IOS Adwords Conversion Successful ping message is not shown

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Güven Özyurt

Jun 27, 2016, 12:26:55 PM6/27/16
to AdWords API Forum
I'm not able to saw conversions on adwords screen. Also noted that after sending conversion, ping successful message is not shown.

I'm testing as IDFA enabled on a local test device.

Application is cordova based so I'm using my own fork No magic. It's quite simple plugin only calls SDK methods when conversion occurs.

Is it normal to not see any ping success message? Then what is the reason for not counting conversions?


2016-06-24 16:15:09.544 Garajyeri[724:526489] <Google> ACTConversionIDReporter: sending ping:

Anthony Madrigal

Jun 27, 2016, 3:03:17 PM6/27/16
to AdWords API Forum

This issue looks out of scope for this forum because we deal with AdWords API related questions. 

AdWords API Team

Güven Özyurt

Jun 28, 2016, 10:45:47 AM6/28/16
to AdWords API Forum
Hi, I did not understand the scope problem? I'm trying to integrate Adwords conversion tracking to my app. Isn't it an adwords api question? 

So; could you suggest any other forum, group for my question?

Anthony Madrigal

Jun 28, 2016, 2:21:11 PM6/28/16
to AdWords API Forum

The reason it does not seem API related is because it doesn't look like you are using one of the AdWords API Services to integrate the conversion tracking in your app. 

I am not entirely sure which group you can reach out to. You can try seeking the help of the AdWords Help Center
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