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God's Rivals: Why Has God Allowed Different Religions?

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May 2, 2018, 12:17:16 AM5/2/18

May 2, 2018, 5:13:52 AM5/2/18
On Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at 9:17:16 PM UTC-7, wrote:

Why would He care as long as He is getting the worship he craves?


May 2, 2018, 5:48:50 AM5/2/18
Is that what you really believe?

May 2, 2018, 5:59:55 AM5/2/18
Of course. He told the Hebrews in the Book of Exodus:"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." He didn't care how they worship Him as long as they don't worship anybody else.

May 2, 2018, 6:08:21 AM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:48:50 AM UTC-7, Bob wrote:
If you read what the Pope said in 1965, you will see that The RCC also believes it.


May 2, 2018, 7:22:57 AM5/2/18
You know that's not what I was asking about.

Stop evading the question.

Do you really believe God "craves" worship?

May 2, 2018, 7:24:27 AM5/2/18
The Book Of Exodus says He demands it.


May 2, 2018, 7:25:03 AM5/2/18
Do you really think that I care what that Satanic cult believes?


May 2, 2018, 7:32:22 AM5/2/18
You're not going to answer the question.

That tells me you know you were lying about God "craving" worship.

"Craving" something and "demanding" something are not the same thing.

You don't really know what you're pretending to know, do you?

May 2, 2018, 9:39:25 AM5/2/18
me ( change) 

4:24 AM (52 minutes ago)
The Book Of Exodus says He demands it. 

IN 1321 BC, at the foot of Mt Sinai, He gave Moses the tablets on which He had written the beginnings of the Torah.

The first commandment reads:”I am the Lord Thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me."

Malcolm McMahon

May 2, 2018, 9:44:11 AM5/2/18
On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 05:17:16 UTC+1, wrote:

Why does the same tobacco company sell several brands?

May 2, 2018, 9:59:06 AM5/2/18
Manufacturers conduct market research to find out what consumers want.
Once they have this info, they design products to appeal to those consumers.
If the smoking public divides into several groups, each one desiring a slightly different cigarette, they manufacture and package several different brands so they can appeal and sell to everyone. The bottom line is they want the people's money, and will do whatever is necessary to get it.

The manufacturers often hire experts in market research to do the searching for them. AC Nielsen is one of the biggest.

Malcolm McMahon

May 2, 2018, 10:16:12 AM5/2/18
What I heard is that when people change brands, they do so statistically at random. The more brands you have, the more likely they are still buying from you.

Maybe God's the same. Maybe the different religions are just brands.

May 2, 2018, 11:25:08 AM5/2/18
If you were familiar with Christianity, Judaism and Islam, you wouldn't say that. Judaism was the first to arrive about 3300 years ago, then Christianity in about 200AD, then Islam in 650AD. Some people claim all 3 worship the same God, but I don't buy it. The 3 gods seem to have different personalities..
The really glaring differences between the 3 are in their rituals and customs.
None of them share any holidays..Christian prayer books are in the local language, while Islam books are usually in Arabic and Judaism's books are in mostly Hebrew. All 3 have different names for their God.

John Locke

May 2, 2018, 11:42:54 AM5/2/18
On Tue, 1 May 2018 21:17:14 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>God's Rivals: Why Has God Allowed Different Religions?
...really simple anaswer there Dunky Donut...there's NO fucking god.


May 2, 2018, 12:48:38 PM5/2/18
On 5/2/2018 9:39 AM, wrote:

> The Book Of Exodus says He demands it.

You're not going to answer the question?

May 2, 2018, 3:01:31 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 9:48:38 AM UTC-7, Bob wrote:
> On 5/2/2018 9:39 AM, wrote:
> > The Book Of Exodus says He demands it.
> You're not going to answer the question?
> That tells me you know you were lying about God "craving" worship.
> "Craving" something and "demanding" something are not the same thing.
ROTFL! If He didn't want it, He wouldn't demand it.
Now you're starting to sound like Hypatiab and Chrissie.


May 2, 2018, 3:07:00 PM5/2/18
EPIC k00k fight!

Calvin the Troll v The Hebrew Hammer!

Two men enter!

Both lose!

Kevin R

May 2, 2018, 3:21:12 PM5/2/18
I would recommend you not visit a zoo.After talking to you for 10 minutes, one of the keepers would probably lock you in a cage and feed you bananas.


May 2, 2018, 4:06:46 PM5/2/18
For a very long time, certain Western Christian "prayer books" were
in Latin, long after it ceased to be the "local language." I refer
to the Bible and missals, and the devotional books of the clergy,
such as breviaries. Post-Vatican II, those have been translated
into the local vernacular. Eastern Christians use the local language,
when they don't use Greek. Books of prayers for use in the home
and not for worship services being printed in the vernacular was
normal, but required the local bishop's approval.

Printing the bible in the vernacular was unapproved, until they started
pooping up in the Middle Ages. After Gutenberg, they become much
easier to get, and spark the Reformation and the schism of the western
church into Catholics and the various Reformed and Protestant sects.

> while Islam books are usually in Arabic and Judaism's books are in mostly Hebrew. All 3 have different names for their God.

Christians treat Yahooey (YHVH, Jehovah) as their Ghod the Fadda's name,
as do the Jews. The Jews avoid saying it, and the fad for using it
among Catholics, post Vatican II, has been squelched.

The Jewish practice of using a substitute honorific when one reads
the tetragrammaton has been adopted, as of 2008.

Of course, Jews don't refer to Josh as anything other than
a human teacher, if not a heretic, if what was written about
his making claims of divinity can be believed.

Allah may be derived from "el," also a divine name in Judaism.
Ever drive past a Temple Beth-el? That means "house of ghod."

Ancient people besides the Jews used "el" as a holy name.

IF - and I say if - Josh was really the messiah, then the Christian
and Jewish ghodz are the same. If he wasn't, then they can't be,
because a "second person" of ghod would be heresy for the monotheistic
Jews. Allah could be the same as "Adonai," if Josh isn't divine, and
Yahooey actually gave a revelation to the Gentiles in the form of
the Koran. But the Koran reveres Jesus as a prophet and Mary as
special, but neither divine, in ways the Jews wouldn't.

"They worship the same ghod" is only true in that they trace their
religious lineage back to Abraham, and they aren't the only ones.
There's the Samaritans, the Yasidis, the Mandeans, etc.

In other news, who's stronger, the Thing or The Hulk?
The Hulk or Thor? Could Superman beat all of them?

Kevin R


May 2, 2018, 4:09:49 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:06:46 PM UTC-6, Kevrob wrote:

> For a very long time

You have been making long winded posts.


May 2, 2018, 4:11:25 PM5/2/18
Yeah, I do. It is my recreation.

Don't like it? Exit our f*ing group, troll!

Kevin R


May 2, 2018, 4:13:15 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:11:25 PM UTC-6, Kevrob wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 4:09:49 PM UTC-4, StanFast wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:06:46 PM UTC-6, Kevrob wrote:
> >
> > > For a very long time
> >
> > You have been making long winded posts.
> Yeah, I do. It is my recreation.
> Don't like it?

You post under various nyms I counted once every ten minutes or so each day, the ten minute average only due to your extensive restroom breaks, as you are a large person who eats more so you need to use the facility more often.


May 2, 2018, 5:31:56 PM5/2/18
On 5/2/2018 3:01 PM, wrote:

> If He didn't want it, He wouldn't demand it.

You keep beating around the bush.

"Wanting" something and "craving" something are not the same thing.

I can keep doing this for however long it takes.

May 2, 2018, 5:50:41 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 1:06:46 PM UTC-7, Kevrob wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 11:25:08 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:16:12 AM UTC-7, Malcolm McMahon wrote:
> > > On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 14:59:06 UTC+1, wrote:
> > > > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:44:11 AM UTC-7, Malcolm McMahon wrote:
> > > > > On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 05:17:16 UTC+1, wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Why does the same tobacco company sell several brands?
> > > >
> > > > Manufacturers conduct market research to find out what consumers want.
> > > > Once they have this info, they design products to appeal to those consumers.
> > > > If the smoking public divides into several groups, each one desiring a slightly different cigarette, they manufacture and package several different brands so they can appeal and sell to everyone. The bottom line is they want the people's money, and will do whatever is necessary to get it.
> > > >
> > > > The manufacturers often hire experts in market research to do the searching for them. AC Nielsen is one of the biggest.
> > >
> > > What I heard is that when people change brands, they do so statistically at random. The more brands you have, the more likely they are still buying from you.
> > >
> > > Maybe God's the same. Maybe the different religions are just brands.
> >
> > If you were familiar with Christianity, Judaism and Islam, you wouldn't say that. Judaism was the first to arrive about 3300 years ago, then Christianity in about 200AD, then Islam in 650AD. Some people claim all 3 worship the same God, but I don't buy it. The 3 gods seem to have different personalities..
> > The really glaring differences between the 3 are in their rituals and customs.
> > None of them share any holidays..Christian prayer books are in the local language,
> For a very long time, certain Western Christian "prayer books" were
> in Latin, long after it ceased to be the "local language."

The RCC abandoned Latin in 1965, and, if you actually read what I wrote,you'd see I was talking about the present day. Protestants never used Latin. The use of Latin in the RCC was one of the things Martin Luther protested when he began the Protestant Reformation and broke away from Rome.

Siri Cruise

May 2, 2018, 5:53:01 PM5/2/18
> > > Maybe God's the same. Maybe the different religions are just brands.
> >
> > If you were familiar with Christianity, Judaism and Islam, you wouldn't say

Someone else brought up the Divine Council theory which explains this.

> > the first to arrive about 3300 years ago, then Christianity in about 200AD,

Christianity began about AD 30, though that name came later. Whatever you want
to call them Nero blamed them for burning of Rome in AD 64.

> Allah may be derived from "el," also a divine name in Judaism.

Allah means 'the lah'. 'lah' and 'el' are hamito-semitic cognates.

Mohammed was trying to invent christianity 2.0 but didn't bother to properly
learn judaism (christianity 0.0?) or christianity 1.0. When jews and christians
continued to reject his shiny new religion, he had revelations that was okay to
kill jews and christians. Christianity 2.0 was rebranded as islam.

> IF - and I say if - Josh was really the messiah, then the Christian
> and Jewish ghodz are the same. If he wasn't, then they can't be,
> because a "second person" of ghod would be heresy for the monotheistic

You might want to check with scholars. I can't verify myself, but some scholars
say jews had the single god multiple god manifestations up to about AD 100. They
dropped the multiple manifestation when christians pointed they now had a name
for one of the manifestations. If this view is correct, judaism and christianity
only disagreed on the multiple manifestations after this time.

Up till then congregations routinely considerred themselves jewish and christian
depending on who had the better festivals. Jewish and christian leaders agreed
to disagree to force their congregations to be loyal to one or the other. It's
hard work to keep convincing people to follow you. It's easier to lock the doors
with them inside.

> "They worship the same ghod" is only true in that they trace their
> religious lineage back to Abraham, and they aren't the only ones.
> There's the Samaritans, the Yasidis, the Mandeans, etc.

Samaritans are descendants of the northern kingdom, the Kingdom of Israel. Jews
are descendants of the southern kingdom, the Kingdom of Judah. Samaritans
becames palestinians, so the West Bank, also known as Samaria, is about jews
stealing land from their cousins.

> In other news, who's stronger, the Thing or The Hulk?
> The Hulk or Thor? Could Superman beat all of them?

I'm pretty sure I read in Spider-Man that the Hulk was strongest (it was
comparing them to Spider-man's web). Superman could beat them all, but Superman
is a myth only found in the kind of comic books Flash Thompson reads.

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
I'm saving up to buy the Donald a blue stone This post / \
from Metebelis 3. All praise the Great Don! insults Islam. Mohammed

May 2, 2018, 5:59:24 PM5/2/18
Not me, jack. I'll simply stop reading your posts. They bore me to tears anyway.

May 2, 2018, 6:01:39 PM5/2/18
He'd make a perfect politician. He likes to hear himself talk and he keeps talking, even if he has nothing relevant to say. Have you ever watched the
US Senate in action? Senate rules allow a thing called "filibuster", which means one of the political parties doesn't want a vote on a certain bill they oppose, so they simply postpone the vote by stalling with endless speeches.
When one speaker gets tired or runs out of things to say, a fellow party member takes over and keeps talking.

May 2, 2018, 6:02:18 PM5/2/18
You are the type who always has to have the last word. Good. Say it to somebody else. I have better things to do.


May 2, 2018, 6:08:16 PM5/2/18
No, you're wrong again.

If you're wrong about my religion, and refuse to listen and learn,
you're not going to shut me up. I'll keep talking for as long as it
takes to get you to see where you're wrong.

Don't ever forget that.


May 2, 2018, 6:18:42 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:01:39 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 1:09:49 PM UTC-7, StanFast wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:06:46 PM UTC-6, Kevrob wrote:
> >
> > > For a very long time
> >
> > You have been making long winded posts.
> He'd make a perfect politician.

Nah, I'd be horrible at it. I won't change my positions to curry
favor with the voters. For example, I'm a libertarian, who is in favor
of "free markets." I won't turn myself into a fake Republican to get
elected, I won't pretend to be a church member, won't flip-flop on
abortion choice to get a nomination, the way Trump did.

Conversely, I don't like the government nosing into our private
lives over sex, drugs, booze, and a lot of other things. I won't
cozy up to the Democrats by adopting their "social democratic"
economics platform.

> He likes to hear himself talk and he keeps talking, even if he has nothing relevant to say.>

Like you don't do the same.

> Have you ever watched the
> US Senate in action? Senate rules allow a thing called "filibuster", which means one of the political parties doesn't want a vote on a certain bill they oppose, so they simply postpone the vote by stalling with endless speeches.
> When one speaker gets tired or runs out of things to say, a fellow party member takes over and keeps talking.

The filibuster, when it prevents the government from doing something
stupid (which is just about anything it tries to do) is a beautiful thing.

I have a political science degree. When people ask me if I want to
be a politician, I like to answer, "does a microbiologist want to
be a plague germ?"

Kevin R

May 2, 2018, 6:21:50 PM5/2/18
Jesus did not start a new religion. He never abandoned Judaism. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder. Jesus intent was to reform Judaism. In the Book of Matthew, he says:"Do not think that I have come to destroy the laws of Moses and the Prophets. I come to fulfill them."


May 2, 2018, 6:23:25 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 5:53:01 PM UTC-4, Siri Cruise wrote:
> > > > Maybe God's the same. Maybe the different religions are just brands.
> > >
> > > If you were familiar with Christianity, Judaism and Islam, you wouldn't say
> Someone else brought up the Divine Council theory which explains this.
> > > the first to arrive about 3300 years ago, then Christianity in about 200AD,
> Christianity began about AD 30, though that name came later. Whatever you want
> to call them Nero blamed them for burning of Rome in AD 64.
> > Allah may be derived from "el," also a divine name in Judaism.
> Allah means 'the lah'. 'lah' and 'el' are hamito-semitic cognates.
> Mohammed was trying to invent christianity 2.0 but didn't bother to properly
> learn judaism (christianity 0.0?) or christianity 1.0. When jews and christians
> continued to reject his shiny new religion, he had revelations that was okay to
> kill jews and christians. Christianity 2.0 was rebranded as islam.
> > IF - and I say if - Josh was really the messiah, then the Christian
> > and Jewish ghodz are the same. If he wasn't, then they can't be,
> > because a "second person" of ghod would be heresy for the monotheistic
> You might want to check with scholars. I can't verify myself, but some scholars
> say jews had the single god multiple god manifestations up to about AD 100. They
> dropped the multiple manifestation when christians pointed they now had a name
> for one of the manifestations. If this view is correct, judaism and christianity
> only disagreed on the multiple manifestations after this time.

I should qualify that by referring to "rabbinic Judaism," which was
codified in the Diaspora, only since the 6th century CE.

> Up till then congregations routinely considerred themselves jewish and christian
> depending on who had the better festivals. Jewish and christian leaders agreed
> to disagree to force their congregations to be loyal to one or the other. It's
> hard work to keep convincing people to follow you. It's easier to lock the doors
> with them inside.
> > "They worship the same ghod" is only true in that they trace their
> > religious lineage back to Abraham, and they aren't the only ones.
> > There's the Samaritans, the Yasidis, the Mandeans, etc.
> Samaritans are descendants of the northern kingdom, the Kingdom of Israel. Jews
> are descendants of the southern kingdom, the Kingdom of Judah. Samaritans
> becames palestinians, so the West Bank, also known as Samaria, is about jews
> stealing land from their cousins.
> > In other news, who's stronger, the Thing or The Hulk?
> > The Hulk or Thor? Could Superman beat all of them?
> I'm pretty sure I read in Spider-Man that the Hulk was strongest (it was
> comparing them to Spider-man's web). Superman could beat them all, but Superman
> is a myth only found in the kind of comic books Flash Thompson reads.
> --

Sounds about right.

Kevin R


May 2, 2018, 6:29:04 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:21:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:

> Jesus did not start a new religion. He never abandoned Judaism. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder. Jesus intent was to reform Judaism. In the Book of Matthew, he says:"Do not think that I have come to destroy the laws of Moses and the Prophets. I come to fulfill them."

You may be right. The "he's the messiah" bit may all have come from
his followers. His life certainly didn't match what most Jews of
the time thought the messiah would be: a warrior-king who'd kick
foreigners out of Israel, unite the kingdoms and make what is present-
day Israel/Palestine a nation that could stand up for itself, where
its people could worship its ghod.

Not being a Christian, I have no problem with that, except that were
many other nations with there own ghods subsumed in the Roman Empire
and associated client states who felt the same way about their lands,
and their ghodz.

Kevin R

John Locke

May 2, 2018, 7:28:35 PM5/2/18
...might be a fun afternoon.. in the pleasant company of monkeys
uncontaminated by god crap and free bananas to boot !

Alex W.

May 2, 2018, 8:38:37 PM5/2/18
On 03/05/2018 07:52, Siri Cruise wrote:
>>>> Maybe God's the same. Maybe the different religions are just brands.
>>> If you were familiar with Christianity, Judaism and Islam, you wouldn't say
> Someone else brought up the Divine Council theory which explains this.
>>> the first to arrive about 3300 years ago, then Christianity in about 200AD,
> Christianity began about AD 30, though that name came later. Whatever you want
> to call them Nero blamed them for burning of Rome in AD 64.
>> Allah may be derived from "el," also a divine name in Judaism.
> Allah means 'the lah'. 'lah' and 'el' are hamito-semitic cognates.

In this context, it's useful to note that some Christians also use
"Allah" as their word for god. The Maltese are about the staunchest
Catholics you could imagine, and in their language, they pray to Allah.
Ditto Christians in Malaysia and Indonesia.

> Mohammed was trying to invent christianity 2.0 but didn't bother to properly
> learn judaism (christianity 0.0?) or christianity 1.0. When jews and christians
> continued to reject his shiny new religion, he had revelations that was okay to
> kill jews and christians. Christianity 2.0 was rebranded as islam.

If you are trying to make yours a global brand, it surely helps to have
all methods of conversion open to you...

May 2, 2018, 9:08:09 PM5/2/18
The Christian New Testament puts alot of words in the mouth of Jesus.
I often wonder if he actually said them..I suspect his disciples used
his persona as a mouthpiece for their own ideas. Jesus was an observant and loyal Jew, what we today would call "Orthodox". Why would an Orthodox Jew who said he came to fulfill the law of Moses abandon the Jewish dietary laws?
Why would such a man make the radical changes to Jewish law that his followers claim he made???? The word "Christian" was not even spoken until centuries after Jesus death.


May 2, 2018, 9:10:47 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:08:09 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 3:29:04 PM UTC-7, Kevrob wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:21:50 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> >
> > > Jesus did not start a new religion. He never abandoned Judaism. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder. Jesus intent was to reform Judaism. In the Book of Matthew, he says:"Do not think that I have come to destroy the laws of Moses and the Prophets. I come to fulfill them."
> >
> >
> > You may be right. The "he's the messiah" bit may all have come from
> > his followers. His life certainly didn't match what most Jews of
> > the time thought the messiah would be: a warrior-king who'd kick
> > foreigners out of Israel, unite the kingdoms and make what is present-
> > day Israel/Palestine a nation that could stand up for itself, where
> > its people could worship its ghod.
> >
> > Not being a Christian, I have no problem with that, except that were
> > many other nations with there own ghods subsumed in the Roman Empire
> > and associated client states who felt the same way about their lands,
> > and their ghodz.
> >
> > Kevin R
> The Christian New Testament puts alot of words in the mouth of Jesus.
> I often wonder if he actually said them..I suspect his disciples used
> his persona as a mouthpiece for their own ideas. Jesus was an observant and loyal Jew, what we today would call "Orthodox".

There were several different sects of judaism, and probably individual type rabbi's. Why do you make him an orthodox jew for?

The roots of Orthodox Judaism can be traced to the late 18th or early 19th century, when elements within German Jewry sought to reform Jewish belief and practice in the early 19th century in response to the Age of Enlightenment, Jewish Emancipation, and Haskalah

Don Martin

May 2, 2018, 9:46:31 PM5/2/18
On Wed, 2 May 2018 15:18:38 -0700 (PDT), Kevrob <>

>On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:01:39 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 1:09:49 PM UTC-7, StanFast wrote:
>> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:06:46 PM UTC-6, Kevrob wrote:
>> >
>> > > For a very long time
>> >
>> > You have been making long winded posts.
>> He'd make a perfect politician.
>Nah, I'd be horrible at it. I won't change my positions to curry
>favor with the voters. For example, I'm a libertarian, who is in favor
>of "free markets." I won't turn myself into a fake Republican to get
>elected, I won't pretend to be a church member, won't flip-flop on
>abortion choice to get a nomination, the way Trump did.

I do not agree with your stance, but I respect you for it.

aa #2278 Never mind "proof." Where is your evidence?
BAAWA Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief Heckler
Fidei defensor (Hon. Antipodean)
Je pense, donc je suis Charlie.

Cloud Hobbit

May 2, 2018, 9:47:10 PM5/2/18
Art said:
>show quoted text -
>The Christian New Testament puts >alot of words in the mouth of >Jesus.

And the OT puts in a lot of people who never existed and events that never happened.

>I often wonder if he actually >said them..I suspect his >disciples used
>his persona as a mouthpiece for >their own ideas.

Seems unlikely since Jews at that time were expecting a much different messiah.

>Jesus was an observant and loyal >Jew, what we today would call >"Orthodox". Why would an >Orthodox Jew who said he came to >fulfill the law of Moses abandon >the Jewish dietary laws?

Maybe dad told him what we know now, that there is no valid reason for most of them.

>Why would such a man make the >radical changes to Jewish law >that his followers claim he >made???? The word "Christian" >was not even spoken until >centuries >after Jesus death.

That's the story and they're sticking to it.

They really ought to prove Jesus really existed first before they put words in his mouth.

While most agree that he did exist, there is nothing proving he did.


May 2, 2018, 9:47:33 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:46:31 PM UTC-6, Don Martin wrote:
> On Wed, 2 May 2018 15:18:38 -0700 (PDT), Kevrob <>
> wrote:
> >On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:01:39 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> >> On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 1:09:49 PM UTC-7, StanFast wrote:
> >> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:06:46 PM UTC-6, Kevrob wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > For a very long time
> >> >
> >> > You have been making long winded posts.
> >>
> >> He'd make a perfect politician.
> >
> >Nah, I'd be horrible at it. I won't change my positions to curry
> >favor with the voters. For example, I'm a libertarian, who is in favor
> >of "free markets." I won't turn myself into a fake Republican to get
> >elected, I won't pretend to be a church member, won't flip-flop on
> >abortion choice to get a nomination, the way Trump did.
> I do not agree with your stance, but I respect you for it.

I think he should make a campaign poster with his real picture on it.

May 2, 2018, 9:58:02 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:47:10 PM UTC-7, Cloud Hobbit wrote:
> Art said:
> >
> >show quoted text -
> >The Christian New Testament puts >alot of words in the mouth of >Jesus.
> And the OT puts in a lot of people who never existed and events that never happened.

That, of course, is your view of the evidence. Don't try and con me by claiming you are objective on the subject of religion. Nobody is naive enough to believe that.
> >I often wonder if he actually >said them..I suspect his >disciples used
> >his persona as a mouthpiece for >their own ideas.
> Seems unlikely since Jews at that time were expecting a much different messiah.

What has the messiah got to do with abandoning Torah law? That prophecy was never part of Jewish law. It was something one of the prophets saw in a dream.
The Jewish Messiah was not predicted in the Torah, but much later in the
Old Testament.
> >Jesus was an observant and loyal >Jew, what we today would call >"Orthodox". Why would an >Orthodox Jew who said he came to >fulfill the law of Moses abandon >the Jewish dietary laws?
> Maybe dad told him what we know now, that there is no valid reason for most of them.

Now that we have modern medicine and bacteriology, we can see what causes disease.The microscope was not invented until the 17th century. Back then, all they knew was that eating certain things made people sick.


May 2, 2018, 10:00:00 PM5/2/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:58:02 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> The microscope was not invented until the 17th century. Back then, all they knew was that eating certain things made people sick.

What if eating too much makes you sick?

May 2, 2018, 11:39:58 PM5/2/18
You don't need a microscope to figure that out. Even as late as the 19th century, people got Cholera from eating infected shellfish.It happened in Naples more than once since the city used the Bay of Naples to dump their human wastes.

If you read Kasruth, the Jewish dietary laws, you'll see that shellfish are banned for observant Jews. So are bats and we know now that bats can carry Rabies and humans can catch Rabies.In the ancient world, there was a worm called "Trichina", a parasite that can really make people sick if they swallow it. Pigs can carry it and it's called "Trichinosis". Thus, Kasruth bans eating pig products like pork and ham. These days, we know how to kill the germs that once made people sick in ancient Israel. Back then, if you caught a virus like a cold, you would probably die.

Atheist ------------------------------

May 3, 2018, 12:07:17 AM5/3/18
If your alleged god was concerned about people getting bad shellfish, it
should have fixed the shellfish it created, not ban even the good shellfish.

Your god is unevidenced/hiding/undetectable; i.e. imaginary.

There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.

May 3, 2018, 12:37:51 AM5/3/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 9:07:17 PM UTC-7, Atheist ------------------------------ wrote:
> wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:00:00 PM UTC-7, StanFast wrote:
> >
> >>On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:58:02 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> >>
> >>>The microscope was not invented until the 17th century. Back then, all they knew was that eating certain things made people sick.
> >>
> >>What if eating too much makes you sick?
> >
> >
> > You don't need a microscope to figure that out. Even as late as the 19th century, people got Cholera from eating infected shellfish.It happened in Naples more than once since the city used the Bay of Naples to dump their human wastes.
> >
> > If you read Kasruth, the Jewish dietary laws, you'll see that shellfish are banned for observant Jews. So are bats and we know now that bats can carry Rabies and humans can catch Rabies.In the ancient world, there was a worm called "Trichina", a parasite that can really make people sick if they swallow it. Pigs can carry it and it's called "Trichinosis". Thus, Kasruth bans eating pig products like pork and ham. These days, we know how to kill the germs that once made people sick in ancient Israel. Back then, if you caught a virus like a cold, you would probably die.
> If your alleged god was concerned about people getting bad shellfish, it
> should have fixed the shellfish it created, not ban even the good shellfish.
> Your god is unevidenced/hiding/undetectable; i.e. imaginary.

God gave us a brain so we could solve our own problems. He is not a nurse or babysitter
> --

May 3, 2018, 12:39:40 AM5/3/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 9:07:17 PM UTC-7, Atheist ------------------------------ wrote:
> wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:00:00 PM UTC-7, StanFast wrote:
> >
> >>On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:58:02 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> >>
> >>>The microscope was not invented until the 17th century. Back then, all they knew was that eating certain things made people sick.
> >>
> >>What if eating too much makes you sick?
> >
> >
> > You don't need a microscope to figure that out. Even as late as the 19th century, people got Cholera from eating infected shellfish.It happened in Naples more than once since the city used the Bay of Naples to dump their human wastes.
> >
> > If you read Kasruth, the Jewish dietary laws, you'll see that shellfish are banned for observant Jews. So are bats and we know now that bats can carry Rabies and humans can catch Rabies.In the ancient world, there was a worm called "Trichina", a parasite that can really make people sick if they swallow it. Pigs can carry it and it's called "Trichinosis". Thus, Kasruth bans eating pig products like pork and ham. These days, we know how to kill the germs that once made people sick in ancient Israel. Back then, if you caught a virus like a cold, you would probably die.
> If your alleged god was concerned about people getting bad shellfish, it
> should have fixed the shellfish it created, not ban even the good shellfish.
God did not infect the shellfish. People did, genius.

May 3, 2018, 12:41:53 AM5/3/18
On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 9:07:17 PM UTC-7, Atheist ------------------------------ wrote:
> wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:00:00 PM UTC-7, StanFast wrote:
> >
> >>On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 7:58:02 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> >>
> >>>The microscope was not invented until the 17th century. Back then, all they knew was that eating certain things made people sick.
> >>
> >>What if eating too much makes you sick?
> >
> >
> > You don't need a microscope to figure that out. Even as late as the 19th century, people got Cholera from eating infected shellfish.It happened in Naples more than once since the city used the Bay of Naples to dump their human wastes.
> >
> > If you read Kasruth, the Jewish dietary laws, you'll see that shellfish are banned for observant Jews. So are bats and we know now that bats can carry Rabies and humans can catch Rabies.In the ancient world, there was a worm called "Trichina", a parasite that can really make people sick if they swallow it. Pigs can carry it and it's called "Trichinosis". Thus, Kasruth bans eating pig products like pork and ham. These days, we know how to kill the germs that once made people sick in ancient Israel. Back then, if you caught a virus like a cold, you would probably die.
> If your alleged god was concerned about people getting bad shellfish, it
> should have fixed the shellfish it created, not ban even the good shellfish.
When the shellfish live in human waste infected water, there are no good ones.
You have a serious reading problem.

Atheist ------------------------------

May 3, 2018, 1:54:31 PM5/3/18
Then it did not have to tell anyone to not eat shellfish; which Jewish
lie do you want to go with, dickhead?

No "holocaust sympatht" free pass to Judaism/Jews in alt.atheism.

Atheist ------------------------------

May 3, 2018, 2:02:27 PM5/3/18
So you're saying there were no good shellfish anywhere until your Jewish
rabbis decided so.

Your lies have you rattled, dickhead; you've responded three times to my simple statement.

No "holocaust sympathy" free pass for Judaism/Jews in alt.atheism.

May 3, 2018, 4:01:05 PM5/3/18


May 3, 2018, 5:08:23 PM5/3/18
On Tue, 1 May 2018 21:17:14 -0700 (PDT), wrote:


Well, this guy is worried about God's "family" 13.8 billions years ago. I guess
he don't know about the new covenant.

the dukester, American-American

The Purpose of the NT Word of God is not to inform as it did in
the OT,but instead to form us in the very image of Jesus Christ.

John Locke

May 3, 2018, 5:47:58 PM5/3/18
On Thu, 03 May 2018 16:08:16 -0500, duke <> wrote:

>On Tue, 1 May 2018 21:17:14 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>Well, this guy is worried about God's "family" 13.8 billions years ago. I guess
>he don't know about the new covenant.
...why would your silly god need a "new covenant" ? Your almighty, all
knowing deity couldn't get it right the first time ? Looks like the
old fraudster has a few serious deficiencies. ...well, no worry...a
human sacrifice will "fix" everything ! Right ? ..heh, heh

May 3, 2018, 6:51:23 PM5/3/18
You need to use the dictionary more. A Covenant is an old term for an agreement or contract.

The one God made with the Hebrews was very simple. They would spread His word in the form of the Torah(Jewish law), and, in return, He would give them the land of Israel. It meets all the requirements of American contract law, too.
Each party gives something the other party wants in return for something he wants.

Cloud Hobbit

May 3, 2018, 7:07:49 PM5/3/18
Does it explain why god waited at least 98,000 years to make his existence known and chose a wide spot in the road full of mostly illiterate people?

Humans have existed for 100-200,000 years. God took a very long to involve himself with us.

Why is that?
Why pick a piece of shit like the middle east?
Why not someplace where literacy was widespread?
Why was he ok with prepubescent girls being sex slaves for the men in Moses army?
Why did he teach that women are not equal to men?
Why is the Bible filled with so much fiction?

Siri Cruise

May 3, 2018, 7:31:07 PM5/3/18
In article <>,
Cloud Hobbit <> wrote:

> Does it explain why god waited at least 98,000 years to make his existence
> known and chose a wide spot in the road full of mostly illiterate people?
> Humans have existed for 100-200,000 years. God took a very long to involve
> himself with us.

Or this god made many attempts but people sat on their butts ignoring it until
about 10,000 years ago. And even then they mostly sat on their butts, this time
in villages, until about 1000 years ago.

> Why pick a piece of shit like the middle east?

As it turns out israel was isolated enough to develop its unique religion. The
Babylon exile served to bring it to its modern form rather destroying it. Then
it was in position to use roman transportation grid to spread judaism and
christianity into Europe, Africa, and more of Asia.

> Why not someplace where literacy was widespread?

Where would that be?

> Why was he ok with prepubescent girls being sex slaves for the men in Moses
> army?

Maybe not. The gospel gives one example where the Law was weakenned because
otherwise people would reject it.

> Why did he teach that women are not equal to men?

The gospels do.

> Why is the Bible filled with so much fiction?

Do Aesop's tales have any social or didactic value?

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
I'm saving up to buy the Donald a blue stone This post / \
from Metebelis 3. All praise the Great Don! insults Islam. Mohammed


May 3, 2018, 7:32:50 PM5/3/18
Well, at least you're admitting that you believe God exists.
Otherwise, either nothing you wrote above makes any sense at all, or you
were lying.

Either one will do. You're still an idiot.

Lucifer Morningstar

May 4, 2018, 1:19:54 AM5/4/18
Why not?

Lucifer Morningstar

May 4, 2018, 1:21:25 AM5/4/18

Lucifer Morningstar

May 4, 2018, 1:30:04 AM5/4/18
Why didn't God fix that?

>You have a serious reading problem.

You have a serious mental problem.

May 4, 2018, 1:06:08 PM5/4/18
Write him a letter and ask.

May 4, 2018, 1:09:47 PM5/4/18
I already told both you and Atheist.If you continue to interrogate me, I will
call someone in Moscow and persuade the FSB(Russian Security Police) to hire you. Many times, they will not take no for an answer.


May 4, 2018, 1:12:46 PM5/4/18
On Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 7:31:07 PM UTC-4, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <>,
> Cloud Hobbit <> wrote:

> > Why is the Bible filled with so much fiction?
> Do Aesop's tales have any social or didactic value?

Is there a cult insisting the events in Aesop's Fables
actually happened? Conversation between animals of
different species?

Kevin R


May 4, 2018, 1:13:06 PM5/4/18
On Thu, 03 May 2018 14:47:55 -0700, John Locke <>

>On Thu, 03 May 2018 16:08:16 -0500, duke <> wrote:
>>On Tue, 1 May 2018 21:17:14 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
>>Well, this guy is worried about God's "family" 13.8 billions years ago. I guess
>>he don't know about the new covenant.
>...why would your silly god need a "new covenant" ?

Man had to first learn and grow in the concept of "the living God" giving us
guidance on how to accept his directives. After time of growth, God was then
able to take man as his creation to a more important point - that love for one
another is the key.

Besides, there is the point God made that the first covenant was not successful
with man - yet.

Jeremiah 31:31-32 New International Version (NIV)
“The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
“when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel
and with the people of Judah.
It will not be like the covenant
I made with their ancestors
when I took them by the hand
to lead them out of Egypt,
because they broke my covenant,
though I was a husband to[a] them,[b]”
declares the Lord.

>Your almighty, all
>knowing deity couldn't get it right the first time ?

One step at a time.

> Looks like the
>old fraudster has a few serious deficiencies. ...well, no worry...a
>human sacrifice will "fix" everything ! Right ? ..heh, heh


May 4, 2018, 1:14:26 PM5/4/18
...and, again Duncan, trolling, ignores the idea of arguing
in the alternative. "Even if your ghod were real...."
is understood when we atheists poke logical holes in a religion's

Kevin R

Cloud Hobbit

May 4, 2018, 2:38:06 PM5/4/18
Bob doesn't understand hypothetical:

>Well, at least you're admitting >that you believe God exists.
>Otherwise, either nothing you >wrote above makes any sense at >all, or you
>were lying.

>Either one will do. You're still >an idiot.

An idiot is someone who believes things for which there is no evidence. Insofar as God is concerned there is nothing that leads to the existence of one.

I only spoke of God in a hypothetical sense. It's the only one CAN speak about it.

Siri Cruise

May 4, 2018, 2:46:38 PM5/4/18
In article <>,
Not even catholics believe the bible is literally true.

Siri Cruise

May 4, 2018, 2:48:17 PM5/4/18
In article <>,
Cloud Hobbit <> wrote:

> An idiot is someone who believes things for which there is no evidence.
> Insofar as God is

What is the evidence the reality is objective? And exists?

Siri Cruise

May 4, 2018, 2:55:07 PM5/4/18
In article <>,
Well...dolphins don't understand hypotheticals according to the historical
document 'Day of the Dolphin'.

May 4, 2018, 4:06:23 PM5/4/18
On Friday, May 4, 2018 at 11:46:38 AM UTC-7, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <>,
> Kevrob <> wrote:
> > On Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 7:31:07 PM UTC-4, Siri Cruise wrote:
> > > In article <>,
> > > Cloud Hobbit <> wrote:
> >
> > > > Why is the Bible filled with so much fiction?
> > >
> > > Do Aesop's tales have any social or didactic value?
> >
> > Is there a cult insisting the events in Aesop's Fables
> > actually happened? Conversation between animals of
> > different species?
> >
> > Kevin R
> Not even catholics believe the bible is literally true.
> --
As far as I know, the only bible literalists are the Christian Fundamentalists and they are Protestants.


May 4, 2018, 4:11:02 PM5/4/18
You mean, that were included in the book on purpose by the author, that
would prevent certain people from believing the book was an actual
account of historical events, and thereby causing those certain people
to believe the book had a cult-following?

Why yes, in fact there is.

May 4, 2018, 4:20:04 PM5/4/18
On Friday, May 4, 2018 at 11:38:06 AM UTC-7, Cloud Hobbit wrote:
> Bob doesn't understand hypothetical:

The list of things you don't understand would reach from Earth to Alpha Centauri.

May 4, 2018, 4:24:03 PM5/4/18
When I first read AF, I was 10 years old and I knew immediately it was just a story. The tipoff is the statement at the end of each fable about the moral to be learned from it. Animals have no moral code. They kill and steal to survive.


May 4, 2018, 4:55:00 PM5/4/18
On 5/4/2018 1:14 PM, Kevrob wrote:
> On Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 7:32:50 PM UTC-4, Bob wrote:
>> On 5/3/2018 7:07 PM, Cloud Hobbit wrote:
>>> Does it explain why god waited at least 98,000 years to make his
>>> existence known and chose a wide spot in the road full of mostly
>>> illiterate people?
>>> Humans have existed for 100-200,000 years. God took a very long
>>> to involve himself with us.
>>> Why is that? Why pick a piece of shit like the middle east? Why
>>> not someplace where literacy was widespread? Why was he ok with
>>> prepubescent girls being sex slaves for the men in Moses army?
>>> Why did he teach that women are not equal to men? Why is the
>>> Bible filled with so much fiction?
>> Well, at least you're admitting that you believe God exists.
>> Otherwise, either nothing you wrote above makes any sense at all,
>> or you were lying.
>> Either one will do. You're still an idiot.
> ...and, again Duncan, trolling, ignores the idea of arguing in the
> alternative.

And you fail to recall that if one is being sarcastic, then there is no
reason for anyone else to take that person seriously.

For then I would know from reading his post that he did not really
believe that God, for whom a thousand years is like a day, took a long
time to become involved with the human race.

And that he does not believe that young girls were actually being used
as sex slaves in Moses' army.

And that he does not believe that Moses actually taught, as the
spokesman for God, that women are unequal to men.

And that anything else he asserted, unsupported by any evidence, such as
the Bible being filled with fiction, is either a lie, or merely his own
opinion, and not an actual verifiable fact.

So, anyhow, I sure am glad we had this little discussion and was able to
clarify a lot of uncertainties and ambiguities. Aren't you?

You must be. I mean, you keep making this same mistake over and over again.



May 4, 2018, 5:25:53 PM5/4/18
On 5/4/2018 2:38 PM, Cloud Hobbit wrote:
> Bob doesn't understand hypothetical:
>> Well, at least you're admitting >that you believe God exists.
>> Otherwise, either nothing you >wrote above makes any sense at >all,
>> or you were lying.
>> Either one will do. You're still >an idiot.
> An idiot is someone who believes things for which there is no
> evidence. Insofar as God is concerned there is nothing that leads to
> the existence of one.

That's a typical belief of someone who has been rejected by God, and
that has no inner evidence for the existence of God, like those of us
who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit have.

"The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children
of God."
[Romans 8:16]

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."
[John 10:27]

> I only spoke of God in a hypothetical sense. It's the only one CAN
> speak about it.

Then that naturally means it's just your unsupported opinion, and cannot
be taken seriously.

Thanks for admitting that. I'm sure that clears things up for a lot of
lurkers out there.



May 4, 2018, 5:29:20 PM5/4/18
On 5/4/2018 2:46 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:

> Not even catholics believe the bible is literally true.

Of course not.

Roman Catholicism is a known Satanic cult.

You're welcome.

Mitchell Holman

May 4, 2018, 9:48:54 PM5/4/18
Bob <nu...@null.void> wrote in news:pcihb0$1v5m$
Since Moses never existed that makes him
right and you wrong.

Mitchell Holman

May 4, 2018, 9:50:14 PM5/4/18
Bob <nu...@null.void> wrote in news:pcij4s$24p$

> On 5/4/2018 2:38 PM, Cloud Hobbit wrote:
>> Bob doesn't understand hypothetical:
>>> Well, at least you're admitting >that you believe God exists.
>>> Otherwise, either nothing you >wrote above makes any sense at >all,
>>> or you were lying.
>>> Either one will do. You're still >an idiot.
>> An idiot is someone who believes things for which there is no
>> evidence. Insofar as God is concerned there is nothing that leads to
>> the existence of one.
> That's a typical belief of someone who has been rejected by God, and
> that has no inner evidence for the existence of God, like those of us
> who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit have.
> "The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children
> of God."
> [Romans 8:16]
> "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."
> [John 10:27]

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father,
and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren,
and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot
be my disciple."
Luke 14:26

May 4, 2018, 10:08:16 PM5/4/18



From "Historical Method" in Wikipedia 

Indirect witnesses[edit] 
Garraghan says that most information comes from "indirect witnesses," people who were not present on the scene but heard of the events from someone else.[7] Gottschalk says that a historian may sometimes use hearsay evidence when no primary texts are available. He writes, "In cases where he uses secondary witnesses...he asks: (1) On whose primary testimony does the secondary witness base his statements? (2) Did the secondary witness accurately report the primary testimony as a whole? (3) If not, in what details did he accurately report the primary testimony? Satisfactory answers to the second and third questions may provide the historian with the whole or the gist of the primary testimony upon which the secondary witness may be his only means of knowledge. In such cases the secondary source is the historian's 'original' source, in the sense of being the 'origin' of his knowledge. Insofar as this 'original' source is an accurate report of primary testimony, he tests its credibility as he would that of the primary testimony itself." Gottschalk adds, "Thus hearsay evidence would not be discarded by the historian, as it would be by a law court merely because it is hearsay."[8] 

ROTFL! It looks like wikipedia has contradicted itself: 

Cloud Hobbit

May 4, 2018, 10:22:15 PM5/4/18
Bob said:

>And you fail to recall that if one is being sarcastic, then there is no
reason for anyone else to take that person seriously.

Thank you for letting us know Bob.

Not that anyone ever took you seriously.


May 4, 2018, 10:23:40 PM5/4/18
why are you running from me

Mitchell Holman

May 4, 2018, 10:28:12 PM5/4/18
to wrote in

The main book of Judaism, called the Torah (the first
5 books of the Old Testament, "OT") is filled with
stories of a man called Moses, the story of Exodus
and the persecution of Jews by an Egyptian king who
allegedly enslaved them.

The Torah is obvious mythology. The fact that it is
fiction is obvious from Book 1, Page 1. The Earth is
not 4000 years old. Cultures (unknown to the scribes)
flourished much before. Written records and archeological
evidence using carbon dating show man's presence tens
of thousands of years ago, probably over a 100,000 years
ago. A million people cannot live in a vast desert
(without water or food) in a hostile nation for 40 years-
-and leave no trace.

The techniques of higher criticism showed that the Old
Testament was weaved together out of four source documents
and was produced much later than claimed.

Furthermore, archaelogical and historical evidence has
proven Moses, Exodus, Abraham, Joshua, King David, etc.
to be basically myths copied from African and Eastern/
Middle Eastern cultures.

For eg., according to Prof. Ze'ev Herzog who teaches
in the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern
Studies at Tel Aviv University, in "Deconstructing the
Walls of Jericho", states as follows:

"This is what archaeologists have learned from their
excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were
never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not
conquer the land in a military campaign and did not
pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even
harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy
of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible
as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom.
..... Most of those who are engaged in scientific work
in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology
and the history of the Jewish people - and who once went
into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible
story - now agree that the historic events relating to
the stages of the Jewish people's emergence are radically
different from what that story tells." (in an article in
the Jewish magazine Haaretz, as republished on):


May 5, 2018, 1:05:34 AM5/5/18
Don't you get it?

None of that matters to me.

I know there is no possibility of getting you or any other non-elect to
believe the Bible is the Word of God.

I know that because God has you deluded.

"Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe
what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe
the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
[2 Thessalonians 2:11-12]

"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are
perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of
the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the
glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
[2 Corinthians 4:3-4]

God is seeing to it that you are kept from believing that He exists.

He doesn't want you to believe He exists.

You've been rejected by God.

You're on the trashpile of humanity, prepared for burning.

You're predestined for Hell.

So of course you're not going to take me seriously.

As I've posted many times before, I'm well aware of that fact.

So let's see if you can tell me something I don't already know.

I'll bet you can't.



May 5, 2018, 1:02:59 PM5/5/18
Are you interested in joining?

May 5, 2018, 3:12:06 PM5/5/18
On Friday, May 4, 2018 at 10:05:34 PM UTC-7, Bob wrote:
> On 5/4/2018 10:22 PM, Cloud Hobbit wrote:
> > Bob said:
> >
> >> And you fail to recall that if one is being sarcastic, then there is no
> > reason for anyone else to take that person seriously.
> >
> > Thank you for letting us know Bob.
> >
> > Not that anyone ever took you seriously.
> Don't you get it?
> None of that matters to me.
> I know there is no possibility of getting you or any other non-elect to
> believe the Bible is the Word of God.

Only the Torah is the word of God, written by the finger of God. The rest was written by men who though God spoke to them.

Cloud Hobbit

May 6, 2018, 6:56:41 PM5/6/18
Bob asked:

>let's see if you can tell me >something I don't already know.

>I'll bet you can't.

What's the square root of pi?
Show your work.


May 6, 2018, 9:19:29 PM5/6/18
He asked you to tell him something, not ask him a question. YOU STILL CAN'T READ.


May 6, 2018, 9:38:40 PM5/6/18
That's not what I asked for.

Go back and read it again.

"Tell me something....".

Does that help?

Maybe you were telling me you don't know how to read.

That's obviously true.

But I already knew that.


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