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Hoover's Own Words Show Us The FBI Had NO Jurisdiction On 11/2263! (Are you listening Allegedly "Ben Holmes?"

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Robert Caprio

Aug 3, 2012, 4:24:38 PM8/3/12
In the book Never Again! Harold Weisberg covers how JEH said THREE
times in an interview with author William Manchester that he took over
the case with NO JURISDICTION.

Are you listening Allegedly "Ben Holmes?" (Good old Allegedly "Ben
Holmes" claimed the FBI had jurisdiction for ALL FELONIES in the US!)

As you read this remember Weisberg gleaned all of this from viewing
these documents that he got via his numerous FOIA lawsuits. He had 60
file cabinets full of this JFK material.

Quote on

In the JFK case Hoover's need to control included the fact that the
FBI's effective, decades-long self-promotion created a myth that it
was on top of everything criminal. Hoover, I believe, simply could not
abide having it believed that a president could be assassinated and
his FBI not prevent it.

The fact is, although he was able to hide it, he was really hysterical
as soon as he knew the President had been killed.


But it was not hysteria that prompted **Hoover to the ILLEGAL ACTION
of moving into the case when he had NO jurisdiction**, as he did
virtually the minute of the crime and as he later boasted to William

The Kennedy family sanctioned Manchester's sort of authorized account
of the assassination. It ended in controversy, but he did produce the
book, The Death of a President (New York: Harper & Row 1967)

Through the intercession of Cartha DeLoach, then the number four man
in the FBI hierarchy, Manchester got to interview Hoover. That came
to passing at 10:10 A.M., June 4, 1964, in Hoover's office.
(62-1009060, Not Recorded; original in 94-42768)

(My note: Four years to the day RFK will be shot.)

Aside from making it clear he never suspected any other suspect other
than Oswald, without confederates, **Hoover was quite explicit that
WITHOUT JURISDICTION he had controlled the case.**

DeLoach, nominally head of what the FBI called its Crime Records
Division, was in fact in charge of its propaganda, leaking, lobbying
and other activities NOT on its organizational chart.

As was the custom, after the Manchester interview, DeLoach prepared a
memo for Hoover covering it. In the FBI's unique practices he did NOT
address his memo to Hoover. DeLoach addressed this memo of more than
seven single-spaced, typewritten pages to John P. Mohr, whose title
then was assistant to the director. But even Mohr could NOT address
Hoover directly. He routed it to Hoover's longtime friend, Associate
Director Clyde Tolson.

It was FBI practice for those through whose hands these memos passed
to initial them, sometimes adding comments or recommendations. This
particular memo--the original of which is in one of those DeLoach
files has always refused to search for me, a "94" classification file--
was provided to me from the FBI's main JFK assassination file,
62-109060. in which it is not the "Record" copy. The "Record" copy is
hidden in the "94" classification file -- "94" refers to "Research
Matters" in FBI jargon.

**On a single page of this lengthy memo covering what transpired at
the Manchester interview, DeLoach stated that on THREE DIFFERENT
occasions Hoover told Manchester that he had entered the case without
any legal authority to do so.**

In a sentence referring to Hoover's second call on the afternoon of
the assassination to Robert Kennedy, brother and attorney general,
DeLoach wrote that Hoover **"once again told him [Kennedy] that the
FBI was moving into the investigation. The Director advised
Manchester that the FBI took this action DESPITE THE FACT that there
was NO law making it a Federal violation to assassinate the

The fourth paragraph on the second page begins, **"The Director told
Manchester that the FBI IMMEDIATELY entered the case, despite
nonjurisdiction..."** In the same paragraph, referring to a
conversation with the new President, DeLoach wrote, **"The Director
stated [to Manchester] he advised the President that the FBI had
already entered the case."** This third repetition of the FBI's
involvement refers to what Hoover told LBJ when LBJ phoned him about
7:25 P.M., not long after he had reached his office after returning
from Dallas.

Beginning with DeLoach's flourished "D" and including Tolson's "T"
that looks more like a checkmark and falling below all other initials,
the crabbed "OK. H" is scrawled, meaning approvals are noted. (Harold
Weisberg, Never Again!, Carrol & Graf, 1995, pp. 15-16)(Emphasis mine)

Quote off

These FOIA documents shows most of us what we already knew -- the FBI
had NO jurisdiction to take the evidence from the Dallas DPD and had
NO jurisdiction to be interviewing and releasing suspects. They also
had NO authority or jurisdiction to take evidence form people in the
plaza either.

Can you hear me Allegedly "Ben Holmes?" Why did you LIE FOR YEARS
claiming the FBI had jurisdiction for ALL FELONIES?

Robert Caprio

Aug 6, 2012, 6:05:39 PM8/6/12
I guess the lying WC shill knows as ALLEGEDLY "Ben Holmes" is avoiding
this one, huh? He claimed the FBI had JURISDICTION FOR ALL FELONIES!


They are so obvious these LNers, aren't they?

Robert Caprio

Aug 9, 2012, 1:57:39 PM8/9/12
It would seem so, but here are some of his quotes regarding this

“In fact, he is NOW arguing they (FBI) have jurisdiction in ALL
FELONIES!” (Robert)

“That is, in fact, what the law states. Why would I argue with the
law?” (Allegedly “Ben Holmes” – 9/9/09)

Or this?

“But YOU claimed **FEDERAL LAW covers local felonies**,
remember?” (Robert)

“**They do**, stupid.” (Allegedly “Ben Holmes”—1/14/10)

And this classic?

“As sad as it is to say, after three other Presidents were
assassinated, the murder of a President was a LOCAL CRIME in
1963.” (Robert)

“It's *still* a local crime. **It does indeed take place "local" - to
those who are local.**” (Allegedly “Ben Holmes” – 9/15/09)

Con man, isn't he?
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