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Japanese Language Support Package

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Barry Bromberg

Nov 18, 2002, 3:55:54 AM11/18/02
When I try to open a pdf file from a Japanese colleague, an error message reads appears. It says that I can fix the problem by installing "...the latest version of the Japanese Language Support package."

Where can I find this download?

Aandi Inston

Nov 18, 2002, 9:57:01 AM11/18/02
Go to the Reader download page and look for links to "far

Aandi Inston

Michael Bornstein

Nov 24, 2002, 5:30:54 PM11/24/02
I have found it. Look at <>
for the correct font package.

Michael Bornstein

Nov 24, 2002, 5:26:48 PM11/24/02
I have the same problem. The Reader download page didn't have any such link, and a search for Japanese Language Support Package also yielded nothing useful.

Alec McAllister

Nov 29, 2002, 9:46:27 AM11/29/02
I've had the same problem. I'm using XP, with UK English as my home language. Whenever I open a Japanese PDF with the Japanese version of Acrobat Reader, it displays correctly, but whenever I open it with the default (English-language version) there is just a blank document and an error-message telling me to install the Japanese Support Pack. I've installed all the font packs, first individually then all at once, and then every combination in between. I've followed all of Adobe's instructions, and I've looked in Control Panel for all sorts of Regional Options that might affect the behaviour of applications, but the problem persists. Has anyone got any ideas, please?

Aandi Inston

Nov 29, 2002, 2:04:42 PM11/29/02
Alec, to confirm you have installed the Japanese font pack for Acrobat
Reader? It is no use installing other ones, such as the font pack for
Internet Explorer.

If you have - what is the full, and exact, text of the message. Also
what version of Acrobat Reader.

Aandi Inston

Alec McAllister

Dec 6, 2002, 5:44:59 PM12/6/02
Dear Aandi,

I've installed version 5.1 of Acrobat Reader, western version. I've also tried all five of the other varieties, i.e. version 5.0 of the Middle Eastern and Central European varieties, and version 5.1 of the Japanese and both Chinese varieties.

I've had each one installed separately, with none of the others present, and I've also tried installing them all at once, but in separate directories. They all work quite happily, and don't interfere with each other's working ... but the Japanese file only displays in the Japanese version of Reader.

I can confirm that I have installed the Japanese font package for Acrobat Reader, from the page titled "Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader", i.e. <>

I've also tried installing the font packs for the other languages, both with and without the Japanese fonts present, in case they interfered with each other. There was no evidence that they did.

The message reads, somewhat ungrammatically: "There was an error processing a page. An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Japanese Language Support Package."

I'm baffled. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.


Aandi Inston

Dec 6, 2002, 6:28:43 PM12/6/02
It may be that the number of different installations of Acrobat Reader
has confused the installer for the support package. I've noticed
installers are a bit simple-minded that way.

You can see what fonts are installed in your copy of Reader by looking
in the Resource\CIDFont folder. What do you have there?

Aandi Inston

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