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Oct 15, 2013, 8:19:50 PM10/15/13
Sábado, 12 de Octubre, 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

La preocupación de nuestros corazones se ha vuelto en mucha alegría al saber que Cristina Fernández, presidenta de nuestra gran hermana nación Argentina, se encuentra muy bien de salud, después de haber pasado por el quirófano para remover un coagulo de sangre que se encontraba entre el cuero cabelludo de su cabeza y el cráneo.
Por ello, le damos gracias a nuestro Padre celestial, porque todo se encuentra muy bien con ella y con los suyos, también; aparentemente, aunque no ha salido aún del hospital, no obstante disfruta de sus alimentos con los suyos y amistades—eso, para nosotros nos dice que está en buen camino hacia su recuperación total.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial ha bendecido grandemente la vida de Cristina y de sus muy amados por medio de la vida gloriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que su corazón sea lleno de su Espíritu Santo y de sus muchos dones espirituales de gran importancia para enriquecer su vida, y así también la de cada uno de los suyos.
Porque, evidentemente, es el deseo del corazón de nuestro Padre celestial que cada una de las naciones reciba en el corazón de sus habitantes la vida gloriosa de su Hijo amado, el cual no solamente nació del vientre virgen de la hija de David por el Espíritu Santo, sino que también vivió para triunfar cada día sobre las mentiras del enemigo.
Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial envío a su Hijo Jesucristo para vencer las mentiras de Satanás y de sus secuaces malvados en la vida cotidiana de todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias del mundo entero, principalmente para que sus lideres caminen siempre por el camino que lleva hacia el progreso y la riqueza de nuestras vidas.
Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les manifestó no solamente a sus apóstoles sino también a sus discípulos de todos los tiempos que solo él es el camino, la verdad y la vida; y nadie podrá ver al Padre celestial en su gloria infinita en la tierra y así en el cielo, si no es únicamente en conocerle a él primeramente.
Dado que, todo aquel que recibe en su corazón a nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, entonces está recibiendo a nuestro Padre celestial y a su Espíritu Santo juntamente, para que sólo él sea nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima que no solamente nos limpia de todo pecado, sino que también intercede incesantemente por nuestras necesidades a cada hora.
Y una vez que nuestro Señor Jesucristo entra en nuestros corazones, para ser nuestro sumo sacerdote y único Cordero con la sangre bendita que nos da vida eterna y con cada una de sus ricas bendiciones de cada día, entonces estamos viviendo llenos de milagros que jamás cesan de bendecir y enriquecer grandemente nuestras vidas, para alegría de nuestro Padre Santísimo.
Consiguientemente, es nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo quien intercede (ora, ruega) por cada uno de nosotros delante de nuestro Padre celestial en el lugar Santísimo del reino angelical, para que nuestras peticiones, ruegos, mediaciones e imploraciones (por los nuestros y demás), sean entonces recibidas, oídas y contestadas por nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de las riquezas insondables de su Espíritu Santo.
Entonces es nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo quien intercede a cada hora delante de nuestro Padre celestial en el reino de los cielos para bendecir grandemente nuestras vidas, en esta vida y en la venidera del nuevo reino de los cielos, como La Nueva Jerusalén santa y perfecta del más allá, por ejemplo, en donde todo es amor y riquezas insondables.
Es nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo quien actúa siempre a nuestro favor delante de nuestro Padre celestial para protegernos de cada maldad que sale del corazón malvado de Satanás y de sus secuaces de siempre, como los ángeles caídos y doctrinas engañadoras, y así el mal no se enseñoree de nuestras vidas, sino el bien eterno de cada día del cielo.
Hoy en día, si tenemos al Señor Jesucristo viviendo en nuestros corazones, como Dios manda, entonces tenemos uno que aboga por nuestras necesidades y el bien eterno de cada uno de los nuestros, como nuestros muy amados y amistades de siempre, por ejemplo, para que todo nos vaya bien en todo momento, por medio de los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo.
Hoy, deja que Jesucristo sea tu sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima que te limpia de todo pecado y, además, habla por ti delante de nuestro Padre celestial en santidad perfecta y humana, santidad que ganó no solamente al nacer de la hija de David, sino que también venció el mal sobre los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva.
Realmente, nuestro Jesucristo ha hecho todo lo que tenia que hacer en la tierra para limpiarnos del pecado y así vivir una vida saludable, bendecida, prospera, enriquecida e infinitamente feliz no solamente en la tierra sino también en el más allá, entonces es solamente él quien pide por tu salvación, por tu salud y por tus bendiciones cotidianas en el cielo.
Por todo ello, bendito sea el amor de nuestro Padre celestial, la gracia salvadora de su Hijo Jesucristo y los poderes asombrosos de cada hora de su Espíritu Santo, los cuales llueven sobre nuestras vidas sin cesar y hasta que entremos a nuestros hogares eternos del nuevo reino angelical.
Nosotros seguiremos amando, orando y bendiciendo grandemente delante de nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre bendito de su Hijo Jesucristo, a toda nuestra gran hermana nación de Argentina y así también por cada una de sus familias y de sus líderes, como nuestra muy estimada presidenta, Cristina Fernández, para que las glorias del Espíritu Santo enriquezca cada vez más sus vidas. ¡Amén!


Our Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) appeared before the Israelites within the SHEKINAH (God’s glory) to say to Moses and Aaron: I have heard what the Israelites have said to you; they are not bad tempered against you, their dissatisfaction is against God Almighty, creator of the heavens and earth. Tell them that in the afternoon they will eat meat, and in the morning, the next day, they will eat bread from heaven; I will certainly fill their hunger and satisfy their thirst, then they will know that I am the God of Israel that feed them day and night through the desert until they enter the Promised Land.

In that afternoon, our Lord Jesus Christ caused great winds to carry flocks of quails directly from the sea into inner land where the Israelites were camping; the amounts of quails coming into land were so great that began to rain abundantly upon the Israelites’ tents that they came out to gather them for the evening meal. The Israelites had meat to eat with their families on this day, and the amount of meat raining upon the Israelite camp were so copious that they piled up everywhere that they had not only abundant meat to eat for themselves, but also they could supply to the surrounding nations, that is, if they needed to exchange them for goods.

On this day, our heavenly Father caused the gluttons to die asphyxiated with all the meat that they had eaten in extreme unease, because the meat that they had eaten began to come out from their noses and mouths that they could hardly breathe, and died asphyxiated; the Lord was happy to eliminate them, they were a serious problem to everybody. The afternoon had passed, then morning came with the manna (angels’ rations) that was scattered everywhere around the Israelite camp, that as the Israelites stepped out from their tents they failed to recognize what was before them much less remember what our Lord Jesus Christ had promised to give them to eat on that morning.

The Israelites just walked everywhere the camp trying to understand what was over the surface, and they thought of everything, but failed to realize that it was the heavenly bread that our Lord Jesus Christ had promised, so they may know that he is the God that liberates from Egypt’s captivity, moreover he is the Holy One that feeds them daily. This is the manna promised earlier by our Lord Jesus Christ, so the Israelites may eat bread from heaven in the desert that it was very strange, because they have never seeing anything like it anywhere within Egypt or the nations; this manna was a white flake that looks as the “coriander” that people normally use in the kitchen to season food.

The aroma of the flake manna was aromatic and appetizing, moreover it was moist as carrying water that tasted as milk and honey, because it symbolized the true-bread from heaven that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh and its moisture the atoning-blood turned into living-water or milk that nourished the living-souls of the Israelites daily wherever they went through the desert. Truly, this white flake had the shape of the coriander with the veins implanted over its leaves as the three-crosses lineup in succession that Jacob initially saw over the injured-rock, as he rested his head to sleep on it overnight on his way to Beersheba; this white flake is the prophetic-picture of the three-crosses that Israel had to lift high within Canaan.

In other words, the three-crosses over the injured-rock stamped on the manna showed what Jacob saw in his dream as our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him, but also it confirmed the Israelites constantly that they were heading into Canaan thus to serve our Father over the injured-rock where His Son will finally shed his atoning-blood to attain everyone’s salvation forever. It was from this tree-crosses lineup in succession over the injured-rock where Jacob rested his head over the night at Luz before he resumed his journey to Beersheba, and our Lord Jesus Christ simply confirmed the blessings that Abram had received with his men as they ate from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine of an everlasting Covenant of Life.

It is here also where Abram with his men took their seats to sit with our heavenly Father to eat the bread and wine from our Lord Jesus Christ’s wounded-hands, for Jesus Christ served our heavenly Father first, and then everyone else around the table for the Covenant of Life to start officially blessing everyone’s life. Therefore, here is where our Lord Jesus Christ needed to be executed over the injured-rock, so he may not only serve our heavenly Father first from the Supper Table the bread and wine along with Abram and his men but also every man, woman and child from the nations thus to enter lawfully into the Covenant of Life and its eternal obligations.

Certainly, these blessing are greater than what King of Sodom was offering him to receive, so Abram and his people may not only become rich within the entire region but also become King of the Land, however Abram preferred to receive all the blessings that King of Salem, Melchizedek, had for him as God’s Righteousness on earth and in heaven forever. Unquestionably, Abram did not only receive blessings from Melchizedek as God’s perfect Righteousness on earth for salvation, but also as God’s Righteousness to enter heaven’s glory any day as he began to allow our Lord Jesus Christ to become his personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to wash him clean from sin, curses and the threat of hell’s torment.

These blessings certainly were to convert him from a man that was sinful and ready to die to descend into hell’s torment forever lost to become immediately, in a moment’s prayer, born from the power of the Holy Spirit, so he may have a son born from the Holy Spirit through his wife Sara’s barren-womb to become God’s seed on earth, Isaac. And it was because of this seed that our heavenly Father started with Isaac as he was born from his mother Sara’s barren-womb that Jacob could be born also to become father of Joseph that was to become a prominent leader within Egypt that our heavenly Father would use wisely to save Egypt from famine and Israel with the nations.

For Joseph is the one that was able to interpret the dream that the great Pharaoh of Egypt could not understand about the seven malnourish skinny cows that would come up from the river and later seven fat and healthy looking cows came up from the same place that they began to be devoured by the seven ugly ones. Then later Pharaoh had a second dream in which seven heads of grains were in one stalk, and every grain in it was well formed and plumped, then in the same sack of grain seven ugly heads of grain withered by the east wind appeared; then the withered ugly head grain swallowed the seven plumped head grains leaving the stalk empty.

Pharaoh could not interpret these dream much less understand them the best people of Egypt, however, our heavenly Father had prepared Joseph to interpret that that was coming directly from Him for the nations to be warned that terrible days were coming ahead unless they prepared themselves to receive this terrible famine that would afflict the earth mercilessly for seven years. Given that, the first seven-years will be productive over Egypt, so the goods needed to be store-up for the seven-years of unfruitfulness coming not only upon Egypt but also the nations, for the seven-years that were coming where the ones that the ugly looking skinny cows will devoured the healthy ones until nothing is left in the land unless goods are store-up.

Surely, Egypt was blessed as no other nation had ever been blessed since the foundation of the earth, because Pharaoh and his people with Joseph’s interpretation of the dreams then they knew what was coming over the entire world that would cause people to hunger severely for seven-years after the seven-years of abundance, moreover lose everything they had. Undeniably, Egypt with Joseph as one of their economic leaders then they were able to cause the land to produce abundantly to amass as much of it every season of the year, so Egypt became a storehouse for goods, and seed that was needed to cultivate the land for seven years thus to feed the Egyptians and the people of the nations.

In distress, the Egyptians and the people of the nations brought their money and possessions to Joseph, so he may sell abundantly to them the food that they needed to consume every day, so they may not hunger and die as the animals in the field that were dying everywhere because there was hardly a blade of grass to chew. Moreover, it was here where our heavenly Father called Jacob with his children to escape the famine by living next to the Egyptians for four-hundred years until they would become a nation ready to cross the Red sea in dry ground with walls of water to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot and stare at Jesus Christ holy-face within the burning bush.

Timely, at Mount Sinai’s supreme celestial sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood over the injured-rock every Hebrew man, woman and child saw him face-to-face just as Moses had seen him in the first day that he manifested himself to Israel as God’s Righteousness for Abraham, God’s Righteousness for Isaac and God’s Righteousness for Jacob thus to become liberated from slavery. Also, it was here from where our Lord Jesus Christ granted them to drink from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned into living-water to quench their thirst, so they may carry his genome (DNA) as the King Messiah to be sacrificed over Jerusalem’s holy hill as soon as his sacred-body was ready for the ultimate sacrifice to destroy sin, death and hell’s torment forever.

Furthermore, it is here where our heavenly Father granted Moses the two stone-tablets of the Ten Commandments, so he may descend Mount Sinai with them on his hands to pass them to Israel thus to make them part of their lives through the desert, the Promised Land and in heaven forever into eternity thus to obey them in every respect. For these holy commandments is the written life of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that was to be born in due time from one of David’s virgin daughter just as Isaac was born from his mother Sara’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, so he may give us eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood to dress everyone with eternal salvation.

These tablets of the commandments are also stamped upon the face of every manna flake that Israel received from Mount Sinai as Moses descended with the two stone-tablets that later due to the presence of sin within the Israelite camp, then they escaped from Moses’ hands to strike the injured-rock with great sacrificial-violence thus saving Israel from certain judgment and death. For every man, woman and child is called divinely by our heavenly Father to be dressed from head to foot in His Son Jesus Christ’s perfect salvation-holiness just as He called Abraham initially, because he alone is the Righteousness that He loves to see in everyone just as He sees it in every angel that serves His name lastingly in heaven.

This perfect Righteousness surely emanated from our Lord Jesus Christ into Abram and his allies’ hearts for salvation by erasing sin, by the power of his atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, so Israel may escape slavery to conquer Canaan to serve our heavenly Father at Jerusalem’s holy hill forever. Now, Israel had to conquer the Promised Land with holiness by eating the manna and drinking daily from the injured-rock, injured violently by the tablets of the Law at Sinai, so they may qualify to inherit Canaan that our heavenly Father had chosen since Creation day for His Son Jesus Christ to be born by the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin daughter.

Beyond doubt, this was something that our heavenly Father had to do with Abraham’s children and within the Promised Land even though sin started in paradise and from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father had warned Adam that the day he will eat from it then he will die with his offspring. Moreover, Abraham’s children are born under the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father personally started as He allowed His Son, King of Jerusalem, and perfect Righteousness from heaven on earth to serve the manna over the injured-rock where the Lord’s Table was set for Abram and his friends to eat with Him the new life to enter the nations eventually forever.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father will honor His Covenant of Life and its obligations with Abraham’s children and friends only if they eat and drink from the injured-rock the bread and wine that daily emanates from the tree of life, and this is Jesus Christ the savior of Israel and the nations from sin, sickness, curses, death and hell’s torment forever. These days, our Lord Jesus Christ is the fulfillment and eternal glory of the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father personally started with Abram and his friends as they ate with Him the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily over the Lord’s Table as God’s high priest, Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that erases sin forever.

Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ is our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life that started with every man, woman and child on earth through Abram’s obedience as he invited his friends to sit with him to eat bread and wine with our heavenly Father that is in heaven, as Jesus Christ served the Lord’s Table so Isaac may be born saved. Now, Isaac was born by the powers of the Holy Spirit to live saved from sin, lies, curses and death because Abram had accepted altogether the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father granted to him and to his friends as they ate together the manna that our Lord Jesus Christ served over the Lord’s Table, so Israel may be born soon.

Therefore, Abram needed a son born immediately from Sara his wife barren-womb, but this was impossible since she was already nine-nine years old, consequently the time to bear children was over, nevertheless, Abraham knew that nothing is impossible for our heavenly Father in all Creation, so he willingly convened with God to have a son born to him despite all odds. And before long Abraham was visited by our heavenly Father and His blessed Son Jesus Christ, and this happened right after he had sealed with them a Covenant of Life that will only bring into his children’s lives: blessings, prosperity, protection and eternal salvation in heaven, and our Father told Abraham: You will have a son soon, by this time next year.

Then, Sara your wife will embrace a son, and you will call him: Isaac, for he will be a blessing to you and your descendants that will come from you to become Kings and priest for God’s glory on earth and in heaven, so the glory of His holy name and of His word may be known by the nations’ people forever. Prophetically, Abraham’s children were destined to become a great nation within Egypt, even though they became daily afflicted as they were forced to do hard labor, nevertheless our heavenly Father blessed Egypt more than any other nation because they had cradled Israel since he was young to become a nation ready to serve His glories on earth and in heaven forever.

That is why that as our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach manifested gloriously within the burning-bush over Mount Sinai for Israel to see that liberation had arrived, then he took them out from Egypt with great powers and amazing miracles to cross the Red sea in dry ground to eat from the injured-rock at Mount Sinai’s foot the Lord’s Supper: food from heaven. Moreover, this means that the Israelites since they were Abraham’s children then they were enjoying the every day Covenant of Life’s obligations to them and to their friends’ children as well, consequently they had to eat the manna from heaven and drink from the injured-rock at Mount Sinai’s foot the atoning-blood turned into living-water finally to enter into the Promised Land triumphantly.

Definitely, these were people born under the Covenant of Life between our heavenly Father and Abraham that our Lord Jesus Christ served at Salem’s gate over the injured-rock the Lord’s Supper, so they may eat within the living Covenant that is filled with the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit thus to defeat sin forever and gain heaven’s glory into all eternity. For in heaven they will become as God’s children of perfect holiness born in His image to live according to His likeness, since they are no longer sinful men and women but now they are what our heavenly Father gave them birth to be in the beginning, and this is that they are His Kings and priests to serve His glory forever.

Certainly, these Gods and priests our heavenly Father gave birth in His image by the Holy Spirit to live according to His likeness forever in heaven’s glory, because they are the ones that will ascend to take on the celestial jobs that the fallen angels abandoned as they believed in Lucifer’s lie that his name is greater than God’s holy name. Today, these are the people from Israel and the nations that our heavenly Father promised initially to Abraham as He blessed him mightily, even though he was already aged considerably, that he will have a son named Isaac born by the Holy Spirit’s seed, furthermore he will father nations throughout the world for the glory of His holy name and anointed word.

Therefore, it was important for Israel to eat manna from heaven and drinks from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned into living-water thus to carry the genome of the King Messiah within their hearts and veins, moreover, eat the manna that had the lineup tree-crosses stamped that they will later execute within the Promised Land for the ultimate sacrifice for everyone’s salvation. Certainly, our heavenly Father had to feed Israel with the best from heaven above from the injured-rock the manna and the atoning-blood turned into living-water to satisfy their hunger never to hunger again, and to drink from the lasting living-water to quench their thirst into eternity, because in eternity everyone will continue to eat and drink what he/she had already on earth.

For in heaven every man, woman and child that has been born not from the spirit of rebellion from Adam and Eve, but from the Holy Spirit that gave birth to Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb and from our Lord Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter thus to live within the Covenant of Life eternally blessed, prosperous, joyful and justified perpetually. In heaven, every saved person will eat what the angels eat and drink daily since creation, and this will be eating and drinking from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that comes to us from our Lord Jesus Christ that gives eternal life, saturated with health, dressed in a glorified body that has never known sin into all eternity.

Meaning also, that in heaven we will never again hunger and thirst for the manna from our Lord Jesus Christ that emanates into our lives every day thus to enrich our lives with blessings that our heavenly Father has already prepared for each one of us since Creation day, so we may love, serve and glorify Righteously our Father forever into eternity. However, the people that failed to eat from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that not only was served to Abram and his friends but also to the obedient children from the nations, then they will crave to eat and drink but it is too late because the time to eat from the Lord Jesus Christ is now on earth.

That is to say, also that every man, woman and child that has descended into the pit of hell to be tormented by Satan and his demons through the years till now, it is because they neglected the manna from the Lord’s Table that is served daily by our Lord Jesus Christ as God’s Righteousness for forgiveness, healing, prosperity and salvation. In hell, people cry to have one-minute of life on earth again to repent from this terrible sin to have failed to eat and drink with our heavenly Father in heaven from the Supper Table that is served daily by our Lord Jesus Christ just as he personally served it to start a Covenant of Life with Abram that never fails.

That is why that you must eat from the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord’s Supper that he personally serves every day on earth just as he does in heaven for the angels, because every one that wants to live the eternal life with our heavenly Father then that one must eat and drink with Him from the tree of life’s wounded-hands. Even though our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred body was wounded with the nails of our every sin, then he still continues to serve the bread and wine for the angels in heaven and for every man, woman and child from the nations willing to come to be served from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that blesses the living-souls forever.

Truly, since our Lord Jesus Christ personally served the bread and wine at the Lord’s Supper to our heavenly Father first and then to Abram and his friends, he has not ceased to serve the manna that blesses the living-soul of every man, woman and child willing to reborn from the Holy Spirit that grants you amazing powers to live forever enriched. Presently, our Lord Jesus Christ is ready as ever to bless you over the Lord’s Table by serving you and to your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, the manna that truly is the living-bread where the lineup three-crosses are stamped over the injured-rock and our savior Jesus Christ is there standing with the commandments fulfilled and glorified for you forever.

This manna, our heavenly Father required Abram and his people to eat from our Lord Jesus Christ’s injured-hands at Salem, because this heavenly-food grants constantly exceptional powers to defeat Satan and his lies thus to enter into Canaan forever blessed to fulfill finally our heavenly Father’s will with His Son’s sacrificed-life over Jerusalem’s holy hill to seal everyone’s salvation into eternity. This meant that as Abraham’s children conquered Canaan by eating the daily manna and drinking from the injured-rock the living-water, then our Lord Jesus Christ was going to be born from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the commandments, so we may receive abundant-grace, forgiveness, healing, prosperity, happiness and salvation on earth to ascend immediately into heaven’s glory forever justified.

Well, this is what our heavenly Father needs us to do these days, and this is to invite our loved ones, including our friends, to sit with our heavenly Father at His Supper Table for our Lord Jesus Christ to serve the manna and the living-water, so we may qualify to conquer the heavenly Jerusalem where loves, peace and happiness thrives everlastingly. Because, our heavenly Father does not want anyone on earth much less in heaven as within the New celestial Jerusalem unwilling to sit with Him at His Supper Table to eat the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily to the angels, so they may love, serve and glorify Him with power of perfect holiness forever into eternity.

(Certainly, in the desert our heavenly Father became angry as the Israelites complained to Moses that they were tired already to eat this manna that they had to gather every day from the ground, so our Father’s wrath would immediately rise against them because they were rejecting the lineup three-crosses and the written two-tables of the commandments stamped forever on the manna. Surely, this was all again the sin of the golden calf that they had fashioned with Aaron to serve and honor as their savior from Egypt’s captivity when lawfully they were called to love, serve and worship forever our Lord Jesus Christ that had done all the work necessary, so they may flee the enemy to a better life in Canaan. Therefore, every time you refused to eat from our Lord Jesus Christ’s wounded-hands, wounded because of every sin, then you are sinning with the rebellion of the golden calf that Moses destroyed and buried in the desert, so you will never sin with it again against God and His anointed Son Jesus Christ’s perfect-Righteousness, the Holy One of Israel!)

In God’s glory, everyone eats and drinks from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s supreme celestial sacrifice of his atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, and lately over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so Israel may eat from him as they did through the desert for the nations’ salvation. This is our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life that started with Abram and his friends to begin a new life on earth worthy to enter into heaven’s glory by eating from the same fruit of life that He initially called Adam and Eve to eat in paradise, so they may become born from the Holy Spirit into His Son’s salvation-Righteousness forever.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to his disciples that he alone is the way, truth and life back into paradise; and that no one could ever enter into heaven’s glory to see our heavenly Father in person unless he believes within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation his anointed name, Jesus Christ! Our Lord Jesus Christ also declared openly to his disciples everywhere within Israel that he alone is the true bread from heaven that descended that whoever eats from him then he will never hunger again, and whoever drinks from his atoning-blood turned into wine then he will satisfy his thirst in this life and in the next one to come in heaven.

These days, the bread and wine are been served generously everywhere on earth on the Lord’s Table to whoever is willing to eat from our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh and drink from his atoning-blood turned into wine that blesses the living-soul of every one to satisfy the thirst in this life and in eternity as within the New celestial Jerusalem from heaven above. Jesus Christ also declared to his disciples by saying, if you fail to eat from my flesh and drink from my cup of wine then you will go hungry and thirsty in this world and in eternity, and no one will be there (in eternity) to serve the Lord’s Table because the time to eat from the fruit of life is now, on earth.

Truly, Jesus Christ said: if you fail to believe that I am that spoke to Moses over Mount Sinai’s burning-bush to change him into a new person by the Holy Spirit for our heavenly Father’s glory to liberate Israel, then you will die in your sins today on earth and in hell’s torment forever, since there is no salvation possible after me. For each time you eat from the true manna that has descended from our heavenly Father in heaven, then you will be eating and drinking from the true bread where the three-crosses and the tablets of the commandments are stamped for you to eat, so you may fulfill and glorify them constantly within your life to become save from sin forever.

This is a marvelous thing that our heavenly Father did with the Israelites in the desert, He showed them our Lord Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai standing within the flames of the burning bush, so they may not only learn to eat from his bread of life but also drink from the atoning-blood shed since Creation day emanating constantly from the injured-rock. Moreover, our heavenly Father wanted the Israelites to drink the atoning-blood turned into living-water emanating from the injure-rock that Moses struck with the twig that he initially hit the Nile river to turn its water into blood, it was because this is the injured-rock that was struck violently by the first two stone-tablets of the commandments as Moses descended Mount Sinai.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father did these miracles with Israel within the desert because they needed to become reborn from the Holy Spirit’s divine-seed, and this is the Holy Spirit that not only descended to be with our heavenly Father, His blessed Son Jesus Christ, Abram and his friends at the Supper Table but also gave Sara’s barren-womb power to bear Isaac. It is there anything to hard or difficult or impossible for our heavenly Father to do on earth or in heaven or even in hell’s torment and under unutterable horrific wilds?

No, there is nothing impossible for our heavenly Father, He can truly do anything He may want to do on earth with any man, woman and child, and the same is true in heaven with every angel, archangel, seraphim, cherub and other very holy creatures that serve day and nigh His holy name and precious word well into all eternity to come. That is why that we can trust His holy name to bless us these days by just praying to Him through the sacrificed-life of His Son that not only is His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, but, he also represents each one of us the same way thus to grant us amazing hidden-powers to please constantly our Father on earth.

Moreover, every time that we may invoke our heavenly Father’s holy name through the victorious life of His Son Jesus Christ, then He will answer our call immediately, because His holy name lives within His Son Jesus Christ’s heart and atoning-blood perfect Righteousness, so as His holy name blesses us then holiness removes darkness to allow richness to enter our lives progressively. That is to say, also that every time you may invoke our Lord Jesus Christ, then you are indeed invoking our heavenly Father’s holy name that lives within his heart and atoning-blood in perfect Righteousness that fills your entire body, mind, living-soul and human spirit, so holiness removes darkness for blessings to invade your life as never before to enrich you mightily.

This is exactly what our heavenly Father needs to see within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit: perfect holiness that can become part your life forever into everlasting, and this is possible by invoking our Lord Jesus Christ to become reborn by the Holy Spirit into a new person filled with holiness—holiness that will never cease to bless you. Because, it is holiness that not only redeems you from the power of sin and death but it is also the constant power that you will need on earth just as the angels need it in heaven to shun Satan’s lies and terrible attacks that he may be ready to launch any day against you, your loved ones and friends from everywhere.

Holiness will make you whole in our heavenly Father’s holy presence, furthermore stop Satan’s terrible darkness of hidden lies, curses and threats of death from approaching you thus to touch you in the most cruel way possible, so he may destroy you before you may learn to love, worship and serve His holy name within the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ. Moreover, this holiness is served daily by our heavenly Father through the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, so you may sit with Him at His Supper Table to eat the bread and wine that the Israelites ate through the desert to make them worthy to inherit the Promised Land of the Great King Messiah, The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach!

Meaning also, that it took eating with our heavenly Father from the Supper Table the bread and wine served initially to Abram and his friends, later to Israel through the desert to conquer Canaan, for the King Messiah to be born by the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter, so we may eat and drink finally the true heavenly living-bread that saves. Today, if you receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior before our heavenly Father just as Abram did initially in his days, then you will be eating the true-manna stamped on it the three-crosses lineup in succession over the injured-rock plus the two written-tables of the Law to be received by the Holy Spirit on earth these days and in heaven forever.

Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father called the Israelites to gather the manna from the field every day to have food to eat, and this is the manna that they ate throughout the desert stamped with the three-crosses lineup with the two written-tablets of the commandments thus to become worthy-and-holy enough to inherit a land that flows with milk and honey from heaven above. This is a fruitful land that our heavenly Father blessed powerfully ready to flow with milk and honey every day for every man, woman and child obedient to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone can baptize them in the Holy Spirit to become a new person filled with perfect holiness to love, serve and glorify Him perpetually.

Today, Jesus Christ is not only ready to feed you the living manna to make you a happy person filled with holiness that Satan will never be able to stand much less his tormenting-devils from hell, so he may baptize you in the Holy Spirit to help you grow spiritually to the height that our heavenly Father will love to see you. Sometime or other, you will have to be born from the power of the Holy Spirit on earth thus to qualify to enter into heaven’s glory to live forever embraced by our heavenly Father, His blessed Son Jesus Christ, and filled into everlasting by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit, so eat the bread and drink the wine right now.

Our Lord Jesus Christ has the ancient manna with your name on it over the Lord’s Table, so you may sit with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit to eat salvation-holiness that will fill your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit with perfect Righteousness causing the darkness of problems, sickness, diseases and hell’s torment to flee from you immediately. Today, you are blessed as no one has ever been blessed on earth along with your loved ones and friends from everywhere, too, because our heavenly Father’s love, kindness, and richness to save you from sin, curses, sickness, diseases and Satan’s hidden lies that may come to you by the way of a serpent, through Jesus Christ He has truly liberated you.
You are liberated completely these days, because you have eaten the manna from heaven above, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel and of the nations forever who is alive and well in heaven next to our heavenly Father side looking into your life thus to bless you until you are filled with everlasting happiness and never ending richness! Eat the ancient manna joyfully in our heavenly Father’s holy presence, because He is the fist one to take on the first bite as usual before you may start to eat and drink from your portion from Jesus Christ, the One who loves you these days to continue to love you, your loved ones and even your friends, too, forever in heaven. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
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