Reminder: Press Alert - 23rd anniversary of Comrade Chris Hani's cowardly assassination

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SACP Communications

Apr 8, 2016, 6:32:32 AM4/8/16

South African Communist Party

Press Alert, 8 April 2016

23rd anniversary of Comrade Chris Hani’s cowardly assassination

Sunday 10 April 2016 will mark the 23rd anniversary of the cowardly assassination of Comrade Chris Hani (born 28 June 1942). SACP General Secretary Comrade Blade Nzimande, among other leaders of the alliance will address the main Commemoration Ceremony, to be held as follows.

Date:           Sunday, 10 April 2016

Venue:       Thomas Titus Nkobi Memorial Park, also known as South Park Cemetery, Boksburg, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

Time:          The media is advised to arrive as early as 7:00am for a comprehensive coverage of the event, including preview interactions with senior leaders of the SACP and other alliance partners.

Brief overview of Hani’s revolutionary life and cowardly assassination

Hani was the General Secretary of the SACP and member of the national executive committee of the ANC. He fought for national liberation and socialism. As part of his revolutionary activism Hani served the joint ANC-SACP liberation army, uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in various capacities with dedicated commitment and loyalty.

Hani expressed his views without fear or favour but once the organisations he led arrived at a decision he respected and upheld the outcome.

Early in 1969 he authored together with six other combatants a memorandum that initiated an important process of critical self-introspection by the ANC culminating in its watershed Consultative Conference held in Morogoro, Tanzania. The conference emerged with a decisive perspective, the first Strategy and Tactics document of the ANC. The document defined the way forward that contributed immensely to the achievement of the 1994 democratic breakthrough. The perspectives elaborated in the 1969 ANC Strategy and Tactics were widely shared by other alliance partners and the document became more than only an ANC document but the Strategy and Tactics of the whole of the alliance.

Hani was MK Chief of Staff when the armed struggle was suspended after unbanning in the early 1990s. Despite holding a different view, he took leadership in implementing the decision. This quality of his revolutionary content and leadership, his respect for the principles of democratic centralism, will forever remain diametrically opposed to a counter-portrayal of Hani individualistically, his de-basing from collective organisation, responsibilities and leadership.  

Hani’s murderers, Janusz Waluś and Clive Derby-Lewis were sentenced to death. Shortly after their arrest they were found to be in possession of a hit list with the names of prominent leaders of the SACP and the ANC among others Comrades Joe Slovo and Nelson Mandela and a description of the physical features of their residences. Waluś’s and Derby-Lewis’s death penalties were later commuted to life imprisonment – thanks to the struggle of Comrade Chris Hani and his national liberation alliance that fought for the right to life, the very right Waluś and Derby-Lewis permanently denied Hani on 10 April 1993. 

To this day, 23 years since they were convicted of the cold-blooded murder, Waluś – who wants to be released from prison on parole and Derby-Lewis – who was released almost a year ago on grounds of medical parole both remain unrepentant. The SACP opposed parole for Derby-Lewis, and is opposed to parole for Waluś.

Waluś and Derby-Lewis have not changed their attitudes. They failed correctional services. They do not show any real remorse. They have not demonstrated any understanding of the enormity of the murder they committed. The murder of Hani pushed our country to the brink of a civil war.  To this day, more than a decade since they were denied amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the unreliable Derby-Lewis and Waluś who killed Hani with a gun that was taken from military armoury are still refusing to make full disclosure of the truth.

This includes details of the removal and passage of the gun from the military armoury to the murder; other people who were involved in planning and executing the murder or who had prior knowledge of it; other people who participated in compiling the hit list, reordering it and the reasons thereof; the origins and passage of the silencer that they used. Justice has not served its full course in the case of the murder of Hani. Until then it will remain irrational and unreasonable, one-sided and therefore biased in favour of the murderers as well as an insult to the true values of ubuntu/botho and compassion to expect all the people who were affected by the murder of Hani to, simplistically, “move on”. 

Issued by the SACP



Apr 8, 2016, 10:14:02 AM4/8/16
to SACP Media Releases, sacp

South African Communist Party

Press Alert, 8 April 2016

23rd anniversary of Comrade Chris Hani’s cowardly assassination

Sunday 10 April 2016 will mark the 23rd anniversary of the cowardly assassination of Comrade Chris Hani (born 28 June 1942). SACP General Secretary Comrade Blade Nzimande, among other leaders of the alliance will address the main Commemoration Ceremony, to be held as follows.

Date:           Sunday, 10 April 2016

Venue:       Thomas Titus Nkobi Memorial Park, also known as South Park Cemetery, Boksburg, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

Time:          10:00am (Media Houses requesting before 10:00am on Sunday 10 April are advised advised to make prior arrangements)‎

Apr 9, 2016, 10:40:18 AM4/9/16
to SACP Media Releases, sacp

South African Communist Party

Press Alert, 9 April 2016

Apr 11, 2016, 12:59:10 PM4/11/16
to SACP Media Releases, sacp

South African Communist Party

Press Alert, 11 April 2016

SACP statement on banking and auditing oligopolies and private monopoly - the accomplices of the Guptas

The SACP has noted decisions taken by a number of financial oligopolies constituting private monopoly in the banking and auditing segments of the fincial sector, among others ABSA, FirstRand and the imperialist auditing monopoly GPMG to severe ties with businesses owned by, or linked to the Gupta family that is entangled in allegations of corporate state capture.

The SACP has been in the forefront of the campaign to achieve transformation of the financial sector. The sector is dominated by handful oligopolies ABSA, FirstRand, Standard Bank, Nedbank and some insignificant new arrivals, all together forming private monopoly and pose a threat of collusive market conduct. Acting together with an imperialist monopoly KPMG, the private banking monopoly has shown its  dangers and collusive market conduct against one of their private mould, the Gupta oligarchy, with which they have established long standing business relations. What did they see all along in their relationship with the Guptas that they concealed until pressure from the struggle against corporate capture, thus acting as accomplices of the Guptas? They are as guilty, and cannot be left unchallenged. The majority of them benefited from apartheid - which was declared by the United Nations as a crime against humanity. They continue to benefit from financiallly exploitating our people.

The SACP reiterates the importance of developing public ownership and democratic control, but which which is free from corporate capture and manipulation by private capital capital accumulation interests not only in the banking sector but the financial sector as a whole. The importance of state, co-operative and worker owned banks and other financial establishments trading in financial services cannot be over-emphasised. The dangers demonstrated by private oligopolies and monopoly are clearly pronounced for all to see. The SACP stands on the side of the workers, and will fight for their rights and livelihoods - as opposed to the greedy behaviour of their exploiters the Guptas included.

Issued by the SACP

Apr 11, 2016, 1:19:09 PM4/11/16
to sacp, SACP Media Releases

South African Communist Party

Press Alert, 11 April 2016

SACP statement on banking and auditing oligopolies and private monopoly - the accomplices of the Guptas

The SACP has noted decisions taken by a number of financial oligopolies constituting private monopoly in the banking and auditing segments of the fincial sector, among others ABSA, FirstRand and the imperialist auditing monopoly KPMG to severe ties with businesses owned by, or linked to the Gupta family that is entangled in allegations of corporate state capture.

Apr 11, 2016, 1:27:31 PM4/11/16
to SACP Media Releases, sacp

South African Communist Party

Press Alert, 11 April 2016

SACP statement on banking and auditing oligopolies and private monopoly - the accomplices of the Guptas

The SACP has noted decisions taken by a number of financial oligopolies constituting private monopoly in the banking and auditing segments of the financial sector, among others ABSA, FirstRand and the imperialist auditing monopoly KPMG to severe ties with businesses owned by, or linked to the Gupta family that is entangled in allegations of corporate state capture.‎

The SACP has been in the forefront of the campaign to achieve transformation of the financial sector, including its banking segment. The sector is dominated by handful oligopolies ABSA, FirstRand, Standard Bank, Nedbank and some insignificant new arrivals, all together forming private monopoly and pose a threat of collusive market conduct. Acting together with an imperialist monopoly KPMG, the private banking monopoly has shown its  dangers and collusive market conduct against one of their private mould, the Gupta oligarchy, with which they have established long standing business relations. What did they see all along in their relationship with the Guptas that they concealed until pressure from the struggle against corporate capture, thus acting as accomplices of the Guptas? They are as guilty, and cannot be left unchallenged. The majority of them benefited from apartheid - which was declared by the United Nations as a crime against humanity. They continue to benefit from financially exploitating our people.

The SACP reiterates the importance of developing public ownership and democratic control - which is free from corporate capture and manipulation by private capital accumulation interests - not only in the banking segment but the financial sector as a whole. 

The importance of state, co-operative and worker owned banks and other financial establishments trading in financial services cannot be over-emphasised. The dangers demonstrated by private oligopolies and monopoly are clearly pronounced for all to see. The SACP stands on the side of the workers, and will fight for their rights and livelihoods - as opposed to the greedy behaviour of their exploiters, the Guptas included.

Issued by the SACP

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