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Antizionists face torture and murder in "FEMA" death camps

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Aug 22, 2009, 10:02:07 PM8/22/09

On Sat, 22 Aug 2009, anonymous <an...@domain.invalid> wrote:
> I wouldn't doubt that this story is true when it comes to being
>used for internment of American citizens. But my question is how
>does the government expect to get by all of the citizen's pistols,
>rifles, and shotguns pointing at them? And do they really think
>that everyone in the Armed Forces are going to agree to rise up
>against Americans? This belief by government just might be, however,
>it would fail just as the Obama health plan (temporarily?) failed.
>The socialist democrats are extremely weak minded and cannot see
>the consequences of their actions until it is too late.

Would that were true. There are a few lone exceptions, "goys" that
take the fight to the enemy and produce dead rotting ZOG pig corpses.
But "americans" are mostly cowards that fear death and the Hell that
follows with it. All talk. No action. That's an "american" for you.
Gutless fucking cowards that brag about their little "guns" and shit
but never load up on their loaded guns and take the war against the
zionist reign of terror to the ZOG enemy. You hear all the "Alex
Jones" types calling for and predicting some fantastic "revolution"
but it never comes. All the "patriot" radio crowd keeps doing is
trying to get you to exchange your worthless fiat "fed" currency for
their supposedly "precious" metals. They're not part of the solution.
They are part of the problem.

The exceptions are brave antizionist "goy" martyrs. Scott Roeder,
as a shining example of antizionist "goy" courage, took the fight to
the enemy and executed the filthy Godless genocidal antichrist
psychopath Tiller "the baby killer" so God could send Tiller's soul
to burn in the deepest and darkest and hottest pits of Hell for all
eternity. Never to be seen nor heard from again. Roeder will go
straight to Heaven when he dies. Where all martyrs for Christ go
when they die. To be with Christ King of the Jews in Heaven.

But the ZOG "US/IDF" and so forth murder for hire military pigs are
happy to murder and terrorize "goys" for the trillionaire jew bankers.
And the genocidal ZOG military pigs sell their souls for chump change.
The notion that the "US" military will turn on the African born
eggplant and A.I.P.A.C./Knesset teleprompter reader Barack Jewbama
and the Knesset west District of Criminals is not being realistic.
Most "US" military pigs will hunt down and murder unarmed or vastly
outgunned "goy" men, women and children just for kicks. The
genocidal ZOG military pigs love to commit murder for the jew bankers.
And they do it with a smile on their face. And they always say the
same thing. "I'm not proud of the atrocities I've committed." "But
I'm not ashamed of them either." Ask any ZOG military pig that has
committed murder in the ZOG invasion zones. And they will all tell
you the same thing. Because they are all brainwashed criminals that
die and burn in Hell forever and ever when they are dead.

Lucky that the morale holocaust in the ZOG pig military is taking
its toll on guilty criminals that feel guilty for their sins against
God and for their crimes against humanity and commit suicide. The
ZOG pigs call this Judas like guilt "P.T.S.D." Guilty of murder.
That's what it really is. All guilty ZOG military pigs should commit
suicide. Burn in Hell you God damn murderers! Fucking Judases!

Lucky for the militant and pacifist activist antizionist "goys" in
the world, the JUWESA is collapsing on all fronts and is headed for
the bottom of the sea. Unless you believe filthy genocidal ZOG pig
liars like the filthy greedy arrogant criminal pathological liar,
Ersatz jew, and genocidal psychopath, "Helicopter Ben." What a sick
fucking joke the "federal reserve" is! That's why the ZOG doesn't
want their cash cow "fed" audited. Because there's nothing audit but
a gigantic black hole. It's all a con job. Top to bottom. Start to
finish. The "fed" is nothing more than a facade, a hollywood movie
set with props and decorations. It's made out of greed, arrogance,
and thin air. Just like their "money." It's counterfeit. Backed
by nothing. Worth nothing. That's why the ZOG pigs don't want their
"fed" audited. Because the public would find out that the creature
of Jekyll island, Jackal island, is a beast made out of thin air.
Greed, arrogance, psychopathy, and a whole lot of bullshit. And now
a lot of "goys" are starting to figure that out. That Madoff is only
a little fish typical of the criminal confidence artist Ersatz jews.
Everyone can see this now. That "eternal jew" means eternal criminal
until the day they are dead and burning in Hell for all eternity.
Never to be seen nor heard from again.

And look at some of the other good things going on against the
filthy greedy genocidal antichrist ZOG pig jewsurer establishment.

Press TV,, is becoming a very popular network where
real antizionist "goys" and get real antizionist news. News you can
trust a lot more than the old worn out ZOG propaganda bullshit on
jewtv "news" channels like "CNN," "FXNWS," "CNBC," and all the other
filthy criminal ZOG pig jewtv brainwashing propaganda networks. And
antizionism and "antisemitism"(tm) is getting more popular and
powerful and mainstream by the day. Naive, brainwashed "goys" that
had never of the "ZOG" before, they are hearing about it now all the
time! Everyone is talking about how the hook nosed madoff Ersatz
jews are not even real Jews. And everyone is hearing about how the
JUWESA military base of Ersatz israel is not even the real Israel.
That the jews are all frauds and jewers and gypsters and shysters
and madoffs and criminals and totally amoral psychopaths that always
lie, steal and commit murder for a living, and so forth. Everyone
is hearing the horrible truth about the Ersatz jews.

Everyone is hearing about the greatly exaggerated "holocaust"(tm)
industry that the Ersatz jews invented and have used to brainwash
and enslave gullible, ignorant and unsuspecting "goys". Everyone
knows about it now. Everyone sees what really happened. That the
"holocaust"(tm) was all a lie from the beginning. That the Ersatz
jews only care about Ersatz jews and nobody else. 100 million died
in world war two. Only a few hundred thousand of which were so
called, falsely called, "jews." They're imposters! And although
Hitler and the Nazi government made a lot of boo boos in their time,
they had the "the only good jew is a dead jew" part right. Too bad
they didn't enforce that policy starting at the top of the ZOG
pyramid. Starting with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and so forth.
Hitler should have started by outlawing jewsury as a capital crime.
Nazis should have hunted down all the jewsurer bankers, lawyers and
so forth. The Nazis should have started by hunting down and killing
all the jewsurers. And that would have solved the jewish problem
once and for all. But the Nazis didn't have nukes or germ warfare,
which are the kind of weapons that are needed to solve the jewish
problem on a global scale.

Militant antizionist "goy" hero Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi
has been released from a ZOG gulag and returned to Libya. He will
certainly go straight into Heaven when he dies. And who knows if he
had anything to do with the bombing of the #103? ZOG pig shyster
snake lawyers and judges routinely cook up "cover stories" and frame
so called innocent "fall guys" for ZOG crimes. They do this all the
time. "9/11," "Murrah," "JFK," and so forth. Happens all the time.
It's how the ZOG pigs have always done business. Murder for hire and
ZOG propaganda to keep fooling and brainwashing and enslaving the
ignorant "goy" population into slaving away for the greedy arrogant
genocidal antichrist ZOG pigs.

The JUWESA military base of Ersatz israel is the most hated JUWESA
military base on the fucking planet! Slogans like "the only good
jew is a dead jew" is becoming mainstream in militant antizionist
countries, like Iran, that are devoted to wiping Ersatz israel and
the JUWESA and NATO and all the other criminal genocidal ZOG pig
crime organizations around the world off the map in a global nuclear
and germ warfare holocaust.

Just talking positively about Ersatz israel in Iran can get you
killed! This is what needs to be happening in the JUWESA and in
other ZOG oppressed countries. Ersatz zionism and the capital crime
of jewsury must be outlawed on automatic penalty of death and
forfeiture of all their ill gotten gains to be sold for real money,
interest free, tax free, receipts for gold, silver, and so forth, and
distributed among the poorest "goys" in the world. Then work our way
up from there in rebuilding a jewless, "goys only" world that learns
to live, and lives to learn, in harmony with God and nature.

But talk of good things is useless without producing good results,
good, dead, rotting, ZOG pig corpses on the streets of the JUWESA,
Jew York Shitty, Tel Aviv, and other ZOG pig strongholds around the
ZOG pig world. Best way to do that is to force the ZOG pigs to do
the "m.a.d." thing and start world war three. And destroy the filthy
Godless antichrist ZOG pig world in a global nuclear and germ warfare
holocaust. And let the chips fall where they may.

The Juwes are
the men that
Will not
be Blamed
for nothing
-W.W. Gull

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