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Tom Keske

não lida,
30 de jan. de 2011, 15:08:4930/01/2011

Beebop Beebe Gun Queen Bee Beer Barrel Kingdom Come
Peanut Brittle Bitter Battle Boston Brahman Bearded One
Arkansas Buzz-Saw Birds & Bees Baby Boom Boom
Mayan Motown Detroit Destroyed Abuzz Ablaze
What's the crazed brazen Beelzebub bees buzz?
Beer Battered Bayer Aspirin disappeared pall bearer
Perfect Storm Purple Haze Dunkin Donut Eyeball Glaze
Crooked Cop Rotten Crops Mitre Fighter Final Days
Apples Peaches Pumpkin Pie Dead Birds Falling from the Sky
B-B-B-B bzzt Bebe Rebozo Presidental Panty Hose
Buzzard bzzt Mama Grizzly barroom brawling Bloody Berlusconi Nose
Alliteration Alienation Obliteration Presidential Assassination
Wategate TV debate Act of State It's getting late
Nyet Nyet Viet Vet Losing Bet Tibet Tibet Tibet
Polluted Pollen Opinion Poll badabing drum roll
Wireless iphone Worker Drone sleeper cell phone
Bebop Bishop God We Trust Go Catch The Bus
Kamikaze in the air Pentagon Hexagon Honeycomb your hair
Revolution of French Poodle Instant Cup of Chinese Noodle
Hiroshima Homosexual Nagasaki Enola Gay Lady GaGa Google
The Saga of Jack Beebe

Jack is best remembered for his relief driving stint aboard MISS
DETROIT in the 1915 APBA Gold Cup. That's when Beebe took over
the wheel midway through ...

Update: Thousands of birds fall from the sky in Beebe

..The City of Beebe has hired U.S. Environmental Services to
begin the cleanup and dispose of the dead birds. The
environmental firm will go door-to-door to ...

Detroit Bees 10U - USSSA.com

Score, Losing Team, Loser Score. 1*, OctoberFest, Detroit Bees
10U, 5, Hartland Eagles, 2. 2*, OctoberFest, Detroit Bees 10U,
10, Michigan Bulls, 1 ...

Mystery of the dying bees | COSMOS magazine

Cosmos Online. Something mysterious is killing honey bees, and
even as billions are dropping ...

War Zone: The City Of Detroit Is Dying

So how do you possibly save a city that is dying right in front
of you? Well, the mayor of Detroit has unveiled his radical
solution - you ...

Metro Detroit Is Abuzz

... Wieske's Detroit honey is bottled at Windmill Hills Farm in
Croswell - because of food prep laws - but is sold at Avalon
International ...

PictureThisCity.com :: Galleries : Detroit : Honey Nightclub

Grand Opening Night ~ HONEY ~ Detroit MI. Picture This City. If
you'd like your photo removed from this website kindly contact,
Rem...@PictureThisCity.com ...

stay away (honey tree) [Metro Detroit]

I know this is totally uncool but you all need to know, stay
away from the honey tree in novi. I also know that it is diner
food but they ...

Ralph Godbee not without controversy | Detroit Free Press

... Warren Evans stepped down as Detroit police chief after one
year following controversy over a video for a proposed reality
TV crime show and ...


Godbee, 42, is heralded for his administrative skills, but he
also has faced controversy.

In August 2008, months after then-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick
was charged with perjury-related felonies in the text message
scandal, Godbee and then-Assistant Chief Robert Dunlap hosted
what was portrayed as a birthday party luncheon for Kilpatrick.
A dozen top police officials attended and gave cash as presents.

Godbee gave a cash gift but declined to say how much.

Ethics experts said they were troubled by the event, but Godbee
said the lunch, at Seldom Blues, was appropriate. "It was a way
for us to break bread with our boss," he said then. "There was
nothing nefarious."

The next month, in September 2008, Kilpatrick resigned,
prompting then-Police Chief Ella Bully-Cummings to retire.
Godbee and Dunlap were then tapped to temporarily run the
Police Chief Ralph Godbee: 4 officers wounded in shooting at
at Detroit police precinct

The Blaze is a news, information and opinion site brought to you
by Glenn Beck and a dedicated team of writers, journalists &
video ...



Young Communists Launch National 'Red School-Bus Tour'

Pope: Marriage is Not an Absolute Right

Teen Who Hit Himself With Own Golf Ball Sues Course for $3 Million

Rep. Cantor Won't Call Birthers 'Crazy'
But Believes Obama Is a Citizen

Chinese Pianist Lang Lang Plays Anti-American Tune at White House
The Angry Bee God | The Weekend Beekeeper

... Don't be a bastard. Treat your bees nicely and with respect.


A memoir written from Detroit, November 5, 1795, by Rev. Edmund Burke
to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Denaut of Quebec explains the situation:

"The commandant of the Fort of Detroit, who was only a Lieut.
Colonel in the army, found himself under the command of Hon.
Mr Baby Lieut. of the county, who understood nothing about
military affairs and he was much provoked. It was a mistake
of the governor's. He wishes to remedy it by giving to the
Commandant several extraordinary commissions to withdraw him
from the control of the lieutenant of the county There were
several English men who had been looking for the appointment
of Lieutenant and they employed a thousand means to withdraw
the French Canadians. Their designs have been unsuccessful;
their jealousy was not less intense; they got around amongst
the "habitants" trying to make them believe that Baby
had no authority; that they should not obey him, that he was
a young man who acted through fancy without knowing what he
did. They tried then to excite the people against him and
make him unacceptable to the government. Never had any man a
position to suffer more in than he had.

It was, too, at this time that a wretch named Schifflin made
false and villainous charges against him for having mismanaged
the King's stores of which he was custodian, as an assistant
agent of Indian affairs.

Mr. Baby's appointment created jealousy not only on the part of
the Commander of the regulars at the fort but also amongst the
Canadian Militia Officers in Detroit.
Eyes on the Prize: Riots in Detroit - PBS

.. Learn about an earlier race riot in Detroit, after which U.S.
Army .... Collier wrote "Burn, Baby, Burn" after the Watts riots
of 1965 as a ...


Colonel Edmund J. Burke * GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME HEAD *
Mar 12 2009, 5:47 pm

Newsgroups: misc.kids.pregnancy, soc.penpals, uk.misc, alt.

From: "Colonel Edmund J. Burke * GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME HEAD *"

Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:47:39 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, Mar 12 2009 5:47 pm
Subject: Re: poll on babies after having high-needs baby

On Mar 10, 9:08 am, "MarieD" <a...@123.com> wrote:

> If you had a high-needs baby, and went on to have more children, were any
> of
> them high-needs also? I had two who weren't high-needs, then my third was
> high-needs. I think that scares me most about having another baby. I'm not
> pregnant but I am thinking about it, but I'm just really scared. My third
> baby was so hard for me and I had a nice two/three year depression while
> dealing with her. She's 6.5 now and the main reason I've not had more is
> because I worry about going through that again. If I did decide to get
> pregnant(and it actually work, I'm older and it took a year last time), it
> would be at least a year from now, after the economy is better and dh's
> job
> is stable again.


Marie D. is an ignorant cunt who doesn't have the good sense to keep
her legs crossed when a man enters the room. Sluts like her are the
primary reason the world is now infested with 6.5 billion sacks of
human waste.


Thank you,

Colonel Edmund J. Burke
U.S. Army, ret.

A surgeon in Long Island who served as a doctor in the Vietnam
war told WorldNetDaily: "The Vietcong would put human waste on
very sharp bamboo sticks that they placed in rice paddies. Then
our boys would come by and step on them. This put human waste
into the blood stream and caused all kinds of sickness. I saw
several cases of what I diagnosed as demonic possession in
Vietnam, although I would never officially report it." The
doctor, known to this writer since 1977, asked that his name not
be used, citing his belief in demons as "incompatible with the
current medical establishment."

A link between coprophagia and demon possession may date back to
the time of Jesus. A footnote in one study Bible indicates that
in the Mark 3 passage where the Pharisees accuse Jesus of
working for Satan in casting out demons, ancient manuscripts
either read "Beelzebub," lord of the flies, or "Beelzebul," lord
of excrement, and that "excrement" was the word Jews used to
describe pagan rituals.

On Jan 16, 6:37pm, "Colonel Edmund J. Burke" wrote:

> On the 17th liberal .tards in America celebrate Martin Luther King's
> birthday. =A0He's okay with me because as we all know,
> However, I particularly hate his guts for one pressing reason:
> he opposed the Vietnam War, making this porch monkey another
> queer and coward. The only regret a lot of folks have about the shooting
> is that the shooter didn't get to unload a full clip in his nigger.
> --

If we apply everything you project on to MLK and black people
generally, and instead apply it to you, we then get an idea of your
self-hatred. Someone, or people, from your very young years, made you
detest yourself so much, that the pain of carrying this 'ugliness' is
unbearable. So just like a full bowl of water that spills liquid all
over the floor as it is carried across the room, so you spill out your
abundant self-loathing in the direction of your chosen targets - black
people (mostly). But it isn't just black people is it? It's the
world. For every time you see something proud and different in another
person, it reminds you of the acquired belief that you hold - that you
are very ordinary and unworthy of respect.

Get some help. Your self-hatred is corroding your brain. The toxic
fluid created by your energetic hatred, is burning into the structure
of your mind, and if you don't find a way to deal with yoiur
repetitive thinking, eventually, your mind will become rapidy 'burnt
up'. Get help while you can my friend. The only person your words
make sense to - is you, and to the 'parental' figure who you became
the gladiator for - by trying to fight battles that belong in the
past, in your world today. Get some fresh air in your thinking -
it's not too late.

Water isn't the only product Wheeler has sold: He's run a taco
stand and a shoe store in his home state of Oregon. He was a
bartender at the Mission Ranch in Carmel and taught Italian at
the Defense Language Institute. And right before he jumped into
water, he was an investment adviser, first at Prudential and
then at A.G. Edwards.
Stingless bee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

... in wall cavities, old rubbish bins, water meters, and
storage drums. .... Mayan stingless bee hive. A piece of hollow
log provides a home for ... The traditional Mayan name for this
bee is Xunan kab, literally meaning "royal lady". ...

Yale Law School | Burning Detroit Down?

.. Burning Detroit Down? General Counsel and Group Vice
President of Ford Motor Company Mr. David Leitch and Sterling
Professor of Law Alan ...

Vampire: the Requiem -- Detroit -- Motor City Burning

Welcome to Motor City Burning, Vampire: the Requiem - Detroit.
We're setting up a new site and a brand-spanking new wiki! While
we're doing the getting ...

Frontline: rollover: nixon and detroit | PBS

Here's the story of Nixon's dance with Detroit in 1971, as told
through a series of recently released ... Richard Nixon,
President of the United States ...

Honeybee Weapon in War on Cancer | Wired Science | Wired.com

.. Thirty-seven years after Richard Nixon declared war on cancer,
we're losing. ... The paper isn't in any way trying to take bees
and say, ...

Nixon's Credibility on "stopping" Biowar Research

... NIXON SPEAKS ON ELIMINATING GAYS In newly released tapes of
President Richard ... and turning it into a noble "War on Cancer",
instead. ... is not enough to convince you that we had men
perfectly capable of genocide? ...

Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 - April 22, 1994)

Nixon's official statement concerning John P. Wheeler III
Posted on January 4, 2011 by HumanEvent

EDITOR'S NOTE: Below is the official statement released by
Richard Nixon headquarters on Monday evening. President Nixon
approves of it fully, although the statement itself was produced
in co-operation with Nixon's aides Charles Colson and Bob

My Fellow Americans,

Today I received the shocking news about the death of John P.
Wheeler III. The body of Mr. Wheeler was found in a Delaware
landfill, and according to unofficial records the case will be
investigated as homicide.

John P. Wheeler III was a first-class patriot. As a young man,
he served in Vietnam - a war later brought to peace with honor
by my administration - and after that John continued his
education in Harvard and Yale. Despite of these elite schools,
John never forgot the fact that the war in Vietnam was his
primary source of education as well as inspiration for future
life aspirations.

In the beginning of 1980s, Wheeler became a key member in
President Reagan's glorious cabinet, and in his later years
Wheeler also assisted President George W. Bush in issues
concerning national security. In his spare time, Wheeler became
active attempting in bringing the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps (ROTC) back to campuses from which they were shamefully
banned in several cases during the Vietnam War.

Being both a defense consultant and Vietnam War expert, Wheeler
allegedly possessed information potentially harmful for some
people, who served in government during the Vietnam War. Some of
these people may even be actively involved in politics today, or
maybe they are seriously considering serving this great nation
again in near future. Unofficial speculation has been presented
that this might be the very motive for this horrendous action. I
believe in nothing of a sort.

Because of the loss of John P. Wheeler III, America now has one
patriot less. The silver lining of this dark cloud is that more
than ever, America now needs a new Conservative leading figure
with experience both from the Vietnam War, public administration
as well as working as an attorney.

As a potential future president-electee, I shall do my very best
to make John's dream of reinstating the Vietnam War as one of
the most memorable moments in American history come true.

Richard M. Nixon
Richard Nixon's Secret Ties to the Mafia.

President Nixon with Bebe Rebozo (left) and J. Edgar Hoover
(center) ..... Nixon's secret Mafia buddies, already enraged by
Kennedy's anti-crime crusade in ...

Beat the killer bees - Vietnam - Asia - World - Travel

.. Crossing a busy street in Vietnam can be a
health hazard. Debra Jopson shares her survival strategies. -

www.smh.com.au/news/vietnam/beat...bees/.../1140284098147.html -
The Paper Pompeii | Taddle Creek | www.taddlecreekmag.com

... now nearly forgotten- most notably the storefront of Rebozo
the Clown Amusements, a reference to Watergate figure Charles
"Bebe" Rebozo, a friend of ...

Update: Thousands of birds fall from the sky in Beebe

...Sixty-five dead birds have been sent to off for testing.
Arkansas Game and Fish Press Release: BEEBE, Ark.-- Friday night,
ringing in the New Year took on a ...

What Richard ''I Am Not a Crook'' Nixon was doing 36 years ago

...nixon was a busy little bee. georgie has been a very busy bee
as well .... According to a biography of Richard Nixon, his
close personal and political ties ...

www.democraticunderground.com ? Discuss
NOVA Online | Tales from the Hive | Dances with Bees

Bees can communicate to other bees the distance, direction,
quality, and quantity of a food source with a unique dance.
Learn about bee dances, ...

Beehive Jive

... Beehive Jive .... they bee wrunning in each other's
bloodestreames: irresistable! ... Young-ish her wish to Bee
Remembered, one wish: to ...

Disco Bee - Disco Bee Its My Party: Free MP3 Download

Send "Disco Bee Its My Party" Ringtone to your Cell ... Album:
www.djwitek.prv.pl. 1. Disco Bee - Bailando www.djwitek.prv.pl
mp3 ...


In the late 1600s, the Puritan settlement of Salem in
Massachusetts toppled into chaos when accusations of witchcraft
began to appear. Two young girls, aged nine and eleven, were
said to have fallen victim to fits "beyond the power of
Epileptic Fits or natural disease,"

Today historians are speculating that some other bizarre events
of the past may be due to ergot poisoning. For instance, an
affliction known as "dancing mania" which struck Europe from the
14th to the 17th century may have been caused by the troublesome



I need to add something, though: your statement: "- an affliction
known as "dancing mania" which struck Europe from the 14th to
the 17th century may have been caused by the troublesome fungus."

I must assert: This happened again in the 1970's, when a
disturbing mass lunacy - and I would daresay disease - called
"Disco" happened. It was caused by The Bee Gees, KC and the
Sunshine Band, Gloria Gaynor and (oh...my...God..) Donna Summer,
to name but a few. This cultural devastation was almost as
terrifying as the worst plagues the world has even known, and
especially insidious were the side effects, such as the
hairstyles, bell bottom jeans, and the rise of "Shaggyism", or
calling everyone "man", as in the following example:

PERSON 1 - "Hey, man, I'm leaving, like, already gone, man.
Be back, like, soon, man."
PERSON 2 - "Where are you going?"
PERSON 1 - "Out, man! I said it, dig? Like, I'm going out, man!"
PERSON 2 - " Well OK, just don't be late. And stop calling me "man" -
I'm your mother for cripes' sake."

While Disco was not caused by toxins, there are similarities to
the theory of ergotism and Salem's unrest ? the cultural torpor
of the time, Richard Nixon, mass media's emergence from the
murky depths were all contributors to a society ripe for mass
insanity, and all it took was go##amn Barry Gibb and John
Travolta hashing through "Saturday Night Fever" to set off the
entire reeking chain of idiocy.

In the end, no one was ever punished for causing Disco, which I
feel was a profound miscarriage of justice. Fortunately,
attrition has it's say in all things: the evil miscreants who
caused it are slowing dying of natural causes, never to pollute
this Earth again with their horrible musical/dancing diseases.
And good riddance.

Now I'm off to find something by Linnda Caporael to throw myself
deeper into this rabbit hole?
Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee: No homicides or shootings
for one day this week

"The 24 hour period from 6AM 10/16/10 to 6AM 10/17/10, ZERO
criminal homicides and ZERO non-fatal shootings. Detroit, we can
do this.

www.mlive.com ? Detroit News ? Region: City of Detroit

Godbee was named permanent chief of police in September. The
news about the stats comes as Angels' Night, when community
volunteers take to the streets to prevent Halloween crimes,

Detroit, we can do this. What if these were the numbers EVERYDAY? ...
Police Chief Ralph Godbee: 4 Officers Wounded In Shooting

DETROIT -- Police Chief Ralph Godbee: 4 officers wounded in
shooting at Detroit police ... You can set your cable box so
that your TV comes on to the station you want.

... Mary's Little Lamb Probably Couldn't Do This! ...


The most popular theory, aside from the varroa mite and
cellphone RF radiation, has been the belief that a virus --
similar to AIDS -- has infected the bees. A team led by
scientists from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public
Health, Pennsylvania State University, the USDA Agricultural
Research Service, University of Arizona, and 454 Life Sciences
found a significant connection between the Israeli Acute
Paralysis Virus (IAPV) and colony collapse disorder (CCD) in
honey bees.

A team of scientists from Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
and University of California San Francisco identified both a
virus and a parasite that are likely behind the recent sudden
die-off of honey-bee colonies. Using a new technology called the
Integrated Virus Detection System (IVDS), which was designed for
military use to rapidly screen samples for pathogens, ECBC
scientists last week isolated the presence of viral and
parasitic pathogens that may be contributing to the honeybee

But it now appears that a much more basic culprit has killed the
bees -- Bayer Corporation. Colony Collapse Disorder is poisoning
with a known insect neurotoxin called Clothianidin, a pesticide
manufactured by Bayer
Bayer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate
of German chemical industries that formed a part of the
financial core of the German Nazi ...

Queen bees use mind control to keep young workers in line - SFGate

A queen bee needs to keep her subjects calm and quiet, and she
does so by secreting a scent that prevents worker bees from
learning, ...

Microwaves and Mind Control

former Vietnam-era "programmed assassins," prison inmates, and
so- ...... (Gerald P. Burke, The Parvus Company, Silver Spring,
MD) has ...

Yellow rain investigation by Harvard scientists finds bee feces

.. Yellow rain investigation by Harvard scientists finds bee
feces. from ... that "yellow rain" delivered by Vietnamese ...
substance found in ...

O'Melissokomos: The Bee Keeper - Gay stories of musclegrowth

The Bee Keeper (Popularity: ): Gay stories of musclegrowth,
musclemorphs, hypnosis and mind control, body swap, male
transformation, ...

Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet | The Vigilant Citizen


In the article Lady Gaga, the Illuminati puppet (which I suggest
you read before this one), I dissected the Akerlund-directed
video Paparazzi and its references to mind-control programming.
Telephone acts as a sequel to Paparazzi, where Gaga still plays
the role of a mind-controlled drone who kills people.

What is never stated, however, is that this "deeper meaning"
found in Gaga's video relates to mind control, a covert practice
used by the military, the CIA, religious cults and the
Illuminati elite. It is used to program human beings to become
mental slaves and to execute specific tasks. In Paparazzi, Gaga
plays the role of a mind-controlled slave who was "programmed"
to poison and kill her boyfriend. Telephone is a continuation of
this story, where Gaga goes to jail for her crime.

In the video, the "telephone" is a metaphor for Gaga's brain and
the fact that she is not answering that phone (her brain) means
that she has "dissociated" from reality. Dissociation is the
ultimate goal of Monarch mind control. It is induced by
traumatizing events, such as electroshock therapy or torture, to
force the victim to dissociate from reality. This enables the
handlers to create in the victim an alter personality that can
be programmed to perform various tasks, such as carrying out an

Please keep the comments section civil and relevant.

Draco says: wow-
Sunflower says: Scary stuff!!!

Anne says: Go on, be a good little bee and make the poison
for the rest of the world to swallow. Go on, take it
to the Bee hive " behave and be(e) like the rest of
the wor(l)d and follow the CULT(ure) you live in.
They play with symbolism of words and meanings. We humans tend
to forget the power of the word " and the power of the mind.

Lis says: When I saw this I was like DAMN, they hate us
that bad??? Also Honeybee in ancient Egypt represents royalty.

Madison says: In this context, the bee was seen as the
messenger of the gods, falling down, like tears, towards the earth
(and man) to pass on some secret message.

So, Beyonce, the "honey bee", is the messenger of Ra, the Egyptian "Sun
Lucifer = lightbearer = Sun God.
Khuldoon says:
The honey/bee references also have occult meaning. It is used across many
occult belief systems.

Verily, the onion has many layers. The deeper you peel into it, the more
strongly it smells and makes you weep-.
Ask A Bee | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

.. Worker Bee #7438-F87904 is a syndicated advice columnist ...

Dear Worker Bee #7438-F87904,My husband and I split last year
after 11 years of marriage. We're still good friends, though,
and we even go out for coffee once a week. Problem is, lately,
he's been seeing a new person, someone I feel is definitely not
right for him. Should I say anything? I'm not jealous?I know I
wasn't right for him, either. What's my move? ?Protective In Pensacola

Dear Pensacola,Enable protocol "seek POLLEN"/Must harvest POLLEN
for HIVE/feed LARVAE/feed QUEEN/feed DRONES/feed WORKERS/
superseding priority: feed QUEEN/standby to receive POLLEN-
search-behavior-inducing chemicals/search outside hive in
precise searching-pattern (west-southwest forward 400 meters
turn 15 degrees west [daylight hours only to find flowering
plants] (repeat pattern as necessary)/ locate and fix position
of POLLEN/ rub sacs on legs against stamen against pistil
against all parts of flowering plant to obtain POLLEN/must find
POLLEN/finding POLLEN primary purpose of BEE(WORKER) #7438-
F87904/ awaiting query/awaiting query.
Worker Bees of the World, Unite!

References: [1] The Bees' Needs, National Resources Defence
Council, cited 2009 Apr 13, ...


Former CIA Director: Russian Spies Were "Worker Bees"


The ten spies the United States caught and traded for higher-
value prisoners ...

intelligence russian spies russian intelligence spy swap
CIA Drones Claim 'License to Kill' with Impunity: UN Expert

When you say CIA drones, do you mean career employees, young
recruits with sharp kill sets, one-trick minds, the outsourced
vessels of ...

www.commondreams.org ? Archives ? Headlines
George Crumb | Songs, Drones, and Refrains of Death

The third and final "Death-drone" announces the dark,
impassioned central stanza of the poem. The drone takes the form
of a huge, sustained crescendo; ...

Answers.com - Why does a worker bee kill a drone bee

Wasps Bees and Hornets question: Why does a worker bee kill a
drone bee? poo comes out your bum.

Raytheon's Unmanned Killer Bee Drone - G4tv.com

... Raytheon, a defense contractor, is investing a ton of money
into their next contract bid for the...

g4tv.com/.../raytheons-unmanned-killer-bee-drone.html - Cached - Similar
Russia's Killer 'Bee' Drone | Danger Room | Wired.com

... Russia's Killer 'Bee' Drone. By Nathan Hodge Email
Author .... Hey China: U.S. is Prepping New Ship-Killing
Missiles, Too ...

The complete tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe

'Quitting this land, we soon arrived at another in which the
bees and the birds are mathematicians of such genius and
erudition, that they give daily ...


Parents. When telling your children about the "birds and bees",
do you also explain about homosexuality?
You don't lose innocence when you are young
and learning how babies are born
You lose innocence when you are getting old and dying
The world is losing its innocence
We could share a Coke of common wounded humanity
That is an innocent notion
The birds and bees are no longer the story of Life
They are the harbingers of our dying

Al Aaraaf
by Edgar Allan Poe

The Sephalica, budding with young bees,
Uprear'd its purple stem around her knees
On Santa Maura - olim Deucadia.

And gemmy flower, of Trebizond misnam'd
Inmate of highest stars, where erst it sham'd
All other loveliness : its honied dew
(The fabled nectar that the heathen knew)
Deliriously sweet, was dropp'd from Heaven,
And fell on gardens of the unforgiven
In Trebizond - and on a sunny flower
So like its own above that, to this hour,
It still remaineth, torturing the bee
With madness, and unwonted reverie
Mayan Head and Symbols At Roofline--Detroit MI


While driving along McNichols west of Livernois, I noticed this
unusual roofline decoration, one of a series of Mayan heads and
symbols. If you're familiar with the old Vanity Ballroom on East
Jefferson, you may see a resemblance between the two sets of

There is also a similar Mayan head on a storefront building on

Comments and faves

Atelier Teee

Nice find; that's a fierce expression on the Mayan Head. The
colors make it more impressive
Spring 2001 Online Response: Campus News

The seventh-annual Trivia Bee is a major fund-raiser for the
nonprofit organization Washington ... Just ask emeriti
professors Don McNichols and Don Kerlee. ...

Full text of "McNichols Campus"

.1/ what is now McNichols Road and Livemois, .... Guido Ferrara,
B.E.E., M.S., Director of the De- partment of Electrical
Engineering. ...

Godbee Electrical

Experienced Electrical & Data Cabling Contractors

Quality workmanship - professional service! Servicing Newcastle,
Lake Macquarie & the Hunter Valley for ...

Bees Use Sun to Generate Electricity | Technology Blog

.. Bees Use Sun to Generate Electricity yellow pigment on the
network is able to capture light.

Millions of Bees Die - Are Electromagnetic Signals To Blame

After extensive research ruled out other causes, someone noticed
the hive was next to the building's electric transformer. The
bees were ...

electromagnetic_signals_to_blame.htm - Cached

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A South African woman was killed by
hundreds of thousands of enraged bees after her vehicle hit an
electricity ...

Romania - PSE Socialist coat of arms, bees, electricity

..eBay: Find Romania - PSE Socialist coat of arms, bees,
electricity in the Stamps , Worldwide , Postal Stationery
category on eBay.

Red Bee (comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Jenna)

Wears a mechanized battle suit allowing flight and augmented
strength; uses two large robotic bees which fire electricity
blasts. ...

Revelation and the fifth dimensional electromagnetic Templat Grid.

Revelations and Mayan Text, Revelations and the fifth
dimensional Template ... the form of fifth dimensional
electromagnetic fields set up as templar grids ...

Bee (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bee motifs are also seen in Mayan cultures, an example being the
Ah-Muzen-Cab, the Bee God, found in Mayan ruins, likely
designating honey-producing cities ...

Worship - Myth - Language - Symbolism
Birds, Bees and Fishes: Why Are So Many Creatures Dying in 2011

.. Unlike the birds and bees, fish kills are not uncommon. .....
As many as 5000 birds began falling over the small town of Beebe
shortly ...

The Honey Bees of 2012

Mayan bee shaman performs blessing with sacred Melapona bees ...
ancestral deities are reappearing to assist humanity transition
through the 2012 period. ...

January, 2011 Dead red-winged blackbirds, Drum fish, Turtle doves

Wheeler was a consultant to the Mitre Corporation (2009-death)
a defense .... 4000 black birds fall from the sky in Beebe
Arkansas ...

Drive like hell: a novel

Mr. Wheeler, the flimflam artist, was pumping something out of a
can onto Aunt Bee's roses. "My goodness," Aunt Bee said, "you've
got a spray for every bush ...

List of The Andy Griffith Show episodes - Wikipedia

Mr. Wheeler charges Aunt Bee $1.60 to spray her roses.
Mr. Wheeler claims to have once owned and operated a hardware store,
but says he gave it up when the ...

Company: Wheeler Farms - Our product consists of horse manure

Deseret News | Wheeler Farm provides fun day for families. It
was a return to bygone days with modern activities mixed in
during the Family Fun Day at ...


The word Deseret is found in the most ancient book in the Book
of Mormon, ... with them Deseret, which, by interpretation,
is a honey bee" (Ether 2:3). ...


I found some interesting things while trying to connect Wheeler
with the AZ shooting of Congresswoman Giffords.

Gen. Earl Wheeler and his brother Leo Wheeler, a Grande Master
of the Illuminati (see the top diagram pg. 14 1/1/93 newsletter),
are secret Satanists

The Wheeler family has a long history of involvement with
Satanism, and its genealogical history goes back to the House of
David. An amazing clue (or an amazing coincidence) appears when
we look at the genealogy of the Mormon leaders.

They were also intimately aware of their genealogy, which goes
back to the Merovingian Dynasty! One wonders if it is
coincidence that the Merovingians' primary symbol--the bee is
also the symbol for the Mormon church and Utah.

We May Never Know" How John Wheeler Died

What's confusing to me is that, usually, you know that (someone
was killed) because you have something like a gunshot wound,
stabbing wounds, bludgeoning -- something that clearly could not
have been self-induced. But no details like that have been

Was he poisoned?
The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga's "Telephone" | The Vigilant Citizen

.. by the military, the CIA, religious cults and the Illuminati
elite. .... You might have noticed the emphasis on "bees" and
"honey" during the .... Go on, be a good little bee and make the
poison for the rest of the ...


honey bees

Do you believe there will be a change that occurs in the world
in 2012?

I'm curious as to your serious thoughts, I'm not a doomsday girl
but I also see there might be some truth to Mayan calender,
thank you.

i was looking at old questions in here and found these.. " The
answer to all your questions is at www.december212012.com. Lot's
of other things were predicted by people years ago. Einstein
said that when the species of honey bees die out, the human race
will only have 4 years to survive. Ironically, the honey bee
population has decreased rapidly in the past 20 years, and could
possibly be extinct by 2012.

The Holy Bible say for Christians to watch for the signs of the
end times and that no man knows the return of Christ. But the
Bible wasn't talking about the signs mentioned in Revelation, it
was talking about the signs that mother Earth gives us herself,
like the Mayan calendar, and the disapearing honeybees etc. The
clues are all in Nature. Read about the prophecies of the Popes.
In the Catholic church, a pope was given a vision of the list of
Pope's and latin words to describe something about their life.
They have all come true and are still coming true. We are 2
popes away from the last one on the list, and the prophesies are
still coming true. It is said that the last pope will take the
name of Saint Peter, and that he will announce the Anti Christ.

Well if you believe in that, the signs are there in the Bible,
in History, and in Nature itself." do you think its true ?
how is it different from the 2000 domsday?
Reciprocating flow-based centrifugal microfluidics mixer

9 D. Beebe, M. Wheeler, H. Zeringue, E. Walters, and S. Raty,
Theriogenol- ogy 57, 125 (2002). 10 Y. C. Tan, K.
Hettiarachchi, M. Siu, and Y. P. Pan, ...

Gov. Beebe Lauds Fallen Officers - The Times Record: News

Before the ceremony, Beebe spoke with the widow of Arkansas
State Police Sgt. Rick Lebow, the most recent local officer to
die in the line ...

Police looking into threats on Beebe - Omaha.com

... The Dallas Police Department is investigating a report of
multiple harassing telephone calls and letters to Beebe's Dallas
home as well as ...

Gamete and embryo isolation and culture with microfluidics

[4] D. Hickman, D. Beebe, S. Rodriguez-Zas and M. Wheeler,
Comparison of static and dynamic medium environments for
culturing of pre-implantation mouse ...

7-year-old girl killed in Detroit police raid - Fantasy Football

Godbee said he and other officers went to the hospital while
others ... less than four legs can hear this frequency, Tina,
and that's you. ...


CNN) -- Police in Detroit, Michigan, on Sunday expressed
"profound sorrow" at the fatal shooting of a 7-year-old girl in
a police raid.

Aiyana Jones was shot and killed by police executing a search
warrant as part of a homicide investigation, Assistant Chief
Ralph Godbee said in a statement.

"This is any parent's worst nightmare," Godbee said



nurburgers, pillowy abyss, mind grapes, blurgh, by the hammer of Thor

Only one thing alive with less than four legs can hear this
frequency, Tina, and that's you.

Native: This will not end well.
Beebe Police Department (Cowards) - Topix

... This is to everyone at the Beebe Police Department. Ya'll
are cowards. Yall will never win the war. You run around in
these unmarked ...

'Killing fields,' mines and martyrs

. At the end of the Vietnam War, that formula had offered a half-
ton ration ... claim that the "Yellow Rain" was nothing more
than bee pollen and/or bee feces. .... Blame Americans, not
politicians - By Walter E. Williams ...


From 1979 to 1989 he was chairman of Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Fund that built the Vietnam Veterans Memorial which opened in
1982. He had supported the controversial Maya Lin design and ran
afoul of Ross Perot and Jim Webb who tried to oust him after
they disagreed with the stark design
Art21 . Maya Lin . Biography . Documentary Film | PBS

Born in 1959 in Athens, Ohio, Maya Lin catapulted into the
public eye when, as a senior at Yale University, she submitted
the winning design in a national ...

The Ancient Maya and the Political Present

by RR Wilk

the academic community, was the growing escalation of the war in
Vietnam. And indeed, the ancient Maya also went through a period
of militarization. ...

Tolstoy - Bees, from War and Peace

In and out of the hive long black robber bees smeared with honey
fly timidly ... Formerly only bees laden with honey flew into
the hive, and they flew out empty; ... lacking the spirit to die
stinging him; the rest are dead and fall as ...



It has long been known that some species of fish use amazingly
sensitive electro-sensory organs to navigate in murky water,
locate prey and other members of their species, and avoid
predators. The elephantnose fish locates dead larvae, its
favorite snack, by waving its trunk-like chin over the gravel-
covered riverbed like a beachcomber sweeping a metal detector
across the sand. MITRE's Biologically Inspired Sensing project
is borrowing the elephantnose's electro-sensory secrets in order
to detect and identify explosive materials

From the migration of waterfowl over thousands of miles to the
dance of bees communicating the location of flowers to electro-
sensory perception in fish, there are lessons to be learned all
around us.


You're going to need some more hives, Bishop, I said, looking at
the sorry state of what remained of his bees.

Yes, and I had hoped to increase to thirty hives this season.
Martha is going to university and I know we are going to need
the extra income, he said confidentially, out of earshot of the
boys. I nodded.

During the next few days the bishop and his needs were not too
far from the back of my mind. I kept thinking back to the days
when I had first made a personal commitment to Christ.

Bishop Ashton, will you be home next Saturday morning? I have a
few friends coming over to my place, and I wondered if you and
Mary would like to join us.? In the meantime I had phoned
several members of the parish whom I knew were handymen, and a
couple of beekeepers who would not be averse to helping a bishop
in need. Helen and Mary had arranged for a few of the wives to
join us so the inner man was not to suffer.

Bishop Ashton's eyes were like saucers as we unloaded the dove-
tailed hive parts and honey-frames, all still unassembled.

Mental Models in
Naturalistic Decision Making
MITRE Sponsored Research

Visual Thinking
red and blue ink flow
through the arteries and veins
gray matter unfolds

Targets and Timing
bees ordered from hive
sting bears at measured moments
how does queen decide


Decision Making
blinded by the squawk
eagle striking his prey hind
kills a friendly hawk
Belief and Inference
robin in shadow
sings a slow and somber song
is breast red or blue


Reducing the Fog
desert storm heats up
fire melts sand clouds down to glass
windows on the ground
Decision Support
in a maze of screens
lines connect the numbered dots
so mouse can track cheese


Academic Ties
snakes hide in the grass
skins are spotted by a wise
owl who spins his head
On the Cutting Edge
tools in mitre box
shape angles for joint forces
squarely meet the ends

Future Plans
Command and Control with Cards and Chips

squirrel holds the nuts
in fat cheeks that tell all hands
spoiling poker face
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - The Marking of Catherine Eddowes

But then the killer - even with the police buzzing around Mitre
Square like bees drawn to nectar - was lucky. He had always been
so. ...

www.casebook.org ? dissertations


Cistercian having a vision of Mary; Cistercian with a beehive;
Cistercian with a chained demon; Cistercian with a mitre on the
ground beside him; Cistercian with a swarm of bees nearby;
Cistercian with a white dog; Cistercian writing and watching
Mary; beehive; bees; book; instruments of the Passion; pen;
white dog
The Daily Slog

Following the success of a 2008 album by the Cistercian Monks of
Stift ...... July 18; "The Secret to a Good Bee Beard: Queen Bee
and Vaseline"?headline, ...

Convent Massachusetts

Was founded over thirty years Eros fort necessity goodbee grosse
tete ... Retreat center east monomonac road rindge Cistercians
of mesothelioma cases in ...

9/11: Conspiracy: Mitre Corp and Ptech Controlled Opposition

Video/Song: The Free Bees (Bee Gees) 9/11 Is A Lie - Message
Music ..... If you've met some of the horrible people of MITRE
Corporation, ...

BOBBY GOLDSBORO - HONEY - MedioTeka.net - besplatan download yu

..One of those rare live footages of honey by Bobby Goldsboro. ...
up nights and call her name Now my life's an empty stage Where
Honey lived and Honey played ...

Demitasse: Our diminishing bee population means much more than
empty honey jars.

Pollinators play an integral role in the reproduction of many plants ...

Bees in trouble after bad winter - U.S. news - Environment

... A quick federal survey indicates a heavy bee die-off this
winter, ... watching as workers cleaned honey from empty wooden
hives Monday. ...

How could one remove a curse caused by the Mayan bee god? | ChaCha

.. In order to have a curse removed placed by a Mayan bee god,
you would need to pray ... Mayan Inca Aztec Egyptian Prophecy
2012 - Part 1 of 4 ...

Mayan Elder Tata Pedro Cruz on soul secret service RADIO : soul

Tata Pedro Cruz who's maya name is k'u'x'ya (pronounced Khoosh-
ya) meaning heart of the lake, is one of the last living
Tzutujil (pronounced ...

Poem: Haters by Maya Angelou : Positive Thinking Power

change your frequency, haters, law of attraction, maya angelou, ...
I am a huge Maya Angelou fan, but I have never seen this poem. ...

Bees , Microwaves, Monsanto, & Marbles by By Philip N. Ledoux

.. The bees have not died, they have been driven away by a
frequency, most likely from cell phone towers. And it's not
something a mud ball or ...

humorous to bees- Frequency

humorous to bees Frequency. ... for the song "Nero" by Little
Tybee, from their upcoming album, "Humorous To Bees," due out in
early Fall 2010 myspace.co. ...


We are pleased to introduce the next Wandering Wolf Message
video entitled "Tata and Titicaca."

Our mission is to help the Maya deliver their message to the

Geographical Fugue
is the most famous piece for spoken chorus by Ernst Toch. Toch
was a prominent composer in 1920s Berlin

Trinidad! And the big Mississippi and the town Honolulu and the
lake Titicaca

Unique New York

Nagasaki, Yokohoma, Nagasaki, Yokohoma
What to do to die today at a minute or two till two
A thing distinctly hard to say, yet harder still to do
For he'll beat a tatoo, at twenty till two
With a rat-tit tat-tat-tit tat-tat-tit t-to
And the dragon will come, when he hears the drum

Yes, Tibet, Tibet, Tibet, Tibet, Nagasaki
Tibet, Tibet, Tibet, Tibet
Yes, Tibet, Tibet, Tibet, Tibet, Na-gasaki, Naga-saki.

Bee-Bah Bee-Bah, tee-tee-tee
Bee-Bah Bee-Bah, tee-tee-tee
Bee-Bah Bee-Bah, tee-tee-tee, SSSSSSssssaaaaaa
Bee-Bah Bee-Bah, tee-tee-tee
3 Bebop and Modernism - Student Reproducible Activity

The Beat writers and poets of the 1940s and 1950s, such as Jack
Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, were strongly influenced by bebop
musicians. ...

Bop Apocalypse: Allen Ginsberg - Howl & Footnote

Ginsberg ... Be Bop Wino Big 10 Inch Record
Bongos/Flutes/Guitars Catwoman Music ...

The Influence of Allen Ginsberg: Poet, Educator, Gay Man - Letters

... Judging from recordings of some of Ginsberg's early readings
of "Howl," he certainly was influenced by bebop rhythms and
cadences, the same ...

Beat Memories: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg @ National

... For instance, take the portrait of Solomon (to whom Ginsberg
dedicated Howl), ... "making a Dostoevsky mad-face or Russian
basso be-bop Om." ...

Fav If.. You have ever sailed the seas, fought a dragon, bee ...
Jan 16, 2011 ... Fav If.. You have ever sailed the seas, fought
a dragon, been to saturn, sang a #1 hit song, shot out of a
cannon, been in a carnival, ...

waking the dead - Nagasaki - Real Travel

waking the dead, a Travel Blog from Nagasaki. ... The only
nuisance on the whole hike were the mountain bees, which, while
they didn't sting us, ...

Imagining Nuclear Weapons' Firepower: the Bee Bee Demonstration

Blackboard or large piece of paper, a box of 2225 bee-bees, or a
bag of 2225 .... Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the only war-time
uses of nuclear weapons, ...


. Enter D'Custom Freak and Bee Dragon. They took a third
generation Crown Majesta, added a bit of VIP flair, threw in a
large chunk of sporty ...

dragon-crown-majesta.aspx -
UK India Business Council has "no opinion" on Radia scandal

Tata is embroiled in the ongoing Radia tapes spectrum scandal
over in India, which suggests telcos lobbied government
officials for a slice ...

Tata Technologies Limited official website and homepage

. Tata Technologies is internationally headquartered in
Singapore, with regional headquarters in the United States
(Novi, Michigan), ...

IEEE Xplore - Frequency Distribution of TATA Box and Extension ...
by W Shu - 2008 - Cited by 6 - Related articles

.. But the exact sequences of TATA box are still not very clear
yet. In this study, we conducted a dedicated analysis on the
frequency ...

ieeexplore.ieee.org ? ... ? Conferences ? Computer and Computational Sci
Frequency of "Maya" warfare << Archaeological Haecceities

Warfare has been of interest in Mayanist studies for a long time.
Once thought to be a peaceful civilization, ...


As you inhale imagine that you can see on the earth's energetic
grid, a huge spherical vortex shaped, crystalline pillar of pale,
silver light.

This is a 12th Dimensional, earth plane, Frequency Hub, a portal
that connects our 3rd dimensional, personality self to our 12th
dimensional level of our God Blueprint Self and our Soul Matrix
Families. So, as you visual this 12th Dimensional Frequency Hub
directly intend and send your six pointed star symbol, the
Merkaba Star, to be suspended directly in the center of the
Frequency Hub. Pushing your breath horizontally towards the
earth's 12th Portal, imagine that as you exhale that the force
of your breath connects with that Portal and begins to activate
and enlarge it.

Now use your inhale breath to draw pale, silver light from the
earth's Frequency Hub bringing that frequency of light into your
personal symbol, your Merkaba Star, still positioned in the
center of the oscillating Frequency Hub.
"The Men Who Killed Kennedy

David Morales (CIA) was Chief of Operations and once told
friends: ... Morales, a heavy drinker and the hit men were drug
dealers, makes perfect sense. ...

Search ResultsMorales homers twice as Bees win

Deseret News (Salt Lake City ...Jul 31, 2006 ... Morales homers
twice as Bees win from Deseret News (Salt Lake City) provided by
Find Articles at BNET.

Bobby Kennedy Assassination Plot

..There is also testimony from Robert Walton, Morales' attorney,
that Mr. Morales confessed to him that under CIA orders they
killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy. ...


Morales had been running naked up and down a fire escape,
refusing to comply with police orders and wielding a long
fluorescent light bulb.
Answers.com - Why do honeybees fly at your fluorescent outdoor


Honey bees and most insects inclusive are attracted to
ultraviolet light (UV). The basics of the fluorescent tube will
create all UV light of which is converted to visable (to us)
light by phosphors inside the tube. A proportion of this is
still UV and will attract insects.

The Pants Party
Location: Novi, Michigan

The G.O.A.T. Whisperer 10
Took the G.O.A.T.

After your birthday party and learning a few basic game skills
(Growing Up Fast) you will flash foward yet again to the age of
16. You will then begin Future Imperfect and be required to take
the G.O.A.T.

If you are aiming to have a specific type of character, be sure
to read the article linked under G.O.A.T. above for what answers
you will need.

Note: Be sure to grab the bobblehead off your father's desk.
This is one of two chances you have to collect it.

The American Dream

Note: Make sure to grab the bobblehead in Colonel Autumn's
office before speaking with the President. You won't be able to
get it after this.

Speak with Sarah when you're ready to finish the game. You will
head outside and follow the giant robot from the Citadel back to
the Jefferson Memorial. Again enter the Gift Shop door and head
to the Rotunda where the control room for Project Purity is
located. Colonel Autumn will be waiting for you. With a high
speech skill you can convince him to step aside. Otherwise, just
kill him. However, the control room is now completely irradiated
and is about to self-destruct.

The Power of the Atom

In Megaton, Lucas Simms will ask you to disarm with the bomb in
the middle of the city or Mister Burke will ask you to detonate
it. Either way you go, you need a minimum explosives skill of 25,
but it is suggested it be closer to 50. If you disarm it, find
Simms again to end the quest. If you detonate it, head to
Tenpenny Tower to set the bomb off with Burke and watch the
explosion. Detonating the bomb will automatically give you the
most negative karma possible in the game.

Note: If you choose to blow up the town, make sure to get the
bobblehead out of Simms' house before you do so.

Head to Tenpenny Tower to being this quest. Once the ghoul Roy
leaves the intercom, use it and either pay caps or use a speech
challenge to enter the tower. Once inside, speak with Chief

Last, Best Hope of Humanity 30
Reached Level 20 with Good Karma

As for obtaining the parts, they can all be found in/around the
houses of Minefield, bought from Moira in Megaton or the junk
merchant in Rivet City or purchased at the Scavenger Shop SW of
Tenpenny Tower (red building, visible from the entrance to
Warrington Station). Only the Nuka-Coa Quantum, Deathclaw Hand
and Radscorpion Poison Gland can not be found in those locations.
See "The Nuka-Cola Challenge" for a link to those locations.
Deathclaw Hands can be looted off Deathclaws in the Deathclaw
Sanctuary. Radscorpion Poison Glands can be looted off pretty
much any Radscorpion which are all over the place.
Two strange stories from Arkansas - Menoutdoors.Com

SCORPION SCORPION ... The birds -- most of which were dead --
were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, ... The dead birds
will be sent for testing to labs at the Arkansas ...


Warwickshire, England

So much for Caesar
and so much for...
"Damn, Silenus
How do you expect me to rhyme ease
with bees in my beard?"

blissful as bees
in the buzz of honey making

we would go backhorse riding
when the horses and the cows
were girls
the dogs were boys
et cetera
the ducks and the geese
the birds and the bees
et cetera
I was also pretty sure
Einstein wrote the Bible
later, things got complicated

bees have no attainment
bees have no non-attainment

Powerful emotion recollected,
the most exasperating art?
Charles Potts makes an analogy
with Mahamudra, Williams hears
a sort of song, Lu Garcia invents
a ragged song, and Yeats sees
tattered clothes upon a stick.
Belle says poetry is experience?
I awake to morning light
thoughts sweet as honey
buzzing in my brain.
Swatting them I get stung
by real bees in a dream garden.

a lot of newbees in the lodge
maybe too many bodies for 40 rocks.
and in the second round
and the girl behind me, moaning now
We're in the womb.
Bumping my head against the wall
In the first round
a girl behind me starts to cry
Jack, a veteran of many sweats
passes out.

you touched the omphallus of my heart and the current was
sufficient to set the wheels pinging a new beginning merely by
placing your hand on that slim volume

Hoe the row, queer the wheel.
Queerer still, the elf light?
candle of the warrior.

slanted rain falls
on blank flowers
in a mechanical garden
I have desperation
I walk like a dog
without shifting my gaze

I met Yehezquel in the parking lot
and he said to me, "There's no way,
Jose, how the Mayans factored it.
The End will be in June-
blow the month of July away."


in the Springtime, etc.
2012 is the conclusion
of the Mayan Great Cycle
and a period of hard choices
Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 18th, 1666

No Candle 'ere shall shine in Thee,
Nor bridegroom's voice ere heard shall bee.

Thou hast an house on high erect
Fram'd by that mighty Architect,
With glory richly furnished,
Stands permanent tho' this bee fled.

The Bee-Hive Crop Circle Formation

a crop circle formation was reported to have appeared at Milk
Hill, Wiltshire. It looked somewhat like a bee and beehive. I
have turned the ...

www.greatdreams.com/crop/bee/bee.htm -
The 8:8 Energies, the Glastonbury Tor Ceremony and Adventures

.. Then it was on to Wiltshire and Glastonbury. We arrived and
immediately I took the path that led to the Tor and the summit, ...

Bee Lore and Symbol - Refelections of Sue Monk Kidd

...I also discovered medieval hymns that referred to the Virgin
Mary as the bee hive, and Christ as the honey that flowed from
her. In some stories, the Virgin ...

www.suemonkkidd.com/Reflections.aspx?t=b&i=36 -
Bee Crop Circles | Mystic Medusa

... Bee crop circles. Bee everything. Some say bees navigate via
tiny crystals embedded (naturally) in their brain. Is this true
or did I dream ...


Detroit is the largest city in the U.S. state of Michigan
It was founded on July 24, 1701, by the Frenchman
Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac.
Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac

... immediately, they are arrested and imprisoned
in the Bastille for five months. ...

Bostonians celebrate Bastille Day at the Beehive | Beacon Hill

... By 9 p.m. the Beehive was as chaotic as the medieval
Bastille prison was on that day in 1789. About 400 people
attended. ...


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