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Re: Look out Hagar, hvac and the rest of you parnoid flag wavers - addendum

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Jul 12, 2012, 9:39:51 AM7/12/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> Bast wrote:
>> Hägar wrote:
>>> "Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
>>> news:jtkpdv$rtj$
>>>> Hägar wrote:
>>>>> "Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
>>>>> news:jtj7m8$vvh$
>>>>>> Homeland security dreamed up another Al Queda threat to save us from
>>>>>> Thank goodness them terry-wrists moved on from trying to get us by
>>>>>> Bin Laden sneaking onto planes in our underwear.
>>>>>> But I'll bet they try to tell us this was the cause of all the
>>>>>> wildfires this summer, and now we have to bomb Iran.
>>>>>> If this wasn't so pathetically sad, that there are people so deluded
>>>>>> to believe a "ember bomb", it would be funny.
>>>>>> No more need for sitcoms on TV,...just watch the 6 pm news, for all
>>>>>> the laughs you ever want
>>>>> Homeland Security is dreaming .....
>>>>> But Obama speaks the truth when he orates of the half
>>>>> a million jobs he and that half-wit Joe Biden have created,
>>>>> in spite of the fact that unemployment is steadily rising ...
>>>>> must be all those jobs Romney is sending overseas ... God
>>>>> are you people gullible ...
>>>> Atta boy,...I should have known you would find a way to blame this on
>>>> Obama , and the "liberals"
>>>> But I suppose you can't really blame Obama for trying FALSE FLAGS to
>>>> take away the few remaining rights and freedoms the U.S public still
>>>> has. As G.W's 9/11, Johnson's Gulf of Tonkin, and Clinton's Oklahoma
>>>> city bombing worked so well, in the past.
>>>> And just claiming he killed bin laden, but lost the body, is going to
>>>> look SO LAME in the history books.
>>> It seems to me that you are totally devoid of any ambition and/or self
>>> respect. At least the Conservatives allow you to fend for yourself,
>>> which I can do quite nicely, thank you. But
>>> you nanny-state parasites want to live in paradise, preferably for
>>> free, on the back of others, naturally, since your lifetime
>>> accomplishments could be printed on a postage stamp.
>>> If you were to pull your head out of your ass for a moment, you would
>>> be compelled to admit that the present administration, which gained a
>>> majority in Congress two years before Obama began his reign of
>>> incompetence, has accomplished absolutely NOTING but pile up more
>>> National Debt than all previous administrations combined. Their
>>> perceived accomplishment, the Healthcare Fiasco, aka "Obamabortion",
>>> was won by slight of hand (does cloture mean anything to your dumb
>>> ass??) and bribery (Nebraska and Louisiana) and strictly along party
>>> lines. So at a minimum, the worst Romeny could do would equal the
>>> Negroid's best efforts at governing. But he is a savvy business man of
>>> noted accomplishments, whereas the highlights of Obama's pre-government
>>> days were showing other Nigger on how to scam the system. And that's
>>> what you got ... and you want 4 more years of that ???
>> Nope "cloture" doesn't mean a thing to me.
>> Is this some calyyfornian colloquialism, for your home made tasty
>> roadkill stew ?
>> Ohhhhh dopy me, meant CLOSURE,.....See,... I told you not to text
>> while you are scraping bugs out of your teeth while driving the bike.
>> Now you have to report yourself to the Homeland Security spewlling
>> police
> BTW CLOSURE, is the same tactic G.W used to shove the Patriot Act down our
> throats.
> And get us into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq we didn't want or need.
> So Bushie was not only responsible for the 9/11 false flag and subsequent
> coverup,....but also taught the "magic negriod" (as you lovingly refer to)
> how to keep screwing over the U.S public.
> No wonder you love G.W, he taught Obama everything he knows.
> ....Except how to mispronounounce "Nuclear".

I figured noTroll2012 to be way too retarded to even grasp the meaning of
"Cloture", but I am really surprised that you are too dumb to recognize the
word, especially since it was bandied about a lot during the force-feeding
of Obamacare.
But your 9/11 Truther posture should have served as an indicator of your
mental fitness. So here's a link to "Cloture", you imbecilic oaf and

The fact that the word dazzles you and your ilk explains why the US now
ranks 28th in general education compared to the rest of the world. So, you
guys still wetting your pants over GWBs "new-clear" ... but you're too
stupid to come to grips with "cloture". That alone is a verdict on

Jul 12, 2012, 12:40:24 PM7/12/12
On Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:39:51 PM UTC+1, Hägar wrote to Bast
> The fact that the word dazzles you and your ilk explains why the US now
> ranks 28th in general education compared to the rest of the world. So, you
> guys still wetting your pants over GWBs "new-clear" ... but you're too
> stupid to come to grips with "cloture". That alone is a verdict on
> Liberalism.

Is that what you attempted with me, eh Hagar, a Cloturer, i.o.w. a Closure
of an account using your Communist Cujo De Sockpuppet Despot?

Well, "STUPID", you Failed Miserably!



Brad Guth

Jul 12, 2012, 12:38:24 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 6:39 am, "Hägar" <> wrote:
> "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> news:jtkt6k$kec$
> > Bast wrote:
> >> Hägar wrote:
> >>> "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> >>>news:jtkpdv$rtj$
> >>>> Hägar wrote:
> >>>>> "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> >>>>>news:jtj7m8$vvh$
> >>>>>> Homeland security dreamed up another Al Queda threat to save us from
> >>>>>>
Oddly it's your faith-based and otherwise ZNR redneck kind that have
been in charge of our educational policy that created the sorts of
dipshits like yourself. So, how many of your parents and grandparents
are you going to hold accountable? (or are you going to blame this on
Brad Guth,Brad_Guth,Brad.Guth,BradGuth,BG,Guth Usenet/”Guth Venus”


Jul 12, 2012, 5:44:57 PM7/12/12

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
*** Let's see here ... I don't know what year you were born, but it appears
that "stupid" has been around for a while, especially if one takes your
convoluted attempts at grammatically correct English into consideration.
Your vernacular contains more abbreviations that the Federal Government ...
and they make abut as much sense, as well.

No need to thank me ... it's "Help a Dumbshit" day.


Jul 12, 2012, 5:46:25 PM7/12/12
"Cloture", is a term only the partisan anal-retentive political types still
And is of "French" origins, dating back two centuries.

Maybe you flag waving partiots should re-assess your priorities and wake up
to the fact it's now 2012, and the continental government is now in tatters,
since Bushies Patriot Act has stripped us of ALL out rights and freedoms,
and only allowed Obama to make things even worse.

Besides if you want to use "olde english french ", shouldn't you call it
"FREEDOM CLOTURE" as you morons did when you tried it with Freedom Fries and
Freedom Toast.
Since G.W laid an egg with his " you are with us or you are with the
terrorists " tyranical announcement to the world when France said ,....if
you claim 9/11 was done by Saudi's, why are you attacking everyone else who
had nothing to do with it.

And you know what,....they were 100% right.
Now piss-off and let me enjoy my french fries and french toast in peace.


Jul 12, 2012, 5:56:50 PM7/12/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
You pompous little dick/whatever ... It was all over the TV news of both Fox
and the Drive-by, it was discussed at great length as to why it was called
"Closure" vs "Cloture", the papers reported it as Cloture ... it seems that
only retards like you missed the brouhaha over the odd spelling.

Naturally, being the coward Liberal you are it wouldn't even remotely occur
to you that you were wrong, once again, in accusing me of using the wrong
word and thus offering an apology for jumping the gun with an empty head,
once again.

Apology accepted. Now fuck off.


Jul 12, 2012, 5:57:28 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/2012 5:46 PM, Bast wrote:
> Maybe you flag waving partiots should re-assess your priorities and wake up
> to the fact it's now 2012, and the continental government is now in tatters,
> since Bushies Patriot Act has stripped us of ALL out rights and freedoms,
> and only allowed Obama to make things even worse.

Really? How has your life been changed in ANY way?
Tell me what exact rights you wish to exercise and now can't.

I'll wait here for your answer, bigmouth.

"OK you cunts, let's see what you can do now" -Hit Girl


Jul 12, 2012, 6:26:49 PM7/12/12
FOX ????
That explains it, and a lot of your other incoherent rambling.

You still fail to admit that G.W was doing this EXACT SAME THING for almost
two terms, but now you sit glassy eyed that Obama is using the same slight
of hand tricks, from G.W's book of magic.

G.W fucked up the country and it's government checks and balances, so that
Obama can now proclaim himself emperor.

Would you have preferred Emperor McCain ?

Brad Guth

Jul 13, 2012, 12:50:45 AM7/13/12
On Jul 12, 3:26 pm, "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote:
> H gar wrote:
> > "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> >news:jtngk5$r0v$
> >> H gar wrote:
> >>> "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> >>>news:jtkt6k$kec$
> >>>> Bast wrote:
> >>>>> H gar wrote:
> >>>>>> "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> >>>>>>news:jtkpdv$rtj$
> >>>>>>> H gar wrote:
> >>>>>>>> "Bast" <faken...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> >>>>>>>>news:jtj7m8$vvh$
> >>>>>>>>> Homeland security dreamed up another Al Queda threat to save us
> >>>>>>>>> from
> >>>>>>>>>
More like warlord Emperor Hitler would suit the ZNR redneck closed

Jul 13, 2012, 2:00:31 AM7/13/12
'Cujo' is a character from a Stephen King
novel, a St Bernard that contracts Rabies
and goes on the Rampage, causing HAVOC...


A Huge Vicious, Crazy Dog or Cannine, not
dissimilar to some on these newsgroups or
some Politicals and People out there.

Glad to see that many a 'Cujo' have fallen
over the past decades, but a way to go yet.

It's Hot, Hot, Hot off The Press!


Jul 13, 2012, 5:59:21 AM7/13/12
Hagar thinks Hitler and the nazi's were too liberal

Brad Guth

Jul 13, 2012, 9:08:24 AM7/13/12
No doubt, although they were pretty darn effective at creating their
own roadkill.

The Patriot

Jul 13, 2012, 1:13:40 PM7/13/12

"Hägar" <> wrote in message
I congratulate you for helping the unfortanate "dumme
kuhen" of the world.
I would bet that Brads Mutter schwitzt beim Kacken.


Jul 13, 2012, 3:09:56 PM7/13/12

"The Patriot" <> wrote in message
Und der GuthBall pinkelt sich auf seine Schuhe.


Jul 13, 2012, 4:10:51 PM7/13/12
Hmmm,.... Self-improvement doesn't seem to be your forte.


Jul 13, 2012, 4:13:14 PM7/13/12
Do you two get to wear the black S.S uniforms to your meetings, or are you
just brown shirt Reich youth ?


Jul 14, 2012, 10:39:24 AM7/14/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
Some of us took the time to learn foreign languages ....
Then there is you, who uses English as if it were one ....

Tell us again about 9/11 and your sister's death in that
Muslim Terrorist attack upon the sovereignty of the
United States ...


Jul 14, 2012, 10:42:21 AM7/14/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
As a selfless person, it is my calling to help out idiots and
just plain trash like yourself.
Poor baby ... suffering from post 9/11 hallucinations because
you sister perished in that dastardly Muslim Terrorist attack.
And then being a Muff-Diva, to boot ... the deck's not stacked
in your favor, is it, you loser ...


Jul 14, 2012, 10:45:35 AM7/14/12

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
*** In my "Final Solution" I would substitute Joos with "Liberals"
and have the Mexican slave labor stoke the ovens, while all the
Nation's half-breeds would be busy making lampshades. Shades
with Tattoos cost extra ...


Jul 14, 2012, 11:16:27 AM7/14/12
On 7/14/2012 10:39 AM, Hägar wrote:
> Tell us again about 9/11 and your sister's death in that
> Muslim Terrorist attack upon the sovereignty of the
> United States ...

That's it...Never let up on Bast about that lie.
If he's willing to lie about a dead sister, what else is he willing to
lie about?

The Patriot

Jul 14, 2012, 12:10:16 PM7/14/12

"Hägar" <> wrote in message
GuthBall trägt Schuhe?

The Patriot

Jul 14, 2012, 12:16:03 PM7/14/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message

***** DELETION *****
OK Bast-erd, just go piss in your shoes and quit trying
to cope with intelligent folks.
BTW Do you wear shoes?

The Patriot

The Patriot

Jul 14, 2012, 12:17:45 PM7/14/12

"HVAC" <> wrote in message
Liberals have no compunction about telling lies. It is
just part of their makeup.

The Patriot


Jul 14, 2012, 2:38:52 PM7/14/12
Are you a scientologist too, like hvac and hagar ?

I don't have to lie, and that piece of shit hvac isn't even fit to even
mention my sister
As he probably thought the WTC towers being demolished by explosives was


Jul 14, 2012, 2:52:08 PM7/14/12

"The Patriot" wrote in message news:OYgMr.13875$Kb4...@newsfe20.iad...
Romney has already been caught in a lie surrounding when he left Bain
Capital. The only question is did did he lie to the public at large or to
the SEC? One can only hope it was to the SEC so he can do some hard time
with Bernie Madoff. As for you, why don't you admit that, just like Hagar,
you don't care who the next president is as long as it's a white man. Both
of you are just old crackers and due to your ages, the problem is self

Brad Guth

Jul 14, 2012, 2:54:25 PM7/14/12
On Jul 14, 7:45 am, "Hägar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
Hagar's Third Reich message received, and validated.


Jul 14, 2012, 3:14:20 PM7/14/12
On 7/14/2012 2:38 PM, Bast wrote:
> I don't have to lie, and that piece of shit hvac isn't even fit to even
> mention my sister

Question for the Bast: Are you sticking with the lie about your dead
sister who died in the 9/11 attacks?

Much like my questions to Painus, it calls for a yes or no answer.

Take your time, son.


Jul 14, 2012, 4:48:45 PM7/14/12
On 7/14/2012 2:52 PM, Notroll2012 wrote:

>> That's it...Never let up on Bast about that lie.
>> If he's willing to lie about a dead sister, what else is he willing to
>> lie about?
> Romney has already been caught in a lie surrounding when he left Bain
> Capital. The only question is did did he lie to the public at large or
> to the SEC?

Fuck Romney. We were talking about Bast and his lie that his sister died
in the attacks on 9/11. You don't believe him, do you?


Jul 14, 2012, 5:20:33 PM7/14/12
A lot of people's sisters, brothers, parents, and friends died that day, and
thousands more kids sent off to war because of it.

The Terrorists WON,......and now get big U.S. government pensions, while you
get your family jewels felt up by big bubba of the TSA


Jul 14, 2012, 5:39:31 PM7/14/12
But THAT is what the system WANTS.
To divide people on race lines.

Obama is not fit to be president, and neither is Romney.
There are plenty of better blacks and whites that should be in the running
for that job.

But they don't want the public to stop and realise that.


Jul 14, 2012, 5:46:08 PM7/14/12
Nope,...sandals, with a sensible heel.
But I'm sure you will now consider THAT proof I'm a camel jockey
moslem,.....That bought them at Target.

But what does my footware have to do with you being able to attend your
weekly Aryan Brotherhood meetings ?

The Patriot

Jul 15, 2012, 2:22:27 PM7/15/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
Then why do you post so many lies? Oh, and do you wear

The Patriot.

The Patriot

Jul 15, 2012, 2:26:28 PM7/15/12

"Notroll2012" <> wrote in
message news:ndjMr.13998$Kb4....@newsfe20.iad...
I don't admit to your ridiculous question the same
reason you don't admit to being a dumb-ass. Also I
don't care that you are a uneducated jerk.

The Patriot.

The Patriot

Jul 15, 2012, 2:28:40 PM7/15/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> Notroll2012 wrote:
>> "The Patriot" wrote in message
>> news:OYgMr.13875$Kb4...@newsfe20.iad...
>> "HVAC" <> wrote in message
>> news:jts2g6$bpu$
But they don't want the public to stop and realize

The Patriot

Jul 15, 2012, 2:31:50 PM7/15/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
Since you don't wear shoes then just piss on your feet
and forget coping.

The Patriot.

rooty toot toot

Jul 15, 2012, 5:37:45 PM7/15/12
Notroll2012 wrote:
> "The Patriot" wrote in message news:OYgMr.13875$Kb4...@newsfe20.iad...
> "HVAC" <> wrote in message
> news:jts2g6$bpu$
>> On 7/14/2012 10:39 AM, H�gar wrote:
>>> Tell us again about 9/11 and your sister's death in that
>>> Muslim Terrorist attack upon the sovereignty of the
>>> United States ...
>> That's it...Never let up on Bast about that lie.
>> If he's willing to lie about a dead sister, what else is he willing to
>> lie about?
>> --
>> "OK you cunts, let's see what you can do now" -Hit Girl
> Liberals have no compunction about telling lies. It is
> just part of their makeup.
> The Patriot
> ***************
> Romney has already been caught in a lie surrounding when he left Bain
> Capital.

Nope, _you_ are the liar.

> The only question is did did he lie to the public at large or
> to the SEC?

Neither, read the facts, asshole:

Asked why his name remained on documents if he wasn't involved in the
company, Romney told ABC that he had "retained ownership" until he and
Bain officials could negotiate a departure and retirement package with
the company. He told CBS News' Jan Crawford he had the "capacity" to
return to Bain if he wanted after the Olympics but chose not to. He told
Crawford he didn't "recall even coming back once" for Bain management
meetings because he was running the Olympics "full time."

Romney has said he stopped all management duties at Bain in 1999 when he
left for Salt Lake City to organize the 2002 Winter Olympics, which had
been beset by scandal and dire financial trouble.

�There�s a difference between being a shareholder � an owner, if you
will � and being a person who�s running an entity,� the presumptive
Republican presidential nominee said on CNN from his vacation home in
Wolfeboro, N.H.

�I think anybody who knows I was out full time running the Olympics
would understand that�s where I was: I spent three years running the
Olympic Games, and after that was over, we worked out our retirement
program, our departure-official program, for Bain Capital, and handed
over the shares I had,� Romney said.

Current and former government officials have said it is not unusual for
the top shareholder, or the person with the "controlling" interest, to
be listed on SEC documents.

Mr. Gillespie reiterated Mr. Romney's statements that he had no
involvement with Bain after he left for the Olympics. "He left a life he
loved to go to Salt Lake City to save the Olympics for a country he
loves more," Mr. Gillespie said. "And somehow in classic Chicago-style
politics, the Obama campaign is trying to make this something sinister.
It's not."

> One can only hope it was to the SEC so he can do some hard
> time with Bernie Madoff.

You need to spend a good long stretch inside.

> As for you, why don't you admit that, just
> like Hagar, you don't care who the next president is as long as it's a
> white man. Both of you are just old crackers and due to your ages, the
> problem is self limiting.

Typical lib racist projection.


Jul 15, 2012, 6:10:15 PM7/15/12

The Patriot wrote:
> "Notroll2012" <> wrote in
> message news:ndjMr.13998$Kb4....@newsfe20.iad...
>> "The Patriot" wrote in message
>> news:OYgMr.13875$Kb4...@newsfe20.iad...
>> "HVAC" <> wrote in message
>> news:jts2g6$bpu$
And I don't have to point out that all your posts look so much like those of
Hagar,....I don't think anyone here will not come to the same conclusion I


Jul 15, 2012, 6:11:45 PM7/15/12
Are you 5 years old ?

The Patriot

Jul 16, 2012, 1:30:42 PM7/16/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
Bast, you are really one dumb son-of-a-bitch and a liar
to boot.

The Patriot.

The Patriot

Jul 16, 2012, 1:31:40 PM7/16/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
No, are you?


Jul 16, 2012, 6:06:00 PM7/16/12
That you/hagar may well be schizophrenic, I'm sure you and the other voices
in your head all believe that.


Jul 16, 2012, 6:09:35 PM7/16/12
Okay I guess that response answers my question.
Although "Oh Ya ?" or "I know you are but what am I ?" would have been
acceptable as well

The Patriot

Jul 17, 2012, 12:23:33 PM7/17/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
Well it is the other voices that keep saying that Bast
is really one dumb son-of-a-bitch and a liar
to boot. Got to listen to them when they are right.

The Patriot.

The Patriot

Jul 17, 2012, 12:26:47 PM7/17/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
> The Patriot wrote:
>> "Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:jtvf71$c8a$

***** DELETION *****

>>>> Since you don't wear shoes then just piss on your
>>>> feet
>>>> and forget coping.
>>>> The Patriot.
>>> Are you 5 years old ?
>> No, are you?
> Okay I guess that response answers my question.
> Although "Oh Ya ?" or "I know you are but what am I
> ?" would have been acceptable as well
We already know that Bast is one dumb S.O.B.
So what's the problem?

The Patriot.


Jul 17, 2012, 9:56:44 PM7/17/12
I guess you want to be democratic and let those voices each have a vote,
....I see no reason not to let you stick with what works for you.

The Patriot

Jul 18, 2012, 2:14:33 PM7/18/12

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
Thank you! Your hypothesis is duly noted and

The Patriot.

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