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LSD held at Atsugi in the 50's

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James K. Olmstead

May 15, 2006, 4:03:16 PM5/15/06
For those interested, I try and find examples or information dealing with
mind control issues, relating to Oswald actions. Going over files I don't
believe I mentiioned this in the past to those interested. I've have no
files indicating that programs dealing with LSD were run at Atsugi,
during the period Oswald was stationed there or that Oswald was in
fact associated with such program or programs.

MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General


1. Pursuant to you request, Dr. Willis Gibbons, Chief TSS, was contacted
on the evening of 30 November 1953 concerning points herein after noted.

2. Dr. Gibbons has impounded all LSD material in CIA Headquarters in a safe
adjacent to his desk. No one else has the combination to this safe; the
material was so impounded on 29 November 1953.

3. Dr. Gibbons stated that he is stopping any LSD tests which may have been
instituted or contemplated under CIA auspices. A cable will be sent to the
field on 1 December 1953 to this effect.

4. Only two (2) field stations, Manila and Atsugi, have LSD material. There
is none in Germany although Mr. William Harvey recently expressed interest in
the subject. A cable to the field on 1 December will instruct the field as
to non-use and request data as to how much is on hand and who has custody
and access.

5. CIA has furnised a limited quantity of LSD to Mr. George White, Chief
of New York District, Narcotics Division, Treasury Department. Dr. Gibbons
does not now know the exact amount in Mr. White's possession. White is fully
cleared according to Dr. Gibbons.

6. In summary, LSD material over which CIA has or had distributive
responsibility is located in four places: (a) Dr. Gibbons' safe,
(b) Manila, (c) Atsugi, and (d) that in possession of George White.
Exact amounts in each location are not yet available.

7. There are several "grants in aid" units and individuals in the
United States doing research with LSD. None of these received material
from CIA; some know of the CIA interest and furnish reports to CIA.
Only volunteers are used. While some of the work is done with knowledge
of CIA interest, it does not appear to be done under the auspices of CIA.

8. Dr. Gibbons said there is very little or no correspondence, either
internal or external on the subject, but that he would collectg such as
existed for the Inspector General.

9. Dr. Gibbons was also asked to collect and have carried to the Inspector
General all reports on the use and effects of LSD. He thought by this
definition he wold have a drawer full of reports.

10. Dr. Gibbons was asked to prepare alist of known clinical grants in aid
units and individuals in this country engaged in LSD research. it appears
that Dr. Abramson has experimented with this drug.

11. Dr. Gibbons was not clear as to the mechanics of CIA acquision of LSD
but said he would get the answers. The material is not under Federal
U.S. Governmental control to the best of his knowledge. It is an experimental
drug, and as such, is not allowed to be sold in this country. Most LSD
obtained by CIA comes from the Eli Lily Company with head offices in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Gibbons thought some might have been obtained
from other parties but he was not certain. The Eli Lily Company apparently
makes a gift of it to CIA. Dr. Gibbons was not certain whether the company
brought it here, to a cut-out arrangement, or whether it is picked up in
Indianapolis. The manner of receipting for the material is not clear.

12. Answers to the questions asked by the Inspector General which are not
given by the above are being obtained by Dr. Gibbons and will be
furnished as soon as he is able to get them to this Staff.

Chief, Inspection and Review
Orig. & 1: addressee
1: I&R file

May 15, 2006, 7:25:34 PM5/15/06

I thought I read something about this in Groden's book that was a thin
and tall book with lots of pictures that came out in the early
nineties. Some inference in Oswald's personality change were surmized.


James K. Olmstead

May 15, 2006, 9:41:00 PM5/15/06
Not sure if this doc is in Groden's book "In Search of Lee Harvey Oswald"
or not....but I do know a few posters here who are interested in the mind
control program.


<> wrote in message


May 17, 2006, 1:05:57 PM5/17/06
Jim, this memo was issued in the wake of Frank Olson's death. Was it
issued as a result of that death, do you know?

Also, do you believe the CIA actually ceased experiments with LSD after
this? There are a few seemingly well-documented cases discussed on the
web which indicate experiments continued, at least on US soil.

What may be of greater interest than whether or not Oswald was given LSD
at Atsugi is the possible link between George White and Jack Ruby, going
back to at least a year before the time Ruby was questioned over a major
drug bust in the '40s ('47?).

White's diary has this entry:

Tues July 23 1946 Met Ruby--Interview Kehler def.
Chicago Miller say met Kehler. Pete o.k.'d R's for
$25/ week. Intv Dr [?] M. Boyer. Says Pete o.k.'d
R for Kehler and Woodin

Ruby changed his name from Rubinstein officially on Dec 30, 1947.
However, the basis for it was that he was already well known as "Ruby".


Anthony Marsh

May 18, 2006, 12:07:20 AM5/18/06
greg wrote:
> Jim, this memo was issued in the wake of Frank Olson's death. Was it
> issued as a result of that death, do you know?
> Also, do you believe the CIA actually ceased experiments with LSD after
> this? There are a few seemingly well-documented cases discussed on the
> web which indicate experiments continued, at least on US soil.

I can't go into too much detail here, but the CIA never ceased anything
it began, whether it be the drug tests or the Castro plots. Maybe some
temporary halts.

James K. Olmstead

May 18, 2006, 11:25:48 AM5/18/06

"greg" <> wrote in message

> Jim, this memo was issued in the wake of Frank Olson's death. Was it issued as a result of that death, do you know?

Greg: I believe it is part of the investigation of the death of Olson, I saved it
because of the info on Atsugi, not Olson

> Also, do you believe the CIA actually ceased experiments with LSD after this?

No....the death of Olson did not stop the CIA in this area, it might have made
the program fail under tighter controls but was not in any way stopped.

There are a few seemingly well-documented cases discussed on the
> web which indicate experiments continued, at least on US soil.

I agree, but it's not one of my primary areas of study. There are cases
in other countries as well P Rico for one.

> What may be of greater interest than whether or not Oswald was given LSD at Atsugi is the possible link between George
> White and Jack Ruby, going back to at least a year before the time Ruby was questioned over a major drug bust in the
> '40s ('47?).
> White's diary has this entry:
> Tues July 23 1946 Met Ruby--Interview Kehler def.
> Chicago Miller say met Kehler. Pete o.k.'d R's for
> $25/ week. Intv Dr [?] M. Boyer. Says Pete o.k.'d
> R for Kehler and Woodin

Is this the same George White

During one meeting held among White, who had been a New
York-based field agent for the CIA for five years and was now Security
Division Support chief, Cunningham and O'Connell, Cunningham said that,
if it was gangster-types Bissell wanted, someone should get in touch
with George Hunter White (no relation to Victor Rush White). Cunningham,
who had been an FBI agent in New York and a former owner of the Daily
American, an English-language newspaper in Rome, also remarked that in
addition to George White, Edwards should also consider contacting
White's former boss, Garland Williams.

O'Connell, who was the Security Office's Operational Support Division
chief and was called "Big Jim" by his friends, acted on Cunningham's
suggestion and informed Edwards that he was going to contact George
White. White, a former OSS counter-intelligence officer during World War
II with at least two controversial wartime assassinations under his own
belt, was a supervisor with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, precursor
to the present day DEA. White was also a covert contract employee for
the CIA. Since the early 1950s, White had managed a number of
gangster-type assets, or "special employees," for both the FBN and CIA.
At the time of Frank Olson's death, White operated a CIA-funded safe
house that was used for surreptitious LSD and other drug experiments.
That safe house was located at the corner of Barrow and Bedford Streets
in Greenwich Village, about 10 minutes away from the Statler Hotel where
Olson had died. Additionally, White in his CIA capacity also functioned
as the middleman for LSD deliveries between the CIA and several
researchers in New York City including Dr. Harold A. Abramson, a highly
noted allergist who during World War II had worked with both White and
Frank Olson. Dr. Abramson had been the "psychiatrist" that Olson was
taken to see in New York.
According to declassified CIA documents, George White told O'Connell
that his best "assets" were tied-up on other assignments at the time,
but said White, if O'Connell were looking for reliable "gangster-types"
for activities in Cuba he should contact Johnny Rosselli. White
explained that Rosselli was close to Santo Trafficante Jr., and that
Trafficante knew his way around Cuba better than any American. "Rosselli
is your port-of-entry to Trafficante," White said.

Part One: The Mysterious Death of CIA Scientist Frank Olson by H.P. Albarelli Jr.
December 14, 2002

If so, I'll look and see what other information I have on White, I do have as large OSS
file. White seems to be a good choice for a "handler" of somebody like Ruby. I still
consider Mike Malone, the handler that creates the path, that would bring Oswald and
Ruby together, but White could "take over" handling from Malone, who operated deep

The drug bust that Ruby was "asked about" (second largest in US history at the time)
would be high on White's list of activities and it would be odd if White did not at least
have contact with Ruby.


May 18, 2006, 10:33:05 PM5/18/06
Thanks Jim, same background, same middle name = same guy. There's also
info in Deep Politics about White becoming interested in the murder of
James Ragen. His interest was apparently to turn some of those involved
into assets -- and Ruby may have been an informant on the case.

Tony -- appreciate your response, as well. Thanks.

Anthony Marsh

May 18, 2006, 10:41:07 PM5/18/06
James K. Olmstead wrote:
> "greg" <> wrote in message
> news:446a967e$0$26946$
>> Jim, this memo was issued in the wake of Frank Olson's death. Was it issued as a result of that death, do you know?
> Greg: I believe it is part of the investigation of the death of Olson, I saved it
> because of the info on Atsugi, not Olson
>> Also, do you believe the CIA actually ceased experiments with LSD after this?
> No....the death of Olson did not stop the CIA in this area, it might have made
> the program fail under tighter controls but was not in any way stopped.

The CIA's drug experiments continued after the death of Olson.
Eventually most CIA scientists realized that LSD could not do exactly
what they needed it to do.

James K. Olmstead

May 19, 2006, 10:42:29 AM5/19/06
At this time I just have the basic info on White

Narcotics Bureau

Director OSS counterespionage training

During WWII and the Vessell Project, White objected to Lucky Luciano syndicate
working in Sicily.. Project set up by Assistant New York DA Murray Gurfein, who
later joined OSS.

Special Investigator for the Kefauver Committee investigation of organized crime 1951.

I have the KC report from 1951 if you need specific areas of investigation. IMO the KC
would put White in contact with the Ruby family...let me know if I can look up something
in the KC.


"greg" <> wrote in message



May 21, 2006, 12:00:27 AM5/21/06
James K. Olmstead wrote:
> At this time I just have the basic info on White
> Narcotics Bureau
> Director OSS counterespionage training
> During WWII and the Vessell Project, White objected to Lucky Luciano syndicate
> working in Sicily.. Project set up by Assistant New York DA Murray Gurfein, who
> later joined OSS.
> Special Investigator for the Kefauver Committee investigation of organized crime 1951.
> I have the KC report from 1951 if you need specific areas of investigation. IMO the KC
> would put White in contact with the Ruby family...let me know if I can look up something
> in the KC.
> jko

Appreciate it very much, Jim. My Ruby interest though is on the
backburner at the moment.

Your thread re nearly arrived CIA docs has my full attention right now.


James K. Olmstead

May 21, 2006, 11:04:55 AM5/21/06
Greg: I have at least two names in those documents that are associated with a Chemical Laboratory-LQ

CS CI-316/01254-65
REF CS-311/OO115-64

Married to "VIDALINA" see CSCI-316/00741-65

Chief of the Laboratorio Quimico (Chemical Laboratory-LQ) in
the MI Section DTOS of DGI. Worked for Cuillermo Arastaguia

Mulato.....born between 1930 and 1935.......28 to 33 years old in 1963.

Medium Build
5' 7"
150 LB

I read briefly each of the documents yesterday at least twice, nothing is blacked out so
it was really refreshing to read top secret material just released without having to guess
about what's covered up. I noticed the the doc have a MORI DOCID number, not sure
if this is a new marking system or what....but there is some files missing from the sequences
of numbers.

The docs provide the above basic info, to find events one has to return to the record's group
or the CS CI Record or CS reference. That will take time. Send me a email without blocker
in about 3 days I should have a list ready and will send it. I'm did 20 names yesterday so
about 3 days should do it.

PS......this is weird and off the wall for me.......but I was up late last night thinking that the
CIA was either doing a number on me or providing me with a key. So far, eliminating all
the "females" from the docs........just about all match the DPD shooter discription. I had to
ask myself did the CIA send me "suspects". Three names were of a major concern for
me....two Luis Perez and Jaun Perez and a guy of major interest Pena (alias "Lorenzo")
they are in my opinion valid "suspects" that were associated with Oswald.


"greg" <> wrote in message


Anthony Marsh

May 21, 2006, 12:15:57 PM5/21/06
James K. Olmstead wrote:
> Greg: I have at least two names in those documents that are associated with a Chemical Laboratory-LQ
> CS CI-316/01254-65
> REF CS-311/OO115-64
> Married to "VIDALINA" see CSCI-316/00741-65
> Chief of the Laboratorio Quimico (Chemical Laboratory-LQ) in
> the MI Section DTOS of DGI. Worked for Cuillermo Arastaguia
> Mulato.....born between 1930 and 1935.......28 to 33 years old in 1963.
> Medium Build
> 5' 7"
> 150 LB
> I read briefly each of the documents yesterday at least twice, nothing is blacked out so
> it was really refreshing to read top secret material just released without having to guess
> about what's covered up. I noticed the the doc have a MORI DOCID number, not sure
> if this is a new marking system or what....but there is some files missing from the sequences
> of numbers.

Very interesting. Can you identify what you think is so TOP SECRET that
it needed to withheld for so long or what would have been blacked out?

James K. Olmstead

May 21, 2006, 5:14:37 PM5/21/06

"Anthony Marsh" <> wrote in message

> James K. Olmstead wrote:
>> Greg: I have at least two names in those documents that are associated with a Chemical Laboratory-LQ
>> CS CI-316/01254-65
>> REF CS-311/OO115-64
>> Married to "VIDALINA" see CSCI-316/00741-65
>> Chief of the Laboratorio Quimico (Chemical Laboratory-LQ) in
>> the MI Section DTOS of DGI. Worked for Cuillermo Arastaguia
>> Mulato.....born between 1930 and 1935.......28 to 33 years old in 1963.
>> Medium Build
>> 5' 7"
>> 150 LB
>> I read briefly each of the documents yesterday at least twice, nothing is blacked out so
>> it was really refreshing to read top secret material just released without having to guess
>> about what's covered up. I noticed the the doc have a MORI DOCID number, not sure
>> if this is a new marking system or what....but there is some files missing from the sequences
>> of numbers.
> Very interesting. Can you identify what you think is so TOP SECRET that it needed to withheld for so long or what
> would have been blacked out?

Tony: the only information that would be considered TS would be the name
of the invididual, his alias and his position in the DGI. I have over
2000 pages of CIA/FBI/USArmy related docs that I have to cross ref to see
if anything else would be considered TS. This FOIA project has been on
going since 2003, it's alot of research and alot of dead ends.



May 22, 2006, 12:25:39 AM5/22/06

Hmm. Maybe they've just turned a new leaf? ;-)

Will email in 3 days.


May 24, 2006, 9:26:09 PM5/24/06

greg wrote:
> Jim, this memo was issued in the wake of Frank Olson's death. Was it
> issued as a result of that death, do you know?
> Also, do you believe the CIA actually ceased experiments with LSD after
> this? There are a few seemingly well-documented cases discussed on the
> web which indicate experiments continued, at least on US soil.
> What may be of greater interest than whether or not Oswald was given LSD
> at Atsugi is the possible link between George White and Jack Ruby, going
> back to at least a year before the time Ruby was questioned over a major
> drug bust in the '40s ('47?).
> White's diary has this entry:
> Tues July 23 1946 Met Ruby--Interview Kehler def.
> Chicago Miller say met Kehler. Pete o.k.'d R's for
> $25/ week. Intv Dr [?] M. Boyer. Says Pete o.k.'d
> R for Kehler and Woodin
> Ruby changed his name from Rubinstein officially on Dec 30, 1947.
> However, the basis for it was that he was already well known as "Ruby".
> greg

It's mildly interesting that James Breen and Eileen Curry (aka Bunny
Breen) were known to the San Francisco Office of the FBN in 1955.

CD 1193, p50.

Jerry Shinley

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