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Odd Thomas

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Aug 6, 2009, 1:29:19 PM8/6/09
I just started reading Odd Thomas, and I was just wondering what are
the other Odd books in his collection? I have many Dean Koontz books,
and reading Odd was a long time coming. Could someone please list the
other Odd books for me? I was looking online and saw Brother Odd, and
Odd forever. Are they the only other two? I thought I saw something
about a third, so I was juist trying to figure it out. Please help
me!! I'm almost finished this one and need a new book to read. Any
other suggestions would be greatly appreciated too!


Aug 6, 2009, 4:01:59 PM8/6/09
"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message

|I just started reading Odd Thomas, and I was just wondering what are
| the other Odd books in his collection? I have many Dean Koontz books,
| and reading Odd was a long time coming. Could someone please list the
| other Odd books for me? I was looking online and saw Brother Odd, and
| Odd forever. Are they the only other two? I thought I saw something

| about a third, so I was just trying to figure it out. Please help

| me!! I'm almost finished this one and need a new book to read. Any
| other suggestions would be greatly appreciated too!

Forever Odd
Odd Hours
Brother Odd
In Odd We Trust <graphic Novel>

hope that helps

Deaf Does Not Equate Daft ... in *other* people's cases
Marc Estrin: "Kindness trumps greed: it asks for sharing. Kindness
trumps fear: it calls forth gratefulness and love. Kindness trumps even
stupidity, for with sharing and love, one learns."


Aug 8, 2009, 4:19:18 AM8/8/09
Hey, welcome to the group.

I didn't think the sequel Odds were as good as the first book.
What Koontz have you read? We tend to recommend the same few books whenever
anyone asks lol Watchers, Dark River of the Heart, Intensity and Lightning.
I also liked Cold Fire which is predictable but still good, Dragon Tears
very creepy guy, One Doorway From Heaven is his last book that I really
enjoyed but it does get mixed reviews a thick book and less action packet
than most but with some silly names eg Leilani Klonk! and Strangers which is
probably my favourite.

If you're looking for other authors you might try type in your favourite author and it gives a
map of similar you can click names to change the focus author, if not a help
it can be fun to see how authors link up and which you've read :)
Other authors popular here are James Patterson, Stephen King, Jefferey
Deaver, Greg Isles

What other authors do you like? we're always happy for recommendations.


"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message


Aug 10, 2009, 11:22:04 AM8/10/09
> Other authors popular here are James Patterson, Stephen King, Jefferey
> Deaver, Greg Isles
> What other authors do you like? we're always happy for recommendations.
> Clare

I've read a few Dean Koontz, can't think of them all off the top pf my
head, but Shattered, I know I read, the one about the lady with
agoraphopia... can't remember the name... umm, a couple, My mom read
the Odd Thomas book a while back, and said that she really enjoyed it,
so I decided to pick it up. Dean Koontz is a good writer, I like the
way he describes things. Stephen King can be way to weird for me. But
I've read a couple of his that are good (The Long walk, anf The Girl
Who Loved Tom Gordon are my favorites). I started reading a Greg Isles
book a couple years ago, but it was so stretched out and I kinda got
bored, but I hear a lot of good things about his books, so I think
I'll give him another try. I haven't read any James Patterson, but
I've heard his name before. Or Jefferey Deaver, that's a new name to
me. To tell you the truth John Saul is my absolute favorite. I haven't
read one book by him that has dissappointed yet. His stories are very
real. his imagery is amazing! I have seen movies in my head for his
books everytime I read one. He's worth reading if you are looking for
something new.
I'm glad to have a place where I can talk about books. I love reading
but most of my friends don't read, and sometimes you want to tell
someone about an amazing book that you read! thank you!



Aug 10, 2009, 2:49:04 PM8/10/09
We're all ears!!

"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message


Aug 10, 2009, 5:26:34 PM8/10/09
>> I've read a few Dean Koontz, can't think of them all off the top pf my
>> head, but Shattered, I know I read, the one about the lady with
>> agoraphopia... can't remember the name... umm, a couple, My mom read
>> the Odd Thomas book a while back, and said that she really enjoyed it,
>> so I decided to pick it up. Dean Koontz is a good writer, I like the
>> way he describes things. Stephen King can be way to weird for me. But
>> I've read a couple of his that are good (The Long walk, anf The Girl
>> Who Loved Tom Gordon are my favorites). I started reading a Greg Isles
>> book a couple years ago, but it was so stretched out and I kinda got
>> bored, but I hear a lot of good things about his books, so I think
>> I'll give him another try. I haven't read any James Patterson, but
>> I've heard his name before. Or Jefferey Deaver, that's a new name to
>> me. To tell you the truth John Saul is my absolute favorite. I haven't
>> read one book by him that has dissappointed yet. His stories are very
>> real. his imagery is amazing! I have seen movies in my head for his
>> books everytime I read one. He's worth reading if you are looking for
>> something new.
>> I'm glad to have a place where I can talk about books. I love reading
>> but most of my friends don't read, and sometimes you want to tell
>> someone about an amazing book that you read! thank you!
>> Lindsay

You're welcome to tell us about good books, I'm happy to get
recommendations myself.



Aug 10, 2009, 8:58:05 PM8/10/09
Me also.

Welcome to the group..


"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message

Aug 11, 2009, 12:18:19 AM8/11/09

Hi! I am new here and like you was looking for a place to chat about
I am a BIG Koontz fan. I have everything he has written so far. I
started collecting them when I was like 16. I have his chldren books
and I even have one his wife wrote and dedicated to him. My favorite
was The Watchers. It was my first and had me hooked. The first chapter
gives you goose bumps. I agree with you about King. But I love the
Shaw Shank Redemption. All movies should end the way it did. (happy
You should try Third Degree by Greg Isles. I bought it while on
vacation in Laughlin. Was looking for something to read by the pool.
It moved quickly for me.
I have been told to read Saul and Deaver. What do you reccomend
What are you reading right now? I just started Angels and Demons.
Hope I don't seem over zealous. I was looking for a book club online
and ran into this site. I love books and enjoy talking about them.


Jim O

Aug 11, 2009, 4:26:53 AM8/11/09

Welcome aboard.

(Hey everybody, This is a good excuse to talk about books for a change) ;)


Pete Wilcox

Aug 11, 2009, 4:45:27 AM8/11/09

Hi Melissa, Lindsay, welcome both. Re Deaver; currently another of my
fave authors too. He's produced several trilogies and series' of novels,
but the largest by far is his "Lincoln Rhyme" series. Start with "The Bone
Collector," and read them in sequence, because the principle characters do
evolve in their relationships, etc., throughout the series. Another
couple of similar authors you might like to try are John Connolly and
Harlan Coben.


Jim O

Aug 11, 2009, 4:47:01 AM8/11/09
Jim O wrote:
> wrote:

>> You should try Third Degree by Greg Isles. I bought it while on
>> vacation in Laughlin. Was looking for something to read by the pool.
>> It moved quickly for me.
>> I have been told to read Saul and Deaver. What do you reccomend
>> (Deaver)?


>> Hope I don't seem over zealous. I was looking for a book club online
>> and ran into this site. I love books and enjoy talking about them.
>> Melissa
> Welcome aboard.
> (Hey everybody, This is a good excuse to talk about books for a change) ;)
> jodelli

John Saul isn't quite the riveter but some of it's OK. Manhattan Hunt
Club seemed a little out there to me, but Shadows was a good one, IMHO.

Greg Iles is first rate, but sometimes I'll pick one up and discover
I've already read it.

Deaver I'm not really familiar with, but he's been mentioned on here before.

I like Robert McCammon, kind of like King, the Stephen, in that he will
write a post apocalyptic epic, then next thing you know an historical
fantasy, after having previously written a tale of a perfectly ordinary
kid in unusual circumstances.



Aug 11, 2009, 7:42:51 AM8/11/09
I loved Angels and Demons. Shaw Shank and The Green Mile are my favorite
King novels. Watchers was my first DK as well. After that I couldn't get
enough of Koontz. It's still my favorite of all time. He's had some
bummers over time (The Taking) but mostly they've been great.
As for Deaver, The Bone Collector and The Bodies Left Behind are super.


<> wrote in message


Aug 11, 2009, 12:13:43 PM8/11/09
I guess that I'll have to check out a Deaver book or two. At least
I've picked up a few authors names that I haven't heard of, thanx

About the Iles thing... I remembered why I can't read him. I was
thinking about it and then popped on Google Books and looked at a
preview. I remebered 2 pages in why I can't read Greg Iles. he runs
around in circles when he describes things. he starts describing it
using a simile, and then starts describing the simile with something
else, and totally runs off topic of what he was originally describing.
I read one part, he had a sentance that was 6 lines long... ONE
sentence. That is why I can't read Greg Iles. I'm sure that if I could
get past the one flaw (to me) in his writing, he has some very good
stories. But I can't seem to.

If anyone is interested, we should start a book club kind of thing!
Pick a book and we should all read it. Even if it is just a couple of
us. I wrote the original post about Odd thomas when I was about half
way through it and just finished it. I was thinking of going to buy
Brother Odd. see if the sequels are good or not (Clare - thanx for the
heads up) To tell you all the truth, I invest myself in the story that
I'm reading and I cried at the end. But anyways!! haha!!

I started reading John Saul's Punish the Sinners, but if anyone wants
to start a book club thing I'll read anything! something new

Let's see if we can start a virtual book club!!


Aug 11, 2009, 12:29:55 PM8/11/09
Awwww, do we have too??? j/k I'm still reading DK's Frankenstein Book
1...while still reading Shelby Foote's The Civil War...still on Volume 2 of
that...Ray's on Volume 8 (he only have 6 more to go)...also have lined up to
read Catherine Clinton's "Mrs. Lincoln"..gotta turn these pages a little

"Jim O" <> wrote in message


Aug 11, 2009, 12:31:33 PM8/11/09
All are welcome.....did I hear that line in a scary movie???

<> wrote in message


Aug 11, 2009, 12:45:50 PM8/11/09
LOL enthusiasm welcome :) I've not had a good book discussion in ages, so
anything you can recommend or want to discuss let me know.

Melissa, I've seen a few book-clubs online but they're generally part of
different authors forums. I know Kelley Armstrong used to have one
(probably still does) where the authors who'd login to discuss they're
books, but that was largely urban fantasy books. My problem with book clubs
is getting hold of the books listed to read and they're not always ones that
would interest me. You're welcome to open a discussion on any books here
though I'll be happy to join in. I read
detective/thrillers/cosies/urban-fantasy/romance depending on mood.

King- I find too wordy. Shawshank is a great film, I've only flicked
through the short story it's based on in a shop.

Deaver - I'd say start with 'The Bone Collector' it's the first with his
quadriplegic detective Lincoln Rhyme. He's an interesting character a
change from action-star leads, the books a very CSI.

A few people here have really liked 'Angels and Demons' but I can't face
picking up any of his books after 'Da Vinci Code' because I thought that was
an awful book. Really badly written, chunks of building descriptions as
though a manual, a convenient female character there for the lead to
pontificate and show the reader his amazing intellect (I forget the term for
that) to scream a lot and come in by amazing coincidence at the end as one
of the bloodline. grr

I'm currently reading:

_Suzanne Brockmann - Dark of Night_
She writes about navy SEALs and is well worth a look, sort of romance with a
hefty kick of action 'Into the Storm' is a really good one of hers and made
me think a little of Koontz. They're standalones but the characters are all
connected so sometimes you'd appreciate events more if you read in order.
Her earlier books always had an older WWII story arc in them but she seems
to have stopped that possibly due to posting a poll. This current book is
bugging me a bit in that I can't decide who the main character/couple are
meant to be.

_Dawn French - autobio_
Not a huge fan of her or of biogs but got lent it. It's set-up as a bunch
of letters to people such as her father, the monkees, Madonna...which I
liked the idea of. So far its pretty good.

_Tami Hoag - The Alibi Man_
It's in the queue because it follows on from a previous book and I want to
re-read that first which means I have to dig it out of one of my underbed
boxes according to my wilfully neglected books database.

_On Order_
Frankenstein 3 - Koontz
Wolfe - Skyla Dawn Cameron
Grave Secret - Charlaine Harris (Jan)


<> wrote in message


Aug 11, 2009, 12:46:32 PM8/11/09
Books...mmm...books...yes I believe I've heard of them!


"Jim O" <> wrote in message
> wrote:


Aug 11, 2009, 12:48:34 PM8/11/09

"Jim O" <> wrote in message

> Jim O wrote:
> I like Robert McCammon, kind of like King, the Stephen, in that he will
> write a post apocalyptic epic, then next thing you know an historical
> fantasy, after having previously written a tale of a perfectly ordinary
> kid in unusual circumstances.
> jodelli

McGammon, I really liked 'Swan Song' only read one other of his will have to
look some up.



Aug 11, 2009, 1:01:20 PM8/11/09

> King- I find too wordy.  Shawshank is a great film, I've only flicked
> through the short story it's based on in a shop.

Definately agree with this!! I can't read too much King, because of
that and because he can be really weird. I think I'm not a big fan of
King because a lot of his books has monsters, I can't read monsters.
They are not interesting to me.

Jodelli, I'm sorry but I get into John Saul books more than anyone
elses. I find his to be the most riveting. John Saul writes some
things that you feel could be happening, and no one would ever know. I
think that's why I liked Manhattan Hunt Club so much. And I like the
fact that he does some ghost and psychological stuff too.

A good book that some of you might be interested in reading (if you
like ghost books) would be Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. I could not
put that book down after i started.... I got another one of his - 20th
Century Ghosts - full of short stories, not so good, can't finish
them... too boring. But HSB was really good, so check that one out.

I usually stick to reading the horror books. Sometimes if I'm in the
mood, I'll read an erotica book or 2. I can't do romance though..
that's too boring for me. I should dip into the CSI kinda stuff,
that's Deaver right? If I have the new author names to me straight. I
read a couple of John Grisham too, but he's too technical for me. But
my favorite by him was The Client.

Does anyone see the movies of a book that you've read? Any live up to
the books? I'm always weary of seeing a movie based on a book I've


Aug 11, 2009, 1:14:38 PM8/11/09
What about Peter Straub? I've heard his name around, was wondering
what people think of him


Aug 11, 2009, 1:57:20 PM8/11/09
I love Peter Staub, absolutely love him. His "The Hellfire Club" is one of
my favorites, as is "Shadow Land"....his "Ghost Story" scared the bejabbers
out of me. Good stuff.

"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message


Aug 11, 2009, 1:58:04 PM8/11/09
I agree on "Swan Song"...great book. I don't believe I've read anything
else by him.

"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message



Aug 11, 2009, 2:04:51 PM8/11/09
I've read 'The Black House' which he wrote with Stephen King and really
liked it but then I picked up 'The Hellfire Club' and couldn't get into it,
might have to try again.


"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message


Aug 11, 2009, 2:08:20 PM8/11/09

"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message
news:82269597-19d2-49a1-bf68-> About the Iles thing... I remembered why I
can't read him. I was
> thinking about it and then popped on Google Books and looked at a
> preview. I remebered 2 pages in why I can't read Greg Iles. he runs
> around in circles when he describes things. he starts describing it
> using a simile, and then starts describing the simile with something
> else, and totally runs off topic of what he was originally describing.
> I read one part, he had a sentance that was 6 lines long... ONE
> sentence. That is why I can't read Greg Iles. I'm sure that if I could
> get past the one flaw (to me) in his writing, he has some very good
> stories. But I can't seem to.

I'm pretty sure I've still got a Greg Isle floating about here somewhere
'The Quiet Game' or something similar I know I didn't get far but can't
remember why.

> If anyone is interested, we should start a book club kind of thing!
> Pick a book and we should all read it. Even if it is just a couple of
> us. I wrote the original post about Odd thomas when I was about half
> way through it and just finished it. I was thinking of going to buy
> Brother Odd. see if the sequels are good or not (Clare - thanx for the
> heads up) To tell you all the truth, I invest myself in the story that
> I'm reading and I cried at the end. But anyways!! haha!!
> I started reading John Saul's Punish the Sinners, but if anyone wants
> to start a book club thing I'll read anything! something new
> preferably.
> Let's see if we can start a virtual book club!!

We could do :) I get most of my books from ebay so as long as it's books
easily obtained I could do with trying a few new authors.



Aug 11, 2009, 2:30:20 PM8/11/09
Jodelli, I'm sorry but I get into John Saul books more than anyone
elses. I find his to be the most riveting. John Saul writes some
things that you feel could be happening, and no one would ever know. I
think that's why I liked Manhattan Hunt Club so much. And I like the
fact that he does some ghost and psychological stuff too.

Ghosties. Have you tried any Phil Rickman? I used to read his but the
series started feeling repetitive the character Merrily (?) female clergy
and exchorsist start of likeable but never seemed to learn anything. Most
of his involve leylines.

A good book that some of you might be interested in reading (if you
like ghost books) would be Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. I could not
put that book down after i started.... I got another one of his - 20th
Century Ghosts - full of short stories, not so good, can't finish
them... too boring. But HSB was really good, so check that one out.

I'll look it up :)

I usually stick to reading the horror books. Sometimes if I'm in the
mood, I'll read an erotica book or 2. I can't do romance though..
that's too boring for me.

I like mystery/romance books Nora Roberts, Tami Hoag, Lisa Gardner rarely
romance/romance and never chick-lit >shudder< I find them too silly. Koontz
always has romance in his books but it's not the purpose of the story.
Light reading when my concentration is to shot for thinking LOL I like
escapism. My main thing is I like happy endings, I don't care the horror...
as long as it all ends happy and positive.
Horror. I read a lot James Herbet & Richard Laymon when I was in uni. Can't
think of any others right now.

I should dip into the CSI kinda stuff,
that's Deaver right? If I have the new author names to me straight. I
read a couple of John Grisham too, but he's too technical for me. But
my favorite by him was The Client.

I went through a Grisham phase. I tend to get bored with series of books
though they get to samey if not in actual plots then in tone. His books all
have the same feel so after a few I just didn't want to read another court
case. Same with Kathy Reiche, her go into too much detail more science than
story, I don't want to learn how to do an autopsy! the first few are good

Does anyone see the movies of a book that you've read? Any live up to
the books? I'm always weary of seeing a movie based on a book I've

I tend to avoid them. Only adaption of a book I've seen after reading the
book and liked is 'Pride & Predjudice' (yeah ok the tv
mini-series Firth/Ehle that is, avoided others.
'Silence of the Lambs' was good but I read the book after seeing the film,
very different but still good, I'd already read 'Red Dragon' and vaguely
remember the first adaption of that.
Harry Potter films worked visually, the sets are amazing (I've only seen the
first) but I couldn't get into the films.
Problem is films will never match up to how characters look and sound to you
and a big part of books is atmosphere and sly humour that is often missed


Jim O

Aug 11, 2009, 3:29:22 PM8/11/09
Linda wrote:
> Awwww, do we have too??? j/k I'm still reading DK's Frankenstein Book
> 1...while still reading Shelby Foote's The Civil War...still on Volume 2 of
> that...Ray's on Volume 8 (he only have 6 more to go)...also have lined up to
> read Catherine Clinton's "Mrs. Lincoln"..gotta turn these pages a little
> faster.
> :)
> Linda

Shelby Foote had such a cool voice that I can almost hear it in my head
when I'm reading some accounts of the US Civil War.


Jim O

Aug 11, 2009, 3:40:54 PM8/11/09
smilelynzi wrote:

> Jodelli, I'm sorry but I get into John Saul books more than anyone
> elses. I find his to be the most riveting. John Saul writes some
> things that you feel could be happening, and no one would ever know. I
> think that's why I liked Manhattan Hunt Club so much. And I like the
> fact that he does some ghost and psychological stuff too.

Don't get me wrong, I like John Saul, and I wouldn't mind playing silly
bugger in the sewers of Manhattan.
To me he's just interesting.


Jim O

Aug 11, 2009, 3:44:27 PM8/11/09
smilelynzi wrote:
> What about Peter Straub? I've heard his name around, was wondering
> what people think of him

I like his weird alternate parallel stuff, and the stuff he wrote with
King, (I'd better start looking up some other titles too, terrible
memory for book or album titles)



Aug 11, 2009, 3:59:40 PM8/11/09
I think that's what's slowing me down...LOL!! I'm just southun' drawlin'
myself through the chapters.

"Jim O" <> wrote in message



Aug 11, 2009, 4:19:05 PM8/11/09
"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message

| I'm glad to have a place where I can talk about books. I love reading
| but most of my friends don't read, and sometimes you want to tell
| someone about an amazing book that you read! thank you!

If you do ever read a Deaver, you will notice he is true to his
name-sake --- 'deveous' little twists that have blindsided me. I always
think I know what it's going to be and it turns out to be something I never
even considered.
Deaf Does Not Equate Daft ... in *other* people's cases
Marc Estrin: "Kindness trumps greed: it asks for sharing. Kindness
trumps fear: it calls forth gratefulness and love. Kindness trumps even
stupidity, for with sharing and love, one learns."

| Lindsay


Aug 11, 2009, 4:20:28 PM8/11/09
"Linda" <> wrote in message

| We're all ears!!

HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-D

Michael A. Terrell

Aug 11, 2009, 5:45:04 PM8/11/09

PPPG wrote:
> "Linda" <> wrote in message
> | We're all ears!!
> HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-D

She didn't claim they all worked. :)

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!

Michael A. Terrell

Aug 11, 2009, 5:46:46 PM8/11/09

Linda wrote:
> I think that's what's slowing me down...LOL!! I'm just southun' drawlin'
> myself through the chapters.

That's still better than "southun' droolin'" ;-)


Aug 11, 2009, 9:43:14 PM8/11/09

I cried at the end of Odd Thomas too,lol. I had to reread the
paragraph because I could not believe it. I was crushed. I was a
little dissapointed by Brother Odd and found myself wanting to skip
through it. Even as a big DK fan I have to agree that he has had a
couple bummers. Almost every character drives a Ford Explorer, I
swear :) But I love how he writes about women. They are always strong
and can handle themselves. O.K. I'm off my girlpower box.

I don't like to see the movie of a book I have read. If I see a movie
I want to see I am more inclined to read the book. I have yet to read
the Shawshank Redemption but loved the movie so you just never know I

A book club would be fun. I find Ebay and Amazon are great places to
find books for cheap.

Have you heard of Tess Gerritsen? I read the Bone Garden and loved it.
It is a bit wordy and drawn out but I was so in to the characters that
I did not mind. I could see the town n my mind. It was just like Jack
the Ripper. I could hear the wooden wheels on the cooblestones. It was
awesome. I love books like that!!!

Have you ever tried Biographies? I have read a few and find them a
good change from fiction. Try Augusteen Burroughs, Wolf at The Table.
Talk about a trip. I read it after reading Runnig with Scissors. I
picked him because Burroughs was my maiden name. Silly I know. His
books willl make you thankful for your family.

I just picked up James Paterson, Sunday at Tiffany's if you want to
read it with me. I have never read his before.

Let me know what you think.



Aug 11, 2009, 9:47:09 PM8/11/09
P.S. this is Melissa from above. Google had me pick a nickname. :)


Aug 11, 2009, 10:18:53 PM8/11/09
>  P.S. this is Melissa from above. Google had me pick a nickname. :)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lindsay, sorry i spelled your name wrong.


Aug 11, 2009, 11:13:16 PM8/11/09

"PPPG" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 12:16:21 AM8/12/09

"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message

I love your enthusiasm for books and wanting to talk about them. But, I
don't think a virtual book club would work for me. You would have to set a
time that everyone should be finished with a certain book so you could
discuss it. I like to take my time with a book and usually don't read until
I'm settled into bed at night. I never rush one. There's usually too much
going on here during the day to do much reading. Not everyone is like me
so the others can make up their own minds about what they want to do.

Tell us a little about yourself. Where you live, married, children, job?
Have you seen our web site? You can put yourself on
the map. :)



Aug 12, 2009, 12:26:56 AM8/12/09
At least we can talk about him when his back is turned, or in front of his
face, since he doesn't read lips. LOL!


"Linda" <> wrote in message

Jim O

Aug 12, 2009, 1:49:20 AM8/12/09
PoPo137 wrote:
> Linday,
> I cried at the end of Odd Thomas too,lol. I had to reread the
> paragraph because I could not believe it. I was crushed. I was a
> little dissapointed by Brother Odd and found myself wanting to skip
> through it. Even as a big DK fan I have to agree that he has had a
> couple bummers.

The ending was the main reason I loved the first Odd book. I immediately
re-read the last part of the book after first finishing it. It wasn't
typical DK IMO, and it was refreshing to see. YMMV.



Aug 12, 2009, 5:00:55 AM8/12/09

I cried at the end of Odd Thomas too - I cried at the syrupy, saccharine
filled ending...

SO unlike my beloved Dean Koontz but thankfully he redeemed himself with


ps I enjoy Tess Gerritsen too and LOVE all things Stephen King but my
reading taste is eclectic to say the least. ATM I'm reading Ken
Follett's sequel "World without End" and I highly recommend these two
books which are utterly different to his usual thrillers!



Aug 12, 2009, 5:01:44 AM8/12/09

heheheh try LINDA



Aug 12, 2009, 5:05:45 AM8/12/09


hehehheeh bet you just KNEW Fred or I would comment in that manner!

Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it my dear and that it's diverse opinions
like yours and mine that makes this ng so great!!!



Aug 12, 2009, 6:39:16 AM8/12/09
In his books that I read (mainly the Lincoln ones) I thought he overused the
same twist making them predictable.


"PPPG" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 6:43:20 AM8/12/09
I like Tess Gerritsen too, 'The Bone Garden' wasn't my favourite of hers it
got as you said a bit wordy and didn't flow as well as some of her others (I
was still chuffed to get a signed copy though ;) ) Still a really good read

"PoPo137" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 6:46:24 AM8/12/09
It's a shame the ither odds didn't match-up to the first I really like the
character Odd and the first book packs a punch then they get more out there
and wierd loosing the effect. Anyone watch the youtube 'miniseries' of Odd?


"Jim O" <> wrote in message



Aug 12, 2009, 6:55:25 AM8/12/09
"PoPo137" <> wrote in message

> I just picked up James Paterson, Sunday at Tiffany's if you want to
> read it with me. I have never read his before.
> Let me know what you think.
> Melissa
P.S. this is Melissa from above. Google had me pick a nickname. :)

This is where I fail at book clubs lol I read what I pickup that interests
me, having to read a book is hard going and takes the fun out of it.
I liked the woman's murder club at first but never got to be a big fan of
Patterson. This one sounds more romance based.


Michael A. Terrell

Aug 12, 2009, 8:45:19 AM8/12/09
to is the new website. Eddie is
supposed to delete the old site sometime soon.


Aug 12, 2009, 9:07:14 AM8/12/09

> I just picked up James Paterson, Sunday at Tiffany's if you want to
> read it with me. I have never read his before.
> Let me know what you think.
> Melissa

I'm going to the mall today and I think that I will pick it up, we can
share thoughts on it!! I was thinking of trying out a new author. I
started reading Punish the Sinners - John Saul, but I'd rather read a
new one. I have enough John Saul! But I can never get enough of him!!

LindSay (hahah)


Aug 12, 2009, 1:07:03 PM8/12/09
Bad Piper!!

"Piper" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 1:07:38 PM8/12/09
Me, too!!! I couldn't believe what I had read and had to read it again to
be sure.

"Jim O" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 1:08:02 PM8/12/09

"Tamara" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 1:08:28 PM8/12/09
I did.

"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 1:09:23 PM8/12/09

"Tamara" <> wrote in message



Aug 12, 2009, 9:43:47 PM8/12/09
commenting throughout your post

"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message

> LOL enthusiasm welcome :) I've not had a good book discussion in ages, so
> anything you can recommend or want to discuss let me know.
> Melissa, I've seen a few book-clubs online but they're generally part of
> different authors forums. I know Kelley Armstrong used to have one
> (probably still does) where the authors who'd login to discuss they're
> books, but that was largely urban fantasy books. My problem with book
> clubs is getting hold of the books listed to read and they're not always
> ones that would interest me. You're welcome to open a discussion on any
> books here though I'll be happy to join in. I read
> detective/thrillers/cosies/urban-fantasy/romance depending on mood.
> King- I find too wordy. Shawshank is a great film, I've only flicked
> through the short story it's based on in a shop.

NEVERRRRRRR tooo wordy!

King is my king *grin*

> Deaver - I'd say start with 'The Bone Collector' it's the first with his
> quadriplegic detective Lincoln Rhyme. He's an interesting character a
> change from action-star leads, the books a very CSI.

Haven't read Deaver, but I did see The Bone Collector... but if the movie is
like the book, I switched off half way through it and started reading a
novel instead... didn't capture me.

> A few people here have really liked 'Angels and Demons' but I can't face
> picking up any of his books after 'Da Vinci Code' because I thought that
> was an awful book. Really badly written, chunks of building descriptions
> as though a manual, a convenient female character there for the lead to
> pontificate and show the reader his amazing intellect (I forget the term
> for that) to scream a lot and come in by amazing coincidence at the end as
> one of the bloodline. grr

Angels and Demons is superior to Da Vinci Code in EVERY way!

> I'm currently reading:
> _Suzanne Brockmann - Dark of Night_
> She writes about navy SEALs and is well worth a look, sort of romance with
> a hefty kick of action 'Into the Storm' is a really good one of hers and
> made me think a little of Koontz. They're standalones but the characters
> are all connected so sometimes you'd appreciate events more if you read in
> order. Her earlier books always had an older WWII story arc in them but
> she seems to have stopped that possibly due to posting a poll. This
> current book is bugging me a bit in that I can't decide who the main
> character/couple are meant to be.
> _Dawn French - autobio_
> Not a huge fan of her or of biogs but got lent it. It's set-up as a bunch
> of letters to people such as her father, the monkees, Madonna...which I
> liked the idea of. So far its pretty good.
> _Tami Hoag - The Alibi Man_
> It's in the queue because it follows on from a previous book and I want to
> re-read that first which means I have to dig it out of one of my underbed
> boxes according to my wilfully neglected books database.

LOVE Tami Hoag!!!

Quite enjoyed The Alibi man, but as I'm not reading her in any order other
than "oh, I haven't read that one yet", didn't realise it followed on from a
previous book! Thanks for that.

> _On Order_
> Frankenstein 3 - Koontz
> Wolfe - Skyla Dawn Cameron
> Grave Secret - Charlaine Harris (Jan)
> Clare



Aug 12, 2009, 10:21:20 PM8/12/09
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvalous darling

Ghost Story
Lost Boy, Lost Girl (and the sequel)
and more

and of course the two that he co-wrote with Stephen King (I prefer The
Talisman to the later one purely as it is a CHILDREN's story, rather than an
adults story)

oh and he's approachable - if you send him emails or strike up a
conversation in alt.books.peter.straub he will answer you himself - at least
he used to, I havent' been in that ng for a few years, but he DID.


"smilelynzi" <> wrote in message
> What about Peter Straub? I've heard his name around, was wondering
> what people think of him


Aug 12, 2009, 10:22:01 PM8/12/09
have you read The Talisman that they also co-wrote back in the 80s?


"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message

> I've read 'The Black House' which he wrote with Stephen King and really
> liked it but then I picked up 'The Hellfire Club' and couldn't get into
> it, might have to try again.
> Clare


Aug 12, 2009, 10:23:53 PM8/12/09
Clare - read the other two that go with Silence of the Lambs, especally
Hannibal as it's a prequel and the 'memory house' he creates is utterly


"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message

> Jodelli, I'm sorry but I get into John Saul books more than anyone
> elses. I find his to be the most riveting. John Saul writes some
> things that you feel could be happening, and no one would ever know. I
> think that's why I liked Manhattan Hunt Club so much. And I like the
> fact that he does some ghost and psychological stuff too.
> Ghosties. Have you tried any Phil Rickman? I used to read his but the
> series started feeling repetitive the character Merrily (?) female clergy
> and exchorsist start of likeable but never seemed to learn anything. Most
> of his involve leylines.
> A good book that some of you might be interested in reading (if you
> like ghost books) would be Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. I could not
> put that book down after i started.... I got another one of his - 20th
> Century Ghosts - full of short stories, not so good, can't finish
> them... too boring. But HSB was really good, so check that one out.
> I'll look it up :)
> I usually stick to reading the horror books. Sometimes if I'm in the
> mood, I'll read an erotica book or 2. I can't do romance though..
> that's too boring for me.
> I like mystery/romance books Nora Roberts, Tami Hoag, Lisa Gardner rarely
> romance/romance and never chick-lit >shudder< I find them too silly.
> Koontz always has romance in his books but it's not the purpose of the
> story. Light reading when my concentration is to shot for thinking LOL I
> like escapism. My main thing is I like happy endings, I don't care the
> horror... as long as it all ends happy and positive.
> Horror. I read a lot James Herbet & Richard Laymon when I was in uni.
> Can't think of any others right now.
> I should dip into the CSI kinda stuff,
> that's Deaver right? If I have the new author names to me straight. I
> read a couple of John Grisham too, but he's too technical for me. But
> my favorite by him was The Client.
> I went through a Grisham phase. I tend to get bored with series of books
> though they get to samey if not in actual plots then in tone. His books
> all have the same feel so after a few I just didn't want to read another
> court case. Same with Kathy Reiche, her go into too much detail more
> science than story, I don't want to learn how to do an autopsy! the first
> few are good though.
> Does anyone see the movies of a book that you've read? Any live up to
> the books? I'm always weary of seeing a movie based on a book I've
> read.
> I tend to avoid them. Only adaption of a book I've seen after reading the
> book and liked is 'Pride & Predjudice' (yeah ok the
> tv mini-series Firth/Ehle that is, avoided others.
> 'Silence of the Lambs' was good but I read the book after seeing the film,
> very different but still good, I'd already read 'Red Dragon' and vaguely
> remember the first adaption of that.
> Harry Potter films worked visually, the sets are amazing (I've only seen
> the first) but I couldn't get into the films.
> Problem is films will never match up to how characters look and sound to
> you and a big part of books is atmosphere and sly humour that is often
> missed out.
> Clare


Aug 12, 2009, 10:34:15 PM8/12/09

see, even I did a typo


"Linda" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 10:53:07 PM8/12/09
> The ending was the main reason I loved the first Odd book. I immediately
> re-read the last part of the book after first finishing it. It wasn't
> typical DK IMO, and it was refreshing to see. YMMV.
> jode

My thoughts exactly.



Aug 12, 2009, 10:57:44 PM8/12/09
You have ears, they just don't work.

I have brain and logic and that doesn't work too well.


"PPPG" <> wrote in message

> "Linda" <> wrote in message


Aug 12, 2009, 11:30:04 PM8/12/09

"Tamara" <> wrote in message


Aug 13, 2009, 1:34:19 AM8/13/09
I read the Dawn French bio, loved it, but I love her. Very honest.


"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message

> LOL enthusiasm welcome :) I've not had a good book discussion in ages, so
> anything you can recommend or want to discuss let me know.
> Melissa, I've seen a few book-clubs online but they're generally part of
> different authors forums. I know Kelley Armstrong used to have one
> (probably still does) where the authors who'd login to discuss they're
> books, but that was largely urban fantasy books. My problem with book
> clubs is getting hold of the books listed to read and they're not always
> ones that would interest me. You're welcome to open a discussion on any
> books here though I'll be happy to join in. I read
> detective/thrillers/cosies/urban-fantasy/romance depending on mood.
> King- I find too wordy. Shawshank is a great film, I've only flicked
> through the short story it's based on in a shop.

> Deaver - I'd say start with 'The Bone Collector' it's the first with his
> quadriplegic detective Lincoln Rhyme. He's an interesting character a
> change from action-star leads, the books a very CSI.

> A few people here have really liked 'Angels and Demons' but I can't face
> picking up any of his books after 'Da Vinci Code' because I thought that
> was an awful book. Really badly written, chunks of building descriptions
> as though a manual, a convenient female character there for the lead to
> pontificate and show the reader his amazing intellect (I forget the term
> for that) to scream a lot and come in by amazing coincidence at the end as
> one of the bloodline. grr

> I'm currently reading:
> _Suzanne Brockmann - Dark of Night_
> She writes about navy SEALs and is well worth a look, sort of romance with
> a hefty kick of action 'Into the Storm' is a really good one of hers and
> made me think a little of Koontz. They're standalones but the characters
> are all connected so sometimes you'd appreciate events more if you read in
> order. Her earlier books always had an older WWII story arc in them but
> she seems to have stopped that possibly due to posting a poll. This
> current book is bugging me a bit in that I can't decide who the main
> character/couple are meant to be.
> _Dawn French - autobio_
> Not a huge fan of her or of biogs but got lent it. It's set-up as a bunch
> of letters to people such as her father, the monkees, Madonna...which I
> liked the idea of. So far its pretty good.
> _Tami Hoag - The Alibi Man_
> It's in the queue because it follows on from a previous book and I want to
> re-read that first which means I have to dig it out of one of my underbed
> boxes according to my wilfully neglected books database.

> _On Order_
> Frankenstein 3 - Koontz
> Wolfe - Skyla Dawn Cameron
> Grave Secret - Charlaine Harris (Jan)
> Clare

> <> wrote in message
>> Lindsay,
>> Hi! I am new here and like you was looking for a place to chat about
>> books.
>> I am a BIG Koontz fan. I have everything he has written so far. I
>> started collecting them when I was like 16. I have his chldren books
>> and I even have one his wife wrote and dedicated to him. My favorite
>> was The Watchers. It was my first and had me hooked. The first chapter
>> gives you goose bumps. I agree with you about King. But I love the
>> Shaw Shank Redemption. All movies should end the way it did. (happy
>> ending)
>> You should try Third Degree by Greg Isles. I bought it while on
>> vacation in Laughlin. Was looking for something to read by the pool.
>> It moved quickly for me.
>> I have been told to read Saul and Deaver. What do you reccomend
>> (Deaver)?
>> What are you reading right now? I just started Angels and Demons.
>> Hope I don't seem over zealous. I was looking for a book club online
>> and ran into this site. I love books and enjoy talking about them.
>> Melissa


Aug 13, 2009, 1:39:33 AM8/13/09
I liked 'The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe' movie, I thought as good as book.

Also 'Survivor' movie by DK book, I think that is the one.


"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message


Aug 13, 2009, 1:40:44 AM8/13/09
I cried too. Couldn't stand it. Reminded me so much of 'The Sixth Sense'.


"Jim O" <> wrote in message


Aug 13, 2009, 1:41:49 AM8/13/09
No, who played Odd?


"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message



Aug 13, 2009, 3:09:34 AM8/13/09
I think that was one of the reasons I got cranky with it (apart from the
overkill of sweetness) - that it wasn't even an original idea and even
if it was, it came out AFTER 6th sense and therefore the impact was

PLUS it was so full of stupid famous dead singers... specifically one
whom I cannot stand.



Aug 13, 2009, 3:39:10 AM8/13/09
They are rectangular things with pages and lots of words. Pretty picture on
cover? Yes?


"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message

> Books...mmm...books...yes I believe I've heard of them!
> Clare

> "Jim O" <> wrote in message

> news:hX9gm.256923$E61....@newsfe09.iad...
>> wrote:
>>> Melissa
>> Welcome aboard.
>> (Hey everybody, This is a good excuse to talk about books for a change)
>> ;)
>> jodelli


Aug 13, 2009, 3:41:25 AM8/13/09
I liked the ice cream flavours that Stormy sold.

We are getting a Ben and Jerry's at Manly (near here), finallly I will find
out what all the fuss about Cherries Garcia is.


"Tamara" <> wrote in message



Aug 13, 2009, 4:44:11 AM8/13/09
Yep it's the same characters as Dark Horse apparently, I only remember it
had horses in it so I thought I 'd re-read first :) don't read them in any
order normally either.

"Tamara" <> wrote in message

news:h5vr4a$odv$> LOVE

Jim O

Aug 13, 2009, 4:44:17 AM8/13/09
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

> is the new website. Eddie is
> supposed to delete the old site sometime soon.

When I read this just now I thought of it as a euphemism for dying.
"Did you hear about Old Man Jones? The old site got deleted last night."



Aug 13, 2009, 4:46:35 AM8/13/09
nope didn't realise when I picked up TBH I didn't realise there was a
previous one, then someone said and I forgot :) I'm going to go ebay it now,


"Tamara" <> wrote in message



Aug 13, 2009, 4:48:01 AM8/13/09
maybe the first one but I've heard enough about the last film to be
seriously put off!


"Tamara" <> wrote in message



Aug 13, 2009, 4:49:58 AM8/13/09
"Tamara" <> wrote in message
> PLUS it was so full of stupid famous dead singers... specifically one whom
> I cannot stand.
> Tamara

Thanks I thought I was alone on that! why does he keep appearing in ghost
and vampire books?



Aug 13, 2009, 4:50:48 AM8/13/09
to mean.......doorstops?


"Pauline" <> wrote in message


Aug 13, 2009, 4:57:52 AM8/13/09
Don't know his name. Here's the link:


"Pauline" <> wrote in message


Jim O

Aug 13, 2009, 4:58:47 AM8/13/09

Mr Straub showed up in alt.books.stephen.king a time or two as well
while I was looking in.


Jim O

Aug 13, 2009, 5:01:36 AM8/13/09

Your mileage may vary.


Jim O

Aug 13, 2009, 5:25:39 AM8/13/09
Clare wrote:
> Don't know his name. Here's the link:
> Clare
> "Pauline" <> wrote in message
> news:4a83a79c$0$49163$
>> No, who played Odd?
>> Pauline

Guy's name is Anthony Marks,



Aug 13, 2009, 8:16:00 AM8/13/09

"Pauline" <> wrote in message

> You have ears, they just don't work.
> I have brain and logic and that doesn't work too well.
> Pauline

Both being medical problems. Not your fault.



Aug 13, 2009, 8:17:41 AM8/13/09

"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message

> Piper wrote:
>> "smilelynzi" <> wrote in message
>> >I guess that I'll have to check out a Deaver book or two. At least
>> > I've picked up a few authors names that I haven't heard of, thanx
>> > everyone!!
>> >
>> > About the Iles thing... I remembered why I can't read him. I was
>> > thinking about it and then popped on Google Books and looked at a
>> > preview. I remebered 2 pages in why I can't read Greg Iles. he runs
>> > around in circles when he describes things. he starts describing it
>> > using a simile, and then starts describing the simile with something
>> > else, and totally runs off topic of what he was originally describing.
>> > I read one part, he had a sentance that was 6 lines long... ONE
>> > sentence. That is why I can't read Greg Iles. I'm sure that if I could
>> > get past the one flaw (to me) in his writing, he has some very good
>> > stories. But I can't seem to.
>> >
>> > If anyone is interested, we should start a book club kind of thing!
>> > Pick a book and we should all read it. Even if it is just a couple of
>> > us. I wrote the original post about Odd thomas when I was about half
>> > way through it and just finished it. I was thinking of going to buy
>> > Brother Odd. see if the sequels are good or not (Clare - thanx for the
>> > heads up) To tell you all the truth, I invest myself in the story that
>> > I'm reading and I cried at the end. But anyways!! haha!!
>> >
>> > I started reading John Saul's Punish the Sinners, but if anyone wants
>> > to start a book club thing I'll read anything! something new
>> > preferably.
>> >
>> > Let's see if we can start a virtual book club!!
>> I love your enthusiasm for books and wanting to talk about them. But, I
>> don't think a virtual book club would work for me. You would have to set
>> a
>> time that everyone should be finished with a certain book so you could
>> discuss it. I like to take my time with a book and usually don't read
>> until
>> I'm settled into bed at night. I never rush one. There's usually too
>> much
>> going on here during the day to do much reading. Not everyone is like
>> me
>> so the others can make up their own minds about what they want to do.
>> Tell us a little about yourself. Where you live, married, children, job?
>> Have you seen our web site?
>> You can put yourself
>> on
>> the map. :)
>> Piper

> is the new website. Eddie is
> supposed to delete the old site sometime soon.

Thanks. Was hoping you'd catch this when I realized the one I had in my
'favorites' was the old one. I will go now and replace it. :)



Aug 13, 2009, 8:22:50 AM8/13/09
LOL! You've been reading too fast again, Jim.


"Jim O" <> wrote in message



Aug 13, 2009, 10:22:39 AM8/13/09
You are in for a treat!! Try Chunky Monkey, too!!

"Pauline" <> wrote in message



Aug 13, 2009, 10:23:46 AM8/13/09
Or end tables??

"Clare" <bo...@boop.da> wrote in message


Michael A. Terrell

Aug 13, 2009, 11:37:09 AM8/13/09

Clare wrote:
> mean.......doorstops?

Nah! I use computer monitors for that. ;-)

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!


Aug 13, 2009, 5:11:09 PM8/13/09
Sounds excellent, must have Nuts with a name like that.


"Linda" <> wrote in message


Aug 13, 2009, 7:30:50 PM8/13/09
Banana nut. YUMMY!!!

"Pauline" <> wrote in message


0 new messages