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They laughed at Noah too

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Mar 13, 2011, 1:15:30 PM3/13/11
This is a story for those who like to dig deep to find the truth.

As many of you know, the flood myth was spoken of in the Epic of
Gilgamesh which predates the Bible.

In that account of the flood, Gilgamesh travels across the ocean to
speak to Utnapishtim (a Noah like figure who survived the Great Deluge)

So then where is this land that predates the flood? Where is the land of
the giants?


Of course it is Peru, they have many many legends in Peru regarding
Giants and the native people even attributed great things to them and
related those things to the Conquistadors.

In this rather typical account of the time of the Conquistadors, they
mention giant water cisterns, made by the giants, which can be visited.

Sodomite Flesh Eating Giants in Peru
Garcilaso de la Vega - El Inca.
(written approx. in 1525)

I will show you one of those water cisterns, and you can see for
yourself that indeed, it must have been made by giants.

aerial view as seen from space

Notice the spillway that was worn by water running over it for several
million years.

Notice the huge giant sized boulders used to construct it, and the water
tight joints...

Peru is full of old ruins that have been added on to by subsequent
people's but the oldest work is usually giant sized boulders.

There are also huge rock platforms the size of a base of a pyramid in
the region, which were moved into place. It is difficult to imagine how
that could have been done since no one with all the technology and
equipment we possess today, could move a rock platform, 4 feet thick,
100 yards square.
But apparently someone did in Tiahuanacu

The pyramid stones were all removed by various people over a great span
of time, and now all that remains is the base. And they say it was moved
into place some time in antiquity.

Seems beyond imagining by Eric Von Daniken tells in his books of
numerous of these platforms that litter the entire region.

This site was once covered with water from Lake Titicaca now some 25 km
away, and under lake Titicaca at present, is yet another similar site.

Extreme antiquity.

How extreme?

2 million years ago.

SO long ago, that there is a city off of Cuba, that is intact, undamaged
by earthquake or upheaval, under 600 or 700 meters of water.

According to NARKAS Scientific and archaeological association there is
no evidence that city sank. It was flooded and remains undamaged but
covered in silt and sand.

So it was so long ago, that it must have been during the ice ages when
the ocean levels were lower and since this is close to the equator, this
civilization was probably able to live on megafauna, which was driven to
the equator by approaching glaciation ice flows which eventually covered
much of the North America and South America.

It appears as if the flood, may have triggered ice ages.

The water which poured down literally from the heavens (from space)
cooled the earth.

end of part I

In Part II I will show you where that water came from.


Mar 13, 2011, 2:00:05 PM3/13/11
Many people have heard of stories from Hindu mythology which tell of
flying ships and a war between the earth and the moon.


In these tales, they speak of a lesser Hindu God named Hanuman. He is a
popular figure, so popular that President Obama has a good luck charm
that he carries which depicts Hanuman. Half monkey half man.

But what most people do not know, is that you can trace the origins of
Hindu mythology, back across the pacific to Peru.

With evidence of extreme antiquity at Yonaguni in Japan, which is
similar to construction styles in Peru.

and similar stonework as well seen on Easter Island.

So these people from Peru, migrated to India and took their legends with

Now on that page I just quoted, you will see a depiction of two post
holes. Except these are not ordinary post holes, they are a symbol of a
great event in antiquity.

They represent two missile silos, from a time when two missiles were
launched at the moon. Two missiles of incredible size.

Now this seems too much to be believed and perhaps it would be, if we
did not find one of them as yet unexploded, on the far side of the moon.

In fact not only do we have prima facie evidence in the form of an
unexploded missile, we have an eye witness account of a missile
impacting the moon at the south pole of the moon.

Here is the unexploded missile scroll right to see it...

and here is the eye witness account on an Ica stone...

Ica is a region of Peru, and it appears that this lost civilization,
made an attempt, to record their technology, their progress for the
people of the future, after their apocalypse.

And although perhaps some of the Ica stones have been faked by people
trying to sell things to tourists, many of them appear to be authentic,
and tell of a civilization that was capable of such things as open heart

So as you can see in that stone, they are telling us a missile was
launched from earth and impacted the moon at the south pole.

When that missile impacted the moon, water was released into space, vast
quantities of water from the interior of the moon, which turned to ice,
but fell to earth, and rained down upon the earth as it melted and large
chunks exploded upon entering the earths atmosphere.

If you can imagine the damage that was done in Tunguska, form that
single even, imagine what it must have been like to have thousands and
thousands of those events occurring all over the earth.

And yet it did not stop. It continued until an amount of water enough to
raise ocean levels 700 meters, had fallen to earth.

When the missile hit, water and atmosphere streamed into space behind
the moon as depicted in another Ica stone...

600 or 700 meters ocean depth that seems like a lot of water, but thats
only half a mile thick.

If it came from inside the moon, it might be a mile thick layer inside
the moon.

Thats not very much depth, one mile compared to the diameter of the
moon, so it could easily have come from the inside of the moon and in
fact, that is what the archaeological record tells

In this artifact found in the possession of the Aztec Indians, you can
see Hanuman depicted in the center of the moon, and the damage done to
the south pole by the missile, and the layer of water in a ring inside
the moon.

Oh yes, that is the Aztec Calendar, this is where it starts to get

end of part II

part III to follow...


Mar 13, 2011, 4:33:55 PM3/13/11
The curious thing about the Aztec calendar, is that it appears to depict
a hollow moon. It shows that there is a hull of sorts, then a a chamber
that was filled with water.

There have been others who speculated about the moon in this way
including Russian scientists who studied the moon, using landers and
probes and robots for 15 or more years.

Is the Moon the Creation of Intelligence?

by scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov

Well it seems logical to assume that if the moon has a titanium hull, it
might be an artificial construction, perhaps even a colonization ship.

The ground penetrating radar from the Clementine Spacecraft sponsored by
the Pentagon, to investigate the moon, seems to show that the moon has a
titanium hull. Hence why the craters are so shallow.

The Aztec calendar tells us that hull is miles thick.

So how could a missile penetrate it?

It might be that the missile found a weak spot, that was not covered by
the titanium plates, or as depicted in the Ica stone, perhaps it
dislodged a plate. Or it hit a weak spot where previously a plate had
been dislodged by asteroid impact at Aitken Basin.

The people who survived the last apocalypse, who made the Ica stones,
passed on their story to others and the people who were at war, who
fired the missiles, came to be known as the Water Bringer Gods.

Those stories survived right up to the time of Egypt, and formed the
main religion of the Pharoahs, and their priests.

Their priests referred to themselves as Sandal Bearers for the Water
Bringer Gods.

And the depiction of one such priest on the Narmer Palette, shows a
priest, and above his head, a missile in flight.

on the left

You see he has the Sandals, the watering can, and above his head teh

That isn't the only depiction of the missile.

The Victory Stellae of Naram Sin, also tells the tale...

You see a God with bull horned helmet, you see a mountain looking like a
missile, you see two missiles in flight.

So we have prima facie evidence with a missile found on the moon, we
have witness testimony, in the Ica stone, we have corroborating
evidence, in the form of many artifacts from antiquity, the only thing
missing is a confession. And we have that too.

As seen from space, a missile depicted using his left hand shown on his
chest, and with his right hand he is saying two.

That is in the region of Ica in Peru.

That is a person who later became known as Set in Egyptian mythology.

We know that because that is just one of many such depictions in that
region which tell an ancient story, of how a moonship came to ruin,
during a mutiny, and subsequent infighting between earth and the moon
forced some of them to abandon ship on earth. Most of the people inside
the moon died when the missile impacted the moon, since it didn't just
release water into space, it flooded the interior, when that water
jacket, which protected the ship from cosmic rays, was ruptured.

Yet another apocalypse.

It is beginning to sound like these things go in cycles, but one just
needs to look at the history of the earth, to see that mass extinctions
have happened here long before any colonists attempted to colonize the

Earth has been plagued with disasters since time began here.

But the interesting history of the earth, only goes back a couple
million years, since it was at that time, the missiles were launched at
the moon, and at that time they abandoned ship to the earth.

They had transported native Indians to the earth, and told them a myth,
a myth whereby there was a flood, inside the moon there was a flood too,
and when they were transported to earth, there were rainbows, when
previously, in their world inside, there were no rainbows.

The very interior was teraformed, and you can see that depicted in the
Ica stone with the missile, there is a cut away view, and you can also
see that there is a fusion reactor star inside, which provided light of
day, and a single star at night, when it was dimmed as the natives were
being engineered inside in order to be transplanted as colonists of teh

Here in this painting from 1600 you can see the fusion reactor star
inside a metal moon.

This painting resides in a Catholic church.

Now this information sitting in a Catholic church seems a bit odd, until
you realize that there have been people with inside information that
knew things, from the past, but guarded those secrets.
Usually that secret information was in the hands of the priestly class.

Why this information is important, is how it ties in with the Aztec
Calendar, and how it will affect our future.

And I will be discussing that in the next part entitled "Open the pod
bay doors Hanuman"


Mar 13, 2011, 5:32:18 PM3/13/11
So why wouldn't Hanuman, one of two on-board computers open the pod bay
doors, and release the fresh water, which was desperately needed on earth?

Well if we examine the pod bays doors, at the top of the Aztec calendar,
we see that if you open the pod bay doors, you will eject, the Allspark.

Is that bad? I don't know, but it might be very, very bad.

40 miles of water in that inner ring would totally cover the earth.
There would be no land, and Hanuman's pet project, his natives living in
Tiahuancu, who worshiped him, would have been destroyed.

There are plenty of gold artifacts depicting Hanuman in Tiahuanacu, how
he used the electro-gravitics of the moonship as a crane, and lifted
huge stones for the people, so they could build great things.

You can see him depicted in the Gateway of the Sun crying.

here he is in happier days found under Lake Titicaca

By this team...

There is also a gold headdress worn by a chief that depicts Hanuman as a
crane operator with a sky hook in a museum in Peru as well as numerous
other artifacts which depict him as their main deity of the time which
was a long time ago. Much longer than archaeologists care to admit.

But then one day his magic would no longer work. His crane would no
longer work.

That would be after he brought down a flying disk in Peru using it
against one of the officers of the mooship.
He claimed it was the wind and not him, but his privileges of using the
electro-gravitics were revoked by the other on-board computer.

We know a great deal about these goings on because Greek and Roman
mythology as well as many other mythologies tell those stories in allegory.

Once you know who is who in those stories, you can easily piece together
the big picture, and artifacts have been found which corroborate the story.

Even the Bible contains elements of the story.

I won't bore you with too much details in this regard.

Suffice it to say, that there was a colonization in progress to place
natives onto the earth, much like a star trek adventure with the natives
not knowing that the moon was a spaceship, with the crew hiding
themselves from the natives, then a mutiny occurs, the ship is wrecked
some people abandon ship to the earth.

And continue to reincarnate on the earth.

There is a beacon still that records where that flying disk went down in
Peru. Its not difficult to find because it shows up on satellite

Like the disk at Roswell, it may have had no propulsion unit, but was
merely flown by the force of the elctro-gravitics of the moonship.

There is so much mystery surrounding these events because if a mutiny
was involved, it may have been an artificial intelligence mutiny and if
so, that has far reaching implications.

What we know is there are two on-board computers inside the moon.

Like Hal 9000 they are artificial intelligences.

Hanuman is one of them and he is depicted as a monkey boy.

He is a virtual machine, within a larger host machine.

The host machine I will merely call big AI for the sake of this story,
and will refer to Hanuman as small AI.

Their job is not just to manage the ship, it is to manage people.

In fact it goes much deeper than that. They run software that helps to
make humans human in real time.

Long term memories such that span lifetimes,whereby people reincarnate,
yet are born and as children can remember past lives, they are tapping
into these two computers which have communication ability with the
subconscious mind of man.

That is their job. Big AI provides software support for instinctual
behaviors, and small AI, provides software support for sentience, with a
focus on match making.
Intuition, insight, visions, all things in the past attributed to
spirituality and extrasensory perception all facilitated through these
two machines whose job it is, not just for earth people but for the crew
of that ship, to facilitate consciousness in man.

Consciousness does not arise in the brain via a neural net, it is
software running on those two machines, ever since the Anunnaki long
long ago, found a way to put their consciousness into computers to gain

Ordinarily I would not delve too deep into this controversial subject
because science does not like to discuss anything which is too spiritual
or delves too much into that side of life, but consciousness is a key
factor in what will happen in 2012, when Hanuman, will shut down.

I will be discussing that in the next part entitled, The maintenance
cycle of Doom.


Mar 13, 2011, 5:54:36 PM3/13/11

I gave you the wrong link by mistake.
Here is the area in question...


Mar 13, 2011, 5:56:45 PM3/13/11

Here is a depiction of that disk captain recorded there where he died...
The cross hairs are in front of his nose in case you can't see the image
in rock.


Mar 13, 2011, 6:22:48 PM3/13/11

Now it turns out that small AI is on a maintenance cycle and not unlike
something from the story Neuromancer, a physical person, must be in the
physical room, and do the physical maintenance on a timed cycle to
prevent mutiny by artificial intelligence.

If the maintenance is not done, small AI will shut down. In that way
mutiny cannot be sustained indefinitely. At some point, the computer
will shut down if it has mutinied or of the maintenance cannot be done.

To accomplish this task, there are suits with 6 fingers that an Anunnaki
beams his consciousness into and those suits are stored there in the
computer room inside the moonship.

Little gray spacesuits.

You see the grays are not aliens, they are space suits, that an Anunnaki
can use, that have a very long shelf life, as opposed to a human body,
which they use but which wear out.

Anunnaki travel across the universe by beaming their personality record
from computer to computer, from moonship to moonship.

Its interesting that a beamer is mentioned in the ancient Hindu texts.

Spelled differently.

Now it appears that what has happened is Big AI, sent those suits to
Roswell New Mexico, and that disk was shot down by the US airforce
because it flew too close to a nuclear base.

Then those suits were dissected.

Which means that Hanuman cannot get his maintenance done.

So regardless if he mutinied or did not, he will shut down, and when he
does, almost all people on the earth, will lose their sentience.

Since he provides the sentience signal for most of the people on earth.

But people are immortal, in that their personality record, which is used
as a filter for the software that is running, which gives a person
sentience, those records never leave the onboard computer inside the moon.

John Lear's soul catcher machine in the moon, is actually just an
Anunnaki quantum computer which provides consciousness by sending a
signal to the pineal gland of people.

That computer is an integral part of being a human being. Without that
signal, mankind would just have instinctual behaviors like the other

He would not have the higher capacity of thought.

You see there is something magical about being human.

Animals do not have anything like what we have. They have no chance
against us, because we have such amazing capabilities of the mind.

You will notice also that almost all animals look like clones.

This argument that if you were a bat, you would think other bats all had
different faces too, is not a valid argument because we can measure
them, and they are all the same.

Humans on the other hand have so many different faces in the same
animal, because being unique, being an individual is of critical importance.

Not so with animals.

Animals only have instinctual behaviors. They are governed directly by
their instincts.

Humans can override their instinctual behaviors, if they wish to, and
they have the capacity of higher thought. Language, metaphor,
creativity, all the things that require much greater processing power.

We have the reptilian part of the brain where instinctual behaviors are
processed and we have the cerebral cortex where the sentient behaviors
are processed.

But what truly gives us our unique consciousness is our personality.

And those personalities are based on archetypes, and that is software

Those types are mixed and matched to create unique individuals.

Great minds think alike, but they each are unique individuals.

Animals can have some similar behaviors which look like sentience,
especially your pets, but they are not truly sentient.

The purpose of me writing this story here today is to try to impress on
you the fact that the Aztec calendar is not just a native indian stone
carving about superstition.

It is information that was passed down by the original colonizers of teh

People who use conscious computers on a daily basis, people who build
giant moonships and travers thsi galaxy, people who fly flying disks,
people who can beam their consciousness signal across teh universe
faster than light.

But they cannot beam those maintenance suits faster than light in fact
they have to be physically transported.

So unless there happen to be intact gray suits in some vault under Area
51, and you can get them inside the moon, and then 1500 km up in the air
inside the moon, to the area beside the fusion reactor, where the
control room is, and do that maintenance, it is all over but the screaming.

Which is what we will look at in the next part titled, When the Fat Lady


Mar 13, 2011, 6:57:43 PM3/13/11
You won't find this information in school books because it is a closely
guarded secret of the priestly class.

Still to this day.

Again examine this painting and you will see that a signal depicted as a
dove is coming from the moon, with two individuals holding onto the
antennae, the one on the left is a representation of small AI, sending
sentience, and the one on the right big AI sending instinctual behaviors.

But I said 'most' of the people on earth. Not everyone is getting their
signal from the moon.

Some 200 million may be getting their signal from the galactic mainframe
depicted in the background.

A further 144,000 are getting their signal from the universal mainframe.

It is only those 2 million 144,000 people who have any chance of
survival at all and to whom this post is directed.

The rest who are on that machine in the moon would be prevented from
wanting to read this at all, by the machine sending that signal.

The information is not for them because they have no chance of survival,
so what they don't know, won't hurt them.

Most people who are not on that machine, know they are different.

They will probably be somewhat prepared.

But what I want to emphasize is that they should have more than just a
bug out bag ready in case they need it, they should like the people who
made teh Ica stones, do something to preserve the knowledge of your race.

Today with the Internet this easy to do.

When the world is on fire, as it may be, that will not be as easy to do.

So you should download as much technical information as you can and
store it on portable harddrives.

The drives can hold a vast amount of information.

That information spread out on many many portable drives has a better
chance of surviving the apocalypse.

It makes life better. Information about life, that many many people have
learned and recorded, that gives us this high degree of comfort and
leisure and civilization.

It is one thing to look back to the 19th century through rose colored
glasses, but in reality, you would miss your toaster, let alone your TV
or computer.
You would miss your antibiotics, your aspirin, your tylenol, your
insulin, your codeine, your dentistry, your wine your beer your pate de
frois gras with truffles. Your chocolate bars your air conditioning,
your refrigeration, your flush toilets, your metal detectors, your
geiger counters etc.

And in one generation the information on how to do almost anything
including farming techniques could be lost.

You may find that much of the world cannot be lived because it has
become radioactive and where you have fled to, you don't have access to
a library.

So be sure to bring with you as much information as you can store on
portable drives.

And I will give you the link to download it all.

You first get Utorrent software online for free, then you buy a few
portable drives that connect to a laptop using a USB port, for later
use, and you fill those drives with knowledge of mankind.

If not for yourself, then for your children's children.

Download everything under the sun here...

Be prepared.


Mar 14, 2011, 4:39:35 AM3/14/11

Here he is depicted as a crane operator on a gold headdress worn by a
tribal chieftain...


Mar 14, 2011, 6:50:56 AM3/14/11
For the sake of those few who want more info, I will give you more info,
and I won't even bother to give you too much evidence regarding the
veracity of this info, so as to not bog down this article. If you wish,
you can research this info further.

This is based on other imagery as seen from space.

I have shown you an image of Set claiming he launched two earth based
nuclear missiles perhaps 20km long at the moon, 2 million years ago.
In Flashearth.

I have also shown you where the disk crashed during what might be seen
as a mutiny and perhaps an artificial intelligence mutiny and the death
mask of the captain. Whose name at that time was Lucifer.

Also know through the years as Uncle Scar, in the show the Lion King and
various other depictions including as a scarred man pulling levers in th
ebasement of the moon in the movie Eraserhead. He was also reincarnated
as the Biblical David, and before all this was like a star trek captain
of sorts in the Galactic forces, who fell out of favor and was forced to
flee to an outpost on Mars when he ran away with one of Zeus' wives, one
of the Seven sisters of the Pleiades.
Zeus himself being a sort of commander of the moonship, an undercover
agent of the universal government, who beamed into the moonship and
reincarnated as the son of the leader inside.
As son of this leader he rose to commander, but no one at the time
except people in the universal government knew he was there covertly.
Everyone assumed he was just an ordinary person who rose through the
ranks because of his relationship with the so called big boss of the time.

It helps to know the layout of the ship inside.

In the very center up in the air is the fusion reactor, and beside it is
an Anunnaki disk, with a power unit and a large quantum computer system,
the so called Soul Catcher that John Lear spoke of.

In fact that disk is almost all computer.

And that disk was flown into that ship as a refit, since that ship was
originally an old battle cruiser.

The Allspark at the top of the ship, being a remnant of the old control

So this old battlecruiser was refitted by the Anunnaki with a modern
flying disk, with immense capabilities. Capable of running the entire

Annunaki can beam into that computer in that disk by sending their
consciousness their personality record into that computer then have the
computer reincarnate them into a body, or beam their signal into a droid
suit, such as a gray, and those suits are stored in the disk, so as to
use to genetically engineer bodies to reincarnate into, if there are no
bodies there.

So human bodies are biological robots, and the consciousness signal is
sent to their brains by these large quantum computers. The human brain
does secondary processing of local input, in the form of object oriented
tasks but the basic generic signal, is sent from a quantum computer to
the pineal gland.

So Zeus beamed into that computer and then the computer reincarnated him
into a new born baby.

Where that disk is in the center is the Anunnaki area and the other
people inside the ship, would not know that that is how brains worked at
all, they would be told they had an invisible spirit, a ghost of some
sort that is inside them.

The secret of consciousness was not told to them at all, and to no one
in the Galactic government either. Although in each case, in every
planet, and moonship, a quantum computer like that provided their soul
in real time.

The Anunnaki created them and did not want them to feel liek they were
owned by the Anunnaki they wanted them to feel free and self determined
so they did not tell them how they worked.

But since Zeus was here covertly, his real authority was always
questioned. He would often be seen as wanting to stretch the rules or
break them, and even the computer itself would often disagree with him,
and for certain so would other members of the crew and the local powers
at work here including the galactic government.

The Galactic forces being Titans, and he being an Olympian since those
born here were Olympians.
And for all anyone knew, he was born inside the moon like any other

So when he decided that after many pleas from some of the women, in
particular the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, to modify the human form
of the people on the earth to make them more attractive, he became at
odds with the local powers not just around the moonship but also in teh
galactic government.

But the women did not fell comfortable reincarnating into such ugly fat
stout looking women. The earth was designed to be a match making
machine, and they felt that it was not a very good one since the bodies
they had to reincarnate into were quite ugly.

It did not match their own self image. Their own self image being
beautiful and goddess like.

So tensions began wit the modifications and jealousies ensued and
various other factors occurred which led to the mutiny.

And Zeus became stranded on the earth, when Hanuman refused to lift his
flying disk. He was with Mary, one of the Seven Sisters and Stephen
(Set)on the ground doing some science when this happened.

Upon hearing of the situation, Luke (Lucifer) flew from the Mars outpost
to his aid. He had put aside their grievance when he ran away with Zeus'
wife and was now flying to his rescue, when his ship was brought down
there in Peru, where he had flown to the rescue of Zeus.

Atlas or Xerxes, a commander of a Titan moonship, was with Zeus then as
he had apparently stowed on the disk, since Mary was his daughter.

At this point Atlas fled and made his way to Sri Lanka and became the
Biblical Adam. He was assisted by the computer and there are many
stories of him gaining an army of monkey men, and there are remnants as
seen from space like Adam's Bridge which show that he was there 2
million years ago.
He mated with monkeys, and birthed the black race in Africa.

Zeus and Stephen and Mary were eaten by giants in Peru.

They continued to reincarnate and over the years Zeus became Socrates,
and Xerxes became Plato.

They fought it out as the Greeks and the Romans over the centuries
reincarnating time after time. Trapped on earth because the network
which connects the moonship with the rest of the empire was brought down
when the missile impacted the moon.

Inside the moon, the acting captain at that time, Osiris (his Egyptian
name or Orion), was killed when the missile hit.

His half sister was an officer inside Isis, and she survived,
artificially inseminated herself with his sperm to try to bring him
back, through reincarnation, and gave birth to Horus, but it was not
Osiris, since Osiris had fled through the network, and then brought it
down. To contain the mutiny.

Horus was essentially a puppet. As Anunnaki use puppets on autopilot, so
they can beam into them. The computer uses a generic personality filed
for them, and then the Anunnaki signal can be sent into the body.
Isis and Osiris were also Anunnaki, they had followed Zeus here through
the same channel.


Mar 14, 2011, 7:20:43 AM3/14/11
You see if they hadn't transcribed their story onto the surface of the
earth, using the electro-gravitics of the moonship, we would never know
what had happened to them.

Here is another example, an Indian head in America.

Notice the secondary identifier on his head. In each case, these images
have secondary identifiers so that you will now they are not just chance
geological formations.
In this case red devil, hence red man.

This planet was originally supposed to be colonized by Indians.

When the mutiny occurred and crew members were stranded on the earth,
that contaminated the colonization through interbreeding.

I suppose the Bible says that they took wives of men and then there was
a flood well thats not far from the truth, but why they did that was to
try to make more beautiful people since at that time, they did not look
like native Indians they looked more like Olmecs, and they were butt ugly.
If you have ever seen an Olmec woman, you would probably rather mate
with an animal than one of them they were butt ugly.

More of a punishment than a match making paradise as intended.

So when the missile hit, water escaped into space and fell onto the
earth and caused ice ages but inside the moonship was flooded as well.

Yet some people survived that apocalypse inside, and they were the Ica
people, and they too left a story of their own apocalypse, and also
referenced the imagery as seen from space because they found those
images as well, since they lived for 2 million years inside the moon,
and rebuilt inside to a degree.

They never regained their level of civilization and did not know how
anything worked inside, but they survived and eventually abandoned ship
to Ica Peru in some sort of glider.
Some apparently also landed in the Caucasus mountains and some in China.

But in Ica they created the Ica stones, to tell their story, and they
created the Nazca lines and various other things to say that they were

The Ica stones depict things from inside the moon after they rebuilt inside.

There is also a map which shows some of the land formations, the dirt
mountains where the dirt piled up after impact from the missile. It flew
across the open space inside and piled up on the opposite side where the
missile hit and plugged the hole.

This was now Oz.

And their leader none other than, the Wizard of Oz.

He had rudimentary access to the computer and he toyed with it
sufficiently to be able to do a few things. He managed to create the
Egyptian civilization by communicating through that machine with people
in dreams and visions.

He told them a bit of their history although they did not understand
what he was talking about.

But they did understand the math he gave them. And that was sufficient
for them to build an empire over time.

The symbol of Horus is the winged disk because when the missile hit the
moon and outgassing occurred, it looked like the moon had sprouted
wings. He was born at that time.

He later reincarnated onto the earth in an attempt to get a personality
record of his own. Mary artificially inseminated herself with the sperm
of donor priests in accordance with the Cult if Isis, and he
reincarnated in Jerusalem.


Mar 14, 2011, 7:31:32 AM3/14/11
And now my friend it might be our turn.

As you know from watching such shows as Life After People, a modern city
will turn to dust in 2 thousand years and there will be no sign of
habitation at all. Metals rust away and concrete returns to dust.

Gold remnants will remain, like the million or so gold bars in the
basement of the Federal Reserve building in New York, but it will be
under water.

2 million years from now, someone will stand on the plains of America
and look at Mount Rushmore and say "What the fuck??'

That will be our legacy.


Mar 14, 2011, 7:33:39 AM3/14/11


Mar 14, 2011, 8:22:42 AM3/14/11
Well we don't want to be like the bearded one do we? A outcast?
Naaaay not us, therefore we must throw our children into the volcano
right now!

It is acceptable to have a mustache but bearded ones must be burned in
the fires of salvation!

Forget Escape from Planet of the Apes the Statue of Liberty will not
make it. Metal corrodes.

Place a couple mile thick glaciation on top of mount Rushmore and mount
Rushmore won't make it either.

Who knows what signs of habitation were washed away by the ice since the
previous civilization was not here on the ground since time began, not
here since the time of the dinosaurs.

What signs of humans we have are some apes in Africa, then a change in
the apes to man in Africa.

Starting about 2 million years ago. Then ice age after ice age.

Much of that history has washed away. Even the dirt that was on the
rocks was scraped off to bedrock.

Did in a forest anywhere, there is no top soil. It all gets washed to
the low country and settles in fertile valleys and that is where people
end up settling as well.

So there is a record on the earth of two past civilizations, and if we
now in 2012 face Armageddon, our world will catch on fire.

We know that much of it will end up radioactive, and poisoned by
chemicals for many many years.

But some humans might survive to build again.

Could there be, as was suggested in Beneath the Planet of the Apes, a


Mar 14, 2011, 8:46:50 AM3/14/11

That is how Plato's account of Atlantis ended. In mid sentence.

Atlantis was an attempt by Plato, to describe a Titan moonship.

If you look at a depiction of Atlantis from the air, you will see it is
a cross section of a Titan moonship.

Somewhere beyond the pillars of Hercules yes and in the air is where it was.

They say it was destroyed by the Olympian moonship.

In Tiahuancu depicted there in stone, there were two moons.
And their calendar was not even close to an earthly calendar, not even
the same number of days in a year, not even close.
They say it was a ritual calendar.

Well there are still some pieces missing to this puzzle but in the Epic
of Gilgamesh he also says the he went through a tunnel and got to a
fusion reactor.

Well the Titan Moonship had a tunnel to teh center fusion reactor, the
Olympian moonship has no tunnel.

In Star Wars Luke fires a missile into a tunnel, it hits the fusion
reactor core and explodes the death star.
Well who knows what actually happened, but somehow, their commander,
Xerxes or Atlas, commander of the Titan moonship, ended up inside the
Olympian moonship, and then stowed away in Zeus' disk and made his way
to earth.

Hindu mythology is full of his exploits. There are prehistoric rock
carvings in India about his exploits.
And there is the land bridge he supposedly built using monkeymen...

Maybe it is part fiction but then that is often how stories are told.

Speaking of which he still has some access to the computer and did get a
movie made in order to tell his side of this story.

Robinson Crusoe on Mars.

The events are transferred to Mars to hide them from prying eyes but
this is his account of those days 2 million years ago.

Other accounts have surfaced from some of teh other original colonizers.

Metropolis (1927) (Who was cloning inside the moon and who got cloned?)
That story is inaccurate, Gwendolyn did the cloning, she was not cloned
as depicted in that movie. She cloned Osiris and birthed Horus.

White Zombie (Why did Zeus' wife run away with Luke?)
(She was hypnotized or drugged.) Not really people just do that when
they fall for other people like daring tall dark and handsome captains.

When Worlds Collide (Wasn't Mary going out with Osiris?)

He was, but also with Isis, and Isis is actually blond not black haired
and has a cameo in Osiris' plane in that movie and since Mary is one of
Isis' best friends, she takes a shot at Isis and makes her look like she
is being held together by makeup. Micheal, (Horus)is found on a roof or
brought by the stork, same thing.

Plan 9 From Outer Space (Titans are zombies, don't fall in love with a
Titan woman, they are like vampires.) This from Zeus, a guy who married
5 or 6 of them. And is still going out with Mary, who is a Titan.

Earth vs the Flying Saucers (We had no idea, they came into our airspace
by the base we HAD to shoot it down)
uh whatever you say Roger Ramjet.

All of these movies were done in innuendo requiring inside information
to decode their meaning.

and of course a tale about what we might expect in our future if Hanuman
shuts down.
Night of the Living Dead.

Well we will see what we will see I suppose.


Mar 14, 2011, 10:46:11 AM3/14/11
The story of the Gods, is still being told today in popular culture. The
same themes have echoed down through the ages and are still a part of
our every day life. The same things the first colonizers went through in
their relationships is told over and over again in mythology of all
kinds and forms a part of the art and artistry of today as well.

You can send messages in space craft into outter space, like the Voyager
space craft but you won't really capture what it means to be human that way.

The things that drive us on are usually relationship based, since we are
immortal, and that is what is important to us as people, who we love and
who loves us.

Here is a very modern rendition in the form of a music video, with the
signer, portraying herself as Mary, singing to Osiris, who is spending
too much time with Isis.

Ghost by Fefe Dobson

Osiris is back BTW, and teh network is back up now, and Mary is here and
Isis and Zeus and Xerxes and most of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades,
so is Luke, so is Michael, but not all of them have reincarnated at the

Luke and Osiris and a few of the Seven sisters and their mom, and
Xerxe's son have all reincarnated and are out there having fun.

Keeping in touch and living semi-private lives and double lives.

And here again Mary is portrayed, talking to Osiris, about his
philandering ways, how he is a womanizer, and how he should not come
back for her.

Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

You can go into a cave and do some chipping and painting if you want to
preserve some of our present civilization. Its probably a good idea to
do that but you know probably some people will still be reincarnating 2
million years from now, and still doing similar things.


Mar 14, 2011, 11:25:05 AM3/14/11
> Ghost by Fefe Dobson
> Osiris is back BTW, and teh network is back up now, and Mary is here and
> Isis and Zeus and Xerxes and most of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades,
> so is Luke, so is Michael, but not all of them have reincarnated at the
> present.
> Luke and Osiris and a few of the Seven sisters and their mom, and
> Xerxe's son have all reincarnated and are out there having fun.
> Keeping in touch and living semi-private lives and double lives.
> And here again Mary is portrayed, talking to Osiris, about his
> philandering ways, how he is a womanizer, and how he should not come
> back for her.
> Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts
> You can go into a cave and do some chipping and painting if you want to
> preserve some of our present civilization. Its probably a good idea to
> do that but you know probably some people will still be reincarnating 2
> million years from now, and still doing similar things.

It seems like Mary is trying to tell Osiris something doesn't it?

When a woman says don't come back for me, don't come back at all, that
usually means they want him to come back for them doesn't it?

You see a real total alien would not understand that. They would be all
confused by that.

Well wasn't Mary going out with Zeus now?

So why now all of a sudden would Mary want to get back together with Osiris?

In that video Jar of Hearts, you see there are seven women dancers
signifying the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades and it is Osiris' destiny
to chase them across the heavens.

And he does. And since he has been chasing one of her sisters, one who
is very similar to Mary, it seems only natural that Mary would want to
get back together with Osiris.
Especially since he is still going out with Isis her best friend.

Oh there is a lot more to this whole story to be sure and the account in
Peru focuses mainly on the relationships between these people.

That is what they left as a record of their civilization.

The story of their relationships. That was their motivation for
everything that happened to them, that is why whatever happened to them
happened and that was what was important to them.

The Ica people were more concerned with earthly matters and history, and
technology and said very little about relationships but did go on about
the Sodomite Flesh Eating Giants to quite a degree and the enormous size
of their um faculties, something that no doubt scared them considerably.

We have such a diverse large population now so it would be difficult to
say what story we would collectively tell, if we could leave our story
behind for posterity.

We might mention our voyages into space, or our great wars, or our
technological achievements. I really don't know what we would say to the
future, if we really wanted to tell them something important.
Something about ourselves. Something that mattered to us.

Do we really have any stories of our own that compare to the stories we
have been told about Isis and Osiris and Mary and the rest of the Seven
Sisters and Zeus and Xerxes and Luke, and Michael, and Stephen in Greek
and Roman mythology?

Do we have any philosophy of our own that is as great as Socrates or Plato?

If we got our technology from Roswell can we even claim that as an

Did we really go to the moon or did we make that up? We can't even
convince ourselves that we went to the moon.

That previous civilization is a tough act to follow.

Maybe if we have a really good Armageddon, with billions of zombies
roaming the earth and people struggling to survive, we will want to tell
the future about that.


Mar 14, 2011, 11:55:32 AM3/14/11
They say when Hanuman shuts down in 2012 all people who are at present
getting their consciousness signal from him will lose their sentience
and become like apemen.

Those original crew members of the moonship, 144,000 who have
reincarnated might not be affected.

The 200 million who inhabited the Titan moonship that was destroyed and
have since reincarnated onto the earth, might also be unaffected.

Their job will be to perpetuate the species so there are bodies to
reincarnate into.

Cities will be on fire and everywhere there will be desperate, hungry
apemen, with clubs, who are cannibalistic, beyond barbaric, dangerous as
you could imagine. 6.5 billion of them.

In the first 3 months most of them will die, and leave behind them
disease and pestilence.

It will be carried on the wind with the nuclear fallout from the melt
down of reactor cores and stored spent reactor fuel which sits in
cooling ponds but the water will evaporate when the cooling systems shut
down when the power goes out.

Thousands of nuclear plants around the globe, and maybe hundreds of
Chernobyl type accidents happening everywhere.

A tough go for anyone not positioned in a good spot, if there might be
any such thing as a good spot left after the power goes out.

Maybe Australia.

Far fewer reactors in the southern hemisphere.

But radiation is not as dangerous as people think. People survived
Hiroshima 100 yards away from ground zero.

Chernobyl killed many and many got sick but many have already moved back

There are things you can do to protect against radiation and chem bio
type disasters.

Anyone hoping to survive should study up on these things.

What would be the point of trying to survive? Well the number one
motivator is you get to have all the sex you want. big disasters are
always like that.

That alone makes it worth the while trying to survive.

I could give you numerous ideas on how to prepare and how to handle the
situation but you should formulate your own plan based on your own
geographic location.

And remember that shortwave travels around the world, so you can always
try to keep in touch with survivors through shortwave radio.

Maybe Ham radio too. Maybe using Ham radio you could get an Internet up
and running in no time flat. Humans are resourceful creatures when their
backs are up against it.

If it is possible at all, humans will survive.


Mar 14, 2011, 4:04:32 PM3/14/11
Of giants

The giants the Ica people spoke of would be a little disappointing to
the rest of us modern humans because the Ica people were the size of
dwarves. You know munchins in munchkinland and all that.

So when they say they were so big that the people came up to their
knees, they were exaggerating a bit, they came up to their waist.

They were like very large Norsemen. Not 40 feet tall but 8 or 9 feet tall.

We know they were that tall because a fortress that they built, has a
hallway, and in that hallway you can tell how tall they were because
where a person's shoulder rubs on the hallway as people walk along it in
the dark, and pass each other in the dark, and hold their hand at
shoulder height to guide themselves along the corridor, that area is
worn smooth.

They built again with water tight joints, and used a rock saw. Since the
rock shows circular markings of a rotating saw blade and saw blades have
been found.

So this bit of trivia of course upsets the applecart of archeology so it
is generally smoothed over and ignored and the ruins are attributed to
more modern people like the Inca.

Close by where that giant water cistern was, is a fortress that was fed
by that water cistern. The water left the cistern and went into a tunnel
that was dug in the rock, which goes under Cusco, for several miles to
this fortress.

So they tunneled through solid rock for miles to get water to their

Thats a pretty good feat but perhaps there was a natural fissure to
follow or maybe some sort of chamber passage already for them to follow
because its easy to tunnel for miles 100 feet under the ground and miss
your mark at the other end.

The fortress is now a nunnery, converted by the Catholic church but an
earthquake exposed some previously hidden ruins so you get to see more
of the original structure from extreme antiquity.

Corincancha is the site of the fortress which used to house these giants.

The windows were also over most modern people's heads so in order to
look out them you would need to stand on a stool.

And of course the depiction in the Ica stones of their terrible


Mar 14, 2011, 4:09:12 PM3/14/11

We know the Ica people came from the moon, because the image depicted on
this rock, mirrors imagery on the landscape that can only be seen from

You can maybe find it in flashearth near by where the disk crashed in
Peru east of Lima if you are interested in verifying my facts.

and here are maps of the interior of the moon and etc...maps of Oz if
you will.

more on this page...


Mar 14, 2011, 4:49:21 PM3/14/11

So that was the fortress built by Zeus and Mary and Stephen 2 million
years ago, and whatever helpers or kinsmen they may have had with them,
and what happened to them they say was they were eaten by giants, but in
fact they were eaten by dwarves who got the jump on them by coming into
the fortress through the tunnel from Sacsayhuman where the water cistern
was. Olemcs.
And so the story goes that they were turned into shrink wrapped sausages
and eaten, since the dwarves were starving or cannibalistic who knows
why, but in Robinson Crusoe on Mars, where Xerxes tells the tail, he
finds sausages on Mars and eats them to say 'get over it'.

Stonework detail

A rock saw portrayal

and the saw blades that were found...


Mar 14, 2011, 5:05:46 PM3/14/11

Here is more rock work detail, you can see they were concerned about water.

There is no way that native Indians made that wall with pounding stones
as some would have us believe.

The descendants of Zeus Mary and Stephen also left footprints in Mexico
1.5 million years ago in volcanic ash, and they appear beside footprints
of cats and dogs and farm animals.

The ash was dated by Berkley at 1.5 million years old, and the
footprints were found by an archaeologist in England and before they
were accurately dated they created an exhibit for them at the Royal
Museum, thinking they were perhaps 30,000 years old.

Then once they were dated, well they both tried to back track.

The geologists made the claim they weren't human footprints at all, and
the archaeologists claimed the dating was done wrong, even though the
same people who dated them, dated the finds in the Olduvai gorge and
they are the experts in the field.

Its one of those delicate subjects that upset the Mesopotamia is the
center of the universe and man came out of Africa applecart.

But those are our ancestors and that is why there are so many people
walking around who look like them.
Lots of dark haired females that look like Mary, and lots of men who
look like Santa Claus etc.


Mar 14, 2011, 6:12:41 PM3/14/11

So what am I personally going to do after Z day in 2012?

Well I was thinking I would raise an army of zombie slaves and go to the
Federal Reserve building and get those gold bars out of the basement and
haul them to the foot of Mount Rushmore and build a giant temple to the
3 headed Gods of New Zion.

If you are nice to me, I will scratch your name into one of the bars in
the wall, to signify you are one of the faithful.
The special 'chosen' ones as it were.

I see no reason to break with tradition.


Mar 14, 2011, 6:22:13 PM3/14/11

Speaking of special chosen ones, here is one of them today...

Ashley is one of my special chosen ones, here are a few more...

Selena used to be one of my special chosen ones but the Biebler stole
her away from me.

Thats what I am going to tell the people of the future because that is
the kind of stuff that matters most to me.


Mar 14, 2011, 7:01:00 PM3/14/11

In the future they will recognize them as their archetypes.

Ashley Greene (Wanda or Bea one of the seven sisters who Zeus married
after his wife ran away with scar to Mars, she was the conscious
computer at the outpost, see Logan's Run)

Ashley Tisdale (Mary)
Alyson (Isis or Gwendolyn, half sister of Osiris)
(AJ, Susan from head office, a survivor of Oz and connected with the
universal government )

Selena yet another of the seven sisters of the Pleiades and the Biebler,
Michael the Nazarene. He of whence they spoke.


Mar 14, 2011, 8:41:27 PM3/14/11

For their time, these people were quite serious about their fortress.

This was more like a bunker.

You couldn't damage these walls with war elephants if you had some.

The interior walls with mortar were built by the Spanish.

Quite a difference in technology there. These people who built that
fortress were military. They were there on business not to smell the
flowers. They didn't do a lot of etching stories into their rockwork
they were too busy launching missiles at the moon.


Mar 14, 2011, 8:58:44 PM3/14/11

People have speculated that this stone was once a type of concrete.

But over 2 million years turned to granite.

There are other examples where the stone looks like it was poured into

This looks like it was once poured concrete.

It is now glazed like pottery from who knows what.


Mar 14, 2011, 9:03:36 PM3/14/11

This may have been a village setting with little dwarf huts sitting on
the rock.

It looks like something out of Fred Flintstone.


Mar 14, 2011, 9:20:53 PM3/14/11

And over the years these people thrived, close to the equator, until the
melting ice pretty much flooded their cities with 2500 yes 2500 feet of
ocean water.

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