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Fresh images confirm: the Garage Shooter was James Bookhout

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Ralph Cinque

May 13, 2017, 10:46:26 PM5/13/17
Some fresh images by a man I refer to as The Wizard (to protect him)
confirm that the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald was FBI Agent James
Bookhout. And there is not a scintilla of doubt about that.


May 14, 2017, 1:36:03 PM5/14/17
So you totally disregard a co-worker of Bookhout telling you that he was
no shorter than 6 feet tall.

Was that after he threatened you with a restraining order?

Ralph Cinque

May 15, 2017, 9:57:18 AM5/15/17
Yes, I totally disregard it. And, I also told Bookhout's co-worker that if
he would just provide me an image of 6 foot Bookhout that I could vet,
that that would settle the matter. To no surprise, he never delivered.

There is this thing that people do; it's called lying. I know that John
McAdams doesn't permit calling others on this forum liars. But, does he
allow calling someone who is NOT on this forum a liar? If so, consider it
done. If not, then forget I mentioned it.

And how could he threaten me with a restraining order when he is the one
who made contact?

Conan The Contrarian

May 15, 2017, 9:57:56 AM5/15/17
Ralph Cinque

I lean CT and I am thoroughly unimpressed with these ridiculous
assertions. It is as if you, Ben Holmes and Bob Harris are having a
contest to see who can be the most kooky. SMH.....

donald willis

May 15, 2017, 10:01:05 AM5/15/17
I'd say there was a godzilla of doubt....

Jason Burke

May 15, 2017, 2:57:41 PM5/15/17
Popcorn time!

Though I'm thinking ol' Ralph will just ignore that fact.

Ralph Cinque

May 15, 2017, 10:43:50 PM5/15/17
Conan: James Bookhout was the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald. Now,
you can lean any frickin' you want with your impressions, but that is a
fact that has been confirmed with a mountain of evidence. However, to be
impressed by it, you have to read it:

Jason Burke

May 16, 2017, 9:53:13 PM5/16/17
Too bad JB was over six feet, eh, Ralph?

Ralph Cinque

May 18, 2017, 7:43:45 PM5/18/17
Burke: Judyth Baker is not over six feet. Neither was James Bookhout. He
was a short man, approximately 5'6".

Jason Burke

May 19, 2017, 4:13:09 PM5/19/17
On 5/18/17 4:43 PM, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> Burke: Judyth Baker is not over six feet. Neither was James Bookhout. He
> was a short man, approximately 5'6".

Uh, Ralph. What does Judy, Judy, Judy have to do with the time of day,

And you've been *told* that Bookhout was over six feet, Ralph. By
someone who worked with him, Raplh.

If you're so sure of your "theory", Ralph, why don't you actually find
out just how tall Bookout was, instead of flapping your lips
incessantly, Ralph?

Mainly because you won't like the answer, Ralph.


May 19, 2017, 7:58:04 PM5/19/17
On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 1:43:45 AM UTC+2, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> Burke: Judyth Baker is not over six feet. Neither was James Bookhout. He
> was a short man, approximately 5'6".

Someone you'd look up to, Ralph.

Ralph Cinque

May 20, 2017, 2:51:20 PM5/20/17
Not true, O'Blazney.

Jason Burke

May 25, 2017, 1:49:04 AM5/25/17
Uh, Ralph. What makes you think some whack-job needs protecting?


May 25, 2017, 9:07:50 PM5/25/17
On Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 7:43:45 PM UTC-4, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> Burke: Judyth Baker is not over six feet. Neither was James Bookhout. He
> was a short man, approximately 5'6".

What proof do you have for that claim Raff*?

A co-worker said that Bookhout was no less than 6' tall.

Jason Burke

May 26, 2017, 5:13:12 PM5/26/17
Annnd Ralph will pull his usual hilarious stuff to try to get out of
this one.

Ralph Cinque

May 26, 2017, 8:29:40 PM5/26/17
And when I asked that co-worker to provide proof, he made excuses. And it
would be very easy to do. A simple photograph would suffice, so long as I
could vet it.

So, when someone says something, you take it as Gospel, do you? Only when
it serves your military objectives.


May 27, 2017, 7:37:44 AM5/27/17
Ralph sometimes hypnotizes himself, thinking he's Jack Ruby pretending to
be David Ferrie.


May 27, 2017, 7:38:12 AM5/27/17
That's not what you said originally Raff*. You said that you asked for a
picture and he said he didn't have one. Nothing strange there.

You have a co-worker saying he was no less than 6 ft. That's evidence of
him being no less than 6 feet. What evidence do you have that he was 5'

Jason Burke

May 27, 2017, 9:57:28 PM5/27/17
Bookhout is 5' 6" because Ralph needs him to be 5' 6".

That's what passes for proof in Ralph-land.

Jason Burke

May 27, 2017, 9:57:47 PM5/27/17
But who is pretending to be Ralph?

Ralph Cinque

May 27, 2017, 10:03:11 PM5/27/17
There are plenty of indications that James Bookhout was short: the fact
that he had to stand on a pedestal to see James Hosty in the hallway; the
fact that he couldn't see JFK during the motorcade because of people
standing in front of him; the image of him following Oswald's stretcher as
it left the jail office; the image of Oswald going to talk to him in the
hallway before the Sat. 6:30 interrogation, and each of those images
confirms the other. There is NO ONE ELSE but James Bookhout that those
images could be. That a co-worker said he was no less than 6 feet means
nothing. Why? Because there is this thing people do called LYING, and it
is my strong conviction that retired FBI agent lied.

Jason Burke

May 27, 2017, 10:07:50 PM5/27/17
On 5/26/17 5:29 PM, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> And when I asked that co-worker to provide proof, he made excuses.

Probably because he didn't want to deal with your bullshit, Ralph.

> And it
> would be very easy to do. A simple photograph would suffice, so long as I
> could vet it.

But, Ralph. Every photograph and video that doesn't fit your fantasy is
- by definition - fake, Fake, FAKE.

> So, when someone says something, you take it as Gospel, do you? Only when
> it serves your military objectives.

You wouldn't believe he was > 6' if you dug up his skeleton, measured
it, and found it was 6' 2", Ralph.

Face it, Ralph. You gots nothing.

Jason Burke

May 27, 2017, 10:08:32 PM5/27/17
On 5/26/17 5:29 PM, Ralph Cinque wrote:
Must suck being you, Ralph. Worrying about assassination because of your
breaking of the JFK case.

Here's a hint, Ralph. Everyone's too busy laughing at you to worry about
assassinating you. In fact, your OIC crew is some of the best stuff
going down these days bolstering Lone Nutter-dom.

So you're safe.

Oh, and, uh, Ralph. Make sure to lay off the Opioids, being as they
Induce Constipation.

Anthony Marsh

May 28, 2017, 1:53:47 PM5/28/17
No one knows what you are babbling about, because you refuse to post

Anthony Marsh

May 28, 2017, 9:43:59 PM5/28/17
Uh, maybe from Ruby calling in death threats.


May 28, 2017, 9:54:37 PM5/28/17
No, there are not plenty of indications that Bookhout was short.

Bookhout was standing on something in the hallway to be able to over a
hallway full of people, reporters and police. He wanted to see above the
crowd so he could direct Hosty to come to him so they could go into
Fritz's office to join the interrogation.

The image of an unidentified individual following Oswald's stretcher
hasn't been identified by anyone as Bookhout. The picture of someone
talking to Oswald (your description)doesn't show the man's face and hasn't
been identified by anyone as Bookhout.

Those images confirm nothing.

So, again I ask, what evidence do you have that Bookhout was 5' 6"?


May 29, 2017, 7:28:36 PM5/29/17
On Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 7:03:11 PM UTC-7, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> There are plenty of indications that James Bookhout was short: the image of him following Oswald's stretcher as it left the jail office;

So, let me get the straight. You're claiming James Bookhout, dressed like
Jack Ruby, leapt out from the group of reporters in the city hall basement
and shot Oswald. Then after having been mobbed and subdued by the Dallas
Police, and taken away, he then re-appeared a few minutes later and
escorted Oswald's stretcher onto the ambulance in front of the same group
of reporters and policeman that had just watched him shoot Oswald? That
has to be one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever come across. If
you don't see how silly this all is, there's no hope you'll ever get it.

Ralph Cinque

May 29, 2017, 7:30:08 PM5/29/17
I was referred to this video precisely because it shows an image of James

It was not a personal communication to me. It was posted on Education
Forum, and I wish I could remember who the poster was. Also, I have looked
to find the page again but can't find it. But, perhaps it's still up. "If
you want to see an image of James Bookhout, go here:" That's what it said.

That guy who Oswald spoke to in the hall was James Bookhout. The guy
following Oswald's stretcher at the PD was James Bookhout. And they are
obviously the same man. And he was a short man.

And no, you're wrong. You're not only wrong; you are ridiculous. It is
ridiculous to think there is anything ordinary about Bookhout getting a
pedestal to stand on in order to find Hosty in the hall. He only did that
because he, Bookhout, was short.

At this point, the burden of proof is on you and others to prove that
Bookhout was tall, by providing a photo. No photo of a man who lived 88
years???? Pluck that.


May 30, 2017, 3:06:05 PM5/30/17
Bookhout is not identified in that video.

And that video proves that it was impossible for anyone to see from one
end of the hall to the other.

In addition, after Oswald's interview on Friday afternoon, he was taken to
a line-up. Bookhout observed the line-up but had no other contact with him
afterwards. He didn't see him again until the next morning. So how do you
account for him talking to Oswald at 6:34 pm?

I don't need to prove Bookhout was tall. His co-worker said he was no less
that 6 feet tall.

You are the one with the burden of proof to show that Bookhout was only 5'

Anthony Marsh

May 30, 2017, 3:10:48 PM5/30/17
No. It's YOUR theory, so YOU have to prove it. Don't be a Harris.

Anthony Marsh

May 30, 2017, 3:11:18 PM5/30/17
You're not trying hard enough. Can't you make up a more ridiculous straw
man than that? First time on the InterNet? You could add that it was just
an Oswald double and the whole thing was staged on a Hollywood set, like
the moon landings as some kooks claim.

Jason Burke

May 30, 2017, 6:31:51 PM5/30/17
And that one's probably not even in the top half-dozen of Ralph's
outlandish fantasies.

It is fun to have him around!

Ralph Cinque

May 30, 2017, 6:33:34 PM5/30/17

Sparta, you have the essentials right, but no, it is not ridiculous. It is
what happened. We never see the Shooter's face in the garage. And the cops
were in on it, so they certainly were never going to say anything. And the
reporters were carefully selected because they were team players, totally
supportive of whatever the government said.

So, to repeat the good parts of what you said, James Bookhout, dressed
like Jack Ruby, did lean out from the line of cops and reporters in the
City Hall basement and shoot Oswald. I should add, however, that it was
just a blank and that Oswald was shot for real afterwards. So, it was all
a ruse. It was a made-for-television spectacle. Then, Bookhout was mobbed
by police, who under normal circumstances would certainly have handcuffed
him in the garage. But, they didn't. Instead, they herded him out of the
garage and into the jail office like a herd of penguins. It's the one and
only time in police history that such a thing was done. And once inside
they swifted him away but not before taking a picture of him with
Detectives Boyd, Sims, and Hall, which we have, and it is definitely not
Jack Ruby.

That is NOT Jack Ruby. That image is consistent with the yearbook images
we have of James Bookhout.

And then, once released, he went down to the jail office and followed
Oswald's stretcher out, as he said he did. And he looks nervous there too.
But, the other cops were certainly not going to rat him out. They were all
on it. He'd changed his clothes, even his hat, which he wore low. And in
that circumstance, in that milieu, who was going to think he was the
Garage Shooter? THEIR MINDS WOULDN'T EVEN GO THERE. Not for one second
were they even going to contemplate it. The whole thing was deliberately
done and photographed and filmed in such a way that Bookhout would not be
recognized; not immediately; not later; and not ever. They were wrong
about the latter, but they wren't wrong in thinking that most people (like
you) would never consider it, not in a million years, because it is
outside the limits of their cognition. And guess what, Sparta? Good news.
I'm making you famous.

Jason Burke

May 30, 2017, 8:26:19 PM5/30/17
I don't think Ruby's allowed to make long-distance calls anymore.

Jason Burke

May 31, 2017, 10:34:50 AM5/31/17
On 5/30/17 3:33 PM, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> Sparta, you have the essentials right, but no, it is not ridiculous. It is
> what happened. We never see the Shooter's face in the garage. And the cops
> were in on it, so they certainly were never going to say anything. And the
> reporters were carefully selected because they were team players, totally
> supportive of whatever the government said.

It there *anyone* who wasn't in on it, Ralph?
Geez, Ralph, you've got more conspirators than Chris.

> So, to repeat the good parts of what you said, James Bookhout, dressed
> like Jack Ruby, did lean out from the line of cops and reporters in the
> City Hall basement and shoot Oswald. I should add, however, that it was
> just a blank and that Oswald was shot for real afterwards. So, it was all
> a ruse. It was a made-for-television spectacle. Then, Bookhout was mobbed
> by police, who under normal circumstances would certainly have handcuffed
> him in the garage. But, they didn't. Instead, they herded him out of the
> garage and into the jail office like a herd of penguins.

Do you *ever* wonder why no one takes your crap seriously, Ralph?

> It's the one and
> only time in police history that such a thing was done. And once inside
> they swifted him away but not before taking a picture of him with
> Detectives Boyd, Sims, and Hall, which we have, and it is definitely not
> Jack Ruby.

Too bad you never gave Evan Hunter advice on police procedure, Ralph.
Hell, he'd still be alive today, laughing too hard to stop breathing.

> That is NOT Jack Ruby. That image is consistent with the yearbook images
> we have of James Bookhout.

Except for that height thang, huh, Ralph? Damn, I wish I paid more
attention in that photogrammetry class.

Oh! I know, Ralph! The images are consistent 'cause they both be white
males. Is that is, Ralph?

> And then, once released, he went down to the jail office and followed
> Oswald's stretcher out, as he said he did. And he looks nervous there too.
> But, the other cops were certainly not going to rat him out. They were all
> on it. He'd changed his clothes, even his hat, which he wore low. And in
> that circumstance, in that milieu, who was going to think he was the
> Garage Shooter? THEIR MINDS WOULDN'T EVEN GO THERE. Not for one second
> were they even going to contemplate it. The whole thing was deliberately
> done and photographed and filmed in such a way that Bookhout would not be
> recognized; not immediately; not later; and not ever. They were wrong
> about the latter, but they wren't wrong in thinking that most people (like
> you) would never consider it, not in a million years, because it is
> outside the limits of their cognition. And guess what, Sparta? Good news.
> I'm making you famous.

Ralph's above manifesto is perhaps the stupidest thing I've ever seen
here. And that's saying something.

Jason Burke

May 31, 2017, 10:35:00 AM5/31/17
Ralph don't need no steenkin' proof.

Ralph Cinque

May 31, 2017, 10:43:13 AM5/31/17
Ruby never called in any death threats. That's just another Marshy muck.


May 31, 2017, 3:50:10 PM5/31/17
So, in your theory, Bookhout is posing as Ruby, and is standing amongst
the throng of reporters, photographers, and live television cameras until
Oswald appears. How were the Dallas Police going to prevent a clear image
of Bookhout's face from being photographed or broadcasted while he was
standing there, or as he lunged towards Oswald? They must be the luckiest
ducks on the face of the Earth to have not had a clear shot of his face
being photographed or filmed. And how about Dallas Police officer Patrick
Dean, who stood there on camera, minutes after the shooting, and said that
he knew the man that shot Oswald, that he was a Dallas resident, and that
had he seen him prior to the shooting he would have removed him from the
basement area, but refused to give the man's identity. Was Dean lying? If
so, why didn't he just come out and say it was Ruby if that was how the
ruse was supposed to play out? The DPD certainly took a big chance that
none of the reporters and photographers were going to recognize Bookhout
as the same man that they just watched shoot Oswald when he came strolling
out minutes later with the stretcher. Just because the television cameras
and photographers didn't pick up a clear image of Ruby's face doesn't mean
the reporters standing right there didn't get a good look at his face. Did
the DPD spill fake blood on the floor of the jail office too? Your theory
falls completely apart once logic is introduced. But, let's not allow
logic to get in the way of a good fairytale.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 3:58:42 PM5/31/17
Think of him as fodder. He has to invent a new kook theory every month.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 9:18:56 PM5/31/17
On 5/31/2017 10:43 AM, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> Ruby never called in any death threats. That's just another Marshy muck.

The cop who received the calls said he thought it was Ruby. Now you're
going to deny that there were any calls. Or you'll deny that there were
any cops. Deny something.

Jason Burke

May 31, 2017, 11:01:43 PM5/31/17
Ya'd think he'd eventually run out of silliness.

Anthony Marsh

Jun 1, 2017, 10:28:21 AM6/1/17
Are you naive or insane? You're actually trying to figure out what his
theory is? How can you do that when it changes every hour?

Ralph Cinque

Jun 1, 2017, 1:45:44 PM6/1/17
Marsh, if a Dallas cop said he thought a threatening phone call came from
Ruby, it means absolutely nothing, considering that the Dallas PD was the
real culprit in the murder. But, why not try thinking for a change? We
have phone records of so many other calls that Ruby made, that if he made
a call to the DPD to threaten Oswald's life, it would be in his phone
records. Furthermore, if the cop thought he recognized Ruby's voice, then
why didn't he act on it at the time? The call came before the murder,
right? So, this cop received a threatening call, seemingly from Jack Ruby,
and he did nothing? Even though he thought he recognized the voice of the
person calling?

I'm going to deny two things, Marsh: I deny that Ruby shot Oswald because
he didn't. And I deny that you have any business being involved in JFK
assassination research because you have no mental capacity to do it.

Ralph Cinque

Jun 1, 2017, 8:49:27 PM6/1/17
Changes every hour? I have been the most consistent person on this board.
How long have I been saying that Oswald was standing in the doorway of the
Book Depository during the shooting? Have I ever wavered? And since I
started saying that James Bookhout of Oswald and Jack Ruby was just a
deranged patsy who believed the Dallas Police when they told him that he
did it, even though he had no memory of it, I have been steadfast about
that too.

Changes every hour, Marsh? You're a freakin' Marshian, Marsh, from the
land of Marsh.

Ace Kefford

Jun 1, 2017, 8:54:25 PM6/1/17
On Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 10:46:26 PM UTC-4, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> Some fresh images by a man I refer to as The Wizard (to protect him)
> confirm that the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald was FBI Agent James
> Bookhout. And there is not a scintilla of doubt about that.

"Fresh Analysis Confirms the GarBage Theory Involves James Bookhout."

Anthony Marsh

Jun 2, 2017, 7:52:53 AM6/2/17
Were you the guy who proved that the Zapruder film is authentic? No,
I was. I have worked with most major researchers. You haven't. You
surround yourself with clowns.

Ralph Cinque

Jun 2, 2017, 8:09:39 AM6/2/17
Kelford: Bookhout shot Oswsald. Jack Ruby was NOT in the garage at the
time. He had been there earlier and was pounced upon by police, and he
didn't know why. That's why he exclaimed: "What are you doing? I'm Jack
Ruby. You know me." Why would he said that if he had just shot a man?
Wouldn't he know why police were pouncing on him? And, according to Jim
Leavelle, "Ruby" also tried to shoot him after shooting Oswald, and that
only by the swift action of LC Graves was Leavelle still alive. So, Ruby
didn't know that Dallas Police frowned upon being shot at? During the
spectacle with Bookhout, Ruby was already in custody and was being
processed up on the 5th floor. When his incident occurred, how long before
the televised spectacle, we don't know. But, there is a basis to say one
hour because when asked what time he left the WU office, Ruby said 10:15.
A SS agent corrected him, but still, that is what he said. And then when
they brought the real Ruby down from the 5th floor to mill about when
Oswald was lying on the ground (if he was; we don't know for sure; how can
we?) they made the mistake of showing Ruby handcuffed in just his shirt.
What about his jacket? It was supposed to be immediately after the Charge
in the Garage, so wouldn't his jacket be on? Ruby had been upstairs for a
while, and that's when his jacket came off. They forgot to put it back on
him when they brought him down for his photo op.

The truth is spreading. Jack Ruby, like Lee Harvey Oswald, was innocent.


Jun 2, 2017, 8:18:10 PM6/2/17
Keep patting yourself on the back, Anthony. As for the rest of us, we
always have a good laugh at your expense.


Jun 3, 2017, 6:21:12 PM6/3/17
Excuse me Marsh, but could you refresh all of our memories as to when you
actually inspected and viewed the original Zapruder film?

Anthony Marsh

Jun 4, 2017, 9:34:33 AM6/4/17
You dpn't need any excuse. You're clowns.


Jun 4, 2017, 9:26:01 PM6/4/17
Oh, we dpn't? Whu wohld aniwon niid a escuse ti lalgh at yoi?

Anthony Marsh

Jun 5, 2017, 10:06:27 AM6/5/17
Roland Zavada did. Tell us the exact date and time of day that he did.
Rollie said my essay is correct.

Ace Kefford

Jun 6, 2017, 8:29:14 PM6/6/17
On Friday, June 2, 2017 at 7:52:53 AM UTC-4, Anthony Marsh wrote:
But, as they say, you can't have a circus without the clowns.

Anthony Marsh

Jun 7, 2017, 5:32:47 PM6/7/17
But you can have a Nuthouse.


Jun 8, 2017, 8:45:26 PM6/8/17
That's what I thought. You've never seen the thing you say is authentic.

Anthony Marsh

Jun 9, 2017, 4:07:21 PM6/9/17
You didn't read my essay or Zavada's. I don't care about the filmstock,
although the edge info is consistent with that year. It is the mechanics
of the exposures which proves that it is authentic.


Jun 10, 2017, 8:47:53 AM6/10/17
If that's the case, then why does the image between sprocket holes
disappear partially on frame z349 and z350?

Anthony Marsh

Jun 11, 2017, 9:15:36 AM6/11/17
It doesn't disappear. it is sometimes harder to see or easier to see
depending on the lightness or darkness of the background.

Just above the shadow of the person in the main part of the frame you
can see a double shadow of the motorcycle.

You can see the double exaposure in the lower sprocket hole area and it
matches the upper exposures from the other frame.
The upper spocket hole area was blacked out by MPI, not on the original


Jun 11, 2017, 7:28:58 PM6/11/17
What proof do you have that MPI blacked out a portion of the frame?

Secondly, it only took you 8 posts to turn the spotlight on what you've
supposedly done on a totally different subject.

Is that a record for railroading a thread?

Anthony Marsh

Jun 12, 2017, 12:50:06 PM6/12/17

> Secondly, it only took you 8 posts to turn the spotlight on what you've
> supposedly done on a totally different subject.


Ralph Cinque

Jun 12, 2017, 12:51:00 PM6/12/17
This is my thread, and I do not appreciate other people hijacking it.
Start your own! Nothing is stopping you.

The topic of this thread is fresh images of James Bookhout, and it so
happens a new one surfaced just 2 days ago. It is from the Jim Davidson
footage of Oswald being wheeled out on his stretcher. You see a short man
with a round head wearing a Fedora hat; that is Bookhout. He stays far
back, and he turns around and goes back inside the jail office before the
ambulance leaves. Now, why would he do that? It's because he was James
Bookhout, that's why, and he didn't want to take a chance on being
recognized as the Garage Shooter. You can see the image here:

Jason Burke

Jun 12, 2017, 9:34:55 PM6/12/17
But, Ralph. Everything you know about Bookhout's height has shown him to
be over six feet, Ralph.

Kinda punches a hole in your crap, don't it, Ralph?

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