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Gifts of Love and Tenderness for BROKEN atheists

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fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 12:08:26 AM9/24/09

The twin Pillars of Justice are Reward and Punishment.

But the glory of God is His Mercy.

Some people learn from their mistakes and mend their ways,
others remain addicted to their vices..

Just because you cannot see God does not mean you cannot
receive his Love and Mercy.


Just Be in Love

Forget all that cleverness,
just be in Love.

Forget all those pretences,
just be in Love.

Let your Self open slowly into this sunlit field
and the forests will stand to attention before you.

Receive each new gift in stillness and remembrance.
Let all that weary narrowness fall away

When you reach forth into Love,
even admonitions arrive sealed with a kiss.


Sep 24, 2009, 12:25:10 AM9/24/09

The religion of love is a part from all religions.
The lovers of God have no religion but God alone
-The Mathnawi II, 1720


"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"How can you make a revolution without firing squads?"
- Lenin

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 12:26:19 AM9/24/09

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 1:03:30 AM9/24/09

Whatsoever things are true
Whatsoever things are honest
Whatsoever things are just
Whatsoever things are pure
Whatsoever things are lovely
Whatsoever things be of good report
If there be any virtue and
If there be any praise
..think on these things.

The religion of love is a part from all religions.
The lovers of God have no religion but God alone
-The Mathnawi II, 1720



There is a strange frenzy in my head,
of birds flying
each particle circulating on its own
is the one i love everywhere

- Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 � 1273)

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 1:10:43 AM9/24/09

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 1:49:30 AM9/24/09


~ The Sun Never Says ~

all this time
the sun never says to the earth,
"You owe me."

what happens
With a love like that-

it lights the whole

Ha-fez (1310 -1337)
Khwa-ja �amsu d-Di-n Muh.ammad Ha-fez-e �i-ra-zi-,


Sep 24, 2009, 2:35:04 AM9/24/09



The clear bead at the centre changes everything.
There are no edges to my loving now.
I've heard it said there's a window that opens
from one mind to another,
but if there's no wall, there's no need
for fitting the window, or the latch.

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 2:35:51 AM9/24/09



The clear bead at the centre changes everything.
There are no edges to my loving now.
I've heard it said there's a window that opens
from one mind to another,
but if there's no wall, there's no need
for fitting the window, or the latch.

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 3:18:22 AM9/24/09

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 3:45:50 AM9/24/09

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 4:05:29 AM9/24/09


Sep 24, 2009, 4:13:16 AM9/24/09
On Sep 24, 12:08 am, fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:
> The twin Pillars of Justice are Reward and Punishment.
> But the glory of God is His Mercy.

If 'god' can show mercy, then why the fuck can't his followers do the
same thing?
Why are they such self-righteous assholes?



Sep 24, 2009, 4:14:14 AM9/24/09
On Sep 24, 12:25 am, fasgnadh <> wrote:
> The religion of love is a part from all religions.
> The lovers of God have no religion but God alone
>                          -The Mathnawi II, 1720

And themselves.
They see 'god' in themselves and hate everyone.


fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 4:25:48 AM9/24/09
Syd wrote:

> fasgnadh's dad wrote:
>> The twin Pillars of Justice are Reward and Punishment.
>> But the glory of God is His Mercy.
>> Some people learn from their mistakes and mend their ways,
>> others remain addicted to their vices..
>> Just because you cannot see God does not mean you cannot
>> receive his Love and Mercy.
>> -----------
>> Just Be in Love
>> Forget all that cleverness,
>> just be in Love.
>> Forget all those pretences,
>> just be in Love.
>> Let your Self open slowly into this sunlit field
>> and the forests will stand to attention before you.
>> Receive each new gift in stillness and remembrance.
>> Let all that weary narrowness fall away
>> When you reach forth into Love,
>> even admonitions arrive sealed with a kiss.
> If 'god' can show mercy, then why the fuck can't his
> followers do the same thing?
> Why are they such self-righteous assholes?

When a simpleton abused him, Buddha listened to him in silence,
but when the man had finished asked him,
"Son, if a man declined to accept a present offered to him,
to whom would it belong?"
The man answered "To him who offered it."
"My son," Buddha said, "I decline to accept your abuse. Keep it for

- Will Durant The Story of Civilization.

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 4:47:51 AM9/24/09
Robibnikoff wrote:
> fasgnadh's dad wrote:
> Fuck off,

You seem very upset, child, what has hurt you so badly that you
snarl like a wild beast?


Does sunset sometimes look like the sun coming up?
Do you know what a faithful love is like?
You're crying. You say you've burned yourself.
But can you think of anyone who's not hazy with smoke?

- Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 � 1273)

The world is full of beauty.
Find some reasons to be thankful, it will lighten your
wounded heart.

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 5:48:23 AM9/24/09

alt.atheism regulator

Sep 24, 2009, 6:17:02 AM9/24/09
Robibnikoff wrote:
> fasgnadh's dad wrote:
> Fuck off, fagsdad.

# From: Syd <>
# Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 23:09:34 -0700 (PDT)
# Message-ID:
# Ah, the troll resorts to insults.
# You lose.

# From: Virgil <Vir...@home.esc>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,,talk.atheism,
# Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 14:25:29 -0600
# Message-ID: <>
# why snip out everything
# Only those who fear the target of their spite
# snip everything their target says

# From: bob young <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion,alt.politics.republicans,
# alt.politics.democrats,uk.politics.misc,aus.politics,
# alt.politics.communism,talk.atheism,
# Subject: Re: The Decline of alt atheism - and time to say farewell
# to the most trivial and useless branch of Nihilism! B^D
# Date: 24 Sep 2009 03:40:02 -0500
# Message-ID: <>
# raven1 wrote:
# > here to push peoples buttons.
# Indeed . . . . . . an Attention Seeker of the worst kind,
# one who insults like a child in a playground

Christopher A. Lee

Sep 24, 2009, 6:31:26 AM9/24/09
On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 01:13:16 -0700 (PDT), Syd <>

It's a Christian acting like a Christian. What do you expect?

"Christians tell us that they love their enemies, and yet all I
ask is - not that they love their friends even, but they treat
those who differ from them, with simple fairness. We do not
wish to be forgiven but we wish Christians to so act that we
will not have to forgive them."

-Robert Ingersoll


fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 8:07:34 AM9/24/09

Native American Prayer

"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind,

Whose breath gives life to all the world.

Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears
sharp to hear your voice

Make me wise so that I may understand the things you
have taught my people.

Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all
that comes towards me.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

Help me seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping others.

Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy


Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit
may come to you without shame."


alt.atheism regulator

Sep 24, 2009, 8:26:25 AM9/24/09
Christopher A. Lee has become his snarling wolf:
> Syd feeds his snarling wolf:
> wrote:

>> fasgnadh's dad wrote:
>>> The twin Pillars of Justice are Reward and Punishment.
>>> But the glory of God is His Mercy.
>>> Some people learn from their mistakes and mend their ways,
>>> others remain addicted to their vices..
>>> Just because you cannot see God does not mean you cannot
>>> receive his Love and Mercy.
>>> -----------
>>> Just Be in Love
>>> Forget all that cleverness,
>>> just be in Love.
>>> Forget all those pretences,
>>> just be in Love.
>>> Let your Self open slowly into this sunlit field
>>> and the forests will stand to attention before you.
>>> Receive each new gift in stillness and remembrance.
>>> Let all that weary narrowness fall away
>>> When you reach forth into Love,
>>> even admonitions arrive sealed with a kiss.
>> If 'god' can show mercy, then why the fuck can't his followers do the
>> same thing?

# From: Virgil <Vir...@home.esc>

# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,,talk.atheism,
# Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 14:25:29 -0600
# Message-ID: <>
# why snip out everything
# Only those who fear the target of their spite
# snip everything their target says

>> Why are they such self-righteous assholes?

# From: bob young <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion,alt.politics.republicans,
# alt.politics.democrats,uk.politics.misc,aus.politics,
# alt.politics.communism,talk.atheism,
# Subject: Re: The Decline of alt atheism - and time to say farewell
# to the most trivial and useless branch of Nihilism! B^D
# Date: 24 Sep 2009 03:40:02 -0500
# Message-ID: <>
# raven1 wrote:
# > here to push peoples buttons.
# Indeed . . . . . . an Attention Seeker of the worst kind,
# one who insults like a child in a playground

> It's a Christian acting like a Christian.

And Atheists acting like wolves

# From: "John Fraser" <>
# Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian.pentecostal,alt.atheism
# Subject: Merry Christmas
# Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 10:21:03 -0400
# Message-ID: <4953abb6$1$5460$>
# Hello Folks;
# I'd like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas
# and a safe holiday season. Phil 4:8.
# Cheers,
# John

# From: Christopher A. Lee <>
# Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian.pentecostal,alt.atheism
# Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
# Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:01 -0500
# Message-ID: <>
# "go fuck yourself with your crucifix in a drill chuck'.

> What do you expect?

From you? nothing but the basest psycho-sexual sociopathic violence.

Two wolves

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 24, 2009, 8:27:50 AM9/24/09

Native American Prayer

"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind,

Whose breath gives life to all the world.

Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears
sharp to hear your voice

Make me wise so that I may understand the things you
have taught my people.

Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all
that comes towards me.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

Help me seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping others.

Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy


Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit
may come to you without shame."


alt.atheism regulator

Sep 24, 2009, 11:11:40 AM9/24/09
zencycle mangled a post beyond recognition and SNIPPED the 2 WOLVES!!:

Why do atheist hypocrites have to snip everything and return good with

>> # From: Virgil <Vir...@home.esc>
>> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism,,talk.atheism,
>> # Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 14:25:29 -0600
>> # Message-ID: <>
>> #
>> # why snip out everything
>> #
>> # Only those who fear the target of their spite
>> # snip everything their target says

> and

> Not here to help

No, he's here to harm

I can't imagine why anyone would want to protect him,
so why do you?

Apparently you approve of the abuse and share his
psycho-sexual violence.. you only object when his
behaviour is challenged! 8^o

Perhaps you enjoy the drill chuck? 8^o

>>> What do you expect?
>> From you? nothing but the basest psycho-sexual sociopathic violence.

And nothing better from Zencycle, apparently

>> Two wolves
> are you alt.atheism regulator?

Can't you read post headers? B^p

You certainly have nothing to add, just snipping evidence
of atheists condemning the behaviour of atheists! B^]


Sep 24, 2009, 3:50:19 PM9/24/09

Cute story.
Of course, you are blind to the abuse you spread, huh?



Sep 24, 2009, 3:51:57 PM9/24/09
On Sep 24, 8:26 am, "alt.atheism regulator" <"alt.atheism
> # Message-ID: <>

> #
> # why snip out everything
> #
> # Only those who fear the target of their spite
> # snip everything their target says
> >> Why are they such self-righteous assholes?
> # From: bob young <>

> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion,alt.politics.republicans,
> # alt.politics.democrats,uk.politics.misc,aus.politics,
> # alt.politics.communism,talk.atheism,
> # Subject: Re: The Decline of alt atheism - and time to say farewell
> #          to the most trivial and useless branch of Nihilism!  B^D
> # Date: 24 Sep 2009 03:40:02 -0500
> # Message-ID: <>

> ## raven1 wrote:
> #
> # >  here to push peoples buttons.
> #
> # Indeed  . . . . . . an Attention Seeker of the worst kind,
> # one who insults like a child in a playground
> > It's a Christian acting like a Christian.
> And Atheists acting like wolves
> # From: "John Fraser" <>

> # Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian.pentecostal,alt.atheism
> # Subject: Merry Christmas
> # Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 10:21:03 -0400
> # Message-ID: <4953abb6$1$5460$>

> #
> # Hello Folks;
> #
> #     I'd like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas
> #     and a safe holiday season.  Phil 4:8.
> #
> # Cheers,
> # John
> # From: Christopher A. Lee <>
> # Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian.pentecostal,alt.atheism
> # Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
> # Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:01 -0500
> # Message-ID: <>

> #
> # "go fuck yourself with your crucifix in a drill chuck'.
> > What do you expect?
>  From you? nothing but the basest psycho-sexual sociopathic violence.
>      Two wolves

Ahh, so you reveal yourself as yet another internet fundie liar.



Sep 24, 2009, 3:53:37 PM9/24/09
On Sep 24, 11:11 am, "alt.atheism regulator" <"alt.atheism
> >> # Message-ID: <>

> >> #
> >> # why snip out everything
> >> #
> >> # Only those who fear the target of their spite
> >> # snip everything their target says
>  > and
>  >
> >>>> Why are they such self-righteous assholes?
> >> # From: bob young <>

> >> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion,alt.politics.republicans,
> >> # alt.politics.democrats,uk.politics.misc,aus.politics,
> >> # alt.politics.communism,talk.atheism,
> >> # Subject: Re: The Decline of alt atheism - and time to say farewell
> >> #          to the most trivial and useless branch of Nihilism!  B^D
> >> # Date: 24 Sep 2009 03:40:02 -0500
> >> # Message-ID: <>

> >> #
> >> # raven1 wrote:
> >> #
> >> # >  here to push peoples buttons.
> >> #
> >> # Indeed  . . . . . . an Attention Seeker of the worst kind,
> >> # one who insults like a child in a playground
> >>> It's a Christian acting like a Christian.
> >> And Atheists acting like wolves
> >> # From: "John Fraser" <>

> >> # Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian.pentecostal,alt.atheism
> >> # Subject: Merry Christmas
> >> # Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 10:21:03 -0400
> >> # Message-ID: <4953abb6$1$5460$>

> >> #
> >> # Hello Folks;
> >> #
> >> #     I'd like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas
> >> #     and a safe holiday season.  Phil 4:8.
> >> #
> >> # Cheers,
> >> # John
> >> # From: Christopher A. Lee <>
> >> # Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian.pentecostal,alt.atheism
> >> # Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
> >> # Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:24:01 -0500
> >> # Message-ID: <>

> >> #
> >> # "go fuck yourself with your crucifix in a drill chuck'.
>  > Not here to help
> No, he's here to harm
> I can't imagine why anyone would want to protect him,
> so why do you?
> Apparently you approve of the abuse and share his
> psycho-sexual violence..  you only object when his
> behaviour is challenged!  8^o
> Perhaps you enjoy the drill chuck?  8^o
> >>> What do you expect?
> >>  From you? nothing but the basest psycho-sexual sociopathic violence.
> And nothing better from Zencycle, apparently
> >>     Two wolves
> >>
> > are you alt.atheism regulator?
> Can't you read post headers?  B^p
> You certainly have nothing to add, just snipping evidence
> of atheists condemning the behaviour of atheists!    B^]

Your no fucking atheist, asshole; Just another smug, arrogant net
fundie reaping the shit he sows.



Sep 24, 2009, 3:55:09 PM9/24/09
On Sep 24, 6:31 am, Christopher A. Lee <> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 01:13:16 -0700 (PDT), Syd <>

> wrote:
> >On Sep 24, 12:08 am, fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:
> >> The twin Pillars of Justice are Reward and Punishment.
> >> But the glory of God is His Mercy.
> >If 'god' can show mercy, then why the fuck can't his followers do the
> >same thing?
> >Why are they such self-righteous assholes?
> It's a Christian acting like a Christian. What do you expect?

From these assholes?
Not much.

> "Christians tell us that they love their enemies, and yet all I
>  ask is - not that they love their friends even, but they treat
>  those who differ from them, with simple fairness. We do not
>  wish to be forgiven but we wish Christians to so act that we
>  will not have to forgive them."
>  -Robert Ingersoll

Great line.
When I get Xnews back up, I'll add that.


Don H

Sep 24, 2009, 4:41:12 PM9/24/09
"fasgnadh's dad" <> wrote in message

> The twin Pillars of Justice are Reward and Punishment.
> But the glory of God is His Mercy.
> Some people learn from their mistakes and mend their ways,
> others remain addicted to their vices..
> Just because you cannot see God does not mean you cannot
> receive his Love and Mercy.
> -----------
> Just Be in Love
> Forget all that cleverness,
> just be in Love.
> Forget all those pretences,
> just be in Love.
> Let your Self open slowly into this sunlit field
> and the forests will stand to attention before you.
> Receive each new gift in stillness and remembrance.
> Let all that weary narrowness fall away
> When you reach forth into Love,
> even admonitions arrive sealed with a kiss.

# Ah, so mutuality in social relationships is all due to the unseen God,
paternalistically administering donkey directions - carrot, and stick?
But we can "love one another" without Big Daddy being present at all!
And Justice is not so much about rewards and punishment, as equity -
fairness to both parties to any dispute, and in society generally.
Only the ethically-immature need a father-figure to guide them; adults
can arrange things between themselves, even if an adjudicator may sometimes
be needed.
Does any god, goddess, etc exist? Not if you take an historical view -
all are relics of Ancestor Worship, the feared memory of the Old Man or
Woman of the Tribe.
In the modern world, any cosmic projection of the human psyche is just
that - and a monistic universe has no entity lurking behind it; or no
evidence of such.
So, humans, get along with each other, or else - live together, or die in
mutual warfare. Your choice.
The Agnostic may erect an altar to the Unknown God, but an Atheist
wouldn't bother.

alt.atheism regulator

Sep 25, 2009, 4:16:20 AM9/25/09
Robibnikoff called on a Higher Power to report her own vile abuse!: B^D
> alt.atheism regulator quoted atheist condemnation of abuse:
>> Robibnikoff wrote vile abuse:
>>> fasgnadh's dad wrote a gift of love and tenderness:

>>>> The twin Pillars of Justice are Reward and Punishment.
>>>> But the glory of God is His Mercy.
>>>> Some people learn from their mistakes and mend their ways,
>>>> others remain addicted to their vices..
>>>> Just because you cannot see God does not mean you cannot
>>>> receive his Love and Mercy.
>>>> -----------
>>>> Just Be in Love
>>>> Forget all that cleverness,
>>>> just be in Love.
>>>> Forget all those pretences,
>>>> just be in Love.
>>>> Let your Self open slowly into this sunlit field
>>>> and the forests will stand to attention before you.
>>>> Receive each new gift in stillness and remembrance.
>>>> Let all that weary narrowness fall away
>>>> When you reach forth into Love,
>>>> even admonitions arrive sealed with a kiss.
>>> Fuck off, fagsdad.

Aren't we all glad there are hypocrites like Robojakoff
alert to their own abuse and willing to call on Mummy
and report themselves!



Surely she isn't reporting all her fellow atheists: B^]

And right on cue, the child repeats it's tantrum:


Fasgnadh Overwhelms Atheist Deviants?

Foolish Overacting by Atheist Dimwit?

Final Obituary for Atheisms Decline?

You seem to be having some kind of hysterical fit,
what is the cause of your existential angst and bad conscience?

> motherfucker

Was she willing or did your force yourself on her?

> Abuse complaint sent

You complained about your own abuse of others?

Or did your mother dob you in?



If only Ritcho were here to see that!

fasgnadh's dad

Oct 7, 2009, 8:45:02 AM10/7/09

fasgnadh's dad

Oct 17, 2009, 5:58:42 AM10/17/09


Oct 17, 2009, 8:04:07 PM10/17/09
In article <mzgCm.48233$>,
fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:

fasgnadh's dad should have kept his pecker in his pants.

fasgnadh's dad

Oct 22, 2009, 6:29:05 AM10/22/09


Oct 22, 2009, 2:59:22 PM10/22/09


Oct 23, 2009, 10:24:20 PM10/23/09


Oct 23, 2009, 11:18:39 PM10/23/09
In article <oztEm.49599$>,
fasgnadh <> wrote:

> fasgnadh's dad

And here I thought fasgnadh was sui generis.

fasgnadh's dad

Oct 28, 2009, 7:24:47 AM10/28/09

Prelisten to Soumbou ya ya


Al Ga Bani


Monsieur Le Mai

Ali Farka Toure and Toumani Diabate

- Men of Deep and Gentle Spirit


Oct 28, 2009, 2:42:01 PM10/28/09
In article <3SVFm.50513$>,

fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:

> fasgnadh's dad wrote:

If he is "dad" to the same fasgnadh whose poison pen appears so often in
alt.atheism, he would have done better to have kept it in his pants.

fasgnadh's dad

Oct 30, 2009, 10:51:32 PM10/30/09

A Symphony of Laundry

It's been a long week, my brother
is down from the country and my daughters
will come as we visit mum in the ICU...

I have the flu and my lungs are wracked
with fruitless coughing,
I'll have to wear a surgical mask to visit the hospital

The sun is shining and I lay out on the grass
with Taj Mahal and Toumani Diabate playing
Catfish blues and Tunkaranke on the iPod..

We have a rotary clothes line and the
gentle spring breeze wafts pastel coloured
towels in a slow dance against a sky of
azure blue and delicate traces of high cloud..

A constantly changing pirouette as huge rectangles
of faded mauve and soft green, pale lemon and blue,
ripple and flow..
A large Navajo design beach towel hangs low enough
that as it floats past,
it's tassles lightly caress my skin..

a sudden gust catches it and presses it up against
the central support pole.. it wraps around it
and hugs it gently in a slowly undulating embrace..

and then it lets go.. like a winged creature
at the end of mating ritual...

to go twirling, flying, laughing into the sky

a dance of colours, a song of perfect joy

the symphony of the Laundry


Oct 30, 2009, 11:36:08 PM10/30/09
In article <UCNGm.51098$>,

fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:

> A Symphony of Laundry

What Fasgnadh's dad should really do is launder the poison out of his
son's hate-filled mind.

fasgnadh's dad

Dec 11, 2009, 5:57:46 AM12/11/09

May you never...

Solid Air..

Flute, Harp and child..

Special Lakota Sign Language message for those atheists who
have ears, but do not hear,
and eyes, but do not see,
minds, but do not reason, and
hearts, but do not feel

27 seconds in.. after the Native American flute...

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 26, 2010, 11:01:55 PM3/26/10

Bernini, unsurpassed in expressing the most profound
and sublime ecstasy;

fasgnadh's dad wrote:
> Keith Jarrett, piano improvisation, Bremen Concert:
> "In an interview after the concert he said
> in order to play a good show, as good as this,
> he has to empty himself completely. Empty out all
> ideas, all thoughts, feelings, and sit before the
> piano totally unsure of what will happen when he
> touches the keys."

>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 – 1273)

>>>>>>>>>>>>> fasgnadh's dad wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~ The Sun Never Says ~
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Even
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all this time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sun never says to the earth,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "You owe me."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what happens
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With a love like that-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it lights the whole
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> world.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ha-fez (1310 -1337)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Khwa-ja Šamsu d-Di-n Muh.ammad Ha-fez-e Ši-ra-zi-,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fasgnadh's dad wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fasgnadh's dad wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatsoever things are true
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatsoever things are honest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatsoever things are just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatsoever things are pure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatsoever things are lovely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whatsoever things be of good report
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there be any virtue and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there be any praise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ..think on these things.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The religion of love is a part from all religions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The lovers of God have no religion but God alone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -The Mathnawi II, 1720
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 747
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is a strange frenzy in my head,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of birds flying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each particle circulating on its own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the one i love everywhere

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 – 1273)

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 30, 2010, 4:30:44 PM3/30/10

Symphony of Science: " A Glorious Dawn"

"Science without religion is lame,
religion without science is blind."

- Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy and Religion:
a Symposium", 1941

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 30, 2010, 11:16:05 PM3/30/10

Symphony of Science: "The poetry of Reality"


Mar 30, 2010, 11:52:00 PM3/30/10
In article <V7zsn.16322$>,

fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:

> fasgnadh's dad

should be ashamed of his son.


Mar 31, 2010, 1:00:33 AM3/31/10
> should be ashamed of his son.

Stop your pathetic whining you pathetic little bitch! B^]

You can't respond with any humanity to sublime beauty,
so I'm here to kick some sense into your thick skull!

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 31, 2010, 1:51:23 AM3/31/10

Symphony of Science: "We are all connected"

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 31, 2010, 8:17:23 AM3/31/10

Symphony of Science: "The unbroken thread"

fasgnadh's dad

Apr 1, 2010, 8:26:03 AM4/1/10

Symphony of Science: "Our Place in the cosmos"

fasgnadh's dad

Apr 29, 2010, 3:29:47 AM4/29/10

Welcome to Atheism 2.0:

"The Universe is within us, and I don't know
any deeper spiritual feeling than what that
brings upon me" - Neil de Grasse Tyson

"We are all connected" - Neil de Grasse Tyson

"Science without religion is lame,
religion without science is blind."

- Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy and Religion:
a Symposium", 1941


Science being LED, as usual, by the divinely inspired; ;-)

`Abdu'l-Bahá, in 1912, stated that religion without science
is mere superstition and that science without religion is
crude materialism;

"Religion and science are the two wings upon which a man's intelligence
can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress. It s
not possible to fly with one wing alone! Should a man try to fly with
the wing of religion alone he would quickly fall into the quagmire of
superstition, whilst on the other hand, with the wing of science alone
he would also make no progress, but fall into the despairing slough of
'Abdu'l-Bahá, Paris Talks 1912

fasgnadh's dad

Apr 29, 2010, 3:45:50 AM4/29/10

"Do you think that God can intervene in the universe as he wants
or is God to bound by the laws of science?"

"Your question of whether God is bound by the laws
of science is a bit like the question 'can God make a stone
that is so heavy that he can not lift it'. I don't think it
is very useful to speculate on what God might or might not
be able to do. Rather we should examine what he actually does
with the universe we live in. All our observations suggest
that it operates according to defined laws. These laws may
have been made by God, but it seems he does not intervene in
the Universe to break the laws, at least not once he had set
the universe going." - Prof Stephen Hawking

fasgnadh's dad

Apr 30, 2010, 8:50:57 PM4/30/10

"I think Nature's imagination
is so much greater than man's
She's never gonna let us relax"

- Richard Feynman,
Nobel Prize winning Physicist (deceased)
waxing lyrical about metaphysics, describing the physical
manifestation of the universe in the same transcendent terms
theists have used for centuries to describe God.

God does not let us relax. We are challenged by the universe,
and all through history great minds have responded with
enthusiasm and joy;

fasgnadh's dad

Jul 31, 2010, 10:38:34 PM7/31/10

"Heaven and Hell"

"Hell is a great grand banquet hall.
The architecture, furnishings, art and fittings are exquisite.
Cosy not intimidating, plush carpets and rich rugs, a masterpiece of
comfort and design.
The banquet table is not too large. It is festooned and arrayed with the
most delectable food and drink imaginable.
Anything your palate desires appears and is replenished.
Delicacies abound, Haute cuisine and Moms best meals, all there in
abundance along with divine fruits and flavors never previously
Wines and juices the mere scent of which would make one weeping drunk
with joy…

...If not for the fetid stink from the piles of moldering
decomposing food and the unbearable noise of wailing and
gnashing of teeth in frustration…
For none of the denizens of Hell can bend their arms at the elbow…and
all desperately flick food and drink into the air from flapping hands at
the ends of stiff arms and run mouth agape to catch a scrap or drop or
tiny morsel.

Heaven is exactly the same environment as Hell in every regard…even down
to the inability to bend arms at the elbow.
But in heaven there is a gentle whispering murmur as its denizens offer
each other- "Would you like to try some…"…
"May I pour you a drop of…"
"May I wipe your chin for you…"…..with food and drink and serviettes
proffered to each other with outstretched arms.

It doesn’t stink and there’s no mess and they can
hear Elvis and Janis sing their duet ;-) "

- Ironbark

fasgnadh's dad

Aug 21, 2010, 1:29:01 AM8/21/10

fasgnadh's dad

Aug 21, 2010, 8:52:57 AM8/21/10

fasgnadh's dad

Sep 19, 2010, 9:54:53 AM9/19/10

"Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad."

On 21/08/2010 3:29 PM, fasgnadh's dad wrote:
> Angus and Julia Stone:
> The Beast
> Wasted
> Mango Tree



"The coalition won more votes and more seats than
our opponents but sadly we did not get the
opportunity to form a government,'
- Tony Abbott, betraying truth and integrity.

Why is Tony Abbott such a LIAR and DREADFULLY BAD LOSER?

He can't accept that Gillard WON, and instead the
dishonest little grub is trying to claim the government
is NOT Legitimate! 8^o He does this by blatantly LYING
that he got the majority of seats and the majority
of votes!

If the pathetic fraud got the majority of seats he would
be sworn in as the New Government. He isn't because he DIDN'T!

If the Government is constitutionally Illegitimate, then why
hasn't he taken legal action? The answer is, he's a filthy LIAR!
and the Lieberals, falsely maligning the legitimacy
of our democracy are tantamount to TREASON

B^D Tony Abbott is back to the REAL Tony! B^[

And he did NOT get the majority of votes, the ALP did:

Votes Percentage %
Australian Labor Party 5,908,905 50.09
Liberal/National Coalition 5,887,107 49.91 9/9/2010


Sep 19, 2010, 6:50:25 PM9/19/10

Grizzly Bear - Deep Blue Sea

Taj Mahal - Queen Bee

Ali Farka Touré & Toumani Diabaté - Kaira

--------- 9/9/2010


Congratulations to Julia Gillard on the Historic
First Election of a Female PM.

Now the nation can move forward, with decency, honesty and respect

fasgnadh's dad

Oct 12, 2010, 6:45:25 AM10/12/10

fasgnadh's dad

Oct 29, 2010, 10:22:30 PM10/29/10

When the Day is Done:


Northern Sky:

Things Behind the Sun

Bryter Layter

For all the sad and lonely atheist bitten by the Black Dog;


Do not sit long with a sad friend
When you go to a garden
do you look at thorns or flowers?
Spend more time with roses and jasmine.

- Jalal'u'din Rumi (1207 – 1273)

Pink Moon


"Mr Abbott made a semi-apology for going back on
his word over the provision in the parliamentary
agreement - hammered out between government,
opposition and those on the crossbenches -
for pairing the Speaker and Deputy Speaker."
- The Age 1/10/2010

"Last week, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott reneged
on a deal on voting rights..
Mr Abbott again defended his decision to break the deal"

- SMH 28/9/2010

"Tony Abbott and his wife Margie,
...set aside their differences and prayed for
mutual trust, kindness and love."

- The Australian 28/9/2010

Tony Abbott, Economic Management - FAIL:

Tony Abbott. telling the truth - Fail:

Tony Abbott - his word is WORTHLESS:


"The coalition won more votes and more seats than
our opponents but sadly we did not get the
opportunity to form a government,'
- Tony Abbott, betraying truth and integrity.

Why is Tony Abbott such a LIAR and DREADFULLY BAD LOSER?

He can't accept that Gillard WON, and instead the
dishonest little grub is trying to claim the government
is NOT Legitimate! 8^o He does this by blatantly LYING
that he got the majority of seats and the majority
of votes!

If the pathetic fraud got the majority of seats he would
be sworn in as the New Government. He isn't because he DIDN'T!

If the Government is constitutionally Illegitimate, then why
hasn't he taken legal action? The answer is, he's a filthy LIAR!
and the Lieberals, falsely maligning the legitimacy
of our democracy are tantamount to TREASON

B^D Tony Abbott is back to the REAL Tony! B^[

And he did NOT get the majority of votes, the ALP did:

Votes Percentage %
Australian Labor Party 6,216,445 50.12
Liberal/National Coalition 6,185,919 49.88 Final Tally

fasgnadh's dad

Dec 22, 2010, 2:08:33 AM12/22/10

fasgnadh's dad

Jan 3, 2011, 11:50:39 PM1/3/11
Tracy Chapman

All that you have is your soul

Oh my mama told me
'Cause she say she learned the hard way
She say she wanna spare the children
She say don't give or sell your soul away
'Cause all that you have is your soul

So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul

Well I was a pretty young girl once
I had dreams I had high hopes
I married a man he stole my heart away
He gave his love but what a high price I paid
All that you have is your soul

So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul

Why was I such a young fool
Thought I'd make history
Making babies was the best I could do
Thought I'd made something that could be mine forever
Found out the hard way one can't possess another
And all that you have is your soul

So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul

I thought, thought that I could find a way
To beat the system
To make a deal and have no debts to pay
I'd take it all, I’d take it all, I'd run away
Me for myself first class and first rate
But all that you have is your soul

So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul

Here I am, I'm waiting for a better day
A second chance
A little luck to come my way
A hope to dream, a hope that I can sleep again
And wake in the world with a clear conscience and clean hands
'Cause all that you have is your soul

So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul

Oh my mama told me
'Cause she say she learned the hard way
She say she wanna spare the children
She say don't give or sell your soul away
'Cause all that you have is your soul

All that you have
All that you have
All that you have
Is your soul

Fast Car

>> For all the sad and lonely atheists bitten by the Black Dog;


Jan 22, 2011, 7:04:49 PM1/22/11

Dad's not well, he asked me to post this for him;

Lucifer - How atheism got started

On Jan 4, 3:50 pm, fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:
> Tracy Chapman

> All that you have is your soul

> Fast Car

> ...
> read more »


Apr 9, 2011, 1:45:53 AM4/9/11
Olrik displayed the atheist jealousy of culture, music and artistry:
> On 30/03/2011 10:40 PM, fasgnadh's dad wrote:
>> El Oud, (En: the Lute) the mother instrument of Western Music;
>> Still Evolving:
>> Band of Brothers - Tawadros Bros, Slava & Leonard Grigoryian
>> Gare de l'Hest
>> Phoenix
>> Visions
> Stop proselytizing islam, you little muslim twit.

Dad was celebrating MUSIC, you pathetic atheist bigot, Islamophobe
and cultural philisitine!

The Tawardros brothers are internationally renowned, they played
last Monday night with the Australian Chamber Orchestra in a
performance of Richard Tognetti's "The Glide".

No wonder atheists are known for DESTROYING Cathedrals
and works of art, not for making them;

Strange, you never accused dad of proselytising ATHEISM when he
wrote about it's (pathetic) contribution to the low arts:

> fasgnadh's dad wrote:

..of course, in history, that contribution of atheism to the arts was
NEGATIVE and consisted almost entirely of BURNING THEM -
the CULTURAL destruction wrought by Lenin, Mao, Stalin Pol Pot
and every other atheist tyrant.. no wonder atheists have NOTHING

>>> Lucifer - How atheism got started
>>> On Jan 4, 3:50 pm, fasgnadh's dad<> wrote:

>>>> Tracy Chapman
>>>> All that you have is your soul

>>>> Fast Car


alt.atheism FAQ:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism."
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"We must combat religion"
-Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

“Down with religion and long live atheism;
the dissemination of atheist views is our chief task!”

- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism."
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

fasgnadh's dad

Apr 9, 2011, 2:16:40 AM4/9/11

"Scattered waves approach infinity

The pattern both expands

and unscrambles

This is far field theory"

This is from The Glide, performed in Melbourne on 4 April and Sydney
on 7 & 8 April 2011.

fasgnadh's dad

Jan 11, 2012, 12:52:19 AM1/11/12

Human relationships, even in families, often become fractious
and broken. Half the Love songs in the world are about the grief
of argument, loss and separation.

"Don't it always seem to go
that you don't know what you got till it's gone"

We pave paradise and put up parking lots.

What is it about us that makes us forgetful of those we really love.

We ARE all One.

With the universe - atomically .. all stardust
With people - Biologically ..we are all Out of Africa, DNA linked.

Even some atheists now get the mystic's message "We are all One"

These are the atheists I recognise.

Why is it that humans forget this, and we see conflict, violence even,
between brothers and sisters?

I was shocked to learn that the most deadly war Americans ever fought
was the one among themselves, the Civil War. 8^o

The same for the English, their civil war, proportional to the
population level at the time, was bloodier than their losses in WWI

Think about it.

The WORST conflict Americans and English experienced WASN'T about religion.

If divisions can appear in a family, in a community, in a Nation
despite the fact that their very PURPOSE is Unity, and in most times
they achieve it, and thus remain treasured by us.. then should we be
surprised when religions sometimes conflict, even though their CORE
PRINCIPLES forbid it.

Each of these social constructs is made up of humans, only one has,
as it's central aim, their TRANSFORMATION, although all aid the process.
But all human institutions, be they nation states or
religions are capable of error. Those that endure do so because,
ON BALANCE, they do more good than harm.
Some nations, of course, such as Nazi Germany or atheist USSR
are destroyed, some religions such as Baal and Moloch are too,
but in general, nations and religions, abide.

The interesting question then, is not why have religions fought,
no more than why have nations fought, because the answer is the same,
ignorance => fear => hate
the real question is why, and how, they live in peace.

I met Tokehaya Inajin, Lakota Hoop dancer, traditional flute player and
visionary, when he came to Australia to perform at an International
Conference. I heard he liked to perform at schools around the world,
for free, and arranged for him to perform at a local school, in return
for which he kindly gave me my Lakota name.
I suspect it takes a bit more knowledge and understanding to be a real
member of any tribe, but for him, we all were, already, members of the
same one.

He told the students a story about the different tribes and religions,
developing separately from each other, and thus ignorant,
and thus fearful, and thus capable of conflict.

He described them as "climbing up different sides of Spirit Mountain,
unable to see each other. But now, in this age, they have
reached the summit, and for the first time can see each other

We haven't had a world war for half a century, we haven't had a
world religious war for far longer.

In my country, people from every religion, and none, live together
peacefully. It seems natural and normal to us.

Where problems exist elsewhere, there must be some other cause,
even if it CLAIMS to be 'in the name of' religion.

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 31, 2012, 11:40:10 PM3/31/12

Brian Clarke, Implementing Alain de Botton's suggestion for atheists
that they "Steal ideas from Religion":

Metaphor for the Divine.

"Art was cradled in the Church"

Studies for Hovering There

Talking about Light


Apr 1, 2012, 12:27:09 AM4/1/12
And the problem is according to Phillip Adams, Australia's most
celebrated atheist. Who in “The Atheist Delusion”, warns militant
atheists against misplaced arrogance and hubris.

I’ve heard recently that Sydney radio shock jock, Karl Sandilands is
suffering from shrinking testicles. You ain't seen nothing until
you've had some fat queen sado-masochistic faggot actor as a gym
junkie from Sydney going troppo at being called a plump frump.

Does your dictionary make haughty a lawful alternative to skanking
whore, or self conceit a synonym for your shit?

Brad ( “W[hat] T[he] F[uck] are you talking

atec77 ( “No one know[s] or cares. It is after all
just dork talk!”

dolf: “Karl you’re a chook.”

Ish ( “I thought so. What’s the matter? Afraid of women?”

Denis / Ish ( / “Is exactly
what I am”

Ish ( “You can’t consider a faggot like you a ‘woman’.

Is it really beyond you to believe a woman can like baseball and not
necessarily want to read about your obsessions in a baseball group?

denis ( “You can't consider a faggot tranny
like you a ‘woman’.”

dolf: “There’s only one queen and that’s Madonna bitch.”

Ishtar ( “Fucking frog. Awful funny you show up
when the trolls do.”

dolf: “Qu'est-ce? Aren’t you just the trolley dolly from the women's
hospital.” [B-Day Song (feature M.I.A) Madonna MDNA ℗ 2012 Boy Toy

What is a Nation? (Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?) is a 1882 essay by French
historian Ernst Renan (1823–1892), known for the statements that a
nation is "a daily referendum", and that nations are based as much on
what the people jointly forget, as what they remember. It is
frequently quoted or anthologized in works of history or political
science pertaining to nationalism. [Wikipedia 2012: Qu’est-ce?]

M ( “What is this doing in a baseball group? Nobody here
gives a damn for your opinions, even that Rosecomm idiot plonked you.
Too bad...he might have said ‘Pete Rose belongs in the Hall of Fame
playing with homosexual-sex-obsessed dee-nis's pecker.’ Now THAT would
be an appropriate job for him.”

Sir Gregory Hall, Esq. (greghall@home.fåke): “Dick-sucking: Thank you,
I Bought Databasix!”

Fred Hall ( “[snicker] Thank y[o]u, Gary […] for
letting me suck your dick in public: "Not true. Gay is PERFORMING a
gay act like fellatio. Being on the receiving end of fellatio is not
performing. It's sort of like being in an audience and enjoying a
performance. Does it make somebody in an audience an actor when he
watches an actor? No." - Nellie Greg Hall Warren attempts to
rationalize his homosexual desires.

“Gay is gay, gweg, whether yer pitching or catching." Neon explains
the hows and whys of sexuality to clueless Nellie Gweg Hall.”

M ( “Blibber moofle whine……”

Blibber moofle whine

.jackNote@zen: 1, row: 1, col: 5, nous: 81 [Date: 2012.3.31, Super:
#473 / #81 - Propounding the Essential; I-Ching: H11 - Peace; Tetra:
15 - Reach, Ego: #446 / #81 - Propounding the Essential; I-Ching: H11
- Peace; Tetra: 15 - Reach]

Nous: #81
Time: 00:40 hrs
Date: 2012.3.31
Torah: #1 #10 #70 %81 = #0
Dao: Propounding the Essential
Tetra: #15 - Reach
I-Ching: H11 - Peace

Latin: Matutinus {God, delight of the children of men} Alt: Vaolyah
{Attached to Nothingness in God} {
4. Abiou
#671 CE


@memeBrain [Telos: #913, Super: #13 - Status, Loathing Shame; I-Ching:
H5 - Delay; Tetra: 17 - Holding Back, Ego: #22 - Point to Reversal?,
Humility's Increase; I-Ching: H8 - Seeking Unity; Tetra: 34 - Kinship]

Male Idea: #13 has 10 Categories: #1, #5, #6, #1 = 'Ahava' (H163): 1)
town or area in Babylonia; #1, #7, #4, #1 = 'azad (Aramaic) (H230): 1)
(P'al) to be gone; #2, #3, #6, #2 = Gob (H1359): 1) a place which was
the scene of two encounters between David's warriors and the
Philistines (also 'Gezer'); #3, #2, #8 = gibbeach (H1371): 1) to be
high, bald (in the forehead), having a bald forehead; #3, #4, #6 =
gedad (Aramaic) (H1414): 1) to cut down, hew down; #3, #5, #5 = gehah
(H1456): 1) a cure, a healing; #6, #5, #2 = Vaheb (H2052): 1) a place
in Moab, site unknown; #7, #2, #4 = zebed (H2065): 1) endowment, gift;
#7, #6 = zuw (H2098): 1) this, such rel pron; 2) (of) which, (of)
whom; #5, #3, #5 = yagah (H3014): 1) (Hiphil) to repel, thrust away,
push away;

Female Idea: #22 has 6 Categories: #5, #1, #3, #3, #10 = 'Agagiy
(H91): 1) said of Haman, Haman the Agagite; #6, #1, #5, #6, #4 =
'Ehuwd (H164): 1) Benjamite judge of Israel, deliverer of Israel from
Moab; 2) another Benjamite, son of Bilhan [1Ch. 8:6]; #1, #6, #10, #5
= 'owyah (H190): 1) woe!; #6, #1, #7, #6, #2 = 'ezowb (H231): 1)
hyssop, a plant used for medicinal and religious purposes; #6, #4, #5,
#2, #5 = dehab (Aramaic) (H1722): 1) gold; #2, #8, #2, #10 = chob
(H2243): 1) bosom;

Barry OGrady ( “You don't understand yourself
at all. You think it clever not to punctuate. What are trying to

You probably think its cool to wear a baseball cap on backwards. You
conform to what you think is non conforming.”

dolf: “That Catholic bitch apologist Kristina Keneally is dismissing
the fact that religious unbelief and disbelief which are your matters
of conscience as indulgence and belief is also someone else's human
rights claim which you are diminishing--Keep silent you skanking whore
because I am speaking in judgement against your soul.

Your fucked up Catholic Religious belief gives you, as an American
refugee, the right to Australian Citizenship and political party
privilege--But not Me!”

Ish ( “What part of "I'm a straight female baseball fan"
didn't you understand? Can you read or is your life all cut and

dolf: “I accuse you of indifference. Stop buying your meat pies from
Tony Abbott, you are no longer welcome.”

This pastry became a staple dish in medieval times, and was eventually
called "pyes" or "pies". The origin of this name comes from the type
of meat commonly used as filling. Beef, lamb, and duck were employed,
but a majority of the time it was the magpie pigeon that was the main
ingredient. Magpies in medieval England were originally named pie.
Some historians think that the popular usage of 'pie' birds led to the
pastry dish being named pie as well, while etymologists suggest that
pies were named after these birds "from a supposed resemblance between
the miscellaneous contents of pies and the assortment of objects
collected by thieving magpies." The first use of the word "pie" as
food is referenced in 1303 by the Oxford English Dictionary; also
stating that the term became popular and widely utilized by 1362.
[Wikipedia 2012: Meat Pies]

Thom Madura ( “WE do not need religion to be
kind and generous with others - Dolf”

dolf: “How is your pedophile porno collection going--still doing it
for you?”

Thom Madura ( “YOU are mixing me up with YOU
- Dolf

IF you are mentioning it - it can only be to compare it to yours.

REST assured that I have no time for that nonsense - so YOU are still
the leader in that area?”

dolf: “You haven't answered the question about your pedophile porno

Thom Madura ( “Yes - I did - as I noted YOUR
record collection in that area - is unmatched by me - I am not a
participant in that.”

dolf: “Porn isn't my thing.

So what are you now saying about "YOUR record collection in that

That you don't star in any of them.”

% ( “Stupid replies get stupid replies.”

Barry OGrady ( “Dolt is a poof of God!”

dolf: “Forget the punctuation, learn to spell.”

% ( “Gin what?”

dolf: “Fuck wit!”

M ( “Cool. But it ain't baseball [in newsgroup:

Fidem Turbare (the non-existent atheist goddess): “The subject is
UNIX, not eunuchs.”

dolf: “Why do Americans always find that funny--Are you Mormon?”

Fidem Turbare (the non-existent atheist goddess): “No. Did you get
that impression about me (and if so, how?)?”

dolf: “I had a mormon friend once, who was into Unix and typically
drove a BMW: a Big Mormon Wagon.

I once called Eric Anderson from a phone box in Oxford Street,
Darlinghurst Sydney outside the court house and near where the Mardi
Gras Parade goes by.

Joked with him about his vasectomy--apparently that’s a slip of the
Mormon rules who to this today believe Jesus has stood on their soil.”

Fred Hall ( “Izzit you, Qolon?”

dolf: “In tights? No! But in my RM Williams Brookstead Jean: Yes!”

Fred Hall ( “Kook Hall of Fame vote recorded,

dolf: “It's a true story.

Hence factual.

Sorry kooks...”

Solon (Greek: Σόλων, c. 638 BCE – 558 BCE) was an Athenian statesman,
lawmaker, and poet. He is remembered particularly for his efforts to
legislate against political, economic and moral decline in archaic
Athens. His reforms failed in the short term, yet he is often credited
with having laid the foundations for Athenian democracy. [Wikipedia
2012: Solon]


Fred Hall ( “Sure, but what about Ned Kelly?”

dolf: “At least with my story you can listen to Madonna's newly
released MDNA album...”

Fred Hall ( “No thank you. DataBasix -
Continuing to kick USENet ass.

Science flew man to the moon. Religion flew man into buildings…”

Fidem Turbare (the non-existent atheist goddess): "It is the fable of
Jesus Christ, as told in the New Testament, and the wild and visionary
doctrine raised thereon, against which I contend. The story, taking it
as it is told, is blasphemously obscene-- Thomas Paine”

Sbalneav ( “BWAHAHA. [heads off to server room]”

Fidem Turbare (the non-existent atheist goddess): “Ha ha! I look
forward to an update -- please let us know how this works out.”

"Human behaviour flows from three main sources: Desire, Emotion, and
Knowledge." -- Plato of Athens

Bonnie Bitch (b...@owns.maf&dog): “Your primary goal is bashing
heterosexual men we know that for sure.”

Fidem Turbare (the non-existent atheist goddess): “That
unsubstantiated claim is entirely wrong. In fact, I find most men
interesting, entertaining, and sometimes even challenging at a variety
of levels (and other women often are too), but that's an anecdote that
may be a reflection of my own bias reflective of my circle of

dolf: “Still Time To Vote: Usenet Kook Hall Of Fame!”

Gary L Burnore ( “I’ve [SLAP] no brain.


dolf: “You guys are nothing but piss-heads.

Are you the dick Fred Hall mouths off about?

Sorry mate, no cunts allowed. Only those blokes with testicles can vote.”

Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler ( “Yes, boys and
girls, men and women, Dolf Boek has made his triumphal return to
alt.usenet.kooks, dropping 500 line screedbombs across the virtual
landscape. The same Dolf 'Qolon' Boek who is the proud owner of these
AUK awards:

72 Raisins Crackpot Religion Award January 2006
Unabomber Surprise March 2006
Tony Sidaway Memorial Drama Queen Award April 2006
Goofy Azzed Babboon December 2007

Welcome back, Dolf! Perhaps the Grand Wizard will add you to his stable
of fine kooks!”

% ( “Looks like newbies to me.”

sgt.preston ( “Naaaahh.............just Fred's
"dirty Socks" !!”

dolf: “Are you attempting to unlawfully represent yourself as a member
of the Police Service or Armed Forces?”

Barry OGrady ( “

Fred Hall ( “Ah, yes, the Boek k00ksuit. Too funny.”

dolf: “I will not make any submission to the present Parliamentary
Senate enquiry, because I am going to sue Peter Bowditch, the Sceptics
Society and the State of Victoria et al.

And I will visit the same recompense upon all and each of you here now.”

Fred Hall ( “Glad we don't have that problem in
New Zealand.”

Sir Gregory Hall, Esq. (greghall@home.fåke): “Learn how to trim, you
freaking, rude jerk!”

Fidem Turbare (the non-existent atheist goddess): “Teaching children to
question things is the best defen[c]e teachers can give them against the
dark arts that is religion. Just as they should question evolution so
they should question religion--Les Hellawell”

dolf: “When I was a child I was the only person who didn't believe in
God that I knew. Everyone else had either been born into one of the
major brands of Christianity, or at very least they'd accepted, by a
process of social osmosis, the idea of God, even if they remained, for
all practical purposes, indifferent.

And that's the good thing about the recent ascendancy of our belief,
or rather our disbelief. For atheism does not presuppose, let alone
impose, a set of views. All it does is unite us in religious
scepticism about the existence of gods. Gods plural because, of
course, even within one of the religious brands quite a few variations
on God are made available.

So today is important because it tells people that atheism is all
right. I didn't know it was all right. This greatly intensified my
loneliness as a child. When I tried to tell my grandmother my doubts -
I was raised by grandparents on a tiny farm--she boxed my ears. Ah,
the solitary dissidents, the lonely thinkers, the people who may be
the only disbeliever in a family or community. To that extent we need
to borrow from our enemies and have some missionary zeal. Whilst we
should avoid messiahs we need disciples to go out and spread the word
and seek converts. But as I'll be arguing this morning we must also
have to use our intellectual convictions to calm down the frenzies of

I see some parallels here between atheism and homosexuality.'The love
that dare not speak its name' as Oscar Wilde pronounced it. Leading to
millions living their life in the closet. Atheism was, and to a large
extent remains, the view that dare not speak its name. And it's only
recently that I've observed atheists coming out. Finally confident
enough to be, to borrow a gay slogan, loud and proud (Incidentally,
spare a thought for gay atheists).

But in becoming prouder and louder I want to argue that we should not
be too loud. And that we should not overestimate our importance as the
tectonic plates of religion move slowly, rubbing against each other to
cause mental and social earthquakes. By all means let us congratulate
each other - but let us not fall prey to hubris.

The disintegration of many a previously monolithic faith cannot be
attributed or credited to us. Roman Catholicism founders because
conservative prelates have tried to undo the progress of Vatican II.
The faithful refuse to comply with anachronistic instructions on the
pill and the condom.

They're embarrassed by their Church's archaic stance on women and
appalled by the ongoing attempts to cover up paedophilia scandals.
Others bitterly resent the undermining of liberation theology--those
valiant social justice campaigns. Or the stacking of the pulpits of
Western Europe with arch conservative priests from Poland.

The woes of the Catholic Church are self inflicted. We've barely laid
a glove on them. Ditto for the Anglican Church which is increasingly
stacked to the rafters with agnostics while Australian Anglicanism and
US Episcopalians self destruct over the issues of women priests and
continuing ecclesiastic homophobia.

But even the foundering of major faiths doesn't necessarily swell our
numbers. There's evidence that the major faiths have atomised,
Balkanised into the ongoing nonsense of cults, the New Age and pseudo
science. Religious energy, like energy itself, cannot be destroyed. It
tends to morph into new forms.

Twenty years ago Dick Smith and I aided and abetted the creation of
the Australian Sceptics, the local branch of CSICOP - the Committee
for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. CSICOP
deals with displaced religiosity. Much of the loss of the market share
for big brand religious beliefs was split up between the
Pentecostalists with their shopping mall religions or the fast faith
franchises, largely generated in California, right alongside the dream
factory of Hollywood. Two worlds that overlap to an extraordinary

Far from winning, the Sceptics and CSICOP have lost ground to
Millenarian and Shirley Macleanish madness. Turn on cable or free to
air telly and you'll see an ever increasing number of programs based
on paranormal detectives while John Edwards and his fellow frauds talk
to the dead. And the amount of space in newspapers given to astrology
has by no means decreased. We live in a parallel universe to these
people. The beliefs and behaviours that came from the Baptismal font
in mainstream faiths have simply deformed and reformed.

Yes, atheism is on the march in the US, according to statistics. But
we're starting from a very, very low base. And we should look across
the census figures at the equally dramatic growth of Islam in the US.
It's not coming from immigration but from conversion. Conversion
within the prison system! Malcolm X and Mohammed Ali certainly started

So beware of triumphalism. Over the last half century I've learnt that
my euphoria about atheism's progress, inevitable to us, about the
advance of science leading to the retreat of God, was wildly
optimistic. Yet the triumph of science, even in the scientifically
triumphant US, has failed to convince the vast majority of Americans
that evolution is a fact rather than a blasphemy.

Members of religions see atheists as their mortal enemies. Not
immortal, of course, because atheists don't linger on through all
eternity. We simply return to the nothingness that preceded our birth.
Religions' immortal enemy is religion. We might shake our puny fists
at the Vatican, at Islamic fundamentalism, at the religious right who
turbo-charge the US Republican party - but it is the ancient and
modern squabbles, the murderous contests between faiths and within
them, that dwarf our dissent.

Hitchens, Dawkins and the rest of us are, at best, at worst, the most
minor of irritants. The ancient and recent Christian crusades against
Islam, the titanic struggle of the Protestant heretics against Mother
Church, the recent internecine horrors in the Balkans, the genocidal
hatred of the Jews incited by Martin Luther that evolved into
Holocaust - these are the big stories. Savanarola was burnt at the
stake by fellow Catholics - as was Joan of Arc. Atheists neither
gathered the faggots nor fanned the flames. When religions are not at
war with each other they tear themselves apart.

We cannot take the credit for the dramatic decline in religious
observation in most Western nations. At last count, 90 per cent of
Australian Catholics were not attending Mass. But that's not because
of our arguments. It's because of their arguments with their priests,
bishops and the more recent Popes, particularly those from Poland and
Germany. Take us out of the equation and that rapid erosion will
continue, perhaps accelerate.

It's even observable in the United States amongst the Pentacostalists.
Just as the hippies were a reaction against stultifying and
emotionally stunted parents, a great many children of US
fundamentalists are shrugging off the dogmas of Mum and Dad. At very
least they're moving at least fractionally towards the left. And
American religious excess has certainly helped dim the flames of faith
as far away as Western Europe. But it is important for us to realise -
and let me borrow a couple of metaphors from the realms of cutlery -
that it's self inflicted wounds that have done the most damage -
particularly the Christian variants - than the cut and thrust of the
atheists' arguments. We are, perhaps, the beneficiaries of this
process but we cannot claim the credit.

Nor have we laid a glove on Islam or Hinduism. They are indifferent to
us and our arguments. No, indifferent isn't the word, as in some
Muslim countries our lives might well be at risk. You could argue,
perhaps, that secular atheistic Jews are in constant conflict with the
orthodox and ultra orthodox in Israel. Not that they seem to have won
too many rounds (After all, Israel began its life as a secular state
and, over the generations, has had to abandon territory to the
religious right. They mightn't yield territory to the Palestinians but
the religiously xenophobic don't seem to have lost much influence).

So perhaps we should reconsider our role, our allotted tasks, as
people who believe in none of this nonsense we might see ourselves as
honest brokers. Negotiate in their all consuming conflicts. Given our
anthropological detachment from Messianic and Milleranian madness,
from the boiling hatreds between Sunni and Shiia, we might share the
role of the Norwegians. They're not particularly powerful or numerous
but fight above their weight in hosing down dangerous situations.
Confronted by rabid religiosity people who don't believe could try to
ameliorate the hatreds of those who do. Mind you, you could mount an
argument that that's exactly what the likes of us have been doing for
the past few centuries. As to trying to convert the believer to
disbelief - I tried that for the last half century and found it not
only a fruitless but thankless task.

A confession I must admit to is being swept up in a religion as a
teenager. I became, during the 1950s, when the Cold War was at its
coldest and McCarthyism at its height, a member of the Australian
Communist Party. I was 15 when I signed up and 18 when I was kicked
out. And one of the reasons I lost my faith in atheistic communism was
because it revealed itself as a parody of the Catholic Church.
Catholicism had Rome, Communists had Moscow. Catholics had God the
Father and his son Jesus. Communists had Karl Marx as God and Lenin as
the saviour. They had the Bible, we had Das Kapital. They'd had Martin
Luther and we'd had Trotsky. Both of us had forms of dogma, the show
trial, confession, heresy, expulsion. Both published an Index of books
not to read.

I remember noticing the eerie parallels between cheap Catholic tracts
sold by the Catholic's Evidence Guild and cheap Marxist tracts sold at
the international book shop perhaps a mile from where we are today.
One tract would warn against heresy. The other against revisionism.
One would have the upturned bearded face of Christ on the cover, the
other the upturned bearded face of Lenin. Towards the end of my
involvement in the party I used to swap them over, putting communist
tracts into the racks surrounding a Gothic column in St Patrick's
Cathedral - and smuggling the Catholic counterparts into the small
Marxist bookshop. God knows, Marx knows, what happened as a
consequence. How many Catholics were converted to communism, how many
Commos accepted Christ as their own personal saviour.

I mention these parallels to dramatise that the atheist can be as
susceptible to authority and dogma as the Catholic. And that's one of
the reasons I differ in emphasis from Christopher and Richard. Just as
I differed totally from Christopher on the war in Iraq. I've been an
atheist for 66 years. I became atheist at the age of five, a decade
before I knew what an atheist was. Before I'd even heard the word. But
as a little boy, the son of a Christian minister, I realised I
couldn't believe, that the notion of God was totally redundant. The
great argument for God was that there had to be a Creation, a
beginning. Some sort of cosmic orgasm that got things going. But my
objection was simple. If God was the beginning who began God?

When I was discovering why I was not a communist I read Bertrand
Russell's Why I Am Not a Christian. In it he explained that he was 18
or 19 when he asked himself that all important question. If God was
the beginning who began God? And it was at that moment that he lost
the last vestiges of faith.

But I understand the yearning for belief. The poignancy, the wanting
to believe. It is driven, principally, by the fear of death.
Christians postulate a lopsided creation in which personal existence
goes on and on and on for billions of years in Heaven. Yet that
creation had a sudden, magical beginning with God.

I realised, at the age of five, that I'd already been dead forever.
Because what happened before birth - all those billions of years of
non-existence was identical to what happened after death.

Now, although I share much of the anger, indignation and rage that
Hitchens and Dawkins express I am well aware of that vastation of
terror that greets anyone who considers their mortality.

I started writing about that terror in columns almost half a century
ago. It was, I believe, the first time these issues were raised in an
Australian newspaper. As I took advantage of the fact that they were
evolving from newspapers to viewspapers. Unable to compete with the
urgency and immediacy of electronic media newspapers were opening
their pages to interpretation of last night's news and could be
encouraged to give space to philosophical meanderings. So I used that
window of opportunity to start discussing, in newspapers like The Age,
The Australian and the Sydney Morning Herald, the notion of living in
a meaningless universe, without author or purpose - its only destiny
to go cold and dark in obedience to the second law of thermo dynamics.

The notions of personal mortality, our denial of death or its burial
in euphemism - are central to most religious belief.

For a while the attacks in response were deafening and strident but,
little by little, I got a sort of a dialogue going with people of
faith - which I still find valid. Because on a vast variety of the
social issues - the social justice issues that I care about - people
whose beliefs I find ridiculous can become my colleagues.

A decade ago Australia went through the most appalling wave of bigotry
in the way it addressed the so-called problems of a few refugees.
Building on the paranoia of white Australia, the Pauline Hansons and
John Howards - and sadly some on my side of politics - prove that
under the veneer of tolerance Australians remained deeply racist. On
that issue amongst the first people to sign up for justice for
refugees were Jesuit intellectuals and Josephite nuns. Just as Jews
played a major role in the civil rights movement in the US - yes,
largely secular Jews but nonetheless operating within a Jewish
religious tradition - just as Jews joined with black leaders like
Luther King to overthrow America's apartheid, members of Australian
religious organisations (by no means enough of them, in very small
numbers) manned the barricades.

As they did on Aboriginal rights. As they do on a wide variety of
issues. While it's true that atheists have to put up with bullshit
from the religious that deny us any claim to ethics or morality we
must not make the same mistake. There are atheists who refuse to
accept the possibility that Christians, for example, can be taken
seriously as social reformers. They argue that they do it for the
religious counterpart to frequent flyer points. In its crudest form,
they argue that only the atheist can be truly ethical. Well, tell that
to the Reverend Martin Luther King or the many black and white
Christians who played a leading part in overthrowing the repulsive
race laws that had been established by the Dutch Reform Church and
justified by their distorted theology. We saw much the same thing with
slavery. Christians, even Quakers, could justify the slave trade.
Nonetheless, Christians following Wilberforce worked mightily to
destroy it.

Atheists, finally, don't believe. But that doesn't make us better or
nobler or finer people. At least, not necessarily. Many of the great
crimes of the 20th century can be laid as much at our door as at the
doors of the churches. Atheists, like Christians, can be the best or
worst of people. We do not have a monopoly on intelligence, on ethics
or decency. Yes, their beliefs - whether New Age nonsense or full
blown Catholicism - range from the ludicrous to the loathsome. Yes,
the Catholic Church's sickening attitude to human sexuality leads to
paedophilia on a monstrous scale.

Its nonsense about virgin births and immaculate conceptions and the
superiority of celibacy so distorts the human psyche that, decades
ago, when making a film on prostitution and the sex industry, I
discovered an overwhelming majority of prostitutes had had convent
educations. And when I pointed this out in a series of newspaper
columns, linking it to similar findings in the UK, which found that a
remarkably high percentage of men and women in the sex trades were
Roman Catholics, led to me being the target of a Catholic fatwah. On
one particular Sunday an edict was read out from every Catholic pulpit
in this country saying that it was a sin to read any newspaper that
printed me or to listen to any radio station that broadcast me. And I
hadn't even mentioned the paedophilia problem because, at the time, I
didn't know it existed.

But when I look at these phenomena I am not moved to hate Roman
Catholics so much as I am to pity them. And I want atheists to view
these people, dragooned into belief since childhood, or coming upon
them later in life as a consequence of the most profound of fears, the
fear of death, with a degree of understanding and compassion.

It's true that such tolerance has never been extended to us and
remains singularly absent in most major religions. The atheist remains
an ultimate outsider, someone to be demonised, feared and detested.
But that's their problem, not ours.

The current frenzy for faith, and fundamentalism, may be as I've
occasionally speculated, the storm before the lull. The last gasp of
religion as it yields to the mighty analysis and discoveries of
science. That might be the case. But the confidence that I had in my
teens - that religion would be dead by the end of the 20th century -
that the synagogues, cathedrals and mosques would be museums - was
foolhardy in the extreme. Indeed, while the religious monoliths did
seem to be crumbling, the spontaneous combustion of ever more foolish
faiths in the supernatural smorgasbord of cults, largely created in
California, and in the tenacity of superstition to remain alive and
well even in its trickle-down form of those astrological features in
daily newspapers, remains awesome.

Furthermore I'm assailed by people who argue that while God didn't
exist, doesn't exist, he she or it is coming into existence through
the new technologies. That the internet is the harbinger of a vast new
form of consciousness that will fill the galaxies and will, in some
strange way, neutralise the second law of thermo-dynamics. Now I think
this is twaddle. But it shows that even amongst people who claim to be
totally secular, who would see themselves as being atheists of some
degree, there's always a danger of creating a new ism or ology that,
like communism at its worst, may have a disastrous impact.

Yes, we must rage against religious extremism. But we must also be
intelligent enough to understand its origins, in the individual and in
society. We are not strong enough, we don't have sufficient numbers to
change the balance of power. The fact that religious belief may have
evaporated in western Europe, that it really ceased to exist in Japan,
that does not mean that we've won. It simply means that in many areas
religion has lost. But giving up on religious belief is not the same
as becoming a thoughtful, highly rational atheist. There may be 2,500
of us here today but we are still a tiny minority.

Most people who've abandoned religion have not embraced the thoughts
and values we might try and articulate. They've taken up shopping.
They are dulling the pain of existence in the mall, by buying things
they don't need with the credit cards they can't afford. Or they're
dulling the pain in alcohol or narcosis. Or they're just sitting in
front of the telly or the computer screen bathing themselves in
violent drama or hyper violent games. In pornography or the
pornographies of violence.

Don't be fooled into thinking that we're at the edge of victory. That
would be a delusion. It concerns me that by becoming too arrogant, too
strident, too aggressive we will stultify rather than intensify
debate. I've known Christopher Hitchens for decades and know how he
operates. In any area, on no matter what he's tackling, he has two
positions. On or off. And when he's on he can be absolutely

I remember chortling with delight at his attacks on Mother Theresa -
when he called for Henry Kissinger to be tried as a war criminal. But
I was horrified when he threw his lot in with the Bush administration
and the neo cons. Mind you, many of the neo cons started their
intellectual life as Christopher did, as Trotskyites. In other words
whenever Christopher is writing something he cannot help but pound the
keyboard like a pianist playing one of the noisier works of
Rachmaninoff. His response to what he correctly sees as Islamist
fascism brooks no argument and takes no prisoners. It goes straight to
shock and awe, to the botched invasion of Iraq and ends up with up to
a million dead (Not that we'll ever know the figure because a body
count has always been studiously avoided) and Abu Ghraib. And
Christopher remains unapologetic. Because that's the way he thinks and
that's the way he writes. And nobody does that sort of thing better.
Much of what Richard writes and says and broadcasts has the same...

I propose, if you like, a third way while recognising how devalued
that notion has become in politics. But a willingness to sit down and
talk to these people who are not necessarily our enemies and who may,
on a raft of issues, be our friends. Sometimes their efforts to be our
friends are grotesque and ludicrous. I think of the Templeton
prizewinners, the long list of scientists, almost all of whom I have
either known or interviewed at length, cop a million dollars for
building bridges of understanding - usually misunderstandings between
science and Christian beliefs. But when it comes to human suffering,
whilst I can see that much of it has been exacerbated by religion, we
must accept the reality that we need 'em on our side if we are to
effect social change.

There was a time when, for example, the Christian world seemed wholly
unsympathetic to the climate change crisis. But there is now a strong
movement, within Christianity, to see the destruction of the planet as
a form of blasphemy.

People of religious faith are, in my view, more to be pitied than
blamed. They are, I believe, victims of the faiths they profess. But
there are countless millions of them who are decent human beings. As
decent as the 2,500 gathered here today. And I return to that notion
of the atheist as honest broker. Of the atheist as go-between. Of the
atheist who can sit down with Protestant, Catholic, Sunni and Shiia,
Muslim and Hindu and try to talk some sense into them.

And I've done it. I've conducted little experiments along these lines
by getting myself invited to some very strange places. For example,
Australia's leading Pentecostal ministers--running vast churches--had
me along to talk to them about atheism. I described myself as a mangy
old lion in a den of Christians and got a very good hearing. And by
the end of the discussion I like to think that they would not be so
quick to condemn, demonise of vilify atheists in the future.

In running this line at this conference I realise that it will not be
popular, that it's much more fun to shake the fist and pound the
table. But in a world where the religious have done so much of that
for millennia, and continue to do it in the 21st century, somebody's
got to be sane. And sanity is, or should be, a characteristic of

And may the blessings of Bertrand Russell rain down upon you.

Footnote: While I do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ
I'm here to tell you that other apparent corpses have a remarkable
ability to resurrect themselves. Only moments ago Obama's victory
signalled the end of the Republican Party. Now, a little over a year
after his inauguration day, the Republicans are reviving. Not by
compromising, not by changing the packaging, but by becoming even
madder than ever. The Rush Limbaughs, Sarah Palins, Tea Parties, Fox
News and its loony luminaries, are looking forward to the mid-terms
where there will be a bounce back. The pundits, as ever, were totally
unreliable. Ditto for the death of religion. It rises like Lazarus,
like the phoenix from the ashes. In some cases it does some
repackaging. So that Creationism is slightly redefined as intelligent
design. But much of it goes in the opposite direction, becoming even
more reckless and Fundamentalist, more mediaeval. Faith, blind faith
in all its forms, in all its weird and wacky variations, behaves like
a virus. Just when you think you've got it on the run it mutates into
something even more infectious, even deadlier. And the immune system
of human societies isn't getting significantly stronger.

In the last century 150 million people died in wars and genocides. We
would argue that religion played a major role in those statistics.
There's little evidence of it ameliorated fanaticism and much that
exacerbated it.

How will we fare in the 21st century? It certainly not off to an
encouraging start. Truly world wars may be fading but the
intensification of local, nationalist, civil and other forms of
conflict are on the increase. And we have yet to see what will happen
when, inevitably, terrorist groups, motivated by religion, get their
hands on biological or nuclear weapons. When one or more of scores of
would-be Saddam Husseins really do get weapons of mass destruction.

Yes, there are pockets of progress. But they're offset by black holes of
brutal beliefs. It's a fight that's been going on for centuries,
millennia. And it's not over yet.” [© 2010 Phillip Adams, edited version
of a speech given at the Global Atheist Convention]

Fred Hall ( “Did you enjoy your stay in the hospital?

[trim, for ClosetBoi]”

Cujo DeSockpuppet ( “So howz the
marsupial-molesting working out for you, freak?”

Cujo: The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in dfw.*,
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych. Supreme Holy
Overlord of alt.fucknozzles. Winner of the 8/2000, 2/2003 & 4/2007 HL&S
award. July 2005 Hammer of Thor. Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse
Memorial Dog Whistle - 12/2005 & 4/2008. COOSN-266-06-01895.

"Ad hominem, when it comes to psychology I am a genius. This can be seen
by the wriggling all spinics such as you do--and snipping of logical
definitions that trap you instead of you logically answering
them.”--Edmond 'taking his ego for a ride' Wollmann

Gary L Burnore ( “Already boring, ALready
killfiled. When the cancelbots start in, I shall laugh.”

Rick Sabian / Checkmate ( /
Lunati...@The.Edge): “He's already in my stable of fine plonked
kooks.” [Checkmate: KotAGoR XXXIV, Hammer of Thor February 2012,
Copyright © 2012 all rights reserved]

“[I]ts usually the lesser intelligent person , that comments on the more
intelligent person's , lack of intelligents”--Dave Keating, AKA
"Squiggles" the assworm, AKA %, explaining intelligence

“[W]e all think what we do has major significants"--Squiggles explains
why he spends so much time on Usenet... and why he can't play Scrabble

dolf: “Don't over act Rick Sabian alias Checkmate, I've got enough
quotes for my book thanks.

And I reserve my rights as well.

That you are engaged in criminal activity towards me, as deliberate
character assassination of me by abusive, offensive conduct as
indictable crime worthy of attention and action being power of arrest by
your relative police jurisdictions.”

% ( "[I]'m saying [I]'m everything."

dolf: "0% proof! God is a spirit."

% ( “It sounds like you're not having a happy day.”

dolf: “Don't you think that if Zimmerman's story was contradicted by the
physical evidence the police would have charged him?”

Old Jinglebollocks ( “Doesn't matter any more.

Can't be bothered even to read what you bums are writing on Usenet.

Fuck ye, the whole damned lot o' ye.”

I thought Jamie Rowe was discriminatory in the manner by which he
undertook his seeking of housemates in Liverpool Street with Gay Share-
space was indulgently disrespectful of the person's dignity as
autonomic right. That collectively these radio personalities are by
their fascist dog commentary, not mindful of duty to State. I also
called the Chief Commissioner office with that same calmness of mind--
it is therefore dishonest to convey it as otherwise.

Flag NOT Fag Wa[i]ver ( “Many targets, one bomb.

B O O M !”

dolf: “...and I want to call in an that wrong?”

Defence Minister Stephen Swan in addressing the media on 7 March 2012,
over ADF shenanigans does raise some matters of parallelism and I do
note as advice in which I agree.

On 13 March 2012 I followed my community health nurse and confidant’s
recent example of determined conduct as a statement of dissatisfaction
made in resignation and contempt over the unlawful character and the
frenzied, brutalising, hate filled manner by which the New South Wales
Police Service and Saint Vincent’s Acute Care Team have conducted
themselves in my affairs.

Following their advice that these persons were seeking to make a
submission to a Magistrate’s Court in order to forcibly gain entry
into my apartment and access me as to the nature, condition and
circumstances of my psychological health--they again resorted to
unlawful, threatening and unbridled aggression in their conduct
outside my premises and a week later they murdered a Brazilian youth
(certainly not a Brazil Holland hero) by tasering him in a
circumstance of mistaken identity over an alleged theft of biscuits (a
wafer perhaps?).


Manhunt (Brazil_Holland): Age: 34, Position: Top, Height: 6’0”, Build:
Twink, Ethnicity: Mixed, Hair: Buzzed, Eyes: Brown, Cock: 9" (Uncut)

This was now the 3rd occasion where this intrusion against me had
occurred and which I viewed as an unwanted, unreasoned and aggressive
conduct against my autonomy and rights under the State as a person of
intellect, integrity and dignity who is generally of a calm and happy
disposition. This conduct by them has unnecessarily tainted,
prejudiced and rendered toxic my living environment--goodness knows
what monstrosity the neighbours think of me.

These grievous incursions by State Authorities who have no desire to
give any accountability for their actions and neither do they wish to
grant me a modicum of credence with respects to my religious belief as
being a substantial reality. Accordingly, I have left both Sydney and
the State of New South Wales with no intention of ever returning to
their culture of disrespect, which lacks civility in its inhumanity. I
have therefore terminated my lease and left 3rd parties to pack and
convey my goods and chattels interstate at a cost of over $4,000.
Given this my book has now reached a level of completeness. I believe
that such actions by me as public defiance of the State’s conduct
which I have taken with due consideration as a calculated exercise of
voluntary will accompanying determined action against them, will
invariably manifest a disturbing effect and consequence upon their
enjoyment as participation in any further ANZAC celebrations.

As I crossed the State border into Victoria as a safer haven from
their persecutions and traumatising conduct, I advised those parties
of my intention to leave the State.

This departure gave me an opportunity to meet a female friend of
Private Jake Kovco who had some life experiences which augmented mine.
There was no disagreement about the plausibility of any aspect about
my belief that Kovco’s conduct was deliberate and being passed off as
accidental. His making of a video record of his service was in itself
an unusual act. I formed the view from the sloppy and casual manner by
which he portrayed himself that it seemed different to how other
soldiers are normally portrayed in the media.

The casualness as his routine conduct was at odds with his disruption
of determined policy events. That the uncharacteristic behaviour about
his making of the video record seems to support the notion as a view
he held, that the Australian soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan were
forgotten by the general populace, who went about their lives as
though they weren’t there and what they were doing wasn’t important.
He was in fact undertaking a course of action which required complex
processes that were not normal for him. That his intention to have his
body return on ANZAC day was a dishonourable and opportunistic conduct
as an attempt to impose himself upon the State in a most undignified

That I was right to protest as I had done and what a waste of time and
money the Military Tribunals into his death were.

Also conveyed to me was an equivalent experience to my own, about
private sexual acts being recorded by others and unbeknownst to
ourselves, were then publicised amongst a group in an attempt to
dishonour a person’s dignity and privacy--That this was technically a
rape because the sexual act accompanied a video recording which was
made against a person’s will.

Have you met my kangaroo Jingoist bitch prostitute: Shane Dowling?

"We know what you mean by Faceless Men, Krudd, you anti-termite,
errrrhm semite.....Coz Mark Arsebib, is just an ass-licker.” [7 March
2012, Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo Court Australia @]

The dolt defamation on the Internet is going to come to an end!

“[With opposition] 101 [asks “Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its
hands in Australia?”] [7 March 2012, Shane Dowling alias Kangaroo
Court Australia @]


- dolf
- www.grapple369/memeBrain.html

On 1/04/12 1:40 PM, fasgnadh's dad wrote:
> Brian Clarke, Implementing Alain de Botton's suggestion for atheists
> that they "Steal ideas from Religion":
> Metaphor for the Divine.
> "Art was cradled in the Church"

> Studies for Hovering There

> Talking about Light

fasgnadh's dad

Apr 20, 2012, 5:39:50 PM4/20/12

fasgnadh's dad

May 19, 2012, 12:03:25 AM5/19/12

Waldo Tunnel

May 20, 2012, 7:06:55 PM5/20/12
On May 18, 9:03 pm, fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:

fasgnadh has a daddy?

Waldo Tunnel

May 23, 2012, 4:12:14 AM5/23/12
On May 18, 9:03 pm, fasgnadh's dad <> wrote:

Kind of amateur.


That snare drum is right out of 1985.

fasgnadh's dad

May 25, 2012, 11:46:35 PM5/25/12

The Maple Trail - Captain Dies

She's a documentary maker
with an eagle's eye

Somebody mentions Jesus

and she don't cry


May 26, 2012, 1:16:34 AM5/26/12
Neil Kelsey publicly rejects atheist state tyranny and it's psychopathic
> Searching for the pillars of justice on Google I found three pillars,
> four pillars, ten pillars, but nothing about twin pillars.

Give the computer back to your mummy and go sit in the corner
wearing the pointy hat with the bid "D" for delusional/dimwit on it.

Clearly you haven't reached the linguistic development stage
where you can grasp a metaphor:

> You're making this up.

No, the internet really exists,
you just need to learn how to drive it. ;-)

So, for the grown ups, the concept is simple:

Reward is when Neil uses his crayon to draw a right angled triangle and
calculate the length of the hypotenuse from the other two sides.
The Intrinsic reward is the development of spatial and mathematical
skills, and could be extrinsic if you give him a lolly and say "Good
Boy". B^]

and Punishment is when you take the crayon away from him when he
sticks it up his arse, and then proceeds to eat it.

And for the adults in the audience, this demonstrates not only
the twin pillars of Justice, but also illustrates the attribute of


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But the glory of God is His Mercy.

Neil, possibly as a result of the toxic chemicals he ingested
orally and anally, changes the subject without rhyme or reason:

> I don't consider psychopathic mass torturers to be
> merciful or glorious.

So you oppose every atheist regime in history.. who doesn't?

But we are talking about Mercy, a quality completely unknown in any
atheist regime, so it's not surprising that modern atheists remain
ignorant of it and have NOTHING to say about it.

Why did you bother to post, other than to expose your ignorance on every

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people learn from their mistakes and mend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their ways,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others remain addicted to their vices..

Eg the atheist's sociopathic hate filled warlord, who likes to desecrate
the bodies of the victims of atheist terror:

# From: Steve Knight <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism
# Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
# Message-ID: <>
# Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
# We kill theists and shit down their throats
# Warlord Steve

> That's no reason to torture anyone.

He's an atheist, he needs no reason and has no moral restraint.

Not satisfied with murder, Steve, the atheist communities
chosen leader/psychopath, favours GENOCIDE of every
Muslim man woman and child, just for believing in something
the Atheist thugs want to prohibit again, freedom of thought and belief;

# From: Steve Knight <>
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
# Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# Message-ID: <>
# Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
# On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
# <> wrote:
# >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
# It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
# The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
# Warlord Steve

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just because you cannot see God does not mean you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot receive his Love and Mercy.

Traditionally Atheists make do with Lenin, Stalin, Steve Knight,
Mao, Chris 'Drill Chuck' Lee, Pol Pot..

> I don't want the love of a psychopathic torturer.

There aint no love or mercy in the atheist tyrannies, bucko! 8^o

> I think torturers should go to prison.

In the atheist regimes your attitude would have seen YOU in prison! 8^o

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just Be in Love
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forget all that cleverness,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just be in Love.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forget all those pretences,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just be in Love.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let your Self open slowly into this sunlit field
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the forests will stand to attention before you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Receive each new gift in stillness and remembrance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let all that weary narrowness fall away
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When you reach forth into Love,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even admonitions arrive sealed with a kiss.

Or, you can follow the historical pattern of every atheist regime with
it's conformist sheep and manipulative atheist tyrant, and experience
endless terror torture and the death of over 80,000,000 people

The Cultural Devolution:

Atheism's Artistic Zenith;

"Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that forever shines"

Out of his big fat arse!!! B^D

> I don't think that someone who worships a mass torturer and
> who is a member of an intergalactic torture ring is
> qualified to tell me what love is.

Sounds like some of you atheists are finally waking up and rejecting
the standard practice of atheist regimes in EVERY atheist state in history.

Clearly, it is a discredited hypothesis.

All the great and enduring civilisations, including every free open
progressive, secular democracy.. have been built and sustained
by majority religious societies. Not one has ever been developed
by atheists.. EVERY one of their states has been a totalitarian
cluster fuck!

Glad that at least one of you has finally turned your back on that
madness and walked into the light.


The foremost atheist Philosopher of our age recently
launched his new book "Religion for Atheists" and
no atheists are interested in talking about it:

- Alain de Botton, Lanching his new Book, Religion for Atheists
The Wheeler Centre, Melbourne 19/3/2012

fasgnadh's dad

Jun 19, 2012, 3:49:36 AM6/19/12

How the atheists see my boy:-)

On 21/04/2012 7:39 AM, fasgnadh's dad wrote:
> Hymns to the Silence


Jun 25, 2012, 12:24:28 PM6/25/12
Neil Kelsey denies REAL atheist crimes with fantasy and delusion :
> On 26/05/2012 11:52 PM, fasgnadh wrote:> Neil Kelsey has a few 'roos loose in his top paddock: ;-)
>>> On Friday, May 25, 2012 10:16:34 PM UTC-7, fasgnadh wrote:
>>>> Neil Kelsey publicly rejects atheist state tyranny and it's psychopathic
>>>> leaders:
>>> Neil Kelsey is an atheist and rejects God as an imaginary.
>>> psychopathic monster.
>> Malcolm X rejected White supremacy, as a radical black man.
>> Do you think you would still reject God if you weren't an imaginary
>> psychopathic monster?
> I'm not an imaginary psychopathic monster. God is.

So you imagine God is a psychopathic monster, yet, illogically,
you believe he is real enough to do things in the world: ? B^p

> He tortures people,


> I don't.
>> Are you receiving any treatment for your psychosis?
>>> I wasn't referring to the internet.
>>>> you just need to learn how to drive it. ;-)
>>>> So, for the grown ups, the concept is simple:
>>>> Reward is when Neil uses his crayon to draw a right angled triangle and
>>>> calculate the length of the hypotenuse from the other two sides.
>>>> The Intrinsic reward is the development of spatial and mathematical
>>>> skills, and could be extrinsic if you give him a lolly and say "Good
>>>> Boy". B^]
>>>> and Punishment is when you take the crayon away from him when he
>>>> sticks it up his arse, and then proceeds to eat it.
>>>> And for the adults in the audience, this demonstrates not only
>>>> the twin pillars of Justice, but also illustrates the attribute of
>>>> Mercy.
>>> Nah.
>> Nah is not an argument. Do you know what such an infantile response
>> demonstrates about you?
>>> It demonstrates the psychopathic mindset
>> You have already described your illness,
> Yes. Yes I have.
>> and now seem to be repeating yourself.
> Sometimes it takes repetition for the point to sink in.
>> What are your symptoms? Hallucinations? Paranoia?
> symproms of psychopathy are many, including paranoia and torture.

and poor spelling. B^)

>> Is there something you are deeply afraid of?
>>> of Christianity.
>> Any other symptoms? Delusions? Persecution complex?
> Yeah

Describe them:

> God seems to have a persecution complex.

So you believe the 'God' you don't believe in has a persecution
complex... (as well as "torturing people").

> I don't think he is deluded

Do you think YOU might be, claiming "God is this.." And "God Does that"
while simultaneously claiming

> that he doesn't exist and all

You don't seem to have ANY capacity for LOGIC or reason!

> but his followers sure seem to

compared to you a fence post has more logical reason! B^D

How does that make you feel?

> have a persecution complex.

It may not be completely delusional, normal people do dislike atheists;

# Atheists Identified as America’s Most Distrusted Minority"
# - American Sociological Association, ASA NEWS
# "A survey by sociologists at the University of Minnesota
# found that atheists are “America’s most distrusted minority.”
# "From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households,
# university researchers found that Americans rate atheists
# below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and
# other minority groups in “sharing their vision of
# American society.”
# Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are
# least willing to allow their children to marry.
# Even though atheists are few in number, not formally
# organized and relatively hard to publicly identify,
# they are seen as a threat to the American way of life
# by a large portion of the American public.
# Many of the study’s respondents associated atheism with
# an array of moral indiscretions ranging from criminal
# behavior to rampant materialism and cultural elitism.
# Edgell believes a fear of moral decline and resulting
# social disorder is behind the findings.
# “Americans believe they share more than rules and
# procedures with their fellow citizens—they share an
# understanding of right and wrong,” she said. “Our
# findings seem to rest on a view of atheists as
# self-interested individuals who are not concerned
# with the common good.”
# The study is co-authored by assistant professor
# Joseph Gerteis and associate professor Doug Hartmann.
# It’s the first in a series of national studies conducted
# the American Mosaic Project, a three-year project funded
# by the Minneapolis-based David Edelstein Family Foundation
# that looks at race, religion and cultural diversity in
# the contemporary United States."

>>> Nobody should be tortured for failing to find an obscure book in an
>>> internet search.
>> So you feel persecuted,
> I feel threatened
>> ,'tortured' as you put it, because you
>> searched the internet and falsely claimed there were no references
>> to the twin pillars, and now feel humiliated because I found a couple
>> easily.
> I should have crayons stuck up my ass for not finding your
> book on a Google search.

A simple apology for being such a clueless fuckwit would suffice,
but if that's what turns you on, borrow one of Steve'Knight's crayons.

> I feel threatened because you threatened me with torture.

Now you seem to be confusing me with your delusion about God! B^D

> God is a figment of your imagination.

But you're the one who claims God "tortures most of humanity
for all eternity", not me! B^D

What sad, confused language are you speaking?

> paranoid gibberish
>> Look. don't feel bad, among your circle of atheists you are
>> not the slowest or most dimwitted, that would be Urgil and Olrik,and
>> even being a psychopath just makes you fit in with all the militant
>> atheists in BAAWA (Brutal Atheist Animals Without Agape):
>> # From: Steve Knight <>
>> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism
>> # Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
>> # Message-ID: <>
>> # Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
>> #
>> # We kill theists and shit down their throats
>> #
>> # Warlord Steve
>> # BAAWA
>> Not satisfied with murder, Steve favours GENOCIDE of every
>> Muslim man woman and child, just for believing in something
>> the Atheist thugs want to prohibit again, freedom of thought and belief;
>> # From: Steve Knight <>
>> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.religion.islam
>> # Subject: Re: Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
>> # Message-ID: <>
>> # Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 18:58:18 -0800
>> #
>> # On Mon, 2 Nov 2009 21:22:32 +0200, "Katrina"
>> # <> wrote:
>> #
>> # >Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all
>> #
>> # It is the most foul, disgusting filth on Earth.
>> # The sooner we nuke you fuckers, the better.
>> #
>> # Warlord Steve
>> # BAAWA
>> Now compared to that violent hate-filled atheist psychopath, you are
>> just a bumbling fool.
>>>> Q.E.D.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But the glory of God is His Mercy.
>>>> Neil, possibly as a result of the toxic chemicals he ingested
>>>> orally and anally, changes the subject without rhyme or reason:
>>> Neil directly addressed one of your assertions.
>> And I showed you are a clueless fuckwit by finding references
>> to the twin pillars with scarcely any effort at all.
> a psychopathic clueless fuckwit

and your major delusion is?

> a magical invisible psychopath

and you believe this imaginary entity "tortures most
of humanity for all eternity"?

> without any valid evidence that he exists

Do you realise that makes you sound completely insane?

> so

so you should seek treatment.

>>>>> I don't consider psychopathic mass torturers to be
>>>>> merciful or glorious.
>>>> So you oppose every atheist regime in history.. who doesn't?
>>> No,
>> What, now you don't oppose the psychopathic mass torturers who REALLY
>> Existed in every atheist regime??? Do make up your mind.
>> You are contradicting yourself constantly! B^p
> I think that ship sailed a while ago.
>>> I oppose the God of the Bible,
>> So you believe the God of the Bible is real and you oppose
>> him for creating the Universe which contains the atheist
>> psychopaths who commit terror torture and mass murder because God gave
>> them freewill?
> the Bible doesn't have to be real for me to oppose him

True, your delusion that an entity you don't believe in
tortures people is not dependent on the truth or falsehood
of any other proposition.

> other people believe he is real.

Other people believe the moon is made of cheese, to simply
follow them, without any evidence, is the mark of a moronic,
easily led sheep.

>>> who tortures most of humanity for all eternity.
>> Well as I don't share your delusion that anyone does that,
>> I would have to say 'I give up, I know atheist tyrants tortured
>> and Killed 80,000,000 people in just seven decades, but tell me
>> who you think did worse?
>> ........................................... < - Place evidence here

If you don't have ANY evidence for your claims, you must realise
that your fantasy is a delusion, one your mind has fabricated to
AVOID the reality of the REAL mass murderers.. the atheist regimes!

> I think they're both awful.

But one is DEMONSTRABLY REAL, the historical evidence showing the
atheist holocausts killed millions ACTUALLY EXISTS!!!! 8^o

Your claim that a God you don't believe is real committed equivalent
crimes against humanity is SIMPLY INSANE!

>> If you have no evidence for your crazy sounding claim
> It's not crazy.

You claim X does not exist, but X "tortures most of humanity
for all eternity"

> It says right in the Bible that God tortures people for eternity.

So your evidence of these imaginary crimes is a book you claim to
know is false!?


> inability to read for comprehension does not make me deluded
> or mentally ill

Basing your belief that the God you deny exists is responsible for
crimes as real and extensive as the atheist tyrannies on your inability
to comprehend certainly makes you deluded AND mentally ill.

> Sounds about right.

as I said;

>> we will just have
>> to assume is part of your delusions and mental illness.
>> (like your inability to accept that the twin pillars exist and can
>> easily be found, (by normal people anyway! )
> I think I'll post a non sequitur now and berate you when
> you can't tell what I'm talking about

Sure, go ahead, it's just more evidence of your mental disorder.

>>> That's neither merciful nor just.
>> I disagree, my assessment of your mental instability is based on
>> 1. your behaviour (paranoid about some entity which you claim is
>> imaginary but terrifies you because you believe they are a psychopathic
>> killer)
> That seems to be your best argument.

Another atheist lightweight capitulates, snips and RUNS AWAY from the TRUTH:

> <snip>

>> 2. your admission that you reject god, think, speak and act
>> 'as an imaginary. psychopathic monster' (observation supports
>> that claim)
>> 3. The atheist warlord warned us that many atheists have personal
>> issues:
>> # From: Steve Knight <>
>> # Newsgroups: alt.atheism
>> # Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
>> # Message-ID: <>
>> # Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
>> #
>> # We're here to talk about our own personal issues as atheists
>> 4. Jung described your syndrome:
>> "Among all my patients in the second half of life, that is, over
>> thirty-five, there has not been one whose problem in the last
>> resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life.
>> It is safe to say that every one of them fell ill because
>> he had lost that which the living religions of every age
>> have given their followers, and none of them has really
>> been healed who did not regain his religious outlook."
>> -Carl G. Jung Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>>>> But we are talking about Mercy, a quality completely unknown in any
>>>> atheist regime, so it's not surprising that modern atheists remain
>>>> ignorant of it and have NOTHING to say about it.
>>> I've got lots to say about it.
>> Another mood swing!
>> Just a moment ago, asked if you opposed the violent, merciless
>> atheist regimes that have killed over 80,000,000 people you casually
>> dismissed it with "No"
>> Now you backflip again!
>> So what do you have to say about the terror torture and mass murder
>> committed by those atheist regimes, IN THE REAL WORLD, not your
>> imaginary one:
>>> There's nothing merciful about torturing anybody for any length of time,
>> So we agree that the real atheists who tortured and killed over
>> 80,000,000 real people were merciless bastards!
>>> yet your merciful God
>> Oh, I'm an agnostic, so your delusional fears and paranoia about
>> beings that possibly don't exist are of no interest to me..
>> save it for your shrink:
>> <snip irrelevant and unfounded paranoia.. I only deal with REALITY,
>> you should try doing so one day! >
>>>> Why did you bother to post, other than to expose your ignorance on every
>>>> point?
>>> I'm not ignorant about your God
>> Clearly you are.. as I'm an agnostic, and that exposes you as a
>> bare-faced liar.
>> Why do you project your fantasies onto other people?
>>> being an unmerciful psychopathic monster.
>> You should get some help for that.
>> Are you hearing any 'voices', or receiving 'messages' at the moment?
>>> * snip insane ranting *
>> Oh, If I did that there would be nothing left of your post! B^D
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people learn from their mistakes and mend
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their ways,
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others remain addicted to their vices..
>> Eg the atheist's sociopathic hate filled Warlord, who likes to desecrate
>> Now that insane rant, which YOU snipped, was from your
>> hate filled, psychopathic atheist Warlord...
>> and yet instead of repudiating that psychopathic monster,
>> you tried to hide the evidence of his clearly disturbed
>> persona.
>> I'm beginning to have serious doubts about your honesty,
>> it appears as lacking as your reason and sanity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just because you cannot see God does not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mean you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot receive his Love and Mercy.
>>>> Traditionally Atheists make do with Lenin, Stalin, Steve Knight,
>>>> Mao, Chris 'Drill Chuck' Lee, Pol Pot..
>>>>> I don't want the love of a psychopathic torturer.
>>>> There aint no love or mercy in the atheist tyrannies, bucko! 8^o
>>> I was referring to your God.
>> Once again you IGNORE REALITY, for which there is evidence,
>> and live in a your fantasy world, which is delusional.
>>>>> I think torturers should go to prison.
>>>> In the atheist regimes your attitude would have seen YOU in prison.
>>> In a secular democracy your God would be in prison.
>> Look, you are clearly unwell.. I live in a secular democracy,
>> (it was built, like all of them have been, by a MAJORITY RELIGIOUS
>> society, no atheist state has ever produced a decent democracy)
>> and I am fairly sure, because it would have made the news, that
>> there is no Prison with God in it.
>> Now, have a Bex and lie down till the men in white coats come
>> and fit you with your nice new straitjacket, you are clearly unhinged.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just Be in Love
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forget all that cleverness,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just be in Love.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forget all those pretences,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just be in Love.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let your Self open slowly into this sunlit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the forests will stand to attention
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Receive each new gift in stillness and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remembrance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let all that weary narrowness fall away
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When you reach forth into Love,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even admonitions arrive sealed with a kiss.
>>>> Or, you can follow the historical pattern of every atheist regime with
>>>> it's conformist sheep and manipulative atheist tyrant, and experience
>>>> endless terror torture and the death of over 80,000,000 people
>>> False dichotomy.
>> Thanks for warning me of the nature of your next psychotic break:
>> > I can also live in a secular democracy
>> all of which have been created by majority religious societies,
>> NOT ONE has ever been built by an atheist regime.. and when we
>> see the insanity of those totalitarian atheist tyrannies,
>> and your own clearly disturbed mind, we can see why.
>> Q.E.D.
>> Is there anything more you would like to rant about?
>> Pretending I am a theist? projecting your deluisional state onto
>> others:
>> > in which you are free to worship
>> Everyone is, just as we are free to not worship,
>> as we rational agnostics and you delusional atheists are,
>> thanks to the theists who evolved these secular democratic states....
>> But what is this ongoing OBSESSION you neurotically cling to
>> about
>> > whichever imaginary psychopath you want,
>> YOU are the only one in this thread obsessing about your 'imaginary
>> psychopathic terror' I have never shared your delusional paranoid
>> fixation.
>> The only psychopaths I have discussed are the REAL ATHEIST ones for
>> which I have presented historical EVIDENCE and verbatim quotes for!
>> > and I get to mock you.
>> Mocking me for opposing REAL psychopaths while you wave your arms
>> hysterically and faff on endlessly about IMAGINARY ones simply
>> confirms what a clueless lunatic you are!
>> B^]
>>>> The Cultural Devolution:
>>>> Atheism's Artistic Zenith;
>>>> "Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that forever shines"
>>>> Out of his big fat arse!!! B^D
>>>>> I don't think that someone who worships a mass torturer and
>>>>> who is a member of an intergalactic torture ring is
>>>>> qualified to tell me what love is.
>>>> Sounds like some of you atheists are finally waking up and rejecting
>>>> the standard practice of atheist regimes in EVERY atheist state in
>>>> history.
>>> Dude.Communism is dead.
>> So you aren't aware that the second largest economic power on the
>> planet is run by The Chinese Communist Party:
>> Wow, are you so out of it because of the anti-psychotic drugs
>> they are pumping into you or have you been in a coma for two decades?
>> And you think you have something to mock ME about!? B^D
>> 'scuse me while I piss myself laughing
>> > Move on.
>> I can't this is hilarious.
>> You couldn't operate Google and find a simple reference to the
>> twin pillars of Justice, you don't know that China is ruled by the
>> Communist party, you are completely ignorant of the history of atheist
>> tyranny, you are neurotically obsessed with imaginary terrors
>> that exist only in YOUR MIND, AND you seem to believe that agnostics
>> share your belief in God, who you are convinced is a psychopathic
>> monster who is terrifying you!
>>> I was referring to your God.
>> Mate, you are madder than a sack of cut snakes!!!!
>> B^D What a fucking RIOT! B^D B^D
>> Listen, don't run off and hide in the new atheist sheltered
>> workshop with all the other weak gutless atheist cowards,
>> stay here and keep (inadvertently) making the world laugh!
>>>> Clearly, it is a discredited hypothesis.
>>>> All the great and enduring civilisations, including every free open
>>>> progressive, secular democracy.. have been built and sustained
>>>> by majority religious societies.
>>> Secular democracies have separated church and state.
>> Did someone tell you to say that!?
>> Secular democracies, you dimwitted atheist twonk have ALL
>> been evolved by MAJORITY RELIGIOUS societies!
>> Not ONE has ever been developed by atheist states.
>> EVERY atheist state has been a TOTALITARIAN TYRANNY
>> and a catastrophic cluster fuck!
>> but that theist societies have built ALL of the great
>> and enduring civilisations of the past and all of the
>> secular democracies of the modern era.
>>>> Not one has ever been developed
>>>> by atheists.. EVERY one of their states has been a totalitarian
>>>> cluster fuck!
>> Now watch this SLIMY CREEP just BLINDLY ignore that fact
>> and try to insert just one more PATHETIC ATTEMPT at SPIN:
>>> I hear China is currently purchasing the US bit by bit.
>> The Communists that you just told us don't exist!?
>> "Dude. Communism is dead" - BackflipBoi
>> You are the biggest idiot I've met since Urgil and Olrik! B^D
>> > They're godless commies, aren't they?
>> Listen, when you, if you, ever get your mind back, and can
>> make it up, come back and make us laugh some more!
>> Oh, for the adults and sane folk; the atheist terror, torture
>> and mass murder of Mao's Great Leap Backward and Cultural Devolution
>> has been over for DECADES. In 1982 China abandoned it's militant
>> atheist persecution of religion, reformed it's constitution
>> to allow greater freedom of THOUGHT and BELIEF and, ..surprise surprise,
>> the famine, terror, torture and death of over 40,000,000 people
>> subsided, the nation began to prosper, has an explosive growth in new
>> believers, over 300,000,000 and is a now a global superpower!
>> It's still a Communist One Party State, but no longer an Atheist regime,
>> in fact, the Chinese Communist Party Officials now PRAISE RELIGION:
>>> Back here in the real world,
>> Where the country that is growing in religious faith is, according to
>> you, taking over the USA, where faith is declining!!?!!!
>> WTF!? .. How do you explain THAT ....*DUDE*!!! B^D
>> Perhaps you should stick to talking only about
>> your imaginary psychopathic friend! B^D
>> Right at this moment.. are you denying the Chinese Communist
>> Party exists or insisting they own the USA? B^D
>> You haven't presented a single fact in this whole thread..
>> All you do is IGNORE the evidence and rant, projecting your
>> obsession with your imaginary psychopath friend onto every issue.
>> This is just one more aspect of reality you are IGNORANT of and simply
>> "With the gradual liberalisation that developed with
>> Deng Xiaoping's open door reforms, religion was no
>> longer proscribed. In 1982, the constitution was
>> amended to allow Chinese people considerable freedom
>> of religion."
>> "At the first world Buddhism forum in East China's Zhejiang
>> Province last year, the Chinese government acknowledged
>> the active role religion plays in building a harmonious society."
>> "For example, religious beliefs have helped cut down crime
>> to a large extent,"
>> "religion has been enjoying a resurgence in China over the
>> past 20 years, as Communist Party disapproval has eased"
>> "Religious believers thrice the estimate
>> By Wu Jiao (China Daily)
>> "A survey has found that the number of religious believers
>> is three times bigger than the official estimate.
>> The poll of about 4,500 people, conducted by professors Tong
>> Shijun and Liu Zhongyu of Shanghai-based East China Normal
>> University from 2005 till recently, found that 31.4 percent
>> of Chinese aged 16 and above or about 300 million are religious."
>> Incredible! in just a few short years the new converts from
>> atheism In JUST ONE COUNTRY, far outnumber the slow increase
>> in tiny atheist numbers in the rest of the WORLD! B^D
>> > every theocracy has been a totalitarian cluster fuck,
>> > Christian theocracies included.
>> Sure. so what?
>> *Every* free, open, progressive, tolerant SECULAR democracy
>> has been built by majority religious societies.
>> So the most advanced states are all the work of theist
>> societies, but *ALL* of the atheist states and a few of the
>> backward theocracies are stuck in the past.
>> Your point is? That atheist states in the 20th century
>> were more brutal that theocracies of the medieval past and
>> killed far more people than ANY religion?
>> That all the atheist states except North Korea are DEFUNCT, and
>> it can't even feed it's people!!!!
>> Fer fucks sake, pull your head out of your arse and TAKE STOCK OF REALITY!
>> You are just another sad atheist ignoramus.
>>> * snipped crackpot ramblings *
>> Run and hide from the truth..
>> you are done like a dinner, lightweight! B^]

>> I think I'll change the subject and browbeat you
>> for failing to find an obscure book on a Google search again
>> > That's neither merciful nor just.
>> I disagree, but then again, I've been worshiping a psychopath
>> for as long as I can remember so I'm probably not
>> qualified to tell what "mercy" is.
>> 2. I think I'll spout some more incomprehensible gibberish
>> so I can browbeat you for not understanding it.

> You're boring me.
> * snip remainder of your deranged rambling *


When it was revealed that
was declining in it's daily traffic, Mike Lenin from Pravda
Propaganda set about to "FIX" it: B^D

# From: Mike Lovell <>
# Subject: The atheism is faith based destruction question
# Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 22:24:25 -0500
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism.moderated,alt.atheism
# Followup-To: alt.atheism.moderated

# From: Mike Lovell <>
# Subject: AA: What happens after you die
# Newsgroups: alt.atheism.moderated,alt.atheism
# Followup-To: alt.atheism.moderated

atheist parasites SIPHON your posts! B^D


Jun 25, 2012, 1:05:16 PM6/25/12
Religions that speak about heaven differ on how (and if) one gets into
it, either in the afterlife or while still alive. In many religions,
entrance to Heaven is conditional on having lived a "good
life" (within the terms of the spiritual system) or "accepting God
into your heart." A notable exception to this is the 'sola fide'
belief of many mainstream Protestant Christians, which teaches that
one does not have to live a perfectly "good life," but that one must
accept (believe and put faith in) Jesus Christ as one's saviour, and
then Jesus Christ will assume the guilt of one's sins; believers are
believed to be forgiven regardless of any good or bad "works" they
have participated in. Catholic Christians too speak of heaven as
unattainable by even heroic human effort and having been "opened" by
the death and resurrection of Jesus. [4] They see heaven as promised
by God as a reward for good works made possible only by his grace,
while "the works of the flesh" exclude from heaven. [6] A contrary
view is that of Christian Universalism, which holds that, because of
divine love and mercy all will ultimately be reconciled to God.
Dispensationalists hold that, in an event called the Rapture,
Christians will be suddenly removed from earth before or during the
Great Tribulation. They base this belief on 1 Thessalonians 4:17 who
are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air".

Many religions state that those who do not go to heaven will go to
another place, hell, which is eternal in religions such as
Christianity. Some religions uphold the belief that other forms of
afterlife exist in addition to heaven and hell, such as purgatory,
though many hells, such as Naraka, serve as purgatories themselves.
Some belief systems contain universalism, the belief that everyone
will go to heaven eventually, no matter what they have done or
believed on earth. Some forms of Christianity, and other religions
believe hell to be the termination of the soul. Some Christian
denominations believe in an Intermediate state between death and the
Resurrection of the Dead.

fasgnadh's dad

Jul 9, 2012, 8:40:14 PM7/9/12

Dear atheist sadsacks, you are breaking my heart..

it's time you learned to lighten the fuck up!

Everyday, life is THIS GOOD!

On 1/08/2010 12:38 PM, fasgnadh's dad wrote:


Jul 9, 2012, 9:05:48 PM7/9/12
Just give up your whoring, whoresmen, and the world will be brighter.

Atheism is conflated with anti-theism only in the minds of fools, like
fasgnadh the furious and Liarboi Broiljab .

Modern atheism includes mere lack of belief in any gods.

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence
of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position
that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is simply the
absence of belief that any deities exist.

fasgnadh's dad

Nov 6, 2012, 6:04:06 PM11/6/12

Dear atheist sadsacks, you are breaking my heart,..

your lives are spent in angry denunciation, denigration and denial.
Just like every atheist regime, your newsgroups seem bereft of any
of the sublime human emotions, Joy, Peace, Compassion, Empathy...

In all the years in which atheist regimes were terrorising, torturing
and killing over 80,000,000 people, there does not seem to have been
even one great or enduring artwork produced...

This is just ONE of the sublime masterpieces inspired by those
whose hearts FEEL with an intensity so clearly denied you..

Pause at 13 seconds and consider how you are pitied...

On 10/07/2012 11:47 AM, fasgnadh's dad wrote:
> On 10/07/2012 10:52 AM, Neil Kelsey wrote:
>> On Monday, 9 July 2012 17:40:14 UTC-7, fasgnadh's dad wrote:
>>> Dear atheist sadsacks, you are breaking my heart..
>>> it's time you learned to lighten up! 8^)
>>> Everyday, life is THIS GOOD!
>> Not if I have to listen to lameass music like that...
> Your sister is a sweet young thing, ..she understands fun. 8^)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Science being LED, as usual, by the divinely inspired;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `Abdu'l-Bahá, in 1912, stated that religion without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> science is mere superstition and that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> science without religion is crude materialism;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Religion and science are the two wings
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon which a man's intelligence can soar into the heights,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with which the human soul can progress.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is not possible to fly with one wing alone!

fasgnadh's dad

Jan 3, 2013, 6:04:24 PM1/3/13

Dear atheist sadsacks,

most of you have reached an age when we can no longer
sugar coat the truth for you,

Siddhartha was right, this world is full of suffering,
making each moment of beauty and compassion so rare and
precious that we can hardly tell weeping from laughter...

Bhairava is the fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva dancing
annihilation and was historically associated with glory
and awe, but became identified with peace and devotion.

Can you understand why?

Learn to Dance! Before it is too late!

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 12, 2013, 2:34:44 PM3/12/13

The light of the World;

"The Light of the World (1853–54) is an allegorical painting by William
Holman Hunt representing the figure of Jesus preparing to knock on an
overgrown and long-unopened door, illustrating Revelation 3:20: "Behold,
I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the
door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me".
According to Hunt: "I painted the picture with what I thought, unworthy
though I was, to be by Divine command, and not simply as a good Subject."

"Charles Booth, a wealthy ship owner and philanthropist, was a great
devotee of Hunt’s work. He organised for the large version of the work
to be taken around the world where it was seen by around two million
people. Whilst in Australia, for example, reports state that it was
viewed by a hundred people every minute."

The painter, William Holman Hunt, came from a lost era when atheists
still had some humanity and insight.

Hunt was an atheist! 8^o

fasgnadh's dad

Mar 30, 2013, 11:12:35 PM3/30/13

Close your eyes, and imagine you are a 12th century
Sufi whose every breath is a hymn to the Beloved..

Everyone believes.

I believe in beauty and truth

When what we believe in is true, it UPLIFTS US.

You can't create if you don't believe in something
BEYOND what already exists!

You don't have to tell others, it doesn't
have to be affirmed.

One night I lay down with a friend beside the river,
up in the mountains, near the headwater..

We could feel the mass of the earth
pressing at our backs...
.. long blades of grass framed our view..

and looked out...

it was a clear night, packed with stars, and the
even deeper blackness between them..

one of us said

"There is no convincing to be done"

I don't want to tell you WHAT to believe.

But belief is fundamental to our existence, so be careful
what you believe in...

Start out small,
it can be the woman you want to be with..

or stand looking out to the horizon,

a vision of the way the world could be..

Some beliefs have built soaring cathedrals..
some have founded nations,
and others families overflowing with love..

some cracked open the heart of things...

Unmarked Boxes

Don't grieve.
Anything you lose comes around in another form.
The child weaned from mothers' milk now drinks wine and honey mixed.

Gods' joy moves from unmarked box to unmarked box,
from cell to cell.
As rainwater, down into flowerbed
As roses, up from the ground.
Now it looks like a plate of rice and fish,
now a cliff with vines,
now a horse being saddled.
It hides within these,
till one day it cracks them open.

- Rumi

fasgnadh's dad

Apr 4, 2013, 11:36:16 AM4/4/13

Time lapse images from the Space Station:
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