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Reading IT

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Alexis Machine

Feb 2, 2004, 10:01:52 AM2/2/04
I am assuming everyone read IT and Insomnia and Skeleton Crew and Needful
Things, so let' not bother with spoiler space, shall we?

That said, let me make my point. I am still in the beginnings of IT (my
first time read) and reached where the little Mike Hanlon explores the
remains of the Kitchener's Ironworks exploded factory and has this encounter
with the bird creature thing. I had read before it about the fish-like
amphebious creature thing that killed the Corocan boy. All this reminds me
of The Mist and the killer-creatures from the other dimension as well as
similar mumbo-jumbo from Insomnia (the Crimson King and other Insomnia
trash: for some reason, Insomnia was totally intolerable to me, I don't know
why, even though I loved The Mist and all other King stuff). Anyway, I just
want to say I am a bit disappointed: I was expecting IT to be about a solo
demon creature thing (Pennywise the clown) the way the GREAT Needfull Things
was about the solo demon Leland Gaunt. Speaking of Needful Things, did you
guys notice this line in IT when Mike is about to crawl out of the fallen
smokestack after the monster bird seemed to have gone, and he thought what
if it is a trick then he might as well be pointing his dad's shotgun to his
head and pulling the trigger... that brought back the miserable end of Sean
Rusk's older brother (forgot his name) in Needful Things... Anyway, my
general feelings now is that King is of limited imagination and is more of a
redundant script seller and that now I am reading more of the same. Tell me
I'm wrong about IT and that it'll get better and better as I go on.

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Feb 2, 2004, 10:24:55 AM2/2/04
Alexis Machine wrote:
> I am assuming everyone read IT and Insomnia and Skeleton Crew and Needful
> Things, so let' not bother with spoiler space, shall we?

Okay ...


> Anyway, I just
> want to say I am a bit disappointed: I was expecting IT to be about a solo
> demon creature thing (Pennywise the clown) the way the GREAT Needfull Things
> was about the solo demon Leland Gaunt.

Since you're not bothering with spoiler space ...

IT is. There is only the one creature and IT takes many different
forms, only one of which is a clown called Pennywise.

"A lion will exert himself to the utmost, even when entering the tiger's
den to throw baby rabbits off a cliff!" -- Moroboshi Ataru

Eroom Tam

Feb 2, 2004, 10:59:59 AM2/2/04
> I am assuming everyone read IT and Insomnia and Skeleton Crew and Needful
> Things, so let' not bother with spoiler space, shall we?
You just added it right there, dude. Good on ya.

> I had read before it about the fish-like
> amphebious creature thing that killed the Corocan boy. All this reminds me
> of The Mist and the killer-creatures from the other dimension as well as
> similar mumbo-jumbo from Insomnia (the Crimson King and other Insomnia
> trash: for some reason, Insomnia was totally intolerable to me, I don't know
> why, even though I loved The Mist and all other King stuff). Anyway, I just
> want to say I am a bit disappointed: I was expecting IT to be about a solo
> demon creature thing (Pennywise the clown) the way the GREAT Needfull Things
> was about the solo demon Leland Gaunt.

It, aka Pennywise, is the bird. It can be whatever it wants to be. As
you read, you'll begin to understand why it takes on some of its forms.

Also, there's only so many ways you can spin a monster story. The
creatures in The Mist were from another dimension, but natural too that
dimension. They do not have super powers. The forms that It takes are
not natural, and It could be the most powerful creature King has
constructed. When you understand what the macroverse is, you'll see
what I mean.

> Speaking of Needful Things, did you
> guys notice this line in IT when Mike is about to crawl out of the fallen
> smokestack after the monster bird seemed to have gone, and he thought what
> if it is a trick then he might as well be pointing his dad's shotgun to his
> head and pulling the trigger... that brought back the miserable end of Sean
> Rusk's older brother (forgot his name) in Needful Things...

Wow, people contemplating suicide in impossible situations. Are you
about to say that all those people who jumped from the World Trade
Center on 9/11 were unoriginal since some other people jumped first?

For a reason not totally explained, the fear It inspires goes beyond
normal fear. It is more of a fear of dying. The fear the characters
feel is almost a meta-fear: a fear of not being able to contemplate what
It will throw at them next. I have not read Needful Things, but can
imagine that Gaunt has a similar effect; you don't know what he'll ask
of you next and its better to die than be the devil's bitch.

> Anyway, my
> general feelings now is that King is of limited imagination and is more of a
> redundant script seller and that now I am reading more of the same.

With all he's written, there are bound to be overlapping story elements.
It happens.

> Tell me
> I'm wrong about IT and that it'll get better and better as I go on.

You're wrong. It ranks with The Stand as being an excellent novel...not
just King, overall. The Lucky 7 characters, to me, are more alive than
Stu, Franny, Harold, Larry, etc. I cried the first time I read It b/c I
wanted to know what happened to those characters after the end of the
story and felt like they were being ripped away from me (the very last
segment of the novel was a killer).

Keep reading. While a long novel, it is the story of an entire town and
the messed up people who had the bad luck to live there.

Voodoo Lady

Feb 2, 2004, 1:50:18 PM2/2/04
>if it is a trick then he might as well be pointing his dad's shotgun to his
>head and pulling the trigger... that brought back the miserable end of Sean
>Rusk's older brother (forgot his name) in Needful Things...

Well, _IT_ was published way before _Needful Things_. Its also one of my
favorites of SK's works. I think you need to give the story a little bit more

Hearken to Justice, do not let excess wax strong.


Feb 2, 2004, 6:08:31 PM2/2/04

"Alexis Machine" <> wrote in message

Tom Clancy
Danielle Steele
Dr. Seuss
Just a few in a long list that could be compiled if we called the list
"Redundant Script Sellers".
Give the book a chance. It does fit well into SK's basic horror groove,
(towns, cars, dogs or whatever else that can be evil i guess), but still has
a good flavor on its own. I did have to read it a couple times to embrace
it, but ive had to do that with a few of his other books too.


Feb 2, 2004, 8:52:07 PM2/2/04
> Also, there's only so many ways you can spin a monster story. The
> creatures in The Mist were from another dimension, but natural too that
> dimension.

Another dimension? Don't recall that being the case. More like chemical
metamorphosis. Arrowhead project.


Alexis Machine

Feb 2, 2004, 11:20:48 PM2/2/04

"Tina" <> wrote in message


Yes well, Tina, if you recall, the Arrowhead Project was a military project
that the storm caused to go loose. The Mist starts with a storm followed by
calm weather and a mist that starts sweeping the land and then the creatures
suddenly appear. Towards the end of the story as our heros are attempting an
escape drive, there is reference to the land being depressed in places (if
I'm not mistaken) as if something is seriously wrong with the planet. And
again if I'm not mistaken, there might be direct reference to this "other
dimension" theory... well anyway, I am not unemployed to find time to
re-read a novel searching for one line (thank God) but I suppose our fellow
ABSKers could come in and further comment to resolve this...

Rod Day

Feb 3, 2004, 1:48:54 AM2/3/04

"Alexis Machine" <> wrote in message

'It' was written before most of the books that you mention. Therefore it
should be original mumbo Jumbo. I really enjoyed 'IT' mainly because of the
way King nailed the adventures and some of the horrors we all have as
children. Sure there was mumbo jumbo in the book but which King book doesn't
have that?
An "IT" Fan. :-)
The book, definately not the movie!!


Feb 3, 2004, 6:43:30 AM2/3/04
Tina ( wrote:
: > Also, there's only so many ways you can spin a monster story. The

That's the explanation given in the story, but if you stop and think
about it, meamorphoses don't happen that fast. Even a nuclear
accident would take years and years to show up at anything approaching
the level seen in The Mist. Easier to believe that Arrowhead ripped
open a Thinny.

Bev Vincent


Feb 3, 2004, 10:42:12 AM2/3/04

"webster" <> wrote in message

One might also conclude that perhaps these creatures were on the island for
some time and escaped after some mishap. That makes more sense to me than a
parallel worlds/thinny explanation. But hey, you're the expert.

Not a Talisman/DT fan

Alexis Machine

Feb 3, 2004, 11:18:04 AM2/3/04

"Tina" <> wrote in message

I have NEVER read any DT story but I have been sort of plagued by DT
ignorance while stumbling on some DT-ish events and jargon as in Hearts in
Atlantis ("beam", "breaker" whatever...) and the very DT-ish aspect of
Insomnia (is that why I dislike Insomnia so much?)... and now we hear this
"Thinny" (capital T, mind you)... agggg

Alexis Machine

Feb 3, 2004, 11:19:16 AM2/3/04

"Rod Day" <> wrote in message

Since when was any movie better than a King book?

Eroom Tam

Feb 3, 2004, 11:52:19 AM2/3/04
> Another dimension? Don't recall that being the case. More like chemical
> metamorphosis. Arrowhead project.
I remember something about the project shooting "special" particles into
the air, which seems to suggest an interdimensiona tear over mutations
or creatures on the island. I don't think they caused a "thinny" per se.
Also, I remember there was a massive creature near the end of the
story, which would be hard to keep under wraps at a military base.


Feb 3, 2004, 9:37:48 PM2/3/04
> > That's the explanation given in the story, but if you stop and think
> > about it, meamorphoses don't happen that fast. Even a nuclear
> > accident would take years and years to show up at anything approaching
> > the level seen in The Mist. Easier to believe that Arrowhead ripped
> > open a Thinny.
> One might also conclude that perhaps these creatures were on the island
> some time and escaped after some mishap. That makes more sense to me than
> parallel worlds/thinny explanation. But hey, you're the expert.
> Tina
> Not a Talisman/DT fan
> I have NEVER read any DT story but I have been sort of plagued by DT
> ignorance while stumbling on some DT-ish events and jargon as in Hearts in
> Atlantis ("beam", "breaker" whatever...) and the very DT-ish aspect of
> Insomnia (is that why I dislike Insomnia so much?)... and now we hear this
> "Thinny" (capital T, mind you)... agggg

I concur, :)



Feb 3, 2004, 9:38:45 PM2/3/04
> An "IT" Fan. :-)
> The book, definately not the movie!!
> Since when was any movie better than a King book?

The Green Mile


Peachy Ashie Passion

Feb 4, 2004, 12:26:08 AM2/4/04
Tina wrote:

Me three. :)

Usenet is like Tetris for people who still
remember how to read. -Joshua Heller

Peachy Ashie Passion

Feb 4, 2004, 12:26:54 AM2/4/04
Eroom Tam wrote:

Besides, there is the Mist itself.
How would that have been kept confined on
an island? It has to have come from
somewhere else, doesn't it?


Feb 4, 2004, 1:09:38 AM2/4/04

"Peachy Ashie Passion" <> wrote in message

> Eroom Tam wrote:
> >> Another dimension? Don't recall that being the case. More like
> >> metamorphosis. Arrowhead project.
> >
> > I remember something about the project shooting "special" particles into
> > the air, which seems to suggest an interdimensiona tear over mutations
> > or creatures on the island. I don't think they caused a "thinny" per se.
> > Also, I remember there was a massive creature near the end of the
> > story, which would be hard to keep under wraps at a military base.
> >
> Besides, there is the Mist itself.
> How would that have been kept confined on
> an island? It has to have come from
> somewhere else, doesn't it?

Ever heard of Chernobyl? That was a bit of a mist.


Rod Day

Feb 4, 2004, 4:21:21 AM2/4/04

"Tina" <> wrote in message

Totally agree Tina!!
Shawshank Redemption is another.


Feb 4, 2004, 9:25:04 AM2/4/04
Tina wrote:

> Ever heard of Chernobyl? That was a bit of a mist.

I think I mist that one.


Feb 4, 2004, 10:32:41 AM2/4/04

"Rod Day" <> wrote in message

I almost included Shawshank, it is right up there in quality, but I did
adore the book and have reread it several times. Not so with Green Mile.



Feb 4, 2004, 10:33:14 AM2/4/04

"stePH" <> wrote in message

> Tina wrote:
> > Ever heard of Chernobyl? That was a bit of a mist.
> >
> I think I mist that one.

Head in a fog that day?



Feb 4, 2004, 11:00:54 AM2/4/04
> > Besides, there is the Mist itself.
> > How would that have been kept confined on
> > an island? It has to have come from
> > somewhere else, doesn't it?
> Ever heard of Chernobyl? That was a bit of a mist.
> Tina

Actually, I was thinking of the Dow Chemical accident in India...Bhopal.

I don't know if either produced something you could *see*.


Doug Cunningly

Feb 4, 2004, 11:27:34 AM2/4/04
stePH <> wrote in

> Alexis Machine wrote:
>> I am assuming everyone read IT and Insomnia and Skeleton Crew and
>> Needful Things, so let' not bother with spoiler space, shall we?

> IT is. There is only the one creature and IT takes many different

> forms, only one of which is a clown called Pennywise.
> stePH

Much like Catholicism.


Feb 4, 2004, 1:10:49 PM2/4/04
>> > Ever heard of Chernobyl? That was a bit of a mist.
>> >
>> I think I mist that one.
>Head in a fog that day?

Good comeback, girlfriend ;-)

"The past is a fire, and all you see are ashes left behind."
~ Beyond 7, Time


Feb 4, 2004, 1:10:30 PM2/4/04
>Tina wrote:
>> Ever heard of Chernobyl? That was a bit of a mist.
>I think I mist that one.



Feb 5, 2004, 10:21:03 PM2/5/04

"Alexis Machine" <> wrote in message
> I am assuming everyone read IT and Insomnia and Skeleton Crew and Needful
> Things, so let' not bother with spoiler space, shall we?

Oh! so very wrong.

Although if you go reading it with that attitude, you will NOT enjoy it. (IT
heh). Try to read it with an open mind, without linking previous works to

It works much better first time reading if you aren't constantly thinking
"hmmm now I know that is used in another story, so THAT'S how it's linked"
etc. I know it's hard to switch off, but try.

*looks back... how many times did I write the word IT in that bit?? weird*



Feb 5, 2004, 10:58:28 PM2/5/04
In article <>, "Alexis Machine"
<> writes:

>I am assuming everyone read IT and Insomnia and Skeleton Crew and Needful
>Things, so let' not bother with spoiler space, shall we?

I hate myself for bringing this up, because I dont want to be one of those
people who always remind others of something they did wrong in their
posts....but.....why would you ASSUME everyone has read these already? You said
you yourself are starting "It" for the first time....It was the last book I
read, of King's other then going back over the DT books, before DT 5 came
out.....I became a King fan late in life, as I'm sure plenty of others have,
and have yet to become, as well. I havent yet read Skeleton Crew, btw. Anyway,
sorry to sound snotty, I just had to bring that one up.

Ernest Fairchild

Feb 6, 2004, 12:02:55 AM2/6/04
"Tamara" <> wrote in message

> *looks back... how many times did I write the word IT in that bit??


Have a great day!

I am

Alexis Machine

Feb 7, 2004, 6:36:51 AM2/7/04

"Tina" <> wrote in message

The Green Mile


hmmm.... The Green Mile movie was excellent but I liked the book not a bit
less but I totally agree that The Green Mile movie was an EXCELLENT one and
98% faithful to the book.

Alexis Machine

Feb 7, 2004, 6:38:40 AM2/7/04

"Tina" <> wrote in message


I fully agree with you about Shawshank (but I'm too lazy for re-reads).
Re-watching a good movie is so much easier than re-reading a novel :o)

Alexis Machine

Feb 7, 2004, 6:37:34 AM2/7/04

"Rod Day" <> wrote in message

Shawshank Redemption movie was excellent too but I still think the novella
was better.


Feb 7, 2004, 12:32:08 PM2/7/04

"Alexis Machine" <> wrote in message

> "Tina" <> wrote in message
> news:tg8Ub.9464$
> "Rod Day" <> wrote in message
> >
> > "Tina" <> wrote in message
> > news:VWYTb.19884$
> > > > An "IT" Fan. :-)
> > > > The book, definately not the movie!!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Since when was any movie better than a King book?
> > >
> > > The Green Mile
> > >
> > > Opined,
> > > Tina
> >
> > Totally agree Tina!!
> > Shawshank Redemption is another.
> I almost included Shawshank, it is right up there in quality, but I did
> adore the book and have reread it several times. Not so with Green Mile.
> Tina
> I fully agree with you about Shawshank (but I'm too lazy for re-reads).
> Re-watching a good movie is so much easier than re-reading a novel :o)

My boyfriend cannot understand why anyone would want to reread or rewatch
(?) a movie. He feels with so much else in the word to read and watch, it's
a waste of time. However, I always "see/feel" more of of the story on a



Feb 7, 2004, 3:28:31 PM2/7/04

But the thing is, he did start his post with a warning that he would be
discussing those books, in a spoilery way, so you had the chance to
NOT read further, right? Your post was snotty, and pointlessly so.


Feb 7, 2004, 5:32:07 PM2/7/04
"Tuvix" <> wrote in message

Where does she contend that the problem is lack of a spoiler?

She's commenting on the same thing I thought when I read his initial
post...that it was strange that he assumed because the books were older,
that we've all read them so wouldn't need any warnings. Right now somewhere
in the world a thirteen year old with internet access picking up a copy of
IT and getting hooked. Dated or not, he/she's got a lot of King to
discover...and may look for a place to discuss it.

BTW, it's alright in the Book of Robert to be snotty if one has a point? :)

Prefers sarcasm

Ernest Fairchild

Feb 8, 2004, 9:12:24 AM2/8/04
"Tina" <> wrote in message

> My boyfriend cannot understand why anyone would want to reread or
> (?) a movie. He feels with so much else in the word to read and watch,
> a waste of time. However, I always "see/feel" more of of the story on
> redo.

I hardly ever rewatch a movie, so I rent more than I buy. But I *do*
reread often, and feel the same way about a reread as you do.


Feb 8, 2004, 9:34:00 PM2/8/04

"Ernest Fairchild" <> wrote in message


Feb 8, 2004, 9:34:51 PM2/8/04

"Ernest Fairchild" <> wrote in message
> "Tamara" <> wrote in message
> news:zKDUb.44041$
> >
> >
> > *looks back... how many times did I write the word IT in that bit??
> weird*
> <Mode="Anal">
> Nine.
> </Mode>
> Have a great day!
> Ernest


Great day being had (I have to avoid sun, I received too much of it over the
weekend and resemble a well cooked lobster on my face now).


Alexis Machine

Feb 9, 2004, 3:14:04 PM2/9/04

"Tamara" <> wrote in message



Are you living in the southern hemisphere? Ah but yes of course! You're
Australian now aren't you? :o) You told me all about cars hitting poor
animals, including big roos, and that you get fined if you swerve for a
smaller poor animal, no?


Feb 9, 2004, 6:25:30 PM2/9/04

"Alexis Machine" <> wrote in message

> "Tamara" <> wrote in message
> news:flCVb.48430$
> "Ernest Fairchild" <> wrote in message
> news:bvv6k6$11bqca$
> > "Tamara" <> wrote in message
> > news:zKDUb.44041$
> > >
> > >
> > > *looks back... how many times did I write the word IT in that bit??
> > weird*
> >
> > <Mode="Anal">
> > Nine.
> > </Mode>
> >
> > Have a great day!
> >
> > Ernest
> *giggle*
> Great day being had (I have to avoid sun, I received too much of it over
> weekend and resemble a well cooked lobster on my face now).
> Tamara
> Are you living in the southern hemisphere? Ah but yes of course! You're
> Australian now aren't you? :o) You told me all about cars hitting poor
> animals, including big roos, and that you get fined if you swerve for a
> smaller poor animal, no?

heheh always been Australian. Ever since birth <g>
I'm FULL of useless information!



Feb 9, 2004, 7:05:36 PM2/9/04
In article <HHdVb.10393$>, "Tina"
<> writes:

>She's commenting on the same thing I thought when I read his initial
>post...that it was strange that he assumed because the books were older,
>that we've all read them so wouldn't need any warnings. Right now somewhere
>in the world a thirteen year old with internet access picking up a copy of
>IT and getting hooked. Dated or not, he/she's got a lot of King to
>discover...and may look for a place to discuss it.
>BTW, it's alright in the Book of Robert to be snotty if one has a point? :)
>Prefers sarcasm

Thank you, Tina. :)


Feb 9, 2004, 7:05:37 PM2/9/04
In article <>, Tuvix
<> writes:

>But the thing is, he did start his post with a warning that he would be
>discussing those books, in a spoilery way, so you had the chance to
>NOT read further, right? Your post was snotty, and pointlessly so.

lol your posts are ALWAYS snotty and disrectfu,so do you think your opinon
bothers me? I am not even gonna take your bait to argue with you.
another Constant Reader

Alexis Machine

Feb 9, 2004, 11:41:28 PM2/9/04

"Tamara" <> wrote in message


No but the stuff you told me ended up useful for some banker I know who is
doing his emigration papers... he tells me Rooland is short on accountants
and is importing them....


Feb 10, 2004, 8:04:04 PM2/10/04

"Alexis Machine" <> wrote in message

> >heheh always been Australian. Ever since birth <g>
> >I'm FULL of useless information!
> Tamara
> No but the stuff you told me ended up useful for some banker I know who is
> doing his emigration papers... he tells me Rooland is short on accountants
> and is importing them....

Serious??? Heh I'll have to tell Ben and Min (two CPA friends of mine) this,
they will find it amusing that with all the people studying to be
Accountants, more are needed to emigrate here!

The things you learn!


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