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BOOK REVIEW - The Darwin Awards Countdown to Extinction

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Nov 22, 2010, 3:23:51 PM11/22/10
The Darwin Awards Countdown to Extinction by Wendy Northcutt ©
2010 ISBN: 978-0-525-95191-9 Paperback 310 Pages
$19.95 (U.S.) $23.00 (Canada)

How many ways can you think of to help clean the gene pool? Well, Ms
Northcutt and the inspired folks at the Darwin Awards website have
probably got you beat by a long margin. This book is their latest
assemblage of more than a hundred unique, and interesting, ways to
make sure that the "dumb" gene doesn't get passed along.

This is a book for pure entertainment. It consists of a collection of
"Doh" moments (ala Homer Simpson). When you read some of the accounts
retold you have to ask yourself either "What were they thinking?" or
"Didn't their parents teach them not do stupid things?"

If you don't find at least one story in this collection which makes
you laugh out loud you may need a humor transplant. While not all the
stories could be verified (and they are clearly identified), there are
enough true accounts in this edition (one of an entire series of them,
with no end in sight) to prove that no matter how outlandish
Hollywood comedies may get, truth is far stranger than fiction.

In addition to entertaining the reader with examples of the depths of
human stupidity (Albert Einstein's famous quote "Only two things are
infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about
the former." adorns the back of the dustcover), there are also
"Science Interlude"s which explain some of the more vexing questions
facing mankind. So, you not only get entertained, you actually learn
something. This is a wonderful combination, and one of the reasons I
look forward to reading each new book as it becomes available.

Since most of the accounts are extremely short, this book is ideal for
those times when you can't be sure how much time you will have for
reading (waiting rooms, on hold, etc.), or when you don;t want to get
caught up in something. Keep it handy (on a bedside table, next to
your favorite arm chair, in the john) and enjoy being diverted and

Sidney Lambe

Nov 22, 2010, 4:01:01 PM11/22/10
On alt.religion.wicca, Mike <> wrote:
> The Darwin Awards Countdown to Extinction by Wendy Northcutt =A9

> 2010 ISBN: 978-0-525-95191-9 Paperback 310 Pages
> $19.95 (U.S.) $23.00 (Canada)
> How many ways can you think of to help clean the gene pool? Well, Ms
> Northcutt and the inspired folks at the Darwin Awards website have
> probably got you beat by a long margin. This book is their latest
> assemblage of more than a hundred unique, and interesting, ways to
> make sure that the "dumb" gene doesn't get passed along.

And yet it OBVIOUSLY does get passed along, in enormous measure.
Or rather, the real sources of stupidity continue, one of them
being parents and other other authority figures teaching children
that a lame theory like Darwiniaan Evolution is valid.

> This is a book for pure entertainment. It consists of a collection of
> "Doh" moments (ala Homer Simpson). When you read some of the accounts
> retold you have to ask yourself either "What were they thinking?" or
> "Didn't their parents teach them not do stupid things?"
> If you don't find at least one story in this collection which makes
> you laugh out loud you may need a humor transplant. While not all the
> stories could be verified (and they are clearly identified), there are
> enough true accounts in this edition (one of an entire series of them,
> with no end in sight) to prove that no matter how outlandish
> Hollywood comedies may get, truth is far stranger than fiction.
> In addition to entertaining the reader with examples of the depths of
> human stupidity (Albert Einstein's famous quote "Only two things are
> infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about
> the former." adorns the back of the dustcover), there are also
> "Science Interlude"s which explain some of the more vexing questions
> facing mankind. So, you not only get entertained, you actually learn
> something. This is a wonderful combination, and one of the reasons I
> look forward to reading each new book as it becomes available.
> Since most of the accounts are extremely short, this book is ideal for
> those times when you can't be sure how much time you will have for
> reading (waiting rooms, on hold, etc.), or when you don;t want to get
> caught up in something. Keep it handy (on a bedside table, next to
> your favorite arm chair, in the john) and enjoy being diverted and
> amused.

If you believe that Darwinism is a valid science, then you can't
do any magick. They are mutuailly-exclusive worldviews.

Yes, I know that there are supposed magicians (by whatever name)
and supposed Christians who have tortured reason in order to
blend the Theory of Evolution with their supposed dominant belief
systems. They are deceiving themselves and others. Big time.

Religious fanatics always think that their beliefs are facts.
Atheists and Skeptics are both actually militant Darwinists out
to eliminate the religiuos competition.

Show me someone who believes in Science (which includes
Darwinism) and I will show you someone who can't make water wet
with magick.

Beliefs are spells.

Kindly note that these Darwinists, who are all worshippers of
Technology, don't include themselves im their list of award
recipients. And they should, because they deserve it more than
all the rest put together.

Why? Because their worship of Technology is trashing the planet
we live on, and that will lead to the extinction of the human
race if it isn't checked.

No, I am not anti-technology. In fact I love it and know more
about it by far than most people. Which is why I know just how
destructive what _this_ civilization does with it is.

It is the _abuse_ and _over-indulgence_ in technology that's the


We are magickal beings and it's all Good.
usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

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