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How to be positive and not pessimism

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Jul 16, 2018, 6:06:30 PM7/16/18

Read this:

Read "all" my actual post to understand better:

How to be positive and not pessimism

You have to now about philosophy to answer better this question:

I think we have to know the essence of morality, and as you have
noticed i have defined "morality" as being contineous perfection
that is possible towards absolute perfection, this is like philosophy
that i am doing , and morality is what gives us politics and laws etc.
so morality is a very serious subject, why morality is contineous
perfection ? because the essence of perfection is "solving" problems,
and "reliability" too has an essence solving problems, because i think
we are reliable if we solve problems, and reliability, like perfection,
also has as essence that is "measured" by our need to solve completely
our problems to be able to be absolute perfection, so the essence of
morality is to be "responsability" that needs to solve our problems,
also the essence of morality that is the essence of perfection is
also perfection that knows that extremism that is
too problematic is bad, so extremism is constrained by morality that
means by perfection, other than that we have to not only be rationalism
but be also empiricism to be more correct thinking, so "empiricism" dictates
that morality is also beautiful, because perfection of today is
a hard sacrifice also of scientists and engineers that wants
to brings the best to humanity and wants to help humanity as a whole,
so we have not be pessimistic about morality.

Read the rest of my thoughts to understand better my thoughts:

About the wisdom of my poems..

You will notice that my poems are like "wisdom", or like philosophy,
also because i am in reality a "gentleman" type of person, and i am
in reality like a "wise" type of person, and my poems are "smart" !
so i continu to explain to you my poems, as you have notice i have
posted one of my poem in my last post and i have explained it to you
more, you can read it bellow, you will notice also that
this poem is smart, because like my wisdom bellow
it get "out" from "idealism" without getting into
pessimism and violence, because i have talked about idealism of racism
of neo-nazism or idealism of socialism and i have explained that
they are "not" correct morality, and i have explained to you what
is morality also, so thus notice in my poem bellow
that i am saying that "perfection" that has an essence "solving"
problems, because i think we say we are perfection and reliable if we
can solve problems, and if we are capable of solving all the problems
we say that we are absolute perfection or complete reliability, so
morality also is contineous perfection as i have explained, so notice
with me that in my poem bellow i said that perfection is also
"diversity" or perfection is also "darkness" of weakness or suffering,
and i said that perfection is also the strong that needs the weak and
weak that needs the strong, and i said also also in my poem that:

"But the weak becomes better
Because our civilization is not a decoy"

So as you have noticed my poem is smart because in my poem i am getting
out of idealism without being pessimism and violence, this is why i have
said the following on one of my previous post:

My wisdom of today..

A better politics..

Now you know me more by my writings, and now i will give you an
important wisdom:

One of my previous important wisdom in politics was:

Today we have to know how to get out from "idealism" without being
pessimistic or without getting into pessimism and violence.

My other wisdom of today is:

A better martial art in politics is to avoid at best "brute" force
and to know how with a minimum brute force to score and to succeed.

This is why i told you before another wisdom by saying the following:

Violence is "easy" today, so destruction is easy, but "wisdom"
is to know how to transcend our living conditions by being
discipline of technology and science and by being sophistication
of technology and science and by being wisdom that knows
how to guide our world and humanity in the right and wise way.

This wisdom looks like my above one that says:

A better martial art in politics is to avoid at best "brute" force
and to know how with minimum brute force to score and to succeed.

So you have to be smart , this is what i am learning with my writings.

So here is my poem and read it again:

Here is the explanation bellow of my following poem, you have to be
smart to understand it correctly ! here it is and read
my explanation of it bellow:

We are past and present

Because time is like a balance

Because time is perfection

Because perfection is the scale

But how perfection can be only light ?

Perfection is also darkness

Because we are strong and weak

Even silence is strong and weak

Eventhough silence is divine

Because even love is effervescence

Bees know about time

That time is relativity

And relativity is diversity

But what is perfection?

Perfection is also diversity

Diversity is also immensity

Because time is relativity

The weak needs the strong

And the strong needs the weak

But the weak becomes better

Because our civilization is not a decoy

Since diversity is the seed

Since the scale creates consciousness

Because the scale creates abundance

Since diversity is also seasons

Who creates wisdom and reason

So hello to you my dear and beautiful

With your lovely pretty eyes

You carry me on the wind and the Rainbow

To drive us to a beautiful island

Like our love and tenderness

Rather for goods never I leave you!

My sweet and beautiful goddess

My sweet spring and my sweet princess

Our hearts finally beat in unison

Like a nice thrill and a nice song

I do not want to hurt you

Because you are like the pretty flower that can not die!

As if both of us were as one

Let's be the flower and the perfum!

And may infinity and depth bring us together

Since our destiny is infinite

Since our destiny has understood

That the pretty fir is not cursed

Because Christmas is divine

As silence is a pretty parfum

Because in the depth of your pretty eyes

Who reminds me of our beautiful raft

Who defies storms and seasons

Since life is not a gift

And because destiny and reason are our passion

Because beauty reminds us

That she can not be violence and hatred

Since relativity of time is like a mason

Since the weather is seasons that brings reason

So, hello to you man of reason!

Amine Moulay Ramdane.


First to understand better, you have to understand that rationalism
alone is not enough, and empiricism alone is not enough, so
you have to be both rationalism and empiricism to be better and
to understand my poem, this is also the "fondation" of my poem, because
my poem is also like "philosophy", and it is like a Labyrinth , you have
to be smart to find its meaning, so i start to explain:

When i say in my poem the following:

"We are past and present
Because time is like a balance"

When i say we are past and present it must be measured by
my overall poem, you can not measure it alone, so my poem
is about life , that it is both weak and strong and it is
both beautiful and not beautiful and it is suffering and
not suffering, and this conditions of living of suffering
and not beautifulness and weakness are also like "inherited" from
the "past", so they contains savagery etc. of the past, this is the
meaning in the "context" of my overall poem of: "We are past and present"

And now about the following part of my poem:

"Because time is like a balance"

I mean that "time" needs "causality", thus the consequences need
the causes, this is why time is like a balance.

And about the other parts of my poem, we read this:

"Because time is perfection
Because perfection is the scale"

Here again you have to be smart to understand the meaning,
it is like rationalism and empiricism , you can not understand
the meaning by just being rationalism ! you have to be both rationalism
and empiricism to understand, so when you are both you will understand
by empiricism, that time is perfection, because the "small" cause of the
Big Bang has given the "immensity" of the Universe that is perfection,
and life also has started from "small" to "much" bigger that is
perfection, and when i say that: "Because perfection is the scale", that
means that for example the Universe and life have been perfected and it
is the scale, because the Universe has balanced more and life has
balanced more to be perfection.

Now about the rest of my poem, we read this:

"But how perfection can be only light ?
Perfection is also darkness"

I mean that perfection needs the weak also, because we notice it
in our lives that the strong needs the weak, and life needs suffering,
this is why it is also "darkness".

Now about the rest of my poem, we read this:

"Because we are strong and weak
Even silence is strong and weak
Eventhough silence is divine"

I mean by silence that it is complete silence of our thoughts , so
complete silence is not having consciousness, it is like a piece of
paper, a piece of paper is also complete silence, because it is not
consciousness, so a piece of paper is like divine, because it is very
"strong" because it doesn't feel suffering and it doesn't have
difficulties , but it is also weak if we take the measure and the
reference as being it much much less complex than other very complex

Now about the rest of my poem, we read this:

"And relativity is diversity"

You need both empiricism and rationalism to understand it,
i mean the overall "set" contains empiricism, so from
experience we can say that: "And relativity is diversity".

Now about the rest of my poem, we read this:

"Perfection is also diversity
Diversity is also immensity
Because time is relativity"

Here again, you need both empiricism and rationalism to understand it,
i mean the overall "set" contains empiricism, so from
experience we can say the above.

And i think that now it is more easy to understand all my poem above.

Read the rest of my thoughts to understand better:

What has to be politics ?

I said about morality that:

Morality is contineous perfection that is possible towards the absolute
perfection, and when i say "that is possible", that means that
"compassion" when it is "possible" is also inherent to morality, so this
definition avoids "extremism" that is too violent.

Read for example this:

"Now, an even greater threat is coming. Forrester predicts that by 2025,
technologies like robots, artificial intelligence (AI), machine
learning, and automation will replace 7% (or 22.7 million) jobs in the
US alone."

So what about this problem ?

Since i said that the essence of perfection is the essence of
"reliability", there essence is that they solves problems,
and since perfection today is a hard sacrifice of for example scientists
and engineers that wants to do there best to help humanity, and since
progress of science and technology are in many parts an exponential
progress, not a linear progress, and don't forget too about the law of
accelerating returns that, so i think that in about 15 years or
20 years(and that's a near future) science and technology will be so
powerful that that it will be necessary for us humans to be united
over this earth, so in this near future we have to rethink politics,
so we have not to waste our time with inferior thinking of neo-nazism or

Read the rest of my thoughts:

Politics is also like playing chess, you have to be smart to be
able to succeed, but politics is constrained by "perfection",
and as you have noticed it is also like philosophy that i am doing, but
this perfection must be perfection that knows how to "drive", so how
must we drive ? i think we have to find the "best" possible way that
guides us towards our goals, so i was thinking more and i think
that we have to cease to be inferior "thinking" of neo-nazism
or nationalism because it is archaism as i have explained,
so what is the right way then ? i think a necessary requirement
in politics is to do politics knowing in advance that science
and technology are in many parts advancing exponentially, not linearly,
and that also we have to be aware of the law of accelerating returns,
because of that, in about 15 years or 20 years science and technology
will be able of enhancing our genetics and make us more smart
and more beautiful and more strong, and in about 15 years or 20 years we
will be capable of doing much more than that, so this is why politics
must be aware of this exponential progress of science and
technology(please read more about it on internet), and this is why
politics must not be neo-nazism or nationalism and it must be more
responsable and politics must think differently our world , because in
about 15 years or 20 years science and technology
will be really really powerful that we must rethink our world in this
near future, because in about 15 years or 20 years we have to cease to
think like racial nationalism that is inferior thinking, because in
about 15 years or 20 years science and technology will be really really
powerful that we have to become more united because this science and
technology of the near future will permit us to solve much much better
our world problems.

Please read the rest of my thoughts to understand better:

Is morality tolerance and compassion ?

You have to be smart because it is like philosophy..

As i said morality that:

Morality is contineous perfection that is possible towards the absolute
perfection, and when i say "that is possible", that means that
"compassion" when it is "possible" is also inherent to morality, so this
definition avoids "extremism" that is too violent. So it is like
mathematics that i am doing.

So i think compassion and tolerance is inherent to perfection,
because perfection is also a hard "sacrifice" to help the people of
humanity, and also because the reality proves that perfection is doing
its best to help humanity, we can notice it by the behavior of
scientists and engineers and even by the behavior of Google and DeepMind
and other high tech companies and such , because they are more
responsable of the well being of humanity as a whole, and this proves
the "theory" of my definition of morality because perfection is also a
hard hard "sacrifice" to help people of humanity, this is why morality
is also "beautiful", so you have not to be pessimistic
because also progress of science and technology are in many parts an
exponential progress and in about 15 year or 20 years technology
and science will be really really powerful and we will
be able to do really great things such as enhancing our genetics
and become more beautiful and more smart and more strong
and we will be capable of doing much more than that ! so don't
waste your time with neo-nazism or nationalism..

This is why i said before the following , read the rest of my thoughts
to understand better my thoughts:

Is morality beautiful ?

That's a really an interesting an important question:

I said that morality is:

Morality is contineous perfection that is possible towards the absolute
perfection, and when i say "that is possible", that means that
"compassion" when it is "possible" is also inherent to morality, so this
definition avoids "extremism" that is too violent. So it is like
mathematics that i am doing.

So i think morality is also beautiful because the hard sacrifice to
bring perfection is done by for example scientists and engineers , and
the essence of perfection is the same as the essence of reliability,
because there essence is the fact that they solves problems so
they perfect us, so for example scientists and engineers are doing
there best to bring the best to our humanity and to help humanity, so we
have to "honor" there sacrifice , Google and DeepMind are also doing a
great sacrifice to bring the best to humanity and to help humanity ,
this "perfection" is the essence of morality and it is morality that
they are doing , there sacrifice is great ! so i am not pessimistic
because i believe in morality that brings perfection that helps humanity
like is helping us Google and DeepMind that wants to be in accordance
with morality. And beautifulness of Google and DeepMind is like my
following beautiful poem that i invite you to read:

I am strong like patience

I am passionate like romance

I am right as the nuance!

I am compassionate as hope

It's like flowers and bees bringing honey

As our life is made of light and Rainbow

I am like love, joy and smiles

Who are also like diamond and sapphire

Who are also like Satin and Velvet

Since it's like the Elixir of love

Since our love is divine

As dawn is beautiful and comes back

With its sky and its stars and its divine silence

Who plunges us into the secrets of our beautiful garden

Like your emerald, ruby, sapphire and diamond eyes

We are sun and heat like lovers

Your soul is a sea of pretty perfumes

Where love and hope are intertwined

Like flowers and bees

Like the taste of honey

You are like the beauty of dawn that comes back

And who bathes me in the depths of our destiny

Of our love which is divine

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


And read the rest of my thoughts to understand better:

About the essence of nazism and neo-nazism

Neo-nazism and nazism is not only national socialism
but it is also racism inside its group and outside its group,
it is racism inside its group of white europeans because
nazism and neo-nazism wants to "perfect" the white european race,
it is why we say that nazism and neo-nazism are idealism of
socialism that is a failure as i have explained(read bellow),
and nazism and neo-nazism are "idealism" of racism, because
it's too much idealism that wants to "perfect" without taking into
account the constrains of the realities, so neo-nazism
and nazism are not pragmatic or realistic, neo-nazism and nazism is what
we call too much "perfection" that is not correct morality, and you can
easily notice it when neo-nazism says that all arabs are bad or
all Israel is bad, without recognizing that it is not
truth and that it is illogical because not all Israel is bad
and not all arabs are bad, so we have not to waste our
time with this idealism of neo-nazism and nazism.

Read the rest to understand better my thoughts:

About the essence of perfection..

What is the essence of perfection ?

Because i explained and defined morality as:

Morality is contineous perfection that is possible towards the absolute
perfection, and when i say "that is possible", that means that
"compassion" when it is "possible" is also inherent to morality, so this
definition avoids "extremism" that is too violent. So it is like
mathematics that i am doing.

The essence of perfection needs a "reference" of measure, so we have to
think about the reference of measure of perfection and defined it more
correctly, first you have to recognize that i am speaking about
perfection as general related to the definition of morality,
so i think that the reference of measure of perfection is like
the reference of measure of "reliability", because i think
you are "reliable" if you solve problems, perfection is the same
because you are perfection when you solve problems, and when you
are capable of solving "all" the problems we say that you are
absolute perfection.

To be more convinced by my writings, look at France and its
Liberty, equality and fraternity that is the national motto of France
and the Republic of Haiti, and is an example of a tripartite motto.
Although it finds its origins in the French Revolution, it was then only
one motto among others and was not institutionalized until the Third
Republic at the end of the 19th century.It is also the motto of the
Grand Orient de France and the Grande Loge de France.

Read more here:,_%C3%A9galit%C3%A9,_fraternit%C3%A9

This Liberty, equality and fraternity of France is too much "idealism",
like the idealism of socialism, so it is not pragmatic because it is not
realistic. USA is more like Liberty like the statue of Liberty in USA ,
and Liberty is Morality and Morality is contineous perfection that is
possible towards the absolute perfection, and when i say "that is
possible", that means that "compassion" when it is "possible" is also
inherent to morality, so this definition avoids "extremism" that is too
violent. So it is like mathematics that i am doing.

Read the rest:

What is the essence of Liberty ?

If i ask you a question:

Is idealism a morality ?

If you are smart you will immediatly recognize that idealism
like idealism of socialism is like belonging to the set of
solving the problem "locally", it doesn't belong to the "set"
of solving the problems globally, it is as it is not a "general"
theorem in mathematics, idealism is as in artificial intelligence
you are blocking in a local minimum and you are not able to
go to the global minimum that we require in artificial intelligence
such as Deep learning in artifical intelligence, so from those analogies
you will be able to understand that idealism of socialism
is not "reliability", because more scientifically i
have defined reliability as being:

What is the essence of reliability ?

What is reliability ?

We can simply say that we measure reliability by the fact that the
"reference" of measure is the fact that we want to solve and it is
also the fact that what we have do solve or not, if it solves that's the
measure that permit us to say that it is reliable, so being the right
"perfection" that solves our problems is also "reliability",
and being this right perfection is also "morality", and being this right
perfection is dependent also on the standard of quality, so to be
a correct morality we have to be high standards of quality to be
able to solve and to succeed, and as i said Morality is contineous
perfection that is possible towards the absolute perfection, and when i
say "that is possible", that means that "compassion" when it is
"possible" is also inherent to morality,so this definition avoids
"extremism" that is too violent. So it
is like mathematics.

What is corruption of morality ?

How to measure correctly corruption of morality ?

First you have to notice that morality is "contineous" "perfection",
so i think that if perfection is "possible" you have to make it , if you
don't make it that's "corruption" of morality.

So you are able now to understand that idealism or more idealism of
socialism is not reliability , so it is not the right perfection that
solves problems , so it is not Morality that is contineous perfection
that is possible towards the absolute perfection, and when i say "that
is possible", that means that "compassion" when it is "possible" is also
inherent to morality,so this definition avoids "extremism" that is too

So now you are more capable of seeing what is Liberty, Liberty is
also Morality, because you can not be Liberty if you are not Morality
that is contineous perfection that is possible towards the absolute
perfection, and when i say "that is possible", that means that
"compassion" when it is "possible" is also inherent to morality,so this
definition avoids "extremism" that is too violent.

Read the rest:

About morality...

I have explained that:

Morality is contineous perfection that is possible towards the absolute
perfection, and when i say "that is possible", that means that
"compassion" when it is "possible" is also inherent to morality, so this
definition avoids "extremism" that is too violent. So it is like
mathematics that i am doing.

This is a serious subject, because morality is what gives us
politics and laws etc. so we have to take it seriously, but you will
have the tendency, like idealism of socialism, to say that what i am
doing is like "mathematics" or like "logic" or like "optimization", so
you will ask a question: where is compassion and where is love and where
is tolerance in my definition of morality, i will answer that it is
the essence of morality , because i have made you understand what is
morality, and i have made you understand that "extremism" is constrained
by morality , so morality says to extremism that it is "bad", this is
also what gives tolerance and compassion and love, but if you ask a
question such as: Is morality safe ? it is as you are asking a question
such as: are we today "completely" safe from "diseases"? because you
know for sure that we are still not completely safe from diseases, this
is the same for morality, because you have to be smart and know that
morality is also constrained by economy and other factors.

And here is what i said about idealism to be able for you to understand
more life:

One of my previous important wisdom in politics was:

"Today we have to know how to get out from "idealism" without being
pessimistic or without getting into pessimism and violence."

I want to comment on it more:

I said before that:

"Socialism comes from weakness and insecurity and it wants to have
"compassion" on its people that are more weak and more insecure , but
its idealism comes from the fact that compassion is put as a "high"
priority that bring socialism , but at the same time optimization and
efficiency of economy and the system is "postponed" again and again in
favor of compassion of the social side. And the idealism of those acts
of socialism is the fact that socialism is thinking "love" and
compassion , but it is not being "pragmatism" and "responsability" of
efficiency and optimization like in UK."

So socialism is also too much idealism, but if socialism says that
"its" compassion is morality, this "kind" of compassion of socialism
belongs to the "set" of "locally" solving the problem, it doesn't belong
to the "set" of globally solving the problem in the system, so
we can not call it "reliability" that is also the right "perfection"
that solves problems and we can not call it Morality that is contineous
perfection that is possible towards the absolute perfection, and when i
say "that is possible", that means that "compassion" when it is
"possible" is also inherent to morality, so this definition avoids
"extremism" that is too violent. So it is like mathematics that i am
doing , because it is more rigor of logic.

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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