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Three Tramps: Charles Harreson, Charles Rogers & Chauncey Holt

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Jack Anderson

Nov 14, 2005, 10:30:58 AM11/14/05
Forensic photo analysis conclusively shows that the "Three Tramps" were
Charles Harrelson, Charles Rogers & Chauncey Holt

not convinced???

Three Men Confessed!!!!

Chauncey Holt confessed: He said he drove Charles Nicoletti into Dallas the
morning of the assasination (James Files claims to have been handpicked by
Nicoletti to drive for him).

Tosh Plumlee confessed: He flew John Roselli into Dallas the morning of the
assasination, he further states Roselli was part of the Abort team.

James Files confessed: How does a person create a story that has
implausibilities? I have not seen his interview, i've only studied all of
the information on the internet. The guards at the prison he is located in
have stated that he has never had a single JFK book in his cell. The
government has gone through trouble to make all of his records disappear,
his birth certificate was finally located and said "Deceased at Birth".

If you have seen the interview but have not read the final report, please do
so here.

Here is a summary of what the researchers have learned:

NOTE: A researcher on this case was contacted by the Secret Service, and
they said Bill Clinton and his staff labeled James Files a "THREAT TO
NATIONAL SECURITY"!!! Files also states that the reason for the government
trying to kill him is becaus he is one of the few people that know about the
BUSH-MENA-CLINTON drug smuggling operations. TO THIS DAY THE CIA IS THE

1. A Texas FBI agent, Zach Shelton received a tip that a there was a man in
prison by the name of James Earl Files, who is believed to have knowledge of
the JFK assassination.
2. Zach Shelton was a former Chicago Organized Crime Strike Force member,
and that James Files was the driver/bodyguard of Chicago Mafia hitman
Charles Nicoletti. Shelton also suspected for many years that the Chicago
Mafia had part in the assassination.
3. Zach Shelton's superiors threatened him with the loss of his job and
government pension if his name was ever brought up in connection with the
JFK assassination. Charles Carver of Beaumont, Texas State Judge also
verified this after speaking with Agent Shelton directly.
4. There are letters from Files to his aunt that he wrote while in Vietnam
saying, "The government has turned me into a killing machine".
5. Files claims he was recruited out of the military by David Atlee
Phillips. He was File's CIA controller as well as Lee Harvey Oswalds
controller as well as stated by Files.
6. Robert "Tosh" Plumlee recalled a "young hitter from Chicago" who got into
trouble in Mexico and was bailed out by Frank Sturgis of the CIA.
(someone posted on this newsgroup that Frank Sturgis was never an agent,
employee, or contractor of the CIA.)
7. Incarcerated Mafia assassin Lenny Patrick has testified that James E
Files was associated with the Chicago Mafia and Charles Nicoletti.
8. Two of File's Chicago friends recall Files and Nicoletti as being very
close and are willing to grant television interviews. They and File's aunt
recall being introduced to Charles Nicoletti before.
9. In 1995 Micahel Cain, brother of notorious Chicago ganster/informant
Richard Cain, contacted active Mafia members who verified Files as being
"Nicoletti's boy".
10. Files claims he was an assualt weapons trainer for anti-cuban forces for
the Bay of Pigs in 1961.
11. He also claims he was an associate of David Atlee Phillips, Antonio
Veciana, Gerry Patrick Hemming, and Frank Sturgis.
12. File correctly identified Robert Tosh Plumlee by his CIA codename,
William R. Pearson.
13. Plumlee also recalls a young Alabama boy "dropped off" Charles Nicoletti
for a CIA/Mafia flight that Plumlee was piloting prior to 1963.
14. A man and son dug around the picket fence and found a .222 caliber shell
casing, which was dented. This was 7 years before James Files's first
involuntary confession. Files claims he fired the fatal headshot, and then
bit the shell casing because he liked the taste of gunpowder.
15. Files claims that SIX mercury load rounds were prepared for the 1963
trip by a man nicknamed "Wolfman".
WOLFMAN died about one week after his visit with Files and also before he
could be interviewed. CAUSE OF DEATH, UNKNOWN
16. Charles Nicoletti was scheduled to testify before the House Committee on
Nicoletti was murdered before then. Files's claims he was kidnapped shortly
after Nicoletti's death by government related people.
17. The kidnappers demanded a package Nicoletti gave Files. The package
contained a map of the motorcade and several SECRET SERVICE BADGES.
18. Files also claims to have taken John Roselli to a pancake house where
Roselli met Jack Ruby. Ruby gave him an envelope that contained a map of
the motorcade and several SECRET SERVICE BADGES.
CIA AND MAFIA in the assassination
20. Malcolm Summers, a witness to the murder of JFK, in interviews
identified James Files as the man he say on the grassy knoll.
21. CIA disinformation specialist John McAdams has since tried to debunk the
confession of James Files.
22. Joe West, the man who first interviews Files, DIED UNDER UNUSAL
CIRCUMSTANCES after going into a coma.

Please give me any evidence that contradicts this story that has

Nov 14, 2005, 8:04:13 PM11/14/05
I think Files confessed as well.


Gerry Simone (W)

Nov 14, 2005, 10:57:48 PM11/14/05
The LaFontaines wrote a book about LHO called Oswald Talked.

They uncovered info on the 3 tramps which seems plausible. It's been
posted here and on McAdam's site.

They are not associates of John McAdams, just investigative journalists.

Also, you might call them Conspiracy Theorists based on their
pro-conspiracy book.

So who do we believe?

Which info is correct?

I can tell you that Charles Harrelson denied that that was him on The Men
Who Killed Kennedy tv special, even though he said the resemblance was

Maybe C.H. is lying but I think he's in jail forever for murdering a
judge. Would he still care to tell the truth? Why would he care? Then
again, why would he admit it? How would he benefit from it unless given
freedom? Why would the government care? Don't think we can know for sure.

"Jack Anderson" <> wrote in message

Message has been deleted

Martin Shackelford

Nov 16, 2005, 12:32:42 PM11/16/05
Not at all true.
The three tramps were Harold Doyle, John Forrester Gedney, and Gus
Abrams. The two still living identified themselves after their arrest
reports were released, and the families of all three confirmed the
identifications from the November 22 photos.
Charles Harrelson "confessed" to prevent being gunned down by police,
and later recanted the confession.
Chauncey Holt was a con artist scamming off the assassination, as others
have. I listened to his presentation in Dallas--not convincing.
James Files ditto. He said he saw Ruby while he was on the knoll, but
the films and photos clearly show that Ruby wasn't where Files put
him--Files has since changed his story. He lied, and is still lying.
The fact that both Holt and Files claim to have driven Nicoletti should
tell you something.
Also, Files was never "a young hitter," but was a DRIVER. No one
questions that he drove for Nicoletti--he just made up the Dallas story.
Charles Rogers was a murderer, but not involved in the JFK assassination.
You are simply repeating what is posted on Wim Dankbaar's website. Wim
is the primary promoter of the Files story, and is selling a book and
DVD. Most of it is either statements by Files, or evidence that he was a
Chicago Mob guy, which no one questions.
As for McAdams, he attacks EVERY conspiracy theory, so that means little.
Lastly, I've seen nothing that suggests Joe West died under "unsual
circumstances." I've seen this phrase loosely used too often--as it was,
in error, in the death of railroad dispatcher Lee Bowers. Partial cites
are a constant nuisance in this research, and lead to a lot of confusion
and considerable misinformation being circulated.


russ burr

Nov 16, 2005, 12:43:16 PM11/16/05
chuck schuyler wrote:
> Unfortunately, Jack, there isn't anyone ANYWHERE that could provide you
> any information that would change your mind regarding a conspiracy in the
> death of JFK. I'm sure you believe in many of the other popular conspiracy
> theories out there as well that purport to explain other tragic events and
> murders.
> PSSST!!! I hear the CIA has installed a new type of spyware-at this
> site-and is currently monitoring posts like yours because, you, Jack, are
> on to *us*...(and *we* are not going to stand for it!!!)
> Be very, very, careful!!!
> PS. LHO, acting alone, fired three bullets at JFK on 11-22-63. He killed
> the president, and wounded Connally. LHO then killed Tippit. No CIA, Mob,
> Cuban connections. No grassy knoll gunmen. No altered Z-film footage. As
> Lee's brother Robert has put it, it was a "happenstance" of history.
> PPS. The tramps were postively ID'ed in the late 1980's early 1990's. You
> are about sixteen years behind the times.

And they weren't the guys mentioned in the subject header. They're just
your garden variety tramps. And Oswald was the only shooter as Chuck has
said in this post and others.

> What's your latest on Umbrella Man? Was he simply a signalman or did he
> fire a poison dart?

Nov 17, 2005, 10:45:34 PM11/17/05
That's the most irresponsible statement I've ever heard in my life.

voice from the past

Backstreet Aftermath

Nov 24, 2005, 12:12:14 AM11/24/05

Feb 5, 2019, 10:39:19 PM2/5/19
Texas have the death penalty?No statute of limitation for
murder;especially a sitting president. Hitmen start off carrying guns due
to cowardice and fear of being hurt.shoot someone and people assume its
what you do.taking money to shoot someone who has no idea doesnt make you
hard ,(the saying is, money for jam)but gives a false front that others
wont question from fear of looking down a barrel


Feb 6, 2019, 10:57:06 PM2/6/19
Anybody convicted of murdering JFK now would not be subject to the death
penalty. In 1963, the assassination was a state crime. Since then the
Supreme Court struck down all existing death penalty statutes. Current
death penalty laws could not be made retroactive to 1963.

Of course that is all academic since there is no credible evidence anybody
except Oswald was involved and it is extremely doubtful at this late date
any ever will be.

May 30, 2020, 7:04:26 AM5/30/20
Amazing how naive and ignorant some people can think your
government are the good guys...

Steven M. Galbraith

May 31, 2020, 12:41:38 AM5/31/20
On Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 7:04:26 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Amazing how naive and ignorant some people can think your
> government are the good guys...

No, we just don't think that fifty years ago all of these people in
government - along with ordinary people like waitresses and steam fitters
and cab drivers and bus drivers and car salesmen - got together and killed
the president. Then framed an innocent person. Then covered that up. Again
and again and again. Even today it's supposedly being covered up? Why? For
what purpose?

Government is mostly people with power. Some are good, some are bad, some
in between. As James Madison said, "Men are not angels."

We understand that. But we find it simply impossible that they all
conspired to killed JFK. And then all of them kept quiet for the next half

Then over the next fifty years Republicans and Democrat presidents and
congressmen and others in government, in the CIA and FBI and Pentagon and
elsewhere, covered that up. For crissake, Republicans and Democrats can't
be in the same room with one another without literally fighting each
other. But you think Republicans covered up for LBJ in this? Really? Why
would they do that? For what benefit?

Look, you have some grievance with "the government." And you use the
assassination to express that grievance. Against "them" and "they" and
these people that you think have made the country lousy.

Fine, go ahead. Nobody's stopping you. Not even the bad government.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2020, 3:55:41 PM5/31/20
On 5/31/2020 12:41 AM, Steven M. Galbraith wrote:
> On Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 7:04:26 AM UTC-4, wrote:
>> Amazing how naive and ignorant some people can think your
>> government are the good guys...
> No, we just don't think that fifty years ago all of these people in
> government - along with ordinary people like waitresses and steam fitters
> and cab drivers and bus drivers and car salesmen - got together and killed
> the president. Then framed an innocent person. Then covered that up. Again
> and again and again. Even today it's supposedly being covered up? Why? For
> what purpose?
> Government is mostly people with power. Some are good, some are bad,
> some

You call them people. Some are barely people.

> in between. As James Madison said, "Men are not angels."
> We understand that. But we find it simply impossible that they all

No one said ALL. Stop making up crap. Reductio ad absurdum.

> conspired to killed JFK. And then all of them kept quiet for the next
> half century.

All keeping quiet is easy when they are ordered to cover up.

> Then over the next fifty years Republicans and Democrat presidents and
> congressmen and others in government, in the CIA and FBI and Pentagon
> and elsewhere, covered that up. For crissake, Republicans and Democrats
> can't be in the same room with one another without literally fighting
> each other. But you think Republicans covered up for LBJ in this?
> Really? Why would they do that? For what benefit?

Then why didn't you know about MK/ULTRA at the time? Where are the
documents? Helms destroyed them.

> Look, you have some grievance with "the government." And you use the

Which government?
The current government? I had no problem with the Obama government.
Maybe YOU did.

> assassination to express that grievance. Against "them" and "they" and
> these people that you think have made the country lousy.

Them, they, all? Why did you exclude yourself?

> Fine, go ahead. Nobody's stopping you. Not even the bad government.

Yes, someone is stopping me. McAdams. Every day.
Yet you get to post whatever nonsense you want.


May 31, 2020, 9:07:45 PM5/31/20
I always find it amusing when somebody resurrects one of those ancient
threads. I heard a term in another discussion group which refers to these
as zombie threads. I think the term is quite appropriate. I am the
reminded of the time I came across a newsgroup of some interest to me and
I typed out a lengthy and what I thought was a well thought out reply and
posted it. After doing so I saw I was the first person to post to that
newsgroup in seven years. I was speaking to a Usenet ghost town.

Steven M. Galbraith

Jun 1, 2020, 12:25:26 PM6/1/20
On Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 3:55:41 PM UTC-4, Anthony Marsh wrote:
You believe "millions" were involved in some way. In killing JFK or the
coverup. "Millions".

Don't give me this "reductio ad absurdum" response when it's you that says
"millions" of people have been involved.

Either withdraw the millions claim or it'll be used every time you claim
about conspiracy claims being exaggerrated.

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