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The Bible Is Not a Science Book

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Sep 20, 2018, 6:58:03 AM9/20/18


Sep 20, 2018, 7:00:33 AM9/20/18
an old story. new names

Rev. 4

4 beasts are 4 charges.
father charge .333... e (spin)
son charge .666... e (spin)
ghost charge .999... e (spin)
spirit charge .000...1 e (spin)

24 elders are 24 fermions.
father charge .333... e quarks
(1st gen) down quark - down antiquark (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) strange quark - strange antiquark (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) bottom quark - bottom antiquark (spin 1/2)
son charge .666... e quarks
(1st gen) up quark - up antiquark (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) charm quark - charm antiquark (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) top quark - top antiquark (spin 1/2)
ghost charge .999... e leptons
(1st gen) electron - positron (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) muon - positive muon (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) tau - positive tau (spin 1/2)
spirit charge .000...1 e leptons
(1st gen) electron-neutrino - electron-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
(2nd gen) muon-neutrino - muon-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
(3rd gen) tau-neutrino - tau-antineutrino (spin 1/2)

Rev. 6-8

4 horses are 4 forces.
white charge .999... e higgs force
red charge .999... e strong force
black charge .999... e electro .000...1 e weak force
pale charge .999... e gravitation force

144,000 seals are 144,000 particles.

7 spirits are 7 bosons.
white charge .000...1 e higgs (spin 0/1)
red charge .000...1 e gluon (spin 1/1)
black charge .000...1 e photon .999... e WWZ bosons (spin 1/1)
pale charge .000...1 e graviton (spin 2/1)

Rev 12-13

wisdom of God, the number.
seven heads (.0000000), three sixes (666), ten horns (x 10),
ten crowns (^-10), and the tail (cm^3/g-s^2) of the beast.

gravitation G, the letter of God, the mark.
gravitation Jesus, the word of God, the name.
gravitation G's us, the sentence of God, the image.
gravitation 666 x 10^-10, the wisdom of God, the number.

beast 6.66 x 10^-8 cm^3/g-s^2
(original cgs definitions)

Rev. 21

1 great city is 1 standard model.
12 gates are 12 particles
12 foundations are 12 antiparticles

Rev. 22

an old story.
new names



Sep 20, 2018, 7:39:58 AM9/20/18
The bible is a book of myth, superstition, and propaganda, with a
teensy tiny bit of historical fact.

Christopher A. Lee

Sep 20, 2018, 8:34:39 AM9/20/18
On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 07:39:48 -0400, default <def...@defaulter.neo>
It isn't an history book, either.

Why is Mad Joe telling us all this, when he should be telling the
religious loonies? Including himself when he denies evolution, insists
that Moses and the Exodus actually happened in spite of all the
evidence to the contrary, etc.

Yap Honghor

Sep 20, 2018, 8:39:29 AM9/20/18
We know that...
And bible is a con book too!!!!!

Sep 20, 2018, 9:38:29 AM9/20/18
I don't take orders from you, scumbag.

me ( change) 

Oct 24

Papyrus confirms Exodus Account 

The statement of archaeologists posted by Hobbit and Brown which insists there is a "consensus" denying the reality of Moses and the exodus lists only 2 names.I have already posted more than 10 articles by different people which say the opposite.My posts include surveys of Egyptologists who know what ancient Egyptian records say on the subject. I think the evidence speaks volumes

Sep 20, 2018, 9:40:00 AM9/20/18



From "Historical Method" in Wikipedia

Indirect witnesses[edit]
Garraghan says that most information comes from "indirect witnesses," people who were not present on the scene but heard of the events from someone else.[7] Gottschalk says that a historian may sometimes use hearsay evidence when no primary texts are available. He writes, "In cases where he uses secondary witnesses...he asks: (1) On whose primary testimony does the secondary witness base his statements? (2) Did the secondary witness accurately report the primary testimony as a whole? (3) If not, in what details did he accurately report the primary testimony? Satisfactory answers to the second and third questions may provide the historian with the whole or the gist of the primary testimony upon which the secondary witness may be his only means of knowledge. In such cases the secondary source is the historian's 'original' source, in the sense of being the 'origin' of his knowledge. Insofar as this 'original' source is an accurate report of primary testimony, he tests its credibility as he would that of the primary testimony itself." Gottschalk adds, "Thus hearsay evidence would not be discarded by the historian, as it would be by a law court merely because it is hearsay."[8]
Click here to Reply

Whilhelm Frederick Denke

Sep 20, 2018, 9:45:19 AM9/20/18
Correcting Planck's Errors (CPE)

Action hbar = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 J*s
Angular h = 6.626070150 x 10^-34 J*s/rad

Denke temperature: [(hbar*c^5/G)^1/2]/k = 4.291306104 x 10^31 K
Denke mass: (hbar*c/G)^1/2 = 6.592215290 x 10^-9 kg
Denke time: (hbar*G/c^5)^1/2 = 1.632219516 x 10^-44 s
Denke length: (hbar*G/c^3)^1/2 = 4.893271007 x 10^-36 m
Denke energy: (hbar*c^5/G)^1/2 = 5.924787631 x 10^8 kg-m^2/s^2
Denke density: (c^5/(hbar*G^2) = 5.626438479 x 10^97 kg/m^3

Best wishes,

Whilhelm Frederick Denke
(b. 1864, d. 1936)

John Locke

Sep 20, 2018, 10:37:09 AM9/20/18
On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 03:58:00 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>The Bible Is Not a Science Book
...of course it's not. That's obvious. And it's not a cooking book nor
a history book nor a personnel guide to life (unless maybe you're a
serial killer or mad dictator) In fact, it's basically just religious
rubbish and serves no useful purpose whatsoever other than as
a paper weight or fuel for your fire.

Christopher A. Lee

Sep 20, 2018, 11:42:14 AM9/20/18
Why does the moron keep repeating this, here? He should be telling the
creationists and fundamentalists who insist it is all true.

Including himself when he insists that the Exodus actually happened.

Jews = Eternal Conspirators

Sep 20, 2018, 11:50:19 AM9/20/18
They don't even know it is a Law book, LAW AMENDED BY THE MESSIAH/CHRIST so that nations may ratify it, yet they claim to possess a rational mind fitted for science. WHAT A LAUGH!


Sep 20, 2018, 4:22:58 PM9/20/18
On 09/20/2018 08:00 AM, Christopher A. Lee wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 07:39:48 -0400, default <def...@defaulter.neo>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 03:58:00 -0700 (PDT),
>> wrote:
>> The bible is a book of myth, superstition, and propaganda, with a
>> teensy tiny bit of historical fact.
> It isn't an history book, either.

But it is legitimate book of philosophy. It's a book of wisdom and
truth. It's written for those who love wisdom and truth more than
anything else.

> Why is Mad Joe telling us all this, when he should be telling the
> religious loonies? Including himself when he denies evolution,
> insists that Moses and the Exodus actually happened in spite of all
> the evidence to the contrary, etc.

God's spiritual evidence:

Truth, love, wisdom, compassion, knowledge, consciousness, intelligence,
happiness, faith, courage, justice, peace, freedom, and life itself.

Cloud Hobbit

Sep 20, 2018, 4:54:01 PM9/20/18
Atheists have been saying vthe bible is not a history book for a very long time.

It's also not a science book.
It's long on mythology and very short on actual facts.

It could be called a book of philosophy but it's really bad philosophy since it contains almost no facts and its philosophy is evil and will only lead to misery and death if one tries to live by its moral code.

When a book of "truth" contains so many falsehoods, how can it possibly be seen as a book of truth?

It is precisely because the bible is such a massive collection of lies and fables that it is rejected by atheists. It creates atheists by virtue of the fact that it is so wrong about so much, that it is considered a book of fiction by any objective reader.

It portrays a supreme being who is petulant, psychotic, deceitful, stupid, and who rigs the game. Why any sane person in the 21st century would choose to live by its teachings is just unfathomable and is why atheists often consider theists, especially those who are fundamentalists who interpret it literally are considered nuts.

A quick perusal of our fundie trolls provides ample evidence of this nuttiness.


Sep 20, 2018, 4:56:45 PM9/20/18
you talk in the most nuttiness way

Yap Honghor

Sep 20, 2018, 11:26:28 PM9/20/18
No body follows the religious stupid fucking laws....
There are now thousands and thousands of natural laws in place for people to follow, you bloody moron!!!

Amazing Answers

Sep 21, 2018, 10:17:11 AM9/21/18
Depends on what you mean.

• helped locate cities in archeological digs.
• accurately describes the circular motion of winds.
• predicted past events (see Daniel)
• whereas cultures past and present do not understand the concept of cleanliness and health, the Bible accurately states it.
• health diet accurately stated.


Sep 21, 2018, 6:40:12 PM9/21/18
On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 05:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
Well, you don't even know what the bible is about.

the dukester, American-American

The Purpose of the NT Word of God is not to inform as it did in
the OT,but instead to form us in the very image of Jesus Christ.


Sep 21, 2018, 6:44:32 PM9/21/18
Christopher A. Lee wrote:

> Why is Mad Joe telling us all this, when he should be telling the
> religious loonies? Including himself when he denies evolution, insists
> that Moses and the Exodus actually happened in spite of

...said the retard who actually believes that
abiogenesis has been reproduced in a lab.

Honestly, you're fucked up. You're "Arguing" here that
your fairy tales are better than the next guys. Moron.

"Abiogenesis" isn't science. There is no "Abiogenesis"
hypothesis let alone a valid theory.

Darwin wasn't a scientist and he didn't "Discover"

And, again, you are a moron.

You're welcome.

-- --

Yap Honghor

Sep 21, 2018, 10:31:03 PM9/21/18
On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 6:40:12 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 05:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
> wrote:
> >On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 6:58:03 PM UTC+8, wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >We know that...
> >And bible is a con book too!!!!!
> Well, you don't even know what the bible is about.

The bible is being understood as a con scripture, inclusive of those molesting priests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cloud Hobbit

Sep 21, 2018, 10:57:09 PM9/21/18
Mr. Duck said:

- show quoted text -



From "Historical Method" in Wikipedia

Indirect witnesses[edit]
Garraghan says that most information comes from "indirect witnesses," people who were not present on the scene but heard of the events from someone else.[7] Gottschalk says that a historian may sometimes use hearsay evidence when no primary texts are available. He writes, "In cases where he uses secondary witnesses...he asks: (1) On whose primary testimony does the secondary witness base his statements? (2) Did the secondary witness accurately report the primary testimony as a whole? (3) If not, in what details did he accurately report the primary testimony? Satisfactory answers to the second and third questions may provide the historian with the whole or the gist of the primary testimony upon which the secondary witness may be his only means of knowledge. In such cases the secondary source is the historian's 'original' source, in the sense of being the 'origin' of his knowledge. Insofar as this 'original' source is an accurate report of primary testimony, he tests its credibility as he would that of the primary testimony itself." Gottschalk adds, "Thus hearsay evidence would not be discarded by the historian, as it would be by a law court merely because it is hearsay."[8]
Click here to Reply

No matter how many times you post this crap it will never become evidence.

Sep 22, 2018, 7:10:58 AM9/22/18
Seriously? And, you just figured this out?

Sep 22, 2018, 7:32:43 AM9/22/18
On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 9:38:29 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 5:34:39 AM UTC-7, Christopher A. Lee wrote:
> > On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 07:39:48 -0400, default <def...@defaulter.neo>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 03:58:00 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
> > >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >The bible is a book of myth, superstition, and propaganda, with a
> > >teensy tiny bit of historical fact.
> >
> > It isn't an history book, either.
> >
> > Why is Mad Joe telling us all this, when he should be telling the
> > religious loonies? Including himself when he denies evolution, insists
> > that Moses and the Exodus actually happened in spite of all the
> > evidence to the contrary, etc.
> I don't take orders from you, scumbag.

Of course not. You're a malignant narcissist. Plus, you're the center of your own Universe. So, go order yourself around.
> The statement of archaeologists posted by Hobbit and Brown which insists there is a "consensus" denying the reality of Moses and the exodus lists only 2 names.I have already posted more than 10 articles by different people which say the opposite.My posts include surveys of Egyptologists who know what ancient Egyptian records say on the subject. I think the evidence speaks volumes

Listen to yourself. You sound just like another malignant narcissist -
Donald Trump. Don't ever meet him. You'll cancel each other out. Plus,
you apparently ignored my post where I listed 11 archaeologists and
hisorians who don't believe the Exodus ever happened. Either that or
you're lying again. Here they are again:

1. Dr. Zahi Hawass - University of Pennsylvania and an Egyptian

2. Prof. Thomas Thompson - Marquette University

3. Jonathan Tubb - British Museum

4. Israel Finkelstein -Tel Aviv University

5. William Dever - Lycoming College

6. Ze-ev Herzog - Tel Aviv University

7. Eric H. Cline - George Washington University

8. Michael Coogan - Harvard Divinity School

9. Neil Silberman - University of Massachusetts

10. Rabbi David Wolpe - Sinai Temple

11. Rabbi Yair Hoffman


Sep 22, 2018, 8:23:52 AM9/22/18
On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:53:57 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
<> wrote:

>It is precisely because the bible is such a massive collection of lies and fables that it is rejected by atheists.

Uh, wrong.

>It portrays a supreme being who is petulant, psychotic, deceitful, stupid, and who rigs the game. Why any sane person in the 21st century would choose to live by its teachings is just unfathomable and is why atheists often consider theists, especially those who are fundamentalists who interpret it literally are considered nuts.

You mean like going to the cross in place of you? We people of faith outnumber
you 33:1 worldwide.

Yap Honghor

Sep 22, 2018, 9:07:46 AM9/22/18
On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8:23:52 PM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:53:57 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
> <> wrote:
> >It is precisely because the bible is such a massive collection of lies and fables that it is rejected by atheists.
> Uh, wrong.

What wrong when the lies are proven...
> >It portrays a supreme being who is petulant, psychotic, deceitful, stupid, and who rigs the game. Why any sane person in the 21st century would choose to live by its teachings is just unfathomable and is why atheists often consider theists, especially those who are fundamentalists who interpret it literally are considered nuts.
> You mean like going to the cross in place of you? We people of faith outnumber
> you 33:1 worldwide.

This is a lie!!!!!
The world's non-believers are at least 50% of all population!!!!

Atheist ------------------------------

Sep 22, 2018, 9:41:17 AM9/22/18
duke wrote:
> We people of faith outnumber you 33:1 worldwide.

Yet, most of those theists reject your Christ story.

In prisons self-identified Christians far outnumber atheists (oh let's say 972:1).

Aren't numbers wonderful?

There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Atheist: anyone who says "I don't buy the claim 'a god exists'".
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.


Sep 23, 2018, 4:04:03 PM9/23/18
On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 19:31:00 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>

>On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 6:40:12 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 05:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
>> wrote:
>> >On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 6:58:03 PM UTC+8, wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >We know that...
>> >And bible is a con book too!!!!!
>> Well, you don't even know what the bible is about.
>The bible is being understood as a con scripture, inclusive of those molesting priests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a dirty con, yap.


Sep 23, 2018, 4:08:45 PM9/23/18
On Sat, 22 Sep 2018 06:07:43 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>

>On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8:23:52 PM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:53:57 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
>> <> wrote:
>> >It is precisely because the bible is such a massive collection of lies and fables that it is rejected by atheists.
>> Uh, wrong.
>What wrong when the lies are proven...

Haven't been for the last 2000 years, idiot.

>> >It portrays a supreme being who is petulant, psychotic, deceitful, stupid, and who rigs the game. Why any sane person in the 21st century would choose to live by its teachings is just unfathomable and is why atheists often consider theists, especially those who are fundamentalists who interpret it literally are considered nuts.
>> You mean like going to the cross in place of you? We people of faith outnumber
>> you 33:1 worldwide.
>This is a lie!!!!!
>The world's non-believers are at least 50% of all population!!!!

You're just pure ignorance and you like it that way.


Sep 23, 2018, 4:10:25 PM9/23/18
On Sat, 22 Sep 2018 06:41:15 -0700, Atheist ------------------------------
<> wrote:

>duke wrote:
>> We people of faith outnumber you 33:1 worldwide.
>Yet, most of those theists reject your Christ story.

You idiot atheists don't know real theists.

>In prisons self-identified Christians far outnumber atheists (oh let's say 972:1).

>Aren't numbers wonderful?

Only when you lie.

Cloud Hobbit

Sep 23, 2018, 5:12:55 PM9/23/18
Duke said:

>You mean like going to the cross in place of you? We people of faith outnumber
you 33:1 worldwide.
- show quoted text -

He couldn't have done so for me.
I didn't exist yet.

There is no concrete evidence that Jesus existed.

No proof he was crucified.

No proof he ascended to anywhere.

No proof of a virgin birth but there is evidence that virgin is a mistranslation of young girl or young woman.

There is no proof of God.
No proof of any of the supernatural events in the bible.
There is evidence that even the non supernatural events have been exaggerated beyond recognition.
The Slaughter of innocents being one such example.

There is no evidence that any but a tiny handful of events or places or people in the bible are true.

You might as well be reading the Wizard of Oz. It's fiction.
Just like the bible.

Your God is evil and created evil according to your holy book.

But you're lucky, seeing as I AM GOD I can clear it all up for you.

I didn't write the bible, why would you call me perfect and all loving after all the disgusting things the bible claims I did?
Are you that stupid?

Why do you think I would give a damn about your pathetic whining and pleading for me to bestow some miracle on you because you did something stupid?

I didn't make humans. That was an accident caused by Abiogenisis that was not planned by me. That's why I don't care about you the way you want me to.

I will ask again, where do you think I was during the Black Plague? Where do you think I was during the Inquisition?

Where do you think I was during the Holocaust?

Elsewhere, that's where I was because your problems are self created due to your own stupid actions and the fact that you believe nonsense that kept the world in darkness and despair for centuries. Why would I pay attention to a bunch of fools to stupid to sort out that the bible has nothing to do with me and that it advocates so much stupidity and evil?

Your motto is Forward Into The Past. That's what you want, a return to a time when idiots ruled the world and invented an evil version of me so they could have power and influence according to their perception of how people should behave.

Complete insanity. No critical thinking whatsoever. What makes you think I should ever want a vile, ignorant, liar to speak for me? Isn't it obvious by now that I haven't been paying attention to your problems and have done nothing to heal any of the scars you have left on the body of humanity? They're your problems, you fix them. Stop complaining and get to work. In your case that means a strict diet so you look less like the thing that swallowed Jonah, hint, more fiction but you get the point.
Next you need to stop lying in my name. I neither need nor want your help. You are not competent to speak for me and you get it all wrong anyway. Shut up already. Stop being such a puts.
I, your God command this. Your imaginary soul is in danger and I will see to it that you reap exactly what you sow.


Yap Honghor

Sep 23, 2018, 10:04:34 PM9/23/18
On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 4:04:03 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 19:31:00 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
> wrote:
> >On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 6:40:12 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> >> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 05:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 6:58:03 PM UTC+8, wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >We know that...
> >> >And bible is a con book too!!!!!
> >>
> >> Well, you don't even know what the bible is about.
> >
> >The bible is being understood as a con scripture, inclusive of those molesting priests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> You are a dirty con, yap.

Didn't you read about the news of the arrests or convictions of the molesting priests nearly every other day???????

Yap Honghor

Sep 23, 2018, 10:06:01 PM9/23/18
On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 4:08:45 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Sep 2018 06:07:43 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
> wrote:
> >On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8:23:52 PM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> >> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:53:57 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >It is precisely because the bible is such a massive collection of lies and fables that it is rejected by atheists.
> >>
> >> Uh, wrong.
> >
> >What wrong when the lies are proven...
> Haven't been for the last 2000 years, idiot.

Lie from you is normal, I guess!!!
> >> >It portrays a supreme being who is petulant, psychotic, deceitful, stupid, and who rigs the game. Why any sane person in the 21st century would choose to live by its teachings is just unfathomable and is why atheists often consider theists, especially those who are fundamentalists who interpret it literally are considered nuts.
> >>
> >> You mean like going to the cross in place of you? We people of faith outnumber
> >> you 33:1 worldwide.
> >
> >This is a lie!!!!!
> >The world's non-believers are at least 50% of all population!!!!
> You're just pure ignorance and you like it that way.

You are just blind, as aaa likes to describe you!!!!!!!!!!


Sep 24, 2018, 5:24:52 PM9/24/18
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 19:04:31 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>

>On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 4:04:03 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 19:31:00 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
>> wrote:
>> >On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 6:40:12 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> >> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 05:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 6:58:03 PM UTC+8, wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >We know that...
>> >> >And bible is a con book too!!!!!
>> >>
>> >> Well, you don't even know what the bible is about.
>> >
>> >The bible is being understood as a con scripture, inclusive of those molesting priests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> You are a dirty con, yap.
>Didn't you read about the news of the arrests or convictions of the molesting priests nearly every other day???????

That was back in the 1950-1970's.


Sep 24, 2018, 5:25:54 PM9/24/18
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 19:05:58 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>

>On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 4:08:45 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> On Sat, 22 Sep 2018 06:07:43 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
>> wrote:
>> >On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 8:23:52 PM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> >> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:53:57 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >It is precisely because the bible is such a massive collection of lies and fables that it is rejected by atheists.
>> >>
>> >> Uh, wrong.
>> >
>> >What wrong when the lies are proven...
>> Haven't been for the last 2000 years, idiot.
>Lie from you is normal, I guess!!!

Good point. VERY unclear to you.



Sep 24, 2018, 5:29:36 PM9/24/18
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 14:12:51 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
<> wrote:

>Duke said:
>>You mean like going to the cross in place of you? We people of faith outnumber
>you 33:1 worldwide.
>- show quoted text -

World 96% theist.
World 3% atheist.
It's very simple.

>I didn't exist yet.
>There is no concrete evidence that Jesus existed.
>No proof he was crucified.
>No proof he ascended to anywhere.

It was witnessed by people galore 2000 years ago.

>No proof of a virgin birth but there is evidence that virgin is a mistranslation of young girl or young woman.

Young girls didn't bang everything in sight then.

>There is no proof of God.
>No proof of any of the supernatural events in the bible.
>There is evidence that even the non supernatural events have been exaggerated beyond recognition.
>The Slaughter of innocents being one such example.
>There is no evidence that any but a tiny handful of events or places or people in the bible are true.
>You might as well be reading the Wizard of Oz. It's fiction.
>Just like the bible.
>Your God is evil and created evil according to your holy book.
>But you're lucky, seeing as I AM GOD I can clear it all up for you.
>I didn't write the bible, why would you call me perfect and all loving after all the disgusting things the bible claims I did?
>Are you that stupid?
>Why do you think I would give a damn about your pathetic whining and pleading for me to bestow some miracle on you because you did something stupid?
>I didn't make humans. That was an accident caused by Abiogenisis that was not planned by me. That's why I don't care about you the way you want me to.
>I will ask again, where do you think I was during the Black Plague? Where do you think I was during the Inquisition?
>Where do you think I was during the Holocaust?
>Elsewhere, that's where I was because your problems are self created due to your own stupid actions and the fact that you believe nonsense that kept the world in darkness and despair for centuries. Why would I pay attention to a bunch of fools to stupid to sort out that the bible has nothing to do with me and that it advocates so much stupidity and evil?
>Your motto is Forward Into The Past. That's what you want, a return to a time when idiots ruled the world and invented an evil version of me so they could have power and influence according to their perception of how people should behave.
>Complete insanity. No critical thinking whatsoever. What makes you think I should ever want a vile, ignorant, liar to speak for me? Isn't it obvious by now that I haven't been paying attention to your problems and have done nothing to heal any of the scars you have left on the body of humanity? They're your problems, you fix them. Stop complaining and get to work. In your case that means a strict diet so you look less like the thing that swallowed Jonah, hint, more fiction but you get the point.
>Next you need to stop lying in my name. I neither need nor want your help. You are not competent to speak for me and you get it all wrong anyway. Shut up already. Stop being such a puts.
>I, your God command this. Your imaginary soul is in danger and I will see to it that you reap exactly what you sow.

Hell awaits you, God hater.

Yap Honghor

Sep 24, 2018, 11:09:35 PM9/24/18
On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 5:24:52 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 19:04:31 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
> wrote:
> >On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 4:04:03 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> >> On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 19:31:00 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 6:40:12 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
> >> >> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 05:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> >On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 6:58:03 PM UTC+8, wrote:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >We know that...
> >> >> >And bible is a con book too!!!!!
> >> >>
> >> >> Well, you don't even know what the bible is about.
> >> >
> >> >The bible is being understood as a con scripture, inclusive of those molesting priests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >>
> >> You are a dirty con, yap.
> >
> >Didn't you read about the news of the arrests or convictions of the molesting priests nearly every other day???????
> That was back in the 1950-1970's.

You mean after that, the churches are much better at concealing the crimes???
But, this is actually a lie from you because we have read about many recent cases....

Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!


Sep 25, 2018, 6:11:08 PM9/25/18
On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 20:09:32 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>

>On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 5:24:52 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 19:04:31 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
>> wrote:
>> >On Monday, September 24, 2018 at 4:04:03 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> >> On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 19:31:00 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 6:40:12 AM UTC+8, duke wrote:
>> >> >> On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 05:39:24 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 6:58:03 PM UTC+8, wrote:
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >We know that...
>> >> >> >And bible is a con book too!!!!!
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Well, you don't even know what the bible is about.
>> >> >
>> >> >The bible is being understood as a con scripture, inclusive of those molesting priests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> >>
>> >> You are a dirty con, yap.
>> >
>> >Didn't you read about the news of the arrests or convictions of the molesting priests nearly every other day???????
>> That was back in the 1950-1970's.
>You mean after that, the churches are much better at concealing the crimes???

Well, I think it's pretty clear the cops haven't found you out yet.

>But, this is actually a lie from you because we have read about many recent cases....

Who is "we"?

>Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!

So it was your fault?

Siri Cruise

Sep 25, 2018, 10:32:17 PM9/25/18
In article <>,
duke <> wrote:

> >Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!
> So it was your fault?

Your church will remain morally corrupt until its members force it to change.
You express no interest in reforming it. I guess your god is okay with your
priests fucking children.

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
An almond doesn't lactate. This post / \
Yet another supercilious snowflake for justice. insults Islam. Mohammed

Cloud Hobbit

Sep 26, 2018, 4:25:28 AM9/26/18
Duke said:

>World 96% theist.
World 3% atheist.
It's very simple.

Yes it is.
Only 3% of the people on earth are smart enough to reject the myths of their culture.

You're not one of them.
You're just here to entertain and amuse with tall tales and empty threats.

I think you just created a new atheist.


Sep 26, 2018, 2:14:18 PM9/26/18
On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 19:32:14 -0700, Siri Cruise <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> duke <> wrote:
>> >Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!
>> So it was your fault?
>Your church will remain morally corrupt until its members force it to change.

My Church follows the precepts and lessons of the Lord God. As long as the
earthly Church is led by men who are sinners, some bad things can come out. But
by and large, my Church is one specified by the Lord Jesus Christ.

>You express no interest in reforming it. I guess your god is okay with your
>priests fucking children.

Very, very little of that over the centuries. If anything, it's kissing or
touching or mutual oral sex.

Maybe you're part of a child fu_king circle. More likely you than a priest.


Sep 26, 2018, 2:15:43 PM9/26/18
On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 01:25:25 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
<> wrote:

>Duke said:
>>World 96% theist.
>World 3% atheist.
>It's very simple.

>Yes it is.
>Only 3% of the people on earth are smart enough to reject the myths of their culture.

Better you than us.

>You're not one of them.
>You're just here to entertain and amuse with tall tales and empty threats.
>I think you just created a new atheist.

No skin off my back.

Cloud Hobbit

Sep 26, 2018, 5:08:40 PM9/26/18
Duke reveals his stupidity and deviant attitude:

>Very, very little of that over the centuries. If anything, it's kissing or
touching or mutual oral sex.

And that's fine with latent homosexuals such as you.

Mutual oral sex between children and grown men who are priests is a crime. The RCC tried to hide those crimes and got caught. The result is that the RCC has fallen into such disrepute that nobody in the first world has any reaso to trust them and churches are closing due to lack of attendees.

Your brain is stuck in reverse and you long for the days when people were scientifically ignorant and t hey might believe your bullshit.

You have lost the war.
The troops are deserting.
You have nothing.

Yap Honghor

Sep 26, 2018, 10:05:36 PM9/26/18
I am not stupid believer like you...
So, the cops do not want to cast bad light on your religion because they share the same religion as you, sounds right!!!!!!! Cover up....
> >But, this is actually a lie from you because we have read about many recent cases....
> Who is "we"?

We the general people in this world!!!
> >Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!
> So it was your fault?

Ah, thank you for acknowledging the bankruptcy of you religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yap Honghor

Sep 26, 2018, 10:08:15 PM9/26/18
On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 10:32:17 AM UTC+8, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <>,
> duke <> wrote:
> > >Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!
> >
> > So it was your fault?
> Your church will remain morally corrupt until its members force it to change.
> You express no interest in reforming it. I guess your god is okay with your
> priests fucking children.

Wow, serious stuff....
That should be the right attitude when seeing the evil thing among the "moral" worshipers and religious organizations!!!


Sep 27, 2018, 2:34:03 PM9/27/18
On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 14:08:37 -0700 (PDT), Cloud Hobbit
<> wrote:

>Duke reveals his stupidity and deviant attitude:
>>Very, very little of that over the centuries. If anything, it's kissing or
>touching or mutual oral sex.

>And that's fine with latent homosexuals such as you.

It's definitely not anal rape, although I'm not sure you understand the

>Mutual oral sex between children and grown men who are priests is a crime. The RCC tried to hide those crimes and got caught. The result is that the RCC has fallen into such disrepute that nobody in the first world has any reaso to trust them and churches are closing due to lack of attendees.

Not until sometimes in the early 1980's from what I understand.

>Your brain is stuck in reverse and you long for the days when people were scientifically ignorant and t hey might believe your bullshit.

Now you make you your own bullshit.
>You have lost the war.
>The troops are deserting.
>You have nothing.

You didn't even know when a law was passed.


Sep 27, 2018, 2:36:10 PM9/27/18
On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 19:05:33 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
You are a uber-stupid non-believer.

>> >But, this is actually a lie from you because we have read about many recent cases....
>> Who is "we"?
>We the general people in this world!!!

No, you're not moral. I am and I know the truth.

>> >Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!
>> So it was your fault?
>Ah, thank you for acknowledging the bankruptcy of you religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I said you are the bankrupt one.

Yap Honghor

Sep 27, 2018, 10:55:36 PM9/27/18
At least I don't have to kneel before an idol to pray, you sick fat moron.
> >> >But, this is actually a lie from you because we have read about many recent cases....
> >> Who is "we"?
> >We the general people in this world!!!
> No, you're not moral. I am and I know the truth.

Is any truth in your vocabulary???????
> >> >Your religion declared bankruptcy in morality!!!!!
> >> So it was your fault?
> >Ah, thank you for acknowledging the bankruptcy of you religion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> But I said you are the bankrupt one.

I have the authority to declare your religion bankrupt....citing molesting priests, convicted for their crimes in thousands of cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sep 28, 2018, 12:26:37 AM9/28/18

Siri Cruise

Sep 28, 2018, 5:25:41 AM9/28/18
In article <pokahr$u3l$>, Gronk <inv...@invalid.invalid>

> wrote:
> >
> > ook/
> >
> >
> > ci/
> >
> >
> >
> Then we can pitch all that genesis nonsense at the very least.

It sets up the context for why jews are jews. And to a lesser extent christians
and moslems. As literal text, it's nonsense. As metaphor. it depends on how much
you want to understand people who think differently than you.


Sep 28, 2018, 5:16:57 PM9/28/18
On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 19:55:33 -0700 (PDT), Yap Honghor <>
Is it true you worship a concrete pecker?


Oct 1, 2018, 8:27:28 AM10/1/18
On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 02:25:29 -0700, Siri Cruise <> wrote:

>In article <pokahr$u3l$>, Gronk <inv...@invalid.invalid>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > ook/
>> >
>> >
>> > ci/
>> >
>> >

>> Then we can pitch all that genesis nonsense at the very least.

>It sets up the context for why jews are jews. And to a lesser extent christians
>and moslems. As literal text, it's nonsense. As metaphor. it depends on how much
>you want to understand people who think differently than you.

Gen 1-11 is a "pre-history" God's creation os the universe and all in it,
including mankind and his natural sinfulness. It was actually written pre

Thus a hypothetical presentation of the early beginnings of all things,
certainly not witnessed by mankind or any record thereof.


Nov 5, 2018, 2:37:06 AM11/5/18
On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 8:45:19 AM UTC-5, Whilhelm Frederick Denke wrote:
> On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 6:00:33 AM UTC-5, Lucifer wrote:
> > an old story. new names
> >
> > Rev. 4
> >
> > 4 beasts are 4 charges.
> > father charge .333... e (spin)
> > son charge .666... e (spin)
> > ghost charge .999... e (spin)
> > spirit charge .000...1 e (spin)
> >
> > 24 elders are 24 fermions.
> > father charge .333... e quarks
> > (1st gen) down quark - down antiquark (spin 1/2)
> > (2nd gen) strange quark - strange antiquark (spin 1/2)
> > (3rd gen) bottom quark - bottom antiquark (spin 1/2)
> > son charge .666... e quarks
> > (1st gen) up quark - up antiquark (spin 1/2)
> > (2nd gen) charm quark - charm antiquark (spin 1/2)
> > (3rd gen) top quark - top antiquark (spin 1/2)
> > ghost charge .999... e leptons
> > (1st gen) electron - positron (spin 1/2)
> > (2nd gen) muon - positive muon (spin 1/2)
> > (3rd gen) tau - positive tau (spin 1/2)
> > spirit charge .000...1 e leptons
> > (1st gen) electron-neutrino - electron-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
> > (2nd gen) muon-neutrino - muon-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
> > (3rd gen) tau-neutrino - tau-antineutrino (spin 1/2)
> >
> > Rev. 6-8
> >
> > 4 horses are 4 forces.
> > white charge .999... e higgs force
> > red charge .999... e strong force
> > black charge .999... e electro .000...1 e weak force
> > pale charge .999... e gravitation force
> >
> > 144,000 seals are 144,000 particles.
> >
> > 7 spirits are 7 bosons.
> > white charge .000...1 e higgs (spin 0/1)
> > red charge .000...1 e gluon (spin 1/1)
> > black charge .000...1 e photon .999... e WWZ bosons (spin 1/1)
> > pale charge .000...1 e graviton (spin 2/1)
> >
> > Rev 12-13
> >
> > wisdom of God, the number.
> > seven heads (.0000000), three sixes (666), ten horns (x 10),
> > ten crowns (^-10), and the tail (cm^3/g-s^2) of the beast.
> >
> > gravitation G, the letter of God, the mark.
> > gravitation Jesus, the word of God, the name.
> > gravitation G's us, the sentence of God, the image.
> > gravitation 666 x 10^-10, the wisdom of God, the number.
> >
> > beast 6.66 x 10^-8 cm^3/g-s^2
> > (original cgs definitions)
> >
> > Rev. 21
> >
> > 1 great city is 1 standard model.
> > 12 gates are 12 particles
> > 12 foundations are 12 antiparticles
> >
> > Rev. 22
> >
> > an old story.
> > new names
> >
> > Lucifer
> Correcting Planck's Errors (CPE)
> Action hbar = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 J*s
> Angular h = 6.626070150 x 10^-34 J*s/rad
> Denke temperature: [(hbar*c^5/G)^1/2]/k = 4.291306104 x 10^31 K
> Denke mass: (hbar*c/G)^1/2 = 6.592215290 x 10^-9 kg
> Denke time: (hbar*G/c^5)^1/2 = 1.632219516 x 10^-44 s
> Denke length: (hbar*G/c^3)^1/2 = 4.893271007 x 10^-36 m
> Denke energy: (hbar*c^5/G)^1/2 = 5.924787631 x 10^8 kg-m^2/s^2
> Denke density: (c^5/(hbar*G^2) = 5.626438479 x 10^97 kg/m^3
> Best wishes,
> Whilhelm Frederick Denke
> (b. 1864, d. 1936)

Denke (hbar) is action; Planck (h) is angular;

hbar = quantum of action = 9.670554000 x 10^-29 erg-s
h = quantum of angular = 6.626070150 x 10−27 erg-s/rad
hbar = quantum of action = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s
h = quantum of angular = 6.626070150 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad

k = hbar*c/4π*e^2
k = 9.670554000 x 10^-29 erg-s * 2.997924580 x 10^10 cm/s / 4π * (4.803204712 x 10^-10 esu)^2
k = 1

e^2 = hbar*c/4π*k
e^2 = 9.670554000 x 10^-29 erg-s * 2.997924580 x 10^10 cm/s / 4π * 1
e^2 = (4.803204712 x 10^-10 esu)^2

hbar = 4π*k*e^2/c
hbar = 4π * 1 * (4.803204712 x 10^-10 esu)^2 / 2.997924580 x 10^10 cm/s
hbar = 9.670554000 x 10^-29 erg-s

alpha = 4π*e^2/2*h*c
alpha = 4π * (4.803204712 x 10^-10 esu)^2 / 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 6.626070150 x 10−27 erg-s/rad * 2.997924580 x 10^10 cm/s
alpha = 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr

hbar = 2*h*alpha
hbar = 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 6.626070150 x 10−27 erg-s/rad * 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr
hbar = 9.670554000 x 10^-29 erg-s

alpha = hbar/2*h
alpha = 9.670554000 x 10^-29 erg-s / 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 6.626070150 x 10^-27 erg-s/rad
alpha = 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr

h = hbar/2*alpha
h = 9.670554000 x 10^-29 erg-s / 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr
h = 6.626070150 x 10−27 erg-s/rad

k = hbar*c/4π*e^2
k = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s * 2.997924580 x 10^8 m/s / 4π * (1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s)^2
k = 8.987551787 x 10^9 kg-m^3/4π-A^2-s^4

e^2 = hbar*c/4π*k
e^2 = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s * 2.997924580 x 10^8 m/s / 4π * 8.987551787 x 10^9 kg-m^3/4π-A^2-s^4
e^2 = (1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s)^2

hbar = 4π*k*e^2/c
hbar = 4π * 8.987551787 x 10^9 kg-m^3/4π-A^2-s^4 * (1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s)^2 / 2.997924580 x 10^8 m/s
hbar = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

alpha = e^2/2*e0*h*c
alpha = (1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s)^2 / 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 8.854187817 x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3 * 6.626070150 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad * 2.997924580 x 10^8 m/s
alpha = 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr

hbar = 2*h*alpha
hbar = 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 6.626070150 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad * 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr
hbar = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

alpha = hbar/2*h
alpha = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s / 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 6.626070150 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad
alpha = 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr

h = hbar/2*alpha
h = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s / 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr * 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr
h = 6.626070150 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad

Universal Fundamental Physical Constants

Denke constant = e^2*z0
Denke constant = (1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s)^2 * 3.767303134 x 10^2 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3
Denke constant = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

Denke constant = e^2/e0*c
Denke constant = (1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s)^2 / 8.854187817 x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3 * 2.997924580 x 10^8 m/s
Denke constant = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

Denke constant = e^2*u0*c
Denke constant = (1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s)^2 * 1.256637061 x 10^-6 kg-m/A^2-s^2 * 2.997924580 x 10^8 m/s
Denke constant = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s

001) inverse Denke radiance = 4.813596094 x 10^-126 s^3-sr/kg
002) inverse Denke irradiance = 6.596359502 x 10^-124 s^3/kg
003) radiant volume = 1.977538829 x 10^-115 m-s^2/kg
004) Denke volume = 1.171649759 x 10^-106 m^3
005) Denke mass volume = 1.777323264 x 10^-98 m^3/kg
006) electric current volume = 2.439308398 x 10^-96 m^2/A
007) electric charge volume = 7.312862605 x 10^-88 m^3/A-s
008) molar volume = 7.055839769 x 10^-83 m^3/mol
009) inertial moment = 1.578446697 x 10^-79 kg-m^2
010) Denke fluidity = 1.211564259 x 10^-71 m-s/kg
011) Denke area = 2.394410115 x 10^-71 m^2
012) inverse Denke luminous intensity = 2.943407580 x 10^-58 /cd
013) electric moment = 7.839884471 x 10^-55 A-s-m
014) Denke capacitance = 4.332594055 x 10^-47 A^2-s^4/kg-m^2
015) magnetic moment = 2.350338236 x 10^-46 A-m^2
016) Denke time = 1.632219516 x 10^-44 s
017) Denke moment = 3.225749595 x 10^-44 kg-m
018) Denke inductance = 6.149065698 x 10^-42 kg-m^2/A^2-s^2
019) absorption-emission = 2.475980295 x 10^-36 s/kg
020) Denke length = 4.893271007 x 10^-36 m
021) Denke constant = 9.670554000 x 10^-36 kg-m^2/s
022) Planck constant = 6.626070150 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s-rad
023) relative expansion = 2.330292866 x 10^-32 /K
024) electric resistivity = 1.843443520 x 10^-33 kg-m^3/A^2-s^3
025) kinematic viscosity = 1.466965743 x 10^-27 m^2/s
026) inverse Denke electric current = 1.018751292 x 10^-25 /A
027) Avogadro amount of substance = 1.660539068 x 10^-24 mol
028) Boltzmann constant = 1.380649035 x 10^-23 kg-m^2/s^2-K
029) thermal resistance = 1.182211753 x 10^-21 s^3-K/kg-m^2
030) elementary charge = 1.602176634 x 10^-19 A-s
031) first radiation spectral radiance = 1.191042972 x 10^-16 kg-m^4/s^3-sr
032) Denke molality = 2.518939378 x 10^-16 mol/kg
033) first radiation = 3.741771852 x 10^-16 2π-kg-m^4/s^3-rad
034) magnetic flux quantum = 2.067833848 x 10^-15 kg-m^2-sr/A-s^2-rad^2
035) specific heat = 2.094362781 x 10^-15 m^2/s^2-K
036) magnetic flux = 4.135667696 x 10^-15 kg-m^2/A-s^2-rad
037) electric constant = 8.854187817 x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3
038) magnetic exposure = 2.430407023 x 10^-11 A-s/kg
039) magnetic pole strength = 4.803204713 x 10^-11 A-m
040) Newton gravitation constant = 6.671281903 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2
041) atomic permittivity = 1.112650056 x 10^-10 4π-A^2-s^4/kg-m^3
042) molar Planck constant = 3.990312710 x 10^-10 kg-m^2/s-mol-rad
043) density of states = 1.687824209 x 10^-9 s^2/kg-m^2
044) inverse Denke energy = 1.687824209 x 10^-9 s^2/kg-m^2
045) radiant distribution = 3.335640952 x 10^-9 s/m
046) Denke mass = 6.592215290 x 10^-9 kg
047) magnetic constant = 1.256637061 x 10^-6 kg-m/A^2-s^2
048) electric conductance = 3.874045865 x 10^-5 A^2-s^3-rad/kg-m^2
049) conductance quantum = 7.748091731 x 10^-5 A^2-s^3-rad^2/kg-m^2-sr
050) inverse luminous efficacy = 1.464128843 x 10^-3 kg-m^2/cd-sr-s^3
051) Sommerfeld fine-structure = 7.297352566 x 10^-3 sr
052) second radiation = 1.438776841 x 10^-2 m-K/rad
053) Denke fine-structure angle = 1.459470513 x 10^-2 rad
054) Denke spin one-half = 5.000000000 x 10^-1 sr/rad
055) dielectric constant = 1.000000000 x 10^0 sr/sr
056) relative permeability = 1.000000000 x 10^0 rad/rad
057) Denke momentum = 1.976296425 x 10^0 kg-m/s
058) Denke spin two = 2.000000000 x 10^0 rad/sr
059) molar gas constant = 8.314462825 x 10^0 kg-m^2/s^2-mol-K
060) inverse Denke fine-structure angle = 6.851799958 x 10^1 /rad
061) inverse Sommerfeld fine-structure = 1.370359991 x 10^2 /sr
062) impedance of vacuum = 3.767303134 x 10^2 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3
063) luminous efficacy = 6.830000000 x 10^2 cd-sr-s^3/kg-m^2
064) inverse conductance q. = 1.290640373 x 10^4 kg-m^2-sr/A^2-s^3-rad^2
065) von Klitzing constant = 2.581280746 x 10^4 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3-rad
066) Faraday constant = 9.648533208 x 10^4 A-s/mol
067) inverse Denke mass = 1.516940749 x 10^8 /kg
068) speed of light in vacuum = 2.997924580 x 10^8 m/s
069) Denke energy = 5.924787631 x 10^8 kg-m^2/s^2
070) Coulomb constant = 8.987551787 x 10^9 kg-m^3/4π-A^2-s^4
071) luminous energy = 4.046629952 x 10^11 cd-sr-s
072) Josephson quantum = 2.417989242 x 10^14 A-s^2-rad/kg-m^2
073) Josephson constant = 4.835978484 x 10^14 A-s^2-rad^2/kg-m^2-sr
074) molar Denke mass = 3.969924838 x 10^15 kg/mol
075) electric displacement = 3.274244635 x 10^16 A-s/m
076) Denke absorption = 8.987551787 x 10^16 m^2/s^2
077) Denke displacement = 4.493775892 x 10^18 kg-s/m^2
078) magnetic potential = 1.233507207 x 10^19 kg-m/A-s^2
079) thermal conductance = 8.458721523 x 10^20 kg-m^2/s^3-K
080) Avogadro constant = 6.022140758 x 10^23 /mol
081) Denke electric current = 9.815938471 x 10^24 A
082) Denke mass field = 1.347200120 x 10^27 kg/m
083) electric potential = 3.697961576 x 10^27 kg-m^2/A-s^3
084) Denke temperature = 4.291306104 x 10^31 K
085) molar Denke energy = 3.567990507 x 10^32 kg-m^2/s^2-mol
086) electric conductivity = 5.424630531 x 10^32 A^2-s^3/kg-m^3
087) Denke wave number = 2.043622760 x 10^35 /m
088) Denke mass flow rate = 4.038804355 x 10^35 kg/s
089) angular velocity = 8.941631311 x 10^41 rad/s
090) Denke frequency = 6.126626904 x 10^43 /s
091) Denke force = 1.210803085 x 10^44 kg-m/s^2
092) surface concentration = 6.935065375 x 10^46 mol/m^2
093) electric flux density = 6.691320856 x 10^51 A-s/m^2
094) field acceleration = 1.836716539 x 10^52 m/s^2
095) Denke power = 3.629896330 x 10^52 kg-m^2/s^3
096) magnetic flux density = 2.520823403 x 10^54 kg/A-s^2
097) radiant intensity = 4.974264704 x 10^54 kg-m^2/s^3-sr
098) luminous flux = 2.479219194 x 10^57 cd-sr
099) thermal conductivity = 1.728643582 x 10^56 kg-m/s^3-K
100) Denke luminous intensity = 3.397422793 x 10^57 cd
101) magnetic field strength = 2.006007527 x 10^60 A/m
102) absorption rate = 5.506337658 x 10^60 m^2/s^3
103) surface density = 2.753168828 x 10^62 kg/m^2
104) electric field strength = 7.557238443 x 10^62 kg-m/A-s^3
105) inverse Denke area = 4.176393985 x 10^70 /m^2
106) dynamic viscosity = 8.253792503 x 10^70 kg/m-s
107) surface tension = 2.474424742 x 10^79 kg/s^2
108) molar concentration = 1.417265744 x 10^82 mol/m^3
109) angular acceleration = 5.478203895 x 10^85 rad/s^2
110) electric charge density = 1.367453560 x 10^87 A-s/m^3
111) thermal transfer = 3.532695368 x 10^91 kg/s^3-K
112) electric current density = 4.099522638 x 10^95 A/m^2
113) Denke mass density = 5.626438479 x 10^97 kg/m^3
114) Denke density = 8.534973801 x 10^105 /m^3
115) radiant density = 5.056790721 x 10^114 kg/m-s^2
116) luminous density = 3.453788062 x 10^117 cd-sr-s/m^3
117) Denke irradiance = 1.515987720 x 10^123 kg/s^3
118) Denke radiance = 2.077448919 x 10^125 kg/s^3-sr
119) luminous flux density = 1.035419613 x 10^126 cd-sr/m^2
120) Denke luminance = 1.418897612 x 10^128 cd/m^2

(shortened for brevity)

Denke time: (hbar*G/c^5)^1/2 = 1.632219516 x 10^-44 s
Denke length: (hbar*G/c^3)^1/2 = 4.893271007 x 10^-36 m
Avogadro substance: [(hbar*c/G)^1/2]/M = 1.660539068 x 10^-24 mol
Denke mass: (hbar*c/G)^1/2 = 6.592215290 x 10^-9 kg
Sommerfeld fine-structure: e^2/2*e0*h*c = 7.297352566 x 10-3 sr
Denke fine-structure angle: e^2/e0*h*c = 1.459470513 x 10^-2 rad
Archimedes constant: π = 3.141592653 x 10^0 π
Denke current: e/[(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2] = 9.815938471 x 10^24 A
Denke temperature: [(hbar*c^5/G)^1/2]/k = 4.291306104 x 10^31 K
Denke intensity: Q/[(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2]alpha = 3.397422793 x 10^57 cd

alpha ≠ e^2/hbar*c
hbar ≠ e^2/alpha*c
e^2 ≠ hbar*alpha*c

See you there!

Yap Honghor

Nov 5, 2018, 4:13:16 AM11/5/18
I worship people who are honest, hard working and sacrifice themselves for the good of others.

But, those theists who also claim that are just fools....they sacrifice for a religion that is built on con stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have broken heads.


Nov 5, 2018, 6:11:16 AM11/5/18
LOL! Buckwheat earl the moral! You're full of shit, you fat lying asshole.


Nov 5, 2018, 6:12:27 AM11/5/18
It's true that you let priests put their peckers up your fat arse, fat boy.
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