End of 2017 Hardware Flaws [ Bluetooth & Intel ] ...

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OldMidWest Swabbie

Feb 5, 2018, 3:10:22 PM2/5/18
to Akron Linux Users Group
To the Members and Visitors, 

Reported in the February/March issue of Admin and their newsletter (11/21/17) :

In September, Armis Labs disclosed a new attack vector called BlueBorne that affects Bluetooth devices. Every desktop, IoT, and mobile platform, including Android, iOS, Linux, and Windows, was affected by the bug. The only exception was macOS.

Armis said, “BlueBorne allows attackers to take control of devices, access corporate data and networks, penetrate secure “air-gapped” networks, and spread malware laterally to adjacent devices. Armis reported these vulnerabilities to the responsible actors, and is working with them as patches are being identified and released.”

Armis is now reporting that two major AI-powered virtual assistants, Amazon Echo and Google Home, are also affected by BlueBorne.


Intel has acknowledged the seriousness of the Active Management Technology (AMT) vulnerability.

Earlier this year, there were multiple reports of vulnerabilities in Intel’s Management Engine (ME) that allows remote management of corporate systems. The vulnerabilities were discovered by a researcher at Embedi, a firm that specializes in securing IoT devices.

Embedi said that the Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) vulnerability was the first of its kind. “The exploitation allows an attacker to get full control over a business computers, even if they are turned off (but still plugged into an outlet),” wrote Embedi in an advisory.

By nature, the Intel AMT exploitation bypasses authentication. In other words, an attacker may have no credentials and still be able to use the Intel AMT functionality. Access to ports 16992/16993 are the only requirement to perform a successful attack, wrote Embedi. 

Now, after months of analysis, Intel has admitted that these vulnerabilities leave millions of corporate PCs exposed to attacks.

The affected products include sixth, seventh, and eighth generation Intel Core Processor Family; the Intel Xeon Processor … and the Apollo Lake Intel Pentium and Celeron N and J series processors.

---------------- < 1/16/18 >

Intel can’t get a break from the security flaws that plague its chips.

F-Secure researchers have found a way to exploit the security flaw in AMT that allows a local attacker to backdoor almost any corporate laptop in a matter of seconds, even if the BIOS password, TPM Pin, Bitlocker and login credentials are in place. Once the system is compromised, the attacker can control it remotely.

“The attack is almost deceptively simple to enact, but it has incredible destructive potential,” said 

Harry Sintonen, F-Secure’s Senior Security Consultant. “In practice, it can give a local attacker complete control over an individual’s work laptop, despite even the most extensive security measures,” Sintonen says.

Most people would dismiss such flaw as a real threat because it does require ‘physical’ access to the target device. Sintonen said it’s not that hard. One attacker distracts the target while other attacker quickly gains access to the laptop. The whole operation can be done in under a minute, said Sintonen.

=-=-=-=-=-= Here are links to these reports and their links to resources

      < Ai Bluetooth Attack >

      < Millions of Intel Processors Vernerable to Attack >

      < Intel's AMT Flaw Allows Creation of a Backdoor >

Hopefully that this information is found to have been helpful in maintaining a more secure Personal PC.

Steve Alexander

Feb 12, 2018, 7:59:45 AM2/12/18
to OldMidWest Swabbie, Akron Linux Users Group

BlueBorne - get to the 4.14 kernel or later.   On android -Armis BlueBorne Scanner App on Google Play.  Others - https://www.armis.com/blueborne/
Was patched in the kernel back in September.

The two AMT flaws - 
AMT - very important to corporate remote-management types, and mostly a don't-care for end users.     If you didn't pay a license for remote management tools and didn't configure the system for AMT  when you ordered your hardware - you aren't in danger.

Very serious problems esp for corporate admin types, and ppl who wander around with bluetooth on, and w/o updates.

Anyone who enjoys getting their knickers in a bunch can get a 'fix' reading the CVE list kept by Mitre corporation.  They log 6912 new security issues so far this year.  There are a couple doozies every week.   Then read what the pundits on Reddit or The Guardian are hyping.

Anyone with less interest in an anxiety attack - keep your kernel & apps updatesd (esp mobiles), AND read the security update notes from your distro vendor.  RedHat, Ubuntu & Arch at least provide details adequate for end-users.  

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