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Occupy movement targeting Dealey Plaza for 11-22-13

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Mar 27, 2012, 10:21:53 AM3/27/12

"Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.

"From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
defiance. And it could happen here.

"I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world


Mar 27, 2012, 11:24:12 AM3/27/12
Seems appropriate. After all, it was the site of the 99%'s revenge on the

Hank Sienzant (AKA Joe Zircon)

Mar 27, 2012, 11:26:11 AM3/27/12
On Mar 27, 10:21 am, burgundy <> wrote:
> "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> defiance. And it could happen here.
> "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> attention."

So those of us who show up as part of the movement to honor Kennedy's
memory get counted as part of the Occupy movement?

Neat trick to expand your base.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 27, 2012, 3:14:14 PM3/27/12
I'll hand out the Who Killed Kennedy buttons.


Mar 27, 2012, 3:22:17 PM3/27/12
> "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> defiance. And it could happen here.
> "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> attention."

And celebrate the killing of a wealthy capitalist who`s family
ruthlessly amassed a fortune?

Mar 27, 2012, 5:54:32 PM3/27/12
On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:24:12 AM UTC-5, slats wrote:
> Seems appropriate. After all, it was the site of the 99%'s revenge on the
> 1%.

JFK was certainly a one percenter.

But Oswald didn't represent the 99%.


Mar 27, 2012, 8:50:21 PM3/27/12
to wrote in
Oh, I dunno. Oswald was a criminal and OWS has devolved into a full-blown
crime spree. Even Oswald's old comrades have embraced OWS fully.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 27, 2012, 8:51:26 PM3/27/12
Your over the top Kennedy hating rhetoric is inaccurate. Not the whole
family, just the father.


Mar 27, 2012, 10:27:33 PM3/27/12
> "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> defiance. And it could happen here.
> "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> attention."

If they want to occupy Dealey Plaza, they can have it. What can happen
when two excercises in futility, Occupy Wall Street and JFK conspiracy
theorists, come together? It is a foregone conclusion they won't come up
with any evidence that indicates anybody but Oswald took part in the
crime. Maybe we can be treated to one of the occupiers taking a crap on
the "X" on Elm St. where JFK's brains got blown out.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 28, 2012, 11:52:44 AM3/28/12
Spoken like a true Kennedy hater.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 28, 2012, 11:52:50 AM3/28/12
Spoken like the 1%.


Mar 28, 2012, 11:49:11 PM3/28/12
I don`t hate the Kennedys, I hate the hypocrisy in the ideas
expressed above. The person the Occupy Movement wants to set up as a
martyr was one of those they rail against.

And what I said was wholly accurate.

> Not the whole
> family, just the father.

Did they disown him? Refuse his dirty money?

Lets say there is a family who`s patriarch got filthy rich in the
slave trade but the children all take the money earned in the slave
trade and go into other businesses. Is the money and the children
untainted? Do they start fresh with a clean moral bill of health?

Jason Burke

Mar 29, 2012, 1:11:23 AM3/29/12
Heck no! Because the CIA is hiding under their beds, watching their
every move.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 29, 2012, 9:49:52 AM3/29/12
It is an ethical question which has haunted most white Americans. But at
some point the children are not responsible for the sins of the father.


Mar 29, 2012, 9:50:04 AM3/29/12
> "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> defiance. And it could happen here.
> "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> attention."
If CTs and their followers want to occupy any space that might do some
good then try the White House, Washington Monument, or National
Archives. The President has some influence over that situation as does
Congress. The City of Dallas has no control over the unreleased
documents we would all like to see.


Mar 30, 2012, 1:20:09 AM3/30/12
> "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> defiance. And it could happen here.
> "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> attention."

What good would an occupy Dealey Plaza riot do? The powers that be live
in DC. Why tarnish a memorial gathering to remember a fallen President
with mob violence, destruction of property, or baiting police officers
called in for crowd control?

This memorial event should honor a fallen police officer too, as well as
other policemen who put their lives on the line to catch the killer. DPD
Smith ran directly to the back of the pergola checking all the bushes as
he went, then down the back of the fence and into the parking lot on his
own initiative. He could have easily been shot dead by someone hiding
between parked cars. Other policemen charged up the GK from the street
who would have been easy targets for a sniper behind the fence.

An even more dangerous situation with DPD Baker, who only had an unarmed
civilian with him. Baker could easily been ambushed as he climbed the
stairs. We know what happened to DPD Tippit upon meeting LHO on the
street. The policemen who entered the movie theater would have been
vulnerable until their eyes fully adjusted to the dark. LHO attempted to
use his pistol as the nearest policemen approached him.

So tell us why you think causing trouble for the City of Dallas, the DPD,
and the Museum is a cool thing to do on the anniversary of this national
tragedy? Do you really think that is what the Kennedy family wants to
happen, or would this just add to the painful memories of that terrible


Mar 30, 2012, 1:21:53 AM3/30/12
On Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:50:04 AM UTC-5, claviger wrote:

> If CTs and their followers want to occupy any space that might do some
> good then try the White House, Washington Monument, or National
> Archives. The President has some influence over that situation as does
> Congress. The City of Dallas has no control over the unreleased
> documents we would all like to see.

CT's have followers? Are they different from LN followers?

Anthony Marsh

Mar 30, 2012, 1:27:15 AM3/30/12
I guess you don't understand the concept of "Occupy." It is to camp out on
the property to be a constant reminder and hindrance. Just writing to your
Congressman or President is not "occupy."

It is impossible to "Occupy" the White House. Anyone who tries to get onto
the lawn is shot and killed. It is supposed to be public property, right?
Well, not exactly. It used to be public property and people would have
picnics on the WH lawn. But they have passed special laws to keep the
public out.

Only be invitation such as the Easter Egg Roll.

Just marching in front of the White House with protest signs is not
"Occupy." You could suggest people chain themslves to the gate as an
"Occupy" as has been done many times before, but those people are quickly

Anthony Marsh

Mar 30, 2012, 1:28:25 AM3/30/12
Hello no. Maybe the CIA is SPONSORING the protests.


Mar 30, 2012, 1:30:54 AM3/30/12
<snicker> Here I thought it was a question I asked you.

> But at
> some point the children are not responsible for the sins of the father.

Of course I didn`t ask you if the children are responsible for the
actions of their father. I asked whether they were tainted by
accepting the money that was acquired in an immoral manner.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 30, 2012, 3:21:21 PM3/30/12
Yes, some even have groupies. Sometimes we give them nicknames like

Anthony Marsh

Mar 30, 2012, 3:21:47 PM3/30/12
Wow, that's an interesting spin on events. What about all those unarmed
people who ran up to the grassy knoll? At least Smith already had his
revolver drawn.

> An even more dangerous situation with DPD Baker, who only had an unarmed
> civilian with him. Baker could easily been ambushed as he climbed the
> stairs. We know what happened to DPD Tippit upon meeting LHO on the

Baker FYI drew his revolver and had it pointed at Oswald's belly. Do you
think he couldn't pull the trigger fast enough if Oswald had reached for
a gun? MacDonald certainly could.

> street. The policemen who entered the movie theater would have been
> vulnerable until their eyes fully adjusted to the dark. LHO attempted to
> use his pistol as the nearest policemen approached him.

Yeah, except that they turned on the lights and someone pointed out
Oswald to them.

> So tell us why you think causing trouble for the City of Dallas, the DPD,
> and the Museum is a cool thing to do on the anniversary of this national
> tragedy? Do you really think that is what the Kennedy family wants to
> happen, or would this just add to the painful memories of that terrible
> day?

I just like the idea of causing trouble for the City of Hate, the
corrupt DPD and the WC defender Museum.


Anthony Marsh

Mar 30, 2012, 3:24:05 PM3/30/12
You can make all the phony moralizing arguments you want to, but I am
not impressed.


Mar 30, 2012, 3:29:41 PM3/30/12
> "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> defiance. And it could happen here.
> "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> attention."
Sounds like you believe in government by riot and mob rule.


Mar 30, 2012, 4:43:09 PM3/30/12
I`m not impressed by your inability to address the points I made.

Or you inability to support your counter argument that it was just
the father who was tainted by the immorally acquired monies the
Kennedy family all benefited from.


Mar 30, 2012, 11:39:52 PM3/30/12

It's obvious you didn't read the initial post on this thread, but in your
case that happens so often we're used to it by now. Whatever form of
protest, it makes sense to do it near the source of power. Dallas has no
power to do anything. The Federal Government has all the power to reopen
the investigation, hopefully this time with all documents now available.
A week long riot or month long occupation in Dallas will not do anything
to pressure Congress or the White House. They will simply shrug their
shoulders and business as usual. This event just becomes a local problem
not a national movement. Based on the first message you failed to read,
this occupy movement wants to interrupt planned ceremonies and generate
riots on the street if possible.

Maybe Dallas should just cancel all ceremonies and instead let TV specials
interview the Mayor and City Council. Gary Mack will be inundated with
requests for interviews and Grodey will be holding court in his office on
the plaza. The carney sideshow atmosphere might include an encore
performance of Erykah Badu stripping butt naked to entertain the
occupation troops. This crassy carnival on the grassy knoll is somehow
supposed to convince the current Administration to come clean about the
assassination of President Kennedy. Somehow I doubt President Obama will
be influenced to take action based on bad behavior in Dealey Plaza.
That's out-of-sight out- of-mind for the White House, plus Dallas County
is not going to vote for him anyway so why should he care. So take this
show on the road to DC.

This brings up the question once again. President Obama was a charismatic
young Senator who beat the odds and became President just like JFK. He
was helped tremendously by Kennedy family endorsements during the
Democratic primary and general election. As President why has he not
insisted on releasing all documents that have been withheld from the
public for almost 5 decades? By now he's got to know what really
happened. Why he is he so reluctant to share that knowledge with the
American people? Is he now part of the cover-up so many CTs believe in?
If so, why?


Mar 30, 2012, 11:40:13 PM3/30/12
On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:21:53 AM UTC-5, burgundy wrote:
> "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> defiance. And it could happen here.
> "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> attention."

I didn't write this I just posted it.


Mar 31, 2012, 2:35:08 PM3/31/12
On Mar 30, 10:40 pm, burgundy <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:21:53 AM UTC-5, burgundy wrote:
> >
> > "Things have to fall into place a certain way. The right cards must be
> > dealt. But the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas on
> > November 22, 2013, could become a hallmark event in a long tradition
> > of popular street actions stretching back to the nation's beginnings.
> > "From Occupy Wall Street to the 1968 Chicago Police Riot, from the
> > Cleveland Eviction Riots of 1933 all the way back to the Stamp Act
> > Riots of 1765: This country was born and bred on the street and in
> > defiance. And it could happen here.
> > "I had a great chat last week with Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters,
> > the international iconoclastic magazine credited with sparking Occupy
> > Wall Street. He said he saw no reason why the JFK 50th here could not
> > grow into an Occupy Dealey Plaza event to capture and galvanize world
> > attention."
> I didn't write this I just posted it.

So do you agree with the author(s) of these comments?

Anthony Marsh

Mar 31, 2012, 10:02:45 PM3/31/12
It also makes sense to do it at the scene of the crime. How did Wall
Street itself do anything to oppress the 99%? It's just a road. It has
no power to do anything, but take traffic. But it is a SYMBOL of the
ruling 1% who are stealing from the 99%.

> power to do anything. The Federal Government has all the power to reopen
> the investigation, hopefully this time with all documents now available.

No, the Federal Government had officially closed the case.
If you think all we need are documents to investigate this case you are

> A week long riot or month long occupation in Dallas will not do anything

Week long riot? Jeez, why would it take the Dallas police a whole week
to riot? These things are usually over in hours.

> to pressure Congress or the White House. They will simply shrug their
> shoulders and business as usual. This event just becomes a local problem
> not a national movement. Based on the first message you failed to read,
> this occupy movement wants to interrupt planned ceremonies and generate
> riots on the street if possible.

I think possibly to interrupt the planned ceremonies by WC defenders
intent on covering up the conspiracy.
Funny how the rioting is ALWAYS started by the police, never the protestors.

> Maybe Dallas should just cancel all ceremonies and instead let TV specials
> interview the Mayor and City Council. Gary Mack will be inundated with
> requests for interviews and Grodey will be holding court in his office on
> the plaza. The carney sideshow atmosphere might include an encore
> performance of Erykah Badu stripping butt naked to entertain the
> occupation troops. This crassy carnival on the grassy knoll is somehow
> supposed to convince the current Administration to come clean about the
> assassination of President Kennedy. Somehow I doubt President Obama will
> be influenced to take action based on bad behavior in Dealey Plaza.

Obama has no vested interest in investigating the Kennedy assassination.
He won't even investigate the assassination of Martin Luther King.

> That's out-of-sight out- of-mind for the White House, plus Dallas County
> is not going to vote for him anyway so why should he care. So take this
> show on the road to DC.

Yeah sure, just as Texas was not going to vote for JFK anyway so why
bother making a campaign trip there.

> This brings up the question once again. President Obama was a charismatic
> young Senator who beat the odds and became President just like JFK. He
> was helped tremendously by Kennedy family endorsements during the
> Democratic primary and general election. As President why has he not
> insisted on releasing all documents that have been withheld from the
> public for almost 5 decades? By now he's got to know what really

Why has his used his power as President to order the agencies to release
all their files and yet allowed the CIA to thumb their nose at the law?
As the CIA said to him, "If you want to shut us down, then go kill bin
Laden yourself."

> happened. Why he is he so reluctant to share that knowledge with the
> American people? Is he now part of the cover-up so many CTs believe in?
> If so, why?

So, you really think that Obama knows the secrets about the Kennedy
assassination? Did he read that in the Book of Secrets hidden in the
Oval Office desk?

Anthony Marsh

Mar 31, 2012, 10:05:29 PM3/31/12
Not what I said at all. I just disputed your phony argument.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 31, 2012, 10:07:49 PM3/31/12
You can't respond to the guy who wrote it simply by leaving a message
here because the original author does not subscribe to this particular
newsgroup. Try a letter to the editor.


Apr 1, 2012, 8:50:09 AM4/1/12
You haven`t said anything at all.

> I just disputed your phony argument.

You expressed displeasure with it, but you had nothing to offer
against the idea.

Anthony Marsh

Apr 1, 2012, 2:36:12 PM4/1/12
You keep trying to put words in my mouth.

>> I just disputed your phony argument.
> You expressed displeasure with it, but you had nothing to offer
> against the idea.

Against what idea? Against your idea? Of course.


Apr 1, 2012, 6:13:57 PM4/1/12
You keep saying things that don`t mean anything.

> >> I just disputed your phony argument.
> >    You expressed displeasure with it, but you had nothing to offer
> > against the idea.
> Against what idea?

The idea that the moon is made of green cheese, of course.

> Against your idea? Of course.

Ok, you are on record that you dislike my idea. The record also
shows you`ve done no harm to it.


Apr 2, 2012, 7:39:02 PM4/2/12

> > Anthony,
> > It's obvious you didn't read the initial post on this thread, but in your
> > case that happens so often we're used to it by now.  Whatever form of
> > protest, it makes sense to do it near the source of power. Dallas has no
> It also makes sense to do it at the scene of the crime. How did Wall
> Street itself do anything to oppress the 99%? It's just a road. It has
> no power to do anything, but take traffic. But it is a SYMBOL of the
> ruling 1% who are stealing from the 99%.

So therefore destroying the scene of the crime with a riot is a good idea?
All governments who tax steal from the people. The more they tax the more
they steal. At least in the stock market,citizens have a chance to make

> > power to do anything.  The Federal Government has all the power to reopen
> > the investigation, hopefully this time with all documents now available.
> No, the Federal Government had officially closed the case.
> If you think all we need are documents to investigate this case you are
> clueless.

They can officially reopen the case, then demand all remaining

> > A week long riot or month long occupation in Dallas will not do anything
> Week long riot? Jeez, why would it take the Dallas police a whole week
> to riot? These things are usually over in hours.
Ask that question of the whoever wrote the first post.

> > to pressure Congress or the White House. They will simply shrug their
> > shoulders and business as usual.  This event just becomes a local problem
> > not a national movement.  Based on the first message you failed to read,
> > this occupy movement wants to interrupt planned ceremonies and generate
> > riots on the street if possible.
> I think possibly to interrupt the planned ceremonies by WC defenders
> intent on covering up the conspiracy.

How about ceremonies to simply honor the memory of JFK?

> Funny how the rioting is ALWAYS started by the police, never the protestors.

BS. Protestors pelt rocks, smash windows, start fires, turn cars upside
down and you blame that on police! Look at the recent trouble caused by
fans when their favorite team won a basketball game. Think of what could
happen to Dealey Plaza.

> > Maybe Dallas should just cancel all ceremonies and instead let TV specials
> > interview the Mayor and City Council.  Gary Mack will be inundated with
> > requests for interviews and Grodey will be holding court in his office on
> > the plaza.  The carney sideshow atmosphere might include an encore
> > performance of Erykah Badu stripping butt naked to entertain the
> > occupation troops.  This crassy carnival on the grassy knoll is somehow
> > supposed to convince the current Administration to come clean about the
> > assassination of President Kennedy.  Somehow I doubt President Obama will
> > be influenced to take action based on bad behavior in Dealey Plaza.
> Obama has no vested interest in investigating the Kennedy assassination.
> He won't even investigate the assassination of Martin Luther King.

No vested interest? So he is now part of the cover-up. Thanks for
the clarification. By the way, there is no statue of limitations on

> > That's out-of-sight out- of-mind for the White House, plus Dallas County
> > is not going to vote for him anyway so why should he care.  So take this
> > show on the road to DC.
> Yeah sure, just as Texas was not going to vote for JFK anyway so why
> bother making a campaign trip there.

Texas voted for JFK in 1960. After the successful tour of of major Texas
cities JFK he was going to carry the state again, propbably by a larger
margin. By the way, J D Tippit and his wife voted for JFK.

> > This brings up the question once again.  President Obama was a charismatic
> > young Senator who beat the odds and became President just like JFK.  He
> > was helped tremendously by Kennedy family endorsements during the
> > Democratic primary and general election.  As President why has he not
> > insisted on releasing all documents that have been withheld from the
> > public for almost 5 decades?  By now he's got to know what really
> Why has his used his power as President to order the agencies to release
> all their files and yet allowed the CIA to thumb their nose at the law?
> As the CIA said to him, "If you want to shut us down, then go kill bin
> Laden yourself."

Cite please.

> > happened.  Why he is he so reluctant to share that knowledge with the
> > American people?  Is he now part of the cover-up so many CTs believe in?
> > If so, why?
> So, you really think that Obama knows the secrets about the Kennedy
> assassination?

Yes, and it is significant this is not a priority for his administration
to resolve this decades old national debate that has damaged the national
psyche and image of the Federal government. Did we have a coup d'etat in
1963 as Oliver Stone's version of twisted history said? That question
remains unanswered by a majority of Americans who still believe LHO did
not act alone. So no transparency on this issue.

> Did he read that in the Book of Secrets hidden in the Oval Office desk?

Possibly or he simply asked for this information as he has authority
to do as Chief Executive of the US Government.

Anthony Marsh

Apr 3, 2012, 12:17:08 PM4/3/12
On 4/2/2012 7:39 PM, claviger wrote:
>>> Anthony,
>>> It's obvious you didn't read the initial post on this thread, but in your
>>> case that happens so often we're used to it by now. Whatever form of
>>> protest, it makes sense to do it near the source of power. Dallas has no
>> It also makes sense to do it at the scene of the crime. How did Wall
>> Street itself do anything to oppress the 99%? It's just a road. It has
>> no power to do anything, but take traffic. But it is a SYMBOL of the
>> ruling 1% who are stealing from the 99%.
> So therefore destroying the scene of the crime with a riot is a good idea?

Whose going to destroy the historic landmark? The police? OK, that's their
job. What about all the tourists who desicrate the site and steal planks
from the fence or leave graffiti? I don't see you complain about that but
I have.

> All governments who tax steal from the people. The more they tax the more
> they steal. At least in the stock market,citizens have a chance to make
> money.

I am not interested in the routine government wasting tax payer dollars
so much as the rich not paying their taxes and stealing from the poor.

>>> power to do anything. The Federal Government has all the power to reopen
>>> the investigation, hopefully this time with all documents now available.
>> No, the Federal Government had officially closed the case.
>> If you think all we need are documents to investigate this case you are
>> clueless.
> They can officially reopen the case, then demand all remaining
> documents.

They have already demanded all the remaining documents and some agencies
will not comply.

>>> A week long riot or month long occupation in Dallas will not do anything
>> Week long riot? Jeez, why would it take the Dallas police a whole week
>> to riot? These things are usually over in hours.
> Ask that question of the whoever wrote the first post.
>>> to pressure Congress or the White House. They will simply shrug their
>>> shoulders and business as usual. This event just becomes a local problem
>>> not a national movement. Based on the first message you failed to read,
>>> this occupy movement wants to interrupt planned ceremonies and generate
>>> riots on the street if possible.
>> I think possibly to interrupt the planned ceremonies by WC defenders
>> intent on covering up the conspiracy.
> How about ceremonies to simply honor the memory of JFK?

They do that every year and you probably complain about that too.

>> Funny how the rioting is ALWAYS started by the police, never the protestors.
> BS. Protestors pelt rocks, smash windows, start fires, turn cars upside
> down and you blame that on police! Look at the recent trouble caused by
> fans when their favorite team won a basketball game. Think of what could
> happen to Dealey Plaza.

Not even close to being similar. Boston has a long tradition of rowdy
fans behaving badly.
And people get killed.
File an FOIA.

>>> happened. Why he is he so reluctant to share that knowledge with the
>>> American people? Is he now part of the cover-up so many CTs believe in?
>>> If so, why?
>> So, you really think that Obama knows the secrets about the Kennedy
>> assassination?
> Yes, and it is significant this is not a priority for his administration
> to resolve this decades old national debate that has damaged the national
> psyche and image of the Federal government. Did we have a coup d'etat in
> 1963 as Oliver Stone's version of twisted history said? That question
> remains unanswered by a majority of Americans who still believe LHO did
> not act alone. So no transparency on this issue.
>> Did he read that in the Book of Secrets hidden in the Oval Office desk?
> Possibly or he simply asked for this information as he has authority
> to do as Chief Executive of the US Government.

Richard Nixon asked the CIA for files and they refused.

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