows.

"I am not sure that we will manage to prohibit them. We can only prohibit what
the law allows to prohibit."

One of the candidates is Yahia Gouasmi, president of the Anti-Zionist Party -
a French nationalist movement.

During the press conference launching the campaign, Mr Gouasmi said: "Behind
every divorce, there is a Zionist, I am telling you. Behind everything that
divides human nature, there is a Zionist. This is what we believe and this is
what we are going to prove."

It looks like it may be a very interesting election in France in June.

Source: "France considers ban on 'anti-Zionist' voting lists," Elitsa

Obama and the Jews

To understand Obama's devotion to Jewish and Zionist causes it is essential to
understand what the Zionist elite of Chicago and the United States have known
for 17 years: "Jews made him."

"Jews made him. Wherever you look, there is a Jewish presence," a Jewish
political observer said in the article, "Obama and the Jews" published in
Chicago Jewish News in October 2008.

Although I have written extensively on Obama's Zionist handlers, it needs to
be understood that this is not anti-Semitic rhetoric. It is well known that
Obama is beholden to the Zionist powers that have a great deal of control over
the U.S. economy, mass media, and government. The following are comments from
Chicago Jews, extracts taken from the article "Obama and the Jews" written by
Pauline Dubkin Yearwood and published in Chicago Jewish News on October 24,

"I think when this is all over, people are going to say that Barack Obama is
the first Jewish president."
- Abner Mikva, former congressman from Chicago and counsel to President

Obama is "embedded in the Jewish world."
- Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf, Obama's neighbor and longtime supporter

"He's right on all the issues when it comes to Israel. He's in exactly the
same place (Hillary) Clinton is, maybe even stronger."
- Bettylu (Klutznick) Saltzman, daughter of Philip Klutznick, a Chicago
developer and leading Zionist who served a leading role in the development of
the State of Israel. Klutznick was president of B'nai B'rith, the
international secret organization of Jewish Freemasons, which I consider to be
the real-life Elders of Zion, and the World Jewish Congress. Klutznick's
daughter has been Obama's most crucial Zionist supporter and financier since

The article also discusses Obama's Jewish relatives: "Obama even has a Jew in
his mishpocheh [family], albeit on his wife's side. Rabbi Capers Funnye, the
spiritual leader of Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken-Agudath Achim Congregation on
Chicago's South Side is Michelle Obama's cousin - her grandfather and the
rabbi's mother were sister and brother."

The Rabbi in the Obama Family: Capers Funnye

Sources: "OBAMA AND THE JEWS: A look at why some Jews love him and some don't
trust him; and at the key role Chicago Jews played in getting him to where he
is" by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood, Chicago Jewish News, October 24, 2008

Chavets, Zev, "Obama's Rabbi," New York Times, April 2, 2009

The Israeli Connection to 9-11 - Bollyn Article in PDF

Israeli Connection to 9-11

Graphic and article layout by Brandon Schaefer of

Bollyn on Website Problems, Estonian Satanists, and Real Help

April 23, 2009

Readers of my websites, and the hijacked, know
very well that my websites are currently under attack. This is why I
recommend that readers download, re-post, and print out articles that interest

The person who helped create in November 2007 is an Estonian
would-be webmaster named Aivar Hiienurm. Mr. Hiienurm, who was recommended to
us by Margus Lepa of N�mme Radio, was paid more than $400 to help design and
create the site. His assistance, however, was completely non-existent, which
is the main reason why the site never worked properly. In February of this
year, apparently at the behest of higher powers, Hiienurm began actively
sabotaging my website, which was read by many thousands of readers daily.
After some investigation, we found an Internet report that named Hiienurm as
belonging to a group of 20 Estonian Satanists who provoke and insult
Christians on the Internet. My website remains hijacked by this Estonian
Satanist to this day. When we asked Lepa, who was also named as a member of
the Satanic group, if the report was true, he confirmed that it was.

The behavior of this Estonian Satanist is far more despicable than that of a
Somali pirate at the helm of a hijacked ship. The Estonian prosecutor's
office and friends in high places in Tallinn seem completely unable or
unwilling to help me with this low-level scoundrel. Theft of intellectual
property means nothing to the Estonian authorities. Somalis, on the other
hand, at least have a religious code of conduct, something one does not find
in atheistic modern-day Estonia where Milton Friedman economics have ravaged
whatever wealth that small nation has. As the Estonian economy suffers a
severe contraction of some 15 percent, Estonians struggling to survive may
wonder why their leaders followed such stupid economic policies dictated by
the global gangsters at the University of Chicago. The former prime minister
Mart Laar received the Milton Friedman prize for allowing "market forces" to
plunder his nation. His first act was to privatize the liquor monopoly, which
he gave to himself and his friends. In 1992, Laar was involved in a shady $50
million weapons deal with Israel in which Estonia shelled out desperately
needed dollars that would have been much better spent on developing its
woefully neglected infrastructure. Laar and two other crooks gave Israel $50
million to buy captured weapons and artillery that did not even function in
cold conditions. Laar was also prime minister when the civilian ferry sank
named Estonia sank in 1994 as it repeatedly ferried advanced Soviet weapons
technology to Sweden - en route to Israel with the connivance of the Swedish
and Estonian authorities.

Mart Laar, then prime minister of Estonia, met the Bollyn family at an event
in New York's Estonia House during the U.N. Millennium Summit, Sept. 6-8,

(Historical note: In 1993, Germany offered 75 million Deutsch Marks [some $40
million] to the government of Estonia to rebuild the Estonian National Museum,
the erstwhile Liphardt family manor of Tartu, destroyed in the war. Mart
Laar, then prime minister of the tiny and devastated former Soviet republic,
oddly refused to accept the donation saying that he had signed an "agreement"
which prevented Estonia from accepting money from the wealthiest nation in
Europe. Who would have dictated such an agreement - and why? On the other
hand, who would willingly accept an agreement to lock out assistance from one
of the richest nations of the world, especially one that has deep cultural
ties to the nation?

It was, after all, the Germanic "Aesti" who built Estonia in the first place.
The Aesti of Tacitus in 100 A.D., should not to be confused with the
Finno-Ugric people [Chuds in Russian] who now populate the territory. The
Aesti described in Germania by Tacitus were a Germanic people who lived on the
Baltic coast in the area where amber is found, i.e. the Lithuanian-East
Prussian shores. The people and name Aesti apparently migrated north to
modern day Estonia where the Chuds, a Finno-Ugric tribe, at some point mingled
with the Aesti. The German-speaking people, who have lived along the Baltic
shore for millennia, brought religion, written language, and the fruits of
civilization to the Chuds, the extremely primitive Asiatic ancestors of
Estonians. The Germanic Aesti were shocked to find that the Chuds actually
ate their own children and family members when food was scarce. The Russians
call the lake between Russia and Estonia "Chudskoe" or sea of the Chuds.

Giving bread to starving Chuds in 1697

I was shocked to see a recent article in the Estonian press that compared
current conditions to the hard times in the past when the Chuds ate their
children! Things are not so bad, the article said, we don't have to eat our
babies anymore.

Haim, the Jewish sausage maker of Tartu:
Horrifying and creepy humorous story for children with iron nerves

All stone buildings in Estonia, like those of the famous old town of Reval
(Tallinn) were built by Baltic Germans and the merchants of the Hansa League.
Estonians, on the other hand, have always lived in primitive wooden
structures. The Finno-Ugric peasants were not even allowed to live in
medieval Reval, a walled city with gates and high walls designed to keep the
Chuds out. Reval, which was first built in the 11th Century, retained its
Germanic identity and majority until the middle of the 19th Century. The name
"Eesti" defined the prosperous Baltic trading state built by German Christians
-- not Finno-Ugric robbers, as the Chuds are described even in modern texts
about Estonia. The name Eesti remained although the Germanic people who
brought the name and civilization to this far corner of the world were
forcibly deported and their property confiscated by Soviet Estonians between
1919-1944. The widespread confiscation of properties owned by Baltic Germans
in 1919, a little known fact, reveals the Soviet character of the so-called
independent Estonian Republic. Estonia, much like Zimbabwe after the
appropriation of white-owned farms, never prospered after the deportation of
the Aesti, the Germanic people who built the nation.)

About the Estonian (i.e. Chud) Satanist scoundrel who has sabotaged, I can say one thing: never trust anyone who has a bust of
Adolf Hitler in their front room. Aivar Hiienurm was the webmaster of a
"radical" radio station in Tallinn called N�mme Radio, run by Margus Lepa, a
well known child actor in Estonian film history. In the entry to N�mme Radio
there is a great deal of Nazi paraphanelia including a bust of Hitler. Now,
anyone who knows anything about modern Baltic history will know that Hitler
and his Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact gave nothing to Estonia. The Nazi-Soviet pact
actually gave the territory of Estonia and Latvia to the Soviet Union! This
is part of the game that Lepa, an organizer of skin head neo-Nazis in Estonia,
is playing. What is very interesting is that Lepa's N�mme Radio is supported
by Aleksander Einseln, the former U.S. Army officer who became chief of staff
in the newly independent Estonia. Lepa told us that he is Einseln's personal
body guard. Letters of support from Einseln adorn the walls beside the bust
of Hitler. Einseln is a prime suspect in the illegal weapons smuggling that
was on-going on the civilian ferry named Estonia, which sank on September 28,
1994, with more than 852 lives lost.

Aleksander Einseln

The other person who has a bust of Hitler in his front room is a veteran
writer with American Free Press (run by the Jewish leftist lawyer Mark Lane
and Willis A. Carto). I worked for the Spotlight and American Free Press from
2000 until October 2006. AFP is the paper that reduced my salary in 10
percent chunks several times as I investigated 9-11 and then suddenly fired me
after having collected many thousands of dollars for my legal defense in the
fall of 2006. The person who had a bust of Hitler in his front room, which I
saw, is a homosexual who lived with a black drug dealer named Greg when I
wrote for that paper in 2000-2001. I would often hear Greg calling up to his
"friend" from the sidewalk below my office, which was next to Willis Carto's
and directly across from the Library of Congress. The un-named person, who
plays the conspicuous role of AFP's chief in-house "anti-Semite," often
bragged to me of his Jewish ancestors. He even toted a bag that was given to
him by the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, Israel's lobby on
Capitol Hill. During the time I worked at AFP, the editor was a young man who
had a pierced tongue and who told me that he was also a Satanist. This
bizarre situation only makes sense if one understands the nature of
controlled-opposition newspapers in the United States and elsewhere.

Now, in the predicament I find myself, with one website hijacked, I suddenly
get a message of support from Eric Hufschmid, who now offers to help me with
my website problems. It should be remembered that Hufschmid has been
promoting the rumor that I have been kidnapped and held by the Mossad for
several years:

From: <>
Subject: Re: A Citizen Action Plan from Bollyn
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 10:29 PM


since you're having trouble with your websites, why not let me maintain your
website? I won't charge anything.


I certainly encourage readers to print out and download my articles, because
the Internet is an ephemeral medium, unlike a book or magazine. I appreciate
any and all help that is given to me -- if it is sincere. I have no problem
with people re-posting my articles on their websites. One such website, The
Truthseeker in Britain, for example, has been very helpful in bridging the gap
created by the hijacking of This is what I suggested to Eric
Hufschmid, if he is truly interested in helping bring my research out to a
wider audience:

Eric and Leon,

I appreciate your offer. Since you seem to have come to the conclusion that I
am not being held hostage on some barge in Germany, why have you not changed
the contents on your website? You still promote the idea that I am writing
bait for the Zionists, yet you want to help me with my website? This does not
make sense. Your site should make sense, after all.

You are certainly free to re-post my articles on your website, where you even
have a section in my name. That certainly would make sense if you are really
on my side, as you claim to be. This re-posting, however, you have not done
for more than a year. Furthermore, you should remove all comments that say I
have been kidnapped and other comments that are designed to raise suspicion
about my work. This was clearly a sinister strategy of yours and DBS to
reduce my credibility. If you are now sincere in wanting to help me get my
message out, you will have to show that by acting accordingly. I don't intend
to step into the same bucket twice. Thank you.


Christopher Bollyn


Erelt, Pekka, "When Sausage Was Made from People in Tartu" [Kui Tartus
inimestest vorsti tehti], Eesti Ekspress, April 11, 2008

Key Chapter of Solving 9-11 Published in European News Magazine

The key chapter of Christopher Bollyn's forthcoming book, Solving 9-11 & The
Price I Had To Pay, has been published in an edited form in Eesti Ekspress,
the leading weekly news magazine of Estonia. The online version of the
chapter "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11"
can now be read, in Estonian, on the magazine's website. The Estonian title
of the article is, "911 - Iisraeli poolt vastaspoole lipu all korraldatud
terrorilavastus?", which means "9-11 - Israeli False-Flag Terrorism"

Prior to publishing Bollyn's research article that maps the Israeli
intelligence network behind the false-flag attacks of 9-11, Eesti Ekspress had
a professional fact-checker in Britain scrutinize the facts and statements
made in the lengthy article for accuracy. The fact-checking, which was done
during the winter, examined nearly 100 points and found each and every one to
be correct. It should be noted that the fact-checker is not sympathetic to
Bollyn's thesis and is of the opinion that Osama Bin Laden and his gang of 20
are the true perpetrators of the immensely destructive terrorism of 9-11. His
analysis of the text can be read in the following article, "Bollyn Research
Proved to be Without Error."

This is actually the first time that the information found in one of Bollyn's
research articles detailing the role of Israeli intelligence in the events of
9-11 has been published in a mainstream news source. Eesti Ekspress has gone
further than any U.S. magazine or newspaper and is ahead of every other
mainstream media news outlet by allowing the reading public to read the facts
and judge for themselves the merit of his arguments. CNN and FOX News have
both interviewed Christopher Bollyn pretending to be interested in the
evidence but never presenting any of his facts or evidence to the public.
Both of these Zionist-controlled news outlets sought only to label Bollyn as
an anti-Semite. Eesti Ekspress is a large format glossy news weekly that is
found in all Estonian libraries, shops, and hotels, and which is read by the
entire Estonian population, including the politicians, intelligence agencies,
and Russian-speaking citizens of Estonia.

Articles & Audio Files

Bollyn Article Delayed Due to Lack of Funds
18 January 2007

Bollyn Makes Crucial 9-11 Discovery
16 January 2007

NEW! SOLVING 9-11 Chapter 2 - "America the Target"

15 January 2007

Fire Did Not Collapse the WTC
8 January 2007

On Fictional Elections & Taking Our Republic Back
3 January 2007

The Remedy to Protect the Iowa Caucus Results
1 January 2008

ELRON - VOXEO: The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies the Iowa Caucus
31 December 2007

Exposing the Zionist Hidden Hand Ruling Britain and the United States
20 December 2007

Bollyn's Christmas Letter 2007
Rejecting the War Agenda and Standing Up For Peace
15 December 2007

Algeria Bombing - 11 Means "Israel"
12 December 2007

James Meigs & the 9-11 Fairy Tale - Spinmeister or Slave
11 December 2007

"Slam Bollyn Every Way You Can" - Daryl B. Smith
10 December 2007

Bollyn Responds to Slanderous Lies of Daryl B. Smith
10 December 2007

HOW ODD - Olmert & Mukasey Supported a Jewish Arsonist in Brooklin
8 December 2007

Italian president Francesco Cossiga: Mossad & CIA Committed 9-11
8 December 2007

9-11 Judge Hellerstein "Slams" 9-11 Widow Ellen Mariani
6 December 2007

On Enduring Dictators and Darkness
5 December 2007

TOP SECRET: Ehud Olmert's Visit to NYC on Eve of 9-11
4 December 2007

The Israeli Prime Minister's Connection to 9/11
2 December 2007

America the Target of Israeli Terrorism
27 November 2007

Solving 9-11, America the Target, Chapter 2 now available to supporters and
20 November 2007

Comments from readers:

"Chris continues to lead the pack into places where the vast majority of
journalists have a seemingly total fear of treading. It really says a lot
about the near total criminal cryptocracy running the show."
- James B. Phillips, Oak Park, Illinois

"Thank you for sending the second chapter of Solving 9/11 - admiring your
courage in seeking this information and finding it, and clarity of the

"I admire your journalistic and investigative talents as well as your courage
to speak truth to power. In 2002, I went to a debate at the University of
Judaism in L.A. between Henry Kissinger and Shimon Peres. It wasn't much of a
debate since they agreed. Yet the tragedy etched in Shimon Peres' face is
something I will never forget. I had never seen a face with such bottomless
- A Reader from California

Trigger-Happy Canadian Cops Kill Polish Traveler in Distress
16 November 2007

Global Warming - "The Greatest Scam in History"
14 November 2007

Audio: Bollyn on Israeli attacks against US prior to 9-11.
Also he discusses the drastic incarceration of Dr. Linda Shelton while taking
her medical equipment to the Cook County Courthouse. Listen to his 3-part
audio filr reorded on 9 November.


Chris And Helje during their November 9th radio show.

James B. Phillips, 1st Lt. USMC (Ret.) Comments on Bollyn Case
8 November 2007
Click on the link below to view an amazing photo of james B. Phillips with his
USMC rifle Platoon in Vietnam in front of a Catholic Church. 1st Lt. Phillips
is in the top row, third from the left.

Audio: Bollyn discusses USS Liberty and readers' comments
27 October 2007

Bollyn-27Oct2007-Part1.mp3 Bollyn-27Oct2007-Part2.mp3

Michael Chertoff the Israeli - Proof of His Childhood in Israel
26 November 2007

Is 9-11 Judge Hellerstein Working for Israel
23 October 2007

The Planes of 9-11
The first chapter of Bollyn's book "Solving 9-11". Now also in French.
18 October 2007

Solving the 9-11: The Planes
16 October 2007

Audio: Bollyn discusses his latest article about the planes of 9-11


Bollyn Makes Crucial 9-11 Discovery
10 October 2007

Closing the Book on the 9-11 Cover-Up
27 September 2007

9-11: An American Holocaust
25 September 2007

9-11 Cover-Up: The Italian Gangsters & Their Jewish Bosses
1 October 2007
Who is Michael B. Mukasey?
22 September 2007

The 9-11 Conspirators & Their "Unbreakable Bond"
with Israel
20 September 2007

Bush Nominates 9-11 Zionist Judge as Attorney General
17 September 2007

Bollyn on the Toxic Dust and Smoke of the World Trade Center
12 September 2007

9-11 Litigation: Andrew Colsky, SSI & the Exclusion of Evidence
11 September 2007

James B. Phillips Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
6 September 2007

Audio: Bollyn speaks on K-TALK
3 September 2007

Comment about Disinformation Spread by Daryl B. Smith & Eric Hufschmid
4 September 2007

Arnon Milchan & the Israeli Control of Media
1 September 2007

Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid
21 August 2007

Bollyn Statement on the Importance of Non-Violence
19 August 2007

Letter from An Exile
17 August 2007

The Zionist Gatekeeper Greg Palast & His Attack on Dr. Jones and 9-11 Truth
11 August 2007

Bollyn Statement Regarding False Rumors & Associations
18 July 2007

Chris Bollyn preparing for a speach in Salt Lake City. The video of his speech
is here.

News and Articles - 2008

ATTN! The entry in under my name is fraudulent. I don't know who
created it or any of the so-called "friends." It is a fraud and contains
numerous errors of fact and the ridiculous assertion that I have been
"kidnapped." is the only place where I post articles and comments.


Note: My information that Raye Allan Smith married John Norvell Dyer on May
21, 1975 comes from Who's Who in the West - 1988-1989, 21st Edition (pub.
1987), information that is in the public domain. There is much more
information about Raye Allan and Gunther Russbacher that has been published in
newspapers around the United States, most of it about the various identity
theft and con scams run by Mr. Russbacher. If Russbacher was a secret CIA
operative, as Raye Allan says, why did he steal the identity of a living man
in Minnesota, after serving time in the state, to run one of his con schemes
in Missouri?

There are also numerous press reports about the problems his two sons have had
in Missouri, including the 2004 death of a passenger in a vehicle driven by a
Norman L. Russbacher, age 24, one of the Russbacher boys, who was very drunk
when he crashed into a tree.

I am certainly not "outing" Raye Allan by reporting published information that
can be found in a NewsBank search or any library in the United States. The
published articles about Raye Allan and the convicted con-man Gunther
Russbacher are readily available to any reader through a NewsBank search of
the national newspaper archives.

My note about RMN banning me precedes the following article about the school
shooter "off his meds" and the urgent need to understand the dangerous side
effects of SSRI medications like Prozac.

Another School Schooting, Another Schooter on Drugs
16 February 2008

NEW! Is Denmark Being Set Up?
Why a Nation Known for Pork is Busy Attacking Islam
14 February 2008

NEW! Peter Power and the London Bombings
14 February 2008

Peter Power Responds to Bollyn:

Peter Power of Visor Consultants ( finally wrote
back to me after several weeks of my calling his office during business hours
and sending emails.

Power wrote:

Subject: Re: RESEND: Media Question About 7 July 2005 Exercise
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008

I have just read your libellous and absurd feature supposedly about me now
available on the internet. I had not responded before to your earlier email as
it automatically went into my spam folder along with all the other messages
from bizarre minded people. For your information I decided to leave the Dorset
police. I was not dismissed. You might want to withdraw your statement now, or
I will indeed take action against you for libel. I was never charged, 'forced
to retire', summonsed or prosecuted for anything at all. Beyond that I do not
feel compelled to answer your malicious allegations that anyone in their right
mind would have nothing to do with. However, we do have on our answerphone in
London a rambling message supposedly from you saying inter alia, you were the
subject of a police raid and became upset as a result...

Peter Power, Visor Consultants

First, I want to give credit to the July 7th Truth Campaign, which has
published the information about Peter Power's comments of July 7, 2005 and his
troubled past in West Dorset on their website:

I wanted to add a line to my RMN posting about Power, giving credit to the J7
website, but was banned from Rumor Mill News before I could do so. My

See: "Peter Power and the London Bombings," Feb. 14, 2008;read=118940


Power says he "decided to leave the Dorset police" and "was not dismissed."
Anyone reading the press articles about the 1993 criminal investigation into
Mr. Power, a former police superintendent in West Dorset, would probably come
to another conclusion.

The Sunday Times reported on August 8, 1993:

Crown Prosecution Service has been sent details of an investigation into a
senior police officer with the Dorset force. Dorset police confirmed yesterday
that Superintendent Peter Power, the officer in charge of the west of the
county, has been suspended on full pay since April but refused to outline the
allegations against him. Power, who was involved in the Iranian embassy siege
and King's Cross fire, transferred to Dorset in 1990 after serving 19 years in
the Metropolitian police.

Source: Furbisher, John, "Top detective held in drugs probe - Kevin Cooper";
Sunday Times - Aug. 8, 1993

It should be noted that the Crown Prosecution Service is responsible for
prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales.

On September 2, 1993, the Dorset Echo had a page 3 feature story reporting
that Power was "to retire early on medical grounds" from the Dorset Police:

Suspended police chief leaves force
Dorset Echo
September 2, 1993

A West Dorset senior policeman currently under suspension from duty is to
retire early on medical grounds.

Superintendent Peter Power (42) will leave the force on September 26.

He was suspended following an internal police inquiry earlier this year after
which a file was submitted for consideration to the Director of Public

A Dorset Police spokesman said Supt Power's retirement grounds were

She added "Supt Power is entitled to an ill-health pension. His retirement
does not affect any liability for action by the DPP".

Supt Power commands a sub-division covering Dorchester, Shaftesbury, Swanage,
Blandford, Sherborne and Wareham.

Chief Inspector Ted Ryan was appointed in charge following Supt Power's

The Guardian of September 2, 1993 reported the same:

Superintendent Peter Power, aged 42, who has been suspended on full pay since
April, is to leave the Dorset force on September 26 on health grounds.

What nonsense is this? Why would a 42-year-old police chief who had been
suspended and under a criminal investigation for 5 months be allowed to retire
on "health grounds" with a pension? Do you see something fishy here?

Was Power being investigated for criminal behavior related to his health? Was
he involved in some unhealthy behavior that is criminal? What could that
possibly be? Why have all the details of the criminal investigation into
Peter Power been kept confidential? This man is right in the middle of the
false flag terror of July 7!

I tried many times to ask Peter Power about the mysterious unnamed company he
was conducting a security drill for on July 7, 2005 as well as the Dorset
investigation. The unnamed company designed the terror scenario that became
real that day. My God, why have they been let off the hook? Are all the
police in London as corrupt as Peter Power?

Mr. Power does not want to answer any questions but his central role in the
July 7 bombings requires that he tell the whole truth about who he was working
with on that day and the charges for which he was investigated in 1993.

Read This if You Vote or Fly
5 February 2008 - Super Tuesday

Comment: 9-11 Let the Truth Be Known
10 February 2008

Bollyn's Crucial 9-11 Discovery Now Posted
29 January 2008

For supporting documents, click here and here.
The Evidence from "Integrated Aircraft Early Warning System"
(see pp. 44 -50 for key personnel)

9-11- Bush Was Behind Silencing of Dr. Steven E. Jones on Thermite
29 January 2007

The Key Players of 9-11 - Who is Jerome Hauer?
20 January 2007

Please scroll down for more exciting articles.

16 February 2008

Is "Rayelan" a.k.a. Raye Allan Dyer Russbacher (nee Smith) , the widow of John
Norvell Dyer, the former professor of physics and dean of the U.S. Navy's
Postgraduate School at Monterey (1961-87), taking orders from U.S. Army
Intelligence? It certainly looks that way.

Letters from Supporters

From Letters of Supporters:

I read your website every day. Keep digging in search of facts and evidence.
You are my hero.
- 18 April 2009

"I just want you to tell you, that you should continue your works, because you
are one of these fearless guys in this much too often corrupt and craven
society who now raises his voice or uses the language and its letters to tell
everybody, what's happening on this planet. It is very necessary to have
people around in this world, who show their moral courage."
- A friend from Vienna, Austria

"You need not fight an unjust system on its unjust terms. Within reasonable
God given limits you are free to set your own terms when faced with
institutionalized injustice."

"... they no longer want to subject their children to this violent and lawless
country where a person can be viciously attacked on their own property by the
police who then lie, falsify records, and convict you without any facts."

2009 Christopher Bollyn

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