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Cylenthia Clark - former DFCS' No. 2 admin in Fulton Co Georgia

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Jan 19, 2008, 11:31:11 AM1/19/08
Isn't it interesting that she didn't say a word
about these complaints when she was
working for the corrupt Child Protection INDUSTRY,
but as soon as she gets her own children / body part
in the ringer THEN she has all of these issues?

I noticed that her web site has no archive,
so it does now, on here.

"Little did I know that disciplining my child would land me in jail,
my children in foster care, and our lives in a whirlwind of trauma and

How could she NOT KNOW THIS?
"DFCS' No. 2 administrator in Fulton Co" the newspaper article says.
She SUPERVISED the VERY SAME activity her
family is now a victim of!

"This is where the events get all twisted and all the devils show
their horns."

"DFCS' No. 2 administrator in Fulton Co" the newspaper article says.

She worked for the devil and now that she she got the horns
she's squawking?

What about "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." ?

Do unto others as long as it isn't YOUR ass?

On Jan 17, 10:19 pm, "LK" <> wrote:
> State official uses Web to bash accusers
> On her personal Web site, Cylenthia Clark, who stands accused of beating her
> daughter with a belt, in turn accuses Fayette County child welfare workers
> of everything from incompetence to genocide.
> Such railings from parents who feel wronged by the state's child welfare
> system are common.
> But Clark was part of that very system as a high-ranking, $73,000-a-year
> employee of Georgia's Division of Family and Children Services.
> She was DFCS' No. 2 administrator in Fulton County when police arrested her
> in March on charges of child cruelty for allegedly striking her 9-year-old
> daughter 34 times with a leather belt, leaving bruises on her back, arm and
> leg. She was then transferred to the state office of the Georgia Department
> of Human Resources, which oversees DFCS.
> Child welfare proponents, including Georgia's child advocate, say Clark's
> Web site is offensive and harms the morale of DFCS workers. They say she
> should take it down.
> But DHR Commissioner B.J. Walker says she can do nothing about it.
> "Personally, I don't think it is a good idea for employees to disparage the
> character of other employees but I have no authority to control the personal
> words or actions of any employee," Walker said through spokeswoman Dena
> Smith.
> At the same time, Smith said, "it is unfair to hold an agency responsible
> for the personal feelings of an employee." Clark currently coordinates
> training on a database that tracks families in Georgia's child welfare
> system.
> Nothing in state policy prevents employees from creating and maintaining a
> Web site on their own time to champion a cause, according to Georgia's State
> Personnel Administration.
> At the same time, supervisors have wide latitude to fire unclassified
> employees. Upon taking her job at DFCS, Clark signed a document
> acknowledging that her employment was "at-will" and that she could be let go
> at any time for any reason.
> Clark registered her Web site,, in October. "When
> children are abused by the system that should protect them, it leaves scars
> that nobody can really see," the site's home page states.
> On the Web site, Clark says that child welfare workers in Fayette County
> have created a "system of genocide" that strips minority children from their
> families.
> Clark said family, friends and members of the Fayette County NAACP had
> encouraged her to tell her side of the story. "If you want to get a story
> across, you put it on the Web," she said.
> The site has raised $19,000 for Clark's defense as of last week, she said.
> Clark, who moved to Fayetteville from Chicago, claims she lost custody of
> her children in part because "Georgians hate outsiders." She won't get a
> fair trial, she says, because the courts, prosecutors and media in Fayette
> County are "ALL RELATED!!!! ALL WHITE!!!!"
> Clark says DFCS workers ignored doctors' reviews in her case, pushed the
> case with police and leaked the story to the press.
> In a telephone interview, Clark, 39, who is awaiting trial, said the past
> year has devastated her family. Following the arrest, all four of her
> daughters were placed in foster care, then with family members. They
> currently live in Chicago with their father, Clark's ex-husband.
> Clark said her criticisms were of Fayette County DFCS, not DFCS in general.
> She has a right to voice her opinion, she said.
> "I'm a parent first, I'm an employee second," she said. "Being a parent in
> the system, I had a chance to see how parents can be railroaded, how workers
> can lie."
> Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard dismissed Clark's allegations
> of racism. "Race has utterly nothing to do with our decision to prosecute,"
> he said.
> Georgia's child advocate, Tom C. Rawlings, whose office serves as the
> ombudsman for Georgia's child welfare system, called the site "extreme."
> "I don't believe it is appropriate to presume that social workers, many of
> whom have gone into this field because they care about families and
> children, are acting out of racism or xenophobia or the need to somehow
> bring someone down," he said. "To me, that is the kind of allegation that
> hurts morale, that hurts our ability to recruit good people into this
> field."
> Rawlings said he brought the site to the attention of Walker and DFCS
> officials several weeks ago. "I think they are in somewhat of a bind as to
> what they feel they can do about it," he said.
> Rawlings said his office has investigated Fayette DFCS' handling of the case
> and he is confident the agency acted appropriately.
> From the beginning, Clark's case has brought talk of favoritism. Clark was
> hired in June 2006 on the recommendation of Walker, who had worked with
> Clark in Chicago.
> In March, Gov. Sonny Perdue asked the state's inspector general to
> investigate whether DHR hired Clark and two others based on friendships with
> Walker rather than qualifications.
> The IG concluded the employees were hired competitively and were qualified.
> However, the investigation concluded that Clark's boss at Fulton County DFCS
> allowed her to telework for several months in violation of DHR policy.
> Walker agreed to a series of IG recommendations in future hiring.
> DHR spokeswoman Smith said the commissioner had passed along Clark's name as
> "a bright person" but there was "no pressure" to hire her.
> Clark said her association with Walker had worked against her. "I surely
> have received a lot of preferential targeting," she said.
> Some child welfare proponents say Clark should have been fired or placed on
> administrative leave following her arrest. DFCS prohibits foster parents
> from spanking children in their care and the state has worked hard to
> encourage other forms of discipline.
> On her site, Clark acknowledges inflicting "10 licks with the belt" after
> her daughter misbehaved at school.
> "Why were there marks? - because I must admit in the hurry of the day I
> picked up a belt I had never used before," she writes. "It was thicker than
> one I had used in the past."
> In the interview, Clark pointed out that biological parents may strike
> children with a belt. The law permits corporal punishment so long as it does
> not cause cruel and excessive physical or mental pain, legal experts say.
> DHR says there is nothing in law or policy that suggests that they should
> have fired or suspended Clark. "The agency did think it in their best
> interest that she not have direct contact with child welfare cases," Smith
> said.


This website shares with you the worst experience of our lives.
Fayette County DFCS created a case against me which set the stage for
my four children to be taken away in the night. The lies that were
told in the case file, on the stand in the court room, and to the
press were all the reasons that child welfare can be a nightmare for

Unseen scars refers to the emotional roller coaster my children and I
have been riding since this ordeal began. When children are abused by
the system that should protect them it leaves scars that nobody can
really see. It is abusive, intolerant and even criminal when children
are torn away from their parents at the whim of people who call
themselves child welfare professionals.

The Clarks at Disney World February 2007 (Top to Bottom; Left to Right
Cylenthia, Caiyah, Justice, Tasia, & Zyra)

The Children Were Taken Away in March of 2007
The Clark children were removed from their mother's care after she was
accused of spanking her daughter and leaving marks.

The subjectivity of child welfare allows social workers to make
decisions about a families welfare based on their mood for the day;
and sometimes their incompetence. The worker in this case has past
performance evaluations that support not only the fact that their were
problems with her performance in the past; but she had been demoted at
least once... and continued recommendations for more training. So why
is she still allowed to do a job her record clearly indicates she

As my parents dealt with Fayette County DFCS there was more of teh
same confusion, misinformation, and conflicting information. All
from the same worker and supervisor.

During the entire investigation there were numerous variances to
policy and many actions contrary to best practice.

It's Not Just About Me
The Clark children were removed from their mother's care like many
other children in Fayette County. It is a system of genocide that
somone better begin looking into soon. The children of minorities are
taken away in this county for the most outrageous reasons:
caseworkers don't agree with what you feed a child...fecal matter is
found in your toilet (where else should it be?)...your child looks too
little!!! I have spoken to other parents and I am outraged that
anyone's children can be taken so easily.

This County Removes More Children fromTheir Parents Than Any Other in
The Nation

A study completed by Richard Wexler of the NCCPR in May 2007 revealed
that Fayette County Georgia is the removal capital of the nation.
This county disportionately removes more children than any other
county in the United States. Fayette County DFCS removes higher
numbers of minorities (70%) and inpoverished children from their
parents than any other county in the United States.

Friends of October 31, 2007
The Friends for Cylenthia Clark request your support of the legal
fund. Email the site to find out how to contribute to the defense

Donations can also be made using your visa or mastercard using paypal.

About Us
The Beginning

My story begins far beyond the jurisdiction of Fayette County
Georgia. Although our nightmare began there our story began in
Chicago Illinois in September of 1998 when my oldest daughter was

I am the mother of four daughters presently ages 4, 6, 7, and 9. My
children have meant the world to me for the past 10 years. I say ten
because from the moment I discovered that in 7 1/2 months I would
become a mother my life took as drastic change. The excitement of my
expectancy can never be described. I had been an informal mother
(that's how I thought of myself) to 1,500 children for the previous
two years as the Director of the largest Head Start / Daycare program
in the City of Chicago. I had taken classes and been trained by
formal setting and by trial and error on all realms of early childhood
development, early childhood education, nutrition, maternal and child
health and more. I loved children and at last I would be able to love
my own. Of course I did all the things the overzealous expectant mom
does. I bought all the books, decorated the room, child proofed the
house, selected her God mother, made video tapes. Oh my it was really
over the top. So first there was Caiyah my storm of a child. Caiyah
was very busy always in to something, oh so smart. I knew she would
be a force to be reckoned with after the first week. Then there was
all this hoopla over the next baby my chocolate drop baby itty bitty
Tasia. She was born a year and half after Caiyah and just the
opposite. She was quiet, reserved, and never wanted to be out of her
Mommy's sight because if I left the screaming began and did not stop
until I returned. She got over that after a while. Somewhere in
between I married their father. Then one year later there was Justice
baby number three the sweetest little girl on earth. Her voice sounds
like one of the munchkins from the Wizard of Oz. Justice was as
beautiful as she was unexpected. She always smiled and made everyday
like sunshine. I called her "Butter"; short for Butterball. Then no
one can forget the birth of the "BoomBoom" my baby. This was the
first time my water actually broke and it was in City Hall. I knew
Zyra was the last one and she is my peanut. She looked just like a
little brown peanut but she acted like a Boom Boom. Zyra says what
she means and means what she says!
We were a happy family until my husband filed for divorce in 2005. At
which time all hell broke loose in my life. I secured a job but it
was in Georgia so in the middle of a custody battle the judge allowed
me to remove the children from the State of Illinois to Georgia. We
began our new life in Fayette County Georgia. I chose this particular
area because it was the #1 school district in Georgia and convenient
to my mother's home. This area is an oasis from the hustle and bustle
of the big city. It's like the Stedford Wives with perfectly
manicured lawns, beautiful shopping centers, what seemed like nice
people. Little did I know that disciplining my child would land me in
jail, my children in foster care, and our lives in a whirlwind of
trauma and uncertainty.

The BIG Spanking
I refuse to let it end this way.
It all began as Caiyah had frequent fights in school and calls from
her teacher for disruptive behavior in the classroom. She was
progressively punshied by being restricted to her room and removal of
privileges. I suspect that these behaviors were occuring because
visits from their father had become few. He had not seen them in
three months (every since the courts decided I no longer had to
finance his travel to Atlanta). On the day of the spanking Caiyah was
never hit 34 times. This number I have no idea where it originated.
She received 10 licks with the belt. Why were there marks?---because
I must admit in the hurry of the day I picked up a belt I had never
used before. It was thicker than the one I had used in the
past...secondly in the rush of preparing dinner for the other children
she was getting changed for bed I walked in and explained her
punishment began to spank her; she jumped around and thus the marks.
This is really how it happened. The red marks were gone the next
night. No parent ever wants to hurt their child. A parent does have
the right to discipline a child for misbehaving.

Both parents believe in spanking the children. Would you rather I not
spank her and the next time she slaps your wife or husband (because
she fought an adult this particular day). Next the system will want
to charge my child with assault and she ends up in the Juvenile
Justice System. Child Welfare All Wrong in Fayette County Georgia---
DFCS Makes A Case

This is where the events get all twisted and all the devils show their

DFCS investigator interviews Caiyah
DFCS investigator interviews Mom
Stories are concurred and DFCS worker tells mom case will close by
next Friday after a home visit
DFCS worker finds out mom is from Chicago(an outsider-some Georgians
hate outsiders) and finds out mom is an Administrator in an adjoining
Instead of closing case DFCS worker makes an outside referral and lies
to mom about the referral
After two weeks mom demands status of case and DFCS worker does not
Mom takes child to doctor for sick visit and additionally asks doctor
to interview and review child. Doctor sees no marks and writes letter
to DFCS that she is pediatrician and has not seen any abuse physical
or emotional
DFCS decides to ignore doctors review and analysis
DFCS cannot find anything else on mom so they report the incident to
the press
DFCS cannot substantiate the case so they call the police to
investigate( not even their own policy--call should've been made
within 24 hours if it were emminent danger
If the bruises were that bad why wasn't she taken to the hospital; why
wasn't the police called at the time? Because it wasn't that bad!
The police confirms the story but insist on a forensic interview
(usually done on children with severe lasting injuries and sexual
Mom agrees if she is present in another room. When mom arrives police
makes her leave the site of the forensic interview and keeps child in
their custody.
Caiyah is alone with police, DFCS, and medical contractors for FOUR
hours. A forensice interview should only last 1 hour. This meant
they drilled her over and over. She said they questioned her at least
4 or 5 times. Why would you question an 8 year old 5 times?
Police return child to mom and has mom arrested at night when they can
justify removing all four children instead of the one...there were no
allegations regarding the other 3 children at the time.
The REMAINING horror and dysfunction of this particular county goes
further than DFCS. Then the rinky dink courts get involved...and it's
even messier.

The judges, district attorneys, circuit clerks, court clerks, newpaper
reporters, police officers, and sheriff, are ALL RELATED!!!! ALL
You can't even hire an attorney to come to Fayette County and try a
case. If you get an attorney it may cost you more because and
attorney told me "Fayette County is like a third world country when it
comes to the law."


Fair treatment??? Not likely!!!!

A serious objective examination of the evidence??? Not likely!!!!!
Contact Us
I will be pleased if you will provide comments and feedback regarding
this website. You may make comments and provide information utilizing
the email address provided below or directly from this site by filling
in the information and clicking on submit. If your are a parent or
relative of children in Fayette County Georgia, and you feel that the
rights of your family were violated by this DFCS office please contact
the website by emailing the address below; or contact the Fayette
County Chapter of the NAACP.

Cylenthia Clark
E-mail address: cylenthiaclark at

The Friends of Cylenthia Clark are also appealing to all who care
about this issue and the defense of this case to make a donation
toward a legal defense fund established in her name at Bank of
America. All proceeds from this website are transferred directly into
a legal defense fund/savings account at Bank of America. The defense
attorney's fees total approximately $50,000 and Ms. Clark will need
all the assistance you can provide. We thank you in advance for your
prayers and your contributions.

Court Calendar

The Court dates of course have frequently changed due to the State's
unpreparedness, frequent change in witnesses; and waivering between
offering unrelated plea deals.


September 19 Calendar Call- Judge Caldwell

Fayette County Justice Center


September 24 Trial ----Reset

Fayette County Justice Center


October 31, 2007 Calender Call-Judge Edwards

Fayette County Justice Center


November 5, 2007 Trial ----Reset

Fayette County Justice Center


December 21, 2007 Motions Hearing - Judge Edwards --Withdrawn
Fayette County Justice Center
January 14, 2008 Trial - Judge TBD
Fayette County Justice Center


The organizations listed on this page can provide some insight to
this county's flawed sense of justice. There are many other cases
such as mine where parents are erroneously accused and those
allegations turn into arrests, and those arrests turn into
convictions. All of which destroys the families they affect. These
are the unseen scars.

If you have informaton or feel you have been treated unfairly by this
DFCS office please email this site or contact the following advocacy

NAACP - Fayette County Legal Redress Committee
For documentation of these and other issues you may contact the
Fayette County Chapter of the NAACP Legal Redress Committee.

Fayette County NAACP held an informational forum October 26, 2007 at
the Fayette County Library conerning the Article naming Fayette County
the Removal Capital of the Coutry...the number of minorities removed
in this county was at a rate of 70% in 2006 ! The highest rate of
removal in the United States. The article on this report by Richard
Wexler was written by the Fayette County Daily News, the AJC, and
reported during my last press conference. To date the Child Advocate
and other advocacy groups have not investigated why this rate is so
disproportionate for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians in
Fayette County. The only group asking the hard and appropriate
questions is the NAACP.
Fayette County NAACP is holding a community meeting on January 21,
2008 7:00pm at Sam's Auditorium in Fayetteville Georgia. Justice is
not served by silence. Come out and hear the issues and be a part of
the solution. Change will take the entire community regardless of
race or political affiliation.


Jan 20, 2008, 5:46:13 PM1/20/08
On Jan 19, 11:31 am, Greegor <> wrote:
> Isn't it interesting that she didn't say a word
> about these complaints when she was
> working for the corrupt Child Protection INDUSTRY,
> but as soon as she gets her own children / body part
> in the ringer THEN she has all of these issues?

You could send her an email asking her why. The address is on the


Jan 20, 2008, 10:06:56 PM1/20/08
On Jan 20, 4:46 pm, LK <> wrote:
> On Jan 19, 11:31 am, Greegor <> wrote:
> > Isn't it interesting that she didn't say a word
> > about these complaints when she was
> > working for the corrupt Child Protection INDUSTRY,
> > but as soon as she gets her own children / body part
> > in the ringer THEN she has all of these issues?
> You could send her an email asking her why.  The address is on the
> site.

You provided it, and I did.

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