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Pathetic Trump tries to reshoot reality so we won’t know he’s a wimpy 'Bunker Boy'

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Jun 5, 2020, 8:51:38 AM6/5/20
Poor sad #BunkerBoy: Now Trump wants to edit real life, like an
episode of "The Apprentice"

While the country melts down, Trump tries to reshoot reality so
we won't know he's total chickens**t "Bunker Boy"

protesters started to hit the streets to denounce police
brutality, one thing was certain: The president's brainworms
would direct his energies away from doing anything useful and
toward the task of managing his ego, relying on the reality TV
tricks he mistakes for the real work of presidenting.

And so, while demonstrations began to spread and police engaged
in ruthless attacks on nonviolent protesters, Americans have
been subjected to Trump trying — feebly, but at great cost to
both taxpayers and public safety — to assuage his ego by
demanding that his real life display of weenie-ness be "fixed"
with reshoots and post-production edits.

Everything goes back to the original narcissistic injury from
the past weekend: The "Bunker Boy" meme.

On Saturday, a group of protesters managed to tear down one of
the barricades around the White House and, in response, the
lights were turned off at the White House and Trump was
reportedly hustled into an underground bunker by the Secret
Service. This was shortly after Trump had tried to play-act the
tough guy by tweeting lurid fantasies about how any protesters
who breached the White House grounds would be "greeted with the
most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen."

That the Secret Service takes precautions to protect the
president in a time of chaos is, in itself, to be expected. But
the contrast between Trump's chest-thumping and the fact that he
was cowering in the basement was objectively funny.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of people made fun of him, and he didn't
like it.

Both on social media and in protest signs, people called him
"Bunker Boy" and contrasted Trump's hiding with the behavior of
former Vice President Joe Biden, who went out in the streets to
talk to protesters instead of hiding from them.

It's no exaggeration to say that everything that Trump has done
since then has been a pathetic effort to nuh-uh the hecklers and
prove that he's no #BunkerBoy, but a big, tough guy who will
totally kick your ass without breaking a sweat. He'll shove the
White House doctor out to tell some more lies about Trump's
health, if that's what it takes.

What Trump did on Monday has been well documented. That was when
he made federal police tear-gas a crowd of peaceful protesters
so that he could stage a photo-op in which he strode across
Lafayette Square to St. John's Episcopal Church and in front of
its boarded-up doors, clutching a Bible. The decision to risk
mass injury to civilians for a moronic campaign ad has generated
a ton of outrage, but what takes the whole situation to the next
level is that Trump clearly did because he was sick of people
calling him a weenie for hiding in the bunker and thought this
photo-op would make him look tough and majestic.

He did not, of course, look tough or majestic. He stood
awkwardly in front of the church, wielding a Bible in a manner
that suggested he had heard books described but never previously
seen one. Meanwhile, the headlines and CNN chyrons informed the
public that he had literally tear-gassed a crowd in order to
walk across the square, underscoring what a massive chickens**t
he is.

Even Richard Nixon, to whom Trump likes to compares himself to,
was occasionally willing to venture out into crowds of
protesters to talk to them. Trump, however, is such a wuss that
he made his cadre of protectors tear-gas people rather than
subject himself to a crowd's insults. Far from proving he was a
tough guy, Trump's actions only led to another round of taunting
about his wimpiness.

Trump is clearly incapable of learning the central lesson from
this — which is that acting defensive always makes people
laugh at you even harder. This is demonstrated by his refusal to
let the whole thing drop. He keeps trying to defuse the "Bunker
Boy" meme and the Lafayette Square debacle, and keeps making it

On Tuesday, Trump attempted a re-do of the failed church
photo-op, dragging the sullen-looking Melania Trump with him to
the Saint John Paul II National Shrine for a public appearance
that looked like a scene from a horror film. Washington
Archbishop Wilton Gregory broke with church protocol to
criticize the visit, saying it was "baffling and reprehensible
that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so
egregiously misused and manipulated," adding that the late Pope
John Paul II would not have condoned "the use of tear gas and
other deterrents to silence, scatter or intimidate ... for a
photo opportunity in front of a place of worship and peace."

Trump was caught on tape during the visit apparently telling his
wife to "smile" (she briefly complied, but then spent the rest
of the visit looking like a hostage) and then generating images
that are terrifying, but not for the reasons the president may
have hoped.

These fumbling efforts to make "Bunker Boy" go away and frame
himself as a tough but pious American leader-man unafraid to
handle the current moment kept going on Wednesday. That was when
Trump, clearly still smarting from all the mockery, tried to
claim that he had not hunkered down in the bunker at all.

"I was there for a tiny, short little period of time," Trump
told Fox News host Brian Kilmeade, claiming he was not there for
safety, but rather for an "inspection."

It just so happened, Trump claimed that security "said it would
be a good time to go down" to the bunker for the "inspecting
factor" at the very same time that protesters just so happened
to be tearing down the barricades. Interesting!

That lie is so transparent that it's remarkable that even Donald
Trump would think anyone would buy it. Then again, Trump has
spent his entire life surrounded by people who nod and smile and
agree with whatever dumb stuff he says, because they want money
or power. That's only gotten worse since he became our so-called

Meanwhile, Bunker Boy is bunking up his bunker even more, so he
can hunker more better.

It's been said a million times before, but it's important to
understand how much being the host on "The Apprentice" warped
Trump's already deeply disturbed mind. Trump is an imbecile and
a failed businessman, but through the power of editing —
apparently a mind-boggling amount of editing, considering how
little they had to work with — the producers of "The
Apprentice" were able to make him look somewhere close to a
competent and credible businessman.

For a lazy narcissist like Trump, that must have been a
life-altering realization: Hollywood fakery can make even the
biggest idiot appear smart and capable. So he has spent the
entire presidency, which he thinks of more as a fake TV job than
a real one, using photo-ops, pep rallies and other stunts to try
to shape an image of himself as sharp and tough, an image that
runs totally counter to reality.

This week amply demonstrated what Trump doesn't understand: You
can't do reshoots and edits on the real world. Or as a great
president to whom Trump often laughably compares himself,
observed, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

On "The Apprentice," failed efforts to make Trump look good were
simply deleted and reshot, until something was captured that the
tireless video editors could bang into something passable.

But Trump's bunker-hunker on Saturday, made worse by his cruel
and stupid Lafayette Square photo-op on Monday, are just out
there in the real world. There is no way to fling the footage
into the Trash folder, or to edit the crap out of it until it
sends the "right" message. Trump's continued demands that the
world act like a reality-show producer who can keep giving him
mulligans only reaffirms that he is, above all things, a
narcissistic moron.

The weirdest part about all this is that none of it makes any
difference. Trump may think his followers are bamboozled into
believing he's a great man because of his production values, but
that's really not true. They'll back him all the way because
they share his reactionary views and feel he's a useful tool to
push America into fascism, not because they mistook him for
someone who is either brave or noble.

Trump could sit on live TV, peeing his pants and whimpering that
the protesters are coming for him, and his base would stick by
him and claim to see courage in the urine puddles below his
chair, just so long as he keeps the racism and the
lib-triggering coming. They know he's a "Bunker Boy," but will
pretend they don't see it until the bitter end.

"The Allwise Creator hath been dishonored by being made the author of
fable, and the human mind degraded by believing it." -Thomas Paine


Jun 5, 2020, 11:41:36 AM6/5/20
vallor <> wrote:
> Poor sad #BunkerBoy: Now Trump wants to edit real life, like an
> episode of "The Apprentice"

Yes, I saw your news. Bunker boy ran like a little girl. Mr. Bun Spurs is a
fucking sissy.
Did you notice the book is backward? HA HA HA HA HA.

Bunker boy is a retarded moron. The Irish idiot. Daddy always referred to
him as “dummy”. It’s true.
Only the Irish idiot would come up with such a stupid rebuttal and think it
will fly. RonB bought it for sure.

> It just so happened, Trump claimed that security "said it would
> be a good time to go down" to the bunker for the "inspecting
> factor" at the very same time that protesters just so happened
> to be tearing down the barricades. Interesting!

Expect no less from the sissy.

> That lie is so transparent that it's remarkable that even Donald
> Trump would think anyone would buy it. Then again, Trump has
> spent his entire life surrounded by people who nod and smile and
> agree with whatever dumb stuff he says, because they want money
> or power. That's only gotten worse since he became our so-called
> president.
> Meanwhile, Bunker Boy is bunking up his bunker even more, so he
> can hunker more better.
> It's been said a million times before, but it's important to
> understand how much being the host on "The Apprentice" warped
> Trump's already deeply disturbed mind. Trump is an imbecile and
> a failed businessman, but through the power of editing —
> apparently a mind-boggling amount of editing, considering how
> little they had to work with — the producers of "The
> Apprentice" were able to make him look somewhere close to a
> competent and credible businessman.

Every business he’s had is bankrupt or a scam. He’s a life-long criminal
con-man. Throw him a labor camp. Would be good for him.

> For a lazy narcissist like Trump, that must have been a
> life-altering realization: Hollywood fakery can make even the
> biggest idiot appear smart and capable. So he has spent the
> entire presidency, which he thinks of more as a fake TV job than
> a real one, using photo-ops, pep rallies and other stunts to try
> to shape an image of himself as sharp and tough, an image that
> runs totally counter to reality.

He watches TV and tweets all day long. And then gets all tired, eats a Big
Mac and plays golf on his courses no one else will play on. Charges the
dumb Americans for the visit, and no one seems to care. He ought to be
prison. He’s already orange so he’ll fit right in.
A rare person who sees the obvious truth. Are you American?

Я гость в отеле


Jun 5, 2020, 11:47:54 AM6/5/20
On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 15:41:35 +0000, гость wrote:

> A rare person who sees the obvious truth. Are you American?

I'm not just an American, but a Californian.

Thank you for you comments.



Jun 5, 2020, 11:53:48 AM6/5/20
That explains it. One of the few normal states in the United States is
California. Like St. Petersburg or Moscow in Russia or Odessa in Ukraine.
It is these middle United States where the dumb create still dumber. You
have excellent education in California and a strong economy. A lot of
highly skilled people and a focus on progress. Congratulations on returning
to space on your own rocket. Your test pilots are very brave.


Jun 5, 2020, 12:03:57 PM6/5/20
Skeeter <Sc...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 15:53:47 -0000 (UTC), ?????
> <> wrote:
>> vallor <> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 15:41:35 +0000, ????? wrote:
>>>> A rare person who sees the obvious truth. Are you American?
>>> I'm not just an American, but a Californian.
>>> Thank you for you comments.
>> That explains it. One of the few normal states in the United States is
>> California. Like St. Petersburg or Moscow in Russia or Odessa in Ukraine.
>> It is these middle United States where the dumb create still dumber. You
>> have excellent education in California and a strong economy. A lot of
>> highly skilled people and a focus on progress. Congratulations on returning
>> to space on your own rocket. Your test pilots are very brave.
> California is a shithole. I was born and raised there and left at 17
> years old.

So what state did you move to?

"Sir Hømer Hall, Esq."

Jun 5, 2020, 1:02:08 PM6/5/20
On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 10:42:38 -0600, Skeeter <Sc...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>Beutiful Colorado

Yah, right - another shithole Blue state.

Yours Truly, Sir Gregøry

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the
essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and
not, when I came to die, discøver that I had not lived." __Henry David Thøreau


Jun 5, 2020, 1:09:09 PM6/5/20
Sir Hømer Hall, Esq. <greghall@høme.fake> wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 10:42:38 -0600, Skeeter <Sc...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> Beutiful Colorado
> Yah, right - another shithole Blue state.

What state do you reside in?


Jun 5, 2020, 2:26:58 PM6/5/20
On 2020-06-05 9:42 a.m., Skeeter wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 16:03:57 -0000 (UTC), ?????
> Beutiful Colorado

Colorado is known as the Centennial State because it was founded in
1876—100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

2. Many restaurants claim to have invented the cheeseburger, but it was
Colorado resident Louis Ballast of the Humpty Dumpty Drive-In in Denver
who named it.


Jun 5, 2020, 4:47:44 PM6/5/20
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On 5 Jun 2020 12:51:36 GMT vallor put forth the following notion, which
was duly noted and recorded:

> lib-triggering coming.

You should send him a picture of your Coast Guard medal laying on your
parquet floor. That ought to put the fear of god in him.

Checkmate ®
Copyright © 2020
all rights reserved

"I am the author of nearly as much kook butthurt as
kensi." -Nadegda
Message-ID: <pbg8ne$p9k$>

AUK Hammer of Thor award, Feb. 2012 (Pre-Burnore)
Destroyer of the AUK Ko0k Awards (Post-Burnore)
Co-winner Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker
award May 2001, (Brethern of Beelzebub troll)
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker award, Feb 2012

Author, Humorist, Cynic
Philosopher, Humanitarian
Poet, Elektrishun to the Stars
Usenet Shot-Caller
Inventor of the "SPANKY-SPANKY! (tm)
and the "Dance for me" lame.

In loving memory of The Battle Kitten
May 2010-February 12, 2017


Jun 5, 2020, 6:58:26 PM6/5/20
x-no-archive: yes

On 6/5/2020 5:51 AM, vallor wrote:

> police engaged
> in ruthless attacks on nonviolent protesters

What planet do you live on?


Jun 5, 2020, 7:13:03 PM6/5/20
You quote me out of context?

Fine, I'll reply in that context:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calling a video of western New York cops pushing a 75-year-old
man to a sidewalk “fundamentally offensive and frightening,”
Gov. Andrew Cuomo applauded the resulting suspension of two
Buffalo police officers on Friday.

Cuomo told reporters that he spoke on the phone with the man,
who “is thankfully alive” after being knocked to the ground
in Buffalo by two heavily armored officers.

The man, who has been identified by multiple news outlets as
Martin Gugino, stood alone in front of an approaching line of
police officers, video of the incident shows.

As he gestured to one of the cops, others yelled for him to move
back, and two officers pushed him in the chest, knocking him
over backward. The video showed blood coming from the man’s
head as he lay motionless on the ground. Police did not
immediately tend to him.

“You see that video and it disturbs your basic sense of
decency and humanity,” Cuomo said. “Why? Why? Why was that

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement Thursday night
that the elderly man was in “serious but stable condition”
at Erie County Medical Center.

“I was deeply disturbed by the video, as was Buffalo Police
Commissioner Byron Lockwood,” who has directed an
investigation into the incident, Brown’s statement said.

Buffalo police at first said “one person was injured when he
tripped and fell,” according to local outlet WIVB. Buffalo
Police Department Captain Jeff Rinaldo could not be reached by
phone for comment.

The two officers have been suspended without pay, Brown said in
the statement. The mayor noted that the incident happened after
a “physical altercation between two separate groups of
protesters in an illegal demonstration beyond the curfew.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Read the rest at:

And stop relying on Drug Rush or Hannity as a source of news.



Jun 5, 2020, 7:35:44 PM6/5/20
x-no-archive: yes

Sort by quality and see where California ranks.


Jun 5, 2020, 7:40:52 PM6/5/20
On 2020-06-05 4:24 p.m., Skeeter wrote:
> We da man.
i like cheese burgers


Jun 5, 2020, 7:54:47 PM6/5/20
x-no-archive: yes
Yes I saw that. Excessive force and it should be dealt with, like grown
adults do.

So what about the country burning down? How is that peaceful?

"Peaceful protests":

> And stop relying on Drug Rush or Hannity as a source of news.

Unlike you, I watch and read everything. Stop relying on just sources
that validate your own bias.

Sir Gaygory's Owner's Owner 🐶笛

Jun 5, 2020, 8:01:39 PM6/5/20
On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 16:54:43 -0700, LO AND BEHOLD; Janithor
<> determined that the following was of great
importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with us in

✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ x-no-archive: derp!
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ On 6/5/2020 4:13 PM, vallor wrote:
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 15:58:21 -0700, Janithor wrote:
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ lice-who-shoved-75-year-old-man.html
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ Yes I saw that. Excessive force and it should be dealt with, like grown
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ adults do.
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ So what about the country burning down? How is that peaceful?
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ "Peaceful protests":
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ And stop relying on Drug Rush or Hannity as a source of news.
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ Unlike you, I watch and read everything. Stop relying on just sources
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ that validate your own bias.

like how you tards are biased against your own government and democracy itself?

pretty sure that vallor is not the one here who is too stupid to detect bias in a media report and sort it out. i'm surprised that you dipshits aren't really spreading the "5g virus" bullshit, the way you seem to rely on any ol' nutter schmuck on youtube as your fucking "media".

"nads" won't comment on this poast...



"Thanks to muzzies and their apologist-enablers like puppy whistle, this
seems to be the new norm in the world. It's spreading like a cancer,
and it's time we admit we're at war with pure evil. We need to put an
end to this muzzie plague, or life on Earth is going to become pure hell
everywhere. We need to get these people out of every civilized
country, and there's only one way to do it. IOW, we have to become
like them, with an emphasis on expediency over cruelty." - Checkmate (of alt.checkmate)

"Pussy Willow has just proven that Trump's crackdown on previously
unenforced immigration policies is working. We'll deal with the domestic
terrorists as needed, but we don't need to be letting the muzzie
terrorists get a foothold in our country too. One need only look at what
they're doing in Europe right now to know we're doing the right thing by
keeping them out, which is our right and our duty. - Checkmate (#1 pussy willow fan)


"You just made puppy whistle's sig line longer." - Janithor


"If I have a complaint about the (Southern Poverty) Law Center's description (of the alt-right movement), it is the phrase "heavy use of social media," which implies the alt-right is a real-world movement which uses a lot of social media. This is backwards: it is an online movement which occasionally appears in the real world. Where it gets punched." - Jason Rhode


"I think we should destroy every last fucking mosque in America." - "Checkmate, DoW #1" <Lunatic...@The.Edge> proves for us that white males are violent in Message-ID: <>


Golden Killfile, June 2005
KOTM, November 2006
Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, September 2007
Tony Sidaway Memorial "Drama Queen" Award, November 2006
Busted Urinal Award, April 2007
Order of the Holey Sockpuppet, September 2007
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, September 2006
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, April 2008
Tinfoil Sombrero, February 2007
AUK Mascot, September 2007
Putting the Awards Out of Order to Screw With the OCD Fuckheads, March 2016


Jun 5, 2020, 8:23:03 PM6/5/20
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On 5 Jun 2020 15:47:52 GMT vallor put forth the following notion, which
was duly noted and recorded:

> On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 15:41:35 +0000, ????? wrote:
> > A rare person who sees the obvious truth. Are you American?
> I'm not just an American, but a Californian.
> Thank you for you comments.

Where do you live... San Francisco, where people shit on the sidewalk?


Jun 5, 2020, 10:17:59 PM6/5/20
That’s for public schools. Yes, United States as a nation ranks low in
public education. California Universities like Stamford and Berkeley are
very well regarded.


Jun 5, 2020, 11:22:50 PM6/5/20
On 6/5/20 5:13 PM, vallor wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 15:58:21 -0700, Janithor wrote:
>> x-no-archive: yes
>> On 6/5/2020 5:51 AM, vallor wrote:
>>> police engaged
>>> in ruthless attacks on nonviolent protesters
>> What planet do you live on?

You mean this isn't planet Fringus???

mixed nuts

Jun 6, 2020, 1:34:41 AM6/6/20
On 6/5/2020 7:54 PM, Janithor wrote:
> Unlike you, I watch and read everything.  Stop relying on just sources
> that validate your own bias.

Are you the Enlightened Man who knows the secrets of the universe now?

Grizzly H.


Jun 6, 2020, 1:44:08 AM6/6/20
x-no-archive: yes
Definitely more enlightened than you. More than one person in AC has
now admitted that I defeated you.

Thor = 1
MN = 0


Jun 6, 2020, 11:29:08 AM6/6/20

^Ï^ <>

My pet rock Gordon just is.


Jun 6, 2020, 11:32:53 AM6/6/20
On Sat, 06 Jun 2020 16:29:07 +0100, Sn!pe wrote:

> Janithor <> wrote:
>> On 6/5/2020 10:33 PM, mixed nuts wrote:
>> > On 6/5/2020 7:54 PM, Janithor wrote:
>> >> Unlike you, I watch and read everything. Stop relying on just
>> >> sources that validate your own bias.
>> >
>> > Are you the Enlightened Man who knows the secrets of the universe
>> > now?
>> Definitely more enlightened than you. More than one person in AC has
>> now admitted that I defeated you.
>> Thor = 1 MN = 0
> Yep.

Never thought sn!pe would succumb to peer pressure.



Jun 6, 2020, 12:03:31 PM6/6/20
Just a heads-up, I just your post -- it didn't appear in the AC newsgroup
for me.

If I x-post to alt.usenet.kooks, my news server ( reports
"poison newsgroup" and won't accept the post. I suspect it is also doing
that with articles posted elsewhere to that group.

Thinking about changing to another news server as primary, but that means
articles will all be renumbered, messing up my newsrc's.

I hate that.



Jun 6, 2020, 12:33:31 PM6/6/20
Unless you enjoy -Random- lags ( when will your post show up ? ),
Do NOT use a binary server to read Usenet.
For that, use INN servers; to wit:


"OpenNews" is cost free; warning: these servers are SLOW.
Register at: Open-News-Network.ORG/register
Must translate from German; if Captcha fails, F5 refresh.

"Individual.NET" is 10 Euros per year;
warning: its archive is heavily censored.

Do NOT post using Individual.NET, it'll censor you;
instead, use a binary server; to wit:

News.US.Usenet-News.NET:119 or usNews.BlockNews.NET:119

They won't censor you; they don't even keep the "Path:" line,
so you can't be identified. Their archive is over 18 years deep.
$5 buys you 11 gigs, enough for several life times.
If one is down ( -very- unlikely ), use the other one.


Jun 6, 2020, 1:16:49 PM6/6/20
Sir Hømer Hall, Esq. wrote:

> Skeeter <Sc...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>Beutiful Colorado
>Yah, right - another shithole Blue state.

Another lying dipshit right-winger, calling one of the nicest places
in the world a "shithole".

"So, you want to, in effect, cut the use of fuel by taxing it more so
you end up with less fuel tax revenue over all. That's brilliant,
NOT!" - "Greg Hall", idiot extraordinaire


Jun 6, 2020, 2:16:32 PM6/6/20
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On Sat, 06 Jun 2020 12:16:48 -0500 chrisv put forth the following
notion, which was duly noted and recorded:

> Sir Hømer Hall, Esq. wrote:
> > Skeeter <Sc...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> >
> >>Beutiful Colorado
> >
> >Yah, right - another shithole Blue state.
> Another lying dipshit right-winger, calling one of the nicest places
> in the world a "shithole".

You don't get along with your fellow Libtards, and you don't get along
with Conservatives. Perhaps you just lack the ability to play well with
others at all. Perhaps you're better at playing with yourself.


Jun 6, 2020, 3:39:39 PM6/6/20
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On 6 Jun 2020 15:32:51 GMT vallor put forth the following notion, which
was duly noted and recorded:

Maybe you just fucked up and people think you're a douchebag now.

Checkmate ®
Copyright © 2020
all rights reserved

"I am the author of nearly as much kook butthurt as
kensi." -Nadegda
Message-ID: <pbg8ne$p9k$>
"It's as if a skinny fsck (like me) imagines himself
a strong, tough guy."
-Liberal cunt ChrisV, in a rare moment of honesty
Message-ID: <>


Jun 6, 2020, 3:41:09 PM6/6/20
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by

On 6 Jun 2020 16:03:29 GMT vallor put forth the following notion, which
was duly noted and recorded:

> On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 19:01:34 -0500, Sir Gaygory's Owner's Owner ?? wrote:
> > On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 16:54:43 -0700, LO AND BEHOLD; Janithor
> > <> determined that the following was of great
> > importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
> > <rbem06$7it$>:
> >
> > ??????????? x-no-archive: derp!
> > ???????????
> > ??????????? On 6/5/2020 4:13 PM, vallor wrote:
> > ??????????? ??????????? On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 15:58:21 -0700, Janithor
> > wrote:
> > ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? x-no-archive: derp! On 6/5/2020 5:51
> > AM, vallor wrote:
> > ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? police engaged in
> > ruthless attacks on nonviolent protesters ??????????? ???????????
> > ??????????? What planet do you live on?
> > ??????????? ??????????? You quote me out of context? Fine, I'll reply in
> > that context: _ _ _ _
> > ??????????? ??????????? _ _ _ Calling a video of western New York cops
> > pushing a 75-year-old ??????????? ??????????? man to a sidewalk
> > ?fundamentally offensive and frightening,? Gov.
> > ??????????? ??????????? Andrew Cuomo applauded the resulting suspension
> > of two Buffalo police ??????????? ??????????? officers on Friday. Cuomo
> > told reporters that he spoke on the phone ??????????? ??????????? with
> > the man, who ?is thankfully alive? after being knocked to the
> > ??????????? ??????????? ground in Buffalo by two heavily armored
> > officers. The man, who has been ??????????? ??????????? identified by
> > multiple news outlets as Martin Gugino, stood alone in ???????????
> > ??????????? front of an approaching line of police officers, video of
> > the incident ??????????? ??????????? shows. As he gestured to one of the
> > cops, others yelled for him to move ??????????? ??????????? back, and
> > two officers pushed him in the chest, knocking him over ???????????
> > ??????????? backward. The video showed blood coming from the man?s head
> > as he lay ??????????? ??????????? motionless on the ground. Police did
> > not immediately tend to him.
> > ??????????? ??????????? ?You see that video and it disturbs your basic
> > sense of decency and ??????????? ??????????? humanity,? Cuomo said.
> > ?Why? Why? Why was that necessary??
> > ??????????? ??????????? Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement
> > Thursday night that the ??????????? ??????????? elderly man was in
> > ?serious but stable condition? at Erie County ??????????? ???????????
> > Medical Center. ?I was deeply disturbed by the video, as was Buffalo
> > ??????????? ??????????? Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood,? who has
> > directed an investigation ??????????? ??????????? into the incident,
> > Brown?s statement said. Buffalo police at first ??????????? ???????????
> > said ?one person was injured when he tripped and fell,? according
> > ??????????? ??????????? to local outlet WIVB. Buffalo Police Department
> > Captain Jeff Rinaldo ??????????? ??????????? could not be reached by
> > phone for comment. The two officers have been ??????????? ???????????
> > suspended without pay, Brown said in the statement. The mayor noted
> > ??????????? ??????????? that the incident happened after a ?physical
> > altercation between two ??????????? ??????????? separate groups of
> > protesters in an illegal demonstration beyond the ???????????
> > ??????????? curfew.? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Read the rest at:
> > ??????????? ???????????
> >
> > ??????????? ??????????? lice-who-shoved-75-year-old-man.html ???????????
> > ??????????? Yes I saw that. Excessive force and it should be dealt
> > with, like grown ??????????? adults do.
> > ???????????
> > ??????????? So what about the country burning down? How is that
> > peaceful?
> > ???????????
> > ??????????? "Peaceful protests":
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ???????????
> > ??????????? ??????????? And stop relying on Drug Rush or Hannity as a
> > source of news.
> > ???????????
> > ??????????? Unlike you, I watch and read everything. Stop relying on
> > just sources ??????????? that validate your own bias.
> > ???????????
> >
> > like how you tards are biased against your own government and democracy
> > itself?
> >
> > pretty sure that vallor is not the one here who is too stupid to detect
> > bias in a media report and sort it out. i'm surprised that you dipshits
> > aren't really spreading the "5g virus" bullshit, the way you seem to
> > rely on any ol' nutter schmuck on youtube as your fucking "media".
> >
> Just a heads-up, I just your post -- it didn't appear in the AC newsgroup
> for me.
> If I x-post to alt.usenet.kooks, my news server ( reports
> "poison newsgroup" and won't accept the post. I suspect it is also doing
> that with articles posted elsewhere to that group.
> Thinking about changing to another news server as primary, but that means
> articles will all be renumbered, messing up my newsrc's.
> I hate that.

I killed AUK.


Jun 6, 2020, 5:59:51 PM6/6/20
Checkmate <> wrote:
> > Never thought sn!pe would succumb to peer pressure.
> Maybe you just fucked up and people think you're a douchebag now.

Is he talking about me? Dang, I hope
he doesn't say anything bad about me.


Jun 6, 2020, 9:52:10 PM6/6/20
x-no-archive: yes
Come on over vallor, join the cool kids. Search your feelings, you know
this is your destiny!


Jun 7, 2020, 1:40:06 AM6/7/20

"vallor" <> wrote:
> Just a heads-up, I just your post -- it didn't appear in the AC newsgroup
> for me.
> If I x-post to alt.usenet.kooks, my news server ( reports
> "poison newsgroup" and won't accept the post. I suspect it is also doing
> that with articles posted elsewhere to that group.

OH MY, snowflake, maybe you should take their advice and stay away. You've
been sounding like kensinads lately, is that my imagination?

> Thinking about changing to another news server as primary, but that means
> articles will all be renumbered, messing up my newsrc's.
> I hate that.

You poor, poor baby. I hope antifa is there to prop you up.

Sir Gaygory's Owner's Owner 🐶笛

Jun 7, 2020, 1:46:17 AM6/7/20
On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 00:40:04 -0500, LO AND BEHOLD; "MK"
<> determined that the following was of great
importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with us in

well i, for another, ALSO DEMAND to know who has skullfucked this fine newsfroup for racist fucking shitbags and shitlord shitpoast 4chan delinquents and their sympathizers, completely beyond recognition from when it was a smoothly running well-oiled machine.



Jun 7, 2020, 4:15:06 AM6/7/20
Um, I know I'm not one of the cool kids, just a hanger-on,
but I'm not sure that I'm all that comfortable with inviting
vallor to hang out. He ~has~ rather shown himself up in
his true colours lately. I was really sorry to see that
someone who had poasted some really interesting (to me, at
least) articles would descend to crude ad hominem attacks.


Jun 7, 2020, 4:36:53 AM6/7/20
On Sat, 06 Jun 2020 12:40:53 -0700, Checkmate wrote:

> I killed AUK.

This is true.


Sir Gaygory's Owner's Owner 🐶笛

Jun 7, 2020, 4:39:34 AM6/7/20
On 7 Jun 2020 08:36:51 GMT, LO AND BEHOLD; vallor <>
determined that the following was of great importance and subsequently
decided to freely share it with us in

✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ On Sat, 06 Jun 2020 12:40:53 -0700, 💩 wrote:
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ I killed AUK.
✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡✡ This is true.

was it professor derbyshire in the study with a monkey wrench?


Jun 7, 2020, 5:41:58 AM6/7/20
x-no-archive: yes
It's about emotion and tribal identity. The West has jumped the shark.


Jun 7, 2020, 5:44:15 AM6/7/20
x-no-archive: yes
Fake % v Janithor?

Roger Jene

Apr 20, 2022, 5:30:02 AM4/20/22
In article <>
vallor <> wrote:
> Poor sad me

You had you chance and you blew it on an old man and a black

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