E-NEWS BULLETIN 2 October 2015

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Lynn Thompson

Oct 2, 2015, 10:19:35 AM10/2/15
to wwmp-c...@googlegroups.com, wwmp-inte...@googlegroups.com, al...@googlegroups.com, lcmf...@googlegroups.com, palestine-soli...@googlegroups.com

Friday  2 October 2015
Labour news you cannot afford to miss !

GREECE: A Pyrrhic victory for Syriza in the snap elections of September 20 
"After capitulating to the  EU, the ECB, and the IMF on July 12 by signing a third package of the most barbaric  austerity measures tied to a new bailout of the unsustainable Greek debt, after spreading disappointment, confusion, and  disgust among  the Greek popular  masses..."
read more...http://for

MIDDLE EAST: Catastrophe in Saudi Arabia, pillar of Washington’s Middle East policy
"The horrific and massive death toll stemming from a stampede of Muslim pilgrims near Mecca is symptomatic of a deepening crisis of the Saudi monarchy, a lynchpin of reaction and key pillar of US policy in the Middle East."
read more...https://www.wsw

ARGENTINA: Did Pope Francis Support Killings And Kidnappings During Argentina’s Brutal Dictatorship?
"Alicia Kozameh was 22 years old when nine men burst into her home to take her away. It was September 1975, and she was a student activist in the Argentine city of Rosario, a bustling metropolis on the banks of the Parana River."
read more... http://www.ibt

SOUTH AFRICA: Power, money define a modern ANC
"One of the favourite sayings of ANC leaders over the years, and most often directed at those of its members who have departed the organisation for various reasons, is: “It is cold outside the ANC.”"
read more... http://www.iol


SOUTH AFRICA:Marikana Killer Cops: R2K and MSC to wait at SAPS head office for answers!
"On Monday 5 October it will be the final deadline for the South African Police Service to give us answers about their response to the Marikana massacre."
read more... http://all


UK: Warwick University Student Union Bans Feminist, Marxist, Secularist Maryam Namazie
"A prominent secularist and activist has been barred from speaking at a student union event due to fears her speech would “incite hatred” against Muslim students."
read more... https://ten


INDIA: Violence against peaceful demonstration at Maruti Suzuki plant gates
"A new wage agreement covering only permanent employees has been reached at Maruti Suzuki plants in India. Having been left out of the agreement, temporary workers raised their voices at the gates at the Manesar plant only to see a violent end to their peaceful demonstration."
read more... http://www.ind


CUBA: Prominent Revolutionary Combatant Jorge Risquet Dies in Havana
"Prominent revolutionary combatant Jorge Risquet died in this capital on Monday morning at age 85, as a result of a long, serious disease."
read more... http://www.cuba


TURKEY:  If you work in tech, get in touch with BICDA
"A group of tech workers has created Biçda, the Information Technology Workers Solidarity Network in Turkey."
read more... http://usil


USA: Uber Is Using Fine Print To Control Its Drivers. But They Might Not Get Away With It.
"Disgruntled Uber drivers are taking their beef with the taxi-killing startup to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in hopes of restoring hundreds of thousands of drivers’ ability to participate in suits against the company."
read more... http://thi


ISRAEL: A breakthrough for WAC MAAN after 5 years of Truckers organizing drive when “Movilei Dror” Company recognized it as a representative union
On Wednesday September 9, 2015, Movilei Dror, one of biggest Road Haulage Companies in Israel, has announced that it will recognize WAC-MAAN as the representative union for its drivers and will be willing to enter negotiations."
read more...http://eng.


PALESTINE: Top Unionists Visit Palestine to Promote Justice and Workers' Rights.
"A delegation of top trade unionists met Palestinian government ministers and senior PLO officials and were warmly welcomed by union leaders and activists in Palestine during a three-day visit last week to promote justice and workers’ rights."
read more... http://www.mua


BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro becomes first city in Brazil to ban Uber
"The city that hosts next year’s Olympic Games has become the first in Brazil to ban the use of smartphone-based ride-hailing applications like Uber. Rio de Janeiro mayor Eduardo Paes on Tuesday signed legislation recently passed by Rio’s city council banning Uber and similar technologies from operating in the city."
read more...http://www.the


AFRICA: 14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization
"Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today! ”
read more...http://www.sil


USA: Danny Glover And Steve Zeltzer On Charters & School Privatization
Danny Glover and Steve Zeltzer discuss school charters and privatization on San Francisco KPOO Judy Drummond's show "Connecting the Dots" on September 24, 2015."
click here to listen...https://sou


USA:  The meaning of the Paris Commune
"New York University Professor and author of the recent book, Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune, Kristin Ross, explains the political and historical importance of the Paris Commune.”
click here to watch...https://www.you


INTERNATIONAL: The rise of ad-blocking could herald the end of the free internet
"There is, alas, no such thing as a free lunch. What’s even more depressing is that there is no such thing as a free internet service"
read more...http://www.the


INTERNATIONAL: Socialism and IT: Can Technology Liberate Us From Capitalism?
"Capitalism, Paul Mason writes in his new book PostCapitalism: a Guide to Our Future, is more than just legal and financial structures."
read more...http://www.cou

SOUTH AFRICA: Rhodes Must Fall movement disrupts Piketty lecture
"The #RhodesMustFall movement in collaboration with the UCT Left Students Forum coordinated a demonstration that disrupted the “public” dialogue with economist, Thomas Piketty, who has been invited to deliver the 13th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg later this week.”
click here for video: https://vimeo.com/141166775

read more...https://www.fac


SOUTH AFRICA: Labor And The Economic Crisis In South Africa
"Dinga Sikwebu who is the National Union of Metalworkers Workers Education director was interviewed in April 2015 in Johannesberg about the economic and social crisis in South Africa, the role of privatization and the plan for the development of the United Front.”
click here to watch...http://www.cou


INTERNATIONAL: EU Court Advocate General Deals Severe Blow to NSA Surveillance
"A legal case, virtually unreported in the U.S., could very well unhinge a major component of this country’s surveillance system. In any case, it certainly challenges it.”
read more...http://www.cou


TURKEY: Enough is enough, Hürriyet’s editor-in-chief says after assault on journalist
"Hürriyet editor-in-chief Sedat Ergin has described the Oct. 1 attack on columnist Ahmet Hakan as part of “a nightmare we live in,” declaring “enough is enough.””
read more...http://www.hur


VENEZUELA: Palestine Ends Two-State System
"Mahmoud Abbas says Palestine will go back to being a state under occupation, and that Israel must bear responsibility for the breakdown of peace agreements.”
read more...http://www.tele


SYRIA Let’s unite against the project by Al-Qaïda and Daesh
"The conflict which has plunged Syria into mourning is not a war opposing different communities, but a war between two projects for society."

read more...http://www.vol


JAPAN: The Death of the “Pacifist” Constitution: Japan’s Return to Its Martial Roots
"The Japanese Diet’s passage of laws that allow for Japanese military action in support of a “close ally” when attacked represent a violation of Japan’s fundamental law, which (since 1947) has clearly banned the right of the state to go to war, period.”
read more...http://www.cou


USA: Putin's Judo Move in Syria
"After delivering arms to Bashar al-Assad’s besieged government in Syria and meeting with the leaders of Turkey, Israel and Palestine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has again made headlines by negotiating an agreement with Iraq, Iran and Syria to share intelligence about the growing threat from the Islamic State.”
read more...https://con


USA: Practices at new Apple building draw ire of union, contractor & Carpenter's Local 22 Website
"Carpenters from Local 22 protesting Apple Incorporated and Ledcor Construction, Inc. at Apple's new location on the corner of Post and Stockton.”
read more...http://www.sfc


USA: A time to reflect on U.S. role in Chinese workers’ exploitation
"The visit to Seattle by Chinese President Xi Jinping is an historic moment. President Xi Jinping is known for his crackdown on corruption in the government, and opening up Chinese markets.”
read more...http://www.the


FRANCE: Uber Criminal Execs Put On Trial In France-Laws Catch Up "Disrupters"
"Two French executives from Uber went on trial in Paris on Wednesday on charges of illegally organizing taxi services through the company’s low-cost UberPop service.”
read more...http://www.nyt


PUERTO RICO:  Puerto Rico’s New Party of the Working People Fights Austerity
"The Partido del Pueblo Trabajador—the Party of the Working People (PPT)—is a political project of the Puerto Rican left addressed to working people in the context of the island’s deep economic crisis..”
click here to watch...http://new


USA: Social Media Helped Organize Rejection Of UAW Chrysler Contract
Autoworkers reject Chrysler contract, saying they want a bigger piece of the industry’s recovery
That could send parties back to the negotiating table, over to Ford or GM -- or out on strike."
read more...http://www.was


SA: Millions more switch on to MultiChoice
"Pay-TV provider MultiChoice has increased its reach by almost four million, the National Association of Broadcasters said on Tuesday. NAB executive director Nadia Bulbulia presented these figures to the portfolio committee on communications at parliament.”
read more...http://www.fin


USA: Abby Martin & Chris Hedges: War, Propaganda & the Enemy Within
"Abby Martin interviews Chris Hedges on American myths, war and revolt. Hedges explains the 'folly of Empire,' the dangers posed by right-wing extremism and the urgent need for a new system.”
click here to watch...https://www.you

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