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The SWNSB List - Item 10

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Ned Ludd

Jan 4, 2019, 9:42:51 PM1/4/19

1. The AlphaGo program which beat the reigning Go champion,
causing Go masters to comment that they've "never seen moves
like this before". (In the history of Go.)

2. Our president tweeting "I have the absolute right to PARDON
myself". Yup, never seen that before, and I've been around since
Ike was President.

3. This crap going down now with presidential staff being thrown
out of restaurants by their owners, and driven out by other
customers - I tried to think hard about Nixon's worst days, but
nope, never seen that before.

4. The formal Republican party's 'debates' over potential
presidential penis size? (Under the not-too-disguised topic
of hand size?) Nope, never seen that before.

5. A sitting US president threatening the country with a stock
market crash if he is impeached.

6. A US state (Utah) passed a law to let parents allow their
children to engage in independent activities such as walking,
running, bicycling, going to nearby stores or recreational
facilities and playing outside, without fear of prosecution.

7. A senior official in the Trump administration wrote an op-ed
in the New York Times, saying, "many of the senior officials in
his own administration are working diligently from within to
frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations", and,
"the president continues to act in a manner that is detrimental
to the health of our republic."

8. A sitting US president was laughed at by the assembled
delegates to the United Nations. This occurred on 25 Sep. 2018,
when president Trump claimed, in a speech to the UN General
Assembly that "In less than two years, my administration has
accomplished more than almost any administration in the
history of our country."

9. A sitting US president said, referring to the Secretary of State
he had appointed, a former chairman of Exxon, "Rex Tillerson
didn't have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock
and I couldn't get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell."

10. A newly elected member of Congress (D-Mich.), hours after
being sworn in, referring to the president, said in a speech to a
progressive audience, "And when your son looks at you and says:
'Momma, look, you won. Bullies don't win.' And I said, 'Baby, they
don't.' Because we're going to go in there, and we're going to
impeach the motherfucker."



Jan 5, 2019, 10:16:17 AM1/5/19
Here you go, additions:

Newsweek quoted her in full using the term "motherfucker" in print,
TWICE in the first two paragraphs. (In case you missed it the first

Meanwhile, the manufacturing industry posted net job gains of 284,000
over 2018, capping its best calendar year since 1997. Last year,
manufacturing added 207,000 jobs. Overall, the U.S. economy added a
whopping 312,000 jobs last month, more than the 177,000 that was
estimated by economists.

And the unemployment rate for Hispanics in the U.S. labor force hit its
lowest level on record in December.

Ned Ludd

Jan 5, 2019, 10:50:02 AM1/5/19

"Wilson" <> wrote in message
Put it on his tombstone. The pig is going down. Mueller just got
his grand jury extended six months.

Down, down, down...



Jan 5, 2019, 11:48:30 AM1/5/19
Don't be so cruel. Wilson loves his president. He's like a woman
loyal to the love of her life, even when he's a murderer, swindler,
liar, misogynist, and what else.

So.. is Trump any of those things? Is Wilson crazed and soft?
Folle à la messe. Molle à la fesse. Crazed ideologically. Soft in
the head.


Jan 5, 2019, 12:41:46 PM1/5/19

Ned Ludd

Jan 5, 2019, 12:59:28 PM1/5/19

"liaM" <> wrote in message
"Mad at Mass. Soft on the buttocks."??

That doesn't get at the half of it.

Let's see... murderer, swindler, liar, misogynist...

Ok. Don't forget abortionist, traitor, sock-puppet for Putin
(have you seen the Rachel Maddow piece on where/how
Trump gets information on Montenegro and other fine points
of Balkan politics )
what else?... oh yes, extreme narcissist (megalomaniac),
bullying coward, greedy, oath-breaker (the FACT that he
reneged on his promise to donate $1 million to charity if
Warren got a DNA test showing native American ancestry),
a demeaner of the handicapped and racial minorities.

And 'liar' is not sufficient. He is a compulsive liar who never
apologizes when faced with overwhelming and incontovertible
facts that prove he is lying.



Jan 5, 2019, 1:20:48 PM1/5/19
You and Ned are missing the mark. Trump is not the cause, he's the
effect. The reason for his election is the same reason the yellow vests
came into being. The people who are behind both of these events believe
their leadership has become more and more disconnected from and careless
of the very real needs of the average hard working person. And I agree
with that.

Trump is the imperfect vessel. Focusing on him means not seeing what's
actually happening.

I suppose some believe that if he's discredited it will send the people
who voted for him running back to the establishment. I don't think
that's likely.

What sort of place do you want to live in? I generally support free
markets, but Tucker Carlson has some very good points in this video. 15


Jan 5, 2019, 7:45:34 PM1/5/19
Admit it. You love Trump. He sends you.


Jan 5, 2019, 7:46:27 PM1/5/19
And wilson is soft on the guy. LOL


Jan 5, 2019, 8:20:13 PM1/5/19
ISIS and the TALIBAN are just convenient foils to the West's
determination to destabilize the Muddled East in order to
keep on being top dog on the planet. Imagine a scale weighing the number
of dead and displaced on the West's side vs. the same
on the other: imagine a feather being the reason an entire
continent of souls had to be obliterated. How many dead here,
how many dead there. Terrorism's causing c. 4000 deaths all told;
Western alliance causing ???? deaths and how many refugees?

As for the yellow vests. I wish them well, but not any further.
They have a genuine beef with the way austerity has been foisted
on them over the last 15 years. They may succeed, in fact,
at changing the IMF/World Bank/the Fed's/the bank in Frankfurt's
way of insisting the poor pay to rectify economic imbalances caused
by poor management and globalization. The yellow vests
are not bit players (like ISIS or the Taliban). They may just
be taking center stage in a world changing story*

*whether this turns into a fascist romp or an aspirational SCI FI
thriller is up to the two authors, Luck and Fate.


Jan 5, 2019, 8:43:54 PM1/5/19
On Saturday, 5 January 2019 17:20:13 UTC-8, liaM wrote:

> >> Don't be so cruel.   Wilson loves his president.  He's like a woman
> >> loyal to the love of her life, even when he's a murderer, swindler,
> >> liar, misogynist, and what else.
> >>
> >> So.. is Trump any of those things?  Is Wilson crazed and soft?

No one REALLY wants to take down Trump. It doesn't matter what information I provide, it gets ignored. So enjoy your future!

Are you surprised who is supporting President Trump?
The same symbol for the Order of Malta hangs around the neck of Marina Abramovic (friend of the Podestas).


Jan 6, 2019, 9:07:31 AM1/6/19
LOL. No, not my type at all. :-)


Jan 6, 2019, 7:33:00 PM1/6/19
And you still follow him like a puppy follows the tit of its mother? Ha!

Ned Ludd

Jan 6, 2019, 11:45:29 PM1/6/19

"Ned Ludd" <> wrote in message
Oh yes, there's one I left off the list. But the Simpsons caught
it in tonight's new episode. It is "Draft Dodger". Homer and Marge
have to ask Homer's father Abe to babysit the kids, because no
other babysitters will accept the job. And Abe sees a set of toy
soldiers that causes him to have a psychotic break, remembering
his WWII war experiences. They take him to the Springfield
hospital, where the first shot of the hospital is...



Jan 7, 2019, 7:49:11 AM1/7/19
But apparently, not as closely as your hatred of him does.


Jan 7, 2019, 8:28:01 AM1/7/19
The very same hatred that propelled him into office.
How different the last couple of years could have been
had the Dems not been consumed by hatred of Trump, and,
more significantly, each other.

It is the same story in the UK... the left would rather
have the Romans than the wrong flavour of left.

Ned Ludd

Jan 7, 2019, 12:27:31 PM1/7/19

"Julian" <> wrote in message
The cheeto-head raised up a tsunami of hate with the
first campaign words out of his mouth and everything he
spoke thereafter. (The first words concerned Mexicans
being druggies, criminals and rapists.)

So it is jaw-droppingly bizarre to hear his supporters
criticize the level of hate in our political system.

We are now at a point where real damage is being done
to the organs of government. The cheeto-head is "proud"
of this, and claims he will shut down the government for
"years" unless he gets a specific 25 BILLION dollar monument
to his stupidity built on our southern border.

So be it. We have established that insanity can not be fought
with rationality. Apparently the only antidote for insanity is
more insanity.

Let's see it through. Because this is not happening because
one insane man is sitting in the oval office. This could not happen
without the support of the Senate Republicans. Bills to re-open
individual offices of government are being passed in the House,
and those Senate Republicans will vote them down.

When people can no longer use air travel because TSA workers
are calling in sick en masse, it will be clear to even the blind
that this is all the work of sick old white men who are terrified
of losing power that they have for too long abused.



Jan 7, 2019, 1:33:41 PM1/7/19
"Europe’s three most powerful leaders—Angela Merkel of Germany, Emmanuel
Macron of France, and Theresa May of the United Kingdom—have worse
approval ratings than the embattled Donald Trump."

2018 was a pretty good year. From the article:

- America is now the world’s largest oil producer. The scary old
energy-related phraseology of the last half-century—”energy crisis,”
“peak oil,” “oil embargo”—no longer exists.

- Near-total energy self-sufficiency means the United States is no
longer strategically leveraged by the Middle East

- After withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, the United States
exceeded the annual percentage of carbon reductions of most countries
that are part of the agreement.

- North Korea and the United States did not go to war. Instead, North
Korea has stopped its provocative nuclear testing and its launching of
ballistic missiles over the territory of its neighbors.

- Despite all the Trump bluster, NATO and NAFTA did not quite implode.
Rather, allies and partners agreed to renegotiate past commitments and
agreements on terms more favorable to the U.S.

- In 2018, unemployment fell to a near-record peacetime low of 3.7
percent. That’s the lowest U.S. unemployment rate since 1969. Black
unemployment hit an all-time low in 2018. F

- The poverty rate is also near a historic low, and household income
increased. There are about 8 million fewer Americans living below the
poverty line than there were eight years ago. Since January 2017, more
than 3 million Americans have gone off so-called food stamps.

"In sum, the more media pundits claimed that America was on the brink of
disaster in 2018, the more Americans became prosperous and secure."

But yeah, Republicans are evil and stupid. Just don't look too hard at
the results.


Jan 7, 2019, 3:48:47 PM1/7/19
Smile :) - you haven't read my posts. Trump is the best thing to
happen to America since FDR. He's revealed the corrupt side of
US politics of both parties. He has almost destroyed the Republican
party by showing off its hypocrisy. Pulling out of the middle east
and making peace with N.Korea, cosying up to Putin, has pulled the plug
on an American foreign policy that's caused such atrocities and
suffering over the years, that it led commentators and historians
to call the US the foremost terrorist state on the planet.

So you see, I like Trump for that. You, on the other hand are
not so selective. You like everything the creep does. You never point
to his lies, his creepy sexual behavior, and his swindles. That's
especially surprising, since you're a contractor yourself, like the
hundreds that have been screwed by the Trump organization..

No. Your ideology blurs your vision just as if Trump had broken
raw eggs on your head and you lapping every glob of the
sticky stuff, since for you, Trump can do no wrong.

Ned Ludd

Jan 7, 2019, 5:02:32 PM1/7/19

"liaM" <> wrote in message

Swindler, compulsive liar, misogynist, racist, abortionist, traitor,
sock-puppet for Putin, extreme narcissist (megalomaniac),
bullying coward, greedy, oath-breaker, draft-dodger, and a
person who demeans the handicapped and racial minorities.

But unemployment is at 3.7% and, according to Wilson,
"there are about 8 million fewer Americans living below the
poverty line than there were eight years ago". (Most of those
years occurring in Obama's presidency, slowly improving after
the effects of the Republican's disastrous 2008 housing market



Jan 7, 2019, 5:04:31 PM1/7/19
On 01/07/19 3:48 PM, liaM wrote:
> Smile :)  - you haven't read my posts.  Trump is the best thing to
> happen to America since FDR.  He's revealed the corrupt side of
> US politics of both parties.  He has almost destroyed the Republican
> party by showing off its hypocrisy. Pulling out of the middle east
> and making peace with N.Korea, cosying up to Putin, has pulled the plug
> on an American foreign policy that's caused such atrocities and
> suffering over the years, that it led commentators and historians
> to call the US the foremost terrorist state on the planet.
> So you see, I like Trump for that.  You, on the other hand are
> not so selective.  You like everything the creep does.  You never point
> to his lies, his creepy sexual behavior, and his swindles.  That's
> especially surprising, since you're a contractor yourself, like the
> hundreds that have been screwed by the Trump organization..
> No. Your ideology blurs your vision just as if Trump had broken
> raw eggs on your head and you lapping every glob of the
> sticky stuff, since for you, Trump can do no wrong.

I read all of your posts. But near as I can remember, no one has *ever*
asked about the things that I don't like.

His comes across as a loudmouth boor. Also, hair is really odd. And I
didn't like the way he decorated his casino in Atlantic City when I saw
it in the 1990s.

Policy? His support for a ban of "bump stocks" on guns really pissed a
lot of gun-rights people off but I thought that was okay. Wait, that
was something I liked. Sorry.

Spending is way too high making the deficit higher - don't like that.
So also don't like his idea of spending another trillion $ on

Didn't like his attitude towards tariffs and am concerned it will
backfire. So far it has not, so maybe I'm wrong about that.

Still hasn't brought charges against that lying beacon of corruption
that is Hillary. That really should have happened by now. And there
are probably seven or eight people (at least) that were fired in the FBI
and elsewhere in government who also should be facing charges. If all
they face is a loss of their job that will piss me off as well.

Didn't get his border security measures in place before the Dems took
the House. That was bad.

He has come out in favor of strong eminent domain powers by the
government. Very Bad.

He's supported continuing federal prosecution of people for possession
of marijuana, even in states where it's legal. Stupid.

How's that for starters?


Jan 7, 2019, 7:18:36 PM1/7/19
No need to insist. Trump can do no wrong :)


Jan 7, 2019, 7:22:57 PM1/7/19
I can see right through you, Wilson. You are as transparent
as a jelly fish in water. And as appetizing :)


Jan 7, 2019, 7:24:43 PM1/7/19
On 07/01/2019 22:04, Wilson wrote:

>How's that for starters?

truthfully now, thats the full list aint it?


Jan 8, 2019, 10:45:20 AM1/8/19
Probably not. I will work on it and update you if anything else comes up.


Jan 8, 2019, 10:59:21 AM1/8/19
On 01/07/19 5:02 PM, Ned Ludd wrote:
> Swindler, compulsive liar, misogynist, racist, abortionist, traitor,
> sock-puppet for Putin, extreme narcissist (megalomaniac),
> bullying coward, greedy, oath-breaker, draft-dodger, and a
> person who demeans the handicapped and racial minorities.

Orange Man Bad!

>  But unemployment is at 3.7% and, according to Wilson,
> "there are about 8 million fewer Americans living below the
> poverty line than there were eight years ago". (Most of those
> years occurring in Obama's presidency, slowly improving after
> the effects of the Republican's disastrous 2008 housing market
> collapse.)...
>  Ned

Yeah, the housing market was completely on the Republicans. The Dems
pushing for and getting more regulations on lending that limited the
ability of lenders to restrict loans to people who couldn't pay them
back. (Muh Redlines!)


Jan 8, 2019, 11:52:53 AM1/8/19
Wilson wrote:
> Still hasn't brought charges against that lying beacon of corruption
> that is Hillary. That really should have happened by now...
"Former Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense Jed Babbin lays out a highly persuasive case for the view the Department of Justice and FBI under President Barack Obama and continuing to the present have pulled off the most successful cover-up of a host of serious crimes in American history. All for the twin purposes of protecting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and preventing Donald Trump from occupying the Oval Office."

Democrats get away with a much worse crime than Watergate


Jan 8, 2019, 3:37:11 PM1/8/19


Jan 8, 2019, 4:36:51 PM1/8/19
I like that, so it can't go on my list of things I do not like about


Jan 8, 2019, 4:39:48 PM1/8/19
Damn. My mistake. I wasn't paying enough attention.

Ned Ludd

Jan 8, 2019, 4:43:14 PM1/8/19

"Julian" <> wrote in message
Well, doesn't a Brexiter LIKE that? (Or have I misunderstood
the brexit process?)



Jan 8, 2019, 4:48:17 PM1/8/19
It's me that got the list confused.
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