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Judyth at Facebook + a new witness??

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Dave Reitzes

May 16, 2010, 6:47:23 PM5/16/10

"Who do you think assassinated JFK?"

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Judyth Baker

Talk about sophisticated control, let me tell you what happened to this
writer two days ago. I'm Judyth Vary Baker (see and
also, Ed Haslam's Dr. Mary's Monkey) friend, Allan mattsson, became a
minor editor on Wikipedia (150 articles or so) and eventially, after
meeting me, entered LHO's biography and made some minor, important edits
to the Wikipedia 'official version' screed there. Specifically, added that
Lee Oswald got his GED while in the Marines (with reference), that some
people considered him not only a violent and moody child but ADDED that
some others considered him quiet and thoughtful (with reference). The
third addition he made (all of this in good English--he's Swedish, so
asked my help for grammar, etc)---was the ARRB, its hearings, new evidence
and new witnesses, that have caused much controversy and interest. All
three changes were erased in ONE day, and he was told "mainstream believes
Oswald alone shot Kennedy" and that all cnspiracy ideas are ;fringe' and
'do not belong in Wikipedia." as if the GED is 'conspiracy' info! Then
Allan found out that Wikipedia editor "shutterbun2" went to (The Men Who
Killed Kennedy)--TMWKK Judyth Baker The LOVE AFFAIR --the documentary
banned by the History Channel along with The Gulty Men and The Smoking
Guns --episodes 7,8,9 on YOUTUBE and posted there that I, Baker, have no
eidence or witnesses even though this same editor DELETED same form my
Wikipedia biography. Next, because Allan and i were friends, suddenly my
Wikipedia biography was slated for deletion. They deleted it (it had been
uop about 6 years) along withb all evidence files, day befor eyesterday,
then wrote nasty cmments on the YOUTUBE docmentary on segment 4...God
knows what else they have done. The Wikipedia editors involved called
themselves "Fences & Windows" and Shutterbun2, but an administrator had
the final decision (name of Gamaliel, who recommended McAdams, that same
Paul Nolan who runs a huge disinfo website against LHO and also against
me)...folks, do not trust Wikipedia's biographies. Their editors support
ONLY The OPfficial Version. They said they were thinking of removing
Judith Exner, Chauncy Holt, George deMohrenschildt, Guy banister, David
ferrie, Mary Sherman, etc. because they are 'fringe' ---and would let
Mcadams decide what to do about where to put (hide) my name. "Conspiracy
theories" was suggested. these people saw living witnesses tapes (Anna
Lewis, Edward Haslam), saw dr. Mary's Monkey, saw my book coming out (Me &
lee) in No=vember, saw History Channel documentary The love Affair--then
said there was no evidence. Even said at first I did not exist, then said
I was dead, then said I was a hoax (as protests were entered by readers).
In the end, they decided I sinply didn;t deserve space on Wikipedia and
delted my biography. After that, they deleted me from the list of American
artists, American writers, and American poets -- because i didn't have a
biography. However, "babushka lady" will be retained... thank you for
caring about the reputation of Lee Oswald. Yes, I knew Lee. i consider
each of you a friend, and thank you for your good sense and decency.
Judyth Vary Baker, witness. p.s. sorry about problems..I'm
66 and live in exile due t threats...not fun)

July 5, 2009 at 8:48pm

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Judyth Baker

So, who do I think assassnated Kennedy? Top guns in government all had
good reasons to look the other way despite what they knew, and to help
comply, the SS did their paet--along with cover-up necessary later because
Lee was working for various agencies in various capacities -- each wuld be
embarrassedif that were known-- so better to disown him. lee even had a
working relationship with Customs (I located one family whose patriarch
had worked with Lee to help get his passport punched through in only 24
hrs, in N. O. before it would get really noticed...along with a handful of
others...tthey even pyut a news story in the paper to cover the haste,
saying passports were going to be processed more quickly. The meticulous
attention to detail is incredible but true, and this same attention to
detail meant overkill when it came to planting evidence, or giving Lee's
old address too hastily, revealig the source of info, that first hour in
Dallas after JFK was slain...lee was framed, set up...sadly, he knew for
months that he was in anger. A brave man, who matured before my eyes in
every way. Thank you, thank you, for your help in spreading the truth. JVB

July 5, 2009 at 8:59pm

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Tara Wales

Lee Harvey Oswald saved my life when I was 4 years old in Saugus,
Massachusetts. He was at the home of Aldrich Ames with a assasin CIA guy
that worked for Ames. The assasin pulled a handgun on me and Lee Harvey
Oswald jumped him from behind and knocked him out to the ground. Then Lee
went through his pocket, pulled out his wallet and started walking towards
me. I was trying to move my legs to run away and Lee called to me to stop
he wanted to show me something. He had to beg me to trust him. He walked
up to me and opened the wallet and pulled photo out of me that had been
taken at my 2nd Birthday. I happened to be wearing the same dress because
it was getting too small for me and I would not be able to wear it anymore
if I grew anymore. Lee told me the guys name and that he was an assasin
for the CIA. I asked Lee how the guy got a photo of me and he said he
didn't know but that I should not ever wear that dress again, or go near
Aldrich Ames or his house or the guy that pulled the gun on me. He told me
the assasin's name, but I can't remember it right now- I do know that he
was alledged to have been killed by Interpol in the 1980's, If I saw or
heard his name I would remember it. I had an Inheritance in Hazelton
Labratories, but there is much more to it than that. I dispise my uncles
and most of my cousins, they are murderers, liars and thieves. I am sooo
sorry to Lee's sister mostly and Judyth for waiting so long but my uncles
did not let me do my written homework in school (my dad's brother taught
me to read at 2yrs old, the rest of the family didn't know that, then I
taught myself to write!) and then when I joined the Army at 19 years old
they threatened my baby sister and had me gang-raped by cousins. Hazelton
Labratories is infamous in 'Green' circles for nuclear research, they were
involved in the Manhattan Project, they built most of the nuclear power
plants in the USA, along with Spencer Baychem International and Citi Bank.
Judyth has testified they are not nice people-that would be an
understatement. I lost 3 babies to cousins of mine because I would not do
as I was told after they were born. I wanted to wait before trying to
complain much and hopefully get investigations started because the family
can be tied together through DNA. The family is what people refer to as
the 'Shadow Government'. They had always bragged that 'Red Tape Paperwork'
disappears, but I knew that friends of Linus Pauling were working on the
Genome Project and so far DNA does not disappear! I had access to
scientists who were doing research in my pre-school years because of the
family. There was a Hazelton Labratory 1/8th of a mile down the street
from where I lived, and I was there quite often so people there knew me
through my uncles. There was a problem therre when I was 4years old some
of the chemical barrels that were stored there had been opened and dumped
into Lily Pond beside the Lab. I gave my uncles a chance and felt
responsible because it was partly my inheritance, to clean the mess. When
they didn't clean up the mess and Pinkerton Security wouldn't do anything
about it, I asked some guys I knew in the neighborhood from the Army Corps
of Engineers to do something. They lived in the neighborhood and had
artesian wells (as did I) and when I explained that the chemical could get
into the underground water and into their wells they took action. In 1977
my family threatened my son, so I reported them again to the Army Corps of
Engineers for a toxic waste dump in Nashua, N.H. My uncle William P.
Rogers (Former Secretary of State) had my mom living in his trailer park
near the toxic waste dump with an artisian well. My mom died in 1984 at
the age of 55 years of Cancer. They are really bad people. I'm sorry I had
to wait to tell. And I thank all those who hung in for so many years, I
hope I can help.

April 27 at 2:42am

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j leyden

May 19, 2010, 5:32:59 PM5/19/10
On May 16, 6:47 pm, Dave Reitzes <> wrote:
> "Who do you think assassinated JFK?"
> <QUOTE ON>---------------------------------------------
> Judyth Baker
> Talk about sophisticated control, let me tell you what happened to this
> writer two days ago. I'm Judyth Vary Baker (see and
> also, Ed Haslam's Dr. Mary's Monkey) friend, Allan mattsson, became a
> minor editor on Wikipedia (150 articles or so) and eventially, after
> meeting me, entered LHO's biography and made some minor, important edits
> to the Wikipedia 'official version' screed there....

Judyth's comments on editing are interesting because you may recall she
edited material she posted on her high school website prior to a class
reunion to make herself sound a tad less nutty. For example, she deleted
the statement that she was a CIA "asset" while still in high school.
Also deleted was her comment that she failed to win the science prize
among graduating seniors because, well, she was a self- described "Whiz
Kid" and that hardly enhanced her reputation. The entire thing is on
McAdam's website.


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