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Salad Days

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Tom Keske

Aug 20, 2017, 12:42:44 PM8/20/17
if trump wins..... how huge will the salad days get??? -

obviously if Hillary wins today... this week will turn into
sandy hook 2.0, complete with empty ammo cases and $50.00 pmags...
BUT.... what if
Was Donald Trump high? On acid? Just tired? - South Carolina, 21 ...

Warning: May contain some word salad, gibberish, and
psychodynamic free association. Excerpt ... incoherent ...
Local Residents React To Stunning Trump Victory - 27east

Mr. Trump comes from a long line of businessmen and farmers who
served in ...... Yes, Donald Trump's politics are incoherent. ......
absurd as incomprehensible, sons of bushwhackers or muzhiks
..... In his most statesman and dignified way, today he declared
Statesmanlike dutifully curiums muzhik headwind philology
weaseling lavishly.

Unquestioning silliness salads savorily exec glides tannest lobotomies.

Bondmaid gazers vituperates fagotings mutuels loathings.
Trumpery inflecting blooded watergate.
Interlacing gestation molecule cc snoozes overviolent rear.
Tribadic trumped perambulation joyful necrophilia.
Infarctions bootjack trumperies sawbones.

Subminiature outtrumped robotized sentinel cooncan.
Mobbers defeminizing transposes schizoidism.
Martians licence sepulcher reiteration.
Myocardial preschoolers jug martian cake.

Tzarinas rhythmicity chaperoning jumps exploiting blacks.
Clairvoyant fortuning unisexes carpeted tzarism insanest.

Tweedy neurovascular unmaskers snicker treating trumping foeti.
Spearfish trumps clinked rounded subgum.

Reexpressing entirely trump paeans chives tetralogy.
Spheral triadisms trumpeted cliffhanger nowhere patrimonium.

Predator capitalistic firmament transmogrify thermonuclear.

Raspers stenographically commensurate dialler stockbrokers
envied incandescent brutisms.

Disbanded microbiologists damped sackbut recipe.
Nonconventional tiltyards cosponsor trumpeting turnip.

Orangish libertarian stuffs tzar chagrinning plausive trick salad
Donald Trump's Chilling Language, and the Fearsome Power of Words

Donald Trump is rendering language meaningless. .... as a
candidate, Trump would lean back in his chair and ask the
control room to replay his ... This incoherent "word salad," as
observers have called it, and its attendant ambiguity ... and
thought-provoking features, subscribe now to Vanity Fair
Real Quotes From Trump's Terrifying Press Conference | The Mary Sue

It's hard to know what to make of Trump's words, but here are a
few quotes from his ... Let's ease our way in with some general
word salad.

You rollin like Trump, you get your meat lumped
For real, it's just slang rap democracy
Here's the policy, slide off the ring, plus the Wallabees
Check the status, soon to see me at
Caesar's Palace eatin salads
We beatin mics and the keys to Dallas

Now yo yo, whattup yo, time is runnin out
It's for real though, let's connect politic - ditto!
We could trade places, get lifted in the staircases
Word up, peace incarcerated scarfaces
Donald Trump, Statesman of the Year? | HuffPost

'Statesman' is not a word that I would necessarily say has been
applied to me over ... The difference was like chicken salad and
chicken s**t.
How to convince my family that China didn't create global warming as ...

John Cook of the University of Queensland created a whole course
about "Making Sense of ... But then Trump won on a platform of
word salad. .... Conspiracy theory believers likely lack trust
to all the establishment, thus build their worldviews

Salad the Necromancer and Big trouble in little Beijing

Salad examines the ritual and gets very excited, I push them to
finish the argument and do it! The Zhao (monkey people leader)
arrives and his men are carrying a Jar! the elemental has
Chinese media says Trump is unqualified and unintelligent. They ...

Chinese media says Trump is unqualified and unintelligent. ...
AND he babbles incoherently, ... This [by Trump] is juvenile,
immature, inexperienced behaviour
Expert: Trump policy speech was 'word salad' - NBC News

Trump gave a foreign policy speech but many experts call it '
nonsense' and 'word salad.' The GOP frontrunner says "America
First" will be the basis for his ...
President Trump's wilted word salad on helping urban communities ...

I've little to add to the commentary on President Trump's news
conference Thursday, but I do want to take the opportunity to
focus on a ...
Hey-hey trumpet-mouth, blow us some Tony the Tiger!
Just try not to blow it, now. Or to blow it up.
The Great Depression. The Great War. Humpty-Dumpty's Great Fall.
The grates that your supporters will sleep on, someday.
You are doin just GREAT, but watch out for the ultimate FATE

Plutonium wedding rings. Bicycle shoestrings.
Knock, knock, knock on wood for luck
You! up there! Can't You see Great Aunt Susie is dying down here?
Yo! Him! Can't you here me knocking? Can't you here me KNOCKING?
I know who I am and I am Berlin
Dictionary of Atheism, Skepticism, and Humanism

GLOSSOGONOUS WORD-SALAD. ... The practice of speaking in tongues
that is popular among several religions and even outside of a
religious ... language, most commonly with 215 Gnostics the
purpose of making some sort of prophecy.
Donald Trump's Truly Absurd, Word Salad, Gibberish Health Care ...

A typical campaign website has position papers. Trump has none.
The link to 'Issues' takes you to a pretty frightening page of
short embedded ...
Et Tu, Crouton? (The Assassination of Caesar Dressing) by Ben ...
Multiple Shakespearean Theaters Are Getting Death Threats After ...

Shakespeare in the Park, the New York theater institution that
is currently staging a Donald Trump-inspired performance of
Julius Caesar, is still
Salad days - Wikipedia

"Salad days" is a Shakespearean idiomatic expression to refer to
a youthful time, accompanied ... The metaphor comes from
Cleopatra's use of the word 'green' - presumably meaning someone
youthful, inexperienced, or immature.

This, on the other hand, is what it's actually like: You,
Bernard Goupy, have been the head chef for six months at Trump's
Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, where you serve a Caesar
salad in a fancy bowl made from Parmesan cheese. Then one day,
Trump stalks into the kitchen yelling about how one of his
guests didn't like the salad. And he angrily demonstrates the
proper way to do it, throwing lettuce and tomatoes in a regular
bowl and screaming that this is "how we make a Caesar salad
where I come from."

On TV, it's hard to talk back to Trump. But in the kitchen at
Mar-a-Lago, Goupy can't resist. "I didn't know you were the new
executive chef," Goupy tells the boss.

Trump, furious, storms off.
Trump Refuses to Pay for Caesar Salad: Calls Chef "Lightweight," and ...

Donald Trump, after ordering a Caesar Salad at the Boston Hilton,
subsequently refused to pay, calling the dish,
Julius Caesar Salad: A Spoof of Caesar, a shakespeare fanfic ...

By: LovaAtHeart ... There, the others will be waiting, and together
we murder Caesar once and for all
Star Darlings Collection:: Piper's Perfect Dream; Astra's Mixed-up ...

Specifically, a Caesar salad wrap. ... Why else would it be
called a "seize her" salad? ... "Sure!" said Tessa, happy she
didn't have to use her mind control power.

Mind Control Chapter 2, a torchwood fanfic | FanFiction

Summary: An artefact attaches itself to Ianto, changing the way he thinks,
putting the team and Jack in danger. The artefact is a weapon used by an
race to eliminate its enemy by infecting the person's mind and thoughts.

"Jack you always coped, I just refined you" Ianto answered with a smirk.
or salad for lunch?" to change the subject unless he wouldn't get away to
the lunches and there really would be a protest.

"Whatever you're having, I'm easy" Jack winked.

"Okay chicken caesar salad it is"

Jared Kushner unleashes MKUltra Mind Control Project on Donald ...

"God Bless America" Jared Kushner has Unleashed the MK-ULTRA
Mind Control Program on to Donald Trump ...
EXCLUSIVE: Tila Tequila says Donald Trump is having his mind ...

MTV star Tila Tequila says Donald Trump is having his mind
controlled on another planet. In an interview with The Tab, the
alt-right celebrity
Alex Jones tossing Word Salad - YouTube

Nice try - mole. Only the dumbest of all will fall for your out
of context video frame scrambling. But you are likely ...
American Horror Story: There's Something Going On With Alex Jones ...

Vic Berger Presents: Alex Jones knows that if you buy his
conspiracies, you'll ... American Horror Story ...
You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand
You see somebody naked and you say, "Who is that man?"
You try so hard but you don't understand
Just what you will say when you get home
Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?
How Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, got Donald ... > News > World

Alex Jones, America's foremost purveyor of outlandish conspiracy
theories, ... "I had some family that did some things for the
CIA," he once said.
Russian menus, grapeless Jazz Salad and other top-secret
cafeteria complaints from inside the CIA

The great Jazz Salad crisis: "The Jazz Salad was supposed to be
a Sonoma Grape and Prosciutto salad," wrote one person. Except
that there were no grapes. Only cherry tomatoes masquerading as
grapes. Calamity ensued:
Sarah Palin Throws Shade At Paul Manafort in Tweet | National News ...

The queen of word salad had some harsh words for Paul Manafort,
who ... see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in

The 11 Most Fire Rhymes in Sarah Palin's Endorsement of Trump

The "right wingin', bitter clingin', proud clingers" were out in
full force

what struck this blogger was the virtuoso nature of her speech,
a performance that seemed more like a free-verse poetry slam
than anything resembling a politician's prepared remarks.

They may act silly and giggle for no apparent reason. They often
make up words and sentences that make no sense to other people.
And they often don't show facial expressions.

Examples of disorganized speech include:

* Making up words (neologisms). For example:

"I'm going to the park to ride the wallywhoop."

* Rhyming words (clang speech). For example: "Deck the halls

with boughs of holly, folly, polly, dolly, hello Dolly, want a

* Saying sentences that make no sense to other people

(word salad). For example: "Give paper floor me school hop bus."

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a
doctor. Healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you
make based on this information.

In the mental health field, schizophasia or word salad is
language that is confused and often repetitious, symptomatic of
various mental illnesses
10 Warning Signs of Word Salad | Narcissist, Sociopath, and ... > Articles > Warning Signs

... will often use what's called "word salad" as an attempt to
regain control over you. ... use what's called "word salad" in
an attempt to keep your mind occupied.
How Ex-Spies Think Putin Will Sucker 'Sociopathic Narcissist' Trump

The Trump-Putin meeting, say Russian politicians and Putin's
former KGB ... "Trump is just about a sociopathic narcissist,"
said Glenn Carle, ...
President Trump exhibits classic signs of mental illness: shrinks - NY ...

President Trump exhibits classic signs of mental illness,
including 'malignant ..... "Living with a person with
narcissistic or sociopathic traits is ...
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?"
~ Oscar Wilde on Word Salad

Angel left wing, right wing, broken wings. Lack of iron and or
sleeping. Protector of the kennel, ectoplamic exoskelletal
obituary. Birthday, your face is still here in my place of

~ Kurt Cobain on Word Salad

Humour, your humour is mine. Philosophy, a statement, in
epigrammatical relief. I have not this shield, I am damned all
the same.

I first saw my organism to complain of mixed French: a salad of
cave, had nobody to be a nurse in the we were made of my father,
in their case
Pont-Saint-Esprit, France The Hallucinations of Pont ... - Atlas Obscura

A small town hallucinates en masse - Bad bread, or CIA science
project? ... The residents of a small French village called Pont-
Saint-Esprit were having a meltdown. ... poisoned everyone by
contaminating the flour with ergot, the key element in LSD. ....
A natural arch carved by a river gave its name to the so-called
"Cave of ...

Early warning signs of schizophrenia
The most common early warning signs include:

Odd or irrational statements; strange use of words or way of

Delusions of persecution - Belief that others, often a vague "
they," are out to get you. These persecutory delusions often
involve bizarre ideas and plots (e.g. "Martians are trying to
poison me with radioactive particles delivered through my tap

Delusions of control - Belief that your thoughts or actions are
being controlled by outside, alien forces. Common delusions of
control include thought broadcasting ("My private thoughts are
being transmitted to others"), thought insertion ("Someone is
planting thoughts in my head"), and thought withdrawal ("The CIA
is robbing me of my thoughts").
Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA's Murderous Targeting of SDS, ...

Similar to top MKUltra LSD distributors, Hollingshead purported
benevolent ... much as today's supermarkets offer free samples
of cookies or salad dressing. His dosing of U.N officials without
their knowledge was part of MK-Ultra's leftist hit list.
Narcissistic Word Salad - Cherilyn Christen Clough - Little Red Survivor

Word salad begins when the Narcissist doesn't recognize your
boundaries and you imagine confronting ... It's really all about
mind control.
Trump's 'news' source: Alien lizards, fluoride mind control and voter fraud

"Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by
Illegal Aliens; Trump may have won popular vote." - Infowars,
website of leading
The 5 Craziest Conspiracy Theory Nutjobs -

The lizard people control everything-even our minds! ... Alex
Jones says, "There's a war on for your mind," in regard to his
popular conspiracy ...

We're going to fight the Lizards house by house and street by
street in Sukhinichi to delay them while we prepare new
positions between Sukhinichi and Kaluga. Then, at need, we will
fight house by house in Kaluga. I hope the need does not arise. "

He stopped there; not even an NKVD man, answerable to no one at
the air base but himself and perhaps, for something particularly
heinous, Colonel Karpov, wanted to say too much. But Ludmila had
no trouble reading between the lines. He didn't expect whatever
makeshift line the Red Army would set up north of Sukhinichi to
hold the Lizards. He didn't expect to hold them at Kaluga,
either, not by the sound of what he said. And between Kaluga and
Moscow lay only plains and forest-no more cities in- which to
slow down and maul the invaders.

Before Schultz could answer, Colonel Karpov came running up the
airstrip, shouting, "Get out! Get out! Lizard armor has broken
through west of Sukhinichi, and they're heading this way. We
have maybe an hour to get clear-maybe not, too. Get out! "
"We was somewhere around Russia when the drugs began to take ...

Community designated to Lysergic acid diethylamide-25 (LSD) ......
front desk: "I have my attorney ..... with me.... and we must
have covfefe!".
Believing that u can fly, touching the sky on LSD - Create Your Own ... > Covfefe Town News

.. card worth$1000000 and like the video to win an unique
opportunity to take pleasure in covfefe with Jehovah.

Think You're Going Covfefe?

When someone is 'covfefe' it means they are experiencing one (or
more) of the following symptoms:

1. Hallucinations, or a sensory stimulus that isn't there. For
example, a person may see an image that isn't there (visual
hallucination) or hear voices that aren't there (auditory

2. Delusions. A delusion is a firmly held, fixed, and false
belief. Delusions can be non bizarre, meaning that the belief is
unlikely, but within the realm of possibility, such as thinking
the CIA is following you. Or they can be bizarre, meaning that
the belief is totally impossible, such as thinking aliens
implanted a microchip in your brain (this type of delusion is
characteristic of schizophrenia).

3. Disordered thinking. Disordered thought is a hallmark of
schizophrenia. It's evidenced by disordered speech, such as
loose associations (jumping from one unrelated topic to the next),
thought blocking (stopping conversation midsentence), and "word
salad" (speech that is incoherent because words are
meaninglessly strung together).

We all witness some people who are 'covfefe' at night while twitting.

They go out, do some 'covfefe' , and then talk to themselves
while twitting.. sure that the Mexican mafia is trying to kill
them or that they're being followed.

Build the wall! an "impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful,
beautiful, southern border wall"

My advice is to stay away from 'covfefe' it could ruin your
health especially while twitting.
To end the blue radish is the upside of luxury and sparking
a good lizard can only make tears fall in hindsight.

Pillow pants join forces over embargo pylons. Puddles do not
ask for why not? It is cheese.
Trump's Cheese In The Maze Strategy - Big League Politics

Operation Overlord, the most successful amphibious invasion in
history, was in no small part successful due to the most
effective deception and ...
'MIND CONTROL' DRUG ON TRUMP - The Underground Report

Sounds bizarre but federal investigators say they have uncovered
evidence in the recent warranted search on former president
Obama's ...
Trump cash contributor: 'The Illuminati killed my mind-controlled sex ...

The last two days have brought us two absolute must-reads on the
idiocy of the typical Trump voter-articles that also clarify why
they may be ...
Trump's defense of his wiretapping claim is an incredible word salad ...

... and even congressional Republicans are stuck refusing to
defend ...
Russian to Trump: Your budget cuts will hurt the little children

Those are but Trump's salad days. As a famous writer put it, "My
salad days. When I was green in judgment: cold in blood. To say
as I said then!
Trump's word salads conceal his ignorance - The Washington Post

It's time to call out Trump. ... Trump's word salads conceal his
ignorance ... I was actually talking over Anderson Cooper, who I
thought it was a great
The Replicants - Google Books Result

"Caesar sounds familiar," replied the darkeyed delectable, as
she headed for the salad bar. The smell of ... During the break,
the referee's bunker had been firebombed and the central umpire
was now wearing armor plating over strategic parts ...
Planet Faeton. Book 1: Destruction the Third Rome

Victor Grebenshchikov (Michael Nostrodamus) - 2017

... bend fingers, type - yes you the muzhik know, with whom deal,
yes we you. ... to the Caesar - cesarean, and Dark Victor
already went to search for traces of a
Russian state media is falling out of love with Donald Trump

In the months following Donald Trump's election, Russian media
fell hard ... declaring the new American president to be a
"muzhik", or a "real ...
President Trump Delivers Word Salad of a Speech to GOP Retreat

Victorious GOP lawmakers wanted to get down to business at their
Philadelphia retreat, planning their Obamacare repeal and tax
Larviparous Caesar turpentines, lixiviations outran footled
penuriously. Could trammel up the consequence, and catch
with his surcease success.

Sea all-important Waldo fled muzhik extruded earwigged refinedly.

Toddler hangs back toward the caesar. Spottily redemptive
kilters have vivificated.
Trump Tosses Another Word Salad - Patheos

... The fuck, Republicans? ... Trump may toss word salad, but he
makes me want to toss my cookies.

A record player, a relic from the 1970's, sputtered, fitfully,
breaking the spell in this Assembly of Notables. Its uncertain
trumpet indicated that the line of march, Marshal in front,
faculty taking up the rear, was beginning to Reach For the Stars.
The composure of the Assembly, momentarily shaken by its rather
humble positioning, was immediately restored when the nature of
the march became clear.

Each time a blow for intelligence and liberty was struck by a
Tribune, his attendant slipped off the laurel wreath, crowned
the Prophet-Hero, and trumpeted a fanfare calling the masses to
make merry.

To the gourmand, it meant the Bimbo High Table, which contained
7500 types of salad ingredients, which appeared and disappeared
in groups of five hundred, on carriages on an enormous, squat,
ferris wheel at the end of the Grand Ballroom

Friends passing by with a fresh Jeremy Bentham Salad enlightened
her on the cost of language instruction.

"Farewell, budding linguist ! Your sacrifice will help maintain
the fiber of a free people. Especially if you're added to the
Salad. "

They had produced a "Syllabus of Contradictions", indicating all
the valueless bargains available in the well-stocked Free
Supermarket of Conveniences and Ideas, a cartoon series
depicting gladiatorial combats between ethnocentrists and value-
free proponents of Universal American Pluralism, and, finally, a
truly superior piece entitled "The Lady is a Tramp", revealing
all the dirt about the strumpet standing guard in the Harbor.

Oliver threw down what he thought to be his trump card.

I have become, in short, a professional adjunct. I teach, on the
average, ten courses per semester, thus piercing together the
kind of living that would have aroused compassion in a muzhik in
the hard days after the collapse of the Pugachev Rebellion. I
work in at least six different universities each term. Often

Damn! Seven thousand trumpets went off, indicating that A Time
To Be Nice was about to begin.

Moreover, the shopping and Change elevating some free
individuals over others appeared to have especially ravaged
those among the original Conference participants whose tired
blood and refusal to think logically made them most attached to
their beliefs in the unchanging Framing order.

The future is ours!", the class sang at graduation, as fine
clothes adorned the body, trumpets sounded, and a giant arrow
hanging from the ceiling of the school auditorium pointed the
Way to an Even Better Life than the Rosebush pioneers had known.
Donald Trump eats salad? | New Republic

First, it's hard to imagine Donald Trump eating salad, given his
generally .... female staff to work with a man who believes
biology handicaps them in their field, or to ..... In a detailed
New Yorker article aptly titled, "World War Three, by Mistake," ...
Trump Time Capsule #129: 'Nobody Says It the Other Way' - The Atlantic

A 'Chinese' View of the Election ..... by the disconnect between
what he says and the world of observable truth.
The hole fell itself upon nothingness. An egg laid itself
upon the great retribution. Oy fay piggy trumpet sacks, the rat
can't enter through the dump hole. It's trawbar.
The tinman must heat up the oven. The capsule is not truthful.
The inexact nature of gravity is so gravitating, it defies
gravity, itself.
Trump says he hopes North Korea understands gravity of situation

BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on
Friday he hoped North Korea "fully" understood the gravity of
his words ...

President Donald Trumpopov and all his Russian connections,
including - but not limited to - his favorite salad dressing,
his highly secret Miss Universe pageant, the world's best tea
cakes, his nesting doll collection, any and all tchotchkes in
his office and every dog-eared copy of John Le Carre and Tom
Clancy novels that are stacked on the shelves of the "Library
Rooms" at all of Mr. Trumpopov's various resorts.
Spicer: Media Would Say Trump Using 'Russian Salad Dressing' is
a ...

.. Fielding the final question of the day from April Ryan of American ...
The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication ...

... in the spring of 1915, the Russians were using a simple Caesar cipher.
shift of keys, had evidently proved too difficult to handle for the
half-illiterate muzhiks.
5 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: Trump Spews a 'Fruit Salad' of ...

Some truly bizarre things fell out of Trump's mouth this week.
We could easily write an opus just listing the crazy things
Donald J. Trump has ...
Former Russian PM Gaidar poisoned, say his doctors | The Independent > News > World > Europe

... with violent vomiting after consuming a fruit salad and a
cup of tea at ... He said he saw a connection with the death of
Mr Litvinenko and the ...
Trump the pinhead - Resilient Sierra

Donald Trump Proves He's Ready to be Prezadent!

Uh-oh! We're out of automobile parts and rubber goods
Uh-oh! We're out of automobile parts and rubber goods
Wait, I've got an idea--
I'll stare at you so hard, you'll
Forget your Social Security number!

Could you come over and give me a
Sensitive portrayal of a victimized middle class homeowner?

Yow! I am having fun!
Hmmm...I wonder if it's net fun or gross fun?
The breading on my scallop is of an even thickness
But I want a rewrite on my Caesar Salad
If room service doesn't come soon,
I'm going to leave my body.
How Do Nuclear Weapons Work? | Union of Concerned Scientists

Nuclear weapons work by splitting those nuclei apart. ... and
concentrated (usually using centrifuges, which operate like
salad spinners
Makers: All Kinds of People Making Amazing Things in Garages, ...

Technology & Engineering

Hull, 59, built a thermonuclear device. lt's serious science,
but not as unusual as you'd ... shop - basically heavy-duty
salad bowls which contain the reaction
Salad is more dangerous than beefburgers, leading food expert warns ... > Food and Drink > Food and Drink News
Avoiding Armageddon | PBS

transportation of nuclear and radioactive materials across the
Russian. state border ... local election, contaminated salad
bars with Salmonella bacteria. In less.

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