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Chernobyl deja Vu ???

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Nov 10, 2017, 4:24:45 PM11/10/17
Did yet another of Russia's fine Nuclear Plants give up the
ghost and the utter silence of the Russkies speaks in
volumes ??? Crickets from the Kremlin ... as expected.

Their Nuclear Plants are deteriorating, their Nuclear Subs
are sinking (Kursk) and these clowns want to be takeb
seriously ...


Nov 10, 2017, 6:51:50 PM11/10/17
I have to wonder how credible this story is, if the release was last month
and it is only making news now.
Seriously,....after Chernobyl, every country has sensors set up and is
monitoring the air for radiation daily.

However, forget that the US nuclear plants are just as old, and most
are already well beyond their original planned obsolescence date.
Mostly because all the libertards won't let them build newer, safer,
replacement we are stuck with the old ones that are ticking
time bombs ready to break down.


Nov 10, 2017, 9:51:19 PM11/10/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ou5e2l$jfa$
*** I'll excuse your ignorance when it comes to Nuclear Power Plants,
since you obvious don't know shit from shinola. The older Chernobyl
versions of Soviet Nukes didn't have an impact proof reactor containment
structure. Hence, when they blew, it spread. We don't have any of
that type. Or early ones were designed to withstand the impact of a
fully loaded 747, probably in anticipation of 911 like events.
So, perhaps the next time you open your big yap, read up on the topic
at hand.


Nov 11, 2017, 1:05:54 AM11/11/17
Uhhh Right,....just like Three Mile island,......perfectly safe with no
radiaton leakage at all.
Or how about all the leaks from Indian Point just outside of NYC ?
Both those plants are hopelessly outdated and still running, despite both
were only designed to last in the 1990's

You don't need to worry about something crashing INTO a nuclear
plant, have to worry about the stuff inside crashing OUT.

Before you keep proving that you are more ignorant than democrat sky
screamers, better remember that nothing crashed into Chernobyl, or
....Just like nothing crashed into WTC 7 on 9/11,.....but the results were
total destuction from within, in both cases.
Sorry if that little fact doesn't fit your narrative.

But hey,...what do I know.
Why not watch a video about the newer nuclear technology that seems to have
eluded you up to now.

A least if you can keep your head out of your ass for an hour to watch it.

And quit reading government reports,....they still say that hitlery is as
innocent as a spring lamb.


Nov 11, 2017, 11:59:41 AM11/11/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ou6401$5co$
*** The difference is that when we have an event at a Nuke, there is
an investigation and apropos measures are taken to eliminate a
repeat in the future. If it is too slipshod, we close it down (see Rancho
Seco, California). There are 100s more people killed in airplane accidents
than there were at Three Mile Island ... it is hyperventilating twats like
yourself that, with false indignity, blow everything out of proportion,
which, BTW, is also the hallmark of a fucking Liberal.
If you are afraid of getting fried by a Nuke, how about a outrage against
automobiles, which kill thousands every year, or knives, od hammers,
or railroad crossings, or pissed off wives, or incompetent doctors ....
but nooo ... Nuke owners usually have deep pockets and greed reigns
supreme with you damn snowflakes.


Nov 11, 2017, 12:37:25 PM11/11/17
You sure argue like a snowflake.
Never once adressing ANY of my points, just going off on a LA-LA-LA tirade
of overused regurgitated talking points.

I said that nuke plants never have leaks or meltdowns because of plane
And that they are just too old, and literally falling apart.
But no one wants to shut down the obsolete ones, and build far safer ones
right next door.

You went off on a tangent about banning cars knives doctors and od(sic)
Although I noticed you missed "trucks of peace"

GOD, makes me feel so good when I don't have to talk about Trump and
then agree with you.


Nov 11, 2017, 3:48:25 PM11/11/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ou7cgk$rc8$
*** and once again your total ignorance is mind boggling. The reason
Nukes are so expensive is because the labor unions run the place. Trust
me, I've worked in them and I know. Something that is estimated to cost
about 800 M (million) winds up over budget to the tune of 4 B (billion).
So, after taking it up the pooper on the first one, nobody wants a repeat
right next door, no matter how modern.

And you can whine about my "talking points" all you want, the fact
remains that Nuclear plants are any bit as safe as any other mode of
electricity generation, but like in airplane crashes, if one goes, it
creates a lot of collateral damage. But you little piss-ants, who see
the Bushies behind 911, Trump in cahoots with the Russkies and Al
"massage with happy ending" Gore as the shining salvation of
humanity. Perhaps you need to attend the Liberals' howling gatherings
and bay at the Moon at midnight.


Nov 11, 2017, 4:32:06 PM11/11/17
that, it is the result of the shitter of whore of fuck of bitch of
communism of bullshit of scumbag !!!!

When everybody is a functionary, everybody don't give a fuck !!!!

We have seen the result with the USSR and Eastern Europe countries !!!


Nov 11, 2017, 5:26:46 PM11/11/17

"Hägar" wrote in message
***You have to forgive Hagar. His electrical engineering duties surrounded
sorting batteries into piles (e.g. AAA AA A C D 9V, etc.) He never read
much about economics or he would understand that new nuke plants are not the
least expensive means to produce electricity. Utilities have and obligation
to their customers and investors. Notwithstanding wailing and mashing of
teeth from whomever would produces a nuke plant and rightard fuckweasles ,
utilities and turning from coal and nuke to natural gas and renewables. Not
a US phenomenon. I understand Hagar converted his prize 1977 Vega to a coal
powered steam engine and he heats his trailer with a pot bellied stove
filled with cow patties.


Nov 11, 2017, 9:36:25 PM11/11/17
I'm more inclined to believe that hagars electrical experience was standing
in puddles, and sticking his fingers in wall sockets to tell if the power
was on.
....My guess is that he did it one too many times.


Nov 12, 2017, 6:45:32 AM11/12/17
Uhhh. Aren't we supposed to believe that they (Russians) are far smarter
than we are ?
Afterall,...they managed to overthrow our last election to put Trump in
power, and hack into the DNC, the pentagon, the power grid, and hitlerys
home servers.

Wait,....are you now saying the fake media,and Hitlery LIED to us ?


Nov 13, 2017, 2:12:08 PM11/13/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ou8c38$nfj$

>>> snip idiotic Liberal drivel <<<

I'm more inclined to believe that hagars electrical experience was standing
in puddles, and sticking his fingers in wall sockets to tell if the power
was on.
....My guess is that he did it one too many times.

*** I keep forgetting that one cannot engage in intelligent
dialog with unarmed people ....


Nov 13, 2017, 5:05:27 PM11/13/17
Le 12/11/2017 à 12:45, Bast a écrit :
> Uhhh. Aren't we supposed to believe that they (Russians) are far smarter
> than we are ?
> Afterall,...they managed to overthrow our last election to put Trump in
> power, and hack into the DNC, the pentagon, the power grid, and hitlerys
> home servers.
> Wait,....are you now saying the fake media,and Hitlery LIED to us ?

for spying, they are very strong

For underhand tricks, for low blows, they are very strong too

For binges of drunkards too !!

But for the work they are very bad

once upon, I have a german customer, who explained to me, which the
russians this the worst scumbags of the world, same the Africa is better
than the russia, more modern, more civilized


Nov 13, 2017, 6:24:54 PM11/13/17
Sure I can.
But you still won't get your head out of G.W's ass.

BTW did you know that G.W was working on Gillespie's (republican) campaign
in Virginia.
That explains why he lost.
....People still hate Bush.


Nov 14, 2017, 3:36:48 PM11/14/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:oud9k4$qrh$
*** so let's see, GW has a business degree from Yale and one from
He served in the Texas and the Alabama USAF Reserves for 5 years
with the rank of First Lt.
He owned a baseball team
He owned and ran several oil related ventures.
Two time Texas Governor.
Two times POTUS.

Now to Bast: LBGTQ flag, degree in basket weaving.
Thinks everyone is gay ... you confused twat ...


Nov 14, 2017, 3:43:54 PM11/14/17
"Sylvain" wrote in message news:5a0a1725$0$31616$
*** I have a German friend too and he told me the tales of
his father who was part of the invasion of France during WWII.
Tales of how you useless and cowardly Frogs hauled ass in the
direction of the Atlantic, waving the white flags of surrender.
How your women threw themselves at the German soldiers, for
they hadn't seen any real men in over a century. And then your
hero, Chuckie deGaulle, who set out the war in London, flapping
his lips, but not serving his country for even one day, prepping
for his role as "Le General". You French are disgusting people.
And you, little rectum, have the audacity to give the Russkies
a bad name ???


Nov 14, 2017, 6:13:20 PM11/14/17
I bet you still believe that if you post that fake news propanda about
Bushie enough,......that one day, it will come true.
.....Okay, least you put the "L" in the right place. So don't ever say
I don't give you credit the few times you deserve it

But what are you going to do when the truth about 9/11 comes out, and you
have to admit to yourself how gullible you really were ?

A lot of Vietnam vets fought proudly, and couldn't understand why when they
came home, no one cared.
Then years later the truth about the Gulf of Tonkin came out,....and a few
of those proud vets,....took their own lives, when they realized how they
were taken in.

Of course,....your buddy McCain still thinks he's a war hero,....but at
least he can thank the brain tumor for that.
Just like the Nazi's generals,....the lucky ones went senile so never had to
account what they did, to themselves or anyone else.


Nov 15, 2017, 11:34:06 AM11/15/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ouftae$536$

>>> snip <<<

I bet you still believe that if you post that fake news propanda about
Bushie enough,......that one day, it will come true.
.....Okay, least you put the "L" in the right place. So don't ever say
I don't give you credit the few times you deserve it

But what are you going to do when the truth about 9/11 comes out, and you
have to admit to yourself how gullible you really were ?

*** 9/11 has been put to bed, just like the JFK fiasco, where die-hards
like you tried to find something that wasn't there. Hillary should have
won the election, you say ... trust me, there will be no big 9/11
revelation in the near future, or ever. Get over it.

A lot of Vietnam vets fought proudly, and couldn't understand why when they
came home, no one cared.

*** Because the 4th estate turned on them, just like they are turning
on Trump. Public sentiment was easily swayed, especially since that
useless Congress insisted on making the Rules of Engagement, which
cost so many GI lives in the first place. Then we cut and ran like
cowards. The wagging tongues blamed the soldiers.

Then years later the truth about the Gulf of Tonkin came out,....and a few
of those proud vets,....took their own lives, when they realized how they
were taken in.

*** Johnson's fiasco ... leave it to a Liberal ...

Of course,....your buddy McCain still thinks he's a war hero,....but at
least he can thank the brain tumor for that.
Just like the Nazi's generals,....the lucky ones went senile so never had to
account what they did, to themselves or anyone else.

*** Yes, I did vote for the asshole, but only because he was the second
worst candidate option. Hell, Palin would have been a better choice for
the #1 slot ... at least she could see Russia from her front porch in


Nov 15, 2017, 12:42:06 PM11/15/17
I would have loved to see Palin get in as president.
I don't know if she would have been a good president, but it sure would have
been a hoot for the rest of us to watch the news every night, just to see
what stunts she pulled that day.
She would have been like a female Trump.


Nov 15, 2017, 7:12:09 PM11/15/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ouhu9b$5ud$
*** Once again we are in synch ... scary, really. Can you imagine
Palin demonstrating how to skin a moose or a bear, or shooting
a beer can out of her husband's hand ... the Liberals would go
insane !!


Nov 15, 2017, 10:14:27 PM11/15/17
It would have been cute to watch Palin hanging out of a hellicopter,
shooting at illegal mexicans trying to cross the border.


Nov 16, 2017, 1:22:31 AM11/16/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ouivqh$6t6$
*** that could actually replace the Trump wall ... guided helicopter
excursions hunting down illegals ... just tell prospective clients they
taste just like KFC chicken nuggets ... good idea, Bast ...


Nov 16, 2017, 6:15:07 PM11/16/17
Le 14/11/2017 à 21:43, Hägar a écrit :
> *** I have a German friend too and he told me the tales of
> his father who was part of the invasion of France during WWII.
> Tales of how you useless and cowardly Frogs hauled ass in the
> direction of the Atlantic, waving the white flags of surrender.
> How your women threw themselves at the German soldiers, for
> they hadn't seen any real men in over a century. And then your
> hero, Chuckie deGaulle, who set out the war in London, flapping
> his lips, but not serving his country for even one day, prepping
> for his role as "Le General".  You French are disgusting people.
> And you, little rectum, have the audacity to give the Russkies
> a bad name ???

I'll bet that if you are going in Russia, you make a ethylic coma, as
soon as you are in Russia because you are a wimp

You don't even know to fight, because you are yellow chickenshit

The US lost against little gooks barefoot in panties with a bamboo as weapon

For your information, the germans ashamed of the WWII
In germany if you have a swastika, or you make " heil Hitler " you are
going in jail immediately and for long time

Moreover, the Germany and France are become two states of same nation.
Same currency, same laws, no borders, a common gorvernment in Belgium.

Many frenchs live in Germany and many germans live in France

This is France which helped to creat the US against English

The US capitalism have been theorized in Europe by Voltaire and Rousseau
in the Age of Enlightenment before the create of US

This is the capitalism by the knowledge

The statue of liberty this is Helios who
enlighten the world, the light being the knowledge


Nov 16, 2017, 8:20:51 PM11/16/17

"Sylvain" wrote in message news:5a0e1bf9$0$10171$
*** the problem, mon ami, the Germans speak German, a guttural
and manly language, whereas you Frogs sound like vaginas with
a bad strain of syphilis. As long as you speak different languages,
you'll never be united. And it'll be a cold day in hell before the
Germans will accept a pussy language and affect a wimpy accent.

Now let 'er rip, you despicable Frog ...


Nov 17, 2017, 9:33:32 AM11/17/17

"Hägar" wrote in message
**And Hagar is fluent in Trailer Trash.


Nov 17, 2017, 11:42:56 AM11/17/17
"Notroll2016" wrote in message news:oumrvp$jca$
>>> I just knew you'd take the French fagot's side ... but then,
it seems you enjoy a little rump-humping now and then, don't
you, you lbgtQ ...


Nov 17, 2017, 5:27:50 PM11/17/17
Le 17/11/2017 à 02:20, Hägar a écrit :

> *** the problem, mon ami, the Germans speak German, a guttural
> and manly language, whereas you Frogs sound like vaginas with
> a bad strain of syphilis.  As long as you speak different languages,
> you'll never be united.  And it'll be a cold day in hell before the
> Germans will accept a pussy language and affect a wimpy accent.
> Now let 'er rip, you despicable Frog ...

Two-thirds of the English language comes from the French language

Before the XVII century in england, the noble ones were speaking French
Only the peasants were speaking English and it was only oral without

The germanic languages was written with the runes

The english's alphabet comes from latin

The english's syntax comes from french

subject+verb+complement for the latin languages. English, Spanish,
Italian, french.....

subject+complement+verb for the germanic languages. German, Dutch,

"Company" comes from french

"Company" => in french "co pain " => in english "sharing of the bread"

"Forest"=> it is directly of the old french,

"Purchase" => old french "prochacier"

"aunt" => old french "ant "=> today french "tante"

"Foreign" => "Forain "

"Very " => old french "verai " => today french "vrai "

"want " => "veux"

"would" => "voudrais "


Moreover, the English language is a simplified language

That's why it's a global language

About only 230 irregular verbs just in three ways

In French all verbs are irregular and at all tenses

In Spainish, in Italian also

And in german even more complex, almost all word are irregular at all
the tenses and at all the declensions

You want a german word, here's

In english => "Cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties
delegation law"


Nov 17, 2017, 6:27:41 PM11/17/17
Le 17/11/2017 à 17:42, Hägar a écrit :

>>>> I just knew you'd take the French fagot's side ... but then,

It's no possible fuck !! in addition you need support to defend yourself
but you're a real pussy !!

> it seems you enjoy a little rump-humping now and then, don't
> you, you lbgtQ ...

You, you are a fag cocksucker

I'll bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose

They fired you from the marines because the enemy was laughing out loud
seeing your head !!

Well shit, you are not even able to defend your homeland fuck you !!!

You're lucky, if there would be the war, you will be dispatched in a
camp for be processed in fertilizer, because you're useless and if you
reproduce yourself it can weaken the humanity


Nov 18, 2017, 12:31:52 AM11/18/17
"Sylvain" wrote in message news:5a0f706b$0$3844$
*** Boy, you Froggies really know how to throw a hissy fit when
you are pissed off ... At least I served 2 years in the US Army,
where did you serve your country, douche ...


Nov 18, 2017, 8:03:33 AM11/18/17

"Hägar" wrote in message
***Most of Hag's time was spent peeling potatoes and digging officers'


Nov 18, 2017, 12:24:39 PM11/18/17
"Notroll2016" wrote in message news:oupb32$6k7$
>>> you forgot cleaning the kitchen grease pits, you hapless and
utterly unpatriotic wuzz. The only uniform you ever wear is that
orange colored weekend jailbird road cleanup detail one.


Nov 18, 2017, 12:26:47 PM11/18/17
"Sylvain" wrote in message news:5a0f6265$0$3444$
*** And that's why the World speaks English, you dolt.


Nov 18, 2017, 2:43:16 PM11/18/17
"Sylvain" wrote in message news:5a0f6265$0$3444$

Le 17/11/2017 à 02:20, Hägar a écrit :
> *** the problem, mon ami, the Germans speak German, a guttural
> and manly language, whereas you Frogs sound like vaginas with
> a bad strain of syphilis. As long as you speak different languages,
> you'll never be united. And it'll be a cold day in hell before the
> Germans will accept a pussy language and affect a wimpy accent.
> Now let 'er rip, you despicable Frog ...

Two-thirds of the English language comes from the French language

Before the XVII century in england, the noble ones were speaking French
Only the peasants were speaking English and it was only oral without

*** You are suffering from delusions of grandeur, that French
stigma which has you Frogs believe that you are something
special in this world and that you are the epitome of the
so called "Upper Crust" ... but then, Napoleon suffered from
those same delusions and we all know how that one ended.

The very first sentence of the attached Wikipedia page states:
English is a Western Germanic language ...

Which completely annihilates your idiotic statement that
English is of two-thirds French origin.
Krauts 1, Frogs 0.


Nov 19, 2017, 10:57:49 AM11/19/17
Le 18/11/2017 à 06:31, Hägar a écrit :
> *** Boy, you Froggies really know how to throw a hissy fit when
> you are pissed off ... At least I served 2 years in the US Army,
> where did you serve your country, douche ...

You did a fucking damn lousy army !!!

In the army, I had an instructor the gunnery Sergeant Hartman in the
Marines, after i had Colonel Samuel Trautman in the US ARMY, I'm a real
war machine, indestructible

I started working at eleven old in farming, I was in grinding poverty,
when i had some work, i work very hard for 5 am till 11 pm for that the
farmer gave me an apple. I lived in the forest, I was eating birds and

Once upon, in the bar, I beat shit out of many assholds, when the
Colonel Samuel Trautman was went in. He tell me " You fight very well
!!, do you like figth ? " of course i love fight !!!
I entered US ARMY to learn war


Nov 19, 2017, 11:03:06 AM11/19/17
Le 18/11/2017 à 20:43, Hägar a écrit :
> Which completely annihilates your idiotic statement that
> English is of two-thirds French origin.
> Krauts 1, Frogs 0.

When I was to USA

I saw your head. I asked a guy, do you know Hägar ? yes even that he
lives to San Jose, this is a dickhead. You have to fly to SFO. He told
me also that was false that you served US army.

I saw your head, you are very small even if a skinny girl put you one
slap, you are on the ground


Nov 19, 2017, 11:52:10 AM11/19/17
"Sylvain" wrote in message news:5a11ab39$0$3858$
*** Still suffering from that dreaded French disease, the "Little
Penis Syndrome". It served you guys well during WWII, when,
after flapping your lips as to what you were going to do to those
nasty Germans ... but then when they showed up, you ran into
the Cay of Biscay, waving your little white flags of surrender.
You are a collection of little dirt bags, soon to be Muslims,
under Sharia control.
Yea, Sylvain, you are a hero, you chicken-shit coward.


Nov 22, 2017, 1:39:36 AM11/22/17
"Sylvain" wrote in message news:5a11a9fb$0$31617$
*** I think you are a mental case. You also have a hyperactive
imagination. Like most Frenchmen, you are useless. The fact
tat you see yourself as one of Col Trautman's killers is proof
that you are a few bricks short of a full load.


Nov 22, 2017, 11:48:33 AM11/22/17
And when Hagar makes these claims, you can be certain that he does so from a
personal knowledge of shortshipped brick-loads.

If I were him and I still posted about 9/11 being the job of a handful of
camel jockeys, or that the Apollo missions actually took men to the moon
successfully. Or that G.W Bush is A WAR HERO !!!

Well, will just have to excuse him, and hope his doctors can
someday find a proper mix of medications that will let him at least attempt
to be a lucid member of society


Nov 22, 2017, 12:07:00 PM11/22/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ov49p0$93c$
***and you claim that that the "L" part of LBGTQ is completely harmless,
when the damage it has done to your brain is ever so evident by your
ridiculous assertions ...
If GWB were as useless as you claim he is/was, he sure fooled a lot of
people, twice ... but then, so did Obama.
Regarding the 9/11 fiasco, I'm not going to argue with a fruitcake who has
made it her/its religion.
The Moon Landings ... if they were faked, the Russkies would have exposed
that a long time ago, for it really pissed them off that we beat them to it
and they are not the forgiving kind. But even if it was faked, nobody has
yet explained how the stainless steel radar reflector plate got up there and
aligned to one of NASA's radar beams, which measures the exact distance
of the Moon from Earth ... but I'm sure you can pull something out of your


Nov 22, 2017, 2:00:57 PM11/22/17
The Ruskies were our buddies behind the scenes all through the "cold war",
why would they expose something they were a part of ?
The US let them have the story of first satellite and the first manned
orbit,.....we needed the EVIL ENEMY story to justify the money drain.
Just as they needed the story of the oppresive capitalist americans, to sell
to their own citizens, to cover their money drains.
I have Russian relatives that I talked with in the midst of the cold
war,....and they told me how they were lied to by their government as well.

Just ask yourself,....if the Russians and Cuba were our bitter
enemies, did we keep Gitmo going on Cuban soil ??

Damn,.... you are one dumb piece of hillbilly white trash hagar. No wonder
people like Notrol hate all us whities.
Even though, it's okay to be white.


Nov 22, 2017, 4:51:00 PM11/22/17
Le 22/11/2017 à 20:00, Bast a écrit :
> The Ruskies were our buddies behind the scenes all through the "cold war",
> why would they expose something they were a part of ?
> The US let them have the story of first satellite and the first manned
> orbit,.....we needed the EVIL ENEMY story to justify the money drain.
> Just as they needed the story of the oppresive capitalist americans, to sell
> to their own citizens, to cover their money drains.
> I have Russian relatives that I talked with in the midst of the cold
> war,....and they told me how they were lied to by their government as well.
> Just ask yourself,....if the Russians and Cuba were our bitter
> enemies, did we keep Gitmo going on Cuban soil ??
> Damn,.... you are one dumb piece of hillbilly white trash hagar. No wonder
> people like Notrol hate all us whities.
> Even though, it's okay to be white.

George Orwell perfectly was explaining it in the book "1984"

The governments always find a enemy to justify themselves and to justify
their actions


Nov 22, 2017, 4:58:16 PM11/22/17
And recently Hitlery was quoted as saying that 1984 was a lesson of WHY we
should all trust Big Btother.
....And the antifa libertards STILL support her.


Nov 22, 2017, 7:18:13 PM11/22/17
"Bast" wrote in message news:ov4rtn$olm$

Sylvain wrote:
*** I wouldn't trust big "bTother" either, you ditz ...

....And the antifa libertards STILL support her.

*** as they do the LBGTQ crowd ... something to do with Pavlov ...


Nov 22, 2017, 10:05:37 PM11/22/17

Hägar wrote:
> "Bast" wrote in message news:ov4rtn$olm$
> Sylvain wrote:
>> Le 22/11/2017 à 20:00, Bast a écrit :
>>> The Ruskies were our buddies behind the scenes all through the "cold
>>> war", why would they expose something they were a part of ?
>>> The US let them have the story of first satellite and the first manned
>>> orbit,.....we needed the EVIL ENEMY story to justify the money drain.
>>> Just as they needed the story of the oppresive capitalist americans,
>>> to sell to their own citizens, to cover their money drains.
>>> I have Russian relatives that I talked with in the midst of the cold
>>> war,....and they told me how they were lied to by their government as
>>> well. Just ask yourself,....if the Russians and Cuba were our bitter
>>> enemies, did we keep Gitmo going on Cuban soil ??
>>> Damn,.... you are one dumb piece of hillbilly white trash hagar. No
>>> wonder people like Notrol hate all us whities.
>>> Even though, it's okay to be white.
>> George Orwell perfectly was explaining it in the book "1984"
>> The governments always find a enemy to justify themselves and to
>> justify their actions
> Yup.
> And recently Hitlery was quoted as saying that 1984 was a lesson of WHY
> we should all trust Big Btother.
> *** I wouldn't trust big "bTother" either, you ditz ...

A thousand pardons for my mistype, oh keeper of the holy urinal cakes

> ....And the antifa libertards STILL support her.
> *** as they do the LBGTQ crowd ... something to do with Pavlov ...

Ya,.....I still haven't figured that one out yet myself.
I guess they have to worship something.
Although I have yet to meet any LGBT people that can stand the antifa

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