v15.0.3: Misc Updates

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Evan Tahler

Sep 13, 2016, 11:31:29 AM9/13/16
to actionHero.js

Fixup scope ofapi.commands.start()/stop/restart

  • You no longer need to apply this to these commands. You can call them directly.
  • by @evantahler via #928

(Redis Connections) Provide a different initial backoff for ioredis connections that may be misconfigured or not yet available

Users with a misconfigured ioredis config, or those running Docker containers where the Redis service may not yet be fully started, may see heavy log spam during AH's boot cycle. The defaultioredis configuration auto-reconnects every 50ms and can rapidly exhaust a log before an admin sees what's going on.

This change does two things:

  1. It provides a staged back-off interval for reconnection attempts up to a maximum, currently set at a low, safe 1 second.

  2. It provides a much longer reconnection delay for the FIRST attempt, with a convenience message for the admin:

2016-08-23T15:50:41.378Z - notice: * Starting ActionHero *
>> 2016-08-23T15:50:41.389Z - error: Redis connection `client` error Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
>>     at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:870:11)
>>     at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:893:20)
>>     at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1063:14)
>> 2016-08-23T15:50:41.390Z - error: Unable to connect to Redis - please check your Redis config!

Fix "connected" event on websocket fired too early

When you listen on the "connected" event on the websocket connect and you fire immediately a action over the client lib the "actionWeb" function is used instead of the "actionWebSocket" function because self.state = 'connected'; is set after the "connected" event is emitted. This change corrects this.

ActionHero Cluster

  • show server id in cluster log prefix
  • add workerTitlePrefix option to start cluster to modify your child process names (thanks @ericli1018!)


  • Fix some old references in the docs to startCluster (it is startcluster` now)!
  • Fix typo (thanks @johnmhenson)
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