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More proof NASA hoaxed Apollo

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Jun 9, 2019, 9:03:17 PM6/9/19
One Giant Lie For Mankind

Specially posted for Hagar & Palsing, But all are invited to watch it and
judge for yourselves.


Jun 9, 2019, 10:11:15 PM6/9/19
You dimwit, do you actually consider this to be "proof"? This guy is a conspiracy theorist and total whackjob. Do you subscribe to "Bart's Bible Blessings" too?

Here is my evidence against this fellow dimwit of yours...

"Jim McDade, writing in The Birmingham News, characterized A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon as "full of falsehoods, innuendo, strident accusations, half-truths, flawed logic and premature conclusions." According to McDade, the "only thing new and weird" in the film is that the claim that video views of Earth were actually filmed through a small hole to give the impression that Apollo 11 was not in low Earth orbit. "Bart has misinterpreted things that are immediately obvious to anyone who has extensively read Apollo history and documentation or anyone who has ever been inside an Apollo Command Module or accurate mockup," says McDade."

You are really a full-fledged dumbfuck, Bast, and unfortunately, you are proud of it!


Jun 9, 2019, 11:25:28 PM6/9/19
<giggle> Wikipedia ?
Next time try Rechel Madcow at MSNBC, or CNN for your source,.....their fake
news is so much funnier.
You will even love their Global warming, or Trump Ruskie collusion spy,
fiction stories.

Although I do highly recommend "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The
Moon "
And you can view it here,...


Jun 10, 2019, 2:41:11 PM6/10/19
"Bast" wrote in message news:qdka8j$bcq$
*** OK, one more time, you demented chromosome challenged weirdo: Radio
signals are directional. Pilots use the directional beacon of a radio
station near the airport at which they want to land and it displays the
direction, in degrees, on the screen of the direction finder.
Now the Russians would have loved nothing more than to expose the "hoax",
however, when they monitored the transmissions between the astronauts and
Ground control, they discovered that they beacon came from the same spot on
the Moon for the duration of each Moon landing. Not from the orbiter, where
the signal direction constantly moved and even disappeared when the orbiter
went to the "Dark Side". The beacons are so accurate, that the Russkies
could even determine the exact location of each landing.

Secondly, on one of the landings the astronauts placed a reflector plate to
bounce back radar signals sent from Earth. The transit times of the radar
signals were measured and gave scientists the exact distance of the Moon
from Earth, which allowed them to calculate the rate of recession, which is
about 1.5 inches per year. The reflector plate took quite some time to
adjust for maximum effectiveness and that could have only been done by
manual finetuning made by astronauts on the Moon.

So please, Bast, spare us any more of your ridiculous drivel about the "Moon
Landing Hoax" ... you are not well.

Herbert Glazier

Jun 10, 2019, 3:11:07 PM6/10/19
I watch all launching first hand.They were 100% true.Than GOPer Mafia killed JFK and we got 43 years of stuttles thanks to Nixon Annenberg and Kissinger.During those 43 years Walter Annenberg stole 2 billion each year.86 billion WOW so sad o true.Bert


Jun 10, 2019, 3:23:05 PM6/10/19
No one is ever claiming there were no Apollo rocket launches.
But you would know that if you took the time to watch ANY of the videos.

However there is a big difference between putting a rocket into low earth
orbit for a week, than going to the moon and back.
Watch the videos, THINK, then come to your own conclusions.

But don't tell me something happened, just because you were told it did.


Jun 10, 2019, 3:37:27 PM6/10/19
Hagar, how many times do I have to tell you that they were bouncing lasers
off the moon. long before Apollo.
And even if they did need this magical reflector pad you claim, that is
little more than 2 feet square.
It was claimed just to have prisms that reflect from every direction.
Much llike reflective tape on a yellow construction vest, or even a movie
What makes you think it could not have just been sent there by an unmanned
lander ?

Do you have any idea how wide even a laser would diverge going to the moon
and back.
ANSWER - A lot more than 2 FEET

And radio / TV signals have been bounced off satelites since the 1950's
So tell me why that same unmanned lander the put your magical reflctor on
the moon, could not also be reflecting radio signals from earth.


Jun 10, 2019, 4:35:58 PM6/10/19
Yes, I watched too live on my black and white television while Neil Armstrong took his firs tentative step onto the surface of the Moon! How could they fake that? With all the delayed and cancelled launches along the line, Hollywood would have scripted it much better!

During those Shuttle years, you never heard the mainline media complain about the stalled space program, did you?



Jun 10, 2019, 4:41:29 PM6/10/19
On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 12:37:27 PM UTC-7, Bast wrote:

> Do you have any idea how wide even a laser would diverge going to the moon
> and back.
> ANSWER - A lot more than 2 FEET

Are you incapable of doing your own research? Do you learn everything you know from bloggers?

"At the Moon's surface, the beam is about 6.5 kilometers (4.0 mi) wide and scientists liken the task of aiming the beam to using a rifle to hit a moving dime 3 kilometers (1.9 mi) away. The reflected light is too weak to see with the human eye. Out of 1017 photons aimed at the reflector, only one is received back on Earth, even under good conditions. They can be identified as originating from the laser because the laser is highly monochromatic. This is one of the most precise distance measurements ever made... and is equivalent in accuracy to determining the distance between Los Angeles and New York to within 0.25 mm (0.01 in)."

Sure, you think little of Wikipedia, but their articles are heavily referenced and are highly respected sources of information, in general...

"Well-sourced articles written according to Wikipedia guidelines should have citations listed at the bottom of each page, with links to other information sources. This means that savvy readers can use Wikipedia as an information hub to follow the link trail to more expert or authoritative websites, and students can likewise find useful primary sources through Wikipedia."

How many of your precious bloggers give such references? Hmmmmm?


Jun 10, 2019, 7:37:16 PM6/10/19
Wikipedia again ?
<giggle> They NEVER LEARN


Jun 10, 2019, 7:40:54 PM6/10/19
"Bast" wrote in message news:qdmbhm$aeo$
*** And indeed they have, but without a perfectly concave surface, with a
focal point of 230,000 miles, the radar echoes of yesteryear scattered and
the measurements obtained were highly erratic. The trick was to get the
2.4 foot plate's focal point focused on the radar antenna near Houston,
which is extremely difficult to do. Once they had the plate aligned, the
signal bounce was near perfect, resulting in the data I mentioned earlier.
Of course a dingbat like you wouldn't understand the science involved, so
I'll just let you rant and rave about the Moon Landing Hoax to your gay
heart's and your feeble brain's content.


Jun 10, 2019, 8:23:06 PM6/10/19
On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 4:40:54 PM UTC-7, Hägar wrote:

> *** ...The trick was to get the
> 2.4 foot plate's focal point focused on the radar antenna near Houston,
> which is extremely difficult to do. Once they had the plate aligned, the
> signal bounce was near perfect, resulting in the data I mentioned earlier.

Almost correct, Hagar. The plates left on the moon during Apollo missions 11, 14 and 15 were retroreflectors, and they don't have focal points...

"Retroreflectors are devices that operate by returning light back to the light source along the same light direction."

This means that they didn't need to be precisely aimed back to Houston because they return a signal to wherever it originated. In fact, from my link in my last post, we read...

"Successful lunar laser range measurements to the retroreflectors were first reported by the 3.1 m telescope at Lick Observatory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Lunar Ranging Observatory in Arizona, the Pic du Midi Observatory in France, the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, and McDonald Observatory in Texas."

I've been present in the McDonald Observatory in Texas when this experiment was conducted, in 2007, and it was a real thrill... I knew the technician who actually performed it and he invited me and several friends along that night. They had an actual retroreflector there as a hands-on teaching device, and 3 of us surrounded it with red laser pointers, and we all aimed them at the device, and each of our beams came back straight to the individual lasers in our hands... it was so cool... you could walk around while pointing your laser at it and the return beam would just follow you around. It is really a very simple device.

> Of course a dingbat like you wouldn't understand the science involved, so
> I'll just let you rant and rave about the Moon Landing Hoax to your gay
> heart's and your feeble brain's content.

Well, I guess you sure told her... but I'll guess that she isn't particularly teachable...


Jun 10, 2019, 8:36:31 PM6/10/19
HerpesBert aka "SwineBert "reber G=emc^2" said:
"WOW so sad o true".Bert... after SwineBert did sit
for too long on that bucket, in his van, that he shits into,
& got a permanently seared in **Einstein-Ring** into
SwineBert his Jewish Ass, which enhances SwineBert's
Fetish to shit into other posters mouth as seen here:
& have them murdered, for SwineBert to piss onto their
graves, which proves that SwineBert has always-
ONLY-ONE-thing-on his twisted, filthy mind, namely to do
all those items-from-(1)-to-item-(5) which SwineBert details
in <> while
<> [1] is being
very different from Bert's phony, wrong & sanctimonious posts,
making Bert being a cause & promoter for rising Anti-Semitism.
given that Bert's email address <> also
anagrams to __ <> __ (reber_A.Hitler).
SwineBert never had a valid Science -idea or Sci-Question during
SwineBert's entire sorry life of free-loading, mooching & plagiarism.
SwineBert, the Jewish Jailbird, is filled with such Hatred that the
Fool Swine Bert refuses to sign onto a Program that would
make SwineBert FAMOUS for the next 285 years
All the details for Glazier's FAME are seen is the links
for <>
at <>
As of now SwineBert said that SwineBert prefers to be
buried face-down to stop SwineBert's stupid palaver.


Jun 10, 2019, 10:19:41 PM6/10/19
You and palsing are funny to read.
Both of you offering totally different stories to cover your precious NASA

His wikipedia laser is 4 miles wide,....yours only 2.4 feet
(BTW His story is closer to reality)
This is what happens when you are sheep, and listen or read and accept what
a third party tells you, and never ask questions.

But Hey,.....I can't really blame you.
You are just too dumb and insecure to be able to admit that you were fooled
so easily.
The rest of us were kids at the time, and believed as well.
But then we got older, and smarter, and we learned about engineering and
aerospace, and we realized that NASA LIED.
And the astronauts that were our heros,.... were just BUMS.

...Now don't make me tell you the truth about Santa and the Tooth Fairy.


Jun 10, 2019, 10:24:18 PM6/10/19
Read my answer to Hagar.....It's just as appropriate to you.


Jun 10, 2019, 11:18:25 PM6/10/19
On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 7:19:41 PM UTC-7, Bast wrote:

> You and palsing are funny to read.

But not nearly as hysterical as you are, Bast...

> Both of you offering totally different stories to cover your precious NASA
> fairytale.

Not really. Where would you get such an idea?

> His wikipedia laser is 4 miles wide,....yours only 2.4 feet

You don't really have much to offer in the way of reading comprehension, do you? My reference said that by the time the laser gets to the moon, the beam is about 4 miles wide. Hagar said that the reflector on the moon is about 2.4 feet wide. We are both correct, but still, you are hopelessly confused. Put down the bong, Bast...

> (BTW His story is closer to reality)

BTW, my story IS reality. If you want to, of course, you can provide evidence to show otherwise... and good luck with that, remembering that your blogger youtube videos are not evidence...

> This is what happens when you are sheep, and listen or read and accept what
> a third party tells you, and never ask questions.

You listen to bloggers, and that's not 3rd party?

The science speaks for itself, as does the actual record.

> But Hey,.....I can't really blame you.
> You are just too dumb and insecure to be able to admit that you were fooled
> so easily.

... says the person who submits bloggers as evidence. Just who is the stupid one here?

> The rest of us were kids at the time, and believed as well.

Well, I was an adult at the time and was not easily fooled. I lived it, along with the rest of America and the rest of the world...

> But then we got older, and smarter, and we learned about engineering and
> aerospace, and we realized that NASA LIED.

Apparently you never learned a darn thing about engineering and aerospace, otherwise, you wouldn't be making such really stupid and totally unsupported claims

There is zero evidence that NASA lied, and you can't provide evidence otherwise.

> And the astronauts that were our heros,.... were just BUMS.

No, they were and are heroes, and all with balls like grapefruits.

Cujo DeSockpuppet

Jun 11, 2019, 4:19:58 PM6/11/19
"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in
Let's hear it anyway.

Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in dfw.*,
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych. Supreme Holy
Overlord of alt.fucknozzles. Winner of the 8/2000, 2/2003 & 4/2007 HL&S
award. July 2005 Hammer of Thor. Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse
Memorial Dog Whistle - 12/2005 & 4/2008. COOSN-266-06-01895.
"I am entertaining, but not as a clown, but as a thinker who forces
others to think." - Edmo on a pre-meltdown rant.


Jun 11, 2019, 6:14:04 PM6/11/19
"palsing" wrote in message
*** and since Bast has none, that would be rather difficult for her to
imagine. I've heard through the grapevine that Bruce Jenner may have a set
for sale soon ... more along the size of raisins, though ...


Jun 11, 2019, 11:04:37 PM6/11/19
On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 3:14:04 PM UTC-7, Hägar wrote:

> *** and since Bast has none, that would be rather difficult for her to
> imagine. I've heard through the grapevine that Bruce Jenner may have a set
> for sale soon ... more along the size of raisins, though ...


Jun 12, 2019, 6:27:59 AM6/12/19
HUH ? What does any of this have to do with NASA faking the moon landings ?

Although if you want my opinion on Bruce Jenner as well, least
he-she is trying to better him-herself by becoming a woman
....You are just getting angry that you were never born a woman.


Jun 12, 2019, 4:20:14 PM6/12/19
"Bast" wrote in message news:qdqk3d$kbp$
*** Yea, right ... when I read your convoluted crap, I thank God
(metaphorically speaking, since I am an Atheist) that I was not born a
woman. Life must be a bitch with only half a brain ...
You still haven't explained how the Lunar origin of the direct communication
radio signals between the Lunar landing site and Earth never varied during
the Moon Landings. I bet the Russkies were very disappointed when they
finally realized that we beat them to the Moon. Perhaps Bart Sibrel can
shed some light on this ...


Jun 12, 2019, 5:36:44 PM6/12/19
What is this "never varying signals" you keep rambling about, sound
like Pelosi.

Put an unmanned lander on the moons surface, send a signal to it and have it
resend the same signal.
They do it with satellites and phone calls or internet.

Or in movie theaters with them newfangled talking picture thingies.
Those people really are not on the screen, it is a light signal sent from
behind you, reflects off the screen back to you


Jun 13, 2019, 1:16:47 PM6/13/19
"Bast" wrote in message news:qdrr9b$qsl$
*** Do you have any idea how stupid you sound ??? I am about to side with
the Muslims and their views on how women should be treated. There was a
good reason out forefathers thought that "pregnant and in the kitchen" was
an excellent idea. Most of you are mentally handicapped and unfortunately
it doesn't get better with age. I'll stick with the truth and you can stick
with your Bart Sibrel conspiracy theory. The proof is overwhelming, you are
just too dumb to see it.


Jun 13, 2019, 5:48:43 PM6/13/19
I love how you deflect, and go to generic attacks of a whole group when you
get answers that blow your delusions out of the water.
Especially when it's a girl that figuratively KICKS YOUR ASS.


Jun 13, 2019, 8:19:20 PM6/13/19
On Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 2:48:43 PM UTC-7, Bast wrote:

> Especially when it's a girl that figuratively KICKS YOUR ASS.

... but only in her dreams...


Jun 16, 2019, 3:04:15 PM6/16/19
"palsing" wrote in message

On Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 2:48:43 PM UTC-7, Bast wrote:

> Especially when it's a girl that figuratively KICKS YOUR ASS.

... but only in her dreams...

*** I was going to say that ... but you beat me to it.


Jun 16, 2019, 8:12:50 PM6/16/19
And I already said that you and palsing share a brain.
And it still take you several days to post a snappy comeback.


Jun 17, 2019, 12:56:44 PM6/17/19
"Bast" wrote in message news:qe6lu1$vh9$
*** I can't help it if his part is a little slow ....

Herbert Glazier

Jun 20, 2019, 4:45:05 PM6/20/19
JFK time we had the great Saturn V Then GOP Mafia killed him so Nixon would scrape it and bring in the Micky Mouse shuttles that killed 12 brave people,and went 200 miles up.GOP top Mafia guns were Kissenger and Walter Annenberg.They stole 2 billion for 43 years the shuttles flew. I fought this for over 55 years.GOP Mafia is the reason USA is 13 trillion in the red.They will blame it on Obama.The Mafia press will never mention that Trump so far has added 2 trillion WOW Trump can not lose the Godfather,and Russia will see to it.Bert


Jun 20, 2019, 6:19:07 PM6/20/19

Crackwhore "Herbert Glazier" <>
wrote: <snipped SwineBert's self-polluting Glazierola>
hanson wrote:
SwineBert, now do something for Science, for the 1st
time, in your sorry Life in which you portrayed yourself
as a loser, ugly & stupid, having an IQ-of-1-point-22.
So, SwineBert ask your Dr. to sign you up for the
Forensic Science program [1], as it will bring you all
of <>
Chose wisely. Be clever but not the Stupid pig, that you

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