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atheists in the shadows: subcultures, multi-culture etc.

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Nov 30, 2010, 1:55:47 PM11/30/10
You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%
rating worldwide while those having religious beliefs make up 86% of
the global population. Roughly 12% have no religious beliefs. Among
the 2% or so that claim to be atheists are those who actually claim to
be "anti-religious" (see below).

This teeny portion of "anti-religious" godhaters are in my opinion,
focused against Jews and Christians for the most part. For example,
how often do you hear them whinning about the religious beliefs of 40%
of the earths population (Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims) which is
"non-Christian".? Hardly never. That's because they are cowards who
only attack Jews and Christians because they (Jews and Christians) are

Nevertheless, world problems cannot be blamed on such a teeny group of
highly vocal cowards who hide in the shadows of society. There is far
more to it than that. Far more.

Obviously and in a climate of "pagans gone wild" some of these world
religions are actually involved in idolatry. In fact I know beyond
doubt that they indeed are.

These figures are from David Barrett's World Christian Encyclopedia,
the standard source of religious membership statistics, used by that
Encyclopedia Britannica

------World Population Percentages by Religious Group-----

religious 86%, non-religious and anti-religious 14%.

Religious Groups
monotheists 54%, reincarnationists 20%, ethno religions 10%

Christians 33%, Muslims 21%

Hindu 13%, Buddhist 6%

Ethno Religions Chinese 6.3%, tribal 4%

Non-religious groups
Non-religious and agnostic 11.9%, anti-religious and atheist 2.3%


Lord Vetinari

Nov 30, 2010, 2:09:54 PM11/30/10
<> wrote in message

> This teeny portion of "anti-religious" godhaters are in my opinion,
> focused against Jews and Christians for the most part. For example,
> how often do you hear them whinning about the religious beliefs of 40%
> of the earths population (Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims) which is
> "non-Christian".? Hardly never. That's because they are cowards who
> only attack Jews and Christians because they (Jews and Christians) are
> "tolerant".

Your pig-ignorant, pointless, and obnoxious tirade is laughable. I suppose
it would be too much to ask that you pull your head out of your ass?


> Obviously and in a climate of "pagans gone wild" some of these world
> religions are actually involved in idolatry. In fact I know beyond
> doubt that they indeed are.

You began by making birdbrained noises about atheists, now you've switched
to pagans. Make up your tiny little mind.



Nov 30, 2010, 2:19:19 PM11/30/10
On 2010-11-30 13:55, wrote:
> You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%

Whatever. We seem to be getting under your tick skull, little loon. You
spend quite an amount of time spamming a.a. So what's your problem?
Afraid to come out of the theist closet?

Nov 30, 2010, 2:39:14 PM11/30/10
"Lord Vetinari" <> wrote:

>Your pig-ignorant, pointless, and obnoxious tirade is laughable.

Yet against even your own inner beliefs, you chose to reply. You took
time out from your very busy day of darting in and out of the shadows
to make an effort to communicate.

Hang in there. Keep reading here.



Nov 30, 2010, 2:39:36 PM11/30/10
On Dec 1, 7:55 am, wrote:
> You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%
> rating worldwide while those having religious beliefs make up 86% of
> the global population. Roughly 12% have no religious beliefs. Among
> the 2% or so that claim to be atheists are those who actually claim to
> be  "anti-religious" (see below).
> This teeny portion of "anti-religious" godhaters are in my opinion,
> focused against Jews and Christians for the most part. For example,
> how often do you hear them whinning about the religious beliefs of 40%
> of the earths population (Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims) which is
> "non-Christian".?  Hardly never. That's because they are cowards who

Nope, we hate them just as much.


Nov 30, 2010, 3:03:37 PM11/30/10
Olrik <> wrote:

>On 2010-11-30 13:55, wrote:
>> You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%
>Whatever. We seem to be getting under your tick skull, little loon.

"We" who? The ~.5% of the earths population who are atheists?


Nov 30, 2010, 3:17:02 PM11/30/10
HardySpicer <> wrote:

Well, I suppose you could all pool your finances and purchase 5 or 10
acres and build a commune somewhere in order to live in peace.


Nov 30, 2010, 4:22:37 PM11/30/10

In reality, 100 percent of all people know intrinsically from looking
around them , that, there exists the work of a personal theistic
Creator ....a person who is greater than and above what he has created
and who sustains what he created. The design of things screams
Designer , and not a fluke of random accidents over lots of time ,
for, that is only a conveneint scapegoat excuse. As for religion,
everyone on earth has some kind of a religion regarding a
worldview ..that is, a strongly held belief on the cosmos, man, why
we are here, how we got here, and what our purpose could be.
Therefore, 100 percent are religious. The small minority of those
who profess atheism are folks who dont care to acknowledge God and
who try to find other plausible explanations in a very unreasonable
manner I might add. The folks who are anti-religion are actually
Religionists themselves , as discussed prior, and hold to their
secular religion of atheism or humanism in defiance of a personal
theistic Creator whom they know has to exist. So, we are ALL
religionists and all know and recognize the need for a supernatural
Person to exist for what we have. The order, lack of chaos, razor
edge precise anthropics so earth can exist and be sustained, fine
tweaking, and enormous complexity in things....make it the epitomie
of foolishness to think blind, random, accidental chances whipped it
all together in such fine arrangement . The Bible says The Fool hath
said in his heart there is no God . And very rightly so. All God
rejectors : Please, end your game of charades and warm up to the
Creator, your Creator, whilst there remains time. No one ever regrets
doing so.


Nov 30, 2010, 4:39:44 PM11/30/10
On Nov 30, 1:22 pm, "Shit4Brains" <Dimwitted Dave> wrote:
> In reality,  

You wouldn't know "reality" even if it soaked in gasoline, lit on fire
and showed up your fat gay ass. FOOL


Nov 30, 2010, 4:46:24 PM11/30/10
On 2010-11-30 15:17, wrote:

Or you could just stop posting your crap here in a.a.

There's a billion muslims waiting to be convinced your sect is better
than theirs. A a bonus, they even believe jesus existed! Go for it! I
added one muslim ng to get you started!


> u4z

Lord Vetinari

Nov 30, 2010, 4:50:04 PM11/30/10
<> wrote in message

> "Lord Vetinari" <> wrote:
>>Your pig-ignorant, pointless, and obnoxious tirade is laughable.
> Yet against even your own inner beliefs,

Why don't you just tell us all what my inner beliefs are, sad sack.

> you chose to reply. You took
> time out from your very busy day of darting in and out of the shadows
> to make an effort to communicate.

??? It should come as no surprise that you have difficulty making any

> Hang in there. Keep reading here.

How about I just plonk you, I won't feel any need to read anything more of
your brilliant writings.

Lord Vetinari

Nov 30, 2010, 4:53:33 PM11/30/10
"" <> wrote in message
: In reality,

That's enough, you have no grasp on reality.


Nov 30, 2010, 5:07:30 PM11/30/10
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 12:55:47 -0600, wrote:

>You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%
>rating worldwide while those having religious beliefs make up 86% of
>the global population. Roughly 12% have no religious beliefs. Among
>the 2% or so that claim to be atheists are those who actually claim to
>be "anti-religious" (see below).

what's more important is the CHANGES rather than the numbers. tne
non-religious are growing at a phenomenal rate among the educated AND
the young

>This teeny portion of "anti-religious" godhaters are in my opinion,
>focused against Jews and Christians for the most part.

well, no. many of them ARE jews and former christians. and christians
are hardly in a position to judge who is 'against' jews.

For example,
>how often do you hear them whinning about the religious beliefs of 40%
>of the earths population (Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims)

nope. we're PARTICULARLY focused on MUSLIMS because they're even more
regressive than christians

which is
>"non-Christian".? Hardly never. That's because they are cowards who
>only attack Jews and Christians because they (Jews and Christians) are

nope. you xtians are virulently homophobic. now that you can no longer
attack jews as you did for over a thousand years, you've moved on to

you're experts at killing people all the while portraying yourselves
as victims.

what expert liars you are!!

>Obviously and in a climate of "pagans gone wild" some of these world
>religions are actually involved in idolatry. In fact I know beyond
>doubt that they indeed are.


everything you've concluded is a lie. delusional. especially your view
what christians are the best friends jews could have

that has NEVER been true.


Nov 30, 2010, 5:08:31 PM11/30/10
On Nov 30, 1:55 pm, wrote:

Wrote a lot of stupid carp, but he did give us a good headline:
Atheists in the Shadows. So, would you want Alfred Hitchcock or Wes
Craven to direct the movie? I want AH.



Nov 30, 2010, 5:10:42 PM11/30/10
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 13:22:37 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote:

>In reality, 100 percent of all people know intrinsically from looking
>around them , that, there exists the work of a personal theistic

nope. 100% know there's no god. they have to be brainwashed otherwise

why do you think there's more than one religion? brainwashing. if
what you said was true there'd only be 1 religion.

....a person who is greater than and above what he has created
>and who sustains what he created. The design of things screams

if this was true, sicence would have been 2000 years more advanced
than it is. the idea of a designer is old. so it's a useless idea

logic leads us to conclude religion is a delusion. a form of

that's why there ARE muslims, chrisitans etc. as betrand russell once
said, 'sin is geographical'.


Nov 30, 2010, 5:10:45 PM11/30/10

When you need funding to test that assertion count me in.


Nov 30, 2010, 5:21:16 PM11/30/10
On Nov 30, 1:55 pm, wrote:



Apologetics site. Figures may not lie, but liars often figure..

"These figures are from David Barrett's World Christian Encyclopedia,
the standard source of religious membership statistics, used by

Encyclopedia Britannica. Most almanacs and other sources quote
Britannica but are really using Barrett's World Christian

Not exactly the most unbiased guy in the world is Barrett..

"Why the title World Christian Encyclopedia, when it covers faith
groups from Afghan Zoroastrians (304,000) to Zimbabwean animists (3.52
million)? Though Barrett says he publishes factual, unbiased data, he
readily acknowledges it has a purpose: to serve as an informational
undergirding for Christian missionary work."

Is the rest of your data this faulty?

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
aa#2015, Member Knights of BAAWA!
"..the prayer cloth of one aeon is the doormat of the next."
-Mark Twain

Religious societies are *less* moral than secular ones:


Nov 30, 2010, 8:37:09 PM11/30/10

Oft-repeated lie in sentence one. No point reading on.


Nov 30, 2010, 10:49:17 PM11/30/10
On Dec 1, 5:55 am, wrote:
> You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%
> rating worldwide while those having religious beliefs make up 86% of
> the global population.

Bit of a problem there sport - 2% + 86% doesnt add up too 100%.

> Roughly 12% have no religious beliefs.

That doesnt work either 12% + 86% doesnt equal 100%.

> Among
> the 2% or so that claim to be atheists are those who actually claim to
> be  "anti-religious" (see below).
> This teeny portion of "anti-religious" godhaters are in my opinion,
> focused against Jews and Christians for the most part.

Your opinion isnt of any interest. Sorry.

> For example,
> how often do you hear them whinning about the religious beliefs of 40%
> of the earths population (Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims) which is
> "non-Christian".?

42% of the time.

> Hardly never.

>That's because they are cowards who
> only attack Jews and Christians because they (Jews and Christians) are
> "tolerant".

Like John Calvin who famously tollerated his Friend Severes by having
him burned at the stake over a minnor theological distinction?
Like how the Catholic church tolerrated the Cathars?
Like how the Protestants and the catholics tollerated each other in
the 30 year war?

You really know nothing of the history of your own bloody cult.



Nov 30, 2010, 11:33:15 PM11/30/10
On Dec 1, 2:49 pm, Richo <> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 5:55 am, wrote:

> Like John Calvin who famously tollerated his Friend Severes by having
> him burned at the stake over a minnor theological distinction?

Correction John Calvins friends name was:
Michael Servetus (1553)



Dec 1, 2010, 12:30:23 AM12/1/10
In article
"" <> wrote:

> In reality, 100 percent of all people know intrinsically from looking
> around them , that, there exists the work of a personal theistic
> Creator ....a person who is greater than and above what he has created
> and who sustains what he created.

In reality, 100% of all people doubt deep in their hearts that there are
any gods, and even in moments when they feel certain there of a god, are
not sure that the one they theirs is the right one.

That I'll-Be-Bad will deny this is mere cowardice.

Uncle Vic

Dec 1, 2010, 3:57:08 AM12/1/10
to wrote in

> This teeny portion of "anti-religious" godhaters are in my opinion,
> focused against Jews and Christians for the most part.

More like Christians and Muslims, since they are the two largest religions
on earth, and the two religions that push their hate and fear the most on

Why? Why do you think we atheists hate something we don't believe in?
That's a circular argument, are you even aware of that?

You could take a giant step toward a morality you could probably never even
hope to achieve fully, just by learning what biblejesus never taught you.

"Live and let live".

You have some extremely zealous religious beliefs. And so do others, and
they differ from yours. You need to learn that other religious people are
not interested in *your* beliefs, they have their own. And atheists are
not interested in *any* religious beliefs.

IOW, you're not going to convince anyone on usenet to follow your leader.

Uncle Vic
AA # 2011

Member EAC Bitchslapping Dept.

Uncle Vic

Dec 1, 2010, 4:03:00 AM12/1/10
to wrote in

You're obsessed with us. Why? Christians and Muslims alike preach theirs
is a religion of love and compassion. So where's your love and compassion?
All I see in your posts is hate and fear. Why do atheists bother you to no
end? Afraid we might be right?

Uncle Vic

Dec 1, 2010, 4:11:58 AM12/1/10
"" <> wrote in news:2dc1730b-e033-

> In reality, 100 percent of all people know intrinsically from looking
> around them , that, there exists the work of a personal theistic
> Creator ...

Whose reality is that? It's not the reality known as... reality. For
example, I as ONE person know intrinsically from looking around me that
nature is not the work of some magical being. I, as ONE person know that
your concept of a god shoots itself in the foot. I, as ONE person know
that your god cannot possibly exist due to logical inconsistancies in your

And if ONE person chooses not to believe in whatever it is you call "god",
then NOT 100 percent of all people know intrinsically from looking around

them , that, there exists the work of a personal theistic Creator."

Therefore, you have LIED, yet again, which is what we've come to expect
from you, and your Christian brethren.

Lord Vetinari

Dec 1, 2010, 11:00:43 AM12/1/10
"JohnN" <> wrote in message

Yeah, I'd consider that a given.

Lord Vetinari

Dec 1, 2010, 11:19:40 AM12/1/10
<> wrote in message

: On Nov 30, 1:55 pm, wrote:
: snip
: >
: Apologetics site. Figures may not lie, but liars often figure..

"How to Lie with Statistics" by Darrell Huff - Excellent book. Figures are
used to lie all the time.

: "These figures are from David Barrett's World Christian Encyclopedia,

: the standard source of religious membership statistics, used by
: Encyclopedia Britannica. Most almanacs and other sources quote
: Britannica but are really using Barrett's World Christian
: Encyclopedia."
: Not exactly the most unbiased guy in the world is Barrett..
: "Why the title World Christian Encyclopedia, when it covers faith
: groups from Afghan Zoroastrians (304,000) to Zimbabwean animists (3.52
: million)? Though Barrett says he publishes factual, unbiased data, he
: readily acknowledges it has a purpose: to serve as an informational
: undergirding for Christian missionary work."

That's really funny...informational underwear.

: Is the rest of your data this faulty?

Nearly a certainty.


Dec 1, 2010, 2:15:17 PM12/1/10

Look at that. You're a liar. Guess there's no point in reading

Dec 1, 2010, 4:21:00 PM12/1/10
Richo <> wrote:

2%. Think about it. There ain't that many on your side.

Do you ever get paranoid? I mean with 98% of the planet in
disagreement with you.....



Dec 1, 2010, 5:11:29 PM12/1/10
On Dec 2, 8:21 am, wrote:

No - 86% are in disagreement with me.
In any case I care about truth - not about following the crowd.



Dec 1, 2010, 6:49:57 PM12/1/10
On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 15:21:00 -0600, wrote:

>Richo <> wrote:
>>42% of the time.
>>> Hardly never.
>>>That's because they are cowards who
>>> only attack Jews and Christians because they (Jews and Christians) are
>>> "tolerant".
>>Like John Calvin who famously tollerated his Friend Severes by having
>>him burned at the stake over a minnor theological distinction?
>>Like how the Catholic church tolerrated the Cathars?
>>Like how the Protestants and the catholics tollerated each other in
>>the 30 year war?
>>You really know nothing of the history of your own bloody cult.
>2%. Think about it. There ain't that many on your side.

really? this is an argument?

>Do you ever get paranoid? I mean with 98% of the planet in
>disagreement with you.....

2/3 of the planet is not christian



Dec 3, 2010, 5:28:52 AM12/3/10
Richo <> wrote:

>On Dec 1, 5:55=A0am, wrote:
>> You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%
>> rating worldwide while those having religious beliefs make up 86% of
>> the global population.
>Bit of a problem there sport - 2% + 86% doesnt add up too 100%.
>> Roughly 12% have no religious beliefs.
>That doesnt work either 12% + 86% doesnt equal 100%.

You need to learn Creationist Math. }:-} Then it all adds up some how.

Does belief in astrology cause insanity?

Kelsey Bjarnason

Dec 4, 2010, 4:58:23 PM12/4/10

On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 19:49:17 -0800, Richo wrote:

> On Dec 1, 5:55 am, wrote:
>> You can see in this breakdown that Atheism has only managed a ~2%
>> rating worldwide while those having religious beliefs make up 86% of
>> the global population.
> Bit of a problem there sport - 2% + 86% doesnt add up too 100%.
>> Roughly 12% have no religious beliefs.
> That doesnt work either 12% + 86% doesnt equal 100%.

12%... plus 86%... um... (scribble, scribble, erase, scribble) ah, yes,
just put God in here as the third term and it all works out, you see. :)

Kelsey Bjarnason

Dec 4, 2010, 4:57:06 PM12/4/10

On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 15:21:00 -0600, us4zion wrote:

> Do you ever get paranoid? I mean with 98% of the planet in disagreement
> with you.....

If 1,000 people believe something stupid and 1 person believes otherwise,
does that make the majority belief either correct or intelligent? No,
it's still stupid. Being a majority simply means it is _popular_.

The only reason to be paranoid about this is that the majority belief
("beliefs", actually; there's at least two significant relevant ones
here) contains the directive to force the belief on the rest of the

Dec 5, 2010, 7:44:53 PM12/5/10
Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote:

>On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 15:21:00 -0600, us4zion wrote:
>> Do you ever get paranoid? I mean with 98% of the planet in disagreement
>> with you.....
>If 1,000 people believe something stupid and 1 person believes otherwise,
>does that make the majority belief either correct or intelligent? No,
>it's still stupid. Being a majority simply means it is _popular_.

Bingo. Thank you.

You have verified my thought that you goy pagans are indeed hellbent
on lawlessness.

"Trial by jury" demands respect for the verdict of the majority of the




Dec 5, 2010, 8:44:27 PM12/5/10

Bye, try to not come back:-))).

Kelsey Bjarnason

Dec 5, 2010, 9:09:49 PM12/5/10
On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 18:44:53 -0600, us4zion wrote:

> Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote:
>>On Wed, 01 Dec 2010 15:21:00 -0600, us4zion wrote:
>>> Do you ever get paranoid? I mean with 98% of the planet in
>>> disagreement with you.....
>>If 1,000 people believe something stupid and 1 person believes
>>otherwise, does that make the majority belief either correct or
>>intelligent? No, it's still stupid. Being a majority simply means it
>>is _popular_.
> Bingo. Thank you.
> You have verified my thought that you goy pagans are indeed hellbent on
> lawlessness.

Wait a sec... if 1,000 people believe something which is stupid, and one
disagrees, this means we're bent on lawlessness? I'm sorry, but could
you please explain the "reasoning" behind that?

> "Trial by jury" demands respect for the verdict of the majority of the
> jury.

So, in your mind, facts and evidence play no part in a jury trial, it's
all just whatever the jury happens to believe, however insane it may be?

Which universe were you from again? Sure as hell ain't this one.

Bob LeChevalier

Dec 6, 2010, 9:04:29 AM12/6/10
to wrote:
>"Trial by jury" demands respect for the verdict of the majority of the

Actually not. In this country, generally, trial by jury requires a
unanimous decision. Achieving a unanimous decision usually requires
exceptional respect for the views of the minorities who would
otherwise hold out.

Bob LeChevalier - artificial linguist; genealogist Lojban language

Carl Kaufmann

Dec 6, 2010, 10:53:33 AM12/6/10

You realize that at one point, there were only 12 Christians in the
entire world, right?


Dec 6, 2010, 5:59:52 PM12/6/10
On Dec 5, 6:09 pm, Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote:

>> Wait a sec... if 1,000 people believe something which is stupid, and one
> disagrees, this means we're bent on lawlessness?  I'm sorry, but could
> you please explain the "reasoning" behind that?
> > "Trial by jury" demands respect for the verdict of the majority of the
> > jury.
> So, in your mind, facts and evidence play no part in a jury trial, it's
> all just whatever the jury happens to believe, however insane it may be?
> Which universe were you from again?  Sure as hell ain't this one.

Religious nitwits are devoid of "reasoning"

Syd M.

Dec 11, 2010, 1:47:17 AM12/11/10

...And honesty, integrity, morality, decency....


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